Born between: February 20th - March 20th
Pisces can be very shy people who take time to adapt but once they do Piscean makes a valuable friend as they're helpful, unselfish and trustworthy; however they need to be careful to not be too generous or be taken advantage of in all aspects of life.
Today rethink all the social values you take at face value. Like the rest of us, you learned them at an early age and accepted them unthinkingly. Established concepts of propriety are especially deserving of consideration. After hearing for years about all those things that "just aren't done," isn't it refreshing to think that maybe they should be done after all?
If there's something you want to take on, Pisces, today's the day. The celestial aspects will see an increase in physical and mental strength that can work wonders for you. Put any insecurity or lack of confidence in the trash, and take the steps you need to tackle your project or goal. You have the ability to make sound judgments, so put your trust in this talent. Take steps to get what you want.
Don't fear any changes that lie ahead, Pisces. Even if you think you don't adjust well, you have more adaptability than you realize. Without change, life would become stagnant. It wouldn't be long before you became dissatisfied and bored with the same old thing. Try to see change as an adventure and a gateway to greater happiness and fulfillment. Trust your versatility.
If you're feeling tired, Pisces, you may need to lie back, close your eyes, and listen to some soothing music. You work hard most of the time, so it can do your body and mind good to just relax and listen to your favorite music. Why not do this today? Even a few minutes will make a difference. You can always use the quiet time to plan if you have to feel you've accomplished something.
Pisces, personal dignity may be important to you today. This may come about when things go wrong or if you're accused of something you didn't do. You always have control over your dignity. Your daily actions affirm this. The key is to hold on tightly to who you are and what you believe in. Defend your dignity if it's challenged. It's one thing that no one can take from you no matter what.
You're known to be kindhearted. However, being taken advantage of can happen as a result. It's important for you to trust your instincts to prevent this from happening. If what you hear doesn't match your feelings, trust your feelings. If you think you're being used, try to move past it. It would be a real shame if resentment permanently squelched your giving nature.
You may feel insecure about your appearance today, Pisces. This can be a vicious cycle to get into. The result is almost always negative. Rather than pick yourself apart, consider finding ways to accept your looks. Whether it's your weight or age or anything else, if you can't accept yourself, you will always find something wrong no matter how many changes you make.
If you're involved in the study of a particular subject, Pisces, today you might want to bury yourself in your books and learn as much as you can. This is good, because your concentration is especially good. Go to the library or a private room where you won't be distracted and hit the books. Find some new works on the subject if you can. You might discover some surprising information.
Service to others might take up a large part of your day, Pisces, perhaps on an artistic level or maybe in the form of sharing psychic or healing energy. Don't think your efforts are unappreciated. Those you're helping may be reticent about saying anything, but your efforts aren't lost on them. Think of it like a bank. Your friends will be there for you when you need them.
Someone or something may spur you on today, Pisces. You may feel a nagging impulse to get up and do something. Follow that instinct and stop moaning about staying in bed. The practical truth may be sobering, but as you know, balance is key. Bring equilibrium to the situation by taking a good, honest look at your emotional state. Realize what you need to do to keep it running smoothly.
Today you might complete a project that was difficult but important to your career. Acknowledgement of your dedication and hard work could find you more emotionally overwhelmed than makes you comfortable. You may have to make a special effort to control your feelings. You've moved mountains to get where you are and it's nice to be recognized. In the evening, celebrate. You deserve it.
Miscommunication with someone far away could lead to bruised egos, heightened emotions, and angry phone calls. Don't get sucked into a quarrel, Pisces. Try to sort out the problem. Changes in your neighborhood could cause trouble getting around, so be prepared for blocked streets and heavy traffic. Walk, if you can. It will clear your head and get you where you're going more quickly.
You've been working hard to improve your financial situation, Pisces. You might be on the verge of attaining what you want, but temporary obstacles could get in your way. You could be in a bit of a panic, wondering if this means you will never get where you want to be. Don't worry. That isn't the case. You just need to assess the situation and figure out what to do to get over this hurdle.
