Images's Horoscopes |



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2024-10-18, Friday
Try not to get too frustrated by the indecisiveness that plagues you today, Aries. The longer you stand still, the harder it will be to get moving. The key is to find a balance between planning and forcefulness. There's an incredible need for you make progress now. If you're met with resistance, you should probably just back off for now. Fighting won't yield positive results now.
2024-10-18, Friday
Your balancing powers will be put to the test today when your desire to fight conflicts with your need to plan, Pisces. You might be even more indecisive than usual as a result of this internal tension. Be aware of time and the restrictions that it puts on you. Devise a plan that uses your energy in the most efficient way possible. It's especially important for you to think before you act.
2024-10-18, Friday
You've had a strong propensity for war lately, Aquarius. Your drive toward getting things done has rallied and you're anxious to make progress. The problem is that you might have to hold back a bit today, since there is a great force at work encouraging to you to take a break from your current trajectory. Slow down and make a plan instead of just plowing blindly ahead toward the unknown.
2024-10-18, Friday
It may be hard to connect with others today, Capricorn. People may be rather indecisive. On the other hand, people are apt to be more malleable. This could be a good time to take charge. Be sure that you keep in mind the best interests of all parties involved. It isn't fair for you to take advantage of people who can't make up their own minds about something.
2024-10-18, Friday
You might experience a bit of an internal conflict today and be you're unsure how to proceed, Sagittarius. One side feels an urge to fight, while another side - a more mental aspect - asks you to keep this urge under wraps. It could be that this conflict keeps you immobile because of your lack of confidence in either camp. Try not to get stressed out over any one issue.
2024-10-18, Friday
Discipline and a solid plan are your friends today, Scorpio. Slow your approach and consider the consequences of your actions. This is the time to concentrate on what you need to get done and devise a plan to make it happen. There is restlessness in the air that might cause you to act hastily. Don't forget the old saying that says haste makes waste. This is an important lesson.
2024-10-18, Friday
If you've been reluctant to make a move, Libra, you should consider why. What has been holding you back? Fear of failure? A negative comment from someone else? Feeling like you aren't quite prepared for the consequences of your actions? It's time to free yourself of these mental barriers that keep you from making progress. Don't let self-doubt get in the way of your plans.
2024-10-18, Friday
You might need to put on the brakes today, Virgo. Your present trajectory isn't quite in line with the people and energy around you. Make sure you aren't stepping on other people's toes with your abrasive behavior. This is a day to consider a more disciplined approach. You might need to establish a better structure, so you use your energy more efficiently in general.
2024-10-18, Friday
Your best plan of attack today is to not attack at all, Leo. There is enough aggressiveness out there. You don't need to add any more to the fray. Let others duke it out. Your job is to wait until the dust settles. Try not to get involved in other people's disputes. You might get dragged further into the situation than makes you feel comfortable.
2024-10-18, Friday
Getting your opinions out now may stir up the maelstrom even more, but ultimately, it's for the best, Cancer. There is an explosive tone in the air right now that's difficult to ignore. You need your strong will to combat the abrasive forces at work today. You have the opportunity to initiate control over the situation. Other people might be too unsure of themselves to make a move.
2024-10-18, Friday
Your plans meet with harsh opposition today, Gemini. You've been going along at a slow and steady pace, but you will find that abrasive tension arises the more you try to force your will on others. Gridlock is quite likely due to the fact that there are strong forces coming to a head. Neither one of them is in the mood to yield now.
2024-10-18, Friday
Indecisiveness could be your biggest nemesis today, Taurus. The general tone of the day is apt to be quite explosive as a feeling of restriction and discipline comes into conflict with a need to fight and conquer. You might find that your go-with-the-flow, easygoing attitude is exactly what saves you on a day like this. Lay low and let someone else take the lead now.
Today's arena is one in which you can find a great deal of material, Aries. There will be no shortage of energy to work with or opinions coming from you. Realize that your words have a greater potency about them as people become more intent on uncovering the truth. Apply yourself to peace and cooperation among groups. Help people work together toward a common goal.
Your mood should be quite good today, Pisces, although there may be some strong forces at work trying to subvert this positive attitude. Try not to let other people's disagreements bring you down. Take the high ground and you will certainly prevail. A peaceful nature is extremely important in order to balance the anger and hostility that's present all around. Be the one to promote this harmony.
You might want to escape the frenzy of the day by going shopping, Aquarius. Align yourself with partners and allies who share your views. Try to keep the disagreements to a minimum. There is enough tension and war raging in the world around you today that you don't need to add to the negative force by contributing disputes and ailments to the situation.
Try to rise above the potential tension and rough spots of the day, Capricorn. Do yourself a favor and don't feel like you have to stoop to another's level. Take pride in your actions and do things with confidence. Work with the negativity. The worst thing to do would be to ignore it. Approach problems squarely as soon as they arise. Don't dredge up the past. It's time to move forward.
You might feel like you're getting worked up from all angles today, Sagittarius. Find comfort in knowing that things will definitely improve by tomorrow. You might get the feeling that somehow you're all alone despite the circle of friends that surrounds and loves you. You may be called to action by a strong force. Try to stay abreast of information and developments around you so you can make the most informed decisions possible.
Your unique ability to communicate with many different groups and personalities will be extremely important today to maintaining a bridge between warring camps, Scorpio. Keep things moving and try not to let the situation stagnate on any one issue. If the conversation turns to raging and ranting, it's in your best interests to stop it right away. Don't be afraid to step up and take a leadership role.
You may end up being the peaceful savior that calms everyone down today, Libra. Use your artistic nature and love of beauty and harmony to inspire others to put away their differences and concentrate on the positive aspects. Generous acceptance of others is the only way to go, especially today, when people are riled up and ready to fight. Do your best to promote peace.
You have two choices today. Either jump into the thick of the mess with both feet or stay out of it altogether. There are definitely two distinct camps setting up their arsenals for battle. Realize that there is also a soft, tender, harmonious aspect that just wants peace. It will be hard to ignore the fact that your usual warring nature is ready to do battle.
Make sure your opinion doesn't get lost in the frenzy of the day, Leo. Your words may not quite fit with the things that people want to hear. Try not to take this personally. Realize that this isn't an indication that your words are any less important. You have an incredible gift of being able to see things that others can't. Cherish and nourish this ability instead of invalidating it.
You may know exactly the right thing to do today, but for some reason, the action required may be a hard thing for you to implement, Cancer. Take an active role to get involved. Say your peace, but don't get so attached to the results that you get upset and discouraged if things don't exactly work out according to plan. Independence is an important virtue to hold onto today.
I told you so might be your motto of the day. Try not to rub this in other people's faces, Gemini. Indeed, you have the foresight to witness an action and see the consequences right away. These consequences might rear their ugly heads on a day like this. Use your incredible perception and intuition to home in on the best solution possible and work toward that goal before things get out of hand.
Peace and harmony are in the regularly scheduled program for the day, but there is a good chance that there could be a warring force with strong opinions and vindictive tendencies. Hold onto your hat, Taurus, and make sure you have your actions well aligned with your soul or else you could be thrown into a battle that has nothing to do with you.
You might consider taking a short trip today, Taurus. Perhaps you need to get out of the house and go across town. Whatever it is, introduce your brain to a new reality. It's time to expand and explore. You itch to see new places and experience new things, either physically or mentally. Perhaps a religious sanctuary or quiet place in grove of trees is what you need in order to quench this inner thirst.
Your head should be quite clear today, Pisces, and your witty comments will be met with appreciation and laughter. Your smile will delight everyone you encounter. Don't be afraid to let your feelings out to those who need to hear them. Focus your energy on the ones you love. Your heart is warm and generous, so share it with other people today.
