Cancer.Html's Horoscopes |



Born between:

2024-06-27, Thursday
All your relationships could be enhanced today by your increased sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others, Pisces. You may provide a sympathetic ear to melancholy friends, help someone resolve problems, or both. Whatever it is, rest assured that your efforts won't go unappreciated. You'll probably grow closer to the ones who mean the most to you now, including a significant other.
2024-06-27, Thursday
Today you might hear about opportunities to increase your income, Aquarius, either through your current employment, a new job, or perhaps a project of your own. You're likely to channel a great deal of energy and inspiration to this end. Others may want to pitch in and help you. You're liable to feel energetic and optimistic. This, in turn, can help you attract more opportunities. Go for it!
2024-06-27, Thursday
The desire for travel might hit you today, perhaps to visit a friend who lives far away, and you could set the wheels in motion to make it happen at some point in the future. Socializing could take up your evening, if possible, and you might talk to some interesting people. A friend may need a sympathetic ear. As you're especially sensitive to others right now, you're prepared to hear a sad story. Otherwise, your day should go well, Capricorn.
2024-06-27, Thursday
The opportunity to increase your income could spur you to channel more energy and inspiration into career and business matters, Sagittarius. Some vivid, intense dreams might reveal a lot about you and your motivations, which could increase your self-awareness and make everything easier for you. The drive to succeed in material and spiritual matters is likely to play a powerful role in everything you do today. Onward and upward!
2024-06-27, Thursday
An increased understanding of distant cultures as well as curiosity about the people who live there could spur you on to further learning about those places, Scorpio. Friends or groups with which you're affiliated could be involved in some way. You're likely to channel a lot of energy into intellectual activities today and inspire others to do the same. Take a walk at some point during the day to clear your head.
2024-06-27, Thursday
Inspiration is the keyword for the day, Libra. You may be feeling highly motivated to move on with what others consider impossible dreams. "Impossible" has never stopped you before, and you aren't likely to let it stop you today. You're more likely to consider all contingencies carefully in order to make them work. Friends could be inspired by your vision and determination and follow your example. Go for it.
2024-06-27, Thursday
Moving ahead is today's key phrase, Virgo. You should be feeling very optimistic and excited about goals that you've set for yourself. You're probably confident that you'll reach them, and all will go well. This positive attitude spills over into your relationships. You should be in just the right frame of mind to encourage friends to go for their dreams and give them any assistance they need.
2024-06-27, Thursday
A higher level of intuition and inspiration than is usual for you could enhance your artistic talents, Leo. A powerful drive to express the stories, pictures, or music that may be flooding your mind could result in your spending as much of the day as possible in seclusion, jotting down thoughts and ideas. By day's end, you might have spent most of your free time alone yet be very satisfied with the results.
2024-06-27, Thursday
Heightened intuition and ESP could lead to some interesting conversations with others who are blown away by your insights into their thoughts, feelings, and desires. You could also be feeling more expressive than usual, Cancer. You might want to channel some of that inspiration into writing, speaking, or some other form of self-expression. Reading may also prove especially valuable at this time.
2024-06-27, Thursday
A close friend or member of your household could be having money problems, Gemini, and want to draw on your good business sense in order to understand the situation and find ways to put it right. As you're likely to be feeling especially sensitive to the needs of others today, you could be of valuable help to this person and anyone else who might need some insights.
2024-06-27, Thursday
Today you might feel especially intellectually and creatively inspired, and you could discuss your ideas with others. The process of communication could open new doors in your mind and result in some fascinating insights concerning whatever you're pursuing at this time. Sometime in the course of your conversations, Taurus, don't be surprised if you find that one of your friends needs a sympathetic ear. Enjoy your day.
2024-06-27, Thursday
Expect to find yourself ministering to the needs of colleagues and family members today, Aries. People around you might need to draw upon your insights into human nature in order to understand themselves and others. Your common sense could prove valuable to them. In the process of sharing your wisdom with others, you might also shed some light on emotional situations of your own. You could surprise yourself!
2023-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon enters your 8th house, one of the psychic houses, as Venus turns direct after weeks of her retro phase. Many of you will find your intuition working overtime today, so pay attention to those gut feelings and hunches. Sure, some of them will be just your imagination, but it won't hurt to follow them up. Spending time behind closed doors with your most significant other can be sublime! Positive colors are mauve and green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 25.
