Unfounded worries about money could plague you today, Pisces. Someone close may have given you some incorrect information, perhaps about your financial situation, but more likely regarding trends in the economy that could affect your finances. Don't waste time worrying. Check out the facts before driving yourself crazy. You will probably find that you've been misinformed.
You could be expecting an important letter, call, or email today, Aquarius, and sit on the edge of your chair waiting for it. This might be from a friend or lover. It could be delayed, and this might get you flustered. Distract yourself and do something else while you wait. If you make good use of the hours, the time will fly by.
Various personal issues might be on your mind today, Capricorn. You could want to work them all out without distractions, so you may decide to spend part of the day alone. Responsibilities from the outside world might make it impossible for you to take as much time as you'd like. Don't let it get to you. Work out the matters that seem most pressing and save the rest for later.
Today you may spend some time by yourself working on your own projects, Sagittarius. The desire to spend time alone with a special someone may also interfere with plans you've already made to attend a social gathering or event involving a lot of people. You won't want to give up either, so you might try to find a compromise of some kind. Think about it.
Artistic or spiritual inspiration could come your way today, Scorpio, although it might be muddled and you could be perplexed about how to deal with it. Don't try to force the issue. Write down your ideas and return to them later. Someone close might feel unwell, and you may want to spend some time with him or her. This might take some effort, but it won't go unappreciated.
Today you could look in the mirror and be appalled by what you see, activating your insecurity about the way you look. This could send you looking for various treatments. Go ahead if you want, Libra, but your impressions are clouded right now and you probably look far better than you think. If you get together with a love partner, this person's reaction should give you the reassurance you need.
Worries about money might plague you today, Virgo. They might have little, if any, basis in fact, as you're probably fretting over possibilities that aren't likely to ever manifest. A little caution with regard to budgeting and spending today certainly won't hurt you. It's best to be objective and see the situation as it really is. Otherwise, you could make yourself crazy over nothing.
Leo, making or receiving an important letter or call regarding money might be on your agenda today, but circumstances beyond your control could delay it. This could prove frustrating. Take care of whatever you have to do. Distract yourself if you have to sit and wait. Nothing is worth stressing over. The call will come in time, so just relax.
Today you might concentrate on projects. These could be related to your personal relationships. Whatever the nature of your tasks, Cancer, don't be surprised if you find them confusing. You might be tempted to chuck it all and go out, but this isn't a good idea. Better to try to make sense of the confusion than put it off. It won't get any better with time.
Today you may want to set aside some time to spend with close friends or a love partner, Gemini. Other responsibilities could have you on your own, taking care of errands and other important matters. You may have the feeling of being lonely in a crowd. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself. Take care of business and get back to your loved ones.
Worries about health and work might be on your mind today, Taurus. You could be stressed out over whatever you're doing, and this might have you feeling less energetic than usual. It's a good idea to work a little to lessen the stress in your life. This feeling is going to pass whatever you do. Try to rest a little and have some fun in spite of the stress.
You don't worry too much, Aries, but today might be different. Insecurity may arise about a partnership. This might be a current or potential romantic relationship. Perhaps there has been little if any communication between you and your insecurity is coming to the forefront. Don't let fear or shyness keep you from meeting this person halfway. Your insecurities are probably unfounded.
2024-01-12, Friday: Get Things Done
With the Moon in your tenth house, keep a good focus on where you're heading. Don't let opportunities or responsibilities slip because you're in a mood or out of sorts. Go in hard and get things done. Don't tread on any toes. The important is for you to push yourself onward, not to drive over the competition. You'll stir up ill feeling if you do. Show a noble spirit. Difficulties or even clashes may be aroused, but any effort put in now will serve you later on. Auspicious colours are navy blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2024-01-12, Friday: First Out
There is no reward for coming second now, dear Crabs. You need to be first out of the gate if you hope to make any real progress. Is an important relationship in a state of flux? Think about others as well as yourself. Communication is the key, especially if the law is involved. There's a lot to do, but you should be able to accomplish everything on your list if you plan things in advance. Fortunate colours are rich red and laurel green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2024-01-12, Friday: Friends In Need
Don't worry about what others think, just do what you know is right. Don't be too eager to pay for others or bail them out of trouble -- you can't take responsibility for others all the time. Find out if they are worthy of your help and don't let yourself be taken for granted. You may find yourself doing more travel, probably related to business in the near future. Fortunate colours are azure blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
2024-01-12, Friday: Sense Of Purpose
The Moon in Virgo is activating the associations and connections that you maintain in the wider picture. A few ups and downs may come at the beginning of the day, so just maintain your customary cool. As the evening gathers, your mood could take a more inward line as weighty matters gather, pulling your attention away from the numbers around you. Issues of finance and partnership and the links between them could be on the agenda. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2024-01-12, Friday: Emotional Triumph
Count to ten, Leo... That's about how long it will take you to calm down during this confusing time. Breathe deeply every chance you get. This collection of minor monetary annoyances sent by the Virgo Moon is due to be scattered by a sudden gust of wind. There are plenty of other people in your life, but you remain your own best friend. Trust only those you know are on your side. Expect an emotional triumph as the day draws to a close. Favourable colours are warm brown and fiery orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
2024-01-12, Friday: Sharp Intuition
You have sharp intuition and a better understanding of the material world around you today. No need to become impatient or irritable, because things will improve drastically after one or two good nights' sleep. It's time to reassess your budget: are you living beyond your means? If so, you may need to seek professional help where your finances are concerned. Fortunate colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2024-01-12, Friday: Valuable Information
Some valuable information may be uncovered today, but don't risk anything you can't afford to lose in the long run. If you prepare cheerfully for the worst, you may not be inconvenienced by what actually happens. Deal with issues at home before business-related problems. At the end of the day, your family members might be the only people you can really rely on. Beneficial colours are sky blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2024-01-12, Friday: Push And Pull
If you can be patient and knuckle down, you'll do very well. The trouble with the current cosmic influence is that it tends to make you erratic. You are disciplined for a little while, but then you become resentful and fly off the handle. Bulls are very hard workers, so just keep your head down and your tail up. Keep your ear to the ground too, because some good luck is heading your way. I'm glad to see you're a good contortionist! Positive colours are dark tan and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
2024-01-12, Friday: Good Buys
Do not become fanatical about your fantasies, dear Fishies, and do not get carried away with your own importance. Pay attention to your significant other, or some nasty ingredients may find their way into your lunchbox! Uh oh... This said, there is quite a flavour of good fortune in the mix, so take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Valuable information can be gleaned from an older relative who shares your interests. An antique auction or a flea market will provide some good buys. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2024-01-12, Friday: Good News
As the Moon steps into Virgo, all that energy you have put into work, health or new daily regimes starts to come to fruition. You may need to tune up your negotiation skills; remember that there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Financial developments look lucky and good news is in the wind. Profitable colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2024-01-12, Friday: Daily Grind
Today's Virgo Moon could have you trying to get on with the daily grind, only to be confronted by unexpected annoyances or developments. Just try to ride out what doesn't work for you. A forgotten detail or a neglected process may interfere with shared financial issues at hand. Good communications with loved ones could offset the effect of a series of minor irritations. Favourable colours are copper and red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
2024-01-12, Friday: Irresistible You
Your communication skills are in top gear today, dear Virgo, and people do listen a lot more when you make them irresistible offers! It's okay to have several programs running at once, as long as you can manage them. If you don't already have one, this is a good time to invest in an electronic organizer. If there isn't some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, find another tunnel. Advantageous colours are deep purple and light tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2023-01-12, Thursday: Sense Of Purpose
The Moon in Virgo is activating the associations and connections that you maintain in the wider picture. A few ups and downs may come at the beginning of the day, so just maintain your customary cool. As the evening gathers, your mood could take a more inward line as weighty matters gather, pulling your attention away from the numbers around you. Issues of finance and partnership and the links between them could be on the agenda. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2023-01-12, Thursday: Push And Pull
If you can be patient and knuckle down, you'll do very well. The trouble with the current cosmic influence is that it tends to make you erratic. You are disciplined for a little while, but then you become resentful and fly off the handle. Bulls are very hard workers, so just keep your head down and your tail up. Keep your ear to the ground too, because some good luck is heading your way. I'm glad to see you're a good contortionist! Positive colours are dark tan and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
2023-01-12, Thursday: Good Buys
Do not become fanatical about your fantasies, dear Fishies, and do not get carried away with your own importance. Pay attention to your significant other, or some nasty ingredients may find their way into your lunchbox! Uh oh... This said, there is quite a flavour of good fortune in the mix, so take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Valuable information can be gleaned from an older relative who shares your interests. An antique auction or a flea market will provide some good buys. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2023-01-12, Thursday: Get Things Done
With the Moon in your tenth house, keep a good focus on where you're heading. Don't let opportunities or responsibilities slip because you're in a mood or out of sorts. Go in hard and get things done. Don't tread on any toes. The important is for you to push yourself onward, not to drive over the competition. You'll stir up ill feeling if you do. Show a noble spirit. Difficulties or even clashes may be aroused, but any effort put in now will serve you later on. Auspicious colours are navy blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2023-01-12, Thursday: Irresistible You
Your communication skills are in top gear today, dear Virgo, and people do listen a lot more when you make them irresistible offers! It's okay to have several programs running at once, as long as you can manage them. If you don't already have one, this is a good time to invest in an electronic organizer. If there isn't some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, find another tunnel. Advantageous colours are deep purple and light tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2023-01-12, Thursday: Good News
As the Moon steps into Virgo, all that energy you have put into work, health or new daily regimes starts to come to fruition. You may need to tune up your negotiation skills; remember that there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Financial developments look lucky and good news is in the wind. Profitable colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2023-01-12, Thursday: Valuable Information
Some valuable information may be uncovered today, but don't risk anything you can't afford to lose in the long run. If you prepare cheerfully for the worst, you may not be inconvenienced by what actually happens. Deal with issues at home before business-related problems. At the end of the day, your family members might be the only people you can really rely on. Beneficial colours are sky blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2023-01-12, Thursday: Sharp Intuition
You have sharp intuition and a better understanding of the material world around you today. No need to become impatient or irritable, because things will improve drastically after one or two good nights' sleep. It's time to reassess your budget: are you living beyond your means? If so, you may need to seek professional help where your finances are concerned. Fortunate colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2023-01-12, Thursday: Daily Grind
Today's Virgo Moon could have you trying to get on with the daily grind, only to be confronted by unexpected annoyances or developments. Just try to ride out what doesn't work for you. A forgotten detail or a neglected process may interfere with shared financial issues at hand. Good communications with loved ones could offset the effect of a series of minor irritations. Favourable colours are copper and red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
