Leo's Horoscopes | Girl.com.au



Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd

The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.

2024-09-17, Tuesday
The opportunity to fly somewhere might come up today, Leo. Career changes are in the wind, and while they might seem rather unsettling at first, they'll be positive in the long run. This could involve a raise or promotion, transfer, new job, or even new career. Don't fight it. It might be scary, but it's a blessing in disguise. Go with the flow.
Have you been thinking about changing careers, Leo? You might hear of some opportunities today, possibly through a colleague. This could be the right time to make a change. Positive professional developments are indicated for you. List your options and then do some research on each one. You might be headed toward some exciting possibilities.
Communication is likely to be warm, informative, and companionable today, Leo, and you'll probably grow closer to those around you because of it. Your inspiration and imagination flow freely, and you're likely to want to channel much of your energy into creative projects. You may also want to phone a friend who shares your artistic interests.
Things flow well for you today, Leo, so bask in any sunshine that this day offers. Your intuition is especially strong, and you have an uncanny ability to pick up on other people's feelings. Your nurturing gifts are in high demand by those around you. They'll need a sensitive shoulder to lean on. Just make sure you don't lose yourself in the process. Save some energy for you.
Your fantasy life is especially active today, Leo, so enjoy this little break into your dream world. Coming back to reality may be difficult. Keep tabs on your emotions so they don't get the better of you. The impressions you receive from the outside world may not be accurate today. Keep your wits about you and try not to get caught up in drugs and alcohol.
An opportunity to bring in extra income might arrive today, Leo, possibly through a female friend. Another Leo might be involved. This probably involves a special, temporary project, but it could prove enjoyable and profitable. A love partner might want to participate, too. Think about it before committing. Talk to people who have done this before. It's worth a try, anyway.
Some disconcerting revelations about your past or the past of someone close to you could come out today. This might be a bit of a shock, Leo, but it's a positive development, nonetheless. It will shed some light on how to deal with current issues in your life or a relationship. Write down your thoughts, meditate, talk to a friend, or otherwise try to make sense of it.
Artistic talents are greatly increased by fresh, deeply felt inspiration. Today you may spend much of your time giving material form to your ideas. You're intuitive by nature, but today your psychic gifts are operating at a high level. Don't write off any insights you receive. Instead, write them down. Don't forget to keep paper and pen next to your bed. You'll want to remember your ideas and dreams later.
It looks as though change is on the horizon at work, Leo. You've just recently completed some long-term projects and are being recognized for your efforts. Perhaps a bonus or promotion is in store. Your affinity for technology and ability to quickly absorb new information makes you a prime candidate for a new position that's just opened up. Grab the chance!
A friend could ask for a loan and you might hesitate to give him or her the money. Follow your instincts. The person probably isn't too savvy about money. You might want to participate in some group activities, but don't let people take unfair advantage of you. You're willing to serve those who need you but discriminate between those who do and don't really need your help.
Express your independence today, Leo, and prove to others that you won't be pushed around anymore. Do things for yourself and have fun while you do it. Your heart will know which way is the right way to proceed. Don't be fooled by those who try to tell you otherwise. Success comes when you can initiate others into your world instead of you being seduced by theirs.
Misinformation might spread through your extended family or neighborhood and cause unnecessary upsets among those involved. Don't accept at face value any gossip or rumor you hear today until you check it out yourself, Leo. It could turn out to be a tempest in a teapot. This isn't a good time to plan or take a trip of any kind. Delays or mishaps could result.
You may have strange dreams and vivid premonitions today, Leo. Your intuition and telepathic faculties are operating at a high level. You could think of someone who later phones. There's also a tendency to be too paranoid. Don't panic if some of the messages you receive seem disturbing. Check out the facts first. You're likely to find that all is better than you thought
You should wake up feeling hopeful and optimistic about the future, Leo. Your self-confidence is stronger than usual, and your enthusiasm is contagious. Success in joint efforts should have you glowing with satisfaction. You could even receive public acknowledgment of your efforts. Today bodes well for relationships of all kinds, particularly romantic ones. Celebrate your good fortune with a lover tonight!
This is a good day to follow through on projects, Leo. Leaving many unfinished matters in your life only creates clutter that keeps other things from entering the picture. Either dismiss the project entirely or finish it and move on to something else. Don't leave things hanging, including people. Tell others what's going on and you'll be more successful in the long run.
Today you might be fascinated with movies, music, and video. You could discover a new interest in filmmaking, sound engineering, or videography that you want to pursue. You might decide to read about these fields and apply what you learn to the movies you see and the music you hear. If you're serious about learning these skills, this is the time to go for it. You'll enjoy it!
Friends could entice you to join them for a short day trip, perhaps to the country. This is a great day to go on such an outing if it’s possible, Leo. You've probably been working hard and need to get away for a while. Don't be surprised if there's a delay, however. You or one of your friends could be waiting to talk with someone.

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