2023-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
The combination of the magical Moon in your 9th house of travel, education and religion and Venus turning direct after weeks of retro movement can lead to ambitious dreams. Flights of fancy may take you farther than any plane, train or automobile, so spend some time indulging your imagination. You may even find that you are using the process of creative visualization to make your dreams come true. Lucky colors are primrose yellow and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
2023-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status today, placing you under pressure as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Now is the time to make decisions about your life. It is time to start asking yourself what will make you feel more fulfilled in your career, relationships and finances at work. It takes a lot of courage to follow your heart, but you'll be glad you did. Ideal colors are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2023-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon lights up your house of friends and associates, as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Many of you will experience ideal friendships, enjoying the feeling that you have found your kind at last. Unfortunately, all this lovely comraderie may cost a pretty penny. If your friends and the groups you belong to require more money than you are comfortable spending, keep looking. Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated. Expressive colors are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2023-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
If your energy levels have been dwindling with the Moon in your 12th house of solitude, honor your need for rest. It is time to recharge your spiritual batteries, and give yourself an extra boost as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. With intense planetary energy in your house of subconscious matters, you may be receiving more psychic impressions than you are comfortable with. Joint income and social status through partnership are issues likely to surface this month, as Venus leaves the station. It's intense! Liberating colors are azure and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2023-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
With the marvellous Moon in your first house of personality forming a beautiful aspect to Venus today, you should have more emotional energy. Travel plans anyone? Or hooking up with a fascinating foreigner? Make room for spiritual growth, Libra. As Venus turns direct, the cosmos is signalling a time for growth in your cultural and personal relationships. Fortunate colors are caramel and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2023-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
Even if you wake up wanting to play, later in the day you must get back to business, as Venus turns direct in Gemini. It's time to make a new start at work. With the changing Moon enlivening in your second house of personal finances, you may need to focus your energies on balancing your accounts. The conservative Virgin is normally quite careful with money, and as the month draws on, benefits from your career (or plain good luck!) will add to the pot. Lucky colors are rich gold and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
2023-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon is dancing with Venus in your house of communication, dear Leo, beginning the day in a delightful way. However, because Venus is stationary and the Moon is clashing with disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto, many of you begin to chafe. Do not let careless remarks disturb you; practice listening carefully before you speak. Avoid saying something you will later regret as Venus turns direct, asking you to clarify your relationships with friends, children and associates and to set your direction for achieving your goals. Beneficial colors are maroon and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2023-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon and Venus start the day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but later things get rather foggy. Blame the Moon battling disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto for your lowered energy levels. Why not turn in early tonight? You need a couple of extra hours of sleep to recover. Venus turns direct in Gemini, so it's time to clarify your feelings with your relationships, especially those that are secret, concealed, or from the past -- and the sorrows you have suffered from them. Cheer up! Tomorrow is another day... Empowering colors are mulberry and aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
2023-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
With the emotional Moon in your fifth house of pleasure dancing with luscious Venus in your sign, you may be too sexy for your car, too sexy for your job, too sexy for your shirt... but later in the day the water gets rougher. Sensual Venus turns direct in Gemini, increasing your personal magnetism, but restructuring your sense of yourself in coming weeks. Moths will be drawn to your flame. It's time to make your plans. Soothing colors are amber and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2023-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
Even if the day starts on a light-hearted note, by afternoon you will be back to business. The moody Moon in your house of health and service urges you to pay attention to the details in your life. Eat right, exercise, and avoid people and places that upset your sensibilities. Keep yourself in balance, making clear decisions in your work and health. You may need to reconsider some of your personal values, as Venus, your life-ruler, reaches her direct station today after weeks of retro motion in your financial zone. Ideal colors are scarlet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
2023-06-27, Tuesday: Venus At The Station
The Moon enters your 7th house of marriage and partnerships, which has long been occupied by stern Saturn. Many of you have been experiencing some restrictions in this area, but being on the same wavelength as your most significant other is likely now. Above all, insist on honesty in your close associations. Venus turns direct today after weeks of retro motion in tricky Gemini, so it's time for decisions about what it is you really need to communicate with your love, and indeed with everyone. Make sure your phone is charged. Inspirational colors are sienna and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2022-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
The Moon enters your 8th house, one of the psychic houses, as Venus turns direct after weeks of her retro phase. Many of you will find your intuition working overtime today, so pay attention to those gut feelings and hunches. Sure, some of them will be just your imagination, but it won't hurt to follow them up. Spending time behind closed doors with your most significant other can be sublime! Positive colors are mauve and green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 25.