2023-01-12, Thursday: Emotional Triumph
Count to ten, Leo... That's about how long it will take you to calm down during this confusing time. Breathe deeply every chance you get. This collection of minor monetary annoyances sent by the Virgo Moon is due to be scattered by a sudden gust of wind. There are plenty of other people in your life, but you remain your own best friend. Trust only those you know are on your side. Expect an emotional triumph as the day draws to a close. Favourable colours are warm brown and fiery orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
2023-01-12, Thursday: First Out
There is no reward for coming second now, dear Crabs. You need to be first out of the gate if you hope to make any real progress. Is an important relationship in a state of flux? Think about others as well as yourself. Communication is the key, especially if the law is involved. There's a lot to do, but you should be able to accomplish everything on your list if you plan things in advance. Fortunate colours are rich red and laurel green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2023-01-12, Thursday: Friends In Need
Don't worry about what others think, just do what you know is right. Don't be too eager to pay for others or bail them out of trouble -- you can't take responsibility for others all the time. Find out if they are worthy of your help and don't let yourself be taken for granted. You may find yourself doing more travel, probably related to business in the near future. Fortunate colours are azure blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
2022-01-12, Wednesday: Good News
As the Moon steps into Virgo, all that energy you have put into work, health or new daily regimes starts to come to fruition. You may need to tune up your negotiation skills; remember that there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Financial developments look lucky and good news is in the wind. Profitable colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2022-01-12, Wednesday: Daily Grind
Today's Virgo Moon could have you trying to get on with the daily grind, only to be confronted by unexpected annoyances or developments. Just try to ride out what doesn't work for you. A forgotten detail or a neglected process may interfere with shared financial issues at hand. Good communications with loved ones could offset the effect of a series of minor irritations. Favourable colours are copper and red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
2022-01-12, Wednesday: Sharp Intuition
You have sharp intuition and a better understanding of the material world around you today. No need to become impatient or irritable, because things will improve drastically after one or two good nights' sleep. It's time to reassess your budget: are you living beyond your means? If so, you may need to seek professional help where your finances are concerned. Fortunate colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2022-01-12, Wednesday: Get Things Done
With the Moon in your tenth house, keep a good focus on where you're heading. Don't let opportunities or responsibilities slip because you're in a mood or out of sorts. Go in hard and get things done. Don't tread on any toes. The important is for you to push yourself onward, not to drive over the competition. You'll stir up ill feeling if you do. Show a noble spirit. Difficulties or even clashes may be aroused, but any effort put in now will serve you later on. Auspicious colours are navy blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2022-01-12, Wednesday: Irresistible You
Your communication skills are in top gear today, dear Virgo, and people do listen a lot more when you make them irresistible offers! It's okay to have several programs running at once, as long as you can manage them. If you don't already have one, this is a good time to invest in an electronic organizer. If there isn't some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, find another tunnel. Advantageous colours are deep purple and light tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2022-01-12, Wednesday: Emotional Triumph
Count to ten, Leo... That's about how long it will take you to calm down during this confusing time. Breathe deeply every chance you get. This collection of minor monetary annoyances sent by the Virgo Moon is due to be scattered by a sudden gust of wind. There are plenty of other people in your life, but you remain your own best friend. Trust only those you know are on your side. Expect an emotional triumph as the day draws to a close. Favourable colours are warm brown and fiery orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
2022-01-12, Wednesday: First Out
There is no reward for coming second now, dear Crabs. You need to be first out of the gate if you hope to make any real progress. Is an important relationship in a state of flux? Think about others as well as yourself. Communication is the key, especially if the law is involved. There's a lot to do, but you should be able to accomplish everything on your list if you plan things in advance. Fortunate colours are rich red and laurel green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2022-01-12, Wednesday: Good Buys
Do not become fanatical about your fantasies, dear Fishies, and do not get carried away with your own importance. Pay attention to your significant other, or some nasty ingredients may find their way into your lunchbox! Uh oh... This said, there is quite a flavour of good fortune in the mix, so take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Valuable information can be gleaned from an older relative who shares your interests. An antique auction or a flea market will provide some good buys. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2022-01-12, Wednesday: Sense Of Purpose
The Moon in Virgo is activating the associations and connections that you maintain in the wider picture. A few ups and downs may come at the beginning of the day, so just maintain your customary cool. As the evening gathers, your mood could take a more inward line as weighty matters gather, pulling your attention away from the numbers around you. Issues of finance and partnership and the links between them could be on the agenda. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2022-01-12, Wednesday: Valuable Information
Some valuable information may be uncovered today, but don't risk anything you can't afford to lose in the long run. If you prepare cheerfully for the worst, you may not be inconvenienced by what actually happens. Deal with issues at home before business-related problems. At the end of the day, your family members might be the only people you can really rely on. Beneficial colours are sky blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2022-01-12, Wednesday: Friends In Need
Don't worry about what others think, just do what you know is right. Don't be too eager to pay for others or bail them out of trouble -- you can't take responsibility for others all the time. Find out if they are worthy of your help and don't let yourself be taken for granted. You may find yourself doing more travel, probably related to business in the near future. Fortunate colours are azure blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
2022-01-12, Wednesday: Push And Pull
If you can be patient and knuckle down, you'll do very well. The trouble with the current cosmic influence is that it tends to make you erratic. You are disciplined for a little while, but then you become resentful and fly off the handle. Bulls are very hard workers, so just keep your head down and your tail up. Keep your ear to the ground too, because some good luck is heading your way. I'm glad to see you're a good contortionist! Positive colours are dark tan and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
2021-01-12, Tuesday: Good Buys
Do not become fanatical about your fantasies, dear Fishies, and do not get carried away with your own importance. Pay attention to your significant other, or some nasty ingredients may find their way into your lunchbox! Uh oh... This said, there is quite a flavour of good fortune in the mix, so take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Valuable information can be gleaned from an older relative who shares your interests. An antique auction or a flea market will provide some good buys. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2021-01-12, Tuesday: Daily Grind
Today's Virgo Moon could have you trying to get on with the daily grind, only to be confronted by unexpected annoyances or developments. Just try to ride out what doesn't work for you. A forgotten detail or a neglected process may interfere with shared financial issues at hand. Good communications with loved ones could offset the effect of a series of minor irritations. Favourable colours are copper and red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
2021-01-12, Tuesday: Sharp Intuition
You have sharp intuition and a better understanding of the material world around you today. No need to become impatient or irritable, because things will improve drastically after one or two good nights' sleep. It's time to reassess your budget: are you living beyond your means? If so, you may need to seek professional help where your finances are concerned. Fortunate colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2021-01-12, Tuesday: Get Things Done
With the Moon in your tenth house, keep a good focus on where you're heading. Don't let opportunities or responsibilities slip because you're in a mood or out of sorts. Go in hard and get things done. Don't tread on any toes. The important is for you to push yourself onward, not to drive over the competition. You'll stir up ill feeling if you do. Show a noble spirit. Difficulties or even clashes may be aroused, but any effort put in now will serve you later on. Auspicious colours are navy blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2021-01-12, Tuesday: Sense Of Purpose
The Moon in Virgo is activating the associations and connections that you maintain in the wider picture. A few ups and downs may come at the beginning of the day, so just maintain your customary cool. As the evening gathers, your mood could take a more inward line as weighty matters gather, pulling your attention away from the numbers around you. Issues of finance and partnership and the links between them could be on the agenda. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2021-01-12, Tuesday: Valuable Information
Some valuable information may be uncovered today, but don't risk anything you can't afford to lose in the long run. If you prepare cheerfully for the worst, you may not be inconvenienced by what actually happens. Deal with issues at home before business-related problems. At the end of the day, your family members might be the only people you can really rely on. Beneficial colours are sky blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2021-01-12, Tuesday: Irresistible You
Your communication skills are in top gear today, dear Virgo, and people do listen a lot more when you make them irresistible offers! It's okay to have several programs running at once, as long as you can manage them. If you don't already have one, this is a good time to invest in an electronic organizer. If there isn't some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, find another tunnel. Advantageous colours are deep purple and light tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2021-01-12, Tuesday: Emotional Triumph
Count to ten, Leo... That's about how long it will take you to calm down during this confusing time. Breathe deeply every chance you get. This collection of minor monetary annoyances sent by the Virgo Moon is due to be scattered by a sudden gust of wind. There are plenty of other people in your life, but you remain your own best friend. Trust only those you know are on your side. Expect an emotional triumph as the day draws to a close. Favourable colours are warm brown and fiery orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
2021-01-12, Tuesday: First Out
There is no reward for coming second now, dear Crabs. You need to be first out of the gate if you hope to make any real progress. Is an important relationship in a state of flux? Think about others as well as yourself. Communication is the key, especially if the law is involved. There's a lot to do, but you should be able to accomplish everything on your list if you plan things in advance. Fortunate colours are rich red and laurel green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2021-01-12, Tuesday: Friends In Need
Don't worry about what others think, just do what you know is right. Don't be too eager to pay for others or bail them out of trouble -- you can't take responsibility for others all the time. Find out if they are worthy of your help and don't let yourself be taken for granted. You may find yourself doing more travel, probably related to business in the near future. Fortunate colours are azure blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
2021-01-12, Tuesday: Push And Pull
If you can be patient and knuckle down, you'll do very well. The trouble with the current cosmic influence is that it tends to make you erratic. You are disciplined for a little while, but then you become resentful and fly off the handle. Bulls are very hard workers, so just keep your head down and your tail up. Keep your ear to the ground too, because some good luck is heading your way. I'm glad to see you're a good contortionist! Positive colours are dark tan and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
2021-01-12, Tuesday: Good News
As the Moon steps into Virgo, all that energy you have put into work, health or new daily regimes starts to come to fruition. You may need to tune up your negotiation skills; remember that there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Financial developments look lucky and good news is in the wind. Profitable colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2020-01-12, Sunday: Good Buys
Do not become fanatical about your fantasies, dear Fishies, and do not get carried away with your own importance. Pay attention to your significant other, or some nasty ingredients may find their way into your lunchbox! Uh oh... This said, there is quite a flavour of good fortune in the mix, so take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Valuable information can be gleaned from an older relative who shares your interests. An antique auction or a flea market will provide some good buys. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2020-01-12, Sunday: Daily Grind
Today's Virgo Moon could have you trying to get on with the daily grind, only to be confronted by unexpected annoyances or developments. Just try to ride out what doesn't work for you. A forgotten detail or a neglected process may interfere with shared financial issues at hand. Good communications with loved ones could offset the effect of a series of minor irritations. Favourable colours are copper and red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
2020-01-12, Sunday: Sharp Intuition
