Cancer.Html's Horoscopes |



Born between:

2024-06-11, Tuesday
Family members might want to get out in the world today, perhaps to attend a festival or rally. This is an excellent day to do this sort of thing, Pisces. You should be feeling especially energetic and enthusiastic, and you're likely to attract some interesting new people your way. Expect your mind to be stimulated by lectures or speeches given by public figures. Hop in the car, get out, and have some fun.
2024-06-11, Tuesday
A group with which you're affiliated with could suddenly seem to grow closer, and a family feeling could develop among its members. One of the members could suddenly appear to you in a new light, Aquarius, and a romantic attraction might develop. Whether you pursue it or not depends on your situation, but you'll still feel closer to your friends now. Some intimate conversations could take place amid discussions of other matters.
2024-06-11, Tuesday
Today you might feel as if you're walking around in a daze, Capricorn, but it's a good daze. Your imagination and artistic abilities are sharp. Your intuition is especially attuned, and the thoughts and feelings of others are more apparent to you than they realize. You might feel unusually restless at some point and consider getting in a workout, or at least going for a walk. Do it. Get those endorphins flowing.
2024-06-11, Tuesday
Today should prove to be a wonderful day, Sagittarius. Your physical energy is good, and you should be looking and feeling wonderful. Though you'll probably want to spend most of the day at home, you're likely to attract lots of interesting people in intriguing fields into your aura. Your ability to express your feelings is also high, so expect some stimulating conversations about whatever strikes your fancy. Enjoy your day.
2024-06-11, Tuesday
A lost possession could be recovered today. A gift, either money or a long-desired item of some kind, could bring tears to your eyes, Scorpio. Your sense of self-worth should be high at his time and could cause you to feel nurturing towards everyone around you who doesn't have your self-confidence. New opportunities for increasing your income could come your way. Make the most of them.
2024-06-11, Tuesday
Someone distraught or angry, perhaps a relative, might phone you today expecting a sympathetic ear and soothing words. You'll be more than able to provide them. This is a great day for writing, whether a letter to a friend or the first chapter of a novel. Your ability with words is operating at a high level. If you're planning to teach or mentor, know that words will flow freely.
2024-06-11, Tuesday
Volatile emotions may come to the surface among the members of your household today. This could prove irritating for you, Virgo, but try to avoid becoming involved in others' quarrels. At times like this, a lot could be said that shouldn't be said, and apologies won't necessarily wipe it out. This is a great day to get some work done around the house, as your physical energy is high. Make use of your good aesthetic sense.
2024-06-11, Tuesday
Today a strong sense of destiny could lead you to someone new - either a potential close friend or prospective romantic partner. You're apt to feel especially protective toward this person, Leo, and even though he or she is new to you. You could feel as if you've known this person forever. Artistic activities benefit from increased intuition and physical and mental energy. Expect to shine! Enjoy your day.
2024-06-11, Tuesday
Home and family are apt to be your primary focus today, Cancer. Work around the house might take up a lot of your time. You might want to spruce up the place and make it more beautiful. Gardening could be especially rewarding now. If you've wanted to try some recipes from a new cookbook, this is the day to do it. Your creative impulses regarding food are at an all-time high.
2024-06-11, Tuesday
If you need to execute legal papers of any kind, Gemini, you couldn't find a better day to do it. Relationships, particularly romantic ones, should be especially warm, supportive, and rewarding. New and interesting people could cross your path. You might feel an instant bond with at least one of them. If you aren't currently romantically involved, you could well experience something exciting today. Communicating with new people is gratifying and stimulating.
2024-06-11, Tuesday
Insights shared by a family member could lead to possible ways to increase your income. Expect to handle a lot of paperwork regarding money, Taurus, but this is a positive development and definitely should leave you feeling good about your situation. This is a great day to do in-depth research. Your intuition is high and you're apt to see right through superficial appearances to the heart of any matter that interests you.
2024-06-11, Tuesday
Family members who live far away might be planning a visit in the future, and you could discuss it at some length today, Aries. A lot of phone calls or emails could be exchanged. You might be considering a move to another state or country, but you aren't likely to make definite plans now. Whatever your plans, however, they're likely to prove exciting and cause you to anticipate the future. Enjoy your day.
2023-06-11, Sunday: Happy Medium
Jupiter's move into Gemini turns the focus onto your domestic situation. The year ahead begins a twelve-year cycle of learning and new experiences. You will expand your personal, professional, and intellectual horizons. Go for a grander residence, or perhaps build additions to your present home. Develop your knowledge of family history, and expand your activities and contacts with family members. If you do sell up or relocate, you should do well out of it. Fortunate colors are lavender and tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2023-06-11, Sunday: House of Fun
Jupiter moves into your 5th house, boosting your love of fun. Are you strong-willed? Overindulgence is hard to avoid. You desire the good life, and have the feeling that prosperity is within easy reach. As a result, you may purchase more luxury items, take more expensive vacations, and buy fancier or more expensive clothes. Your imagination and creativity increase. Relationships with children tend to expand. Romance can blossom, or can enhance the quality of your life in general. Fortunate colors are burnt orange and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2023-06-11, Sunday: Work Expands
Your work may require more travel, or advanced training in the year ahead, Cap. As Jupiter swings into Gemini, you may hire others to work for you and your relationships with co-workers and underlings are expanded in one way or another. Keep your sense of self-importance well in hand. You may acquire a pet or increase your activities involving a pet, or the breeding of small animals. Opportune colors are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2023-06-11, Sunday: Tie the Knot?
Jupiter's move into Gemini begins a year of partnership focus for you, for Jupiter is your ruler and Gemini rules your house of marriage, partnerships, and open confrontations. Old partnerships (and enmities!) should develop through your interest in the Other, and new partnerships or unions are definitely favored. So for those Archers who are getting serious, it will be a good year to tie the knot! Harmonious colors are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2023-06-11, Sunday: Death and Taxes
Jupiter's move to Gemini brings a new phase with joint income, investments, collection of debts, taxes, insurance, and the settlement of inheritance. Requests for financial assistance are likely to be favored. Progress is easier with respect to analysis, investigation, or research. Enjoyment will be felt on a deeper level, as much from psychological satisfaction as physical gratification. Harmonious colors are tan and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 62.
2023-06-11, Sunday: Spiritual Growth
Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings an interesting and fortunate year, with much potential for success, spiritual and personal growth. Broaden your intellectual horizons through higher education, advanced training, study or the use of foreign languages, or long distance travel. You may develop a desire to expand your spiritual awareness, political interests, and cultural appreciation. Expressive colors are amber and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2023-06-11, Sunday: Good News
As Jupiter heads into Gemini, your ambitions for the future receive a boost. It's good news, dear Virgo! Your career and long-range goals expand. Go for what you want and promote your interests with gusto. A family member may be given recognition in months to come, and perhaps this success will enhance your own reputation and status. Favorable colors are taupe and purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
2023-06-11, Sunday: Personal Happiness
Increased energy and enthusiasm brings personal happiness, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, moves into your sector of personal goals for the year ahead. The people and circumstances prove increasingly providential. Friendships increase and relationships with current friends are expanded; the same applies to children in your life. Membership and participation in organizations becomes more beneficial. Uplifting colors are nutmeg and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 29 and 11.
2023-06-11, Sunday: Psychic Energy
As Jupiter rolls into Gemini, your twelfth house, benefits may be hidden, or not obvious to others Resist indulging in self-pity, unnecessary guilt, or using guilt as a weapon to get others to do what you want. You can develop inner strength and power through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability, and overcoming your hidden fears. If you need help, it is likely to arrive just in time to save the day, and it may come from hidden or unexpected sources. Beneficial colors are bronze and ivory. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2023-06-11, Sunday: Metamorphosis
It's a superb time for Gemini! Fortunate Jupiter moves into your sign, emphasizing your uniqueness as an individual, your appearance, and the glittering facets of your personality. There's no need to overdo it in coming times: people will be impressed whether or not you make the grand gesture. Fortunate colors are ultramarine and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2023-06-11, Sunday: Personal Finances
Certain people are feeling threatened by the prospect of change, so are determined to cling to the status quo. Mighty Jupiter, expansive Lord of Fortune, rolls into Gemini, putting the cosmic emphasis on personal finances for the year ahead. Money becomes the source of pleasure, but be sure to control the urge to splurge. Why not make learning how to conserve and invest your assets a fun game? Ways to increase your income will be needed. Be flexible if possible. Favorable colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.
2023-06-11, Sunday: Jupiter Moves
How keen are you to hold on to the status quo, and not make some essential changes to your life? it's time to increase skills with computers and mechanical equipment. Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, rolls into sociable Gemini, setting the cosmic tone for the year ahead. Communications and travel are sure to increase, widening your circle of contacts and boosting the exchange of information. Elements of your world are ripe for transformation, but the more you resist, the harder the process will be. Liberating colors are milk chocolate and ginger. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
2022-06-11, Saturday: Happy Medium
Jupiter's move into Gemini turns the focus onto your domestic situation. The year ahead begins a twelve-year cycle of learning and new experiences. You will expand your personal, professional, and intellectual horizons. Go for a grander residence, or perhaps build additions to your present home. Develop your knowledge of family history, and expand your activities and contacts with family members. If you do sell up or relocate, you should do well out of it. Fortunate colors are lavender and tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2022-06-11, Saturday: House of Fun
Jupiter moves into your 5th house, boosting your love of fun. Are you strong-willed? Overindulgence is hard to avoid. You desire the good life, and have the feeling that prosperity is within easy reach. As a result, you may purchase more luxury items, take more expensive vacations, and buy fancier or more expensive clothes. Your imagination and creativity increase. Relationships with children tend to expand. Romance can blossom, or can enhance the quality of your life in general. Fortunate colors are burnt orange and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2022-06-11, Saturday: Work Expands
Your work may require more travel, or advanced training in the year ahead, Cap. As Jupiter swings into Gemini, you may hire others to work for you and your relationships with co-workers and underlings are expanded in one way or another. Keep your sense of self-importance well in hand. You may acquire a pet or increase your activities involving a pet, or the breeding of small animals. Opportune colors are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2022-06-11, Saturday: Tie the Knot?
Jupiter's move into Gemini begins a year of partnership focus for you, for Jupiter is your ruler and Gemini rules your house of marriage, partnerships, and open confrontations. Old partnerships (and enmities!) should develop through your interest in the Other, and new partnerships or unions are definitely favored. So for those Archers who are getting serious, it will be a good year to tie the knot! Harmonious colors are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2022-06-11, Saturday: Death and Taxes
Jupiter's move to Gemini brings a new phase with joint income, investments, collection of debts, taxes, insurance, and the settlement of inheritance. Requests for financial assistance are likely to be favored. Progress is easier with respect to analysis, investigation, or research. Enjoyment will be felt on a deeper level, as much from psychological satisfaction as physical gratification. Harmonious colors are tan and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 62.