2022-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
The combination of the magical Moon in your 9th house of travel, education and religion and Venus turning direct after weeks of retro movement can lead to ambitious dreams. Flights of fancy may take you farther than any plane, train or automobile, so spend some time indulging your imagination. You may even find that you are using the process of creative visualization to make your dreams come true. Lucky colors are primrose yellow and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
2022-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status today, placing you under pressure as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Now is the time to make decisions about your life. It is time to start asking yourself what will make you feel more fulfilled in your career, relationships and finances at work. It takes a lot of courage to follow your heart, but you'll be glad you did. Ideal colors are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2022-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
The Moon lights up your house of friends and associates, as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Many of you will experience ideal friendships, enjoying the feeling that you have found your kind at last. Unfortunately, all this lovely comraderie may cost a pretty penny. If your friends and the groups you belong to require more money than you are comfortable spending, keep looking. Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated. Expressive colors are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2022-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
If your energy levels have been dwindling with the Moon in your 12th house of solitude, honor your need for rest. It is time to recharge your spiritual batteries, and give yourself an extra boost as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. With intense planetary energy in your house of subconscious matters, you may be receiving more psychic impressions than you are comfortable with. Joint income and social status through partnership are issues likely to surface this month, as Venus leaves the station. It's intense! Liberating colors are azure and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2022-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
With the marvellous Moon in your first house of personality forming a beautiful aspect to Venus today, you should have more emotional energy. Travel plans anyone? Or hooking up with a fascinating foreigner? Make room for spiritual growth, Libra. As Venus turns direct, the cosmos is signalling a time for growth in your cultural and personal relationships. Fortunate colors are caramel and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2022-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
Even if you wake up wanting to play, later in the day you must get back to business, as Venus turns direct in Gemini. It's time to make a new start at work. With the changing Moon enlivening in your second house of personal finances, you may need to focus your energies on balancing your accounts. The conservative Virgin is normally quite careful with money, and as the month draws on, benefits from your career (or plain good luck!) will add to the pot. Lucky colors are rich gold and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
2022-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
The Moon is dancing with Venus in your house of communication, dear Leo, beginning the day in a delightful way. However, because Venus is stationary and the Moon is clashing with disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto, many of you begin to chafe. Do not let careless remarks disturb you; practice listening carefully before you speak. Avoid saying something you will later regret as Venus turns direct, asking you to clarify your relationships with friends, children and associates and to set your direction for achieving your goals. Beneficial colors are maroon and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2022-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
The Moon and Venus start the day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but later things get rather foggy. Blame the Moon battling disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto for your lowered energy levels. Why not turn in early tonight? You need a couple of extra hours of sleep to recover. Venus turns direct in Gemini, so it's time to clarify your feelings with your relationships, especially those that are secret, concealed, or from the past -- and the sorrows you have suffered from them. Cheer up! Tomorrow is another day... Empowering colors are mulberry and aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
2022-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
With the emotional Moon in your fifth house of pleasure dancing with luscious Venus in your sign, you may be too sexy for your car, too sexy for your job, too sexy for your shirt... but later in the day the water gets rougher. Sensual Venus turns direct in Gemini, increasing your personal magnetism, but restructuring your sense of yourself in coming weeks. Moths will be drawn to your flame. It's time to make your plans. Soothing colors are amber and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2022-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
Even if the day starts on a light-hearted note, by afternoon you will be back to business. The moody Moon in your house of health and service urges you to pay attention to the details in your life. Eat right, exercise, and avoid people and places that upset your sensibilities. Keep yourself in balance, making clear decisions in your work and health. You may need to reconsider some of your personal values, as Venus, your life-ruler, reaches her direct station today after weeks of retro motion in your financial zone. Ideal colors are scarlet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
2022-06-27, Monday: Venus At The Station
The Moon enters your 7th house of marriage and partnerships, which has long been occupied by stern Saturn. Many of you have been experiencing some restrictions in this area, but being on the same wavelength as your most significant other is likely now. Above all, insist on honesty in your close associations. Venus turns direct today after weeks of retro motion in tricky Gemini, so it's time for decisions about what it is you really need to communicate with your love, and indeed with everyone. Make sure your phone is charged. Inspirational colors are sienna and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2021-06-27, Sunday: Venus at the Station
The Moon enters your 8th house, one of the psychic houses, as Venus turns direct after weeks of her retro phase. Many of you will find your intuition working overtime today, so pay attention to those gut feelings and hunches. Sure, some of them will be just your imagination, but it won't hurt to follow them up. Spending time behind closed doors with your most significant other can be sublime! Positive colors are mauve and green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 25.
2021-06-27, Sunday: Venus at the Station
The combination of the magical Moon in your 9th house of travel, education and religion and Venus turning direct after weeks of retro movement can lead to ambitious dreams. Flights of fancy may take you farther than any plane, train or automobile, so spend some time indulging your imagination. You may even find that you are using the process of creative visualization to make your dreams come true. Lucky colors are primrose yellow and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
2021-06-27, Sunday: Venus at the Station
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status today, placing you under pressure as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Now is the time to make decisions about your life. It is time to start asking yourself what will make you feel more fulfilled in your career, relationships and finances at work. It takes a lot of courage to follow your heart, but you'll be glad you did. Ideal colors are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2021-06-27, Sunday: Venus at the Station