Don't worry about probing too deeply today, Aries. Trust people more than you normally would. You will find that things go much more smoothly if you approach them from a neutral or positive and not accusatory position. Listen to the people you care about the most. They're trying to convey important information. You might not want to hear it now, but in the long run, it's in everyone's best interests that you do.
Answers may not be crystal clear today, Aquarius. They probably won't be laid out in a neat and organized manner. Get out in the open air and join friends for a long bike ride. Fly a kite or feel the wind blow through your hair on top of a mountain peak. The answer is flowing through the air around you. Stop looking down at the ground for the information you seek.
There's a great deal of power to your words today, Capricorn, so be careful how you use them. You may end up manipulating another's choices if you aren't careful with your conduct. Make sure you give others the freedom and empowerment to decide things for themselves. Be open and honest about all the facts that might influence their decisions in any way.
Information you receive today may get you stirred up, Sagittarius. Remember that it takes two to start an argument. You play an equal part in any disagreement. If you want to promote peace and harmony, your words and body language must show this. If peace and harmony aren't your ultimate goal, you may need to look inside yourself to explore the reasons why.
Be careful about being manipulated by another person today, Scorpio. It's possible that someone is putting words in your mouth in order to get you to act a certain way. Don't fall into this trap. Be your own person and think for yourself. Your mind is susceptible and vulnerable now. Use your eyes and ears as a filter and don't let people unload their garbage on you.
Information coming your way today might be unreliable, Libra. It could be hard for you to take a solid hold on the messages you get. Keep in mind that there are important answers waiting to be heard. These answers will come to you when you least expect them. Keep your mind open to new possibilities and the path will open up and become clear. Don't compromise your consciousness with abusive substances.
Powerful thoughts are running through your brain. You will find that this information can be transforming, Virgo. The key is to learn from others and incorporate opposing viewpoints into your state of mind. Don't automatically disregard the opinion of another just because it contradicts your own beliefs. Teamwork is the name of the game on a day like today.
Don't let fear of failure or fear of success hold you back, Leo. Even though you may feel a natural tendency to want to shrink into the background and take the easiest route, you might be sacrificing your true purpose when you do. Become the leader instead of following the leader. Rid yourself of all fear and take control of your destiny.
Communication is flowing smoothly today, Cancer, so take advantage of this and get the word out. It's important for you to make connections with other people now. Run with your instincts and feel free to enter into debates. Your words and tone of voice are very convincing. You could sell anything to anyone today.
Your mind might be stimulated today, Gemini, so stay alert and open to new information. If you feel tired, take a short nap. It's better to operate at top speed and full capacity than go through your day only half present. Don't rely on external stimulants like caffeine to pick you up. These things will deceive your body and do damage to your nervous system.
Don't be surprised if the old-fashioned, practical solution doesn't make the grade today, Aquarius. Probably the new devices and special electronic shortcuts will be the most impressive thing going. This is the classic case of the new, improved version replacing the old, slow one. You need to upgrade your system sooner or later, so you might as well do it now.
You may be able to zip through chores like lightning today, Pisces. There's an added swiftness to your step that helps in every one of your endeavors. You might want to engage in just about every activity except work. This is completely understandable. You will feel much better if you get your work done first and then socialize. That plan will produce the best results.
This is a good time to take control of the situation, Capricorn. You've done your preparation and now it's time to put it to good use. You're about to face your enemy eye to eye. Have confidence in your training. There's an extra alertness to you that helps you fight any battles. You have a strong awareness of the energy around you, so use this to your advantage.
Do your best to keep up today, Sagittarius. Things might move quickly. You may be raising your hand and waiting politely for someone to call on you. This is one of those days in which other people will be so concerned about themselves that they probably won't notice you at all. If you want to take your turn, you should probably just stand up and be proactive.
This is a terrific day for you, Scorpio, and you will find that the fast pace of the day suits you well for what you need to get done. There's a general feeling of grandeur in the air that reminds you to take your time when getting dressed. Feel free to go all out today. Put on a lavish display wherever you go.
Your slow and steady approach might be met with a bit of opposition today, Libra. People could be demanding of your time and energy. It's one of those days in which the people behind you in line at a coffee shop might give you dirty looks if you take too long to make up your mind.
There could be an unexpected tension coming out of nowhere today, Virgo. More than likely your emotions will be running at a high level. It could be that your aggressiveness and assertiveness start to annoy others. People might snap suddenly. Don't be surprised if things come without much warning. There is a fast-paced feeling to the day that will be hard to ignore.
Jump-start the day with a smile, Leo. Your generosity and sincerity won't go unnoticed on a day like this. People will probably need more attention than usual, so take the time to attend to the emotions of those you love. The key is to not let yourself get emotionally drained in the process. Fill yourself up with the lively, fun-loving energy of the day.
People may come into conflict with you today, Cancer. More than likely, the issue at hand will have to do with others being a bit too focused on themselves, while you're more concerned with the collective. Try to be a bit more understanding as people demand more of your attention. There's an unmistakable passion in the air that will grant you more zest for life.
You might be frustrated by the fact that people are doing things hastily today, Gemini. You might have to accept the fast-paced energy of the day just so you can keep up. Don't worry if you engage in activities that aren't carefully planned beforehand. You will find spontaneous frivolity to be extremely rewarding on a day like this. Expect the unexpected.
Grab hold of the day's boisterous energy and run with it, Taurus. This is a good time to kick up your heels and have fun. You might find that people are a bit more high-strung than usual, so you may need to use your ability to go with the flow. The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed others will be when they're around you.
You're likely to go to extremes today on many levels, Aries. The problem is that you may encounter opposition everywhere you turn. There's an incredible stubbornness to the day that is evident in everyone's mood, especially yours. Keep in mind that if you want cooperation and resolution, you will need to compromise. Try to see other people's needs as well.
Tonight, you might decide to attend a small group activity of some kind, if possible, perhaps one concerned with philosophical or spiritual matters, Aries. Everyone who attends is apt to feel very strongly about the subject, so discussions could prove lively and exciting. Your mind could be spinning like a top when you leave, so if you can, walk home so you can clear your head. Write down your thoughts. You will want to remember them.
Some exciting career developments could have you flying high today, Pisces. Perhaps you've just reached a long-term goal or managed to get a break that tells you that your goals are now within reach. Whichever it is, you're likely to be on the receiving end of some congratulations, perhaps from unexpected people. More income could also be in the offing. Whatever it is, you've earned it!
A friend could tell you about an exciting new person for whom you feel a very powerful physical attraction when you see their picture, Aquarius. Your first conversation could prove exciting but stay calm and remain objective. If your feelings are too obvious, he or she could well lose interest before anything has time to develop! Just be yourself, enjoy the discussion, and have fun. That's all you need do at this point.
Your intuitive abilities should be operating at a very high level today, Capricorn. You might inadvertently receive some positive psychic messages about your future, and this could prove very exciting. These insights could be a source of inspiration that propels you to accomplish wonders in some aspect of your life. This could turn out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy! Make the most of it.
An intriguing new neighbor, perhaps someone you're attracted to, could move in near you, Sagittarius. This might prove very exciting. You will probably strike up a conversation and enjoy talking with him or her. Whether you choose to pursue this attraction depends on both of your current situations, but at the very least, you will make a new friend.
Good news about money could create some excitement in your household today, Scorpio. One of your goals might be to invest some of the funds in fixing up your living situation. You might even consider moving or purchasing a new home. You may kick around a lot of ideas about how to spend the windfall, but don't go too crazy. Hold on to some of that money as a nest egg.