You have sharp intuition and a better understanding of the material world around you today. No need to become impatient or irritable, because things will improve drastically after one or two good nights' sleep. It's time to reassess your budget: are you living beyond your means? If so, you may need to seek professional help where your finances are concerned. Fortunate colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2020-01-12, Sunday: Get Things Done
With the Moon in your tenth house, keep a good focus on where you're heading. Don't let opportunities or responsibilities slip because you're in a mood or out of sorts. Go in hard and get things done. Don't tread on any toes. The important is for you to push yourself onward, not to drive over the competition. You'll stir up ill feeling if you do. Show a noble spirit. Difficulties or even clashes may be aroused, but any effort put in now will serve you later on. Auspicious colours are navy blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2020-01-12, Sunday: Sense Of Purpose
The Moon in Virgo is activating the associations and connections that you maintain in the wider picture. A few ups and downs may come at the beginning of the day, so just maintain your customary cool. As the evening gathers, your mood could take a more inward line as weighty matters gather, pulling your attention away from the numbers around you. Issues of finance and partnership and the links between them could be on the agenda. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2020-01-12, Sunday: Valuable Information
Some valuable information may be uncovered today, but don't risk anything you can't afford to lose in the long run. If you prepare cheerfully for the worst, you may not be inconvenienced by what actually happens. Deal with issues at home before business-related problems. At the end of the day, your family members might be the only people you can really rely on. Beneficial colours are sky blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2020-01-12, Sunday: Irresistible You
Your communication skills are in top gear today, dear Virgo, and people do listen a lot more when you make them irresistible offers! It's okay to have several programs running at once, as long as you can manage them. If you don't already have one, this is a good time to invest in an electronic organizer. If there isn't some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, find another tunnel. Advantageous colours are deep purple and light tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2020-01-12, Sunday: Emotional Triumph
Count to ten, Leo... That's about how long it will take you to calm down during this confusing time. Breathe deeply every chance you get. This collection of minor monetary annoyances sent by the Virgo Moon is due to be scattered by a sudden gust of wind. There are plenty of other people in your life, but you remain your own best friend. Trust only those you know are on your side. Expect an emotional triumph as the day draws to a close. Favourable colours are warm brown and fiery orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
2020-01-12, Sunday: First Out
There is no reward for coming second now, dear Crabs. You need to be first out of the gate if you hope to make any real progress. Is an important relationship in a state of flux? Think about others as well as yourself. Communication is the key, especially if the law is involved. There's a lot to do, but you should be able to accomplish everything on your list if you plan things in advance. Fortunate colours are rich red and laurel green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2020-01-12, Sunday: Friends In Need
Don't worry about what others think, just do what you know is right. Don't be too eager to pay for others or bail them out of trouble -- you can't take responsibility for others all the time. Find out if they are worthy of your help and don't let yourself be taken for granted. You may find yourself doing more travel, probably related to business in the near future. Fortunate colours are azure blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
2020-01-12, Sunday: Push And Pull
If you can be patient and knuckle down, you'll do very well. The trouble with the current cosmic influence is that it tends to make you erratic. You are disciplined for a little while, but then you become resentful and fly off the handle. Bulls are very hard workers, so just keep your head down and your tail up. Keep your ear to the ground too, because some good luck is heading your way. I'm glad to see you're a good contortionist! Positive colours are dark tan and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
2020-01-12, Sunday: Good News
As the Moon steps into Virgo, all that energy you have put into work, health or new daily regimes starts to come to fruition. You may need to tune up your negotiation skills; remember that there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Financial developments look lucky and good news is in the wind. Profitable colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2019-01-12, Saturday: Good Buys
Do not become fanatical about your fantasies, dear Fishies, and do not get carried away with your own importance. Pay attention to your significant other, or some nasty ingredients may find their way into your lunchbox! Uh oh... This said, there is quite a flavour of good fortune in the mix, so take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Valuable information can be gleaned from an older relative who shares your interests. An antique auction or a flea market will provide some good buys. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2019-01-12, Saturday: Daily Grind
Today's Virgo Moon could have you trying to get on with the daily grind, only to be confronted by unexpected annoyances or developments. Just try to ride out what doesn't work for you. A forgotten detail or a neglected process may interfere with shared financial issues at hand. Good communications with loved ones could offset the effect of a series of minor irritations. Favourable colours are copper and red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
2019-01-12, Saturday: Sharp Intuition
You have sharp intuition and a better understanding of the material world around you today. No need to become impatient or irritable, because things will improve drastically after one or two good nights' sleep. It's time to reassess your budget: are you living beyond your means? If so, you may need to seek professional help where your finances are concerned. Fortunate colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2019-01-12, Saturday: Get Things Done
With the Moon in your tenth house, keep a good focus on where you're heading. Don't let opportunities or responsibilities slip because you're in a mood or out of sorts. Go in hard and get things done. Don't tread on any toes. The important is for you to push yourself onward, not to drive over the competition. You'll stir up ill feeling if you do. Show a noble spirit. Difficulties or even clashes may be aroused, but any effort put in now will serve you later on. Auspicious colours are navy blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2019-01-12, Saturday: Sense Of Purpose
The Moon in Virgo is activating the associations and connections that you maintain in the wider picture. A few ups and downs may come at the beginning of the day, so just maintain your customary cool. As the evening gathers, your mood could take a more inward line as weighty matters gather, pulling your attention away from the numbers around you. Issues of finance and partnership and the links between them could be on the agenda. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2019-01-12, Saturday: Valuable Information
Some valuable information may be uncovered today, but don't risk anything you can't afford to lose in the long run. If you prepare cheerfully for the worst, you may not be inconvenienced by what actually happens. Deal with issues at home before business-related problems. At the end of the day, your family members might be the only people you can really rely on. Beneficial colours are sky blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2019-01-12, Saturday: Irresistible You
Your communication skills are in top gear today, dear Virgo, and people do listen a lot more when you make them irresistible offers! It's okay to have several programs running at once, as long as you can manage them. If you don't already have one, this is a good time to invest in an electronic organizer. If there isn't some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, find another tunnel. Advantageous colours are deep purple and light tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2019-01-12, Saturday: Emotional Triumph
Count to ten, Leo... That's about how long it will take you to calm down during this confusing time. Breathe deeply every chance you get. This collection of minor monetary annoyances sent by the Virgo Moon is due to be scattered by a sudden gust of wind. There are plenty of other people in your life, but you remain your own best friend. Trust only those you know are on your side. Expect an emotional triumph as the day draws to a close. Favourable colours are warm brown and fiery orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
2019-01-12, Saturday: First Out
There is no reward for coming second now, dear Crabs. You need to be first out of the gate if you hope to make any real progress. Is an important relationship in a state of flux? Think about others as well as yourself. Communication is the key, especially if the law is involved. There's a lot to do, but you should be able to accomplish everything on your list if you plan things in advance. Fortunate colours are rich red and laurel green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2019-01-12, Saturday: Friends In Need
Don't worry about what others think, just do what you know is right. Don't be too eager to pay for others or bail them out of trouble -- you can't take responsibility for others all the time. Find out if they are worthy of your help and don't let yourself be taken for granted. You may find yourself doing more travel, probably related to business in the near future. Fortunate colours are azure blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
2019-01-12, Saturday: Push And Pull
If you can be patient and knuckle down, you'll do very well. The trouble with the current cosmic influence is that it tends to make you erratic. You are disciplined for a little while, but then you become resentful and fly off the handle. Bulls are very hard workers, so just keep your head down and your tail up. Keep your ear to the ground too, because some good luck is heading your way. I'm glad to see you're a good contortionist! Positive colours are dark tan and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
2019-01-12, Saturday: Good News
As the Moon steps into Virgo, all that energy you have put into work, health or new daily regimes starts to come to fruition. You may need to tune up your negotiation skills; remember that there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Financial developments look lucky and good news is in the wind. Profitable colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2018-01-12, Friday: Good Buys
Do not become fanatical about your fantasies, dear Fishies, and do not get carried away with your own importance. Pay attention to your significant other, or some nasty ingredients may find their way into your lunchbox! Uh oh... This said, there is quite a flavour of good fortune in the mix, so take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Valuable information can be gleaned from an older relative who shares your interests. An antique auction or a flea market will provide some good buys. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2018-01-12, Friday: Daily Grind
Today's Virgo Moon could have you trying to get on with the daily grind, only to be confronted by unexpected annoyances or developments. Just try to ride out what doesn't work for you. A forgotten detail or a neglected process may interfere with shared financial issues at hand. Good communications with loved ones could offset the effect of a series of minor irritations. Favourable colours are copper and red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
2018-01-12, Friday: Sharp Intuition
You have sharp intuition and a better understanding of the material world around you today. No need to become impatient or irritable, because things will improve drastically after one or two good nights' sleep. It's time to reassess your budget: are you living beyond your means? If so, you may need to seek professional help where your finances are concerned. Fortunate colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2018-01-12, Friday: Get Things Done
With the Moon in your tenth house, keep a good focus on where you're heading. Don't let opportunities or responsibilities slip because you're in a mood or out of sorts. Go in hard and get things done. Don't tread on any toes. The important is for you to push yourself onward, not to drive over the competition. You'll stir up ill feeling if you do. Show a noble spirit. Difficulties or even clashes may be aroused, but any effort put in now will serve you later on. Auspicious colours are navy blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2018-01-12, Friday: Sense Of Purpose
The Moon in Virgo is activating the associations and connections that you maintain in the wider picture. A few ups and downs may come at the beginning of the day, so just maintain your customary cool. As the evening gathers, your mood could take a more inward line as weighty matters gather, pulling your attention away from the numbers around you. Issues of finance and partnership and the links between them could be on the agenda. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2018-01-12, Friday: Valuable Information
Some valuable information may be uncovered today, but don't risk anything you can't afford to lose in the long run. If you prepare cheerfully for the worst, you may not be inconvenienced by what actually happens. Deal with issues at home before business-related problems. At the end of the day, your family members might be the only people you can really rely on. Beneficial colours are sky blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2018-01-12, Friday: Irresistible You
Your communication skills are in top gear today, dear Virgo, and people do listen a lot more when you make them irresistible offers! It's okay to have several programs running at once, as long as you can manage them. If you don't already have one, this is a good time to invest in an electronic organizer. If there isn't some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, find another tunnel. Advantageous colours are deep purple and light tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2018-01-12, Friday: Emotional Triumph
Count to ten, Leo... That's about how long it will take you to calm down during this confusing time. Breathe deeply every chance you get. This collection of minor monetary annoyances sent by the Virgo Moon is due to be scattered by a sudden gust of wind. There are plenty of other people in your life, but you remain your own best friend. Trust only those you know are on your side. Expect an emotional triumph as the day draws to a close. Favourable colours are warm brown and fiery orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
