Aquarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Jan 20th - Feb 19th

Those born under the Aquarian are honest, artistic and loyal in their nature which makes them wonderful friends and family members. However stubborn and defensiveness are characterises attributed to Aquarians.

2025-03-05, Wednesday
A new and previously unacknowledged talent for working in social, humanitarian, or spiritual fields could come to light today, Aquarius. This could have you thinking seriously about changing jobs or pursuing an entirely new career. The opportunities are there if you look. If you're serious about this change, it's best to pursue it now. If you wait too long, the process might prove more difficult.
2024-03-05, Tuesday: On The Ball
Keep your feet on the ground, Aquarius. It's time for your natural self-discipline to feature. Otherwise you are likely to promise more than you can deliver and take on far too many commitments. Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family can be high on your list of priorities. Venus favors redecorating or enhancing the physical appearance of your home; perhaps adding books, music, or art to improve the quality, as well as the looks of your domestic environment. Communicative colors are ultramarine and graphite. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2023-03-05, Sunday: On The Ball
Keep your feet on the ground, Aquarius. It's time for your natural self-discipline to feature. Otherwise you are likely to promise more than you can deliver and take on far too many commitments. Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family can be high on your list of priorities. Venus favors redecorating or enhancing the physical appearance of your home; perhaps adding books, music, or art to improve the quality, as well as the looks of your domestic environment. Communicative colors are ultramarine and graphite. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2022-03-05, Saturday: On The Ball
Keep your feet on the ground, Aquarius. It's time for your natural self-discipline to feature. Otherwise you are likely to promise more than you can deliver and take on far too many commitments. Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family can be high on your list of priorities. Venus favors redecorating or enhancing the physical appearance of your home; perhaps adding books, music, or art to improve the quality, as well as the looks of your domestic environment. Communicative colors are ultramarine and graphite. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2021-03-05, Friday: On The Ball
Keep your feet on the ground, Aquarius. It's time for your natural self-discipline to feature. Otherwise you are likely to promise more than you can deliver and take on far too many commitments. Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family can be high on your list of priorities. Venus favors redecorating or enhancing the physical appearance of your home; perhaps adding books, music, or art to improve the quality, as well as the looks of your domestic environment. Communicative colors are ultramarine and graphite. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2020-03-05, Thursday: On The Ball
Keep your feet on the ground, Aquarius. It's time for your natural self-discipline to feature. Otherwise you are likely to promise more than you can deliver and take on far too many commitments. Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family can be high on your list of priorities. Venus favors redecorating or enhancing the physical appearance of your home; perhaps adding books, music, or art to improve the quality, as well as the looks of your domestic environment. Communicative colors are ultramarine and graphite. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2019-03-05, Tuesday: On The Ball
Keep your feet on the ground, Aquarius. It's time for your natural self-discipline to feature. Otherwise you are likely to promise more than you can deliver and take on far too many commitments. Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family can be high on your list of priorities. Venus favors redecorating or enhancing the physical appearance of your home; perhaps adding books, music, or art to improve the quality, as well as the looks of your domestic environment. Communicative colors are ultramarine and graphite. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2018-03-05, Monday: On The Ball
Keep your feet on the ground, Aquarius. It's time for your natural self-discipline to feature. Otherwise you are likely to promise more than you can deliver and take on far too many commitments. Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family can be high on your list of priorities. Venus favors redecorating or enhancing the physical appearance of your home; perhaps adding books, music, or art to improve the quality, as well as the looks of your domestic environment. Communicative colors are ultramarine and graphite. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2017-03-05, Sunday: On The Ball
Keep your feet on the ground, Aquarius. It's time for your natural self-discipline to feature. Otherwise you are likely to promise more than you can deliver and take on far too many commitments. Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family can be high on your list of priorities. Venus favors redecorating or enhancing the physical appearance of your home; perhaps adding books, music, or art to improve the quality, as well as the looks of your domestic environment. Communicative colors are ultramarine and graphite. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2016-03-05, Saturday: On The Ball