Today you may have some important phone calls to make, Libra, and want to get them out of the way before doing anything else. You will definitely get your message across because your communicative abilities are very strong. Words combine with feelings to create understanding between you and just about anyone, whether you're talking on the phone or writing.
Chores that need to be done around the house could be at the top of your priority list today, Virgo. A female visitor, perhaps your mother, could come by and making your place look great will preoccupy you. Don't do any more work than you absolutely have to. You won't want to be too tired when she arrives.
An exciting rush of physical passion could hit you today when you're introduced to an interesting new person, Leo. Take care not to wear it on your face. You generally don't like to reveal that much of yourself! Besides, you won't want this person to think you're too obvious. Try to stay focused and remain objective. Then consider whether it's a good idea to pursue this attraction.
Your physical energy is likely to be high today, Cancer, so you might not feel like staying indoors. Take care of your body first, and get in a good workout. You may also want to explore, perhaps by driving out of town for the day or going to an amusement park, if possible. You may not feel this energetic very often, so it's best to make the most of it when you can.
A legal matter that may have been pending for a while could finally be completed today, Gemini. It's very likely to go in your favor. Therefore, if you've been sitting on a contract, agreement, or other document that needs your signature, read it carefully before you sign. You will probably get what you want out of the transaction. By the way, this is also a great day to get married!
Your financial situation could be greatly boosted by a development you hadn't expected, Taurus. Perhaps some investments suddenly skyrocket in value, or maybe the homes in your neighborhood are suddenly worth more than you thought. Whichever it is, don't try to cash in on it right now. Chances are the value of your investment will continue to increase. Hang in there and watch it grow.
You're finally on the mend, Sagittarius. The minor ailments that may have dragged you down lately are beginning to disappear. You're about to regain all of your physical energy. If you overindulge, your energy level is likely to plummet once again. If nothing else, you will have learned a valuable lesson about the importance of moderation, especially now. Don't overdo it!
You may have been spending or saving too much money, Aries. It's clear that a rebalancing is in order if you're to find pleasure rather than frustration. It's a curious phenomenon, as though you've lost contact with your body. Yet it's in your body where you will ultimately find your balance. You certainly won't find it in your head!
Perhaps you've been impatiently waiting for the moment to jump into new adventures after your meditation during the last few months. Know that the moment has almost arrived! You now have the strategy, objective, and means at your disposal to succeed. Just a bit more work remains to be done. Gather your strength and get ready to act with renewed vigor.
If you find yourself tired and irritable at the moment, Gemini, you should know that this is normal. You may have had a few weeks that were a little too studious. Would you like to continue on the same path? Be careful that your ambitions don't lead you to serious physical exhaustion, Gemini. You'll be even more frustrated if you get sick. So be wise and take care of your basic needs.
This is going to be a good moment to look elsewhere, Cancer. You should do just as the artist does when he has worked too long on a painting, which is to take a step back. You need to clear your head. Go for a walk. Call a mentor. Text with an artist friend. Breaks are never easy for you, but do it anyway. Afterwards you'll think it was the best thing for you.
This is the right moment to extricate yourself from relationships that have seen their day, Leo. This won't be easy, but you must. In your professional and private lives, you're too hesitant to get out of distasteful situations or obligations. You're afraid of hurting people or making them mad. But in the end, you're hurting yourself. Give more weight to your own needs and follow your own path.
You took off like a bullet a few days ago, making great progress in a short amount of time. Now you're grappling with doubts that are undermining all of your energy. Reflecting on the events of the past few days, it's obvious that you were somewhat reckless in your headlong pursuit of your goals. Don't give up, Virgo. Rethink your strategy.
There is some likelihood that you will be haunted by thoughts of your love life today, Libra. Perhaps you're intrigued by the idea of exploring certain secret realms of your relationship, yet you aren't sure how to communicate this to your mate. Perhaps you're still testing the waters, waiting until you know how you feel. In any case, you might decide to proceed today.
Today, more than ever, you will yearn to escape the daily routine, Scorpio. You thirst for new sights and sounds, new faces and new places, but you know you must juggle your desires with professional and domestic obligations. It isn't always easy. Trust your imagination to find a way to settle this conflict.
Do you feel a little under the weather today, Capricorn? It's quite possible, considering all the emotional turmoil you've been through lately. It takes time to recover from such storms. As you know, the work itself isn't what gets you down. It's worry about the future that drains your energy. Give yourself a break today. Take some time for rest and recuperation.
There is some likelihood that the mood at home is fraught with tension. Did you have some intellectual disagreement? In any case, it looks as though your self-confidence is stronger than ever right now. Go ahead and express any complaints or opinions you may have been keeping to yourself, Aquarius. But try and do it gently, especially where family is concerned.
It seems that your sensitivity is in slight conflict with your actions, Pisces. You continue to go through the daily motions and do what you planned on doing, but it seems as though your heart is no longer in it. Don't ask why. It's just that you've been working hard and thinking hard lately. You've reached your limit and it's time to rest.
It's likely that your personal and creative horizons are expanding, Gemini. Your or another's artistic enterprises might pay off big today. You could be introduced to people who prove to be valuable contacts as well as new friends. Your love relationships are going well. Your new feeling of enthusiasm and self-confidence certainly doesn't hurt!
Whatever you're working on at the moment, Taurus, whether business related, personal projects, or volunteer work, it's likely to bring you increased satisfaction on many levels. You're enjoying what you do, making a difference, and interacting with new friends. Your health continues to glow. You may feel as if nothing can stop you. Watch out for minor upsets, but nothing that will burst your bubble.
Just about every department of life should be going very well for you now, Aries. Business, finances, and partnerships are likely on their way to success, while personal relationships of all kinds, particularly romantic ones, should also be more rewarding. You might be thinking of expanding your horizons through new enterprises or study. Don't be shy - go for it.
You've probably had few periods when business and finance have gone well for you, Virgo. Now this trend seems to be coming to a head. Today you might start or close some type of agreement that will make a big difference to your finances. Your money situation should not only improve but also stabilize at a level higher than it's ever been. As long as you're diligent, this growth should continue.
You tend to be practical and businesslike by nature, Libra, but the tremendous growth you've experienced may increase your desire to be as sensible and efficient as possible in order to continue this trend. You're feeling upbeat and positive. You're likely to continue to feel this way. The only downside is that you're probably going to be working very hard. You will like the results, though, so go for it.
You probably think of yourself as a curious intellectual, Scorpio, but a recent expansion in career and finance has brought out talents for business and money that you didn't know you had. This has been a time not only of success and good fortune but also of learning more about yourself. Don't fall back on old fears or underestimate yourself. You're capable of accomplishing more than you know.
Expect many advantageous changes to take place in your community, Leo. New businesses could open their doors, interesting neighbors could move in, or some necessary repairs could finally get done. You might spend a lot of time in the car or on the phone and spreading the news. An exciting proposition may come to you or someone close to you through a letter, email, or phone call.
Your natural warmth is enhanced by a new sense of self-confidence, Sagittarius. Whichever kind of group activities and social events are possible might bring you into touch with people who prove to be valuable business contacts. Whatever goals you've attempted to reach may finally show signs of materializing, possibly through the efforts of others who believe in you. This should be a very fortunate and enjoyable day for you. Make the most of it!
Today you might pinch yourself to see if what you're experiencing is real, Capricorn. Success and good fortune are coming thick and fast, with only minor setbacks and irritations to complicate matters. Business, money, and career success are likely to be at an all-time high, although you might find yourself feeling a little fearful of what comes next. Don't worry about that. Go with the flow.
