Aries's Horoscopes |



Born between: March 21st - April 19th

Aries often are active people with great dynamics which allows them to be brave and therefore inspiring to others. Often hot headed those born under Aries will be strong-willed, determined and life-long friends.

2025-02-10, Monday
Your financial situation could undergo some positive upheaval now, probably as the result of a career advance. This process is likely to continue today, Aries, as social events put you in touch with valuable contacts. It might be a good idea to listen to others today and not try to voice ideas of your own or make any decisions. Too much input could lead to mental overload and a lack of focus.
2024-02-10, Saturday: Undivided Attention
As the Moon cruises into airy Libra, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colors are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
2023-02-10, Friday: Undivided Attention
As the Moon cruises into airy Libra, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colors are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
2022-02-10, Thursday: Undivided Attention
As the Moon cruises into airy Libra, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colors are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
2021-02-10, Wednesday: Undivided Attention
As the Moon cruises into airy Libra, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colors are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
2020-02-10, Monday: Undivided Attention
As the Moon cruises into airy Libra, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colors are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
2019-02-10, Sunday: Undivided Attention
As the Moon cruises into airy Libra, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colors are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
2018-02-10, Saturday: Undivided Attention
As the Moon cruises into airy Libra, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colors are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
2017-02-10, Friday: Undivided Attention
As the Moon cruises into airy Libra, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colors are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
2016-02-10, Wednesday: Undivided Attention
As the Moon cruises into airy Libra, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colors are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
2015-02-10, Tuesday: Undivided Attention
As the Moon cruises into airy Libra, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colors are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
2014-02-10, Monday: Undivided Attention
As the Moon cruises into airy Libra, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colors are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
2012-02-10, Friday: Undivided Attention
As the Moon cruises into airy Libra, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colors are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
2011-02-10, Thursday: Responsive Moon
Passionate Venus and transformative Pluto combine to create passion in your life today and you may have a difficult time controlling your reactions. Consider avoiding alcoholic beverages if you feel you may become overly emotional. A romantic evening with someone special could be very exciting and memorable. Channel your energy wisely. Fortunate colours are amethyst purple and flame red. Lucky numbers are 10 and 42.
2010-02-10, Wednesday: Activities with Friends
You may feel over extended as the tender Moon clashes with expansive Jupiter. Fortunately, you have the energy and courage to tackle whatever comes your way. True, you may be exhausted by the end of the day, but you probably will accomplish a great deal. Nagging doubts may be in the back of your mind, causing you some discomfort but just have faith in a positive outcome. Circumstances over the next few weeks bring an increase in communications and activities with friends. Favourable colours are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 17 and 37.
2008-02-10, Sunday: Friendly Delusion
No matter what I tell you, today you'll see only the best in your friends. Sometimes idealism can be a good thing. In other instances, it renders you blind and opens up the potential for hurt. The romanticism you have with friendships could go either way, but one thing is certain, today you'll be inspired by them. Energising colours are azure and warm brown. Lucky numbers are 11 and 47.
2006-02-10, Friday: Affection And Passion
You desire relations with others and passion in the work place, some of you may even combine both. If your work involves something you love, you will relish this day of expression and connection. If not, it will be hard to apply yourself. Singles will need to watch they don't jump into a relationship for the sake of company, but couples will be attached at the hip. Auspicious colours are terracotta and mandarin. Lucky numbers are 14 and 7.
2005-02-10, Thursday: Great Ideas
Friends and partners have some great ideas for you today, so pin back your ears and listen. Let them have their say before you pitch in, especially if you're going to raise some objections to their suggestions. Wait until you've heard the whole story before reaching a decision, because you may suddenly decide that they're right and you'd be foolish to ignore what they're telling you. Dazzling colours are fuchsia and viridian. Lucky numbers are 11 and 68.
2004-02-10, Tuesday: Weighty Matters
As the Moon cruises through airy Libra, fresh from her meeting with sober Saturn, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colours are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.

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