Aquarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Jan 20th - Feb 19th

Those born under the Aquarian are honest, artistic and loyal in their nature which makes them wonderful friends and family members. However stubborn and defensiveness are characterises attributed to Aquarians.

The good news is this - it gets better. There could be some trying times in store, Aquarius. If you're a parent, the children will ask for something every five minutes, and you may feel pressure from all sides. Not even your love life is immune from the doubt that seems to hover over your head. No compromise is possible for you, Aquarius. Just sit tight and know that calmer days are coming.
You might feel more energetic than you have in a long time, Aquarius. The day's planetary aspects offer a powerful energy that will increase your mental acuity and physical strength, and this can really help you tackle and finish any tasks that have been piling up. If you manage to accomplish so much that you have time to spare, help others lighten their load. Tend to your own first, however.
Are you satisfied with your current career, Aquarius? If not, start by making a plan. There are specific steps that you can follow to take the greatest advantage of the available opportunities. Consider visiting career-related websites or ask a career counselor for advice. Don't settle for less than you deserve. See what you can find, and move toward a more fulfilling future.
This is an excellent day to express your natural creativity, Aquarius. The arts will likely be very important to you. You may find that nothing brings you more pleasure on days like this. Consider putting this to good use by painting, sculpting, doing crafts, or whatever you like. You will find that engaging in creative activities with a focus on giving may be the perfect thing for you.
If you feel cautious today, Aquarius, don't be alarmed. This can be a good thing, Aquarius, as you can be too trusting at times or forget to take care when going into something new. Use a little caution in everything you do to keep safe. This is true with relationships, too. Give a little more thought and time to things to help you choose more wisely.
You might have to make a choice between telling the truth and lying today, Aquarius. In some circumstances, this can be difficult, especially if you're afraid you will hurt someone's feelings. Keep in mind that a lie can take more energy than the truth. Consider what you would want the other person to do in your place. Stick to your morals and ethics even if it's tough.
Watch out for the green-eyed monster today, Aquarius. It can rear up before you can say "jealousy." Most situations that cause these feelings are born out of insecurity. If you aren't secure in your job, relationship, or family, and feel threatened by someone, it's time to take a look at the cause. Why you don't feel as solid as you could? What's causing the insecurity? Look for the answers.
A project could be successfully completed today, Aquarius. Discussions may already be taking place about the next one, but you aren't inclined to think about that, at least not right away. You will want to bask in your accomplishment and relax for a while. No one can blame you for that, so don't worry if you don't go to brainstorming sessions. Wait until it progresses beyond talk.
Romance blossoms for you today, Aquarius, and commitment or marriage may be just over the horizon. You and your beloved may have recently reached a new understanding that has bonded you more tightly. Don't feel silly if you spend the day together walking around in a romantic haze. That's perfectly acceptable - it's part of the joy of love, and it could well last for a while. Make the most of it.
Today is a great day for you, Aquarius. Everything is flowing your way as more pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Your fluctuating emotions are grounded and calm, letting you stand back and evaluate your true inner state. Have you been giving yourself the attention you deserve? This is your day. Get things done. You can accomplish quite a bit using this astral energy, so hop to it.
Today a deep concern for others' feelings could have you lending a sympathetic ear to those in need of some understanding. It's more important to listen than talk, Aquarius, even though your practicality might want to express itself. Your affairs should go smoothly, bringing you and those around you a lot of satisfaction. Don't be surprised if you shed a few tears of joy at some point.
Changes in your home could cause temporary frustration that creates some tension with family members. Perhaps you're moving, cleaning, or refurnishing, and everyone is getting in everyone else's way. The best way to handle this situation is to try to get the job done as quickly as possible. Once it's done, Aquarius, tempers will subside and all will be fine.
Some rather depressing information could come to you today from far away, Aquarius. This is less likely to be about your immediate situation or circle of friends than it is about something social or political in nature. It's probably the subject of a lot of talk around you. You might need to run some errands in your community, but for some reason you can't. Relax. Tomorrow should be fine.