2022-06-11, Saturday: Spiritual Growth
Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings an interesting and fortunate year, with much potential for success, spiritual and personal growth. Broaden your intellectual horizons through higher education, advanced training, study or the use of foreign languages, or long distance travel. You may develop a desire to expand your spiritual awareness, political interests, and cultural appreciation. Expressive colors are amber and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2022-06-11, Saturday: Good News
As Jupiter heads into Gemini, your ambitions for the future receive a boost. It's good news, dear Virgo! Your career and long-range goals expand. Go for what you want and promote your interests with gusto. A family member may be given recognition in months to come, and perhaps this success will enhance your own reputation and status. Favorable colors are taupe and purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
2022-06-11, Saturday: Personal Happiness
Increased energy and enthusiasm brings personal happiness, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, moves into your sector of personal goals for the year ahead. The people and circumstances prove increasingly providential. Friendships increase and relationships with current friends are expanded; the same applies to children in your life. Membership and participation in organizations becomes more beneficial. Uplifting colors are nutmeg and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 29 and 11.
2022-06-11, Saturday: Psychic Energy
As Jupiter rolls into Gemini, your twelfth house, benefits may be hidden, or not obvious to others Resist indulging in self-pity, unnecessary guilt, or using guilt as a weapon to get others to do what you want. You can develop inner strength and power through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability, and overcoming your hidden fears. If you need help, it is likely to arrive just in time to save the day, and it may come from hidden or unexpected sources. Beneficial colors are bronze and ivory. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2022-06-11, Saturday: Metamorphosis
It's a superb time for Gemini! Fortunate Jupiter moves into your sign, emphasizing your uniqueness as an individual, your appearance, and the glittering facets of your personality. There's no need to overdo it in coming times: people will be impressed whether or not you make the grand gesture. Fortunate colors are ultramarine and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2022-06-11, Saturday: Personal Finances
Certain people are feeling threatened by the prospect of change, so are determined to cling to the status quo. Mighty Jupiter, expansive Lord of Fortune, rolls into Gemini, putting the cosmic emphasis on personal finances for the year ahead. Money becomes the source of pleasure, but be sure to control the urge to splurge. Why not make learning how to conserve and invest your assets a fun game? Ways to increase your income will be needed. Be flexible if possible. Favorable colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.
2022-06-11, Saturday: Jupiter Moves
How keen are you to hold on to the status quo, and not make some essential changes to your life? it's time to increase skills with computers and mechanical equipment. Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, rolls into sociable Gemini, setting the cosmic tone for the year ahead. Communications and travel are sure to increase, widening your circle of contacts and boosting the exchange of information. Elements of your world are ripe for transformation, but the more you resist, the harder the process will be. Liberating colors are milk chocolate and ginger. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
2021-06-11, Friday: Happy Medium
Jupiter's move into Gemini turns the focus onto your domestic situation. The year ahead begins a twelve-year cycle of learning and new experiences. You will expand your personal, professional, and intellectual horizons. Go for a grander residence, or perhaps build additions to your present home. Develop your knowledge of family history, and expand your activities and contacts with family members. If you do sell up or relocate, you should do well out of it. Fortunate colors are lavender and tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2021-06-11, Friday: House of Fun
Jupiter moves into your 5th house, boosting your love of fun. Are you strong-willed? Overindulgence is hard to avoid. You desire the good life, and have the feeling that prosperity is within easy reach. As a result, you may purchase more luxury items, take more expensive vacations, and buy fancier or more expensive clothes. Your imagination and creativity increase. Relationships with children tend to expand. Romance can blossom, or can enhance the quality of your life in general. Fortunate colors are burnt orange and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2021-06-11, Friday: Work Expands
Your work may require more travel, or advanced training in the year ahead, Cap. As Jupiter swings into Gemini, you may hire others to work for you and your relationships with co-workers and underlings are expanded in one way or another. Keep your sense of self-importance well in hand. You may acquire a pet or increase your activities involving a pet, or the breeding of small animals. Opportune colors are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2021-06-11, Friday: Tie the Knot?
Jupiter's move into Gemini begins a year of partnership focus for you, for Jupiter is your ruler and Gemini rules your house of marriage, partnerships, and open confrontations. Old partnerships (and enmities!) should develop through your interest in the Other, and new partnerships or unions are definitely favored. So for those Archers who are getting serious, it will be a good year to tie the knot! Harmonious colors are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2021-06-11, Friday: Death and Taxes
Jupiter's move to Gemini brings a new phase with joint income, investments, collection of debts, taxes, insurance, and the settlement of inheritance. Requests for financial assistance are likely to be favored. Progress is easier with respect to analysis, investigation, or research. Enjoyment will be felt on a deeper level, as much from psychological satisfaction as physical gratification. Harmonious colors are tan and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 62.
2021-06-11, Friday: Spiritual Growth
Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings an interesting and fortunate year, with much potential for success, spiritual and personal growth. Broaden your intellectual horizons through higher education, advanced training, study or the use of foreign languages, or long distance travel. You may develop a desire to expand your spiritual awareness, political interests, and cultural appreciation. Expressive colors are amber and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2021-06-11, Friday: Good News
As Jupiter heads into Gemini, your ambitions for the future receive a boost. It's good news, dear Virgo! Your career and long-range goals expand. Go for what you want and promote your interests with gusto. A family member may be given recognition in months to come, and perhaps this success will enhance your own reputation and status. Favorable colors are taupe and purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
2021-06-11, Friday: Personal Happiness
Increased energy and enthusiasm brings personal happiness, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, moves into your sector of personal goals for the year ahead. The people and circumstances prove increasingly providential. Friendships increase and relationships with current friends are expanded; the same applies to children in your life. Membership and participation in organizations becomes more beneficial. Uplifting colors are nutmeg and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 29 and 11.
2021-06-11, Friday: Psychic Energy
As Jupiter rolls into Gemini, your twelfth house, benefits may be hidden, or not obvious to others Resist indulging in self-pity, unnecessary guilt, or using guilt as a weapon to get others to do what you want. You can develop inner strength and power through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability, and overcoming your hidden fears. If you need help, it is likely to arrive just in time to save the day, and it may come from hidden or unexpected sources. Beneficial colors are bronze and ivory. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2021-06-11, Friday: Metamorphosis
It's a superb time for Gemini! Fortunate Jupiter moves into your sign, emphasizing your uniqueness as an individual, your appearance, and the glittering facets of your personality. There's no need to overdo it in coming times: people will be impressed whether or not you make the grand gesture. Fortunate colors are ultramarine and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2021-06-11, Friday: Personal Finances
Certain people are feeling threatened by the prospect of change, so are determined to cling to the status quo. Mighty Jupiter, expansive Lord of Fortune, rolls into Gemini, putting the cosmic emphasis on personal finances for the year ahead. Money becomes the source of pleasure, but be sure to control the urge to splurge. Why not make learning how to conserve and invest your assets a fun game? Ways to increase your income will be needed. Be flexible if possible. Favorable colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.
2021-06-11, Friday: Jupiter Moves
How keen are you to hold on to the status quo, and not make some essential changes to your life? it's time to increase skills with computers and mechanical equipment. Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, rolls into sociable Gemini, setting the cosmic tone for the year ahead. Communications and travel are sure to increase, widening your circle of contacts and boosting the exchange of information. Elements of your world are ripe for transformation, but the more you resist, the harder the process will be. Liberating colors are milk chocolate and ginger. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
2020-06-11, Thursday: Happy Medium
Jupiter's move into Gemini turns the focus onto your domestic situation. The year ahead begins a twelve-year cycle of learning and new experiences. You will expand your personal, professional, and intellectual horizons. Go for a grander residence, or perhaps build additions to your present home. Develop your knowledge of family history, and expand your activities and contacts with family members. If you do sell up or relocate, you should do well out of it. Fortunate colors are lavender and tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2020-06-11, Thursday: House of Fun
Jupiter moves into your 5th house, boosting your love of fun. Are you strong-willed? Overindulgence is hard to avoid. You desire the good life, and have the feeling that prosperity is within easy reach. As a result, you may purchase more luxury items, take more expensive vacations, and buy fancier or more expensive clothes. Your imagination and creativity increase. Relationships with children tend to expand. Romance can blossom, or can enhance the quality of your life in general. Fortunate colors are burnt orange and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2020-06-11, Thursday: Work Expands
Your work may require more travel, or advanced training in the year ahead, Cap. As Jupiter swings into Gemini, you may hire others to work for you and your relationships with co-workers and underlings are expanded in one way or another. Keep your sense of self-importance well in hand. You may acquire a pet or increase your activities involving a pet, or the breeding of small animals. Opportune colors are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2020-06-11, Thursday: Tie the Knot?
Jupiter's move into Gemini begins a year of partnership focus for you, for Jupiter is your ruler and Gemini rules your house of marriage, partnerships, and open confrontations. Old partnerships (and enmities!) should develop through your interest in the Other, and new partnerships or unions are definitely favored. So for those Archers who are getting serious, it will be a good year to tie the knot! Harmonious colors are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2020-06-11, Thursday: Death and Taxes
Jupiter's move to Gemini brings a new phase with joint income, investments, collection of debts, taxes, insurance, and the settlement of inheritance. Requests for financial assistance are likely to be favored. Progress is easier with respect to analysis, investigation, or research. Enjoyment will be felt on a deeper level, as much from psychological satisfaction as physical gratification. Harmonious colors are tan and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 62.
2020-06-11, Thursday: Spiritual Growth
Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings an interesting and fortunate year, with much potential for success, spiritual and personal growth. Broaden your intellectual horizons through higher education, advanced training, study or the use of foreign languages, or long distance travel. You may develop a desire to expand your spiritual awareness, political interests, and cultural appreciation. Expressive colors are amber and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2020-06-11, Thursday: Good News
As Jupiter heads into Gemini, your ambitions for the future receive a boost. It's good news, dear Virgo! Your career and long-range goals expand. Go for what you want and promote your interests with gusto. A family member may be given recognition in months to come, and perhaps this success will enhance your own reputation and status. Favorable colors are taupe and purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
2020-06-11, Thursday: Personal Happiness
Increased energy and enthusiasm brings personal happiness, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, moves into your sector of personal goals for the year ahead. The people and circumstances prove increasingly providential. Friendships increase and relationships with current friends are expanded; the same applies to children in your life. Membership and participation in organizations becomes more beneficial. Uplifting colors are nutmeg and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 29 and 11.
2020-06-11, Thursday: Psychic Energy
As Jupiter rolls into Gemini, your twelfth house, benefits may be hidden, or not obvious to others Resist indulging in self-pity, unnecessary guilt, or using guilt as a weapon to get others to do what you want. You can develop inner strength and power through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability, and overcoming your hidden fears. If you need help, it is likely to arrive just in time to save the day, and it may come from hidden or unexpected sources. Beneficial colors are bronze and ivory. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2020-06-11, Thursday: Metamorphosis
It's a superb time for Gemini! Fortunate Jupiter moves into your sign, emphasizing your uniqueness as an individual, your appearance, and the glittering facets of your personality. There's no need to overdo it in coming times: people will be impressed whether or not you make the grand gesture. Fortunate colors are ultramarine and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2020-06-11, Thursday: Personal Finances
Certain people are feeling threatened by the prospect of change, so are determined to cling to the status quo. Mighty Jupiter, expansive Lord of Fortune, rolls into Gemini, putting the cosmic emphasis on personal finances for the year ahead. Money becomes the source of pleasure, but be sure to control the urge to splurge. Why not make learning how to conserve and invest your assets a fun game? Ways to increase your income will be needed. Be flexible if possible. Favorable colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.
