Cancer.Html's Horoscopes |



Born between:

2025-01-08, Wednesday
An unexpected development might interfere with your plans to attend a social event, group activity, or get-together with your partner. This isn't going to sit well with those you've been planning to meet, Pisces. It's going to be frustrating for you, too, but it has to be done. It's best if you just postpone your plans and take care of business. Your friends will forgive you.
2025-01-08, Wednesday
Unexpected responsibilities could interfere with plans to take a trip of some sort. Someone might need your help, and you may well have to put your own activities on hold for a while. This could be frustrating, Aquarius. It only delays whatever you're doing but doesn't stop it. Take care of whatever you need to do and then continue with your plans. You will feel better if you do.
2025-01-08, Wednesday
A temporary upset with a partner might distract you so you can't function as effectively as you normally do. Don't let your anger get the best of you. The situation is probably due to a lack of communication, and could be cleared up with explanations, understanding, and an agreement as to how similar situations should be handled. By the end of the day, all should be well again.
2025-01-08, Wednesday
You might not be able to accomplish what you'd hoped today, Sagittarius. Some minor but irritating conflicts could occur within a group. You might find this exasperating, as petty squabbles interfere with reaching the group's objectives. You could be called on to use your intuition and sensitivity to spread oil on troubled waters. Be direct, fair, and clear, and try not to let your irritation show.
2025-01-08, Wednesday
New scientific or archaeological discoveries could temporarily shake your faith in your spiritual path, Scorpio. You may suddenly doubt something you've always accepted. This could propel you to study, primarily to reaffirm your faith. You're likely to find that your discoveries don't invalidate your ideas, but actually confirm them. Write down your ideas so you can put things in proper perspective.
2025-01-08, Wednesday
Upsets regarding your career or the activities that take up most of your time are likely to negatively affect your self-confidence. Don't fall into this trap, Libra. The forces are beyond your control and the situation doesn't reflect any shortcomings on your part. You might have to put in some effort to straighten things out and return to normal. It's a pain, but you'd best do it without delay.
2025-01-08, Wednesday
Even though everything is going well for you, Virgo, a sudden upset of some kind, probably involving money, could throw you into a momentary panic. You may wonder if your good fortune is going to end as quickly as it began. This probably isn't the case. The situation is temporary. With a little effort, you should be able to straighten everything out and put yourself back on track.
2025-01-08, Wednesday
Some rather disconcerting information may come to light today. This could throw you into a daze, as it isn't anything that you expected. This isn't necessarily bad news, Leo. In fact, it might be great news, but it may be something you never expected in a million years. Work through the shock and try to view it from all sides.
2025-01-08, Wednesday
Unexpected visitors might throw you into a dither. You could panic over how to dress, what to say, and what to serve. Don't make yourself crazy, Cancer. Follow your heart and go with the flow. Spontaneity is the best policy. Your guests will enjoy yourselves more if you worry less about being the perfect host. Just have fun.
2025-01-08, Wednesday
A trip through exclusive boutiques or antique shops might have you throwing financial caution to the wind and buying luxury items you hadn't planned for. This is all right - up to a point. Take care not to buy more than you can use. Don't go to the opposite extreme and be too miserly either. You've worked hard and deserve a treat or two.
2025-01-08, Wednesday
Your usually abundant energy may experience a sudden setback today, Taurus. Work pressure could create stress that leaves you feeling exhausted and out of sorts. This will pass. You should be strong and healthy and so able to overcome it quickly. It's going to drive you crazy to not feel as active as you usually are. Relax and spend a day resting. It won't hurt you in the long run.
2025-01-08, Wednesday
Arrangements for a get-together you're planning to host could go awry, with everything turned upside down and nothing happening the way you planned. This isn't going to halt your plans, Aries, but it's going to require more effort to get things back on track and make it happen. This is going to be exasperating for you, but don't waste time moaning about it. Get busy and take care of business.
2024-01-08, Monday: Financial Focus
Everyone you meet is friendly today, and you might even have a stroke of luck. Money should be coming in, but going out rather fast as well... Paperwork, writing, meetings and discussions are likely to involve finances this month. Keep your personal values in order, or you may have to justify your position. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2024-01-08, Monday: Out In Front
Embrace the moment, even as you throw yourself into the uncertain future. What's going to come next? What seem like spontaneous decisions are actually emerging from knowledge deep within you. If you have a plan in mind to get what you want, this is the time to implement it. Legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership and other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind are in the picture. Business and romantic rivals can't compete with you at the moment. Excellent colours are jade and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2024-01-08, Monday: Show Up Early
Punctuality isn't your strongest suit, dear Twins. You are easily side-tracked, but it really is important if you want to be taken seriously. Show up early if you want to impress! The stars are about to hand you an opportunity that it would be foolish to ignore. As Mercury shifts into your eighth house, inheritance, tax or insurance matters take the focus. Investment analysis, or allocating funds for the repayment or collection of debts are also in the stars. Favourable colours are cinnabar and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2024-01-08, Monday: Spiritual Balance
Self-worship is easy under the admiring Cancer Moon, dear Scorpio. After all, you're a business genius! The real prize comes when you turn from the mirror to see that others think just as highly of you as you do... Take in all this love, and store some away for lean times in the future. Well, you still have your reputation as an egomaniac to uphold! I'd spend some time restoring my spiritual balance, if I were you. At a more mundane level, your time may also be taken up with vehicles, computers, or gadgets and equipment. Grounding colours are dark blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2024-01-08, Monday: Tasks And Responsibilities
Why are you still growling, Leo? Everyone else went home a long time ago. If you must work, focus on schedules and assignment of tasks and responsibilities for your own work as well as those who work with you. As Merc moves into Capricorn, your daily routine fills up with details, messages, and information. When you're forced to restructure, at least you have a chance to redefine. Here's an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so use it to your advantage. Effective colours are orange and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2024-01-08, Monday: Blast From The Past
As Mercury enters Capricorn, your ability to come to grips with detail will be admired and rewarded. It's a good time to travel too. Romance will be enticing and lead you to new and exciting plans for the future, but someone may have to assess your performance. Expect to run into someone or something from your past. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and saffron. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2024-01-08, Monday: Think It Through
What is truly important in your life, Libra? Does your personal philosophy (with some refinement) serve you well as a business strategy? The stars say yes, if real estate or home improvements are in mind. Now that you know what the best investments are, you will have a much easier time choosing between them. You're getting good at this, Libra. You may also be inspired to collect and restore family heirlooms, gather information on your family s genealogy and other aspects of family history, or visit your childhood home. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
2024-01-08, Monday: Lady Luck
Lady Luck is smiling on Pisces today and money matters resolve in your favour. Recent conflicts with family and friends will smooth out easily. Your special partner is highly cooperative. Why not make plans for a long-distance pleasure-trip or vacation together? As Merc moves into your 11th, the next few weeks bring more communications and activities with friends and club activities. Increased interaction or travel with children is in the wind. Fortunate colours are iris and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2024-01-08, Monday: Endurance And Stamina
Although the cosmos offers you endurance and stamina, you need to watch that you're not straining your body, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. Focus on higher studies or advanced training, as these will be important in weeks ahead. Empowering colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2024-01-08, Monday: Watch Your Wallet
Focus on financial concerns and other matters of value to you, and keep your ear to the ground. You need to put more into earning income, perhaps by working longer hours. Zip up your wallet to prevent money from disappearing mysteriously today. You might find a public forum to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. A decision needed where your values are concerned may leave you a little confused. Advantageous colours are sky blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
2024-01-08, Monday: Bold And Beautiful
As Mercury heads into earthy Capricorn, your house of romance, children and speculation, you're happy, sensual and bold. Creative writing or speaking projects are in the scenario this month. Communication (or travel) with a romantic partner, children, or social groups is also in the wind. Why not spend the day with simpatico souls? An impromptu dinner at your house would be good, or invite your friends and co-workers to dine with you at your favourite restaurant. Have a Sunday social! Simpatico colours are iris and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2024-01-08, Monday: Subtle Messages
Divide your time in a planned and phased manner, or things could get away from you. Starting a lot of new projects but not having time to finish any of them creates mental overload. This will burn your busy schedules and health problems may crop up. Ugh. Take some time out. Investigating the past or contact with people from your past is also a possibility. Messages this month may be subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. If you party with friends this evening, don't make it too late. Propitious colours are deep blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2023-01-08, Sunday: Spiritual Balance
Self-worship is easy under the admiring Cancer Moon, dear Scorpio. After all, you're a business genius! The real prize comes when you turn from the mirror to see that others think just as highly of you as you do... Take in all this love, and store some away for lean times in the future. Well, you still have your reputation as an egomaniac to uphold! I'd spend some time restoring my spiritual balance, if I were you. At a more mundane level, your time may also be taken up with vehicles, computers, or gadgets and equipment. Grounding colours are dark blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2023-01-08, Sunday: Lady Luck
Lady Luck is smiling on Pisces today and money matters resolve in your favour. Recent conflicts with family and friends will smooth out easily. Your special partner is highly cooperative. Why not make plans for a long-distance pleasure-trip or vacation together? As Merc moves into your 11th, the next few weeks bring more communications and activities with friends and club activities. Increased interaction or travel with children is in the wind. Fortunate colours are iris and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2023-01-08, Sunday: Financial Focus
Everyone you meet is friendly today, and you might even have a stroke of luck. Money should be coming in, but going out rather fast as well... Paperwork, writing, meetings and discussions are likely to involve finances this month. Keep your personal values in order, or you may have to justify your position. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2023-01-08, Sunday: Bold And Beautiful
As Mercury heads into earthy Capricorn, your house of romance, children and speculation, you're happy, sensual and bold. Creative writing or speaking projects are in the scenario this month. Communication (or travel) with a romantic partner, children, or social groups is also in the wind. Why not spend the day with simpatico souls? An impromptu dinner at your house would be good, or invite your friends and co-workers to dine with you at your favourite restaurant. Have a Sunday social! Simpatico colours are iris and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2023-01-08, Sunday: Watch Your Wallet
Focus on financial concerns and other matters of value to you, and keep your ear to the ground. You need to put more into earning income, perhaps by working longer hours. Zip up your wallet to prevent money from disappearing mysteriously today. You might find a public forum to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. A decision needed where your values are concerned may leave you a little confused. Advantageous colours are sky blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
2023-01-08, Sunday: Think It Through
What is truly important in your life, Libra? Does your personal philosophy (with some refinement) serve you well as a business strategy? The stars say yes, if real estate or home improvements are in mind. Now that you know what the best investments are, you will have a much easier time choosing between them. You're getting good at this, Libra. You may also be inspired to collect and restore family heirlooms, gather information on your family s genealogy and other aspects of family history, or visit your childhood home. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
2023-01-08, Sunday: Blast From The Past
As Mercury enters Capricorn, your ability to come to grips with detail will be admired and rewarded. It's a good time to travel too. Romance will be enticing and lead you to new and exciting plans for the future, but someone may have to assess your performance. Expect to run into someone or something from your past. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and saffron. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2023-01-08, Sunday: Subtle Messages
Divide your time in a planned and phased manner, or things could get away from you. Starting a lot of new projects but not having time to finish any of them creates mental overload. This will burn your busy schedules and health problems may crop up. Ugh. Take some time out. Investigating the past or contact with people from your past is also a possibility. Messages this month may be subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. If you party with friends this evening, don't make it too late. Propitious colours are deep blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2023-01-08, Sunday: Tasks And Responsibilities
