Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd
Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.
Upsets regarding your career or the activities that take up most of your time are likely to negatively affect your self-confidence. Don't fall into this trap, Libra. The forces are beyond your control and the situation doesn't reflect any shortcomings on your part. You might have to put in some effort to straighten things out and return to normal. It's a pain, but you'd best do it without delay.
You're flying high at this point, Libra, enjoying the success you've achieved over the past several weeks. Today you could accomplish yet another goal, adding to your feeling of accomplishment. You might plan a vacation or perhaps return to college. The expansion of your horizons hasn't left you complacent. Instead, you want to continue expanding. This is a very positive development. Go for it.
You may be going through a confusing period now, Libra. Today's energy brings these issues into focus. Parts of your life seem to be slapping you in the face, indicating that a drastic life change is coming. Resist the urge to play the victim and let other people grab the reins simply because they act more confidently. This is your life and only you know what's best for you.
The mutual exploration of spiritual and intellectual ideas could bring you closer to friends and lovers. Fascinating discussions open new horizons to all participants. You may be overcome by the strong feeling of unity. By day's end, you could experience a strong spiritual longing to study whatever the topic of conversation was. Don't hesitate. It can only help you grow.
It's time to get up and get moving, Libra. You have tremendous ideas and vision for the future. You have all the information you need. Now all you have to do is act. Step up to the plate and hit one over the fence. Getting out of your box and further into the world at large will do you a great deal of good. Get a greater perspective on things and enjoy time in a new environment.
You're going through a period of major evaluation and assessment of certain life projects. Today's energies bring much of that tension into focus, Libra, and put it right in the place where it affects you most - your heart. You may feel the clock ticking more loudly and have a sense that something holds you back. The situation probably looks worse than it is.
Terrific energy flows your way today, Libra. Make sure that what you're dealing with is genuine. There's a tendency for people to get lost in their fantasy worlds. Be aware that what seems practical today could be the opposite tomorrow. Your emotions may seem confused, but if you concentrate on releasing instead of judging them, you can sail through the day without any trouble.
Just when you thought you had everything planned and working smoothly, Libra, love comes in and clogs up the works. Suddenly your attention is diverted from work as the love of your life catches your eye. This could be a good or bad thing, depending on how you view it. Remember that both aspects of your life are important. The key now is to find a healthy balance between the two.