2018-01-12, Friday: First Out
There is no reward for coming second now, dear Crabs. You need to be first out of the gate if you hope to make any real progress. Is an important relationship in a state of flux? Think about others as well as yourself. Communication is the key, especially if the law is involved. There's a lot to do, but you should be able to accomplish everything on your list if you plan things in advance. Fortunate colours are rich red and laurel green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2018-01-12, Friday: Friends In Need
Don't worry about what others think, just do what you know is right. Don't be too eager to pay for others or bail them out of trouble -- you can't take responsibility for others all the time. Find out if they are worthy of your help and don't let yourself be taken for granted. You may find yourself doing more travel, probably related to business in the near future. Fortunate colours are azure blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
2018-01-12, Friday: Push And Pull
If you can be patient and knuckle down, you'll do very well. The trouble with the current cosmic influence is that it tends to make you erratic. You are disciplined for a little while, but then you become resentful and fly off the handle. Bulls are very hard workers, so just keep your head down and your tail up. Keep your ear to the ground too, because some good luck is heading your way. I'm glad to see you're a good contortionist! Positive colours are dark tan and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
2018-01-12, Friday: Good News
As the Moon steps into Virgo, all that energy you have put into work, health or new daily regimes starts to come to fruition. You may need to tune up your negotiation skills; remember that there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Financial developments look lucky and good news is in the wind. Profitable colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2017-01-12, Thursday: Sense Of Purpose
The Moon in Virgo is activating the associations and connections that you maintain in the wider picture. A few ups and downs may come at the beginning of the day, so just maintain your customary cool. As the evening gathers, your mood could take a more inward line as weighty matters gather, pulling your attention away from the numbers around you. Issues of finance and partnership and the links between them could be on the agenda. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2017-01-12, Thursday: Valuable Information
Some valuable information may be uncovered today, but don't risk anything you can't afford to lose in the long run. If you prepare cheerfully for the worst, you may not be inconvenienced by what actually happens. Deal with issues at home before business-related problems. At the end of the day, your family members might be the only people you can really rely on. Beneficial colours are sky blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2017-01-12, Thursday: Good Buys
Do not become fanatical about your fantasies, dear Fishies, and do not get carried away with your own importance. Pay attention to your significant other, or some nasty ingredients may find their way into your lunchbox! Uh oh... This said, there is quite a flavour of good fortune in the mix, so take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Valuable information can be gleaned from an older relative who shares your interests. An antique auction or a flea market will provide some good buys. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2017-01-12, Thursday: Daily Grind
Today's Virgo Moon could have you trying to get on with the daily grind, only to be confronted by unexpected annoyances or developments. Just try to ride out what doesn't work for you. A forgotten detail or a neglected process may interfere with shared financial issues at hand. Good communications with loved ones could offset the effect of a series of minor irritations. Favourable colours are copper and red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
2017-01-12, Thursday: Sharp Intuition
You have sharp intuition and a better understanding of the material world around you today. No need to become impatient or irritable, because things will improve drastically after one or two good nights' sleep. It's time to reassess your budget: are you living beyond your means? If so, you may need to seek professional help where your finances are concerned. Fortunate colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2017-01-12, Thursday: Get Things Done
With the Moon in your tenth house, keep a good focus on where you're heading. Don't let opportunities or responsibilities slip because you're in a mood or out of sorts. Go in hard and get things done. Don't tread on any toes. The important is for you to push yourself onward, not to drive over the competition. You'll stir up ill feeling if you do. Show a noble spirit. Difficulties or even clashes may be aroused, but any effort put in now will serve you later on. Auspicious colours are navy blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2017-01-12, Thursday: Irresistible You
Your communication skills are in top gear today, dear Virgo, and people do listen a lot more when you make them irresistible offers! It's okay to have several programs running at once, as long as you can manage them. If you don't already have one, this is a good time to invest in an electronic organizer. If there isn't some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, find another tunnel. Advantageous colours are deep purple and light tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2017-01-12, Thursday: Emotional Triumph
Count to ten, Leo... That's about how long it will take you to calm down during this confusing time. Breathe deeply every chance you get. This collection of minor monetary annoyances sent by the Virgo Moon is due to be scattered by a sudden gust of wind. There are plenty of other people in your life, but you remain your own best friend. Trust only those you know are on your side. Expect an emotional triumph as the day draws to a close. Favourable colours are warm brown and fiery orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
2017-01-12, Thursday: First Out
There is no reward for coming second now, dear Crabs. You need to be first out of the gate if you hope to make any real progress. Is an important relationship in a state of flux? Think about others as well as yourself. Communication is the key, especially if the law is involved. There's a lot to do, but you should be able to accomplish everything on your list if you plan things in advance. Fortunate colours are rich red and laurel green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2017-01-12, Thursday: Friends In Need
Don't worry about what others think, just do what you know is right. Don't be too eager to pay for others or bail them out of trouble -- you can't take responsibility for others all the time. Find out if they are worthy of your help and don't let yourself be taken for granted. You may find yourself doing more travel, probably related to business in the near future. Fortunate colours are azure blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
2017-01-12, Thursday: Push And Pull
If you can be patient and knuckle down, you'll do very well. The trouble with the current cosmic influence is that it tends to make you erratic. You are disciplined for a little while, but then you become resentful and fly off the handle. Bulls are very hard workers, so just keep your head down and your tail up. Keep your ear to the ground too, because some good luck is heading your way. I'm glad to see you're a good contortionist! Positive colours are dark tan and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
2017-01-12, Thursday: Good News
As the Moon steps into Virgo, all that energy you have put into work, health or new daily regimes starts to come to fruition. You may need to tune up your negotiation skills; remember that there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Financial developments look lucky and good news is in the wind. Profitable colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2016-01-12, Tuesday: Good Buys
Do not become fanatical about your fantasies, dear Fishies, and do not get carried away with your own importance. Pay attention to your significant other, or some nasty ingredients may find their way into your lunchbox! Uh oh... This said, there is quite a flavour of good fortune in the mix, so take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Valuable information can be gleaned from an older relative who shares your interests. An antique auction or a flea market will provide some good buys. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2016-01-12, Tuesday: Sharp Intuition
You have sharp intuition and a better understanding of the material world around you today. No need to become impatient or irritable, because things will improve drastically after one or two good nights' sleep. It's time to reassess your budget: are you living beyond your means? If so, you may need to seek professional help where your finances are concerned. Fortunate colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2016-01-12, Tuesday: Get Things Done
With the Moon in your tenth house, keep a good focus on where you're heading. Don't let opportunities or responsibilities slip because you're in a mood or out of sorts. Go in hard and get things done. Don't tread on any toes. The important is for you to push yourself onward, not to drive over the competition. You'll stir up ill feeling if you do. Show a noble spirit. Difficulties or even clashes may be aroused, but any effort put in now will serve you later on. Auspicious colours are navy blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2016-01-12, Tuesday: Sense Of Purpose
The Moon in Virgo is activating the associations and connections that you maintain in the wider picture. A few ups and downs may come at the beginning of the day, so just maintain your customary cool. As the evening gathers, your mood could take a more inward line as weighty matters gather, pulling your attention away from the numbers around you. Issues of finance and partnership and the links between them could be on the agenda. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2016-01-12, Tuesday: Valuable Information
Some valuable information may be uncovered today, but don't risk anything you can't afford to lose in the long run. If you prepare cheerfully for the worst, you may not be inconvenienced by what actually happens. Deal with issues at home before business-related problems. At the end of the day, your family members might be the only people you can really rely on. Beneficial colours are sky blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2016-01-12, Tuesday: Emotional Triumph
Count to ten, Leo... That's about how long it will take you to calm down during this confusing time. Breathe deeply every chance you get. This collection of minor monetary annoyances sent by the Virgo Moon is due to be scattered by a sudden gust of wind. There are plenty of other people in your life, but you remain your own best friend. Trust only those you know are on your side. Expect an emotional triumph as the day draws to a close. Favourable colours are warm brown and fiery orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
2016-01-12, Tuesday: First Out
There is no reward for coming second now, dear Crabs. You need to be first out of the gate if you hope to make any real progress. Is an important relationship in a state of flux? Think about others as well as yourself. Communication is the key, especially if the law is involved. There's a lot to do, but you should be able to accomplish everything on your list if you plan things in advance. Fortunate colours are rich red and laurel green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2016-01-12, Tuesday: Friends In Need
Don't worry about what others think, just do what you know is right. Don't be too eager to pay for others or bail them out of trouble -- you can't take responsibility for others all the time. Find out if they are worthy of your help and don't let yourself be taken for granted. You may find yourself doing more travel, probably related to business in the near future. Fortunate colours are azure blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
2016-01-12, Tuesday: Push And Pull
If you can be patient and knuckle down, you'll do very well. The trouble with the current cosmic influence is that it tends to make you erratic. You are disciplined for a little while, but then you become resentful and fly off the handle. Bulls are very hard workers, so just keep your head down and your tail up. Keep your ear to the ground too, because some good luck is heading your way. I'm glad to see you're a good contortionist! Positive colours are dark tan and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
2016-01-12, Tuesday: Daily Grind
Today's Virgo Moon could have you trying to get on with the daily grind, only to be confronted by unexpected annoyances or developments. Just try to ride out what doesn't work for you. A forgotten detail or a neglected process may interfere with shared financial issues at hand. Good communications with loved ones could offset the effect of a series of minor irritations. Favourable colours are copper and red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
2016-01-12, Tuesday: Irresistible You
Your communication skills are in top gear today, dear Virgo, and people do listen a lot more when you make them irresistible offers! It's okay to have several programs running at once, as long as you can manage them. If you don't already have one, this is a good time to invest in an electronic organizer. If there isn't some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, find another tunnel. Advantageous colours are deep purple and light tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2016-01-12, Tuesday: Good News
As the Moon steps into Virgo, all that energy you have put into work, health or new daily regimes starts to come to fruition. You may need to tune up your negotiation skills; remember that there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Financial developments look lucky and good news is in the wind. Profitable colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2015-01-12, Monday: Good Buys
Do not become fanatical about your fantasies, dear Fishies, and do not get carried away with your own importance. Pay attention to your significant other, or some nasty ingredients may find their way into your lunchbox! Uh oh... This said, there is quite a flavour of good fortune in the mix, so take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Valuable information can be gleaned from an older relative who shares your interests. An antique auction or a flea market will provide some good buys. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2015-01-12, Monday: Daily Grind