Why are you still growling, Leo? Everyone else went home a long time ago. If you must work, focus on schedules and assignment of tasks and responsibilities for your own work as well as those who work with you. As Merc moves into Capricorn, your daily routine fills up with details, messages, and information. When you're forced to restructure, at least you have a chance to redefine. Here's an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so use it to your advantage. Effective colours are orange and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2023-01-08, Sunday: Out In Front
Embrace the moment, even as you throw yourself into the uncertain future. What's going to come next? What seem like spontaneous decisions are actually emerging from knowledge deep within you. If you have a plan in mind to get what you want, this is the time to implement it. Legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership and other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind are in the picture. Business and romantic rivals can't compete with you at the moment. Excellent colours are jade and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2023-01-08, Sunday: Show Up Early
Punctuality isn't your strongest suit, dear Twins. You are easily side-tracked, but it really is important if you want to be taken seriously. Show up early if you want to impress! The stars are about to hand you an opportunity that it would be foolish to ignore. As Mercury shifts into your eighth house, inheritance, tax or insurance matters take the focus. Investment analysis, or allocating funds for the repayment or collection of debts are also in the stars. Favourable colours are cinnabar and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2023-01-08, Sunday: Endurance And Stamina
Although the cosmos offers you endurance and stamina, you need to watch that you're not straining your body, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. Focus on higher studies or advanced training, as these will be important in weeks ahead. Empowering colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2022-01-08, Saturday: Watch Your Wallet
Focus on financial concerns and other matters of value to you, and keep your ear to the ground. You need to put more into earning income, perhaps by working longer hours. Zip up your wallet to prevent money from disappearing mysteriously today. You might find a public forum to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. A decision needed where your values are concerned may leave you a little confused. Advantageous colours are sky blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
2022-01-08, Saturday: Subtle Messages
Divide your time in a planned and phased manner, or things could get away from you. Starting a lot of new projects but not having time to finish any of them creates mental overload. This will burn your busy schedules and health problems may crop up. Ugh. Take some time out. Investigating the past or contact with people from your past is also a possibility. Messages this month may be subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. If you party with friends this evening, don't make it too late. Propitious colours are deep blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2022-01-08, Saturday: Blast From The Past
As Mercury enters Capricorn, your ability to come to grips with detail will be admired and rewarded. It's a good time to travel too. Romance will be enticing and lead you to new and exciting plans for the future, but someone may have to assess your performance. Expect to run into someone or something from your past. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and saffron. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2022-01-08, Saturday: Financial Focus
Everyone you meet is friendly today, and you might even have a stroke of luck. Money should be coming in, but going out rather fast as well... Paperwork, writing, meetings and discussions are likely to involve finances this month. Keep your personal values in order, or you may have to justify your position. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2022-01-08, Saturday: Bold And Beautiful
As Mercury heads into earthy Capricorn, your house of romance, children and speculation, you're happy, sensual and bold. Creative writing or speaking projects are in the scenario this month. Communication (or travel) with a romantic partner, children, or social groups is also in the wind. Why not spend the day with simpatico souls? An impromptu dinner at your house would be good, or invite your friends and co-workers to dine with you at your favourite restaurant. Have a Sunday social! Simpatico colours are iris and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2022-01-08, Saturday: Tasks And Responsibilities
Why are you still growling, Leo? Everyone else went home a long time ago. If you must work, focus on schedules and assignment of tasks and responsibilities for your own work as well as those who work with you. As Merc moves into Capricorn, your daily routine fills up with details, messages, and information. When you're forced to restructure, at least you have a chance to redefine. Here's an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so use it to your advantage. Effective colours are orange and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2022-01-08, Saturday: Out In Front
Embrace the moment, even as you throw yourself into the uncertain future. What's going to come next? What seem like spontaneous decisions are actually emerging from knowledge deep within you. If you have a plan in mind to get what you want, this is the time to implement it. Legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership and other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind are in the picture. Business and romantic rivals can't compete with you at the moment. Excellent colours are jade and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2022-01-08, Saturday: Lady Luck
Lady Luck is smiling on Pisces today and money matters resolve in your favour. Recent conflicts with family and friends will smooth out easily. Your special partner is highly cooperative. Why not make plans for a long-distance pleasure-trip or vacation together? As Merc moves into your 11th, the next few weeks bring more communications and activities with friends and club activities. Increased interaction or travel with children is in the wind. Fortunate colours are iris and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2022-01-08, Saturday: Spiritual Balance
Self-worship is easy under the admiring Cancer Moon, dear Scorpio. After all, you're a business genius! The real prize comes when you turn from the mirror to see that others think just as highly of you as you do... Take in all this love, and store some away for lean times in the future. Well, you still have your reputation as an egomaniac to uphold! I'd spend some time restoring my spiritual balance, if I were you. At a more mundane level, your time may also be taken up with vehicles, computers, or gadgets and equipment. Grounding colours are dark blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2022-01-08, Saturday: Think It Through
What is truly important in your life, Libra? Does your personal philosophy (with some refinement) serve you well as a business strategy? The stars say yes, if real estate or home improvements are in mind. Now that you know what the best investments are, you will have a much easier time choosing between them. You're getting good at this, Libra. You may also be inspired to collect and restore family heirlooms, gather information on your family s genealogy and other aspects of family history, or visit your childhood home. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
2022-01-08, Saturday: Show Up Early
Punctuality isn't your strongest suit, dear Twins. You are easily side-tracked, but it really is important if you want to be taken seriously. Show up early if you want to impress! The stars are about to hand you an opportunity that it would be foolish to ignore. As Mercury shifts into your eighth house, inheritance, tax or insurance matters take the focus. Investment analysis, or allocating funds for the repayment or collection of debts are also in the stars. Favourable colours are cinnabar and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2022-01-08, Saturday: Endurance And Stamina
Although the cosmos offers you endurance and stamina, you need to watch that you're not straining your body, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. Focus on higher studies or advanced training, as these will be important in weeks ahead. Empowering colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2021-01-08, Friday: Lady Luck
Lady Luck is smiling on Pisces today and money matters resolve in your favour. Recent conflicts with family and friends will smooth out easily. Your special partner is highly cooperative. Why not make plans for a long-distance pleasure-trip or vacation together? As Merc moves into your 11th, the next few weeks bring more communications and activities with friends and club activities. Increased interaction or travel with children is in the wind. Fortunate colours are iris and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2021-01-08, Friday: Subtle Messages
Divide your time in a planned and phased manner, or things could get away from you. Starting a lot of new projects but not having time to finish any of them creates mental overload. This will burn your busy schedules and health problems may crop up. Ugh. Take some time out. Investigating the past or contact with people from your past is also a possibility. Messages this month may be subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. If you party with friends this evening, don't make it too late. Propitious colours are deep blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2021-01-08, Friday: Blast From The Past
As Mercury enters Capricorn, your ability to come to grips with detail will be admired and rewarded. It's a good time to travel too. Romance will be enticing and lead you to new and exciting plans for the future, but someone may have to assess your performance. Expect to run into someone or something from your past. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and saffron. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2021-01-08, Friday: Financial Focus
Everyone you meet is friendly today, and you might even have a stroke of luck. Money should be coming in, but going out rather fast as well... Paperwork, writing, meetings and discussions are likely to involve finances this month. Keep your personal values in order, or you may have to justify your position. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2021-01-08, Friday: Spiritual Balance
Self-worship is easy under the admiring Cancer Moon, dear Scorpio. After all, you're a business genius! The real prize comes when you turn from the mirror to see that others think just as highly of you as you do... Take in all this love, and store some away for lean times in the future. Well, you still have your reputation as an egomaniac to uphold! I'd spend some time restoring my spiritual balance, if I were you. At a more mundane level, your time may also be taken up with vehicles, computers, or gadgets and equipment. Grounding colours are dark blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2021-01-08, Friday: Think It Through
What is truly important in your life, Libra? Does your personal philosophy (with some refinement) serve you well as a business strategy? The stars say yes, if real estate or home improvements are in mind. Now that you know what the best investments are, you will have a much easier time choosing between them. You're getting good at this, Libra. You may also be inspired to collect and restore family heirlooms, gather information on your family s genealogy and other aspects of family history, or visit your childhood home. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
2021-01-08, Friday: Bold And Beautiful
As Mercury heads into earthy Capricorn, your house of romance, children and speculation, you're happy, sensual and bold. Creative writing or speaking projects are in the scenario this month. Communication (or travel) with a romantic partner, children, or social groups is also in the wind. Why not spend the day with simpatico souls? An impromptu dinner at your house would be good, or invite your friends and co-workers to dine with you at your favourite restaurant. Have a Sunday social! Simpatico colours are iris and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2021-01-08, Friday: Tasks And Responsibilities
Why are you still growling, Leo? Everyone else went home a long time ago. If you must work, focus on schedules and assignment of tasks and responsibilities for your own work as well as those who work with you. As Merc moves into Capricorn, your daily routine fills up with details, messages, and information. When you're forced to restructure, at least you have a chance to redefine. Here's an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so use it to your advantage. Effective colours are orange and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2021-01-08, Friday: Out In Front
Embrace the moment, even as you throw yourself into the uncertain future. What's going to come next? What seem like spontaneous decisions are actually emerging from knowledge deep within you. If you have a plan in mind to get what you want, this is the time to implement it. Legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership and other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind are in the picture. Business and romantic rivals can't compete with you at the moment. Excellent colours are jade and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2021-01-08, Friday: Show Up Early
Punctuality isn't your strongest suit, dear Twins. You are easily side-tracked, but it really is important if you want to be taken seriously. Show up early if you want to impress! The stars are about to hand you an opportunity that it would be foolish to ignore. As Mercury shifts into your eighth house, inheritance, tax or insurance matters take the focus. Investment analysis, or allocating funds for the repayment or collection of debts are also in the stars. Favourable colours are cinnabar and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2021-01-08, Friday: Endurance And Stamina
Although the cosmos offers you endurance and stamina, you need to watch that you're not straining your body, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. Focus on higher studies or advanced training, as these will be important in weeks ahead. Empowering colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2021-01-08, Friday: Watch Your Wallet
Focus on financial concerns and other matters of value to you, and keep your ear to the ground. You need to put more into earning income, perhaps by working longer hours. Zip up your wallet to prevent money from disappearing mysteriously today. You might find a public forum to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. A decision needed where your values are concerned may leave you a little confused. Advantageous colours are sky blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
2020-01-08, Wednesday: Lady Luck
Lady Luck is smiling on Pisces today and money matters resolve in your favour. Recent conflicts with family and friends will smooth out easily. Your special partner is highly cooperative. Why not make plans for a long-distance pleasure-trip or vacation together? As Merc moves into your 11th, the next few weeks bring more communications and activities with friends and club activities. Increased interaction or travel with children is in the wind. Fortunate colours are iris and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2020-01-08, Wednesday: Subtle Messages