Career and financial success might have paved the way for you to fulfill some of your fondest dreams, Aquarius. Perhaps you've wanted to return to college and get an advanced degree, explore new cultures or try writing and publishing. Whatever it is, your schedule should be freer and more flexible than ever, so this is the time to go for it. Start planning today!
Now that you feel more secure regarding your business and financial situations, Pisces, you might be looking for ways to feed your spiritual and metaphysical interests. Your intuitive and psychic abilities should be operating at a very high level, causing you to experience some vivid dreams and visions and receive the insights that come from them. Books and online lectures might prove especially enlightening.
If possible, a get-together of some kind could take place today either at your home or the home of someone close to you, Cancer. It could even turn into more than just a fun time. You might become involved in conversations with people who become valuable business or social contacts. Expect to have a wonderful time no matter what you do today.
A warm and loving communication could come to you today from someone close. This could be an email, call, or even a gift of some kind. This could make your day, Leo, and you will probably pass whatever good feelings you draw from it to other friends and family members. Take a walk around your neighborhood and say hello to whomever you meet. It will make you feel even better!
Today you should be feeling especially warm and loving toward close friends and children, Gemini. You could also especially appreciate the arts. You might attend a play or concert or decide to try your hand at one of the fine arts yourself. In the evening, go out and enjoy your friends' company, if possible. Celebrate just being together in whatever way you can!
You should be looking especially attractive today and glowing with robust health, Taurus. You're apt to feel warm and loving, particularly toward small animals. If you've considered adopting a pet, this is a good day to do it. Business, work, and money matters continue to go well. You should be in a pretty good space. This frame of mind should last you a long time.
Someone close who owes you money might suddenly turn up and repay you, Pisces. This might be a surprise, but you will be glad to get it. You may want to blow some of it by taking a friend out to lunch or buying someone a gift. Some beautiful dreams could haunt your sleep tonight, perhaps to the point where you feel frustrated when you wake up. Write them down. They're saying something about you.
Today you may feel especially warm and loving toward just about everybody in your circle, Libra, even those you usually find irritating. You could also be looking especially attractive and feeling more confident than usual. You might even feel like shopping for new clothes. Artistic ideas could flow freely, and you might think of different ways to put them to work for you.
Someone you care about but haven't seen for a long time could suddenly contact you. You'd usually love this, Scorpio, but today you could be too caught up in projects of your own to want to put them aside. But you will have a lot of fun with this person, and you might even interest him or her in your project. After finishing your work, get some delicious takeout.
A goal that you've been working on could finally be reached, Sagittarius. A group of friends you might not have seen for a long time could schedule a small get-together that you will be all too glad to attend, if possible. Expect to have a lot of fun exchanging news and ideas with these people. You will probably feel particularly happy to see them. You won't want to let so much time go by before you reconnect again.
Today you could talk to some interesting new people, Capricorn. Among them is at least one person who shares a lot of your interests and could become a close friend. The joy you receive from communicating with these people is likely to spill over into the rest of your day. You could be warmer and more congenial with everyone else in your life, too. In the evening, have some fun.
Today you should feel especially warm and loving toward everyone close to you, Aries, particularly a love partner. You may want to spend some time with friends or family, if possible, or schedule a romantic evening with your significant other - or both. If you have paperwork to take care of, this is the day to do it. You're particularly practical and feeling good, so the drudgery won't get you down.
A book or movie about a foreign country could capture your imagination and make that country seem especially appealing, Aquarius. You might toy with the idea of taking a trip there in the future. If you're serious, it might be a good idea to start making your tentative plans. You're in a particularly practical frame of mind and have the enthusiasm to do it. Have fun browsing through travel brochures and maps.
A very welcome sum of extra money could come your way today, Virgo, possibly out of the blue. You might want to put this money to work for you in some way, perhaps investing it or purchasing supplies or materials for personal projects. You should feel especially positive where your resources are concerned, and confident in your ability to earn.
Today you might decide to buy a plant for every room in your house or plant a garden, Cancer. If the weather is good, you might visit a nursery or botanical garden. You may not normally be attracted to plants and gardens, but today both beauty and nature seem especially appealing. Make the most of this, however temporary. Your house will look that much more beautiful because of it!
Your mind is usually quick, agile, and hungry for information, Scorpio. Today it's likely to be even more so than usual. Your curiosity is high, and you could go to unusual lengths to satisfy it. You might also feel particularly energetic and want to get in a good workout. This is a good idea. Exercise can clear your head and give you a better perspective on new ideas and information.
Some people who share your interests could call you today. You might want to take a walk while on the phone with each other, but you will probably get into some stimulating debates. Don't be surprised if you both talk at once! New books that you will want to read could come to your attention. In the evening, stream some movies on whatever subject you've discussed.
Today you might decide to do some writing, Cancer. This could be job related, but it's more likely personal, either correspondence with friends and colleagues or creative. Some stimulating discussion could take place with friends, romantic partners, or children that could set your mind buzzing with new ideas. This is a great day to attend or participate in a solo sport.
Some stimulating discussions could take place today. Your energy is likely to be very high, Gemini. You may want to throw yourself into your work, particularly if it involves paperwork. You might also want to get in a workout, try your hand at writing, or read about the latest discoveries concerning optimal health. Books, magazines, and the Internet could prove especially useful.
Stimulating conversations could take place with partners of all sorts, Taurus, from business to exercise to romantic. Some new and useful information could come your way that you will want to explore further. This is a great day to execute legal papers or enter into any kind of agreement or commitment. It's a good time to sign up for an online class or workshop. Make good use of the energies of the day.
Generally, Aries, you tend to be interested in what makes everything tick, from the human mind to the workings of the Universe to religion. Today that interest could be piqued by something you read or hear. You might want to delve into a field of interest and learn whatever you can about it. You could have some insights that are as valid as anyone else's, so write them down!
Expanding your mind could be of interest today, Pisces. You might decide to plan a trip to a place you've always wanted to visit, if possible. Or you could decide to go back to school for an advanced degree. Either way, you're likely to spend the day considering the idea and doing a lot of research. At some point you will want to get in a workout to rid your system of some of the day's tension.
Your mind will be especially quick and active today, Virgo, and you're likely to want to spend much of the day involved in intellectual activities like reading, writing, or teaching. Communication with others should be a powerful part of your day, so you will probably spend time on the phone. You will want to write down many of the ideas you hear. You will find most of them interesting and want to remember them.
A lot of paperwork might need attention today, Aquarius. You might throw a lot of your focus and energy into getting it all done. Stimulating conversations with colleagues could keep your mind occupied so you avoid boredom. You could take a walk at the end of the day since you're apt to encounter so much new information that you will want to clear your head in order to absorb it all.
A virtual group meeting or social event could bring up so many new and interesting ideas that you may not be able to digest them all, Capricorn. Some new friends who share your interests might want to continue the discussions. Your mind is especially quick today. You could well grasp unusual concepts that usually don't interest you. But watch your step - you might be so preoccupied that you could have an accident.
You generally tend to be sensitive and intuitive, Sagittarius, but today you might be even more so. Reading about people from other places and times might cause you to tune into their thoughts and feelings and receive new insight into human nature. Creative projects, particularly writing, benefit from this. If you want to remember what you come up with, write it down.
Today you might decide to tackle your financial paperwork and get it all done. This is a great day for that, Libra, although you might be a little too ambitious and not get as much done as you'd like. This is a good time to make use of any writing talent, because ideas could be coming to you thick and fast. Expect many of letters or phone calls in this busy and stimulating day.
Vague aches and pains could have you feeling a little under the weather, Leo. You may not be able to discern why you have these pains, since there's no apparent reason. Don't assume the worst. Your condition is probably just due to a little intensified nerve strain and extra stress. Take it easy and relax today. Go back to your usual routine tomorrow.