Keep your feet on the ground, Aquarius. It's time for your natural self-discipline to feature. Otherwise you are likely to promise more than you can deliver and take on far too many commitments. Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family can be high on your list of priorities. Venus favors redecorating or enhancing the physical appearance of your home; perhaps adding books, music, or art to improve the quality, as well as the looks of your domestic environment. Communicative colors are ultramarine and graphite. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2015-03-05, Thursday: On The Ball
Keep your feet on the ground, Aquarius. It's time for your natural self-discipline to feature. Otherwise you are likely to promise more than you can deliver and take on far too many commitments. Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family can be high on your list of priorities. Venus favors redecorating or enhancing the physical appearance of your home; perhaps adding books, music, or art to improve the quality, as well as the looks of your domestic environment. Communicative colors are ultramarine and graphite. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2014-03-05, Wednesday: On The Ball
Keep your feet on the ground, Aquarius. It's time for your natural self-discipline to feature. Otherwise you are likely to promise more than you can deliver and take on far too many commitments. Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family can be high on your list of priorities. Venus favors redecorating or enhancing the physical appearance of your home; perhaps adding books, music, or art to improve the quality, as well as the looks of your domestic environment. Communicative colors are ultramarine and graphite. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2012-03-05, Monday: On The Ball
Keep your feet on the ground, Aquarius. It's time for your natural self-discipline to feature. Otherwise you are likely to promise more than you can deliver and take on far too many commitments. Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family can be high on your list of priorities. Venus favors redecorating or enhancing the physical appearance of your home; perhaps adding books, music, or art to improve the quality, as well as the looks of your domestic environment. Communicative colors are ultramarine and graphite. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2011-03-05, Saturday: Feedback
If you can avoid falling out with people who order you around, creative discussions can take place. Two plus two might actually make five as new ideas spill out in a flood. Focus on tasks that require quick thinking, but resist the temptation to jump to conclusions. Try to listen to feedback and advice when you can spare a quiet moment. Fortunate colours are iridescent blue and glossy black. Lucky numbers are 8 and 24.
2010-03-05, Friday: Frustrated
You might be easily frustrated or disappointed today as the Moon and Uranus clash briefly. Don't allow anyone to take advantage of you in this state; if anyone asks you if you can do them a favour, say I don't know; if anyone tries to sell you something, say I'll have to think about it. Don't do anything that will have a big impact on your life or make any important decisions today. It's better to coast along, doing your job and minding your own business. Favourable colours are garnet red and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 17 and 37.
2009-03-05, Thursday: Get Organized
You may still be in a playful mood this morning, but by afternoon it is back to business. The Moon activates your sixth house of health and service, making this a good time to get organized. There are few things more embarrassing than being asked for an important document or other item and not being able to find what should be readily available. See to it you know where everything is. Practical colours are beige and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 6 and 8.
2008-03-05, Wednesday: All Aquarian!
There are four planets in your sign today, making you a 'super Aquarius' in many ways. You'll feel, think, relate and dream in ways that embody the most positive qualities of your sign. You are often unconventional, but in coming weeks are sure to be unique and innovative as you express yourself. Positive colours are electric blue and neon red. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
2006-03-05, Sunday: Charm Quotient
Your charm quotient zooms through the roof today, as glittering Venus enters Aquarius. You will have little trouble obtaining cooperation, as everyone will be falling over themselves to bask in your glow. You'll be able to talk your way in and out of just about anything tonight, so leave room for luscious personal developments. For those who prefer to use their intellects, study and inner growth moves to a new, more structured level. Expressive colours are magenta and amber. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2005-03-05, Saturday: Busy Weeks Ahead
Life will be very busy during the next few weeks, so prepare for a hectic time. You'll be heavily involved in neighbourhood issues and local activities, and may also spend more time than usual with close members of the family. This will also be an excellent chance to boost your communications, whether that means updating your phone, doing lots of visiting or taking the trouble to talk to a certain person. Ambitious colours are gold and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 7 and 29.

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