Today's Virgo Moon could have you trying to get on with the daily grind, only to be confronted by unexpected annoyances or developments. Just try to ride out what doesn't work for you. A forgotten detail or a neglected process may interfere with shared financial issues at hand. Good communications with loved ones could offset the effect of a series of minor irritations. Favourable colours are copper and red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
2015-01-12, Monday: Sharp Intuition
You have sharp intuition and a better understanding of the material world around you today. No need to become impatient or irritable, because things will improve drastically after one or two good nights' sleep. It's time to reassess your budget: are you living beyond your means? If so, you may need to seek professional help where your finances are concerned. Fortunate colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2015-01-12, Monday: Get Things Done
With the Moon in your tenth house, keep a good focus on where you're heading. Don't let opportunities or responsibilities slip because you're in a mood or out of sorts. Go in hard and get things done. Don't tread on any toes. The important is for you to push yourself onward, not to drive over the competition. You'll stir up ill feeling if you do. Show a noble spirit. Difficulties or even clashes may be aroused, but any effort put in now will serve you later on. Auspicious colours are navy blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2015-01-12, Monday: Sense Of Purpose
The Moon in Virgo is activating the associations and connections that you maintain in the wider picture. A few ups and downs may come at the beginning of the day, so just maintain your customary cool. As the evening gathers, your mood could take a more inward line as weighty matters gather, pulling your attention away from the numbers around you. Issues of finance and partnership and the links between them could be on the agenda. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2015-01-12, Monday: Valuable Information
Some valuable information may be uncovered today, but don't risk anything you can't afford to lose in the long run. If you prepare cheerfully for the worst, you may not be inconvenienced by what actually happens. Deal with issues at home before business-related problems. At the end of the day, your family members might be the only people you can really rely on. Beneficial colours are sky blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2015-01-12, Monday: Irresistible You
Your communication skills are in top gear today, dear Virgo, and people do listen a lot more when you make them irresistible offers! It's okay to have several programs running at once, as long as you can manage them. If you don't already have one, this is a good time to invest in an electronic organizer. If there isn't some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, find another tunnel. Advantageous colours are deep purple and light tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2015-01-12, Monday: Emotional Triumph
Count to ten, Leo... That's about how long it will take you to calm down during this confusing time. Breathe deeply every chance you get. This collection of minor monetary annoyances sent by the Virgo Moon is due to be scattered by a sudden gust of wind. There are plenty of other people in your life, but you remain your own best friend. Trust only those you know are on your side. Expect an emotional triumph as the day draws to a close. Favourable colours are warm brown and fiery orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
2015-01-12, Monday: First Out
There is no reward for coming second now, dear Crabs. You need to be first out of the gate if you hope to make any real progress. Is an important relationship in a state of flux? Think about others as well as yourself. Communication is the key, especially if the law is involved. There's a lot to do, but you should be able to accomplish everything on your list if you plan things in advance. Fortunate colours are rich red and laurel green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2015-01-12, Monday: Friends In Need
Don't worry about what others think, just do what you know is right. Don't be too eager to pay for others or bail them out of trouble -- you can't take responsibility for others all the time. Find out if they are worthy of your help and don't let yourself be taken for granted. You may find yourself doing more travel, probably related to business in the near future. Fortunate colours are azure blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
2015-01-12, Monday: Push And Pull
If you can be patient and knuckle down, you'll do very well. The trouble with the current cosmic influence is that it tends to make you erratic. You are disciplined for a little while, but then you become resentful and fly off the handle. Bulls are very hard workers, so just keep your head down and your tail up. Keep your ear to the ground too, because some good luck is heading your way. I'm glad to see you're a good contortionist! Positive colours are dark tan and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
2015-01-12, Monday: Good News
As the Moon steps into Virgo, all that energy you have put into work, health or new daily regimes starts to come to fruition. You may need to tune up your negotiation skills; remember that there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Financial developments look lucky and good news is in the wind. Profitable colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2014-01-12, Sunday: Sharp Intuition
You have sharp intuition and a better understanding of the material world around you today. No need to become impatient or irritable, because things will improve drastically after one or two good nights' sleep. It's time to reassess your budget: are you living beyond your means? If so, you may need to seek professional help where your finances are concerned. Fortunate colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2014-01-12, Sunday: Good News
As the Moon steps into Virgo, all that energy you have put into work, health or new daily regimes starts to come to fruition. You may need to tune up your negotiation skills; remember that there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Financial developments look lucky and good news is in the wind. Profitable colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2014-01-12, Sunday: Good Buys
Do not become fanatical about your fantasies, dear Fishies, and do not get carried away with your own importance. Pay attention to your significant other, or some nasty ingredients may find their way into your lunchbox! Uh oh... This said, there is quite a flavour of good fortune in the mix, so take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Valuable information can be gleaned from an older relative who shares your interests. An antique auction or a flea market will provide some good buys. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2014-01-12, Sunday: Daily Grind
Today's Virgo Moon could have you trying to get on with the daily grind, only to be confronted by unexpected annoyances or developments. Just try to ride out what doesn't work for you. A forgotten detail or a neglected process may interfere with shared financial issues at hand. Good communications with loved ones could offset the effect of a series of minor irritations. Favourable colours are copper and red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
2014-01-12, Sunday: Get Things Done
With the Moon in your tenth house, keep a good focus on where you're heading. Don't let opportunities or responsibilities slip because you're in a mood or out of sorts. Go in hard and get things done. Don't tread on any toes. The important is for you to push yourself onward, not to drive over the competition. You'll stir up ill feeling if you do. Show a noble spirit. Difficulties or even clashes may be aroused, but any effort put in now will serve you later on. Auspicious colours are navy blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2014-01-12, Sunday: Sense Of Purpose
The Moon in Virgo is activating the associations and connections that you maintain in the wider picture. A few ups and downs may come at the beginning of the day, so just maintain your customary cool. As the evening gathers, your mood could take a more inward line as weighty matters gather, pulling your attention away from the numbers around you. Issues of finance and partnership and the links between them could be on the agenda. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2014-01-12, Sunday: Valuable Information
Some valuable information may be uncovered today, but don't risk anything you can't afford to lose in the long run. If you prepare cheerfully for the worst, you may not be inconvenienced by what actually happens. Deal with issues at home before business-related problems. At the end of the day, your family members might be the only people you can really rely on. Beneficial colours are sky blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2014-01-12, Sunday: Irresistible You
Your communication skills are in top gear today, dear Virgo, and people do listen a lot more when you make them irresistible offers! It's okay to have several programs running at once, as long as you can manage them. If you don't already have one, this is a good time to invest in an electronic organizer. If there isn't some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, find another tunnel. Advantageous colours are deep purple and light tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2014-01-12, Sunday: Emotional Triumph
Count to ten, Leo... That's about how long it will take you to calm down during this confusing time. Breathe deeply every chance you get. This collection of minor monetary annoyances sent by the Virgo Moon is due to be scattered by a sudden gust of wind. There are plenty of other people in your life, but you remain your own best friend. Trust only those you know are on your side. Expect an emotional triumph as the day draws to a close. Favourable colours are warm brown and fiery orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
2014-01-12, Sunday: First Out
There is no reward for coming second now, dear Crabs. You need to be first out of the gate if you hope to make any real progress. Is an important relationship in a state of flux? Think about others as well as yourself. Communication is the key, especially if the law is involved. There's a lot to do, but you should be able to accomplish everything on your list if you plan things in advance. Fortunate colours are rich red and laurel green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2014-01-12, Sunday: Friends In Need
Don't worry about what others think, just do what you know is right. Don't be too eager to pay for others or bail them out of trouble -- you can't take responsibility for others all the time. Find out if they are worthy of your help and don't let yourself be taken for granted. You may find yourself doing more travel, probably related to business in the near future. Fortunate colours are azure blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
2014-01-12, Sunday: Push And Pull
If you can be patient and knuckle down, you'll do very well. The trouble with the current cosmic influence is that it tends to make you erratic. You are disciplined for a little while, but then you become resentful and fly off the handle. Bulls are very hard workers, so just keep your head down and your tail up. Keep your ear to the ground too, because some good luck is heading your way. I'm glad to see you're a good contortionist! Positive colours are dark tan and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
2013-01-12, Saturday: Good Buys
Do not become fanatical about your fantasies, dear Fishies, and do not get carried away with your own importance. Pay attention to your significant other, or some nasty ingredients may find their way into your lunchbox! Uh oh... This said, there is quite a flavour of good fortune in the mix, so take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Valuable information can be gleaned from an older relative who shares your interests. An antique auction or a flea market will provide some good buys. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2013-01-12, Saturday: Daily Grind
Today's Virgo Moon could have you trying to get on with the daily grind, only to be confronted by unexpected annoyances or developments. Just try to ride out what doesn't work for you. A forgotten detail or a neglected process may interfere with shared financial issues at hand. Good communications with loved ones could offset the effect of a series of minor irritations. Favourable colours are copper and red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
2013-01-12, Saturday: Sharp Intuition
You have sharp intuition and a better understanding of the material world around you today. No need to become impatient or irritable, because things will improve drastically after one or two good nights' sleep. It's time to reassess your budget: are you living beyond your means? If so, you may need to seek professional help where your finances are concerned. Fortunate colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2013-01-12, Saturday: Get Things Done
With the Moon in your tenth house, keep a good focus on where you're heading. Don't let opportunities or responsibilities slip because you're in a mood or out of sorts. Go in hard and get things done. Don't tread on any toes. The important is for you to push yourself onward, not to drive over the competition. You'll stir up ill feeling if you do. Show a noble spirit. Difficulties or even clashes may be aroused, but any effort put in now will serve you later on. Auspicious colours are navy blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2013-01-12, Saturday: Sense Of Purpose
The Moon in Virgo is activating the associations and connections that you maintain in the wider picture. A few ups and downs may come at the beginning of the day, so just maintain your customary cool. As the evening gathers, your mood could take a more inward line as weighty matters gather, pulling your attention away from the numbers around you. Issues of finance and partnership and the links between them could be on the agenda. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2013-01-12, Saturday: Valuable Information
Some valuable information may be uncovered today, but don't risk anything you can't afford to lose in the long run. If you prepare cheerfully for the worst, you may not be inconvenienced by what actually happens. Deal with issues at home before business-related problems. At the end of the day, your family members might be the only people you can really rely on. Beneficial colours are sky blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2013-01-12, Saturday: Irresistible You