The Moon lights up your house of friends and associates, as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Many of you will experience ideal friendships, enjoying the feeling that you have found your kind at last. Unfortunately, all this lovely comraderie may cost a pretty penny. If your friends and the groups you belong to require more money than you are comfortable spending, keep looking. Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated. Expressive colors are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2021-06-27, Sunday: Venus at the Station
If your energy levels have been dwindling with the Moon in your 12th house of solitude, honor your need for rest. It is time to recharge your spiritual batteries, and give yourself an extra boost as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. With intense planetary energy in your house of subconscious matters, you may be receiving more psychic impressions than you are comfortable with. Joint income and social status through partnership are issues likely to surface this month, as Venus leaves the station. It's intense! Liberating colors are azure and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2021-06-27, Sunday: Venus at the Station
With the marvellous Moon in your first house of personality forming a beautiful aspect to Venus today, you should have more emotional energy. Travel plans anyone? Or hooking up with a fascinating foreigner? Make room for spiritual growth, Libra. As Venus turns direct, the cosmos is signalling a time for growth in your cultural and personal relationships. Fortunate colors are caramel and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2021-06-27, Sunday: Venus at the Station
Even if you wake up wanting to play, later in the day you must get back to business, as Venus turns direct in Gemini. It's time to make a new start at work. With the changing Moon enlivening in your second house of personal finances, you may need to focus your energies on balancing your accounts. The conservative Virgin is normally quite careful with money, and as the month draws on, benefits from your career (or plain good luck!) will add to the pot. Lucky colors are rich gold and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
2021-06-27, Sunday: Venus at the Station
The Moon is dancing with Venus in your house of communication, dear Leo, beginning the day in a delightful way. However, because Venus is stationary and the Moon is clashing with disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto, many of you begin to chafe. Do not let careless remarks disturb you; practice listening carefully before you speak. Avoid saying something you will later regret as Venus turns direct, asking you to clarify your relationships with friends, children and associates and to set your direction for achieving your goals. Beneficial colors are maroon and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2021-06-27, Sunday: Venus at the Station
The Moon and Venus start the day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but later things get rather foggy. Blame the Moon battling disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto for your lowered energy levels. Why not turn in early tonight? You need a couple of extra hours of sleep to recover. Venus turns direct in Gemini, so it's time to clarify your feelings with your relationships, especially those that are secret, concealed, or from the past -- and the sorrows you have suffered from them. Cheer up! Tomorrow is another day... Empowering colors are mulberry and aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
2021-06-27, Sunday: Venus at the Station
With the emotional Moon in your fifth house of pleasure dancing with luscious Venus in your sign, you may be too sexy for your car, too sexy for your job, too sexy for your shirt... but later in the day the water gets rougher. Sensual Venus turns direct in Gemini, increasing your personal magnetism, but restructuring your sense of yourself in coming weeks. Moths will be drawn to your flame. It's time to make your plans. Soothing colors are amber and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2021-06-27, Sunday: Venus at the Station
Even if the day starts on a light-hearted note, by afternoon you will be back to business. The moody Moon in your house of health and service urges you to pay attention to the details in your life. Eat right, exercise, and avoid people and places that upset your sensibilities. Keep yourself in balance, making clear decisions in your work and health. You may need to reconsider some of your personal values, as Venus, your life-ruler, reaches her direct station today after weeks of retro motion in your financial zone. Ideal colors are scarlet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
2021-06-27, Sunday: Venus At The Station
The Moon enters your 7th house of marriage and partnerships, which has long been occupied by stern Saturn. Many of you have been experiencing some restrictions in this area, but being on the same wavelength as your most significant other is likely now. Above all, insist on honesty in your close associations. Venus turns direct today after weeks of retro motion in tricky Gemini, so it's time for decisions about what it is you really need to communicate with your love, and indeed with everyone. Make sure your phone is charged. Inspirational colors are sienna and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2020-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
The Moon enters your 8th house, one of the psychic houses, as Venus turns direct after weeks of her retro phase. Many of you will find your intuition working overtime today, so pay attention to those gut feelings and hunches. Sure, some of them will be just your imagination, but it won't hurt to follow them up. Spending time behind closed doors with your most significant other can be sublime! Positive colors are mauve and green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 25.
2020-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
The combination of the magical Moon in your 9th house of travel, education and religion and Venus turning direct after weeks of retro movement can lead to ambitious dreams. Flights of fancy may take you farther than any plane, train or automobile, so spend some time indulging your imagination. You may even find that you are using the process of creative visualization to make your dreams come true. Lucky colors are primrose yellow and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
2020-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status today, placing you under pressure as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Now is the time to make decisions about your life. It is time to start asking yourself what will make you feel more fulfilled in your career, relationships and finances at work. It takes a lot of courage to follow your heart, but you'll be glad you did. Ideal colors are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2020-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
The Moon lights up your house of friends and associates, as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Many of you will experience ideal friendships, enjoying the feeling that you have found your kind at last. Unfortunately, all this lovely comraderie may cost a pretty penny. If your friends and the groups you belong to require more money than you are comfortable spending, keep looking. Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated. Expressive colors are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2020-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