Expect some delays, upsets, and unexpected turns when it comes to romance today, Virgo. Jealousy may rear its ugly head, as you may at some point get the impression that your beloved is noticing someone else. Bear in mind that there's a strong chance that these impressions are illusory, and that the truth may be totally different from the way things seem. Take care to stay focused. Reserve judgment until you know the facts.
Are things getting a little bit crazy, Aquarius? Too many tasks and too many people vying for your attention could have your nerves stretched as taut as violin strings. Try to get outside for a while. Treat yourself to a nice takeout lunch or do a little online shopping. Take a good long nap. Whatever seems so urgent isn't worth sacrificing your peace of mind. Try to stay focused!
A temporary separation from your romantic partner could have you agitated, Capricorn. Are you worried that your friend has forgotten you? This is probably an overreaction, but your insecurities are getting the better of you. Find a distraction. Have faith. Phone calls from your friend should prove reassuring. Perhaps the only way to get past this is to stay busy until your partner returns.
Worries about money that may have preoccupied you for the past day or so could prove unfounded, Sagittarius. This should come as a real relief to you, although it may be difficult to grasp at first. Your mind is still getting in the way of accepting it. Go over your correspondence and bank records as many times as you want. The answer should be the same - all is better than you thought.
Changes may be taking place on the home front, Libra, perhaps unexpected repairs or someone moving in or out. Your household could seem frenetic and disorganized until the dust settles, which doesn't sit well with your love of peace and quiet. Whatever needs to be done is best accomplished one step at a time, with your mind focused on the results. It will help you stay sane!
An unexpected and perhaps not altogether welcome call could come your way today, Scorpio. It could come from someone you don't particularly care for or someone who has some disconcerting news to report. Whichever it is, you will probably just have to deal with it. However, you may feel about the caller or what he or she has to report, you will probably consider it important to have the conversation.
A rush of creative inspiration could take you temporarily away from your social life today, Pisces. At some point you could be working as if there were no tomorrow, perhaps worrying that you will forget it if you don't get it all down now. It's no use telling you to slow down. Be sure to keep sufficient snacks on hand and do take occasional breaks. Work hard and good luck!
A small impromptu party may take place at your house today when some unexpected but welcome visitors turn up at your door. Follow current protocol. Expect the conversation to alternate between lots of laughs and discussion of some pretty serious subjects. The gathering could continue well into the night if you let it, but don't let it continue past the point of enjoyment. You can always do it again another time.
Is a new neighbor moving in nearby, Taurus? This person could come from a very interesting locale, so you might want to get to know him or her. Don't expect to be able to do this today. This person may be in and out throughout the afternoon and too busy with settling in. Drop some cookies off some time over the next few days, however. You will be glad you did.
Have you been spending too much lately, Gemini? Today you could be feeling the effects of it. You may have to wait to make a purchase that you've wanted for a long time, and this could be frustrating. Don't worry about it, though. You will get through this unscathed, and the item will still be in the store when you have money again. Relax.
Your sweetheart may seem upset today and unlikely to want to talk about it, Cancer. This could prove frustrating for you since you don't like to be kept in the dark. Take care to avoid giving in to the temptation to push. This won't make your partner any more likely to share, and it could drive a wedge between you. Just hang in there and let your friend talk when the time is right.
Your mood should be quite good for the most part, Sagittarius, but there's apt to be some tension in your relationships. Romantic endeavors aren't exactly in your favor now, so don't force an issue that seems too difficult to resolve. Find comfort in your internal warmth. By taking the time to nurture yourself, you will inevitably have more love to give to the people around you.
You may want to remedy every situation by talking things out or taking some sort of action, Pisces. Be careful of making any sudden moves before you really understand what you're feeling. One minute you may be full of exuberance and ready to launch into a new project, but once you start moving forward, you're suddenly feeling insecure. Take this resistance as a sign that maybe this isn't the best time to move forward.
You may feel like you desperately need something, Aquarius, yet you're unsure as to what it is exactly. Someone close to you may be trying to fit the missing puzzle piece into place, but this may be next to impossible if it's unclear which piece is actually missing. This difficult situation may lead to frustration if you aren't careful. Feel free to admit that you feel powerless. Don't be ashamed to say so.
There's a deep longing to be comforted and reassured, Capricorn. You may want nothing more than for someone fix you some warm, homemade soup. If this is the case, feel free to call and ask a good friend to come over, if possible. Don't continue to play the part of the strong, independent one if this isn't the way you feel. If you aren't honest about your needs, it will be impossible for anyone to know how to fulfill them.
Be careful about being too boisterous and chipper around people who don't exactly feel the same way, Scorpio. Be sensitive to other people's feelings, and don't make jokes that are too harsh for the occasion. No one appreciates a wise guy. There's a somber mood to the day that's likely to form a dark cloud by late afternoon. Do your best to be the ray of sunshine and not the bolt of lightning.
You may feel more reserved than usual, Libra, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. You may be feeling apprehensive about expressing yourself fully, even in the most intimate situations. Be careful about sending messages that suggest that you don't want to be around others. People are apt to think they're to blame for your reluctance. It's fine to be a recluse, but don't completely alienate yourself in the process.
You might be feeling rather insecure when it comes to your peace of mind, Virgo. Because of the insecurity, it may seem like your relationships are on the rocks. At the same time, having problems in your relationships is making you less likely to trust these close partners with your insecure feelings. Talking about your emotions in an honest manner will help you break out of this difficult situation.
Although you may find it hard to express yourself in some ways, Leo, the one avenue that's completely wide open today is art. Difficult tension is laced with emotional insecurity, making it hard for you to express your feelings. If you feel that this is the case, find some other means of expressing these emotions. A large canvas and some paints will work quite nicely.
You might have difficulty expressing your needs, Cancer. The bottom line is that there's no right or wrong way, although it may be difficult to see this on a day like today. Deep-seated insecurity may make expressing yourself difficult. At a time when you feel like you should politely take things in, you really may be feeling like you want to run from the people around you.
When tension builds, your sense of security is likely to falter, Gemini. You may have a hard time dealing with other people. You could be tempted to turn to food or alcohol for inner nourishment. Curing emotional needs by indulging this way may temper your ailment for a while, but it isn't the solution to the overall problem. Work out the bugs with the people involved, and don't try to do it on an empty stomach.
If you find that there's tension in a close relationship, you may get the feeling that this isn't the right partner for you, Taurus. Don't automatically assume that the problem lies in your partner. Difficult situations involving the need for love and affection are likely to emerge regardless of the situation or the company. Instead of running to the next person, take the time to work things out.
Compliments are apt to feel like gold to you, Aries. There's nothing you need more than love and affection on a day like this. Beware that you may end up as putty in the hands of whoever showers you with flattery. You may also resent this need for attention and not be willing to receive it graciously. This isn't the right attitude. Receive accolades with open arms and offer an equal amount of affection in return.
You're likely now on the brink of completing a major move of some sort. Your first reaction may be to sit in solitary deliberation as you wrestle with the pros and cons of each piece of the situation. Try not to overload your head with too many details. Look at the overall picture. Perhaps you will find the answer you seek on a walk. During that time, you can clear your head of unnecessary clutter.
This is one of those days when you will be walking along and all of a sudden hear a street performer playing music. Suddenly your feet start to move and soon you're dancing. You find yourself boogying down the rest of the road. It won't take much to get you grooving. Once you start, it may be hard for you to stop. Go with it!