Your communication skills are in top gear today, dear Virgo, and people do listen a lot more when you make them irresistible offers! It's okay to have several programs running at once, as long as you can manage them. If you don't already have one, this is a good time to invest in an electronic organizer. If there isn't some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, find another tunnel. Advantageous colours are deep purple and light tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2013-01-12, Saturday: Emotional Triumph
Count to ten, Leo... That's about how long it will take you to calm down during this confusing time. Breathe deeply every chance you get. This collection of minor monetary annoyances sent by the Virgo Moon is due to be scattered by a sudden gust of wind. There are plenty of other people in your life, but you remain your own best friend. Trust only those you know are on your side. Expect an emotional triumph as the day draws to a close. Favourable colours are warm brown and fiery orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
2013-01-12, Saturday: First Out
There is no reward for coming second now, dear Crabs. You need to be first out of the gate if you hope to make any real progress. Is an important relationship in a state of flux? Think about others as well as yourself. Communication is the key, especially if the law is involved. There's a lot to do, but you should be able to accomplish everything on your list if you plan things in advance. Fortunate colours are rich red and laurel green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2013-01-12, Saturday: Friends In Need
Don't worry about what others think, just do what you know is right. Don't be too eager to pay for others or bail them out of trouble -- you can't take responsibility for others all the time. Find out if they are worthy of your help and don't let yourself be taken for granted. You may find yourself doing more travel, probably related to business in the near future. Fortunate colours are azure blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
2013-01-12, Saturday: Push And Pull
If you can be patient and knuckle down, you'll do very well. The trouble with the current cosmic influence is that it tends to make you erratic. You are disciplined for a little while, but then you become resentful and fly off the handle. Bulls are very hard workers, so just keep your head down and your tail up. Keep your ear to the ground too, because some good luck is heading your way. I'm glad to see you're a good contortionist! Positive colours are dark tan and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
2013-01-12, Saturday: Good News
As the Moon steps into Virgo, all that energy you have put into work, health or new daily regimes starts to come to fruition. You may need to tune up your negotiation skills; remember that there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Financial developments look lucky and good news is in the wind. Profitable colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2012-01-12, Thursday: Good Buys
Do not become fanatical about your fantasies, dear Fishies, and do not get carried away with your own importance. Pay attention to your significant other, or some nasty ingredients may find their way into your lunchbox! Uh oh... This said, there is quite a flavour of good fortune in the mix, so take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Valuable information can be gleaned from an older relative who shares your interests. An antique auction or a flea market will provide some good buys. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2012-01-12, Thursday: Daily Grind
Today's Virgo Moon could have you trying to get on with the daily grind, only to be confronted by unexpected annoyances or developments. Just try to ride out what doesn't work for you. A forgotten detail or a neglected process may interfere with shared financial issues at hand. Good communications with loved ones could offset the effect of a series of minor irritations. Favourable colours are copper and red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
2012-01-12, Thursday: Sharp Intuition
You have sharp intuition and a better understanding of the material world around you today. No need to become impatient or irritable, because things will improve drastically after one or two good nights' sleep. It's time to reassess your budget: are you living beyond your means? If so, you may need to seek professional help where your finances are concerned. Fortunate colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2012-01-12, Thursday: Get Things Done
With the Moon in your tenth house, keep a good focus on where you're heading. Don't let opportunities or responsibilities slip because you're in a mood or out of sorts. Go in hard and get things done. Don't tread on any toes. The important is for you to push yourself onward, not to drive over the competition. You'll stir up ill feeling if you do. Show a noble spirit. Difficulties or even clashes may be aroused, but any effort put in now will serve you later on. Auspicious colours are navy blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2012-01-12, Thursday: Sense Of Purpose
The Moon in Virgo is activating the associations and connections that you maintain in the wider picture. A few ups and downs may come at the beginning of the day, so just maintain your customary cool. As the evening gathers, your mood could take a more inward line as weighty matters gather, pulling your attention away from the numbers around you. Issues of finance and partnership and the links between them could be on the agenda. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2012-01-12, Thursday: Valuable Information
Some valuable information may be uncovered today, but don't risk anything you can't afford to lose in the long run. If you prepare cheerfully for the worst, you may not be inconvenienced by what actually happens. Deal with issues at home before business-related problems. At the end of the day, your family members might be the only people you can really rely on. Beneficial colours are sky blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2012-01-12, Thursday: Irresistible You
Your communication skills are in top gear today, dear Virgo, and people do listen a lot more when you make them irresistible offers! It's okay to have several programs running at once, as long as you can manage them. If you don't already have one, this is a good time to invest in an electronic organizer. If there isn't some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, find another tunnel. Advantageous colours are deep purple and light tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2012-01-12, Thursday: Emotional Triumph
Count to ten, Leo... That's about how long it will take you to calm down during this confusing time. Breathe deeply every chance you get. This collection of minor monetary annoyances sent by the Virgo Moon is due to be scattered by a sudden gust of wind. There are plenty of other people in your life, but you remain your own best friend. Trust only those you know are on your side. Expect an emotional triumph as the day draws to a close. Favourable colours are warm brown and fiery orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
2012-01-12, Thursday: First Out
There is no reward for coming second now, dear Crabs. You need to be first out of the gate if you hope to make any real progress. Is an important relationship in a state of flux? Think about others as well as yourself. Communication is the key, especially if the law is involved. There's a lot to do, but you should be able to accomplish everything on your list if you plan things in advance. Fortunate colours are rich red and laurel green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2012-01-12, Thursday: Friends In Need
Don't worry about what others think, just do what you know is right. Don't be too eager to pay for others or bail them out of trouble -- you can't take responsibility for others all the time. Find out if they are worthy of your help and don't let yourself be taken for granted. You may find yourself doing more travel, probably related to business in the near future. Fortunate colours are azure blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
2012-01-12, Thursday: Push And Pull
If you can be patient and knuckle down, you'll do very well. The trouble with the current cosmic influence is that it tends to make you erratic. You are disciplined for a little while, but then you become resentful and fly off the handle. Bulls are very hard workers, so just keep your head down and your tail up. Keep your ear to the ground too, because some good luck is heading your way. I'm glad to see you're a good contortionist! Positive colours are dark tan and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
2012-01-12, Thursday: Good News
As the Moon steps into Virgo, all that energy you have put into work, health or new daily regimes starts to come to fruition. You may need to tune up your negotiation skills; remember that there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Financial developments look lucky and good news is in the wind. Profitable colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2011-01-12, Wednesday: Troubled
Mental confusion may cause problems in our communications as the responsive Moon is confused by a blow from Sun and Mars. You may be troubled by a secret or confidence you are trying to keep; some may be suffering from mild depression. Dreams you have now may directly relate to unconscious motivations, but may be cryptic and hard to decipher. Jupiter and Neptune are working well together, so the long term outlook is good. Beneficial colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
2011-01-12, Wednesday: Personal Difficulties
You feel mildly agitated as the sensitive Moon clashes with the Sun and Mars. Personal difficulties with family members or necessary home repairs may disrupt your day. Deal directly with problems no matter how much you would rather procrastinate. What you avoid today is likely to escalate into a much bigger problem for you to solve tomorrow. Beneficial colours are pale aqua and pearl white. Lucky numbers are 2 and 7.
2011-01-12, Wednesday: Lusty Moon
The lusty Moon may tempt you to spend more on pleasure than you ought. If you have a romantic evening in mind, keep the alcoholic beverages to a minimum. You'll want to exercise some self-control amidst the dessert trays and drink specials. If you get greedy, you'll end up regretting it. Enjoy pleasure in sensible moderation. Beneficial colours are pale gold and amethyst purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 15.
2011-01-12, Wednesday: Go Easy
As much as the robust Archer would like to indulge, today you must mind your health. If you go out to dinner, go easy on the rich foods and spirits. Too much alcohol and you might find yourself saying the absolute wrong thing to the right person, thus blowing what could be a perfectly lovely evening. Strive for moderation. Auspicious colours are powder blue and lily white. Lucky numbers are 14 and 29.
2011-01-12, Wednesday: Please Your Sweetie
The changing Moon activates tension between your house of partnerships and your house of home and family. Tonight can be very exciting for those of you who plan to socialize, but thanks to the Sun and Mars it is more likely you will be dealing with an unhappy mate. If you can find a way to please both your sweetie and be socially and politically correct, you will be ahead of the game. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and spring green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
2011-01-12, Wednesday: Love And Relationships
For Venus-ruled Libra, every day is about love and relationships. You naturally understand the language of love, especially the refined, courtly variety. Although the planets are at odds, you may be in for a lovely surprise as the romantic Moon sails through your house of partners. Single or attached, be sure to celebrate the love in your life today. Take someone special out for an icecream cone and savour the sweetness of life. Auspicious colours are carnation pink and cream. Lucky numbers are 24 and 39.
2011-01-12, Wednesday: Big Plans
The Sun, Moon and Mars are at odds today. While you still face many obstacles in your path, you should begin to reap the rewards of your efforts in the future. The key word here is efforts... it is one thing to dream big dreams, but quite another to work hard to make them come true! Advantageous colours are olive green and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
2011-01-12, Wednesday: Conflict
An emotional upset caused by a conflict between your mate and your parents could have your stomach in knots; it might seem like you just can't please anyone. Try to stay calm and balanced even if you feel like you are being torn apart, as the Sun, Moon and Mars draw the battle lines. Make your boundaries clear and let it be known that you are doing your best and expect others to do their best as well. Favourable colours are army green and tropical orange. Lucky numbers are 28 and 37.
2011-01-12, Wednesday: New Perspective
Business is booming, but it is time to get a new perspective, and one of the best ways is to spend some time observing nature. Your emotions and your core self may be at odds today, and this may show as conflict with your significant other. You should think carefully about a decision you need to make soon. Don't rush yourself. Fortunate colours are bright tangerine and lime green. Lucky numbers are 33 and 35.
2011-01-12, Wednesday: Solitude And Sensitivity
It's a friendly day, but tonight the Moon urges you to slow down. This is a good time to review the events of the past four weeks, taking time to sort your feelings out about what you have experienced. A vague sense of doom may come over some of you, but don't let that keep you down. A discipline such as Yoga or Tai Chi will benefit you now. Beneficial colours are pale lavender and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
2011-01-12, Wednesday: Charm And Whimsy
Although you might be feeling blue for most of the day, Neptune gives you added charm and whimsy, attracting people to your side. Tonight is good for socializing as a note of glamour makes everything more exciting. Those of you going out on a date will find tonight romantic indeed. Beneficial colours are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2011-01-12, Wednesday: Conserve Your Resources
Be more conservative with your resources, Aries. If you go out for entertainment tonight, try not to spend more than pocket change. There should be plenty of inexpensive of even free forms of entertainment in your community. As much as you might like to be a big spender, you are unlikely to get your money's worth. Auspicious colours are ivy green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
2010-01-12, Tuesday: Fortune Smiles
A hangover from work has generated lively activity under the Sagittarian Moon, and sudden disruptions may pop up today. It will pass later in the week, allowing you to get on with the more enjoyable process of seeing friends and enjoying their company. There's still a lot of uncertainty simmering away underneath the surface, which will come out under Friday's eclipse, but for now, fortune smiles on the Fish. Fortunate colours are indigo and green. Lucky numbers are 22 and 9.