Divide your time in a planned and phased manner, or things could get away from you. Starting a lot of new projects but not having time to finish any of them creates mental overload. This will burn your busy schedules and health problems may crop up. Ugh. Take some time out. Investigating the past or contact with people from your past is also a possibility. Messages this month may be subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. If you party with friends this evening, don't make it too late. Propitious colours are deep blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2020-01-08, Wednesday: Blast From The Past
As Mercury enters Capricorn, your ability to come to grips with detail will be admired and rewarded. It's a good time to travel too. Romance will be enticing and lead you to new and exciting plans for the future, but someone may have to assess your performance. Expect to run into someone or something from your past. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and saffron. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2020-01-08, Wednesday: Financial Focus
Everyone you meet is friendly today, and you might even have a stroke of luck. Money should be coming in, but going out rather fast as well... Paperwork, writing, meetings and discussions are likely to involve finances this month. Keep your personal values in order, or you may have to justify your position. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2020-01-08, Wednesday: Spiritual Balance
Self-worship is easy under the admiring Cancer Moon, dear Scorpio. After all, you're a business genius! The real prize comes when you turn from the mirror to see that others think just as highly of you as you do... Take in all this love, and store some away for lean times in the future. Well, you still have your reputation as an egomaniac to uphold! I'd spend some time restoring my spiritual balance, if I were you. At a more mundane level, your time may also be taken up with vehicles, computers, or gadgets and equipment. Grounding colours are dark blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2020-01-08, Wednesday: Think It Through
What is truly important in your life, Libra? Does your personal philosophy (with some refinement) serve you well as a business strategy? The stars say yes, if real estate or home improvements are in mind. Now that you know what the best investments are, you will have a much easier time choosing between them. You're getting good at this, Libra. You may also be inspired to collect and restore family heirlooms, gather information on your family s genealogy and other aspects of family history, or visit your childhood home. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
2020-01-08, Wednesday: Bold And Beautiful
As Mercury heads into earthy Capricorn, your house of romance, children and speculation, you're happy, sensual and bold. Creative writing or speaking projects are in the scenario this month. Communication (or travel) with a romantic partner, children, or social groups is also in the wind. Why not spend the day with simpatico souls? An impromptu dinner at your house would be good, or invite your friends and co-workers to dine with you at your favourite restaurant. Have a Sunday social! Simpatico colours are iris and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2020-01-08, Wednesday: Tasks And Responsibilities
Why are you still growling, Leo? Everyone else went home a long time ago. If you must work, focus on schedules and assignment of tasks and responsibilities for your own work as well as those who work with you. As Merc moves into Capricorn, your daily routine fills up with details, messages, and information. When you're forced to restructure, at least you have a chance to redefine. Here's an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so use it to your advantage. Effective colours are orange and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2020-01-08, Wednesday: Out In Front
Embrace the moment, even as you throw yourself into the uncertain future. What's going to come next? What seem like spontaneous decisions are actually emerging from knowledge deep within you. If you have a plan in mind to get what you want, this is the time to implement it. Legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership and other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind are in the picture. Business and romantic rivals can't compete with you at the moment. Excellent colours are jade and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2020-01-08, Wednesday: Show Up Early
Punctuality isn't your strongest suit, dear Twins. You are easily side-tracked, but it really is important if you want to be taken seriously. Show up early if you want to impress! The stars are about to hand you an opportunity that it would be foolish to ignore. As Mercury shifts into your eighth house, inheritance, tax or insurance matters take the focus. Investment analysis, or allocating funds for the repayment or collection of debts are also in the stars. Favourable colours are cinnabar and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2020-01-08, Wednesday: Endurance And Stamina
Although the cosmos offers you endurance and stamina, you need to watch that you're not straining your body, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. Focus on higher studies or advanced training, as these will be important in weeks ahead. Empowering colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2020-01-08, Wednesday: Watch Your Wallet
Focus on financial concerns and other matters of value to you, and keep your ear to the ground. You need to put more into earning income, perhaps by working longer hours. Zip up your wallet to prevent money from disappearing mysteriously today. You might find a public forum to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. A decision needed where your values are concerned may leave you a little confused. Advantageous colours are sky blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
2019-01-08, Tuesday: Lady Luck
Lady Luck is smiling on Pisces today and money matters resolve in your favour. Recent conflicts with family and friends will smooth out easily. Your special partner is highly cooperative. Why not make plans for a long-distance pleasure-trip or vacation together? As Merc moves into your 11th, the next few weeks bring more communications and activities with friends and club activities. Increased interaction or travel with children is in the wind. Fortunate colours are iris and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2019-01-08, Tuesday: Subtle Messages
Divide your time in a planned and phased manner, or things could get away from you. Starting a lot of new projects but not having time to finish any of them creates mental overload. This will burn your busy schedules and health problems may crop up. Ugh. Take some time out. Investigating the past or contact with people from your past is also a possibility. Messages this month may be subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. If you party with friends this evening, don't make it too late. Propitious colours are deep blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2019-01-08, Tuesday: Blast From The Past
As Mercury enters Capricorn, your ability to come to grips with detail will be admired and rewarded. It's a good time to travel too. Romance will be enticing and lead you to new and exciting plans for the future, but someone may have to assess your performance. Expect to run into someone or something from your past. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and saffron. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2019-01-08, Tuesday: Financial Focus
Everyone you meet is friendly today, and you might even have a stroke of luck. Money should be coming in, but going out rather fast as well... Paperwork, writing, meetings and discussions are likely to involve finances this month. Keep your personal values in order, or you may have to justify your position. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2019-01-08, Tuesday: Spiritual Balance
Self-worship is easy under the admiring Cancer Moon, dear Scorpio. After all, you're a business genius! The real prize comes when you turn from the mirror to see that others think just as highly of you as you do... Take in all this love, and store some away for lean times in the future. Well, you still have your reputation as an egomaniac to uphold! I'd spend some time restoring my spiritual balance, if I were you. At a more mundane level, your time may also be taken up with vehicles, computers, or gadgets and equipment. Grounding colours are dark blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2019-01-08, Tuesday: Think It Through
What is truly important in your life, Libra? Does your personal philosophy (with some refinement) serve you well as a business strategy? The stars say yes, if real estate or home improvements are in mind. Now that you know what the best investments are, you will have a much easier time choosing between them. You're getting good at this, Libra. You may also be inspired to collect and restore family heirlooms, gather information on your family s genealogy and other aspects of family history, or visit your childhood home. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
2019-01-08, Tuesday: Bold And Beautiful
As Mercury heads into earthy Capricorn, your house of romance, children and speculation, you're happy, sensual and bold. Creative writing or speaking projects are in the scenario this month. Communication (or travel) with a romantic partner, children, or social groups is also in the wind. Why not spend the day with simpatico souls? An impromptu dinner at your house would be good, or invite your friends and co-workers to dine with you at your favourite restaurant. Have a Sunday social! Simpatico colours are iris and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2019-01-08, Tuesday: Tasks And Responsibilities
Why are you still growling, Leo? Everyone else went home a long time ago. If you must work, focus on schedules and assignment of tasks and responsibilities for your own work as well as those who work with you. As Merc moves into Capricorn, your daily routine fills up with details, messages, and information. When you're forced to restructure, at least you have a chance to redefine. Here's an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so use it to your advantage. Effective colours are orange and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2019-01-08, Tuesday: Out In Front
Embrace the moment, even as you throw yourself into the uncertain future. What's going to come next? What seem like spontaneous decisions are actually emerging from knowledge deep within you. If you have a plan in mind to get what you want, this is the time to implement it. Legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership and other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind are in the picture. Business and romantic rivals can't compete with you at the moment. Excellent colours are jade and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2019-01-08, Tuesday: Show Up Early
Punctuality isn't your strongest suit, dear Twins. You are easily side-tracked, but it really is important if you want to be taken seriously. Show up early if you want to impress! The stars are about to hand you an opportunity that it would be foolish to ignore. As Mercury shifts into your eighth house, inheritance, tax or insurance matters take the focus. Investment analysis, or allocating funds for the repayment or collection of debts are also in the stars. Favourable colours are cinnabar and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2019-01-08, Tuesday: Endurance And Stamina
Although the cosmos offers you endurance and stamina, you need to watch that you're not straining your body, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. Focus on higher studies or advanced training, as these will be important in weeks ahead. Empowering colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2019-01-08, Tuesday: Watch Your Wallet
Focus on financial concerns and other matters of value to you, and keep your ear to the ground. You need to put more into earning income, perhaps by working longer hours. Zip up your wallet to prevent money from disappearing mysteriously today. You might find a public forum to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. A decision needed where your values are concerned may leave you a little confused. Advantageous colours are sky blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
2018-01-08, Monday: Lady Luck
Lady Luck is smiling on Pisces today and money matters resolve in your favour. Recent conflicts with family and friends will smooth out easily. Your special partner is highly cooperative. Why not make plans for a long-distance pleasure-trip or vacation together? As Merc moves into your 11th, the next few weeks bring more communications and activities with friends and club activities. Increased interaction or travel with children is in the wind. Fortunate colours are iris and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2018-01-08, Monday: Subtle Messages
Divide your time in a planned and phased manner, or things could get away from you. Starting a lot of new projects but not having time to finish any of them creates mental overload. This will burn your busy schedules and health problems may crop up. Ugh. Take some time out. Investigating the past or contact with people from your past is also a possibility. Messages this month may be subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. If you party with friends this evening, don't make it too late. Propitious colours are deep blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2018-01-08, Monday: Blast From The Past
As Mercury enters Capricorn, your ability to come to grips with detail will be admired and rewarded. It's a good time to travel too. Romance will be enticing and lead you to new and exciting plans for the future, but someone may have to assess your performance. Expect to run into someone or something from your past. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and saffron. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2018-01-08, Monday: Financial Focus
Everyone you meet is friendly today, and you might even have a stroke of luck. Money should be coming in, but going out rather fast as well... Paperwork, writing, meetings and discussions are likely to involve finances this month. Keep your personal values in order, or you may have to justify your position. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2018-01-08, Monday: Spiritual Balance
Self-worship is easy under the admiring Cancer Moon, dear Scorpio. After all, you're a business genius! The real prize comes when you turn from the mirror to see that others think just as highly of you as you do... Take in all this love, and store some away for lean times in the future. Well, you still have your reputation as an egomaniac to uphold! I'd spend some time restoring my spiritual balance, if I were you. At a more mundane level, your time may also be taken up with vehicles, computers, or gadgets and equipment. Grounding colours are dark blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2018-01-08, Monday: Think It Through
What is truly important in your life, Libra? Does your personal philosophy (with some refinement) serve you well as a business strategy? The stars say yes, if real estate or home improvements are in mind. Now that you know what the best investments are, you will have a much easier time choosing between them. You're getting good at this, Libra. You may also be inspired to collect and restore family heirlooms, gather information on your family s genealogy and other aspects of family history, or visit your childhood home. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
2018-01-08, Monday: Bold And Beautiful
