Gemini's Horoscopes |



Born between: May 21st - June 20th

Adaptability is a Gemini's greatest strength which has positives for the workplace. Whilst their affection and imagination provides more great qualities; the negative of a Gemini is that they can be pessimism however they thrive on others optimistic nature.

The planetary alignment is favorable, and you're in the process of reaping the benefits, Gemini. It was only a matter of becoming aware of and settling certain matters related to your need for social recognition. Don't be so hungry for approval, Gemini. Everybody contains a stern inner parent and can survive comfortably in total self-sufficiency. In fact, it's your greatest strength.
Today's energy will help you take steps toward getting things in order, Gemini. Tackle the drawers, closets, storage rooms, and cabinets. Organization is a good activity for today. Creating order brings a sense of peace and personal control. Mental organization like goal setting, budgeting, or scheduling will add to this feeling. Sift through and clean out as many corners as you can.
Feed your mind new knowledge, Gemini. Visit a bookstore or read some interesting information on the web. If you have more time, visit the library or find out about some courses that might be perfect for you. There's knowledge to be had everywhere you look, provided you're open to receiving it. People are often the best resource. Ask someone to explain something, if that's what you need.
You may find that today brings great physical strength and energy to you, Gemini. Given this, you may really want to do some tough, challenging physical work. This is certainly the day for it, so why not go for it? Do some yard work or clean out closets, cupboards, drawers, and filing cabinets. Consider donating items that you don't use anymore or plan a garage sale to make some bucks.
Focus on yourself today, Gemini. Take note of your health. You probably know that this is something you must take care of always, not just sometimes. Daily routines are important. It's up to you to stick to them. The little things like taking vitamins, staying active, and relaxing help maintain a healthy body. If you aren't feeling your best, make your habits more conducive to glowing health.
If you think you have to prove that you have something valuable to offer, Gemini, consider this carefully. You're naturally friendly and can get along with almost anyone. This may already be your strength. You have something great to bring to a crowd. Consider being yourself and not trying so hard to feel a part of things. Look at your qualities and you will prove your worth to yourself.
Getting along with others may prove challenging today, Gemini. The influence from the planetary aspects can have you preferring to withdraw and isolate. You might feel impatient and annoyed. If so, and being alone is an option, go for it. If it isn't, you will need to curb the tendency to be argumentative or confrontational. Exercise patience and avoid conflict.
Are you working two jobs, Gemini? Today one could demand a lot of you, probably at the expense of the other. You tend to be very conscientious and responsible, so this might bother you, but don't let it get to you. The day may come when the situation is reversed. Everyone around you knows that you're an asset to the enterprise, even if there are times like this when you have to ask for a break.
A love letter or perhaps a poem or other artistic work dedicated to you could make your day, Gemini. A warm feeling of being cherished and adored could stay with you throughout the day as a result. Hang on to this rosy glow when things get rocky, especially on the job. The feelings expressed in this communication will probably last for a long time, so be prepared.
Today is a fantastic day for you, Gemini. Things are naturally flowing your way. You can accomplish a great deal. There are few hurdles in your way, perhaps none. You're well disciplined about your time and what's needed to get the job done and how to meet your goals. Your emotions are especially calm and stable, giving you the opportunity to observe and evaluate them from a neutral viewpoint.
Emotional talks with your partner could move you to tears, Gemini. If there have been difficulties in your relationship, you've overcome them and probably reached a new understanding. Any romantic relationship or friendship started or moved forward now shows lasting promise. Your inclination may be to control your feelings, but don't be afraid to show them. It's OK in situations like this.
Someone is keeping secrets from you. We all have private issues we don't wish to share, Gemini, but this affects you. Your intuition will probably tell you who this person is. Try to get him or her to open up without exerting pressure. Unfinished tasks could be driving you crazy. You may try to run through them quickly, causing too much stress. Get the most crucial done and let the others go.
A friend could be depressed and need your advice, Gemini. Some long-held, cherished goals that you've been working toward could be temporarily blocked, causing you to wonder if they will ever come to fruition. Don't waste any time lapsing into negative thoughts. Assess what needs doing and do it. This is only a temporary situation. You will get through it, but it's up to you how quickly.
