Libra's Horoscopes |



Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd

Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.

2024-10-18, Friday
If you've been reluctant to make a move, Libra, you should consider why. What has been holding you back? Fear of failure? A negative comment from someone else? Feeling like you aren't quite prepared for the consequences of your actions? It's time to free yourself of these mental barriers that keep you from making progress. Don't let self-doubt get in the way of your plans.
You may end up being the peaceful savior that calms everyone down today, Libra. Use your artistic nature and love of beauty and harmony to inspire others to put away their differences and concentrate on the positive aspects. Generous acceptance of others is the only way to go, especially today, when people are riled up and ready to fight. Do your best to promote peace.
Information coming your way today might be unreliable, Libra. It could be hard for you to take a solid hold on the messages you get. Keep in mind that there are important answers waiting to be heard. These answers will come to you when you least expect them. Keep your mind open to new possibilities and the path will open up and become clear. Don't compromise your consciousness with abusive substances.
Your slow and steady approach might be met with a bit of opposition today, Libra. People could be demanding of your time and energy. It's one of those days in which the people behind you in line at a coffee shop might give you dirty looks if you take too long to make up your mind.
Today you may have some important phone calls to make, Libra, and want to get them out of the way before doing anything else. You will definitely get your message across because your communicative abilities are very strong. Words combine with feelings to create understanding between you and just about anyone, whether you're talking on the phone or writing.
There is some likelihood that you will be haunted by thoughts of your love life today, Libra. Perhaps you're intrigued by the idea of exploring certain secret realms of your relationship, yet you aren't sure how to communicate this to your mate. Perhaps you're still testing the waters, waiting until you know how you feel. In any case, you might decide to proceed today.
You tend to be practical and businesslike by nature, Libra, but the tremendous growth you've experienced may increase your desire to be as sensible and efficient as possible in order to continue this trend. You're feeling upbeat and positive. You're likely to continue to feel this way. The only downside is that you're probably going to be working very hard. You will like the results, though, so go for it.
Today you may feel especially warm and loving toward just about everybody in your circle, Libra, even those you usually find irritating. You could also be looking especially attractive and feeling more confident than usual. You might even feel like shopping for new clothes. Artistic ideas could flow freely, and you might think of different ways to put them to work for you.
Today you might decide to tackle your financial paperwork and get it all done. This is a great day for that, Libra, although you might be a little too ambitious and not get as much done as you'd like. This is a good time to make use of any writing talent, because ideas could be coming to you thick and fast. Expect many of letters or phone calls in this busy and stimulating day.
Changes may be taking place on the home front, Libra, perhaps unexpected repairs or someone moving in or out. Your household could seem frenetic and disorganized until the dust settles, which doesn't sit well with your love of peace and quiet. Whatever needs to be done is best accomplished one step at a time, with your mind focused on the results. It will help you stay sane!
You may feel more reserved than usual, Libra, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. You may be feeling apprehensive about expressing yourself fully, even in the most intimate situations. Be careful about sending messages that suggest that you don't want to be around others. People are apt to think they're to blame for your reluctance. It's fine to be a recluse, but don't completely alienate yourself in the process.
Be wary of big promises today, Libra. This could be one of those days when people are more likely to take a gamble because they're unrealistic about how things are going to work out. Don't be surprised if the stock market jumps as a result of the dollar signs that people imagine. It will be hard for others to resist when people receive promises of a big payoff.
You may find that your love is incredibly magnetic now, Libra. All you need to do is be yourself and suddenly people flock your way. There are terrific opportunities for you to strengthen the bonds you have with the people you care about the most. Solidify your relationship with soft romantic words and actions. There is an extra sensuality to your mood and actions now.
When it comes to relationships with others, be careful about insisting that everything be done only your way, Libra. It could be that you have such high expectations of your partner that he or she will never be able to live up to your standards. Basically, you're setting the stage for failure by demanding that the person for you be of a certain make and model.
You're likely to want to spend some time alone with your partner today, Libra, but with the current planetary influences at play, either you or your honey's career concerns could get in the way. An unexpected opportunity needs to be explored right away, so you might not be able to spend any time together now. Contact with friends could also prove frustrating since everyone is busy.
Today your thoughts may turn to fashion and the different ways in which you can improve your wardrobe. Don't be afraid to create a look that reflects your true inner spirit. Deck yourself in external splendor to illustrate the many different colors and layers that you carry on the inside. Don't hesitate to pick up a fashion magazine at the grocery store.
Your reluctance to speak could get you in trouble today, Libra. You may hesitate to share what you know for fear of what others might think. You should realize that you're using this as an excuse to hide what's really just selfishness. Share your knowledge with others and you will be amazed at the knowledge that comes back to you in return. Keep in mind that you may need to wait for it.
Your old ways of thinking have carried you quite far, Libra, but you may now find that it's time to seek a new platform for your ideas. Look for more adventurous ways to express yourself. Break out of the old mold and try something new. Once you start in a bran- new direction, there will be a great deal of support encouraging you to continue along that way.

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