As Mercury heads into earthy Capricorn, your house of romance, children and speculation, you're happy, sensual and bold. Creative writing or speaking projects are in the scenario this month. Communication (or travel) with a romantic partner, children, or social groups is also in the wind. Why not spend the day with simpatico souls? An impromptu dinner at your house would be good, or invite your friends and co-workers to dine with you at your favourite restaurant. Have a Sunday social! Simpatico colours are iris and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2018-01-08, Monday: Tasks And Responsibilities
Why are you still growling, Leo? Everyone else went home a long time ago. If you must work, focus on schedules and assignment of tasks and responsibilities for your own work as well as those who work with you. As Merc moves into Capricorn, your daily routine fills up with details, messages, and information. When you're forced to restructure, at least you have a chance to redefine. Here's an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so use it to your advantage. Effective colours are orange and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2018-01-08, Monday: Out In Front
Embrace the moment, even as you throw yourself into the uncertain future. What's going to come next? What seem like spontaneous decisions are actually emerging from knowledge deep within you. If you have a plan in mind to get what you want, this is the time to implement it. Legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership and other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind are in the picture. Business and romantic rivals can't compete with you at the moment. Excellent colours are jade and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2018-01-08, Monday: Show Up Early
Punctuality isn't your strongest suit, dear Twins. You are easily side-tracked, but it really is important if you want to be taken seriously. Show up early if you want to impress! The stars are about to hand you an opportunity that it would be foolish to ignore. As Mercury shifts into your eighth house, inheritance, tax or insurance matters take the focus. Investment analysis, or allocating funds for the repayment or collection of debts are also in the stars. Favourable colours are cinnabar and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2018-01-08, Monday: Endurance And Stamina
Although the cosmos offers you endurance and stamina, you need to watch that you're not straining your body, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. Focus on higher studies or advanced training, as these will be important in weeks ahead. Empowering colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2018-01-08, Monday: Watch Your Wallet
Focus on financial concerns and other matters of value to you, and keep your ear to the ground. You need to put more into earning income, perhaps by working longer hours. Zip up your wallet to prevent money from disappearing mysteriously today. You might find a public forum to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. A decision needed where your values are concerned may leave you a little confused. Advantageous colours are sky blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
2017-01-08, Sunday: Spiritual Balance
Self-worship is easy under the admiring Cancer Moon, dear Scorpio. After all, you're a business genius! The real prize comes when you turn from the mirror to see that others think just as highly of you as you do... Take in all this love, and store some away for lean times in the future. Well, you still have your reputation as an egomaniac to uphold! I'd spend some time restoring my spiritual balance, if I were you. At a more mundane level, your time may also be taken up with vehicles, computers, or gadgets and equipment. Grounding colours are dark blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2017-01-08, Sunday: Think It Through
What is truly important in your life, Libra? Does your personal philosophy (with some refinement) serve you well as a business strategy? The stars say yes, if real estate or home improvements are in mind. Now that you know what the best investments are, you will have a much easier time choosing between them. You're getting good at this, Libra. You may also be inspired to collect and restore family heirlooms, gather information on your family s genealogy and other aspects of family history, or visit your childhood home. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
2017-01-08, Sunday: Lady Luck
Lady Luck is smiling on Pisces today and money matters resolve in your favour. Recent conflicts with family and friends will smooth out easily. Your special partner is highly cooperative. Why not make plans for a long-distance pleasure-trip or vacation together? As Merc moves into your 11th, the next few weeks bring more communications and activities with friends and club activities. Increased interaction or travel with children is in the wind. Fortunate colours are iris and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2017-01-08, Sunday: Subtle Messages
Divide your time in a planned and phased manner, or things could get away from you. Starting a lot of new projects but not having time to finish any of them creates mental overload. This will burn your busy schedules and health problems may crop up. Ugh. Take some time out. Investigating the past or contact with people from your past is also a possibility. Messages this month may be subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. If you party with friends this evening, don't make it too late. Propitious colours are deep blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2017-01-08, Sunday: Blast From The Past
As Mercury enters Capricorn, your ability to come to grips with detail will be admired and rewarded. It's a good time to travel too. Romance will be enticing and lead you to new and exciting plans for the future, but someone may have to assess your performance. Expect to run into someone or something from your past. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and saffron. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2017-01-08, Sunday: Financial Focus
Everyone you meet is friendly today, and you might even have a stroke of luck. Money should be coming in, but going out rather fast as well... Paperwork, writing, meetings and discussions are likely to involve finances this month. Keep your personal values in order, or you may have to justify your position. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2017-01-08, Sunday: Bold And Beautiful
As Mercury heads into earthy Capricorn, your house of romance, children and speculation, you're happy, sensual and bold. Creative writing or speaking projects are in the scenario this month. Communication (or travel) with a romantic partner, children, or social groups is also in the wind. Why not spend the day with simpatico souls? An impromptu dinner at your house would be good, or invite your friends and co-workers to dine with you at your favourite restaurant. Have a Sunday social! Simpatico colours are iris and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2017-01-08, Sunday: Tasks And Responsibilities
Why are you still growling, Leo? Everyone else went home a long time ago. If you must work, focus on schedules and assignment of tasks and responsibilities for your own work as well as those who work with you. As Merc moves into Capricorn, your daily routine fills up with details, messages, and information. When you're forced to restructure, at least you have a chance to redefine. Here's an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so use it to your advantage. Effective colours are orange and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2017-01-08, Sunday: Out In Front
Embrace the moment, even as you throw yourself into the uncertain future. What's going to come next? What seem like spontaneous decisions are actually emerging from knowledge deep within you. If you have a plan in mind to get what you want, this is the time to implement it. Legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership and other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind are in the picture. Business and romantic rivals can't compete with you at the moment. Excellent colours are jade and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2017-01-08, Sunday: Show Up Early
Punctuality isn't your strongest suit, dear Twins. You are easily side-tracked, but it really is important if you want to be taken seriously. Show up early if you want to impress! The stars are about to hand you an opportunity that it would be foolish to ignore. As Mercury shifts into your eighth house, inheritance, tax or insurance matters take the focus. Investment analysis, or allocating funds for the repayment or collection of debts are also in the stars. Favourable colours are cinnabar and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2017-01-08, Sunday: Endurance And Stamina
Although the cosmos offers you endurance and stamina, you need to watch that you're not straining your body, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. Focus on higher studies or advanced training, as these will be important in weeks ahead. Empowering colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2017-01-08, Sunday: Watch Your Wallet
Focus on financial concerns and other matters of value to you, and keep your ear to the ground. You need to put more into earning income, perhaps by working longer hours. Zip up your wallet to prevent money from disappearing mysteriously today. You might find a public forum to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. A decision needed where your values are concerned may leave you a little confused. Advantageous colours are sky blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
2016-01-08, Friday: Lady Luck
Lady Luck is smiling on Pisces today and money matters resolve in your favour. Recent conflicts with family and friends will smooth out easily. Your special partner is highly cooperative. Why not make plans for a long-distance pleasure-trip or vacation together? As Merc moves into your 11th, the next few weeks bring more communications and activities with friends and club activities. Increased interaction or travel with children is in the wind. Fortunate colours are iris and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2016-01-08, Friday: Blast From The Past
As Mercury enters Capricorn, your ability to come to grips with detail will be admired and rewarded. It's a good time to travel too. Romance will be enticing and lead you to new and exciting plans for the future, but someone may have to assess your performance. Expect to run into someone or something from your past. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and saffron. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2016-01-08, Friday: Financial Focus
Everyone you meet is friendly today, and you might even have a stroke of luck. Money should be coming in, but going out rather fast as well... Paperwork, writing, meetings and discussions are likely to involve finances this month. Keep your personal values in order, or you may have to justify your position. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2016-01-08, Friday: Spiritual Balance
Self-worship is easy under the admiring Cancer Moon, dear Scorpio. After all, you're a business genius! The real prize comes when you turn from the mirror to see that others think just as highly of you as you do... Take in all this love, and store some away for lean times in the future. Well, you still have your reputation as an egomaniac to uphold! I'd spend some time restoring my spiritual balance, if I were you. At a more mundane level, your time may also be taken up with vehicles, computers, or gadgets and equipment. Grounding colours are dark blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2016-01-08, Friday: Think It Through
What is truly important in your life, Libra? Does your personal philosophy (with some refinement) serve you well as a business strategy? The stars say yes, if real estate or home improvements are in mind. Now that you know what the best investments are, you will have a much easier time choosing between them. You're getting good at this, Libra. You may also be inspired to collect and restore family heirlooms, gather information on your family s genealogy and other aspects of family history, or visit your childhood home. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
2016-01-08, Friday: Tasks And Responsibilities
Why are you still growling, Leo? Everyone else went home a long time ago. If you must work, focus on schedules and assignment of tasks and responsibilities for your own work as well as those who work with you. As Merc moves into Capricorn, your daily routine fills up with details, messages, and information. When you're forced to restructure, at least you have a chance to redefine. Here's an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so use it to your advantage. Effective colours are orange and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2016-01-08, Friday: Out In Front
Embrace the moment, even as you throw yourself into the uncertain future. What's going to come next? What seem like spontaneous decisions are actually emerging from knowledge deep within you. If you have a plan in mind to get what you want, this is the time to implement it. Legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership and other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind are in the picture. Business and romantic rivals can't compete with you at the moment. Excellent colours are jade and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2016-01-08, Friday: Show Up Early
Punctuality isn't your strongest suit, dear Twins. You are easily side-tracked, but it really is important if you want to be taken seriously. Show up early if you want to impress! The stars are about to hand you an opportunity that it would be foolish to ignore. As Mercury shifts into your eighth house, inheritance, tax or insurance matters take the focus. Investment analysis, or allocating funds for the repayment or collection of debts are also in the stars. Favourable colours are cinnabar and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2016-01-08, Friday: Subtle Messages
Divide your time in a planned and phased manner, or things could get away from you. Starting a lot of new projects but not having time to finish any of them creates mental overload. This will burn your busy schedules and health problems may crop up. Ugh. Take some time out. Investigating the past or contact with people from your past is also a possibility. Messages this month may be subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. If you party with friends this evening, don't make it too late. Propitious colours are deep blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2016-01-08, Friday: Endurance And Stamina
Although the cosmos offers you endurance and stamina, you need to watch that you're not straining your body, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. Focus on higher studies or advanced training, as these will be important in weeks ahead. Empowering colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2016-01-08, Friday: Bold And Beautiful
As Mercury heads into earthy Capricorn, your house of romance, children and speculation, you're happy, sensual and bold. Creative writing or speaking projects are in the scenario this month. Communication (or travel) with a romantic partner, children, or social groups is also in the wind. Why not spend the day with simpatico souls? An impromptu dinner at your house would be good, or invite your friends and co-workers to dine with you at your favourite restaurant. Have a Sunday social! Simpatico colours are iris and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2016-01-08, Friday: Watch Your Wallet