2020-06-11, Thursday: Jupiter Moves
How keen are you to hold on to the status quo, and not make some essential changes to your life? it's time to increase skills with computers and mechanical equipment. Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, rolls into sociable Gemini, setting the cosmic tone for the year ahead. Communications and travel are sure to increase, widening your circle of contacts and boosting the exchange of information. Elements of your world are ripe for transformation, but the more you resist, the harder the process will be. Liberating colors are milk chocolate and ginger. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
2019-06-11, Tuesday: Happy Medium
Jupiter's move into Gemini turns the focus onto your domestic situation. The year ahead begins a twelve-year cycle of learning and new experiences. You will expand your personal, professional, and intellectual horizons. Go for a grander residence, or perhaps build additions to your present home. Develop your knowledge of family history, and expand your activities and contacts with family members. If you do sell up or relocate, you should do well out of it. Fortunate colors are lavender and tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2019-06-11, Tuesday: House of Fun
Jupiter moves into your 5th house, boosting your love of fun. Are you strong-willed? Overindulgence is hard to avoid. You desire the good life, and have the feeling that prosperity is within easy reach. As a result, you may purchase more luxury items, take more expensive vacations, and buy fancier or more expensive clothes. Your imagination and creativity increase. Relationships with children tend to expand. Romance can blossom, or can enhance the quality of your life in general. Fortunate colors are burnt orange and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2019-06-11, Tuesday: Work Expands
Your work may require more travel, or advanced training in the year ahead, Cap. As Jupiter swings into Gemini, you may hire others to work for you and your relationships with co-workers and underlings are expanded in one way or another. Keep your sense of self-importance well in hand. You may acquire a pet or increase your activities involving a pet, or the breeding of small animals. Opportune colors are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2019-06-11, Tuesday: Tie the Knot?
Jupiter's move into Gemini begins a year of partnership focus for you, for Jupiter is your ruler and Gemini rules your house of marriage, partnerships, and open confrontations. Old partnerships (and enmities!) should develop through your interest in the Other, and new partnerships or unions are definitely favored. So for those Archers who are getting serious, it will be a good year to tie the knot! Harmonious colors are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2019-06-11, Tuesday: Death and Taxes
Jupiter's move to Gemini brings a new phase with joint income, investments, collection of debts, taxes, insurance, and the settlement of inheritance. Requests for financial assistance are likely to be favored. Progress is easier with respect to analysis, investigation, or research. Enjoyment will be felt on a deeper level, as much from psychological satisfaction as physical gratification. Harmonious colors are tan and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 62.
2019-06-11, Tuesday: Spiritual Growth
Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings an interesting and fortunate year, with much potential for success, spiritual and personal growth. Broaden your intellectual horizons through higher education, advanced training, study or the use of foreign languages, or long distance travel. You may develop a desire to expand your spiritual awareness, political interests, and cultural appreciation. Expressive colors are amber and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2019-06-11, Tuesday: Good News
As Jupiter heads into Gemini, your ambitions for the future receive a boost. It's good news, dear Virgo! Your career and long-range goals expand. Go for what you want and promote your interests with gusto. A family member may be given recognition in months to come, and perhaps this success will enhance your own reputation and status. Favorable colors are taupe and purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
2019-06-11, Tuesday: Personal Happiness
Increased energy and enthusiasm brings personal happiness, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, moves into your sector of personal goals for the year ahead. The people and circumstances prove increasingly providential. Friendships increase and relationships with current friends are expanded; the same applies to children in your life. Membership and participation in organizations becomes more beneficial. Uplifting colors are nutmeg and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 29 and 11.
2019-06-11, Tuesday: Psychic Energy
As Jupiter rolls into Gemini, your twelfth house, benefits may be hidden, or not obvious to others Resist indulging in self-pity, unnecessary guilt, or using guilt as a weapon to get others to do what you want. You can develop inner strength and power through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability, and overcoming your hidden fears. If you need help, it is likely to arrive just in time to save the day, and it may come from hidden or unexpected sources. Beneficial colors are bronze and ivory. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2019-06-11, Tuesday: Personal Finances
Certain people are feeling threatened by the prospect of change, so are determined to cling to the status quo. Mighty Jupiter, expansive Lord of Fortune, rolls into Gemini, putting the cosmic emphasis on personal finances for the year ahead. Money becomes the source of pleasure, but be sure to control the urge to splurge. Why not make learning how to conserve and invest your assets a fun game? Ways to increase your income will be needed. Be flexible if possible. Favorable colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.
2019-06-11, Tuesday: Jupiter Moves
How keen are you to hold on to the status quo, and not make some essential changes to your life? it's time to increase skills with computers and mechanical equipment. Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, rolls into sociable Gemini, setting the cosmic tone for the year ahead. Communications and travel are sure to increase, widening your circle of contacts and boosting the exchange of information. Elements of your world are ripe for transformation, but the more you resist, the harder the process will be. Liberating colors are milk chocolate and ginger. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
2019-06-11, Tuesday: Metamorphosis
It's a superb time for Gemini! Fortunate Jupiter moves into your sign, emphasizing your uniqueness as an individual, your appearance, and the glittering facets of your personality. There's no need to overdo it in coming times: people will be impressed whether or not you make the grand gesture. Fortunate colors are ultramarine and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2018-06-11, Monday: Happy Medium
Jupiter's move into Gemini turns the focus onto your domestic situation. The year ahead begins a twelve-year cycle of learning and new experiences. You will expand your personal, professional, and intellectual horizons. Go for a grander residence, or perhaps build additions to your present home. Develop your knowledge of family history, and expand your activities and contacts with family members. If you do sell up or relocate, you should do well out of it. Fortunate colors are lavender and tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2018-06-11, Monday: House of Fun
Jupiter moves into your 5th house, boosting your love of fun. Are you strong-willed? Overindulgence is hard to avoid. You desire the good life, and have the feeling that prosperity is within easy reach. As a result, you may purchase more luxury items, take more expensive vacations, and buy fancier or more expensive clothes. Your imagination and creativity increase. Relationships with children tend to expand. Romance can blossom, or can enhance the quality of your life in general. Fortunate colors are burnt orange and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2018-06-11, Monday: Work Expands
Your work may require more travel, or advanced training in the year ahead, Cap. As Jupiter swings into Gemini, you may hire others to work for you and your relationships with co-workers and underlings are expanded in one way or another. Keep your sense of self-importance well in hand. You may acquire a pet or increase your activities involving a pet, or the breeding of small animals. Opportune colors are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2018-06-11, Monday: Tie the Knot?
Jupiter's move into Gemini begins a year of partnership focus for you, for Jupiter is your ruler and Gemini rules your house of marriage, partnerships, and open confrontations. Old partnerships (and enmities!) should develop through your interest in the Other, and new partnerships or unions are definitely favored. So for those Archers who are getting serious, it will be a good year to tie the knot! Harmonious colors are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2018-06-11, Monday: Death and Taxes
Jupiter's move to Gemini brings a new phase with joint income, investments, collection of debts, taxes, insurance, and the settlement of inheritance. Requests for financial assistance are likely to be favored. Progress is easier with respect to analysis, investigation, or research. Enjoyment will be felt on a deeper level, as much from psychological satisfaction as physical gratification. Harmonious colors are tan and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 62.
2018-06-11, Monday: Spiritual Growth
Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings an interesting and fortunate year, with much potential for success, spiritual and personal growth. Broaden your intellectual horizons through higher education, advanced training, study or the use of foreign languages, or long distance travel. You may develop a desire to expand your spiritual awareness, political interests, and cultural appreciation. Expressive colors are amber and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2018-06-11, Monday: Good News
As Jupiter heads into Gemini, your ambitions for the future receive a boost. It's good news, dear Virgo! Your career and long-range goals expand. Go for what you want and promote your interests with gusto. A family member may be given recognition in months to come, and perhaps this success will enhance your own reputation and status. Favorable colors are taupe and purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
2018-06-11, Monday: Personal Happiness
Increased energy and enthusiasm brings personal happiness, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, moves into your sector of personal goals for the year ahead. The people and circumstances prove increasingly providential. Friendships increase and relationships with current friends are expanded; the same applies to children in your life. Membership and participation in organizations becomes more beneficial. Uplifting colors are nutmeg and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 29 and 11.
2018-06-11, Monday: Psychic Energy
As Jupiter rolls into Gemini, your twelfth house, benefits may be hidden, or not obvious to others Resist indulging in self-pity, unnecessary guilt, or using guilt as a weapon to get others to do what you want. You can develop inner strength and power through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability, and overcoming your hidden fears. If you need help, it is likely to arrive just in time to save the day, and it may come from hidden or unexpected sources. Beneficial colors are bronze and ivory. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2018-06-11, Monday: Metamorphosis
It's a superb time for Gemini! Fortunate Jupiter moves into your sign, emphasizing your uniqueness as an individual, your appearance, and the glittering facets of your personality. There's no need to overdo it in coming times: people will be impressed whether or not you make the grand gesture. Fortunate colors are ultramarine and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2018-06-11, Monday: Personal Finances
Certain people are feeling threatened by the prospect of change, so are determined to cling to the status quo. Mighty Jupiter, expansive Lord of Fortune, rolls into Gemini, putting the cosmic emphasis on personal finances for the year ahead. Money becomes the source of pleasure, but be sure to control the urge to splurge. Why not make learning how to conserve and invest your assets a fun game? Ways to increase your income will be needed. Be flexible if possible. Favorable colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.
2018-06-11, Monday: Jupiter Moves
How keen are you to hold on to the status quo, and not make some essential changes to your life? it's time to increase skills with computers and mechanical equipment. Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, rolls into sociable Gemini, setting the cosmic tone for the year ahead. Communications and travel are sure to increase, widening your circle of contacts and boosting the exchange of information. Elements of your world are ripe for transformation, but the more you resist, the harder the process will be. Liberating colors are milk chocolate and ginger. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
2017-06-11, Sunday: Happy Medium
Jupiter's move into Gemini turns the focus onto your domestic situation. The year ahead begins a twelve-year cycle of learning and new experiences. You will expand your personal, professional, and intellectual horizons. Go for a grander residence, or perhaps build additions to your present home. Develop your knowledge of family history, and expand your activities and contacts with family members. If you do sell up or relocate, you should do well out of it. Fortunate colors are lavender and tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2017-06-11, Sunday: House of Fun
Jupiter moves into your 5th house, boosting your love of fun. Are you strong-willed? Overindulgence is hard to avoid. You desire the good life, and have the feeling that prosperity is within easy reach. As a result, you may purchase more luxury items, take more expensive vacations, and buy fancier or more expensive clothes. Your imagination and creativity increase. Relationships with children tend to expand. Romance can blossom, or can enhance the quality of your life in general. Fortunate colors are burnt orange and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2017-06-11, Sunday: Work Expands
Your work may require more travel, or advanced training in the year ahead, Cap. As Jupiter swings into Gemini, you may hire others to work for you and your relationships with co-workers and underlings are expanded in one way or another. Keep your sense of self-importance well in hand. You may acquire a pet or increase your activities involving a pet, or the breeding of small animals. Opportune colors are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2017-06-11, Sunday: Tie the Knot?