2010-01-12, Tuesday: Free and Easy
A jaunty Sagittarian Moon seems to call you on a free and easy round of this and that, stretching, unwinding, picking up on all the bits and pieces that need attention. Go about the business cheerfully, until the mood runs out. A sober decline will see you focusing on quieter and more thoughtful pastimes for the rest of the week, as Saturn turns tail tomorrow and a Solar Eclipse in your twelfth house questions your inner motivations. Soothing colours are grey green and deep red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 33.
2010-01-12, Tuesday: Changing Gears
Start the day slowly, even though there may be a sense of urgency in others, or in the air. Just let them do what they want to do and you keep your own pace. This is a natural process for you anyway. Late tonight things seem to get into gear and you'll be able to put some real momentum into the tasks at hand. Pressure will build over the rest of the week, with Saturn, your life-ruler, turning retrograde in your mid-heaven - and a Solar Eclipse in your sign. It's a big week for the Goat! Beneficial colours are royal blue and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 39 and 21.
2010-01-12, Tuesday: Busy and Focused
You'll be busy as a bee today, with the Moon in your sign. A variety of tasks need your attention, but you'll get most of it out of the way. As the week moves on, a hiatus will appear in the pursuit of your goals and dreams, with money at the bottom of it. You have a natural desire to spend, but the coming eclipse in Capricorn will pull thrift into focus. Work out now exactly what you need to spend, how much you can afford, and when the bill comes in. Otherwise you'll be floundering. Auspicious colours are violet and mauve. Lucky numbers are 14 and 22.
2010-01-12, Tuesday: A Build Up Of Pressure
Tension and pressure are slowly building in the atmosphere, Scorpio, especially in the world of finance. Work around them and don't get too disturbed. Communication will become paramount this week, in the light of the Solar Eclipse and Mercury turning direct, as well as Saturn turning retrograde, so be sure to attend to any pressing business matters. Contact is the key for the balance of the day. Providential colours are carnelian and silver. Lucky numbers are 26 and 8.
2010-01-12, Tuesday: Here, There and Back Home
You may need to spend some time sorting out clashes. Even if they seemed minor, something much deeper is at work. The week remaining favours getting domestic jobs out of the way, as Saturn turns retro in your sign and the Solar Eclipse awakens conflict between the private and public spheres. Mercury turns direct too, so you can reactivate communication with loved ones at home and those in the wide world. Soothing colours are grey green and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 30.
2010-01-12, Tuesday: Helter-Skelter
The Sagittarian Moon is likely to have you running from one thing to another, picking up on uncompleted work and unfinished tasks. Keeping pace with it is all you can do. A helter-skelter feeling doesn't abate today, but will pass in time. In the end it'll be just like turning off a light. The Moon moves into sober Capricorn tomorrow, giving you the chance to slow down and get into harmony with your natural rhythm for the rest of the week, as Saturn turns and the Eclipse burns. Soothing colours are light orange and yellow. Lucky numbers are 33 and 16.
2010-01-12, Tuesday: Clear Up and Clean Out
Clear up and clean out whatever remains of the weekend's joys, so that the rest of the week can be devoted to more important matters of responsibility and routine. Saturn's retro phase and the Solar Eclipse as Mercury rebounds will focus on the tasks that will advance what you're doing. Don't waste time or you'll regret it. Take necessary steps if bad health hangs on. Favourable colours are russet red and light green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 19.
2010-01-12, Tuesday: Confusing Communications
Important matters are calling for concentration. Money or finance in particular need to be dealt with. Subtle or confusing communications will make their presence felt. As the week goes on, a change of focus comes with a Solar Eclipse in your seventh house. Partners or associates might need your attention or your presence. Establish clear priorities for them; let other matters wait. Advantageous colours are aquamarine and burnt sienna. Lucky numbers are 24 and 39.
2010-01-12, Tuesday: Sticky Fingers
The cosmic energy urges you to move and do in cooperation with another. Watch and see if anyone's trying subtly or otherwise to manipulate you or get their fingers into any pie of yours. If they are, resist it with equal subtlety but don't play the game too long. Deep thoughts or feelings will occupy your consciousness in the lead up to the Solar Eclipse. Ideal colours are crimson and sea green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
2010-01-12, Tuesday: Pull the Plug on Trivia
You're going to have to let a lot of unimportant matters drop, especially those to do with other people playing politics or jostling one another in the effort to score points. Get focused on what's important as the day progresses, ensuring that your productivity genes are washed and ready to wear for the coming eclipse. Work and responsibility are sounding the clarion call and you have to answer. Auspicious colours are brilliant red and blue. Lucky numbers are 10 and 14.
2010-01-12, Tuesday: Urgent Flurry
Today brings the last flurry of the Moon in Sagittarius so you could be rushing everywhere to get tasks done and urgent messages or deliveries completed. The air is electric with everyone impatient or worse so mind how you go. By tomorrow the mood will shift into one of more sober responsibility with the Moon in Capricorn and Saturn turning retrograde. However, the atmosphere won't change. There'll still be impatience, excitement and intensity so deal with it through control rather than movement. Providential colours are grey green and black. Lucky numbers are 8 and 42.
2008-01-12, Saturday: Unpredictable
The energy you have today will likely result in a change of status in your life, Pisces. It could be for better or worse but change is called for and you will see it as a more beautiful way of doing things even if there is an initial mess to clean up. Polarising colours are lavender and warm brown. Lucky numbers are 28 and 24.
2008-01-12, Saturday: Revealed
You might inadvertently reveal something today that was better off unspoken. It may be an outright confidence you betray or some innocent slip of the tongue that ends up becoming the catalyst for a tornado. Positive colours are bronze and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
2008-01-12, Saturday: Independent
You really don't want to be tied to family responsibilities today Sagittarius. If you are required to be a part of some family obligation you might end up showing rather erratic behaviour. Spend this restless energy on your own if possible. Stabilising colours are terracotta and ebony. Lucky numbers are 40 and 63.
2008-01-12, Saturday: Free To Love
You want to break free of the perceived restrictions placed on you when it comes to expressing your love. You've been conditioned to believe that your values and self worth depend on this current pattern and today you finally realize this isn't true. Auspicious colours are ultramarine and persimmon. Lucky numbers are 39 and 21.
2008-01-12, Saturday: Overactive Mind
You might say something you regret today as your mind seems to have lost its filtering device. If a matter has you feeling fenced in, this will be particularly prominent in your day because restricted freedom of any kind just won't do. Propitious colours are jade and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 32 and 62.
2008-01-12, Saturday: Home Upheaval
It could be an erratic day in your family life with tempers flaring and everyone's emotions at odds with what you need. At the moment all you'd really like to do is run away. The energy will thankfully pass. Providential colours are plum and cerulean blue. Lucky numbers are 24 and 61.
2008-01-12, Saturday: Sexual Encounter
An unexpected, magnetic attraction to someone could get the best of you today. If you're attached there may be temptation for an affair, but if you're single - enjoy the thrilling energy! Favourable colours are dark gold and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 16 and 70.
2008-01-12, Saturday: Expectations
Today you need to be gentle with yourself tender Cancer. It's likely that you will cause yourself stomach or emotional upset over some type of sudden change in what's expected of you in a work or service role. Favourable colours are caramel and jasmine. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
2008-01-12, Saturday: Erratic Business
Today could be a crazy one for your career Gemini. Unstable business associations may threaten your sense of security but if you hold tight, this is a storm that should pass. Propitious colours are brilliant white and jet black. Lucky numbers are 26 and 42.
2008-01-12, Saturday: Sudden Revolution
It may be a trying day with plenty of unpredictable energy, but you have every potential of creating fireworks of progressive change with your intense awareness of what a group or organization you are a member of needs. Revealing colours are burgundy and cerulean blue. Lucky numbers are 15 and 66.
2008-01-12, Saturday: Social Rebel
A dominating and hasty change of heart regarding a spiritual or religious matter may have you struggling today which takes you by surprise. Beliefs that you have locked away may suddenly disrupt and cause chaos. Providential colours are burnt orange and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 45.
2008-01-12, Saturday: Unexpected Trouble
A dream or long term goal that might have required extensive financing could face an unexpected problem today that you'll need to deal with. More money is called for. Dynamic colours are burgundy and silver. Lucky numbers are 16 and 7.
2006-01-12, Thursday: Group Activities
If you are involved in social groups or engaged in public speaking, this will be a great day to make a speech that really makes an impact. Your communications are awesome today as your intellectual energy is focused on problem solving and you have the bigger picture in mind. If you have considered writing for publication, this energy also supports your efforts and yet again, another huge nod in regards to travel and communications abroad. Favourable colours are magenta and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 40 and 20.
2006-01-12, Thursday: Alternative Solutions
Problem solving is the theme of the day, Aquarius, so try communicating your deeper thoughts and ideals. It's a positive to unload a secret, or hidden element of your past. You have a clear visual of how you wish to be viewed, but on deeper levels you are focused on how you view yourself. This is a touch unfamiliar to you, but will improve as your focus turns inwards. Beneficial colours are sienna and pistachio. Lucky numbers are 9 and 6.
2006-01-12, Thursday: Effective Problem Solving
If ever there was a day to state your point clearly, concisely and win a victory, it's today. You have the larger picture in mind's view, so be prepared to compromise to bring this into effect. Solving old concerns will be a breeze with this influence, especially in the areas of your finances and romantic life. If you are considering taking a romantic connection to a more serious level, this is such a great day to do so. Favourable colours are apple blossom and treacle. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
2006-01-12, Thursday: Explore Your Hidden Talents
I love this energy for you Sagittarius as it will feel as if you have tapped into an internal gold mine in some ways. You will have new knowledge and enthusiasm for a project or concept you have considered in the past but this time around, you will have the energy and drive to put the wheels into motion. You will be financially motivated and endeavor to find ways of earning an income from this idea. Strong colours are taupe and ginger. Lucky numbers are 40 and 13.
2006-01-12, Thursday: Excellent Communications
This is a fantastic day for communications Scorpio, especially in the work arena. You are confident and focused on problem solving in positive ways. You will seek compromise where there is turmoil but your future vision is grand and in your sights, so those around you will be inspired by the words you have to say. Highly motivational day for positive achievement Scorpio. Beneficial colours are mother of pearl and violet. Lucky numbers are 23 and 12.
2006-01-12, Thursday: Ask For Some Appreciation!
Whether you are working or not, the energy of today is a great one to aim for higher things in your life whether it is more money or simple appreciation for your contributions. You have a firm understanding of how you want things to be and will state your case clearly and concisely. This is the day to solve a few of your concerns in a calm and positive manner. Harmonious colours are salmon pink and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 39 and 27.
2006-01-12, Thursday: Heart Of The Matter
You will really enjoy socializing with a willingness to discuss the heart of the matter in quite intense topics. You are intrigued by the life and death process at the moment and will find it stimulating to converse with like-minded people who share the same interest. That sounds so morbid doesn't it? You know what I mean though Virgo, taking the interest beyond the surface mumbo jumbo and getting to the heart of alternative religious and spiritual subjects. Beneficial colours are caramel and coffee. Lucky numbers are 38 and 26.