Focus on financial concerns and other matters of value to you, and keep your ear to the ground. You need to put more into earning income, perhaps by working longer hours. Zip up your wallet to prevent money from disappearing mysteriously today. You might find a public forum to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. A decision needed where your values are concerned may leave you a little confused. Advantageous colours are sky blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
2015-01-08, Thursday: Lady Luck
Lady Luck is smiling on Pisces today and money matters resolve in your favour. Recent conflicts with family and friends will smooth out easily. Your special partner is highly cooperative. Why not make plans for a long-distance pleasure-trip or vacation together? As Merc moves into your 11th, the next few weeks bring more communications and activities with friends and club activities. Increased interaction or travel with children is in the wind. Fortunate colours are iris and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2015-01-08, Thursday: Subtle Messages
Divide your time in a planned and phased manner, or things could get away from you. Starting a lot of new projects but not having time to finish any of them creates mental overload. This will burn your busy schedules and health problems may crop up. Ugh. Take some time out. Investigating the past or contact with people from your past is also a possibility. Messages this month may be subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. If you party with friends this evening, don't make it too late. Propitious colours are deep blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2015-01-08, Thursday: Blast From The Past
As Mercury enters Capricorn, your ability to come to grips with detail will be admired and rewarded. It's a good time to travel too. Romance will be enticing and lead you to new and exciting plans for the future, but someone may have to assess your performance. Expect to run into someone or something from your past. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and saffron. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2015-01-08, Thursday: Financial Focus
Everyone you meet is friendly today, and you might even have a stroke of luck. Money should be coming in, but going out rather fast as well... Paperwork, writing, meetings and discussions are likely to involve finances this month. Keep your personal values in order, or you may have to justify your position. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2015-01-08, Thursday: Spiritual Balance
Self-worship is easy under the admiring Cancer Moon, dear Scorpio. After all, you're a business genius! The real prize comes when you turn from the mirror to see that others think just as highly of you as you do... Take in all this love, and store some away for lean times in the future. Well, you still have your reputation as an egomaniac to uphold! I'd spend some time restoring my spiritual balance, if I were you. At a more mundane level, your time may also be taken up with vehicles, computers, or gadgets and equipment. Grounding colours are dark blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2015-01-08, Thursday: Think It Through
What is truly important in your life, Libra? Does your personal philosophy (with some refinement) serve you well as a business strategy? The stars say yes, if real estate or home improvements are in mind. Now that you know what the best investments are, you will have a much easier time choosing between them. You're getting good at this, Libra. You may also be inspired to collect and restore family heirlooms, gather information on your family s genealogy and other aspects of family history, or visit your childhood home. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
2015-01-08, Thursday: Bold And Beautiful
As Mercury heads into earthy Capricorn, your house of romance, children and speculation, you're happy, sensual and bold. Creative writing or speaking projects are in the scenario this month. Communication (or travel) with a romantic partner, children, or social groups is also in the wind. Why not spend the day with simpatico souls? An impromptu dinner at your house would be good, or invite your friends and co-workers to dine with you at your favourite restaurant. Have a Sunday social! Simpatico colours are iris and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2015-01-08, Thursday: Tasks And Responsibilities
Why are you still growling, Leo? Everyone else went home a long time ago. If you must work, focus on schedules and assignment of tasks and responsibilities for your own work as well as those who work with you. As Merc moves into Capricorn, your daily routine fills up with details, messages, and information. When you're forced to restructure, at least you have a chance to redefine. Here's an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so use it to your advantage. Effective colours are orange and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2015-01-08, Thursday: Out In Front
Embrace the moment, even as you throw yourself into the uncertain future. What's going to come next? What seem like spontaneous decisions are actually emerging from knowledge deep within you. If you have a plan in mind to get what you want, this is the time to implement it. Legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership and other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind are in the picture. Business and romantic rivals can't compete with you at the moment. Excellent colours are jade and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2015-01-08, Thursday: Show Up Early
Punctuality isn't your strongest suit, dear Twins. You are easily side-tracked, but it really is important if you want to be taken seriously. Show up early if you want to impress! The stars are about to hand you an opportunity that it would be foolish to ignore. As Mercury shifts into your eighth house, inheritance, tax or insurance matters take the focus. Investment analysis, or allocating funds for the repayment or collection of debts are also in the stars. Favourable colours are cinnabar and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2015-01-08, Thursday: Watch Your Wallet
Focus on financial concerns and other matters of value to you, and keep your ear to the ground. You need to put more into earning income, perhaps by working longer hours. Zip up your wallet to prevent money from disappearing mysteriously today. You might find a public forum to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. A decision needed where your values are concerned may leave you a little confused. Advantageous colours are sky blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
2015-01-08, Thursday: Endurance And Stamina
Although the cosmos offers you endurance and stamina, you need to watch that you're not straining your body, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. Focus on higher studies or advanced training, as these will be important in weeks ahead. Empowering colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2014-01-08, Wednesday: Blast From The Past
As Mercury enters Capricorn, your ability to come to grips with detail will be admired and rewarded. It's a good time to travel too. Romance will be enticing and lead you to new and exciting plans for the future, but someone may have to assess your performance. Expect to run into someone or something from your past. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and saffron. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2014-01-08, Wednesday: Watch Your Wallet
Focus on financial concerns and other matters of value to you, and keep your ear to the ground. You need to put more into earning income, perhaps by working longer hours. Zip up your wallet to prevent money from disappearing mysteriously today. You might find a public forum to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. A decision needed where your values are concerned may leave you a little confused. Advantageous colours are sky blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
2014-01-08, Wednesday: Lady Luck
Lady Luck is smiling on Pisces today and money matters resolve in your favour. Recent conflicts with family and friends will smooth out easily. Your special partner is highly cooperative. Why not make plans for a long-distance pleasure-trip or vacation together? As Merc moves into your 11th, the next few weeks bring more communications and activities with friends and club activities. Increased interaction or travel with children is in the wind. Fortunate colours are iris and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2014-01-08, Wednesday: Subtle Messages
Divide your time in a planned and phased manner, or things could get away from you. Starting a lot of new projects but not having time to finish any of them creates mental overload. This will burn your busy schedules and health problems may crop up. Ugh. Take some time out. Investigating the past or contact with people from your past is also a possibility. Messages this month may be subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. If you party with friends this evening, don't make it too late. Propitious colours are deep blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2014-01-08, Wednesday: Financial Focus
Everyone you meet is friendly today, and you might even have a stroke of luck. Money should be coming in, but going out rather fast as well... Paperwork, writing, meetings and discussions are likely to involve finances this month. Keep your personal values in order, or you may have to justify your position. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2014-01-08, Wednesday: Spiritual Balance
Self-worship is easy under the admiring Cancer Moon, dear Scorpio. After all, you're a business genius! The real prize comes when you turn from the mirror to see that others think just as highly of you as you do... Take in all this love, and store some away for lean times in the future. Well, you still have your reputation as an egomaniac to uphold! I'd spend some time restoring my spiritual balance, if I were you. At a more mundane level, your time may also be taken up with vehicles, computers, or gadgets and equipment. Grounding colours are dark blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2014-01-08, Wednesday: Think It Through
What is truly important in your life, Libra? Does your personal philosophy (with some refinement) serve you well as a business strategy? The stars say yes, if real estate or home improvements are in mind. Now that you know what the best investments are, you will have a much easier time choosing between them. You're getting good at this, Libra. You may also be inspired to collect and restore family heirlooms, gather information on your family s genealogy and other aspects of family history, or visit your childhood home. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
2014-01-08, Wednesday: Bold And Beautiful
As Mercury heads into earthy Capricorn, your house of romance, children and speculation, you're happy, sensual and bold. Creative writing or speaking projects are in the scenario this month. Communication (or travel) with a romantic partner, children, or social groups is also in the wind. Why not spend the day with simpatico souls? An impromptu dinner at your house would be good, or invite your friends and co-workers to dine with you at your favourite restaurant. Have a Sunday social! Simpatico colours are iris and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2014-01-08, Wednesday: Tasks And Responsibilities
Why are you still growling, Leo? Everyone else went home a long time ago. If you must work, focus on schedules and assignment of tasks and responsibilities for your own work as well as those who work with you. As Merc moves into Capricorn, your daily routine fills up with details, messages, and information. When you're forced to restructure, at least you have a chance to redefine. Here's an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so use it to your advantage. Effective colours are orange and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2014-01-08, Wednesday: Out In Front
Embrace the moment, even as you throw yourself into the uncertain future. What's going to come next? What seem like spontaneous decisions are actually emerging from knowledge deep within you. If you have a plan in mind to get what you want, this is the time to implement it. Legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership and other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind are in the picture. Business and romantic rivals can't compete with you at the moment. Excellent colours are jade and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2014-01-08, Wednesday: Show Up Early
Punctuality isn't your strongest suit, dear Twins. You are easily side-tracked, but it really is important if you want to be taken seriously. Show up early if you want to impress! The stars are about to hand you an opportunity that it would be foolish to ignore. As Mercury shifts into your eighth house, inheritance, tax or insurance matters take the focus. Investment analysis, or allocating funds for the repayment or collection of debts are also in the stars. Favourable colours are cinnabar and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2014-01-08, Wednesday: Endurance And Stamina
Although the cosmos offers you endurance and stamina, you need to watch that you're not straining your body, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. Focus on higher studies or advanced training, as these will be important in weeks ahead. Empowering colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2013-01-08, Tuesday: Lady Luck
Lady Luck is smiling on Pisces today and money matters resolve in your favour. Recent conflicts with family and friends will smooth out easily. Your special partner is highly cooperative. Why not make plans for a long-distance pleasure-trip or vacation together? As Merc moves into your 11th, the next few weeks bring more communications and activities with friends and club activities. Increased interaction or travel with children is in the wind. Fortunate colours are iris and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2013-01-08, Tuesday: Subtle Messages
Divide your time in a planned and phased manner, or things could get away from you. Starting a lot of new projects but not having time to finish any of them creates mental overload. This will burn your busy schedules and health problems may crop up. Ugh. Take some time out. Investigating the past or contact with people from your past is also a possibility. Messages this month may be subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. If you party with friends this evening, don't make it too late. Propitious colours are deep blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2013-01-08, Tuesday: Blast From The Past
As Mercury enters Capricorn, your ability to come to grips with detail will be admired and rewarded. It's a good time to travel too. Romance will be enticing and lead you to new and exciting plans for the future, but someone may have to assess your performance. Expect to run into someone or something from your past. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and saffron. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2013-01-08, Tuesday: Financial Focus
Everyone you meet is friendly today, and you might even have a stroke of luck. Money should be coming in, but going out rather fast as well... Paperwork, writing, meetings and discussions are likely to involve finances this month. Keep your personal values in order, or you may have to justify your position. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2013-01-08, Tuesday: Spiritual Balance
