Taurus's Horoscopes | Girl.com.au



Born between: April 20th - May 20th

Those with the Taurus sign are perfect partners in friendship and love as they're loving, loyal and understanding. However those born under the Taurus sign at times can be stubborn but always are patient and generous.

2024-10-18, Friday
Indecisiveness could be your biggest nemesis today, Taurus. The general tone of the day is apt to be quite explosive as a feeling of restriction and discipline comes into conflict with a need to fight and conquer. You might find that your go-with-the-flow, easygoing attitude is exactly what saves you on a day like this. Lay low and let someone else take the lead now.
Peace and harmony are in the regularly scheduled program for the day, but there is a good chance that there could be a warring force with strong opinions and vindictive tendencies. Hold onto your hat, Taurus, and make sure you have your actions well aligned with your soul or else you could be thrown into a battle that has nothing to do with you.
You might consider taking a short trip today, Taurus. Perhaps you need to get out of the house and go across town. Whatever it is, introduce your brain to a new reality. It's time to expand and explore. You itch to see new places and experience new things, either physically or mentally. Perhaps a religious sanctuary or quiet place in grove of trees is what you need in order to quench this inner thirst.
Grab hold of the day's boisterous energy and run with it, Taurus. This is a good time to kick up your heels and have fun. You might find that people are a bit more high-strung than usual, so you may need to use your ability to go with the flow. The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed others will be when they're around you.
Your financial situation could be greatly boosted by a development you hadn't expected, Taurus. Perhaps some investments suddenly skyrocket in value, or maybe the homes in your neighborhood are suddenly worth more than you thought. Whichever it is, don't try to cash in on it right now. Chances are the value of your investment will continue to increase. Hang in there and watch it grow.
Perhaps you've been impatiently waiting for the moment to jump into new adventures after your meditation during the last few months. Know that the moment has almost arrived! You now have the strategy, objective, and means at your disposal to succeed. Just a bit more work remains to be done. Gather your strength and get ready to act with renewed vigor.
Whatever you're working on at the moment, Taurus, whether business related, personal projects, or volunteer work, it's likely to bring you increased satisfaction on many levels. You're enjoying what you do, making a difference, and interacting with new friends. Your health continues to glow. You may feel as if nothing can stop you. Watch out for minor upsets, but nothing that will burst your bubble.
You should be looking especially attractive today and glowing with robust health, Taurus. You're apt to feel warm and loving, particularly toward small animals. If you've considered adopting a pet, this is a good day to do it. Business, work, and money matters continue to go well. You should be in a pretty good space. This frame of mind should last you a long time.
Stimulating conversations could take place with partners of all sorts, Taurus, from business to exercise to romantic. Some new and useful information could come your way that you will want to explore further. This is a great day to execute legal papers or enter into any kind of agreement or commitment. It's a good time to sign up for an online class or workshop. Make good use of the energies of the day.
Is a new neighbor moving in nearby, Taurus? This person could come from a very interesting locale, so you might want to get to know him or her. Don't expect to be able to do this today. This person may be in and out throughout the afternoon and too busy with settling in. Drop some cookies off some time over the next few days, however. You will be glad you did.
If you find that there's tension in a close relationship, you may get the feeling that this isn't the right partner for you, Taurus. Don't automatically assume that the problem lies in your partner. Difficult situations involving the need for love and affection are likely to emerge regardless of the situation or the company. Instead of running to the next person, take the time to work things out.
Try not to think too much about what is "supposed" to happen next, Taurus. The truth of the matter is that things don't necessarily work out the way they're planned, so don't count on something that has no guarantee of coming to fruition. Stick to your own way of doing things and try not to get too hung up on the results. The key now is to enjoy the process.
You might need to put on the brakes today when it comes to love and romance, Taurus. Don't think that this means you have to break off any sort relationship that's in the works but realize that you may need to take a more realistic approach to how you handle it. The problem is that you may be getting so caught up in the fantasy of things that you aren't tending to practicalities.
You're apt to be somewhat fickle when it comes to love and romance right now, Taurus. The key for you now is freedom. The problem with this mindset is that it might be misinterpreted. Your partner may think you simply aren't interested in him or her anymore. Remind your partner that it's OK to love someone while also needing time and space to do things on your own.
An intense card, email, or phone call could come from a sibling or other relative today. Perhaps this is a good chance to patch up an old quarrel with this person, but don't be tempted to start another! Emotions are running high now, Taurus, and it wouldn't take much to set someone off. You might want to go out and do a little shopping but be careful. Traffic could be bad.
If you're having trouble tackling a giant problem, Taurus, don't get discouraged or overwhelmed. They key for you is to break things down into smaller chunks, analyze them, and figure out their role within the greater whole. You will find that by taking things one step at a time, any problem you encounter will be infinitely easier to overcome than you may have thought at first.
You may feel as if your smile is unwelcome today, Taurus. It may seem to you like there's some sort of gloom and doom to people's attitudes that makes them unwilling to accept any sort of good news. Don't let this stop you from maintaining your own cheerful state. It's important that you not probe too deeply into the reasons behind other people's behavior now.
Don't take no for an answer today, Taurus. Know what you believe in and stick with it. There's a distinct advantage to holding true to your inner nature. Don't let others throw you off course with their views on how things should be done. Be confident and don't worry about taking things over the top. There's no such thing as excess today. "The more the merrier" should be your motto.

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