Don't take things that don't belong to you, Aries. Your penetrating eyes are apt to spot things that are easily pocketed, even though you know deep down that those things aren't meant for you to keep. Your imagination might try to convince you that it's OK to pull such sneaky maneuvers, and you may be tempted. Don't deceive yourself.
Try not to think too much about what is "supposed" to happen next, Taurus. The truth of the matter is that things don't necessarily work out the way they're planned, so don't count on something that has no guarantee of coming to fruition. Stick to your own way of doing things and try not to get too hung up on the results. The key now is to enjoy the process.
Water your plants today and make sure they're getting enough light, Gemini. If you don't have any plants, take this opportunity to go to the nursery and pick up a couple for your home or office. Nourish the organic things in your life to help remind you of your own roots, which are extremely important for you right now. Sink deep into the Earth in order to understand the environment around you.
You're on a roll today, Cancer. Don't let other people's insecurities or shallow understanding about an issue get in the way of your progress. There's a distinct advantage to the way you approach things. Feel free to exert your will on those who need strong direction. If you're confident about the answer, don't be shy about saying so. If people don't like the way you're leading, they don't need to follow.
You may be wondering whose shoulder you should cry on, Leo. Usually yours is the shoulder that everyone else likes to use. The collar of your shirt is probably soaking wet by now, thanks to all the tears that have spilled on you. Your compassion for others is definitely one of your biggest strengths but be aware of the fact that it can also be one of your biggest weaknesses.
Your coals have been smoldering for a while, and there is a great deal of smoke pouring from your blackened embers, Virgo. The good news is that there's apt to be a great gust of wind today, acting as the catalyst that ignites the flames. You've provided the heat and the fuel. The missing element of air is finally coming your way, so be prepared. The fire is apt to heat up quickly.
Be wary of big promises today, Libra. This could be one of those days when people are more likely to take a gamble because they're unrealistic about how things are going to work out. Don't be surprised if the stock market jumps as a result of the dollar signs that people imagine. It will be hard for others to resist when people receive promises of a big payoff.
Feel free to go shopping online for yourself, Scorpio. While you're at it, you might as well pick out some things for others, too. You're apt to be in tune with the pleasant spirit of the people around you. On the other hand, if they're being especially negative or cranky, don't hesitate to just go elsewhere. Unfortunately, that may be easier said than done.
You're likely to gravitate toward those who can put on a show and carry your imagination to a far-off land today, Sagittarius. Look for this quality in others instead of turning to the TV to satisfy this need. If you aren't careful, you may end up a couch potato all day, without talking to anyone. Take note that real life is much more enriching that anything that could come over the airwaves.
Connect with those who carry you upward and encourage your fantasies today instead of those who try to bring you down to reality, Capricorn. There's a need for you to shine more brightly than usual, and there's no reason why this wish shouldn't be granted. Everything will work out splendidly for you as long as you align yourself with admirable people and noble causes, so go for it.
It could be that you're trying to communicate with someone in a matter regarding love and romance and it simply isn't working. You're apt to feel like you need a translator in order to get your message across. Both you and your partner need to share responsibility for making sure that the lines of communication remain open. Be practical yet sensitive in your approach.
This is a fantastic time for you for love and romance, Aquarius, even if there's a bit of coolness between you and the person you care about. It's possible that there needs to be an element of distance now for you to really appreciate the good thing you have. If you aren't involved with someone now, you should find that you're in a good position to make a move toward someone you feel strongly about.
When it comes to matters of love and romance, you may need to tone things down a bit, Virgo. An aggressive approach now may drive your loved one further away from you instead of drawing him or her closer. Remember that love is a two-way street. Don't just do things the way you'd like to do them. It's crucial that you consider your partner's thoughts and feelings every step of the way.
Appreciate the good things you have today, Leo. Don't let another day go by without really paying homage to the people who've helped you grow along the way. Take a walk. Climb a tree or help a child build a tree house. Connect with your spiritual side that finds satisfaction in where you are now instead of always feeling a need to search for something bigger and better.
Restriction and discipline might not be your forte, Cancer, but realize that this may be exactly the type of thing that you need the most. Try not to expend your energy in too many directions. Focus and channel your efforts into the things you consider the most important. Make sure that most of your day is spent tending to these things. Have you hugged your loved ones lately?
Things should be going quite well for you today, Gemini, and you will find that aspects of your life that may have felt disconnected in the past are finally slipping into place. Have faith that all your painstaking planning and organizing is finally going to pay off. This is especially true in love and romance. Spend intimate time with a close partner tonight if possible.
You might need to put on the brakes today when it comes to love and romance, Taurus. Don't think that this means you have to break off any sort relationship that's in the works but realize that you may need to take a more realistic approach to how you handle it. The problem is that you may be getting so caught up in the fantasy of things that you aren't tending to practicalities.
It's one thing to be a friend and it's another to feed someone's ego just to make him or her happy, Pisces. Make sure that you aren't telling someone lies just because you know that that is what he or she wants to hear. A true friend is someone who is honest at all times, even if it means that you may temporarily hurt that person's feelings.
It's critical that you not try to gain the love and appreciation of another by controlling their decisions, Aries. It's time to let the people around you set their own rules and boundaries. Give that special person space to decide what's best, then you can take action accordingly. It may be that you discover things about this person that you probably would never have known if you called all the shots.
You may find that your love is incredibly magnetic now, Libra. All you need to do is be yourself and suddenly people flock your way. There are terrific opportunities for you to strengthen the bonds you have with the people you care about the most. Solidify your relationship with soft romantic words and actions. There is an extra sensuality to your mood and actions now.
Consider taking a more conservative approach to your actions today, Scorpio, as well as to the way you dress. Others may be rather put off by something that comes across as too flashy. Fashion is apt to be a significant concern for you now, which is fine. Don't underestimate the power of personal appearance.
Romantic relationships may not exactly be going as well as you'd like, Sagittarius, but don't get discouraged. Hang in there and you will find that things eventually come around your way. You may need to strengthen your internal sense of confidence, since it's doubtful that you will get much support from interactions with the people around you.
Love and personal relationships are likely to take on a much dreamier and more romantic tone now, Virgo. Your eyes are apt to sparkle as you speak or even think of the person you care about the most. The unmistakable glow that surrounds you is likely to attract others to your side even if you aren't in the market for a romantic relationship right now.
When it comes to relationships with others, be careful about insisting that everything be done only your way, Libra. It could be that you have such high expectations of your partner that he or she will never be able to live up to your standards. Basically, you're setting the stage for failure by demanding that the person for you be of a certain make and model.
Your fantasies could come true now, especially when it comes to relationships, Scorpio. This could be the moment you've always dreamed about, so get ready. The attractive, romantic person in the corner has been keeping an eye on you all night. Your blood is pumping faster than ever. Remind yourself that all dreams can come true on a day such as today.
While you normally like all of your romantic relationships to be extremely nurturing and comforting, you may find that this isn't always possible, Sagittarius. There's a disconnect between you and a close partner right now that could be hard to rectify. Time is really the only thing that's likely to resolve this sort of problem. Remember that all of your relationships can't always go exactly according to plan.
A creative project that you've been working on may be coming to a climactic peak now, Capricorn. Discuss your progress with others and feel free to hold an informal critique in order to get honest feedback on your work. A piece of art should stir some sort of reaction inside another person. Consider ways in which you can challenge the people around you with your talent.
Be aware that love is likely to wear some sort of disguise today, Aquarius. There's something fanciful about the way in which this new romance will manifest, so get ready. Don't think that love always has to be planned and calculated. There is a strong sense of spontaneity associated with the delicious love interest of the day. Don't dismiss those who don't seem practical or levelheaded enough for you.