Jupiter's move into Gemini begins a year of partnership focus for you, for Jupiter is your ruler and Gemini rules your house of marriage, partnerships, and open confrontations. Old partnerships (and enmities!) should develop through your interest in the Other, and new partnerships or unions are definitely favored. So for those Archers who are getting serious, it will be a good year to tie the knot! Harmonious colors are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2017-06-11, Sunday: Death and Taxes
Jupiter's move to Gemini brings a new phase with joint income, investments, collection of debts, taxes, insurance, and the settlement of inheritance. Requests for financial assistance are likely to be favored. Progress is easier with respect to analysis, investigation, or research. Enjoyment will be felt on a deeper level, as much from psychological satisfaction as physical gratification. Harmonious colors are tan and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 62.
2017-06-11, Sunday: Spiritual Growth
Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings an interesting and fortunate year, with much potential for success, spiritual and personal growth. Broaden your intellectual horizons through higher education, advanced training, study or the use of foreign languages, or long distance travel. You may develop a desire to expand your spiritual awareness, political interests, and cultural appreciation. Expressive colors are amber and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2017-06-11, Sunday: Good News
As Jupiter heads into Gemini, your ambitions for the future receive a boost. It's good news, dear Virgo! Your career and long-range goals expand. Go for what you want and promote your interests with gusto. A family member may be given recognition in months to come, and perhaps this success will enhance your own reputation and status. Favorable colors are taupe and purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
2017-06-11, Sunday: Personal Happiness
Increased energy and enthusiasm brings personal happiness, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, moves into your sector of personal goals for the year ahead. The people and circumstances prove increasingly providential. Friendships increase and relationships with current friends are expanded; the same applies to children in your life. Membership and participation in organizations becomes more beneficial. Uplifting colors are nutmeg and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 29 and 11.
2017-06-11, Sunday: Psychic Energy
As Jupiter rolls into Gemini, your twelfth house, benefits may be hidden, or not obvious to others Resist indulging in self-pity, unnecessary guilt, or using guilt as a weapon to get others to do what you want. You can develop inner strength and power through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability, and overcoming your hidden fears. If you need help, it is likely to arrive just in time to save the day, and it may come from hidden or unexpected sources. Beneficial colors are bronze and ivory. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2017-06-11, Sunday: Metamorphosis
It's a superb time for Gemini! Fortunate Jupiter moves into your sign, emphasizing your uniqueness as an individual, your appearance, and the glittering facets of your personality. There's no need to overdo it in coming times: people will be impressed whether or not you make the grand gesture. Fortunate colors are ultramarine and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2017-06-11, Sunday: Personal Finances
Certain people are feeling threatened by the prospect of change, so are determined to cling to the status quo. Mighty Jupiter, expansive Lord of Fortune, rolls into Gemini, putting the cosmic emphasis on personal finances for the year ahead. Money becomes the source of pleasure, but be sure to control the urge to splurge. Why not make learning how to conserve and invest your assets a fun game? Ways to increase your income will be needed. Be flexible if possible. Favorable colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.
2017-06-11, Sunday: Jupiter Moves
How keen are you to hold on to the status quo, and not make some essential changes to your life? it's time to increase skills with computers and mechanical equipment. Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, rolls into sociable Gemini, setting the cosmic tone for the year ahead. Communications and travel are sure to increase, widening your circle of contacts and boosting the exchange of information. Elements of your world are ripe for transformation, but the more you resist, the harder the process will be. Liberating colors are milk chocolate and ginger. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
2016-06-11, Saturday: Happy Medium
Jupiter's move into Gemini turns the focus onto your domestic situation. The year ahead begins a twelve-year cycle of learning and new experiences. You will expand your personal, professional, and intellectual horizons. Go for a grander residence, or perhaps build additions to your present home. Develop your knowledge of family history, and expand your activities and contacts with family members. If you do sell up or relocate, you should do well out of it. Fortunate colors are lavender and tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2016-06-11, Saturday: House of Fun
Jupiter moves into your 5th house, boosting your love of fun. Are you strong-willed? Overindulgence is hard to avoid. You desire the good life, and have the feeling that prosperity is within easy reach. As a result, you may purchase more luxury items, take more expensive vacations, and buy fancier or more expensive clothes. Your imagination and creativity increase. Relationships with children tend to expand. Romance can blossom, or can enhance the quality of your life in general. Fortunate colors are burnt orange and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2016-06-11, Saturday: Work Expands
Your work may require more travel, or advanced training in the year ahead, Cap. As Jupiter swings into Gemini, you may hire others to work for you and your relationships with co-workers and underlings are expanded in one way or another. Keep your sense of self-importance well in hand. You may acquire a pet or increase your activities involving a pet, or the breeding of small animals. Opportune colors are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2016-06-11, Saturday: Tie the Knot?
Jupiter's move into Gemini begins a year of partnership focus for you, for Jupiter is your ruler and Gemini rules your house of marriage, partnerships, and open confrontations. Old partnerships (and enmities!) should develop through your interest in the Other, and new partnerships or unions are definitely favored. So for those Archers who are getting serious, it will be a good year to tie the knot! Harmonious colors are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2016-06-11, Saturday: Death and Taxes
Jupiter's move to Gemini brings a new phase with joint income, investments, collection of debts, taxes, insurance, and the settlement of inheritance. Requests for financial assistance are likely to be favored. Progress is easier with respect to analysis, investigation, or research. Enjoyment will be felt on a deeper level, as much from psychological satisfaction as physical gratification. Harmonious colors are tan and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 62.
2016-06-11, Saturday: Spiritual Growth
Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings an interesting and fortunate year, with much potential for success, spiritual and personal growth. Broaden your intellectual horizons through higher education, advanced training, study or the use of foreign languages, or long distance travel. You may develop a desire to expand your spiritual awareness, political interests, and cultural appreciation. Expressive colors are amber and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2016-06-11, Saturday: Good News
As Jupiter heads into Gemini, your ambitions for the future receive a boost. It's good news, dear Virgo! Your career and long-range goals expand. Go for what you want and promote your interests with gusto. A family member may be given recognition in months to come, and perhaps this success will enhance your own reputation and status. Favorable colors are taupe and purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
2016-06-11, Saturday: Personal Happiness
Increased energy and enthusiasm brings personal happiness, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, moves into your sector of personal goals for the year ahead. The people and circumstances prove increasingly providential. Friendships increase and relationships with current friends are expanded; the same applies to children in your life. Membership and participation in organizations becomes more beneficial. Uplifting colors are nutmeg and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 29 and 11.
2016-06-11, Saturday: Psychic Energy
As Jupiter rolls into Gemini, your twelfth house, benefits may be hidden, or not obvious to others Resist indulging in self-pity, unnecessary guilt, or using guilt as a weapon to get others to do what you want. You can develop inner strength and power through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability, and overcoming your hidden fears. If you need help, it is likely to arrive just in time to save the day, and it may come from hidden or unexpected sources. Beneficial colors are bronze and ivory. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2016-06-11, Saturday: Metamorphosis
It's a superb time for Gemini! Fortunate Jupiter moves into your sign, emphasizing your uniqueness as an individual, your appearance, and the glittering facets of your personality. There's no need to overdo it in coming times: people will be impressed whether or not you make the grand gesture. Fortunate colors are ultramarine and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2016-06-11, Saturday: Personal Finances
Certain people are feeling threatened by the prospect of change, so are determined to cling to the status quo. Mighty Jupiter, expansive Lord of Fortune, rolls into Gemini, putting the cosmic emphasis on personal finances for the year ahead. Money becomes the source of pleasure, but be sure to control the urge to splurge. Why not make learning how to conserve and invest your assets a fun game? Ways to increase your income will be needed. Be flexible if possible. Favorable colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.
2016-06-11, Saturday: Jupiter Moves
How keen are you to hold on to the status quo, and not make some essential changes to your life? it's time to increase skills with computers and mechanical equipment. Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, rolls into sociable Gemini, setting the cosmic tone for the year ahead. Communications and travel are sure to increase, widening your circle of contacts and boosting the exchange of information. Elements of your world are ripe for transformation, but the more you resist, the harder the process will be. Liberating colors are milk chocolate and ginger. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
2015-06-11, Thursday: Happy Medium
Jupiter's move into Gemini turns the focus onto your domestic situation. The year ahead begins a twelve-year cycle of learning and new experiences. You will expand your personal, professional, and intellectual horizons. Go for a grander residence, or perhaps build additions to your present home. Develop your knowledge of family history, and expand your activities and contacts with family members. If you do sell up or relocate, you should do well out of it. Fortunate colors are lavender and tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2015-06-11, Thursday: House of Fun
Jupiter moves into your 5th house, boosting your love of fun. Are you strong-willed? Overindulgence is hard to avoid. You desire the good life, and have the feeling that prosperity is within easy reach. As a result, you may purchase more luxury items, take more expensive vacations, and buy fancier or more expensive clothes. Your imagination and creativity increase. Relationships with children tend to expand. Romance can blossom, or can enhance the quality of your life in general. Fortunate colors are burnt orange and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2015-06-11, Thursday: Work Expands
Your work may require more travel, or advanced training in the year ahead, Cap. As Jupiter swings into Gemini, you may hire others to work for you and your relationships with co-workers and underlings are expanded in one way or another. Keep your sense of self-importance well in hand. You may acquire a pet or increase your activities involving a pet, or the breeding of small animals. Opportune colors are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2015-06-11, Thursday: Tie the Knot?
Jupiter's move into Gemini begins a year of partnership focus for you, for Jupiter is your ruler and Gemini rules your house of marriage, partnerships, and open confrontations. Old partnerships (and enmities!) should develop through your interest in the Other, and new partnerships or unions are definitely favored. So for those Archers who are getting serious, it will be a good year to tie the knot! Harmonious colors are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2015-06-11, Thursday: Death and Taxes
Jupiter's move to Gemini brings a new phase with joint income, investments, collection of debts, taxes, insurance, and the settlement of inheritance. Requests for financial assistance are likely to be favored. Progress is easier with respect to analysis, investigation, or research. Enjoyment will be felt on a deeper level, as much from psychological satisfaction as physical gratification. Harmonious colors are tan and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 62.
2015-06-11, Thursday: Spiritual Growth
Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings an interesting and fortunate year, with much potential for success, spiritual and personal growth. Broaden your intellectual horizons through higher education, advanced training, study or the use of foreign languages, or long distance travel. You may develop a desire to expand your spiritual awareness, political interests, and cultural appreciation. Expressive colors are amber and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2015-06-11, Thursday: Good News
As Jupiter heads into Gemini, your ambitions for the future receive a boost. It's good news, dear Virgo! Your career and long-range goals expand. Go for what you want and promote your interests with gusto. A family member may be given recognition in months to come, and perhaps this success will enhance your own reputation and status. Favorable colors are taupe and purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
2015-06-11, Thursday: Personal Happiness
Increased energy and enthusiasm brings personal happiness, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, moves into your sector of personal goals for the year ahead. The people and circumstances prove increasingly providential. Friendships increase and relationships with current friends are expanded; the same applies to children in your life. Membership and participation in organizations becomes more beneficial. Uplifting colors are nutmeg and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 29 and 11.