Memories from your distant past could resurface today, Gemini. You may wonder why you're suddenly thinking about them, but they probably represent a release of old emotional hang-ups that have been holding you back. By midafternoon you should feel more focused, determined, and ready to take on anything. This is definitely a great day to start a new project or complete an old one.
Your heart beats extra strong today, Gemini, but it may not seem like anyone knows it but you. You may feel like you aren't really fitting in with the energy of the day. Don't get down on yourself for it. Realize that not everything is going to go according to your plans. Let things come to you. The unexpected is bound to happen, so don't try to resist the impending change.
A friend who's having money problems might dump all their woes on you today, Gemini. Your inclination isn't to be very sympathetic, but hold back that tendency. The situation is real, and your friend is very worried and needs solutions more than criticism or sympathy. Your common sense and practical nature could be invaluable right now. Offer to listen.
You may be plagued with restlessness, Gemini, to the point that you may not be able to get anything done. If you sense that this is happening to you even in the slightest degree, stop whatever you're doing and take a break. Your work isn't worth the sacrifice of your sanity. Consider going to a spa or call up a friend with a hot tub so you can soak in some warm, relaxing water for a while.
Today you may be asked to choose between the old and the new, Gemini. It's as if people are protesting in some manner and you're being asked to join in the ranks of those wishing to see change. Make sure you honestly assess all the available information before you automatically dismiss the situation as foolish. You should seriously consider lending a hand to the fight.
Some vivid and interesting dreams could bring a lot of repressed memories up and force you to confront them. This could be a bit disconcerting, Gemini, but still positive. Psychological obstacles to financial success and romantic happiness could be cleared away, which could change your life. It's vital that you write down your dreams. You won't want to miss out on this.
Today you could attend more than one social event, Gemini. Some of your professional colleagues will probably be there. Conversations are going to focus primarily on business development and the economy in general. A lot of useful information could result from social contacts with others in your field. Write it all down. You will want to remember it so you can make use of it later.
When you least expect it, success comes into your life. You can say goodbye to the dreariness of daily routine, fears, and changing moods. You're now entering a period of wonderful good luck and success. All this comes despite the fact that sometimes you might lack confidence in yourself. That doesn't matter anymore, because success is on your side from now on.
You're a hard worker, Gemini, and you expect the same from the people around you. Today you may want to take a look at your personal and work relationships. Demanding person that you are, you may be concerned about the quality of your friendships. Don't be afraid to separate good from bad. Life is too short to devote your energy to bad relationships.
If you can't feed your artistic tendencies in the work you do, today is a good day to create a better balance and make your days more satisfying. Art isn't just for artists, Gemini. All you have to do is take the initiative to create something and you will see just how good it feels. Have you ever thought about writing a children's book? This is one idea, considering the planetary aspects.
For you, Gemini, relationships with other people should be going so well that you feel more loved than ever. A new friend or perhaps an old one you haven't seen in a while could suddenly become a powerful part of your life. You're probably feeling exceptionally innovative and more likely to make a success of whatever new ideas you have. Prepare for a busy and satisfying day.
Payment for work you've performed may not come when expected, Gemini, particularly if direct deposit is involved. The planetary energies today don't favor the smooth functioning of computers or other machines. This is a temporary setback and not worth stressing over. Don't give in to the temptation to lose your temper. All will be straightened out and your funds will be in their proper place.
A delivery could come to your house that you find very emotionally moving, Gemini. Perhaps you've received a gift that represents a big sacrifice to the giver, and was all the more sincere for that. This could be on your mind for most of the day even though you have a lot to do. When thanking the giver, be warm and sincere but not too effusive. You don't want to embarrass your friend.
If you're into writing, Gemini, this is the perfect day to sit down and churn out the words, even if it's only a letter to a friend. Your imagination is especially vivid, your expression clear and understandable, and your vocabulary skills especially acute. If this is a thesis or article, you may spend hours on it. Don't worry. It will be that much better for it.

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