Aries's Horoscopes |



Born between: March 21st - April 19th

Aries often are active people with great dynamics which allows them to be brave and therefore inspiring to others. Often hot headed those born under Aries will be strong-willed, determined and life-long friends.

2025-02-13, Thursday
Worries about a household member could plague you today, Aries. This person might have gone away without telling anyone, or seem upset. Your friend is probably OK but at odds with someone outside the household rather than in it. Let this person work it out in whatever way they see fit. Your companion will share with you when the time is right.
2024-02-13, Tuesday: Burning A Hole
Money is a burning issue today and you need to sort out your spending, especially if joint finances are involved. Don't punish your credit card and keep your urges on a tight rein. With Mercury and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. Keep your own counsel and act judiciously in matters of money. Keep a leash on that fiery temperament as well! Prudent colors are coral and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
2023-02-13, Monday: Burning A Hole
Money is a burning issue today and you need to sort out your spending, especially if joint finances are involved. Don't punish your credit card and keep your urges on a tight rein. With Mercury and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. Keep your own counsel and act judiciously in matters of money. Keep a leash on that fiery temperament as well! Prudent colors are coral and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
2022-02-13, Sunday: Burning A Hole
Money is a burning issue today and you need to sort out your spending, especially if joint finances are involved. Don't punish your credit card and keep your urges on a tight rein. With Mercury and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. Keep your own counsel and act judiciously in matters of money. Keep a leash on that fiery temperament as well! Prudent colors are coral and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
2021-02-13, Saturday: Burning A Hole
Money is a burning issue today and you need to sort out your spending, especially if joint finances are involved. Don't punish your credit card and keep your urges on a tight rein. With Mercury and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. Keep your own counsel and act judiciously in matters of money. Keep a leash on that fiery temperament as well! Prudent colors are coral and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
2020-02-13, Thursday: Burning A Hole
Money is a burning issue today and you need to sort out your spending, especially if joint finances are involved. Don't punish your credit card and keep your urges on a tight rein. With Mercury and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. Keep your own counsel and act judiciously in matters of money. Keep a leash on that fiery temperament as well! Prudent colors are coral and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
2019-02-13, Wednesday: Burning A Hole
Money is a burning issue today and you need to sort out your spending, especially if joint finances are involved. Don't punish your credit card and keep your urges on a tight rein. With Mercury and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. Keep your own counsel and act judiciously in matters of money. Keep a leash on that fiery temperament as well! Prudent colors are coral and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
2018-02-13, Tuesday: Burning A Hole
Money is a burning issue today and you need to sort out your spending, especially if joint finances are involved. Don't punish your credit card and keep your urges on a tight rein. With Mercury and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. Keep your own counsel and act judiciously in matters of money. Keep a leash on that fiery temperament as well! Prudent colors are coral and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
2017-02-13, Monday: Burning A Hole
Money is a burning issue today and you need to sort out your spending, especially if joint finances are involved. Don't punish your credit card and keep your urges on a tight rein. With Mercury and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. Keep your own counsel and act judiciously in matters of money. Keep a leash on that fiery temperament as well! Prudent colors are coral and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
2016-02-13, Saturday: Burning A Hole
Money is a burning issue today and you need to sort out your spending, especially if joint finances are involved. Don't punish your credit card and keep your urges on a tight rein. With Mercury and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. Keep your own counsel and act judiciously in matters of money. Keep a leash on that fiery temperament as well! Prudent colors are coral and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
2015-02-13, Friday: Burning A Hole
Money is a burning issue today and you need to sort out your spending, especially if joint finances are involved. Don't punish your credit card and keep your urges on a tight rein. With Mercury and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. Keep your own counsel and act judiciously in matters of money. Keep a leash on that fiery temperament as well! Prudent colors are coral and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
2014-02-13, Thursday: Burning A Hole
Money is a burning issue today and you need to sort out your spending, especially if joint finances are involved. Don't punish your credit card and keep your urges on a tight rein. With Mercury and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. Keep your own counsel and act judiciously in matters of money. Keep a leash on that fiery temperament as well! Prudent colors are coral and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
2012-02-13, Monday: Burning A Hole
Money is a burning issue today and you need to sort out your spending, especially if joint finances are involved. Don't punish your credit card and keep your urges on a tight rein. With Mercury and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. Keep your own counsel and act judiciously in matters of money. Keep a leash on that fiery temperament as well! Prudent colors are coral and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
2011-02-13, Sunday: Second Wind
It's a truly delightful day and with the Moon in Gemini and your third house of communication, you may feel as though you have caught a second wind. Just when you are trying to relax it seems the phone won't stop ringing; just when you are trying to go to sleep it seems that your mind won't quiet. Skip caffeinated beverages during the afternoon to keep your body on schedule. Auspicious colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
2010-02-13, Saturday: Passion vs Intellect
The combination of intellectual Mercury and passionate Mars make this a topsy-turvy day. Anything can happen, especially where your friends are involved. If you go out tonight, you may end up spending more money than you would like, as you rescue pals from a sticky situation. Communication problems with lovers and friends can be sticky; keep a firm eye on children. Excellent colours are red and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 16.
2008-02-13, Wednesday: Irritant
An authority figure doesn't think your words are so sweet today and you'll have trouble selling your bag of goods. Not the best day to negotiate contracts or make a new purchase, Aries. Something doesn't seem right about the other person's intentions. At the same time, he or she will question yours. Liberating colours are copper and lilac. Lucky numbers are 27 and 30.
2006-02-13, Monday: Full Moon Tolerance
The test of this cycle is to find patience and tolerance for yourself and those around you. You need to develop patience in your romantic life and be tolerant of annoyances from friends. Are you noticing the flaws in what seemed to be a great idea at the time? Romances that are not true connections will not outlast this influence, and friendships that are not strong will be no more. Fortunate colours are peach blossom and lilac. Lucky numbers are 16 and 31.
2005-02-13, Sunday: Relax And Enjoy
No matter what else you've got lined up, try to set aside some time in which you can completely relax and do something you always enjoy. You might want to curl up with the papers, watch a favourite film or go for a walk with a friend. Creative activities are also ideal for you now as they'll give your imagination a chance to blossom. Beautiful colours are apple green and chestnut. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2004-02-13, Friday: Determined Effort
With Mars and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. There may be tasks or responsibilities connected with both your financial and domestic situation. Work your way through the list and you'll be pleased with yourself by the end of the day. Discipline that fiery spirit of yours and keep your nose to the grindstone. You may be near the end of an important task. Earthy colours are terracotta and yellow ochre. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.

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