Information received from far away could compel you to learn more about the subject, Pisces. You might be inspired to use your new knowledge in a project that includes a partner. Your mind is insightful now. If you face decisions, this is definitely the day to follow your heart. Don't be surprised if you also find your telepathic abilities expanded.
You will be in an especially affectionate and loving mood today, Pisces. Your romantic nature is heightened and your nurturing qualities are strong. You're extra sensitive and receptive. You might find that you have no problem communicating your truest feelings to others. Connect with those you feel especially close to, and enjoy an intimate evening.
The desire to make a major purchase of some kind, perhaps a luxury item, might have you counting your pennies today, Pisces. Once they're all counted, you might doubt the wisdom of buying it now. This isn't the day to make a decision either way. Wait a few days and you should see things more clearly and have a better grasp of the situation.
You may be a bit confused today, Pisces. More than likely, it will be hard for you to get an accurate read on your emotions. One of your automatic responses in situations like this is to turn to a close partner for advice. Unfortunately, this advice may throw you into even more of a tailspin. What you need more than anything is to spend quality time alone.
It's hard to keep your balance when a big rock suddenly falls on one side of the scale, Pisces. Resolving the matter isn't as hard as you think, because this rock has been dropped there as a gift. Even though it might be shocking at first, there's an important message in this surprise. The tricky part is figuring out what it is.
If you aren't currently romantically involved, Pisces, today you might suddenly see an old friend or neighbor in a new light. This can be thrilling, but it might not be a good idea to do anything about it just yet. You're feeling especially sensual today, and therefore any attraction you feel could pass by tomorrow. If you're presently involved, schedule a romantic evening with your partner.
Career interests are advanced through clear, logical thinking and the sound application of good business sense. Financial interests look especially promising now, Pisces, so seize any opportunities for advancement that come your way. Working with others is likely to prove profitable, and could bring you closer to them, too. Roll up your sleeves and go to it. The results could surprise you.
Luck is finally on your side, Pisces. And you deserve it, because you really worked hard to get these results in your life. In astrology, as in life, you can't succeed just by sheer luck. Success is often the result of a lot of energy you expend or something you may have changed on the inside. So continue to give off the positive energy that's responsible for your success.
Unfortunately, Pisces, this may be a period of conflict and tension in your family life, especially where siblings are concerned. Don't you think it's time to deal with these problems once and for all? It would be nice to build a new relationship with them. It might be painful, but it's up to you to take the first step. Call a family meeting and put all your cards on the table.
You may be courting your lover today, Pisces. Whether you're in a relationship or starting one, you're in the mood to seduce your partner with a touch of sophistication. It's time to add to your natural charm - a seductive new scent, attractive outfit, or new haircut. Sometimes changing your appearance makes deeper personality changes than you expect.
If you've been investing, look for it to pay off big. Or you could execute a new contract, settle a claim, or even win something. Expect the unexpected where money is concerned. It might have you reeling. In the past few weeks you've been releasing a lot of negative energy and clearing the way for today's good fortune. Plan to have some wonderful dreams tonight as well.
Some upsetting dreams might haunt you today, Pisces. They might evoke some uncomfortable emotional issues. You might be a bit edgy emotionally and more likely to overreact when other people quarrel or machines break down. It might be a good idea to analyze your dreams first thing in the morning so you can learn from and release them. That way you will be more balanced throughout your day.
A message could come today from a business or romantic partner that brings some welcome news, Pisces. Action on an enterprise of some kind, perhaps involving writing or speaking, could put one or both of you in the limelight. Make the most of the opportunity. It could lead to future advancement and exposure, perhaps even more promising than this. You've worked hard and now you're reaping the rewards.
Have you been working hard to attain optimal health, Pisces? If so, you may suddenly notice that your efforts are finally bearing fruit. You should feel especially fit and strong, though maybe a little lightheaded. You will want to increase your exercise, and you have the discipline to do so. Make the most of this drive while you can. Push yourself as hard as you can without stressing out.