Leo's Horoscopes | Girl.com.au



Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd

The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.

2024-10-18, Friday
Your best plan of attack today is to not attack at all, Leo. There is enough aggressiveness out there. You don't need to add any more to the fray. Let others duke it out. Your job is to wait until the dust settles. Try not to get involved in other people's disputes. You might get dragged further into the situation than makes you feel comfortable.
Make sure your opinion doesn't get lost in the frenzy of the day, Leo. Your words may not quite fit with the things that people want to hear. Try not to take this personally. Realize that this isn't an indication that your words are any less important. You have an incredible gift of being able to see things that others can't. Cherish and nourish this ability instead of invalidating it.
Don't let fear of failure or fear of success hold you back, Leo. Even though you may feel a natural tendency to want to shrink into the background and take the easiest route, you might be sacrificing your true purpose when you do. Become the leader instead of following the leader. Rid yourself of all fear and take control of your destiny.
Jump-start the day with a smile, Leo. Your generosity and sincerity won't go unnoticed on a day like this. People will probably need more attention than usual, so take the time to attend to the emotions of those you love. The key is to not let yourself get emotionally drained in the process. Fill yourself up with the lively, fun-loving energy of the day.
An exciting rush of physical passion could hit you today when you're introduced to an interesting new person, Leo. Take care not to wear it on your face. You generally don't like to reveal that much of yourself! Besides, you won't want this person to think you're too obvious. Try to stay focused and remain objective. Then consider whether it's a good idea to pursue this attraction.
This is the right moment to extricate yourself from relationships that have seen their day, Leo. This won't be easy, but you must. In your professional and private lives, you're too hesitant to get out of distasteful situations or obligations. You're afraid of hurting people or making them mad. But in the end, you're hurting yourself. Give more weight to your own needs and follow your own path.
Expect many advantageous changes to take place in your community, Leo. New businesses could open their doors, interesting neighbors could move in, or some necessary repairs could finally get done. You might spend a lot of time in the car or on the phone and spreading the news. An exciting proposition may come to you or someone close to you through a letter, email, or phone call.
A warm and loving communication could come to you today from someone close. This could be an email, call, or even a gift of some kind. This could make your day, Leo, and you will probably pass whatever good feelings you draw from it to other friends and family members. Take a walk around your neighborhood and say hello to whomever you meet. It will make you feel even better!
Some people who share your interests could call you today. You might want to take a walk while on the phone with each other, but you will probably get into some stimulating debates. Don't be surprised if you both talk at once! New books that you will want to read could come to your attention. In the evening, stream some movies on whatever subject you've discussed.
Vague aches and pains could have you feeling a little under the weather, Leo. You may not be able to discern why you have these pains, since there's no apparent reason. Don't assume the worst. Your condition is probably just due to a little intensified nerve strain and extra stress. Take it easy and relax today. Go back to your usual routine tomorrow.
Although you may find it hard to express yourself in some ways, Leo, the one avenue that's completely wide open today is art. Difficult tension is laced with emotional insecurity, making it hard for you to express your feelings. If you feel that this is the case, find some other means of expressing these emotions. A large canvas and some paints will work quite nicely.
You may be wondering whose shoulder you should cry on, Leo. Usually yours is the shoulder that everyone else likes to use. The collar of your shirt is probably soaking wet by now, thanks to all the tears that have spilled on you. Your compassion for others is definitely one of your biggest strengths but be aware of the fact that it can also be one of your biggest weaknesses.
Appreciate the good things you have today, Leo. Don't let another day go by without really paying homage to the people who've helped you grow along the way. Take a walk. Climb a tree or help a child build a tree house. Connect with your spiritual side that finds satisfaction in where you are now instead of always feeling a need to search for something bigger and better.
Your dreams work out quite nicely in your head, Leo, but the problem now is how to turn them into some sort of real-life scenario. Be careful of taking too intellectual of an approach. When it comes to relationships, things don't normally happen logically or rationally. You're going to have to leave a great deal up to chance, so just learn to deal with things as they come.
The planetary energy might find you responding to a sudden sense of inspiration that arouses your creativity. You may feel an unexpected urge to write, paint, draw, or compose some music. You may want to sequester yourself, which could cause some problems with friends and family members who want to be on close contact with you. Don't ignore this impetus, Leo. As you know, inspiration can vanish as quickly as it comes.
Engage more of your rational mind today, Leo. If your mind continues on its track into a fantasy world, you might consider enlisting the help of people who can help you bring some discipline to your situation. For you, the general feeling of the day is likely to be that the mind is willing, but the flesh is weak. Let others help you get inspired to get out of lazy mode.
This is a good time to take a stand on an issue that you may have been vacillating about lately, Leo. People will lose confidence in you if you can't seem to make up your mind. What they don't realize is that you've been working overtime to process all the information. Now it's time to express orally what you've discovered mentally.
Today may be one of those days in which you come to a four-way stop and no one knows whose turn it is. Don't sit and wait for everyone else to go first, Leo. If you know it's your turn, be bold and make your move. It wouldn't be a bad idea to signal others that you're going ahead. People might not be used to you taking such an aggressive role.

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