Self-worship is easy under the admiring Cancer Moon, dear Scorpio. After all, you're a business genius! The real prize comes when you turn from the mirror to see that others think just as highly of you as you do... Take in all this love, and store some away for lean times in the future. Well, you still have your reputation as an egomaniac to uphold! I'd spend some time restoring my spiritual balance, if I were you. At a more mundane level, your time may also be taken up with vehicles, computers, or gadgets and equipment. Grounding colours are dark blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2013-01-08, Tuesday: Think It Through
What is truly important in your life, Libra? Does your personal philosophy (with some refinement) serve you well as a business strategy? The stars say yes, if real estate or home improvements are in mind. Now that you know what the best investments are, you will have a much easier time choosing between them. You're getting good at this, Libra. You may also be inspired to collect and restore family heirlooms, gather information on your family s genealogy and other aspects of family history, or visit your childhood home. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
2013-01-08, Tuesday: Bold And Beautiful
As Mercury heads into earthy Capricorn, your house of romance, children and speculation, you're happy, sensual and bold. Creative writing or speaking projects are in the scenario this month. Communication (or travel) with a romantic partner, children, or social groups is also in the wind. Why not spend the day with simpatico souls? An impromptu dinner at your house would be good, or invite your friends and co-workers to dine with you at your favourite restaurant. Have a Sunday social! Simpatico colours are iris and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2013-01-08, Tuesday: Tasks And Responsibilities
Why are you still growling, Leo? Everyone else went home a long time ago. If you must work, focus on schedules and assignment of tasks and responsibilities for your own work as well as those who work with you. As Merc moves into Capricorn, your daily routine fills up with details, messages, and information. When you're forced to restructure, at least you have a chance to redefine. Here's an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so use it to your advantage. Effective colours are orange and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2013-01-08, Tuesday: Out In Front
Embrace the moment, even as you throw yourself into the uncertain future. What's going to come next? What seem like spontaneous decisions are actually emerging from knowledge deep within you. If you have a plan in mind to get what you want, this is the time to implement it. Legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership and other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind are in the picture. Business and romantic rivals can't compete with you at the moment. Excellent colours are jade and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2013-01-08, Tuesday: Show Up Early
Punctuality isn't your strongest suit, dear Twins. You are easily side-tracked, but it really is important if you want to be taken seriously. Show up early if you want to impress! The stars are about to hand you an opportunity that it would be foolish to ignore. As Mercury shifts into your eighth house, inheritance, tax or insurance matters take the focus. Investment analysis, or allocating funds for the repayment or collection of debts are also in the stars. Favourable colours are cinnabar and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2013-01-08, Tuesday: Endurance And Stamina
Although the cosmos offers you endurance and stamina, you need to watch that you're not straining your body, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. Focus on higher studies or advanced training, as these will be important in weeks ahead. Empowering colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2013-01-08, Tuesday: Watch Your Wallet
Focus on financial concerns and other matters of value to you, and keep your ear to the ground. You need to put more into earning income, perhaps by working longer hours. Zip up your wallet to prevent money from disappearing mysteriously today. You might find a public forum to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. A decision needed where your values are concerned may leave you a little confused. Advantageous colours are sky blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
2012-01-08, Sunday: Lady Luck
Lady Luck is smiling on Pisces today and money matters resolve in your favour. Recent conflicts with family and friends will smooth out easily. Your special partner is highly cooperative. Why not make plans for a long-distance pleasure-trip or vacation together? As Merc moves into your 11th, the next few weeks bring more communications and activities with friends and club activities. Increased interaction or travel with children is in the wind. Fortunate colours are iris and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2012-01-08, Sunday: Subtle Messages
Divide your time in a planned and phased manner, or things could get away from you. Starting a lot of new projects but not having time to finish any of them creates mental overload. This will burn your busy schedules and health problems may crop up. Ugh. Take some time out. Investigating the past or contact with people from your past is also a possibility. Messages this month may be subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. If you party with friends this evening, don't make it too late. Propitious colours are deep blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2012-01-08, Sunday: Blast From The Past
As Mercury enters Capricorn, your ability to come to grips with detail will be admired and rewarded. It's a good time to travel too. Romance will be enticing and lead you to new and exciting plans for the future, but someone may have to assess your performance. Expect to run into someone or something from your past. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and saffron. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2012-01-08, Sunday: Spiritual Balance
Self-worship is easy under the admiring Cancer Moon, dear Scorpio. After all, you're a business genius! The real prize comes when you turn from the mirror to see that others think just as highly of you as you do... Take in all this love, and store some away for lean times in the future. Well, you still have your reputation as an egomaniac to uphold! I'd spend some time restoring my spiritual balance, if I were you. At a more mundane level, your time may also be taken up with vehicles, computers, or gadgets and equipment. Grounding colours are dark blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2012-01-08, Sunday: Think It Through
What is truly important in your life, Libra? Does your personal philosophy (with some refinement) serve you well as a business strategy? The stars say yes, if real estate or home improvements are in mind. Now that you know what the best investments are, you will have a much easier time choosing between them. You're getting good at this, Libra. You may also be inspired to collect and restore family heirlooms, gather information on your family s genealogy and other aspects of family history, or visit your childhood home. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
2012-01-08, Sunday: Bold And Beautiful
As Mercury heads into earthy Capricorn, your house of romance, children and speculation, you're happy, sensual and bold. Creative writing or speaking projects are in the scenario this month. Communication (or travel) with a romantic partner, children, or social groups is also in the wind. Why not spend the day with simpatico souls? An impromptu dinner at your house would be good, or invite your friends and co-workers to dine with you at your favourite restaurant. Have a Sunday social! Simpatico colours are iris and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2012-01-08, Sunday: Tasks And Responsibilities
Why are you still growling, Leo? Everyone else went home a long time ago. If you must work, focus on schedules and assignment of tasks and responsibilities for your own work as well as those who work with you. As Merc moves into Capricorn, your daily routine fills up with details, messages, and information. When you're forced to restructure, at least you have a chance to redefine. Here's an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so use it to your advantage. Effective colours are orange and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
2012-01-08, Sunday: Financial Focus
Everyone you meet is friendly today, and you might even have a stroke of luck. Money should be coming in, but going out rather fast as well... Paperwork, writing, meetings and discussions are likely to involve finances this month. Keep your personal values in order, or you may have to justify your position. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2012-01-08, Sunday: Out In Front
Embrace the moment, even as you throw yourself into the uncertain future. What's going to come next? What seem like spontaneous decisions are actually emerging from knowledge deep within you. If you have a plan in mind to get what you want, this is the time to implement it. Legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership and other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind are in the picture. Business and romantic rivals can't compete with you at the moment. Excellent colours are jade and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2012-01-08, Sunday: Show Up Early
Punctuality isn't your strongest suit, dear Twins. You are easily side-tracked, but it really is important if you want to be taken seriously. Show up early if you want to impress! The stars are about to hand you an opportunity that it would be foolish to ignore. As Mercury shifts into your eighth house, inheritance, tax or insurance matters take the focus. Investment analysis, or allocating funds for the repayment or collection of debts are also in the stars. Favourable colours are cinnabar and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2012-01-08, Sunday: Endurance And Stamina
Although the cosmos offers you endurance and stamina, you need to watch that you're not straining your body, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. Focus on higher studies or advanced training, as these will be important in weeks ahead. Empowering colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2012-01-08, Sunday: Watch Your Wallet
Focus on financial concerns and other matters of value to you, and keep your ear to the ground. You need to put more into earning income, perhaps by working longer hours. Zip up your wallet to prevent money from disappearing mysteriously today. You might find a public forum to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. A decision needed where your values are concerned may leave you a little confused. Advantageous colours are sky blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
2011-01-08, Saturday: Wellbeing and Motivation
Conflicts may arise between you and your family members over your public responsibilities. Remind your family members that if it were not for your job, you wouldn't be able to assist them with their needs, and remind your employer that the well being of your family is primarily what motivates you. Then again, you might just want to tell everyone to back off and let you work in peace. Beneficial colours are celadon green and slate grey. Lucky numbers are 17 and 37.
2011-01-08, Saturday: Damper On Plans
A conflict between what you want and what you can afford may put a damper on your plans today. It may also be that you are trying to please someone who simply won't be satisfied. Adjust your expectations to a more reasonable level so that you are not disappointment when you can't accomplish that which is impossible! Beneficial colours are foam green and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 29 and 38.
2011-01-08, Saturday: Shedding Skin
A power struggle in your personal life may make itself apparent today. You may be trying to break out of old patterns of behaviour as transforming Pluto makes a slow journey through your sign. This can be compared to a creature shedding its skin as it grows. The changes you are going through may be disturbing to your family members, but these changes are ultimately for the best. Beneficial colours are pewter and pearly white. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2011-01-08, Saturday: Take Cars
Take care at work and when driving today, as stress related injuries are more likely. Financial frustration that has been building for a while needs to be released in a positive way. You may not be able to tell your boss exactly what you think of him or her, but you can take a long brisk walk and plan to give your two week's notice. Favourable colours are lemon yellow and lime green. Lucky numbers are 41 and 47.
2011-01-08, Saturday: Conflict Looms
Conflict between what you want and what others think is best for you may arise today. While chances are good there is nothing wrong with your desires, you may need to at least be more moderate in your spending and pleasure seeking. Enjoy a slice of chocolate cake but don't feel like you must have the whole cake to be satisfied. Beneficial colours are bubblegum pink and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 42 and 45.
2011-01-08, Saturday: Obstacles
Obstacles of both the emotional and material kind may plague you today, but trust that this is only a passing moment. Keep your chin up and don't take anything too personally on a day when it seems like everyone is critical and cranky. Everything will look much better tomorrow! Beneficial colours are bottle green and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 41 and 44.
2011-01-08, Saturday: Emotionally Charged
Passions may rise as the sensitive Moon awakens intense Pluto and clashes with aggro Mars, so try to find a safe outlet for this powerful emotional energy. A power struggle among friends and associates may threaten to end key relationships. Step back from an emotionally charged situation to gain a clearer perspective. By tomorrow, tempers cool and everything will begin to fall into place. Advantageous colours are sapphire blue and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.
2011-01-08, Saturday: Bite Your Tongue
The Moon clashes with stern Saturn today, putting many Lions under pressure. Take a few deep breaths and prepare to bite your tongue often... you don't want to say something today that you will regret tomorrow. Hold a steady course and you will soon see rewards for your efforts. Beneficial colours are desert sand and honey amber. Lucky numbers are 35 and 44.
2011-01-08, Saturday: Face Your Fears
You may be called upon to face some of your deepest fears today. Trust that you have a place in the Universe and that no matter how insignificant or alone you might feel, you truly are loved. You may have a long hard road ahead of you, but you are more capable than you know! This year will be a year of growth and accomplishment for you. Beneficial colours are olive green and pimento red. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2011-01-08, Saturday: Head On
You continue to face challenges as the reactive Moon clashes with karmic Saturn. Fortunately, the past two years have taught you a great deal, and you should be equal to whatever tasks you must meet! However, it is imperative that you find a healthy way to release stress. Go for a brisk walk this evening with a good friend. Beneficial colours are fern green and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2011-01-08, Saturday: Taurus Empath
The Moon continues through compassionate Pisces, helping you to have a stronger empathic link to others. Why not commit a random act of kindness or two? You never know... giving someone a break during heavy traffic could very well lead to the perfect parking space when you arrive at your destination. Beneficial colours are bone white and berry red. Lucky numbers are 24 and 43.