If your energy levels have been dwindling with the Moon in your 12th house of solitude, honor your need for rest. It is time to recharge your spiritual batteries, and give yourself an extra boost as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. With intense planetary energy in your house of subconscious matters, you may be receiving more psychic impressions than you are comfortable with. Joint income and social status through partnership are issues likely to surface this month, as Venus leaves the station. It's intense! Liberating colors are azure and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2020-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
With the marvellous Moon in your first house of personality forming a beautiful aspect to Venus today, you should have more emotional energy. Travel plans anyone? Or hooking up with a fascinating foreigner? Make room for spiritual growth, Libra. As Venus turns direct, the cosmos is signalling a time for growth in your cultural and personal relationships. Fortunate colors are caramel and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2020-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
Even if you wake up wanting to play, later in the day you must get back to business, as Venus turns direct in Gemini. It's time to make a new start at work. With the changing Moon enlivening in your second house of personal finances, you may need to focus your energies on balancing your accounts. The conservative Virgin is normally quite careful with money, and as the month draws on, benefits from your career (or plain good luck!) will add to the pot. Lucky colors are rich gold and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
2020-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
The Moon is dancing with Venus in your house of communication, dear Leo, beginning the day in a delightful way. However, because Venus is stationary and the Moon is clashing with disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto, many of you begin to chafe. Do not let careless remarks disturb you; practice listening carefully before you speak. Avoid saying something you will later regret as Venus turns direct, asking you to clarify your relationships with friends, children and associates and to set your direction for achieving your goals. Beneficial colors are maroon and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2020-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
The Moon and Venus start the day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but later things get rather foggy. Blame the Moon battling disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto for your lowered energy levels. Why not turn in early tonight? You need a couple of extra hours of sleep to recover. Venus turns direct in Gemini, so it's time to clarify your feelings with your relationships, especially those that are secret, concealed, or from the past -- and the sorrows you have suffered from them. Cheer up! Tomorrow is another day... Empowering colors are mulberry and aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
2020-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
With the emotional Moon in your fifth house of pleasure dancing with luscious Venus in your sign, you may be too sexy for your car, too sexy for your job, too sexy for your shirt... but later in the day the water gets rougher. Sensual Venus turns direct in Gemini, increasing your personal magnetism, but restructuring your sense of yourself in coming weeks. Moths will be drawn to your flame. It's time to make your plans. Soothing colors are amber and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2020-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
Even if the day starts on a light-hearted note, by afternoon you will be back to business. The moody Moon in your house of health and service urges you to pay attention to the details in your life. Eat right, exercise, and avoid people and places that upset your sensibilities. Keep yourself in balance, making clear decisions in your work and health. You may need to reconsider some of your personal values, as Venus, your life-ruler, reaches her direct station today after weeks of retro motion in your financial zone. Ideal colors are scarlet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
2020-06-27, Saturday: Venus At The Station
The Moon enters your 7th house of marriage and partnerships, which has long been occupied by stern Saturn. Many of you have been experiencing some restrictions in this area, but being on the same wavelength as your most significant other is likely now. Above all, insist on honesty in your close associations. Venus turns direct today after weeks of retro motion in tricky Gemini, so it's time for decisions about what it is you really need to communicate with your love, and indeed with everyone. Make sure your phone is charged. Inspirational colors are sienna and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2019-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
The Moon enters your 8th house, one of the psychic houses, as Venus turns direct after weeks of her retro phase. Many of you will find your intuition working overtime today, so pay attention to those gut feelings and hunches. Sure, some of them will be just your imagination, but it won't hurt to follow them up. Spending time behind closed doors with your most significant other can be sublime! Positive colors are mauve and green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 25.
2019-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
The combination of the magical Moon in your 9th house of travel, education and religion and Venus turning direct after weeks of retro movement can lead to ambitious dreams. Flights of fancy may take you farther than any plane, train or automobile, so spend some time indulging your imagination. You may even find that you are using the process of creative visualization to make your dreams come true. Lucky colors are primrose yellow and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
2019-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status today, placing you under pressure as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Now is the time to make decisions about your life. It is time to start asking yourself what will make you feel more fulfilled in your career, relationships and finances at work. It takes a lot of courage to follow your heart, but you'll be glad you did. Ideal colors are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2019-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
The Moon lights up your house of friends and associates, as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Many of you will experience ideal friendships, enjoying the feeling that you have found your kind at last. Unfortunately, all this lovely comraderie may cost a pretty penny. If your friends and the groups you belong to require more money than you are comfortable spending, keep looking. Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated. Expressive colors are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2019-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
If your energy levels have been dwindling with the Moon in your 12th house of solitude, honor your need for rest. It is time to recharge your spiritual batteries, and give yourself an extra boost as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. With intense planetary energy in your house of subconscious matters, you may be receiving more psychic impressions than you are comfortable with. Joint income and social status through partnership are issues likely to surface this month, as Venus leaves the station. It's intense! Liberating colors are azure and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2019-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
With the marvellous Moon in your first house of personality forming a beautiful aspect to Venus today, you should have more emotional energy. Travel plans anyone? Or hooking up with a fascinating foreigner? Make room for spiritual growth, Libra. As Venus turns direct, the cosmos is signalling a time for growth in your cultural and personal relationships. Fortunate colors are caramel and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2019-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