2015-06-11, Thursday: Psychic Energy
As Jupiter rolls into Gemini, your twelfth house, benefits may be hidden, or not obvious to others Resist indulging in self-pity, unnecessary guilt, or using guilt as a weapon to get others to do what you want. You can develop inner strength and power through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability, and overcoming your hidden fears. If you need help, it is likely to arrive just in time to save the day, and it may come from hidden or unexpected sources. Beneficial colors are bronze and ivory. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2015-06-11, Thursday: Metamorphosis
It's a superb time for Gemini! Fortunate Jupiter moves into your sign, emphasizing your uniqueness as an individual, your appearance, and the glittering facets of your personality. There's no need to overdo it in coming times: people will be impressed whether or not you make the grand gesture. Fortunate colors are ultramarine and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2015-06-11, Thursday: Personal Finances
Certain people are feeling threatened by the prospect of change, so are determined to cling to the status quo. Mighty Jupiter, expansive Lord of Fortune, rolls into Gemini, putting the cosmic emphasis on personal finances for the year ahead. Money becomes the source of pleasure, but be sure to control the urge to splurge. Why not make learning how to conserve and invest your assets a fun game? Ways to increase your income will be needed. Be flexible if possible. Favorable colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.
2015-06-11, Thursday: Jupiter Moves
How keen are you to hold on to the status quo, and not make some essential changes to your life? it's time to increase skills with computers and mechanical equipment. Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, rolls into sociable Gemini, setting the cosmic tone for the year ahead. Communications and travel are sure to increase, widening your circle of contacts and boosting the exchange of information. Elements of your world are ripe for transformation, but the more you resist, the harder the process will be. Liberating colors are milk chocolate and ginger. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
2014-06-11, Wednesday: Happy Medium
Jupiter's move into Gemini turns the focus onto your domestic situation. The year ahead begins a twelve-year cycle of learning and new experiences. You will expand your personal, professional, and intellectual horizons. Go for a grander residence, or perhaps build additions to your present home. Develop your knowledge of family history, and expand your activities and contacts with family members. If you do sell up or relocate, you should do well out of it. Fortunate colors are lavender and tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2014-06-11, Wednesday: House of Fun
Jupiter moves into your 5th house, boosting your love of fun. Are you strong-willed? Overindulgence is hard to avoid. You desire the good life, and have the feeling that prosperity is within easy reach. As a result, you may purchase more luxury items, take more expensive vacations, and buy fancier or more expensive clothes. Your imagination and creativity increase. Relationships with children tend to expand. Romance can blossom, or can enhance the quality of your life in general. Fortunate colors are burnt orange and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2014-06-11, Wednesday: Work Expands
Your work may require more travel, or advanced training in the year ahead, Cap. As Jupiter swings into Gemini, you may hire others to work for you and your relationships with co-workers and underlings are expanded in one way or another. Keep your sense of self-importance well in hand. You may acquire a pet or increase your activities involving a pet, or the breeding of small animals. Opportune colors are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2014-06-11, Wednesday: Tie the Knot?
Jupiter's move into Gemini begins a year of partnership focus for you, for Jupiter is your ruler and Gemini rules your house of marriage, partnerships, and open confrontations. Old partnerships (and enmities!) should develop through your interest in the Other, and new partnerships or unions are definitely favored. So for those Archers who are getting serious, it will be a good year to tie the knot! Harmonious colors are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2014-06-11, Wednesday: Death and Taxes
Jupiter's move to Gemini brings a new phase with joint income, investments, collection of debts, taxes, insurance, and the settlement of inheritance. Requests for financial assistance are likely to be favored. Progress is easier with respect to analysis, investigation, or research. Enjoyment will be felt on a deeper level, as much from psychological satisfaction as physical gratification. Harmonious colors are tan and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 62.
2014-06-11, Wednesday: Spiritual Growth
Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings an interesting and fortunate year, with much potential for success, spiritual and personal growth. Broaden your intellectual horizons through higher education, advanced training, study or the use of foreign languages, or long distance travel. You may develop a desire to expand your spiritual awareness, political interests, and cultural appreciation. Expressive colors are amber and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2014-06-11, Wednesday: Good News
As Jupiter heads into Gemini, your ambitions for the future receive a boost. It's good news, dear Virgo! Your career and long-range goals expand. Go for what you want and promote your interests with gusto. A family member may be given recognition in months to come, and perhaps this success will enhance your own reputation and status. Favorable colors are taupe and purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
2014-06-11, Wednesday: Personal Happiness
Increased energy and enthusiasm brings personal happiness, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, moves into your sector of personal goals for the year ahead. The people and circumstances prove increasingly providential. Friendships increase and relationships with current friends are expanded; the same applies to children in your life. Membership and participation in organizations becomes more beneficial. Uplifting colors are nutmeg and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 29 and 11.
2014-06-11, Wednesday: Psychic Energy
As Jupiter rolls into Gemini, your twelfth house, benefits may be hidden, or not obvious to others Resist indulging in self-pity, unnecessary guilt, or using guilt as a weapon to get others to do what you want. You can develop inner strength and power through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability, and overcoming your hidden fears. If you need help, it is likely to arrive just in time to save the day, and it may come from hidden or unexpected sources. Beneficial colors are bronze and ivory. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2014-06-11, Wednesday: Metamorphosis
It's a superb time for Gemini! Fortunate Jupiter moves into your sign, emphasizing your uniqueness as an individual, your appearance, and the glittering facets of your personality. There's no need to overdo it in coming times: people will be impressed whether or not you make the grand gesture. Fortunate colors are ultramarine and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2014-06-11, Wednesday: Personal Finances
Certain people are feeling threatened by the prospect of change, so are determined to cling to the status quo. Mighty Jupiter, expansive Lord of Fortune, rolls into Gemini, putting the cosmic emphasis on personal finances for the year ahead. Money becomes the source of pleasure, but be sure to control the urge to splurge. Why not make learning how to conserve and invest your assets a fun game? Ways to increase your income will be needed. Be flexible if possible. Favorable colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.
2014-06-11, Wednesday: Jupiter Moves
How keen are you to hold on to the status quo, and not make some essential changes to your life? it's time to increase skills with computers and mechanical equipment. Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, rolls into sociable Gemini, setting the cosmic tone for the year ahead. Communications and travel are sure to increase, widening your circle of contacts and boosting the exchange of information. Elements of your world are ripe for transformation, but the more you resist, the harder the process will be. Liberating colors are milk chocolate and ginger. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
2013-06-11, Tuesday: Happy Medium
Jupiter's move into Gemini turns the focus onto your domestic situation. The year ahead begins a twelve-year cycle of learning and new experiences. You will expand your personal, professional, and intellectual horizons. Go for a grander residence, or perhaps build additions to your present home. Develop your knowledge of family history, and expand your activities and contacts with family members. If you do sell up or relocate, you should do well out of it. Fortunate colors are lavender and tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2013-06-11, Tuesday: House of Fun
Jupiter moves into your 5th house, boosting your love of fun. Are you strong-willed? Overindulgence is hard to avoid. You desire the good life, and have the feeling that prosperity is within easy reach. As a result, you may purchase more luxury items, take more expensive vacations, and buy fancier or more expensive clothes. Your imagination and creativity increase. Relationships with children tend to expand. Romance can blossom, or can enhance the quality of your life in general. Fortunate colors are burnt orange and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2013-06-11, Tuesday: Work Expands
Your work may require more travel, or advanced training in the year ahead, Cap. As Jupiter swings into Gemini, you may hire others to work for you and your relationships with co-workers and underlings are expanded in one way or another. Keep your sense of self-importance well in hand. You may acquire a pet or increase your activities involving a pet, or the breeding of small animals. Opportune colors are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2013-06-11, Tuesday: Tie the Knot?
Jupiter's move into Gemini begins a year of partnership focus for you, for Jupiter is your ruler and Gemini rules your house of marriage, partnerships, and open confrontations. Old partnerships (and enmities!) should develop through your interest in the Other, and new partnerships or unions are definitely favored. So for those Archers who are getting serious, it will be a good year to tie the knot! Harmonious colors are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2013-06-11, Tuesday: Death and Taxes
Jupiter's move to Gemini brings a new phase with joint income, investments, collection of debts, taxes, insurance, and the settlement of inheritance. Requests for financial assistance are likely to be favored. Progress is easier with respect to analysis, investigation, or research. Enjoyment will be felt on a deeper level, as much from psychological satisfaction as physical gratification. Harmonious colors are tan and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 62.
2013-06-11, Tuesday: Spiritual Growth
Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings an interesting and fortunate year, with much potential for success, spiritual and personal growth. Broaden your intellectual horizons through higher education, advanced training, study or the use of foreign languages, or long distance travel. You may develop a desire to expand your spiritual awareness, political interests, and cultural appreciation. Expressive colors are amber and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2013-06-11, Tuesday: Good News
As Jupiter heads into Gemini, your ambitions for the future receive a boost. It's good news, dear Virgo! Your career and long-range goals expand. Go for what you want and promote your interests with gusto. A family member may be given recognition in months to come, and perhaps this success will enhance your own reputation and status. Favorable colors are taupe and purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
2013-06-11, Tuesday: Personal Happiness
Increased energy and enthusiasm brings personal happiness, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, moves into your sector of personal goals for the year ahead. The people and circumstances prove increasingly providential. Friendships increase and relationships with current friends are expanded; the same applies to children in your life. Membership and participation in organizations becomes more beneficial. Uplifting colors are nutmeg and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 29 and 11.
2013-06-11, Tuesday: Psychic Energy
As Jupiter rolls into Gemini, your twelfth house, benefits may be hidden, or not obvious to others Resist indulging in self-pity, unnecessary guilt, or using guilt as a weapon to get others to do what you want. You can develop inner strength and power through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability, and overcoming your hidden fears. If you need help, it is likely to arrive just in time to save the day, and it may come from hidden or unexpected sources. Beneficial colors are bronze and ivory. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2013-06-11, Tuesday: Metamorphosis
It's a superb time for Gemini! Fortunate Jupiter moves into your sign, emphasizing your uniqueness as an individual, your appearance, and the glittering facets of your personality. There's no need to overdo it in coming times: people will be impressed whether or not you make the grand gesture. Fortunate colors are ultramarine and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2013-06-11, Tuesday: Personal Finances
Certain people are feeling threatened by the prospect of change, so are determined to cling to the status quo. Mighty Jupiter, expansive Lord of Fortune, rolls into Gemini, putting the cosmic emphasis on personal finances for the year ahead. Money becomes the source of pleasure, but be sure to control the urge to splurge. Why not make learning how to conserve and invest your assets a fun game? Ways to increase your income will be needed. Be flexible if possible. Favorable colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.