A romantic evening at home with your partner could bring you two closer together, Aquarius. Your emotions are intense right now, however, so you need to use your intuition to judge exactly how much of your feelings you should reveal. An intellectual passion could also come your way. You might discover a new field of interest, and you will want to study it at home for hours.
The bizarre nature of the day may leave you feeling a bit bewildered, Aquarius. Don't sweat it. Focus on your romantic nature and incredibly nurturing heart. Use your instinctive healing abilities to care for a close friend in need. Today is an especially good day to connect with others and openly share your feelings. Confide in people you trust. Consider calling your mom.
A phone call may come from someone you know is prone to gossip, Aquarius. This person may have a lot to say, but be sure you take it with a grain of salt, if not the whole shaker. Your skepticism could prove invaluable in this respect. If what this person says is important, check out the facts before passing it on or taking any action. Chances are it's exaggerated or completely false.
You may feel a bit protective today, Aquarius, and with good reason. Others are likely to be aggressive when it comes to moving in on your territory. Be strong. Assure yourself as well as those in your charge that everything will be fine. Take reasonable precautions, but don't completely close yourself off to the outside world. That knock at the gate could just as easily provide much-needed help.
Aggressive people may interfere with your plans today, Aquarius, so don't get too upset if things don't work out the way you want them to. Let this be an exercise in learning how to think and act on your feet. Remember that you can play this game as well as others. Deliver an unexpected surprise right back and see how they deal with it. Perhaps you can learn something.
Today you may contemplate changes in your home. They could be physical, like redecorating, refurnishing, or remodeling. Or someone could move in or out. Whatever the change, it's likely to be fortunate. If you're thinking of such a change, you can proceed confidently. You should be feeling especially inspired now, so be creative and manifest whatever has been on your mind for some time.
Friends or a group with which you're affiliated could want you to help them formulate a workable plan for advancement. You're in just the right frame of mind for this, Aquarius, and therefore willing to roll up your sleeves and pitch in. You might be the center of attention at some point, perhaps sharing your skills with associates. Don't forget your own goals. They could be advanced today, too.
You and your friends may have been planning a party for some time. Now you realize it's entirely up to you to actually make things happen, Aquarius. It seems that if you're going to get anywhere, you need to take charge and delegate responsibility. You like to be in this position. Your great creative mind could give you a load of ideas for a party that no one will forget.
You may feel like you need to work for a cause or political party, Aquarius. The period you're in right now is bringing you closer to social issues or humanitarian causes and pushing you to think about what you can do for people less fortunate. You can help develop a new strategy as far as human relations are concerned. Don't hesitate to listen to your heart and be a little more generous in life.
What meticulousness, Aquarius! You may feel a sudden, urgent need to take a close look at your financial situation, wardrobe, cupboards, or car. List the things you need to do in order to fix them over the next few days. You're going to spend your day taking inventory in your life. Why not? It's important to get a really good look at the reality of things occasionally.
Your focus today is likely to be on learning. Something you've wanted to study for a long time may finally be within your grasp. Perhaps money makes this possible, or you've finally settled on a workable course of action. Travel might be involved. If you've been thinking about going back to school, get everything started today. If you do, you will probably attain what you want. Go for it.
A trip of some kind might have to be postponed, as computers and other technology involved in your arrangements might be temporarily out of operation. This can prove frustrating, Aquarius, but it's beyond your control. The best thing to do is make new arrangements and move on. For the most part, everything is going very well for you, so don't give in to panic. Hang in there.
A quick survey of the financial news might reveal that your investments, particularly those involving property, might be worth far more than you thought, Aquarius. This might make you wonder if you should sit back and let it all mount up or actively put it to work for you. Consult a professional before taking any immediate action. You will want to be sure you're doing the right thing.
Have you been thinking about attending a seminar of some kind, Aquarius, perhaps business related? You and a partner might go together. This is a good time to do this, as your thinking is particularly clear and retentive and you find it easier than usual to concentrate. Discussions with your partner afterward could be the icing on the cake. Tomorrow you will feel like you can take the world by storm.

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