2006-01-12, Thursday: Cleaning Out Dead Wood
You will have the energy to rid yourself of what is not working for you Leo, and the emphasis is pointing straight to romantic connections. You have a firm drive at the moment to achieve exactly what you want and if your interests are not fitting into that equation, it will be quite easy to separate yourself from them today. Communicative colours are peach and jade. Lucky numbers are 39 and 32.
2006-01-12, Thursday: Sociable And Nosy
You want to know who did what and with whom today Cancer, desiring to explore all the juicy snippets of gossip from your friends, whilst remaining somewhat elusive about your own personal details. You will find your creative energy is ignited and earning capacity possibilities seem to appear out of nowhere. Try and go easy on the gossip though Cancer, don't enjoy it too much. You DO appreciate they talk about you too, don't you? Ideal colours are fire engine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 29 and 67.
2006-01-12, Thursday: What Is Important?
Today will change the balance for the rest of the month as the topics discussed will be important to you as you are empowered with what you believe is just and fair. If you are involved in a relationship or career option you are not happy with, you will have the intellectual energy to bring your concerns to the forefront and seek active solutions. This is a good time to seek a pay increase or promotion. Revealing colours are brass and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 25 and 52.
2006-01-12, Thursday: Hear You Roar!
Your problem solving capabilities soar today Taurus, as you state your points clearly, concisely but ever so passionately. For those who may face public speaking, you will simply shine! If there are legal issues in your life, today will prove a positive time for conclusion and resolution. Your dealings with those in foreign lands are still a major comfort and source of absolute pleasure and intrigue. Positive colours are navy and chestnut. Lucky numbers are 7 and 43.
2006-01-12, Thursday: Romantic Irritation
Uh oh! There is trouble brewing on the romantic front. What may have seemed like an absolute meeting of two passionate bodies yesterday seems to have taken a turn towards an annoyance rather than a pleasure. There is a strong possibility relationships will feel the pinch regarding breakups or intense emotional flare-ups. Good luck! Favourable colours are dark gold and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 16 and 15.
2005-01-12, Wednesday: Protect Yourself
There's only one thing you feel like doing today, and that's drawing the bedcovers over your head and being left in peace. You're in a highly sensitive mood, so take care of yourself and don't subject yourself to any harsh environments if you can possibly avoid it. For instance, if you know someone who is very abrasive or aggressive, you should give them a wide berth now otherwise they'll make mincemeat of you. This isn't called being a wimp, it's called self-protection. Auspicious colours are lapis lazuli and platinum. Lucky numbers are 15 and 31.
2005-01-12, Wednesday: Confidence And Optimism
You're feeling full of confidence and optimism today, which is great. It certainly puts a spring in your step and ensures that things go with a swing. If your thoughts turn to holidays and long journeys, it will be almost impossible for you not to book up something on the spur of the moment. Well, maybe that's exactly what you should do unless there are good reasons not to? And you'll probably soon make short work of those! Calming colours are beige and peach. Lucky numbers are 10 and 12.
2005-01-12, Wednesday: Check The Post
Check the post carefully because it should bring you good news about your finances. For instance, you might discover that you've been given a rebate or grant by your local council, or you could get official notification of a pay rise. If you're job-hunting at the moment, this is a great day to answer adverts or send off your CV. Good luck! Fortunate colours are apricot and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 35 and 35.
2005-01-12, Wednesday: Sociable Sagittarius
Enjoy being sociable today. It's not a day for keeping yourself to yourself unless you have absolutely no choice in the matter, because you'll blossom whenever you're with other people. What's more, they'll flourish in your company, so everyone will benefit. If you want to increase your social circle, consider joining a club or group that caters for one of your interests. Ideal colours are smoky quartz and ruby red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 68.
2005-01-12, Wednesday: Fragile Emotions
Be careful because your emotions are in a fragile state today. You're feeling sentimental and possibly even tearful, and may keep drifting off into dewy-eyed reveries about the past. Enjoy them by all means but bear in mind that, given your current state, they may have very little to do with what actually happened. Right now, you've got a tendency to gloss over the bad bits and only concentrate on the good ones, which will be very misleading. Comforting colours are peach and dark green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 58.
2005-01-12, Wednesday: Feeling Positive
This promises to be a really lovely day, even if nothing very earth-shattering happens. You're simply in a good mood, you're feeling positive and you're radiating bonhomie to everyone who comes into contact with you. This is very good news if you're hoping to dazzle you-know- who with your charms, because they won't be able to resist you while you're like this. In fact, they don't stand a chance! Advantageous colours are red ochre and american oak. Lucky numbers are 17 and 9.
2005-01-12, Wednesday: Outside Influence
You're very sensitive to outside influences today, so keep away from anyone who is likely to upset you. The same is true of any food and drink that doesn't always agree with you, because it certainly won't go down very well this Wednesday. You may also need more rest or sleep than usual because you're feeling slightly below par. Take care of yourself. Calming colours are umber and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 39 and 11.
2005-01-12, Wednesday: Feet On The Ground
Do your best to keep your feet on the ground when dealing with other people today. That's because you're easily swayed by the people around you now, so someone might influence you to do something that you wouldn't normally contemplate. You're also very kind-hearted this Wednesday, which means someone unscrupulous might want to take you for a ride. Be careful! Favourable colours are oyster and amber. Lucky numbers are 17 and 3.
2005-01-12, Wednesday: Generous Mood
You're in a very generous mood today, especially when you've got your wallet or credit card in your hand. This may or may not be good news if you're shopping because you could be tempted to splurge on all sorts of treats for yourself and loved ones. Can you afford them or are you getting yourself into even greater debt? Maybe you need to scale down those generous gestures? Beneficial colours are aquamarine and ochre. Lucky numbers are 22 and 44.
2005-01-12, Wednesday: Upbeat Mood
You're in a very upbeat mood this Wednesday, so enjoy it while it lasts. Even if you're facing various problems right now, you're determined to rise above them and not to let them spoil your day. This positive attitude could bring a little luck your way, so consider trying your hand at a small gamble. You could buy a lottery ticket or enter a competition, but don't play for high stakes. Stabilising colours are sunflower yellow and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 39 and 51.
2005-01-12, Wednesday: Clueless
You need to keep your wits about you this Wednesday because someone who is supposed to know what they're doing hasn't really got a clue. This is probably a temporary phase that they're going through, but that won't help you if they give you confusing or misleading information. If you're wise you'll tactfully query anything that sounds wrong, just in case a mistake has been made. Fortuitous colours are magenta and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 16 and 64.
2005-01-12, Wednesday: World Of Their Own
A friend is wandering around in a little world of their own, making it difficult to get through to them. You might not even manage to make contact with them because they've disappeared or they're never in when you ring. If you do succeed in tracking them down, they may find it hard to concentrate on what you're saying or they might start talking rubbish. Be patient! Ambitious colours are lavender and navy. Lucky numbers are 16 and 73.
2004-01-12, Monday: Perseverance Brings Success
Travel, entertainment and socializing is high on your agenda today, but try not to do things that could potentially frustrate or annoy others. You will have some trouble convincing your mate to go along with your plans, though perseverance brings success. Auspicious colours are smoky purple and bright red. Lucky numbers are 12 and 29.
2004-01-12, Monday: Footing the Bill
Aquarians who are inclined to take chances today should make sure that someone else is footing the bill! Actually, you could do well in joint ventures with the Moon in your eighth house of other people's money. Life's mysteries may intrigue you and some decisions will be made out of the blue that will have life-changing consequences. Advantageous colours are pale violet and raspberry. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2004-01-12, Monday: Important Contacts
Travel and communication with people from far away can establish new and important contacts for Sea Goats. This period is also good for taking important people into your confidence regarding your new projects and plans and it would definitely help if you mixed with cultured or academic types. Fortunate colours are jade and silver. Lucky numbers are 13 and 49.
2004-01-12, Monday: Spotlight
The spotlight is on you, Sagittarius, as the Moon cruises through your mid-heaven, the house of career and public image. Fortunate Jupiter your life-ruler is dancing in the mid-heaven too, so the gods are on your side. With dark Pluto prowling through your sign, the emphasis is on doing things your way, for you can make a difference. Lucky colours are lavender and violet. Lucky numbers are 13 and 54.
2004-01-12, Monday: Put In Extra Time
Opportunities to get ahead at work will develop if you are willing to put in a little extra time, Scorpio, but don't rely too heavily on promises made by others. Minor changes that you plan around your house will bring appreciation. Beneficial colours are dark blue and copper. Lucky numbers are 19 and 34.
2004-01-12, Monday: The Wrong People?
Today you are likely to attract the wrong people, so do not lend money or sign any partnership agreements with them. Compliments that you receive will be less than sincere and you are likely to suffer due to false promises. Harmonious colours are hazel and rose pink. Lucky numbers are 1 and 15.
2004-01-12, Monday: Romantic Moon
The romantic Moon in your sign increases your personal magnetism and urges you to spend time with your lover. You will enjoy a quiet dinner that you plan together and you could also use this opportunity to discuss certain important issues. Unexpected financial gains are likely for some. Lucky colours are pale pink and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 2 and 44.
2004-01-12, Monday: Travel Problems
A journey seems likely for some of you, but problems en route cannot be ruled out. You need to relax between periods of work as much as possible, for stress and anxiety could harm your health. Take extra care if you are driving alone. Harmonious colours are deep purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 2 and 31.
2004-01-12, Monday: Group Involvement
Group involvement will be helpful in building new friendships, as your financial position improves through speculation or unexpected gains. Take a close look at any financial documents before you sign them. Your health always seems to be under pressure with stodgy Saturn stumping slowly through your sign, but you must not forget to give body, mind and spirit the proper care they need. Auspicious colours are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 10 and 59.
2004-01-12, Monday: Take A Break
You should take a break from your daily schedule and go out with your friends today. Some of you will be presented with a brilliant investment opportunity. Be original in your correspondence, especially if it involves the one you love. Auspicious colours are beige and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 19.
2004-01-12, Monday: Romantic Potential
Expect a memorable day with the one you love, as your social life hits the spot. Guests will crowd your house and bring you gifts and presents. It is also just the day to look into home improvement projects, but be sure not to overdo it, since your health is under pressure. Beneficial colours are ruby red and ivory. Lucky numbers are 13 and 26.
2004-01-12, Monday: Conflict at Home
Watch your p's and q's, Taurus, as someone you live with might not understand the way you feel. If you want to maintain domestic harmony, avoid arguments and confrontation. Why not s spend some relaxed moments in the company of friends? Property investment made today will bring good returns. Beneficial colours are smoky purple and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 36.