2011-01-08, Saturday: Darkest Before Dawn
If you are still feeling low on energy, remember that it is always darkest before dawn. Your low lunar cycle continues to urge you to rest and reflect... why fight the natural rhythm of things? Ideas and inspiration may come to you when undertaking mundane tasks. The answers to all your questions may very well come when you are peeling potatoes or washing the dishes. Beneficial colours are bottle green and bone ivory. Lucky numbers are 34 and 48.
2010-01-08, Friday: Action Stations
2010-01-08, Friday: Romantic Evening
Why not plan go back to school? Choose to study a subject that will change your direction in life. You may be limited in the short term, but overall it will be worth your while. You will be emotional about money matters if you let cash slip through your fingers, but a romantic evening of cultural pursuits will restore your soul. Beneficial colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 12 and 18.
2010-01-08, Friday: Promises Promises
It's a fortunate and imaginative morning, but today is not the best day to make commitments to superiors, as they may not materialise. Taking risks is a no-no. Try to relax until the numbers are more in your favour, starting Sunday. Those pursuing their career will benefit. Beneficial colours are butter yellow and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2010-01-08, Friday: Juggling Act
You'll have difficulty finding equilibrium in your emotional life at the moment; try to control the impulsive side of your character. At work, your usual powers of intuition will be clouded. Fits of feverishness may bother you and break down your energy. If you can get out into the countryside for a walk, you'll feel much better. Fortunate colours are bright blue and olive green. Lucky numbers are 30 and 31.
2010-01-08, Friday: Worries and Rewards
If you have any worries or problems today, a close colleague could have the answers you seek. Work will be satisfying, and anything to do with children should be very rewarding today. There could be friction with a relative, but it's nothing serious and things will sort themselves out in due course. Again, you must pay attention to your health, Sagittarius: skin problems and circulatory issues are indicated at the moment. Favourable colours are celery green and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 10 and 24.
2010-01-08, Friday: Breaking Ground
Your mind is racing under the Scorpio Moon and your mouth is going a mile a minute. Others will happily agree with everything you say - if you ever stop talking! Once you're on a roll, it's hard to slow down. Let your speed and power carry you to new found lengths and heights today. If there is undiscovered territory, you are determined to be the first one to find out about it, and break new ground. Advantageous colours are crimson and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 11.
2010-01-08, Friday: Mischievous Mood
Remember that life isn't all fun and games: handle your responsibilities first, then plan how to have a good time. Your impulses, once you yield to them, will have a tendency to lead you further and further from where you need to be. Make sure you lock the door behind you before disappearing; when you're in this kind of mischievous mood, you probably won't want anyone else to know where you're going. Playful colours are iris and indigo. Lucky numbers are 21 and 39.
2010-01-08, Friday: Old Ties
You're finally at your best after relaxing and catching your breath for a moment. Now that you're rested, it's time to do some of the things you've been putting off lately. Make a sudden appearance to surprise someone from your past. No matter how many new people you meet, don't forget that old friendships are the glue that holds the relationship cycle together. Keep in mind that a present doesn't have to cost much, as long as it comes from the heart. Advantageous colours are pearl and crimson. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2010-01-08, Friday: Forge Ahead
You feel the urge to move onward, powered by your wisdom: when you're right, you're right. You may feel that any further explanation is unnecessary, but the people you're dealing with might need it spelled out for them. Take the time to draw a picture or use smaller vocabulary words to get your point across, Cancer. A public demonstration will probably prove to be the last word on the subject. Auspicious colours are sage green and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 29 and 36.
2010-01-08, Friday: Stay Focused!
You'll be colourful, engaging and witty today. There are many things to attend to, however you need to focus on your immediate goals if you are to achieve anything. The Twins love to change their mind, but as long as you are open and honest, you'll be able to follow through with your ideas. Fortunate colours are cream and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2010-01-08, Friday: Halo Polish
The current planetary influences tend to make everyone groan a bit. Life is not perfect and may be less pleasant than usual, but what can you do? Get real for one thing! That's the way it is and once you accept this, everything becomes much easier to handle. Be solid and dutiful - qualities for which the Bull is renowned - and you'll come out the other side with your halo polished. Focus on some undeveloped potential in your life and take the first steps towards realising it. Advantageous colours are terracotta and ivy green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2010-01-08, Friday: Reorganise
There are good indications in the areas of career, a relationship with somebody you admire or with work in general (regardless whether it is housework or paid work). This is an excellent time to reorganise how you do your daily tasks and to send off your resume, or go for a job interview. You may receive helpful advice from a key person: if you are waiting for news from a parent or authority figure, you should have it soon. Advantageous colours are banana yellow and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 14 and 32.
2008-01-08, Tuesday: New Moon
Today there is a New Moon in your eleventh house of friends, groups and organizations and goals. It's likely that your social life will receive a lovely boost from this energy and you can expect a flurry of social invites to come your way. It is also your most powerful wishing Moon so set your goals on paper and then release them to the Universe. Uplifting colours are plum and golden wheat. Lucky numbers are 26 and 74.
2008-01-08, Tuesday: New Moon
Today there is a New Moon in Capricorn that falls in your twelfth house of all that is hidden. It's time for you to release those hidden emotions that are holding you back Aquarius. You know what I'm talking about! Stabilising colours are cinnamon and dark green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 25.
2008-01-08, Tuesday: New Moon
There is a New Moon in your sign today and this is an annual opportunity to clear the emotional cobwebs and begin anew. There are new relationships coming your way in the next couple of weeks. You might initiate a change in your appearance. Empowering colours are dark purple and spring green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 74.
2008-01-08, Tuesday: New Moon
Today there is a New Moon in Capricorn and your second house of income, self worth and values. It's likely there's a new opportunity to enhance your financial worth as well as your sense of esteem coming to you. Auspicious colours are lilac and bronze. Lucky numbers are 31 and 11.
2008-01-08, Tuesday: New Moon
There is a New Moon in your third house of siblings, communication and short distance travel today, highlighting any new communication project that comes your way which will be a particularly fortunate opportunity. In addition to this, expect news from a sibling or a short trip or two. Intuitive colours are pistachio and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 25 and 2.
2008-01-08, Tuesday: New Moon
Today there is a New Moon in Capricorn and it lights up your twelfth house of all that is hidden and unconscious. You've got new opportunities to help yourself on a deeply healing level as you face what you fear. Advantageous colours are amethyst and sable. Lucky numbers are 35 and 77.
2008-01-08, Tuesday: New Moon
A New Moon lights up your fifth house of fun, creativity, children and romance! This could bring new opportunities for you in any or all of these areas of life so be on the lookout for positive times and expansion of your heart. Polarising colours are ruby red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2008-01-08, Tuesday: New Moon
Today there is a New Moon in Capricorn and your sixth house of work, health and service. It's likely that you'll find new opportunities in work projects or will make new efforts to improve your health. Auspicious colours are platinum and dark grape. Lucky numbers are 39 and 66.
2008-01-08, Tuesday: New Moon
Today there is a New Moon in Capricorn and your seventh house of partnerships. You have the most brilliant energy to support a new start in an existing partnership or to bring a new committed relationship your way if you are currently single. Prosperous colours are rich purple and pastel pink. Lucky numbers are 8 and 71.
2008-01-08, Tuesday: New Moon
Today there is a New Moon in Capricorn illuminating your eighth house of transformation. Expect to find opportunities having to do with financial resources other than your own income. You might have someone initiate a sexual encounter over the next couple of weeks. You have an opportunity to know yourself on a deeper level. Fortunate colours are dark purple and mauve. Lucky numbers are 31 and 75.
2008-01-08, Tuesday: New Moon
Today there is a New Moon in your ninth house of spirituality and higher thought. It's very likely an opportunity will present itself for you to expand your beliefs and ideals through a religious or learning experience. Publishing or legal matters are highlighted. Insightful colours are peacock blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 7 and 15.
2008-01-08, Tuesday: New Moon
There is a brilliant New Moon in Capricorn and your tenth house of career and professional success. It's time to plant seeds in this area of life since what you do now is very likely to be met with rewards. Ideal colours are dark green and claret. Lucky numbers are 17 and 61.
2006-01-08, Sunday: Think Twice
You are keen to assist those in your social sphere and expand on one of your much hoped for dreams and ambitions. This is great but you run the real risk of crossing boundaries and being far too impulsive. You will have solid and stable relations with women but your disposition is aimed at gaining your own way so others may view you as pushy and opinionated. Take it easy and listen well, advise kindly but recognize when you are taking things too far. Insightful colours are peach and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 13 and 56.
2006-01-08, Sunday: Time Alone
If possible, organize it so you can be alone to complete the tasks that need to be done. You are a cranky monkey and will prefer light hearted discussion with your social counterparts rather than tackling anything deep and meaningful within your closer sphere. Avoid the argument potential and admit you just won't play well with your love or family here. Seek your own outlets of relaxation release. Creative colours are ginger and blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 12.
2006-01-08, Sunday: 
Rely on women A great connection with female energy today, where you will find it uplifting and no doubt helpful to discuss how you are feeling on a more intimate level. There are romantic possibilities where the sensual attraction is quite overwhelming. You will be impulsive here, so romantic connections may feel the brunt of irritability if things do not evolve to your desires. It is best to work alone with this energy and keep romantic play as play, nothing too critical should be discussed. Beneficial colors are grapefruit and sepia. Lucky numbers are 35 and 61.
2006-01-08, Sunday: Take The Initiative
You are focused on the financial area of your life as well as self improvement at the moment. You desire change and used wisely, this energy can work in your favour. You will need to compromise and maintain your calm but you will be able to communicate your requests effectively and concisely. Providing you don't act in haste, the impulsive nature of today could well lead to a golden opportunity of the future. Favourable colours are champagne and ochre. Lucky numbers are 36 and 56.
2006-01-08, Sunday: Make Or Break
There's a fine line between communication easements and quarrels today as you are thinking and communicating rationally but if you face opposition, you will be somewhat irritable, stubborn and defensive. This 'is' a productive energy where you will aim to rectify elements in your work or romantic partnerships that are not working well. The passion factor is high and any arguments will certainly end up with sensuous release. Just save this outcome for your lover, not the boss, my goodness! Fortunate colours are sky blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 31 and 50.
2006-01-08, Sunday: Explore Your Creative Energy
If you have considered travel or study recently, this is a positive day to take those thoughts one step closer as you strongly desire to explore your interests on a deeper level. Your creative energy is strong here, so attempt to release this and you will find that time spent with children is enlightening and fun. Your energy will also be well spent if you partake in some form of physical activity so it seems it is best to keep busy and you will keep a happy vibe. Ideal colours are cream and plum. Lucky numbers are 29 and 65.