Even if you wake up wanting to play, later in the day you must get back to business, as Venus turns direct in Gemini. It's time to make a new start at work. With the changing Moon enlivening in your second house of personal finances, you may need to focus your energies on balancing your accounts. The conservative Virgin is normally quite careful with money, and as the month draws on, benefits from your career (or plain good luck!) will add to the pot. Lucky colors are rich gold and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
2019-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
The Moon is dancing with Venus in your house of communication, dear Leo, beginning the day in a delightful way. However, because Venus is stationary and the Moon is clashing with disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto, many of you begin to chafe. Do not let careless remarks disturb you; practice listening carefully before you speak. Avoid saying something you will later regret as Venus turns direct, asking you to clarify your relationships with friends, children and associates and to set your direction for achieving your goals. Beneficial colors are maroon and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2019-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
The Moon and Venus start the day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but later things get rather foggy. Blame the Moon battling disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto for your lowered energy levels. Why not turn in early tonight? You need a couple of extra hours of sleep to recover. Venus turns direct in Gemini, so it's time to clarify your feelings with your relationships, especially those that are secret, concealed, or from the past -- and the sorrows you have suffered from them. Cheer up! Tomorrow is another day... Empowering colors are mulberry and aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
2019-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
With the emotional Moon in your fifth house of pleasure dancing with luscious Venus in your sign, you may be too sexy for your car, too sexy for your job, too sexy for your shirt... but later in the day the water gets rougher. Sensual Venus turns direct in Gemini, increasing your personal magnetism, but restructuring your sense of yourself in coming weeks. Moths will be drawn to your flame. It's time to make your plans. Soothing colors are amber and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2019-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
Even if the day starts on a light-hearted note, by afternoon you will be back to business. The moody Moon in your house of health and service urges you to pay attention to the details in your life. Eat right, exercise, and avoid people and places that upset your sensibilities. Keep yourself in balance, making clear decisions in your work and health. You may need to reconsider some of your personal values, as Venus, your life-ruler, reaches her direct station today after weeks of retro motion in your financial zone. Ideal colors are scarlet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
2019-06-27, Thursday: Venus At The Station
The Moon enters your 7th house of marriage and partnerships, which has long been occupied by stern Saturn. Many of you have been experiencing some restrictions in this area, but being on the same wavelength as your most significant other is likely now. Above all, insist on honesty in your close associations. Venus turns direct today after weeks of retro motion in tricky Gemini, so it's time for decisions about what it is you really need to communicate with your love, and indeed with everyone. Make sure your phone is charged. Inspirational colors are sienna and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2018-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon enters your 8th house, one of the psychic houses, as Venus turns direct after weeks of her retro phase. Many of you will find your intuition working overtime today, so pay attention to those gut feelings and hunches. Sure, some of them will be just your imagination, but it won't hurt to follow them up. Spending time behind closed doors with your most significant other can be sublime! Positive colors are mauve and green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 25.
2018-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
The combination of the magical Moon in your 9th house of travel, education and religion and Venus turning direct after weeks of retro movement can lead to ambitious dreams. Flights of fancy may take you farther than any plane, train or automobile, so spend some time indulging your imagination. You may even find that you are using the process of creative visualization to make your dreams come true. Lucky colors are primrose yellow and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
2018-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status today, placing you under pressure as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Now is the time to make decisions about your life. It is time to start asking yourself what will make you feel more fulfilled in your career, relationships and finances at work. It takes a lot of courage to follow your heart, but you'll be glad you did. Ideal colors are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2018-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon lights up your house of friends and associates, as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Many of you will experience ideal friendships, enjoying the feeling that you have found your kind at last. Unfortunately, all this lovely comraderie may cost a pretty penny. If your friends and the groups you belong to require more money than you are comfortable spending, keep looking. Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated. Expressive colors are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2018-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
If your energy levels have been dwindling with the Moon in your 12th house of solitude, honor your need for rest. It is time to recharge your spiritual batteries, and give yourself an extra boost as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. With intense planetary energy in your house of subconscious matters, you may be receiving more psychic impressions than you are comfortable with. Joint income and social status through partnership are issues likely to surface this month, as Venus leaves the station. It's intense! Liberating colors are azure and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2018-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
With the marvellous Moon in your first house of personality forming a beautiful aspect to Venus today, you should have more emotional energy. Travel plans anyone? Or hooking up with a fascinating foreigner? Make room for spiritual growth, Libra. As Venus turns direct, the cosmos is signalling a time for growth in your cultural and personal relationships. Fortunate colors are caramel and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2018-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
Even if you wake up wanting to play, later in the day you must get back to business, as Venus turns direct in Gemini. It's time to make a new start at work. With the changing Moon enlivening in your second house of personal finances, you may need to focus your energies on balancing your accounts. The conservative Virgin is normally quite careful with money, and as the month draws on, benefits from your career (or plain good luck!) will add to the pot. Lucky colors are rich gold and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