2013-06-11, Tuesday: Jupiter Moves
How keen are you to hold on to the status quo, and not make some essential changes to your life? it's time to increase skills with computers and mechanical equipment. Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, rolls into sociable Gemini, setting the cosmic tone for the year ahead. Communications and travel are sure to increase, widening your circle of contacts and boosting the exchange of information. Elements of your world are ripe for transformation, but the more you resist, the harder the process will be. Liberating colors are milk chocolate and ginger. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
2012-06-11, Monday: Happy Medium
Jupiter's move into Gemini turns the focus onto your domestic situation. The year ahead begins a twelve-year cycle of learning and new experiences. You will expand your personal, professional, and intellectual horizons. Go for a grander residence, or perhaps build additions to your present home. Develop your knowledge of family history, and expand your activities and contacts with family members. If you do sell up or relocate, you should do well out of it. Fortunate colors are lavender and tan. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2012-06-11, Monday: House of Fun
Jupiter moves into your 5th house, boosting your love of fun. Are you strong-willed? Overindulgence is hard to avoid. You desire the good life, and have the feeling that prosperity is within easy reach. As a result, you may purchase more luxury items, take more expensive vacations, and buy fancier or more expensive clothes. Your imagination and creativity increase. Relationships with children tend to expand. Romance can blossom, or can enhance the quality of your life in general. Fortunate colors are burnt orange and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2012-06-11, Monday: Work Expands
Your work may require more travel, or advanced training in the year ahead, Cap. As Jupiter swings into Gemini, you may hire others to work for you and your relationships with co-workers and underlings are expanded in one way or another. Keep your sense of self-importance well in hand. You may acquire a pet or increase your activities involving a pet, or the breeding of small animals. Opportune colors are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2012-06-11, Monday: Tie the Knot?
Jupiter's move into Gemini begins a year of partnership focus for you, for Jupiter is your ruler and Gemini rules your house of marriage, partnerships, and open confrontations. Old partnerships (and enmities!) should develop through your interest in the Other, and new partnerships or unions are definitely favored. So for those Archers who are getting serious, it will be a good year to tie the knot! Harmonious colors are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2012-06-11, Monday: Death and Taxes
Jupiter's move to Gemini brings a new phase with joint income, investments, collection of debts, taxes, insurance, and the settlement of inheritance. Requests for financial assistance are likely to be favored. Progress is easier with respect to analysis, investigation, or research. Enjoyment will be felt on a deeper level, as much from psychological satisfaction as physical gratification. Harmonious colors are tan and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 62.
2012-06-11, Monday: Spiritual Growth
Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings an interesting and fortunate year, with much potential for success, spiritual and personal growth. Broaden your intellectual horizons through higher education, advanced training, study or the use of foreign languages, or long distance travel. You may develop a desire to expand your spiritual awareness, political interests, and cultural appreciation. Expressive colors are amber and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2012-06-11, Monday: Good News
As Jupiter heads into Gemini, your ambitions for the future receive a boost. It's good news, dear Virgo! Your career and long-range goals expand. Go for what you want and promote your interests with gusto. A family member may be given recognition in months to come, and perhaps this success will enhance your own reputation and status. Favorable colors are taupe and purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
2012-06-11, Monday: Personal Happiness
Increased energy and enthusiasm brings personal happiness, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, moves into your sector of personal goals for the year ahead. The people and circumstances prove increasingly providential. Friendships increase and relationships with current friends are expanded; the same applies to children in your life. Membership and participation in organizations becomes more beneficial. Uplifting colors are nutmeg and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 29 and 11.
2012-06-11, Monday: Psychic Energy
As Jupiter rolls into Gemini, your twelfth house, benefits may be hidden, or not obvious to others Resist indulging in self-pity, unnecessary guilt, or using guilt as a weapon to get others to do what you want. You can develop inner strength and power through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability, and overcoming your hidden fears. If you need help, it is likely to arrive just in time to save the day, and it may come from hidden or unexpected sources. Beneficial colors are bronze and ivory. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2012-06-11, Monday: Metamorphosis
It's a superb time for Gemini! Fortunate Jupiter moves into your sign, emphasizing your uniqueness as an individual, your appearance, and the glittering facets of your personality. There's no need to overdo it in coming times: people will be impressed whether or not you make the grand gesture. Fortunate colors are ultramarine and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2012-06-11, Monday: Personal Finances
Certain people are feeling threatened by the prospect of change, so are determined to cling to the status quo. Mighty Jupiter, expansive Lord of Fortune, rolls into Gemini, putting the cosmic emphasis on personal finances for the year ahead. Money becomes the source of pleasure, but be sure to control the urge to splurge. Why not make learning how to conserve and invest your assets a fun game? Ways to increase your income will be needed. Be flexible if possible. Favorable colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.
2012-06-11, Monday: Jupiter Moves
How keen are you to hold on to the status quo, and not make some essential changes to your life? it's time to increase skills with computers and mechanical equipment. Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, rolls into sociable Gemini, setting the cosmic tone for the year ahead. Communications and travel are sure to increase, widening your circle of contacts and boosting the exchange of information. Elements of your world are ripe for transformation, but the more you resist, the harder the process will be. Liberating colors are milk chocolate and ginger. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
2011-06-11, Saturday: Escapologist
You may get bit by the travel bug as the Moon passes through delightful Libra and your ninth house of travel and adventure. If you can get out of town for the day, make a break for it! Even if there is no way you can escape the daily grind, you can always eat at a restaurant that serves foreign cuisine or rent a movie with subtitles. Adventurous colours are tropical green and hibiscus. Lucky numbers are 30 and 36.
2011-06-11, Saturday: Dreams And Goals
You may be in the public spotlight as the Moon drifts through your tenth house of career and reputation today. Your dreams and goals are just within reach, but you may feel as though you have to rely on authority figures and superiors who are unpredictable and flaky. Let your natural genius show in all the work you do now. Fortunate colours are basic black and rose pink. Lucky numbers are 19 and 26.
2011-06-11, Saturday: Resources
A struggle over resources may arise; you may even find yourself spending money to bail a friend out of trouble. Try to keep your billfold safely tucked away as you may end up spending more than you should. As much as you would like to be generous, you will have to carefully evaluate the situation before taking action. Prosperous colours are tangerine and lime. Lucky numbers are 22 and 23.
2011-06-11, Saturday: Lavender And Peppermint
Seek inner peace as the Moon drifts through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude today. Recharge your spiritual batteries during your low lunar cycle by being near water. If you are landlocked, turn your bathtub into a magical lagoon complete with fresh flowers, scented candles, and oil of lavender and peppermint. Healing colours are mauve and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
2011-06-11, Saturday: Emotional Strength
With the Moon shining in your first house of personality, you can do just about anything today. Your emotional strength has returned, giving you the energy you need. Don't be afraid to cast your spell. Ask for what you want as you are more likely to get a good response today. Your creative powers are high. Excellent colours are cinnabar and cream. Lucky numbers are 28 and 37.
2011-06-11, Saturday: Daydreams And Fantasies
The combination of a sleepy Moon and dreamy Neptune may be confusing, so make sure you have your coffee this morning! You may inadvertently forget to pay a bill or two, so take time to look at your ledgers now. Hard work is the theme of the day, but you may be distracted by daydreams and fantasies. Favourable colours are terra cotta and forest green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 24.
2011-06-11, Saturday: Inspired
The Moon in artistic Libra may inspire you today. If you need to write a letter, you'll know exactly what to say. If you need to express yourself, be sure to make the point clear. You may wax poetic, but, thanks to a disjointed aspect to nebulous Neptune, you could also leave people wondering what on earth you are talking about. Communicative colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
2011-06-11, Saturday: Quiet Reflections
With the Moon moving through your fourth house of home, family, and memories many of you will enjoy quiet reflection today. The dreamy side of the aspect to Neptune may cause you to remember things as you wish they had been and not really as they were. However, you have an opportunity to make your dream home and family a reality during the next several years. Beneficial colours are aqua and pearl. Lucky numbers are 20 and 34.
2011-06-11, Saturday: Keep Your Hat On
The Moon moves through your eighth house of other people's resources, making eyes at intuitive Neptune in your sign. Your depth of emotion may surprise even you as it bubbles up today; you may be moved to tears by a song on the radio. It could be a wild night of raging fantasies, or weird dreams, so keep your hat on! Beneficial colours are sapphire blue and mahogany. Lucky numbers are 27 and 35.
2011-06-11, Saturday: Sweet Things
Anything goes on this day made for having fun. With the Moon well placed in your house of love, creativity and children, this is a day for letting your hair down. Put off routine chores until after tomorrow. For now, you should enjoy the lighthearted vibes the universe is sending you. Rent Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory with Gene Wilder to remind yourself of all the sweet things in life. Avoid overdoing it tonight. Charming colours are lilac and tan. Lucky numbers are 19 and 21.
2011-06-11, Saturday: Health Check
It is time to pay attention to your health now that the Moon is lighting up your sixth house of health and service. You seem to be so busy taking care of others that you forget to take care of yourself. Make sure you are taking your vitamins, getting plenty of sleep, and flossing your teeth everyday. It's a good day for chatting about money matters, but reveal no secrets tonight. Resist the urge to gab, no matter how entrancing the prospect may seem. Beneficial colours are pure white and dark blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 23.
2011-06-11, Saturday: Quality Time
Spend quality time with your mate, best friend or partner as the Moon drifts through your seventh house of marriage and partnerships. Life is too short to hold a grudge, so be sure to add a dose of forgiveness where it is needed. Why not make your day more pleasant by meeting your favourite person for lunch? Fantasy driven romance is in the stars tonight, but avoid taking grandiose risks. Favourable colours are baby blue and melon. Lucky numbers are 16 and 34.
2009-06-11, Thursday: Quality Time
Spend quality time with your mate, best friend or partner as the Moon cruises into your seventh house of marriage and partnerships. Life is too short to hold a grudge, so be sure to add a dose of forgiveness where it is needed. Why not make your day more pleasant by meeting your favourite person for lunch? Ideal colours are electric blue and purple sage. Lucky numbers are 16 and 34.
2009-06-11, Thursday: Inspired
Wise Mercury and the intuitive Moon join forces to inspire you today. If you need to write a letter, you'll know exactly what to say. If you need to express yourself, be sure to clarify the point to everyone's understanding. Be clear and concise but don't be too brusque. Fortunate colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 14.
2009-06-11, Thursday: Escapologist
You may get bit by the travel bug as the Moon bounces into unpredictable Aquarius and your ninth house of travel and adventure. If you can get out of town for the day, make a break for it! Even if there is no way you can escape the daily grind, you can always eat at a restaurant that serves foreign cuisine or rent a movie with subtitles. Fortunate colours are dove grey and mixed stripes. Lucky numbers are 30 and 36.
2009-06-11, Thursday: Resources
A struggle over resources may arise; you may even find yourself spending money to bail a friend out of trouble. Try to keep your billfold safely tucked away as you may end up spending more than you should. As much as you would like to be generous, you need to evaluate the situation carefully before taking action. Advantageous colours are hot pink and jamaican lime. Lucky numbers are 22 and 23.