2006-01-08, Sunday: Avoid Intense Discussions
It is not a great day to involve yourself in heavy discussions on important topics as these may swiftly escalate into quarrels and petty bickering. This energy will be strongest in your workplace where you will be easily annoyed by those working closely with you, especially females. If possible, work alone as often as possible and enjoy your social contact with close friends or family members. Definitely not the day to approach the boss for a pay rise! Positive colours are blackberry and dark red. Lucky numbers are 34 and 60.
2006-01-08, Sunday: Close Comforts
You will shun the social scene and find yourself somewhat short on patience with your friends and what you may deem as their annoying demands. You will find it best to avoid contact with quarrelsome people and seek solace within your love relationship or your work environment if single. You will find an easement here in regards to communications and will find a quiet environment and keeping busy far more satisfying. Harmonious colours are silver and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 22 and 2.
2006-01-08, Sunday: No Talking, Just Passion
Still not the easiest day for you to reveal your deeper concerns and you will find it far more positive to seek physical outlets to release any pent up frustrations. You are somewhat stubborn internally right now and it really is not the right time to tackle intense discussions or make long-term decisions. Use this time to reconnect with your love on a purely physical level, or play your favorite sport. Release your frustrations as positively as possible. Fortunate colours are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
2006-01-08, Sunday: All About You!
You will find it easy to express your feelings today, perhaps a touch too easy, as you dominate the conversations. With compromise, Taurus, this energy will be positive, so take the initiative and get things done. Avoid discussing critical issues, for they may escalate into heated arguments as others perceive you as being too focused on gaining your own way. Don't act too impulsively, but by taking a well- calculated risk you can achieve great success. Auspicious colours are sable and brass. Lucky numbers are 27 and 64.
2006-01-08, Sunday: Let's Get Physical!
Your desire to improve yourself extends to the area of health and fitness, so if you have not dusted off those joggers or the treadmill for a while, now would be the time to do so. You will have the patience and dedication to maintain a steady fitness and diet regime at this time so exercise and sporting activities will be a great outlet for you. Ideal colours are mustard yellow and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 8 and 58.
2006-01-08, Sunday: Stubborn Attitudes
Just because you want it Aries, does not make it automatically yours. Still, it's a very positive time to seek a promotion, pay rise or possible career alternative. Watch that your self-focus does not effect your romantic life, as there is a strain here. Someone loves you and they need to see that this is returned. Don't forget to relax and spend time with the one you love the most. Fortunate colours are bright yellow and sage green. Lucky numbers are 26 and 31.
2005-01-08, Saturday: Hold Back The Plastic
Watch out if you're going shopping with someone, because they'll do their best to encourage you to spend, spend, spend. They aren't doing it for any malevolent reason but simply because they want you to have a good time together, and they probably want you to keep up with their spending so they don't feel so guilty every time they give their credit card an airing. It's fine if you can afford to splurge, but hold back if you can't. Advantageous colours are taupe and apricot. Lucky numbers are 8 and 11.
2005-01-08, Saturday: Sense Of Achievement
You're feeling proud of yourself this Saturday, but for some reason you don't want to show it. Maybe you think it's big-headed of you, or the current situation means that it would be tactful for you to play down your recent triumphs. However, your sense of achievement will come out one way or the other, so it would be better to mention it quite clearly than to drop loaded hints and hope someone takes you up on them. Be straightforward! Stabilising colours are amber and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 16 and 1.
2005-01-08, Saturday: Self Confidence
If you're usually very shy and withdrawn, you'll be amazed at your level of self confidence today. It will help you to make progress with your current long-term goals, and also be invaluable if you're in the public eye for some reason. Your current mood will also encourage you to aim high, which is great if you usually don't aim high enough because you're full of doubts about your capabilities. You're about to amaze yourself! Fortuitous colours are mother of pearl and magenta. Lucky numbers are 37 and 64.
2005-01-08, Saturday: Hole In Your Pocket
Money has the potential to be your greatest downfall today because it's burning a hole in your pocket. If you see something you want to buy you'll struggle to resist the urge to splurge, whether or not you've got the cash. Be careful if you're shopping or out on the tiles with a friend because you may try to outdo each other in a contest to find out who is most extravagant. Only do this if you can really afford it! Fortunate colours are lime and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 32 and 59.
2005-01-08, Saturday: Wrong Reasons
If you're supposed to be keeping something a secret you'd better take a vow of silence today, otherwise you could be dismayed when you hear yourself blurting out the very thing you were supposed to shut up about. The fact is that you'll get carried away, especially if you're holding the floor in a conversation and want to carry on having everyone's attention. You will, but for all the wrong reasons. Dreamy colours are grey and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 39 and 12.
2005-01-08, Saturday: Boastful And Pretentious
A certain someone has a high opinion of themselves today, much to your dismay. It will be difficult to stop them going on and on about themselves, or from telling you all about their clever children. However, there's a chance that you could be the one who's being boastful or pretentious, even if you don't realize it. So try to be aware of what you're saying and of the reception you're getting from the people around you. Bright colours are plum and peach. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
2005-01-08, Saturday: Urge To Splurge
Money burns a hole in your pocket today. That's fine if you've got plenty of it to spend because you'll have a fantastic time seeing what's on offer in the shops or on the internet. But it isn't such good news if you're supposed to be saving rather than spending, because you'll still get the urge to splurge, especially on items that boost your self- esteem or status symbols. Auspicious colours are oyster and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2005-01-08, Saturday: Definite Ideas
A certain someone has very definite ideas about how to do things and they'll soon tell you all about them. Actually, it will be difficult to make this person shut up because they seem to be enjoying the sound of their own voice so much. Yes, they've got rather a high opinion of themselves, which is irritating, but they aren't doing anyone any harm, are they? Be patient! Fortunate colours are rich purple and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 33.
2005-01-08, Saturday: Swollen Head
Someone is very full of their own importance today. You might be treated to a long explanation of why they're so clever or good at their job, or they may behave in such an arrogant fashion that it sets your teeth on edge just to watch them. On the other hand, you may be the one who's feeling too pleased with yourself, especially if you've had a personal triumph connected with your home or a partner. Don't let your head swell too much! Creative colours are dark green and claret. Lucky numbers are 31 and 6.
2005-01-08, Saturday: Optimist
You're gripped by a heady sense of optimism today, especially when it comes to your love life and your finances. As far as you're concerned, everything is going well and there's nothing to worry about. Really, Gemini? Are you sure about that? You may be turning a blind eye to a problem that needs to be tackled before it gets any worse. So think carefully! Romantic colours are dark pink and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 30 and 10.
2005-01-08, Saturday: Brimming With Confidence
You're full of confidence today, which is great. You know what you're capable of and you're pretty certain that you're doing it well. However, you do need to maintain some sort of modesty, otherwise you could be in danger of biting off more than you can chew or coming across as a bit of a know-all. If you meet someone else who's behaving in this way you'll know how irritating it can be. Fortunate colours are iridescent green and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 26.
2005-01-08, Saturday: Annoying Person
A certain person is awfully full of themselves this Saturday. You can't help noticing because they're making such a big fuss about how wonderful they are. Maybe they're boasting about their achievements, or they simply love the sound of their own voice. But do yourself a favour and resist the temptation to give them a taste of their own medicine. It may be satisfying at the time but it won't win you any friends in the long run. Fortunate colours are caramel and ebony. Lucky numbers are 39 and 45.
2004-01-08, Thursday: Money Magnet
Bask in the limelight as your personality and charm draw others to you like a magnet, Pisces. Though you are normally the willing helper, today you will accomplish a lot if you accept help from others. Travel on business will be pleasurable and could bring in some useful dosh. Avoid paying attention to rumours... because you are just as likely to hear something about yourself. Harmonious colours are charcoal grey and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 11 and 42.
2004-01-08, Thursday: Revelations
The eating habits of children you are close to bother you a lot today. Avoid overspending on luxuries and lending money, even to close associates. Save as much as you can for a rainy day, as you may need it soon. Your philosophy about life is going through a marked change now and it will be a revelation to you. Favourable colours are white and jet black. Lucky numbers are 7 and 28.
2004-01-08, Thursday: Head Not Heart
Don't trust others with important information today. Opportunities for a new and exciting relationship is yours if you are prepared to put some effort into socialising. Hold back the plastic on things you don't absolutely require. If you have to make an important decision today, use your head and not your heart. Auspicious colours are blueberry and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 7 and 37.
2004-01-08, Thursday: Prevention Is Better
Don't force your opinion on others - to avoid conflict you should listen to what others have to say before putting your twopence worth in. Health problems are just around the corner, therefore make exercise a part of your daily routine and take a good, long look at your diet. Prevention is better than cure, after all. Lucky colours are sable and silvery pink. Lucky numbers are 4 and 52.
2004-01-08, Thursday: Spotlight On Appearance
Efforts made to improve your looks and personality will turn out to your satisfaction. This is also a good day to develop business relations and contacts. A long distance journey may be cancelled at the last minute. Finish any tasks that require creative input. Favourable colours are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 4 and 64.
2004-01-08, Thursday: Volunteer Work
This is a good day to give a little bit of your time to others. Volunteer work is the ideal way to meet like-minded people and make you feel worthwhile at the same time. Work that you do today will not only assist others, but will help you look at yourself more positively. It's a good time to get engaged or to tie the knot.. Favourable colours are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 18 and 24.
2004-01-08, Thursday: Significant Day
This is quite a significant day, especially for those seeking a change in their job. Don't rely on others when it comes to completing important tasks - this isn't the time to delegate. Romance will unfold if you attend social events and functions. Favourable colours are chocolate brown and avocado green. Lucky numbers are 25 and 47.
2004-01-08, Thursday: Lady Luck
Today with Lady Luck on your side you should be in the right place at the right time. Financial gains will accrue from unexpected sources, though you still need to spend time and listen to the needs of family members. Golden words will flow from the lips of your beloved. Beneficial colours are pale orange and antique gold. Lucky numbers are 15 and 37.
2004-01-08, Thursday: Unforeseen Problems
An unexpected problem at work will be frustrating, so you'll need to be prepared to deal with incompetent procedures and people. Money and influence will play a major role. The spotlight is on you as you emerge from the difficulties of the past few weeks. Your partnership is strong at the moment, but don't take your love for granted..... Fortunate colours are navy and tan. Lucky number is 4.
2004-01-08, Thursday: Career Changes
You will make beneficial career changes if you present yourself in a professional manner. Travelling will be fun and highly exciting and the chances of meeting someone who appeals to your heart is very strong. Favourable colours are smoky pink and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 1 and 25.
2004-01-08, Thursday: Not Plain Sailing
Today is one of those days when things will not necessarily go the way you want - what you wish for and what you need are often two different things. Children will pose problems for you if you don't give in to their demands. Your health needs special attention, too, so it's a day to keep your cool and play by the rule. Fortunate colours are ebony and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 18 and 35.
2004-01-08, Thursday: Charming Bulls
Today you can use your charms to get what you want, so don't be afraid to ask an older person or someone in authority their advice. Your thirst for knowledge will help you make new friends, but take care that quarrels do not arise suddenly along with some unexpected surprises. Fortunate colours are lime green and lemon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 72.

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