Make your loved one a romantic dinner tonight, Pisces. Escort him or her on an imaginary magic-carpet ride to fantastic places that encourage a playful mood and carefree attitude. Consider having a bottle of wine at a playground afterward, if possible. Decorate your house with candles and burn some incense. Create a mood that will calm the nerves and soothe the soul. Your sense of romance is right on target.
Your dreams work out quite nicely in your head, Leo, but the problem now is how to turn them into some sort of real-life scenario. Be careful of taking too intellectual of an approach. When it comes to relationships, things don't normally happen logically or rationally. You're going to have to leave a great deal up to chance, so just learn to deal with things as they come.
Your fairytale imagination of how your romantic life should run is hooking you up with many different opportunities, Cancer. Whether you realize it or not, the optimal situation you seek is within your grasp. Make sure that you aren't trying to manipulate a certain person into becoming the person you want him or her to be. If you're unhappy in your relationship, perhaps you need to find someone new.
You may be confused when it comes to matters of the heart, Gemini. Perhaps you feel cheated when the object of your desire doesn't give you complete attention at all times. The fundamental security of your being is your responsibility, not someone else's. Find a way to incorporate your dreams into the dreams of others instead of always working toward goals at opposite sides of the spectrum.
You're apt to be somewhat fickle when it comes to love and romance right now, Taurus. The key for you now is freedom. The problem with this mindset is that it might be misinterpreted. Your partner may think you simply aren't interested in him or her anymore. Remind your partner that it's OK to love someone while also needing time and space to do things on your own.
When it comes to romantic relationships, Aries, you might find that you're playing more of a game of hide-and-go-seek than a combined effort toward friendship, trust, and honesty. It could be that you're purposely trying to hide in order to test the stamina of your opponent. You might want to take a new approach now, one that involves an effort toward connecting instead of distancing.
An intense card, email, or phone call could come from a sibling or other relative today. Perhaps this is a good chance to patch up an old quarrel with this person, but don't be tempted to start another! Emotions are running high now, Taurus, and it wouldn't take much to set someone off. You might want to go out and do a little shopping but be careful. Traffic could be bad.
Your naturally passionate nature should be more aroused than usual today. The festive atmosphere around you gives rise to warm, intimate feelings that bring friends and couples closer together, Aries, so prepare for some good times and excitement in the home tonight, if possible. Optimism and enthusiasm should fill the air. You will feel secure and comfortable yet crackling with ardor. Go for it!
A love relationship could take on a higher and more spiritual aspect during this period, creating a desire for your souls to bond. The planetary atmosphere brings you closer together, and you may experience a closer sense of intimacy. You two might spend time with mutual friends today, if possible, enjoying yourselves, but at the same time anxious to be alone. Bask in the glow.
The planetary energy might find you responding to a sudden sense of inspiration that arouses your creativity. You may feel an unexpected urge to write, paint, draw, or compose some music. You may want to sequester yourself, which could cause some problems with friends and family members who want to be on close contact with you. Don't ignore this impetus, Leo. As you know, inspiration can vanish as quickly as it comes.
Today you might strategize ways to make a little extra money to prepare to move ahead with your life and ambitions. This might be in conjunction with your significant other or some close friends. Browsing online shops might result in impulse purchases, as gifts or perhaps for yourself. In the evening, plan some time alone with your partner or go on your favorite dating app and look for one if you're single.
Warm and sensitive by nature, Sagittarius, today you could feel especially sensual. Sex and romance are likely to be on your mind. Romantic novels and movies may seem especially appealing now, as could cozy beds and warm baths. Plan a romantic evening with the special person in your life, if possible. Perhaps a special candlelit dinner at home.
A co-worker might be away, and this could increase the amount of work that you have to do, causing strain and upset, especially if you aren't familiar with the work. Don't try to do it all at once. A distant family member you haven't heard from for a while could phone out of the blue, and you could spend a happy half hour catching up.
Contact with a friend's may have to be delayed, and this might worry you. It will be necessary to make a special effort to get almost anything done today, Gemini. You could have some urgent chores to complete, but the streets and stores may be full of impatient people. Relax, breathe deeply, and summon every bit of energy you have. You don't want to put anything off now.
You've been very busy, professionally and socially, and now you're probably longing for a romantic encounter. If you're currently involved, you should schedule some time alone with the special person in your life. If you aren't involved, don't be surprised if someone new appears on the scene. You could fall in love at first sight or an old friend could suddenly look different to you. Make sure you look your best!
You're likely to want to spend some time alone with your partner today, Libra, but with the current planetary influences at play, either you or your honey's career concerns could get in the way. An unexpected opportunity needs to be explored right away, so you might not be able to spend any time together now. Contact with friends could also prove frustrating since everyone is busy.
A minor accident might take place at home today, Capricorn, but don't worry. It will ultimately provoke more laughter than harm. You will want the place to look great, Capricorn, because a close friend or lover could come to visit. An intimate conversation or passionate encounter is indicated. Curb the temptation to indulge in too much food or drink.
An unexpected package could arrive, possibly shipped from far away. The circumstances could be rather strange. Friends or relatives that you might not expect could suddenly call or text, and you could an hour or more catching up. This can be very gratifying, Aquarius, but don't wear yourself out. You’ll have a good time no matter what you talk about.
Get on the fast track and use your powerful words and creative mind to make quick decisions that are mindful yet spontaneous. If you get in a pinch today, Aquarius, don't worry about it. Simply relax, take a deep breath, and let your intuition guide you to the right path. Instead of wasting your energy thrashing helplessly in the water, call for help.
Start the day with some vigorous yoga and then some meditation to help clear your mind, Pisces. Stretch your body and get the blood flowing through all of your limbs. Once your blood is flowing, your mind will get moving. Before it gets too far into its noisy routine, take the opportunity to maintain a quiet, serene state while you clear out the static and set forth your goals for the day.
Suppose you were someone else for a day, Virgo. How would it feel to be treated the way you normally treat other people? This is a good time to put yourself in someone else's shoes and experience life through their eyes. By doing this, you're apt to become more conscious of your own actions and the effect of those actions on the people around you.
Engage more of your rational mind today, Leo. If your mind continues on its track into a fantasy world, you might consider enlisting the help of people who can help you bring some discipline to your situation. For you, the general feeling of the day is likely to be that the mind is willing, but the flesh is weak. Let others help you get inspired to get out of lazy mode.
Imagination and fantasy play a big part in your thinking today, Cancer, and you shouldn't hesitate to embrace this frame of mind. There's a great deal of power to be drawn from your sense of freedom to explore and dream. Your thinking is more of a higher consciousness now. You should take advantage of this lofty perspective to see things from a neutral viewpoint.
It may seem like everyone around you is happy and getting what they want while you're stuck in the trenches, Gemini. Don't compare yourself to other people and make judgments based on outside appearances. The truth of the matter is that they're most likely only looking at the immediate future and experiencing short-term pleasures. You, however, have your sights set on the long-term and will probably be much better off.
If you're having trouble tackling a giant problem, Taurus, don't get discouraged or overwhelmed. They key for you is to break things down into smaller chunks, analyze them, and figure out their role within the greater whole. You will find that by taking things one step at a time, any problem you encounter will be infinitely easier to overcome than you may have thought at first.
Do something for the community today, Aries, and really consider how your talents and skills can best be put to work. Consider volunteering at a school or library. Donate blood or help the elderly. Whatever you do, smile knowing that you're making direct contact with friends who need your assistance. Instead of just complaining about the way things are going, take a proactive role in leading the way toward a more philanthropic world.