2009-06-11, Thursday: Quiet Reflection
With the Moon moving through your fourth house of home, family, and memories many of you will enjoy quiet reflection today. The dreamy side of Neptune may cause you to remember things as you wish they had been and not really as they were. However, you have an opportunity to make your dream home and family a reality during coming months. Auspicious colours are dusky pink and pearly white. Lucky numbers are 4 and 25.
2009-06-11, Thursday: Health Check
It is time to pay attention to your health now that the Moon is lighting up your sixth house of health and service. If you are the typical Virgo, you are so busy taking care of others that you forget to take care of yourself. Make sure you are taking your vitamins, getting plenty of sleep, and flossing your teeth everyday. Beneficial colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 6 and 23.
2009-06-11, Thursday: Magical Lagoon
Seek inner peace as the Moon drifts through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude today. Recharge your spiritual batteries during your low lunar cycle by being near water. If you are landlocked, turn your bathtub into a magical lagoon complete with fresh flowers, scented candles, and oil of lavender and peppermint. Auspicious colours are mauve and silver. Lucky numbers are 12 and 39.
2009-06-11, Thursday: Natural Genius
You may be in the public spotlight as the Moon awakens your tenth house of career and reputation today. Your dreams and goals are just within reach, but you may feel as though you have to rely on authority figures and superiors who are unpredictable and flaky. Let your natural genius show in all the work you do now. Auspicious colours are basic black and parchment. Lucky numbers are 10 and 28.
2009-06-11, Thursday: Depth of Emotion
The Moon moves through your eighth house of other people's resources, linking up with wise Jupiter and intuitive Neptune. Your depth of emotion may surprise even you as it bubbles up today. You may be moved to tears by a song on the radio, but it will be easier to express yourself as Mercury dances with the Moon. Advantageous colours are mahogany and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 27 and 35.
2009-06-11, Thursday: Confusion
It's a disturbing day in some ways, so make sure you have your coffee this morning! Bright ideas are on the rise but a cloud of confusion still circulates. You may inadvertently forget to pay a bill or two, so take time to look at your ledgers. Hard work is the theme, but don't be distracted by daydreams and fantasies. Fortunate colours are terra cotta and forest green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 24.
2009-06-11, Thursday: Emotional Strength
With the Moon shining in your first house of personality, you can do just about anything today. Your emotional strength has returned, giving you the energy you need. Don't be afraid to cast your spell. Ask for what you want as you are more likely to get a good response today. Your creative powers are high. Auspicious colours are rose quartz and ice blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 37.
2009-06-11, Thursday: Sweet Things
Anything goes on this day made for having fun. With the Moon well placed in your house of love, creativity and children, this is a day for letting your hair down. Put off routine chores until after tomorrow. For now, you should enjoy the lighthearted vibes the universe is sending you. Fortunate colours are lilac and tan. Lucky numbers are 19 and 21.
2008-06-11, Wednesday: Emotional Manipulation
Today is a tough day to navigate emotionally. It's possible that you feel a bit controlled by someone in your office and you might even act out. Fortunate colours are mango and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 3 and 14.
2008-06-11, Wednesday: Emotional Manipulation
You have a tough customer in a friend. It's difficult to have him or her support you for some reason these days. It's frustrating and you might resort to a cruel play of emotions to get what you need. Auspicious colours are vermilion and apple green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 25.
2008-06-11, Wednesday: Keep Your Guard Up
Keep your guard up with relatives now. It truly looks as though someone is trying to take blood from a stone and you happen to be the stone my friend. Fortunate colours are magenta and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 13 and 21.
2008-06-11, Wednesday: Emotional Manipulation
The cosmic weather is a little brutal today. You might feel as though a lover is trying to fool you or control you in some way. Trust your instincts. Soothing colours are pastel pink and cream. Lucky numbers are 6 and 9.
2008-06-11, Wednesday: Emotional Blackmail
A business partner might try to strategically put you in a quandary through emotional blackmail or manipulation. It wouldn't even be conscious and might not be intended. Just be aware. Fortunate colours are silver and dark green. Lucky numbers are 19 and 24.
2008-06-11, Wednesday: Emotional Manipulation
You have a bite to your tongue today and it might hurt siblings, cousins or a neighbor the most. Although you're someone who prefers to be in control, it's never nice to do this at the expense of another person. Beneficial colours are apricot and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 31 and 50.
2008-06-11, Wednesday: Emotional Manipulation
Take care: somebody, especially someone close is looking for money. Even if you're not wealthy, the potential for your possessions to be invaded by someone special is strong. Soothing colours are pastel blue and orange. Lucky numbers are 39 and 6.
2008-06-11, Wednesday: Emotional Manipulation
You've got the tendency to want to know everything about the finances of a family member however you're being shady when it comes to disclosing these details about yourself. You can't have it both ways. Advantageous colours are auburn and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 26.
2008-06-11, Wednesday: Emotional Manipulation
This is a day of undercover emotions. Someone at work might explode without any warning. This has been brewing, but like bubbles underneath wallpaper, you could never quite have known what you'd find until the damage was done. Expansive colours are chestnut and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 17 and 69.
2008-06-11, Wednesday: Emotional Manipulation
You might not even see this coming however you should be aware of the potential for a spouse or family member to make you feel dependent on them for something just so that they can feel more power within the relationship. Prosperous colours are amethyst and coffee. Lucky numbers are 11 and 49.
2008-06-11, Wednesday: Emotional Manipulation
You have a tendency to be very guarded with your emotions Capricorn and yet you want to know what's going on in your colleagues' lives. You can't have it both ways.... Polarising colours are spearmint and raspberry. Lucky numbers are 12 and 2.
2008-06-11, Wednesday: Take No Prisoners
You've got a strong energy today for wheeling and dealing in a publishing, legal or international matter. You're playing hardball and will take no prisoners. Fortunate colours are raspberry and electric blue. Lucky numbers are 36 and 44.
2007-06-11, Monday: More Money
Work seems abundant these days and you have the potential to turn all this into extra income with your ambitious planning today. They key to success is a well thought out strategy and you have all the tools you need to accomplish this. Opportune colours are spearmint and beige. Lucky numbers are 28 and 75.
2007-06-11, Monday: Negotiations
If you have any type of deal in the works with a big client, agent or business partner, today is the day to grab what you want. You have the resourcefulness, persistence and energy to edge your way into the perfect deal. Beneficial colours are white and bright red. Lucky numbers are 11 and 46.
2007-06-11, Monday: Transformed Home
If you've been contemplating a home renovation project, today is a fine time to get started or to take out a loan or line of credit to do so. If you apply for any type of finance concerning your house you're likely to receive it and you are well on your way towards renewing your home. Receptive colours are kiwifruit and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 37.
2007-06-11, Monday: No Barriers
Nothing can hold you back today when it comes to a creative project. You're able to convey unyielding energy and assert powers of wise, Sagittarian authority. You're both the sage teacher and the Pied Piper rolled into one! Fortunate colours are burgundy and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 21 and 46.
2007-06-11, Monday: Success Assured
The energetic action you have at work today, to complete all tasks, will impress an authority figure and lead to congratulations. It looks like you also have the ability to crystallize the details in a matter that will lead you to honour and success. Inspirational colours are umber and violet. Lucky numbers are 28 and 39.
2007-06-11, Monday: Business Dreams
You have amazing energy today to move forward with a business partner, agent or big client in a group effort that will help everyone involved move closer to achieving their ideals. The structure and plans are in place and everyone is ready and willing to act. Do it now! Auspicious colours are saffron and raspberry. Lucky numbers are 27 and 64.
2007-06-11, Monday: Secret Drive
If there is a battle today, you will certainly win it! You have an iron will and drive and can channel it into defending someone who cannot defend themselves. Stay true to your beliefs, sweet Virgo - the world is on your side.... Ideal colours are butterscotch and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 10 and 36.
2007-06-11, Monday: Drive
You've got the energy to direct your beliefs in a way that will help you teach something valuable to others. People see and appreciate your wisdom and admire your convictions. When someone looks at you today, they see hope and you feel the promise of something larger than yourself brewing. Alluring colours are pale gold and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 16 and 50.
2007-06-11, Monday: No Fatigue
Career and financial matters receive a boost today as Mars, currently touring your 10th house, links favourably to Saturn, the planet of responsible discipline. Your energy may create a long term financial plan that will increase your success. Luxurious colours are green and opal. Lucky numbers are 35 and 72.
2007-06-11, Monday: Sweet Success
Today you should taste the sweet wine of success as you have unlimited resources and energy to accomplish all your goals. A group or organization will feature prominently in the day's events and they will admire your firm leadership skills. Harmonious colours are cream and coffee. Lucky numbers are 13 and 62.
2007-06-11, Monday: Full Steam Ahead
You'll get an amazing amount of work done around the house today. It's a great time to clean out closets or go through things in an attic or basement that you've left hidden for too long. The energy you'll feel is strong and enduring. Ideal colours are aubergine and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 28 and 12.
2007-06-11, Monday: Focused Energy
The fortunate trine aspect today between Mars in Aries and Saturn in Leo allows you to finish whatever has been started. Your stamina and persistence only seems to get stronger in the face of resistance. Major career achievements can be made if you channel this energy properly. Beneficial colours are blue sapphire and violet. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2006-06-11, Sunday: Unexpected Romance
You could be feeling especially adventurous today, but in your rush to get things accomplished, you may overlook some important details. An element of uncertainty clouds a work concern. Discuss financial plans with close ones who take money more seriously. Increased expenditure could go out of control. Expect to meet with unexpected romance. Opportune colours are smoky purple and pistachio. Lucky numbers are 14 and 15.
2006-06-11, Sunday: More Discipline Needed
Impose a little more discipline on yourself, Aquarius, if you expect to see greater profits. At work, you may come under considerable pressure to complete a project. If you are an entrepreneur, your goals are firmly planted, but secondary influences in your love life could play havoc. Ugh. Fortunate colours are blackcurrant and fire opal. Lucky numbers are 8 and 15.
2006-06-11, Sunday: Resolve Legalities
Today you could be researching newer ways of increasing productivity. The day is favourable for any type of legal proceedings and it should be possible to reach an amicable agreement. It might however be difficult to reach a suitable solution to an issue at home. An exciting flirtation could turn passionate. Expressive colours are clotted cream and primrose. Lucky numbers are 11 and 13.
2006-06-11, Sunday: Secret Attraction
This is a good time for laying down foundations for a better life. A partnership venture could come your way with a very low risk factor. Viable alternatives of doing things will make life easier, so exercise some initiative and get ahead. An old friend returns to help you out and a secret attraction may come out into the open. Fortunate colours are passionfruit and coffee. Lucky numbers are 21 and 45.