2018-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon is dancing with Venus in your house of communication, dear Leo, beginning the day in a delightful way. However, because Venus is stationary and the Moon is clashing with disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto, many of you begin to chafe. Do not let careless remarks disturb you; practice listening carefully before you speak. Avoid saying something you will later regret as Venus turns direct, asking you to clarify your relationships with friends, children and associates and to set your direction for achieving your goals. Beneficial colors are maroon and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2018-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon and Venus start the day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but later things get rather foggy. Blame the Moon battling disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto for your lowered energy levels. Why not turn in early tonight? You need a couple of extra hours of sleep to recover. Venus turns direct in Gemini, so it's time to clarify your feelings with your relationships, especially those that are secret, concealed, or from the past -- and the sorrows you have suffered from them. Cheer up! Tomorrow is another day... Empowering colors are mulberry and aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
2018-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
With the emotional Moon in your fifth house of pleasure dancing with luscious Venus in your sign, you may be too sexy for your car, too sexy for your job, too sexy for your shirt... but later in the day the water gets rougher. Sensual Venus turns direct in Gemini, increasing your personal magnetism, but restructuring your sense of yourself in coming weeks. Moths will be drawn to your flame. It's time to make your plans. Soothing colors are amber and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2018-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
Even if the day starts on a light-hearted note, by afternoon you will be back to business. The moody Moon in your house of health and service urges you to pay attention to the details in your life. Eat right, exercise, and avoid people and places that upset your sensibilities. Keep yourself in balance, making clear decisions in your work and health. You may need to reconsider some of your personal values, as Venus, your life-ruler, reaches her direct station today after weeks of retro motion in your financial zone. Ideal colors are scarlet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
2018-06-27, Wednesday: Venus At The Station
The Moon enters your 7th house of marriage and partnerships, which has long been occupied by stern Saturn. Many of you have been experiencing some restrictions in this area, but being on the same wavelength as your most significant other is likely now. Above all, insist on honesty in your close associations. Venus turns direct today after weeks of retro motion in tricky Gemini, so it's time for decisions about what it is you really need to communicate with your love, and indeed with everyone. Make sure your phone is charged. Inspirational colors are sienna and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2017-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon enters your 8th house, one of the psychic houses, as Venus turns direct after weeks of her retro phase. Many of you will find your intuition working overtime today, so pay attention to those gut feelings and hunches. Sure, some of them will be just your imagination, but it won't hurt to follow them up. Spending time behind closed doors with your most significant other can be sublime! Positive colors are mauve and green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 25.
2017-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
The combination of the magical Moon in your 9th house of travel, education and religion and Venus turning direct after weeks of retro movement can lead to ambitious dreams. Flights of fancy may take you farther than any plane, train or automobile, so spend some time indulging your imagination. You may even find that you are using the process of creative visualization to make your dreams come true. Lucky colors are primrose yellow and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
2017-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status today, placing you under pressure as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Now is the time to make decisions about your life. It is time to start asking yourself what will make you feel more fulfilled in your career, relationships and finances at work. It takes a lot of courage to follow your heart, but you'll be glad you did. Ideal colors are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2017-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon lights up your house of friends and associates, as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Many of you will experience ideal friendships, enjoying the feeling that you have found your kind at last. Unfortunately, all this lovely comraderie may cost a pretty penny. If your friends and the groups you belong to require more money than you are comfortable spending, keep looking. Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated. Expressive colors are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2017-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
If your energy levels have been dwindling with the Moon in your 12th house of solitude, honor your need for rest. It is time to recharge your spiritual batteries, and give yourself an extra boost as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. With intense planetary energy in your house of subconscious matters, you may be receiving more psychic impressions than you are comfortable with. Joint income and social status through partnership are issues likely to surface this month, as Venus leaves the station. It's intense! Liberating colors are azure and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2017-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
With the marvellous Moon in your first house of personality forming a beautiful aspect to Venus today, you should have more emotional energy. Travel plans anyone? Or hooking up with a fascinating foreigner? Make room for spiritual growth, Libra. As Venus turns direct, the cosmos is signalling a time for growth in your cultural and personal relationships. Fortunate colors are caramel and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2017-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
Even if you wake up wanting to play, later in the day you must get back to business, as Venus turns direct in Gemini. It's time to make a new start at work. With the changing Moon enlivening in your second house of personal finances, you may need to focus your energies on balancing your accounts. The conservative Virgin is normally quite careful with money, and as the month draws on, benefits from your career (or plain good luck!) will add to the pot. Lucky colors are rich gold and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
2017-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon is dancing with Venus in your house of communication, dear Leo, beginning the day in a delightful way. However, because Venus is stationary and the Moon is clashing with disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto, many of you begin to chafe. Do not let careless remarks disturb you; practice listening carefully before you speak. Avoid saying something you will later regret as Venus turns direct, asking you to clarify your relationships with friends, children and associates and to set your direction for achieving your goals. Beneficial colors are maroon and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2017-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon and Venus start the day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but later things get rather foggy. Blame the Moon battling disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto for your lowered energy levels. Why not turn in early tonight? You need a couple of extra hours of sleep to recover. Venus turns direct in Gemini, so it's time to clarify your feelings with your relationships, especially those that are secret, concealed, or from the past -- and the sorrows you have suffered from them. Cheer up! Tomorrow is another day... Empowering colors are mulberry and aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