Your mind may wander to a fantasyland full of castles, wizards, and magic dragons today, Capricorn. You could find that you're putting yourself in the robes of a beautiful or handsome figure in a tall tower who's waiting for the perfect mate to come along. Observe the fanciful scenario you've created and see how the symbols and characters connect with your real life. Your imagination is trying to tell you something.
You're apt to get the feeling that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence today, Sagittarius. Try not to get too hung up on this. Either make the effort to go where the landscape looks richer and more fruitful or stay where you are. The key to true happiness is to make sure that regardless of where you end up, you enjoy the spot where you are.
The amazing thing about your nature is that, like a good politician, you have just the right tone of voice and catch phrase for every situation. You can put on your smile and charm and talk your way out of just about any pickle you get into. Embrace this incredible gift, but make sure that your overall goals are noble as opposed to self-serving or vengeful.
Today your thoughts may turn to fashion and the different ways in which you can improve your wardrobe. Don't be afraid to create a look that reflects your true inner spirit. Deck yourself in external splendor to illustrate the many different colors and layers that you carry on the inside. Don't hesitate to pick up a fashion magazine at the grocery store.
There may be a great tension between you and someone older today, Scorpio. Perhaps there's someone who's adopting a sort of "parent knows best" personality that's starting to annoy you. Take a breather. Realize that this person isn't being critical or judgmental but just giving you advice. You should open your eyes and understand that this advice could be very useful.
Today is one of those days in which you will be bursting at the seams to share big news with your friends, Virgo. Perhaps you just received an important package or piece of information and you can't wait to spread the news. Be careful about who might be lurking around, however, because there could be others listening in. They may not necessarily be acting in your best interests.
You may have gotten yourself tangled up in a deep mental drama over a series of recent incidents, Aries. Your mind may be working overtime in order to solve the riddles. It's quite possible that the reality of the situation is that you're simply making a big deal over nothing. Today is one of those days in which you will face the harsh reality that comes as a consequence of your over-the-top thinking.
You may feel as if your smile is unwelcome today, Taurus. It may seem to you like there's some sort of gloom and doom to people's attitudes that makes them unwilling to accept any sort of good news. Don't let this stop you from maintaining your own cheerful state. It's important that you not probe too deeply into the reasons behind other people's behavior now.
Keep careful track of things today, Gemini, for you will find that the smallest detail will make the biggest difference. Don't hesitate to go with your hunches when something simply doesn't sound right. Stay focused and try not to get caught off guard when emotional issues come out of nowhere and disturb your thoughts. Trust yourself regardless of what's going on around you.
You may feel as if your hands are tied today and you're faced with absolutely no options, Cancer. Don't despair over a situation that seems insurmountable. Think of yourself as a terrific magician who can burst out of the strongest chains. You have tricks up your sleeve that can help you escape just about any situation in which you find yourself.
This is a good time to take a stand on an issue that you may have been vacillating about lately, Leo. People will lose confidence in you if you can't seem to make up your mind. What they don't realize is that you've been working overtime to process all the information. Now it's time to express orally what you've discovered mentally.
Quietly step into the background if things aren't going the way you'd like, Pisces. Don't try to stick your nose into someone else's business, even if you think you know the right way to proceed. People probably have strong opinions, and they won't be swayed in any direction. The best you can do is take care of yourself. You will probably find that this means you shouldn't be seen or heard.
Don't get so stuck in your ways today that you insist on having the one true answer without really considering the options. You must be aware of a lot before you commit yourself one way or another. The people around you are apt to get annoyed with your narrow-mindedness, for this is how you will be viewed unless you stop and take a considered look at the whole picture.
Your reluctance to speak could get you in trouble today, Libra. You may hesitate to share what you know for fear of what others might think. You should realize that you're using this as an excuse to hide what's really just selfishness. Share your knowledge with others and you will be amazed at the knowledge that comes back to you in return. Keep in mind that you may need to wait for it.
You could feel like a rat in a maze today, Capricorn. Walls and long, narrow corridors take you around corners and through doorways, yet there's no indication that you're going in the right direction. Instead of wandering aimlessly, stop and ask for help. You might not have noticed that if you look up, there are knowledgeable beings there who are willing to give you advice based on their lofty perspective.
There's apt to be a comfortable feeling about today that should make you feel quite secure and nurtured, Sagittarius. Perhaps you're feeling protected by a strong force, maybe an internal one, that's reminding you that as long as you stay within the lines, everything will be fine. There's a familiarity to things that will make it easy for you to navigate any rough waters.
Don't take no for an answer today, Taurus. Know what you believe in and stick with it. There's a distinct advantage to holding true to your inner nature. Don't let others throw you off course with their views on how things should be done. Be confident and don't worry about taking things over the top. There's no such thing as excess today. "The more the merrier" should be your motto.
Anchor yourself in practical matters before you try to prove your point to others. There's a great deal of primal energy rising within you today and searching for some sort of outlet. Be aware of overextending yourself when it comes to issues of the mind. You may be so anxious to prove your point that you end up losing sight of the reality of the situation.
One quick phone call to a friend may turn into a long discussion about the meaning of life, Scorpio. Be conscious of the fact that there's a great deal of momentum building in your mind now. Once the dam breaks, you may soon have a giant flood on your hands. Be careful about releasing all this energy at once, even though you may not seem to have a choice.
Be a pioneer thinker today, Gemini. There's a noble courage in your thoughts, so don't let this quality go to waste. You will be surprised at how cutting edge you can be when you put your mind to it. Take a walk by yourself and contemplate the next major move that you'd like to make in your life. Feel free to brainstorm bold ways to execute this plan.
It could be that you feel a bit of pressure today to start or create something that you aren't quite ready for, Sagittarius. There is hesitation on your part that indicates you should take it slowly and learn more of the facts before you jump into the fray. Position yourself in such a way that you take control of the situation rather than become a victim of it.
Move forward with your plan of attack today, Capricorn. There's an anxious rumble within you that's urging you to get going with a current plan. You have all the facts you need, so don't hesitate any longer. The power of the word is with you. You will be smooth, collected, and confident even in the most nerve-wracking situations. Words will flow off your tongue with ease.
Add spark to your life today, Aquarius. It could be that things are getting stale and boring. If so, consider the possibility that you simply aren't challenging yourself enough. Remember that you're responsible for lighting your own fire. You have the perfect opportunity to get something started today, so go for it. Feel free to get other people to help.
People are apt to try to hit you square on the head with their ideas and thoughts today, Pisces, so be ready for the onslaught of information that may come your way. There's a distinct advantage to listening to the whole spiel before you react with your own facts and emotions. The problem is that you're going to be tempted to argue instead of calmly resolve the matter.
Be aggressive and forceful when it comes to exerting your will, Cancer. Let others know that you won't be a pushover. Your opinions are extremely important, and they need to be heard by the people who matter the most. Have faith that whatever you say has the power to come true, especially when you enlist the help of those around you. Opportunity lies in joining hands with others.
Today may be one of those days in which you come to a four-way stop and no one knows whose turn it is. Don't sit and wait for everyone else to go first, Leo. If you know it's your turn, be bold and make your move. It wouldn't be a bad idea to signal others that you're going ahead. People might not be used to you taking such an aggressive role.
People would be foolish to challenge your thinking now, Virgo. The power behind your words is volatile, and you may find yourself going to extremes in order to get your point across. Be careful about making promises you can't fulfill. It could be that you're so adamant about your point of view that you make up hyperbolic situations just to get your ideas across.
Your old ways of thinking have carried you quite far, Libra, but you may now find that it's time to seek a new platform for your ideas. Look for more adventurous ways to express yourself. Break out of the old mold and try something new. Once you start in a bran- new direction, there will be a great deal of support encouraging you to continue along that way.

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