2006-06-11, Sunday: New Approaches
Adopting a new approach may be just what you need now, Scorpions. Conditions are excellent for approaching influential people in connection with your work or other important aspects of life. People probably assume that you are making satisfactory progress, but your partner expresses hidden desires disguised as complaints. Comforting colours are purple sage and azure blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2006-06-11, Sunday: Work Advancement
This is a good time for pushing ahead with occupational affairs. Superiors are more likely to appreciate your commitment and endeavours. If waiting for a raise, you might qualify for a significant promotion. A high-tech option helps make those chores easier. You may need to keep your passions under wraps for now. Diplomatic colours are raspberry and blond. Lucky numbers are 5 and 24.
2006-06-11, Sunday: Helping Friends
A situation may force you to postpone your plans for a while, Virgo. Someone close to you may be facing a crisis and ask for help from you. Objectivity in money matters brings greater benefits. Think before you act, as your sweetheart will be quietly observing your inner side. Beneficial colours are ginger and tan. Lucky numbers are 21 and 26.
2006-06-11, Sunday: Restlessness
A feeling of restlessness emerges, so try to proceed with flexibility rather than putting yourself on a tight schedule. The solution to a financial problem will pop into your mind. You might want to catch up with domestic tasks. Find a new way to express your feelings to your lover. Empowering colours are blond and red. Lucky numbers are 31 and 37.
2006-06-11, Sunday: Personal Satisfaction
You can derive a lot of personal satisfaction from your accomplishment and commitments. Decisions taken now may have a powerful influence on your future. You could feel overburdened with the demands thrown onto you. Cupid says make a move quickly and make up for lost time. Dreamy colours are teal and vanilla. Lucky numbers are 7 and 37.
2006-06-11, Sunday: Demanding Friendships
This can be a good time for moving ahead with your planned objectives. You could take on the responsibility of projects that are important to others as well. This is a particularly productive day for work-related matters, but unaffordable demands from friends might become burdensome liabilities. Romance flows like a cool breeze in tranquillity. Sensuous colours are pink and marmalade. Lucky numbers are 4 and 8.
2006-06-11, Sunday: Change Of Scene
A change of scene may be the very thing you need to stimulate your creative energy, as preparing a written project of any kind could be difficult. A certain fear or anxiety you have been harbouring is still unresolved. If nurturing a dream about your sweetheart, you may find a way to make it reality. Positive colours are pale gold and lilac. Lucky numbers are 2 and 49.
2006-06-11, Sunday: Avoid Commitments
Long-range projects may be worth investigating despite financial limitations. Avoid making commitments until something definite is offered. Teamwork of all kinds is favoured and you could plan a trip to an exotic location. Your mate has delightful, heartwarming ways. Inventive colours are marmalade and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 27 and 55.
2005-06-11, Saturday: Brain Booster
During the next couple of weeks you'll really enjoy using your brain. And that doesn't mean only doing lots of academic things, because you'll also be pretty clued-up when it comes to taking part in more light-hearted ventures, such as quizzes or puzzles. You might also enter a competition and win it! Powerful colours are ebony and azure. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2005-06-11, Saturday: Work Pressures Ahead
You'll have a lot of work to get through during the next few weeks, so make sure your body is able to cope with it. Get plenty of rest, rather than burning the candle at both ends, and don't skimp on decent food, either. At times you may feel rather fraught because you've got so much to do, in which case it will be important to tackle tasks in their order of priority. Fortunate colours are blueberry and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 14 and 32.
2005-06-11, Saturday: Communicative Capricorn
From today you embark on a phase in which it will be even more important than usual for you to talk to the people in your life. To a large extent it doesn't really matter what you talk about, provided that you communicate with one another. But if there is anything important to say then you should give it priority during the next few weeks. And don't forget to listen as well as talk! Communicative colours are old gold and ivory. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
2005-06-11, Saturday: Financial Considerations
Think carefully about your joint and official finances as tricky Mercury dances into your eighth house of other people's money. Your tax, insurance premiums, credit cards, debts and any other monetary arrangements need attention over the next two weeks. Are they all working well or is there room for improvement? Talk to an expert if necessary, such as a bank manager or financial adviser, and get yourself sorted out. Auspicious colours are hyacinth and amber. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
2005-06-11, Saturday: Inquisitive Phase
The boundaries of your brain start to expand today, as lively Mercury enters your ninth house, Over the next couple of weeks you'll go through a very inquisitive phase in which you want to learn lots more about the world than you currently know. Such a thirst for knowledge might steer you towards some higher education, such as an evening class or a distance learning programme. Good for you! Lively colours are emerald and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 5 and 12.
2005-06-11, Saturday: Put Plans Into Action
Have a think about your hopes and wishes for the future during the next couple of weeks. You might even be inspired to make some plans that you can put into action. It will help to discuss your thoughts with someone who's on the same wavelength as you, so don't be shy about opening up and confiding in someone you trust. Advantageous colours are charcoal and treacle. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
2005-06-11, Saturday: Mental Focus
Today your mental focus switches from your career to your hopes and wishes for the future. During the next couple of weeks you should think about your future plans, especially if that means working out how you can make some of them a reality. This will also be an excellent phase for keeping in touch with your friends and with anyone else who's on your wavelength. Ambitious colours are lavender and maroon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
2005-06-11, Saturday: Into Your Shell
During the next two weeks you'll want to retreat into your shell every now and then, and to keep a low profile. Look on this as an opportunity to mull things over at your own pace and to reflect on everything that's happened to you over the past eleven months. At times you'll be less chatty than usual, but reassure loved ones that it doesn't mean you no longer care about them. Beneficial colours are plum and ebony. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2005-06-11, Saturday: Wrapped Up
During the next few weeks you'll be wrapped up in your own ideas and concerns. This is entirely as it should be now, but do your best not to take it to extremes, or some might think you've become completely self-obsessed and self-involved. Make a conscious effort to talk to others about themselves, rather than hogging the entire conversational limelight. Creative colours are copper and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 25 and 17.
2005-06-11, Saturday: Spider's Web
The coming fortnight is an excellent time for examining money matters and reaching important decisions. You might also want to get an expert opinion if you aren't sure what you're doing, so don't be afraid to ask. It will also help to look for answers on the web, or to read the financial pages of your newspaper. Beneficial colours are sky blue and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 39 and 40.
2005-06-11, Saturday: Chatty And Gregarious
You'll really excel at communicating with others during the next few weeks, and if you're usually rather quiet you'll be amazed at yourself. In fact, you may even find that you tend to hog the conversations, even if this isn't your normal style. As for your phone bill - it could be quite hefty by the end of June! Nevertheless, this is a super time for being chatty and gregarious. Harmonious colours are taupe and pale pink. Lucky numbers are 15 and 71.
2005-06-11, Saturday: Looking Back
Your family will be on your mind a lot during the coming two weeks. You might want to spend more time with them than usual, or you may enjoy looking through old photos and thinking about the past. This is a very good time to look back on your life, provided that you don't become so nostalgic that you paint a falsely rosy picture of how things used to be. Positive colours are fuchsia and butterscotch. Lucky numbers are 25 and 48.
2004-06-11, Friday: Happy Medium
It's difficult to keep the peace with people in authority, Pisces, and this is another day when tension is never far away. Is someone is laying down the law and expecting you to do exactly what they tell you? Perhaps you're the one who's insisting on being in control. Take care because either extreme will lead to trouble. You need to find a happy medium. Fortunate colours are lavender and tan. Lucky numbers are 14 and 33.
2004-06-11, Friday: Careful Handling
Someone close to you needs careful handling today, especially if you aren't seeing eye to eye about certain things at the moment. Although you may accuse them of being dogmatic and controlling, they will undoubtedly be saying the same things about you. Actually, it's probably six of one and half a dozen of the other, so remember that if you start hurling accusations around. Inspirational colours are burnt orange and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 5 and 43.
2004-06-11, Friday: Sleepless Nights
An auspicious day for bringing a difficult situation to an end, especially if it's been giving you sleepless nights recently. Mind you, you could meet some resistance in some task that you're undertaking, and you may have to stand up to someone who's doing their best to intimidate or bully you. Nevertheless, you know what needs to be done and you're ready to give it your best shot. Opportune colours are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 2 and 78.
2004-06-11, Friday: Tough Decisions
You're facing some tough decisions and difficult moments where certain people are concerned, and unfortunately, you get another taste of all this today. Someone may be absolutely determined to stand in the way of change, especially if they feel threatened or excluded by it. You long to steamroller your way through their opposition but this will only make things worse. Harmonious colours are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 36 and 48.
2004-06-11, Friday: Make Some Changes
It's a terrific day for making some long-lasting changes to your world, especially if you haven't had the courage or opportunity to do so before now. However, you must make sure that you're acting for the greater good of everyone concerned and not just for pure self- interest, because that will lead to a great deal of opposition and potential trouble. Harmonious colours are tan and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 62.
2004-06-11, Friday: Stalemate
Your partner or a close friend is keen to make changes but they're facing a lot of opposition. Unfortunately, this will make them even more determined to get their own way, encouraging them to renew their efforts. Before you know where you are, there will be a total stalemate. Bear this in mind if you're one of the parties involved. Expressive colours are amber and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 33 and 19.
2004-06-11, Friday: Be On Your Guard
A certain person won't like it if you contradict them or tell them what to do. Is it because they're being unreasonable or because you're throwing your weight around? It might be six of one and half a dozen of the other, but in any event you should avoid rubbing them up the wrong way or doing anything that makes them lose face. They'll be quick to get their own back. Favourable colours are taupe and purple. Lucky numbers are 7 and 29.
2004-06-11, Friday: Paradox
The more eager you are to create positive change in your life, the harder it is to make it happen. Why is this? Perhaps a loved one is resisting it at all costs, even to the point of unpleasantness. Or maybe you suspect that something in you is secretly sabotaging what you're trying to achieve. Think it through carefully and try to find out what's going on. Uplifting colours are nutmeg and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 29 and 8.
2004-06-11, Friday: Watch Your Step
Tread carefully today because it will be easy to get bogged down in a battle for power with someone, especially if they try to pull rank on you or use some underhand tactics. If you're currently trying to introduce some changes to your life, it's essential that you're open about it to avoid arousing opposition from people who are suspicious of your motives. Beneficial colours are bronze and ivory. Lucky numbers are 25 and 7.
2004-06-11, Friday: Metamorphosis
At least one of your relationships is currently at a very sensitive point and you're reminded of it very forcefully today. The tension between you and a certain person is so strong that it could almost feel like a life and death struggle, or something which will transform you for ever. Even if your heart is breaking, look on this period as a vital metamorphosis in your life. Inspirational colours are ultramarine and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 5 and 46.
2004-06-11, Friday: Nitty Gritty
How keen are you to hold on to the status quo, and not make some essential changes to your life? You tell yourself that you're receptive to the idea of change, but it's a different story when you get down to the nitty gritty. Elements of your world are ripe for transformation, and the more you resist, the harder the process will be. Liberating colours are milk chocolate and ginger. Lucky numbers are 28 and 8.
2004-06-11, Friday: Proceed With Caution
You have to proceed with great care today if you want to avoid stirring up trouble or opposition. It seems that certain people are feeling very threatened by the prospect of change, and as a result are determined to cling to the status quo no matter what the cost. Do your best to avoid behaving in this way yourself because it won't do you any favours. Be more flexible if possible. Favourable colours are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.

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