2017-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
With the emotional Moon in your fifth house of pleasure dancing with luscious Venus in your sign, you may be too sexy for your car, too sexy for your job, too sexy for your shirt... but later in the day the water gets rougher. Sensual Venus turns direct in Gemini, increasing your personal magnetism, but restructuring your sense of yourself in coming weeks. Moths will be drawn to your flame. It's time to make your plans. Soothing colors are amber and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2017-06-27, Tuesday: Venus at the Station
Even if the day starts on a light-hearted note, by afternoon you will be back to business. The moody Moon in your house of health and service urges you to pay attention to the details in your life. Eat right, exercise, and avoid people and places that upset your sensibilities. Keep yourself in balance, making clear decisions in your work and health. You may need to reconsider some of your personal values, as Venus, your life-ruler, reaches her direct station today after weeks of retro motion in your financial zone. Ideal colors are scarlet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
2017-06-27, Tuesday: Venus At The Station
The Moon enters your 7th house of marriage and partnerships, which has long been occupied by stern Saturn. Many of you have been experiencing some restrictions in this area, but being on the same wavelength as your most significant other is likely now. Above all, insist on honesty in your close associations. Venus turns direct today after weeks of retro motion in tricky Gemini, so it's time for decisions about what it is you really need to communicate with your love, and indeed with everyone. Make sure your phone is charged. Inspirational colors are sienna and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2016-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
The Moon enters your 8th house, one of the psychic houses, as Venus turns direct after weeks of her retro phase. Many of you will find your intuition working overtime today, so pay attention to those gut feelings and hunches. Sure, some of them will be just your imagination, but it won't hurt to follow them up. Spending time behind closed doors with your most significant other can be sublime! Positive colors are mauve and green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 25.
2016-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
The combination of the magical Moon in your 9th house of travel, education and religion and Venus turning direct after weeks of retro movement can lead to ambitious dreams. Flights of fancy may take you farther than any plane, train or automobile, so spend some time indulging your imagination. You may even find that you are using the process of creative visualization to make your dreams come true. Lucky colors are primrose yellow and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
2016-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status today, placing you under pressure as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Now is the time to make decisions about your life. It is time to start asking yourself what will make you feel more fulfilled in your career, relationships and finances at work. It takes a lot of courage to follow your heart, but you'll be glad you did. Ideal colors are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2016-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
The Moon lights up your house of friends and associates, as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Many of you will experience ideal friendships, enjoying the feeling that you have found your kind at last. Unfortunately, all this lovely comraderie may cost a pretty penny. If your friends and the groups you belong to require more money than you are comfortable spending, keep looking. Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated. Expressive colors are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2016-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
If your energy levels have been dwindling with the Moon in your 12th house of solitude, honor your need for rest. It is time to recharge your spiritual batteries, and give yourself an extra boost as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. With intense planetary energy in your house of subconscious matters, you may be receiving more psychic impressions than you are comfortable with. Joint income and social status through partnership are issues likely to surface this month, as Venus leaves the station. It's intense! Liberating colors are azure and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2016-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
With the marvellous Moon in your first house of personality forming a beautiful aspect to Venus today, you should have more emotional energy. Travel plans anyone? Or hooking up with a fascinating foreigner? Make room for spiritual growth, Libra. As Venus turns direct, the cosmos is signalling a time for growth in your cultural and personal relationships. Fortunate colors are caramel and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2016-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
Even if you wake up wanting to play, later in the day you must get back to business, as Venus turns direct in Gemini. It's time to make a new start at work. With the changing Moon enlivening in your second house of personal finances, you may need to focus your energies on balancing your accounts. The conservative Virgin is normally quite careful with money, and as the month draws on, benefits from your career (or plain good luck!) will add to the pot. Lucky colors are rich gold and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
2016-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
The Moon is dancing with Venus in your house of communication, dear Leo, beginning the day in a delightful way. However, because Venus is stationary and the Moon is clashing with disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto, many of you begin to chafe. Do not let careless remarks disturb you; practice listening carefully before you speak. Avoid saying something you will later regret as Venus turns direct, asking you to clarify your relationships with friends, children and associates and to set your direction for achieving your goals. Beneficial colors are maroon and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2016-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
The Moon and Venus start the day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but later things get rather foggy. Blame the Moon battling disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto for your lowered energy levels. Why not turn in early tonight? You need a couple of extra hours of sleep to recover. Venus turns direct in Gemini, so it's time to clarify your feelings with your relationships, especially those that are secret, concealed, or from the past -- and the sorrows you have suffered from them. Cheer up! Tomorrow is another day... Empowering colors are mulberry and aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
2016-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
With the emotional Moon in your fifth house of pleasure dancing with luscious Venus in your sign, you may be too sexy for your car, too sexy for your job, too sexy for your shirt... but later in the day the water gets rougher. Sensual Venus turns direct in Gemini, increasing your personal magnetism, but restructuring your sense of yourself in coming weeks. Moths will be drawn to your flame. It's time to make your plans. Soothing colors are amber and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2016-06-27, Monday: Venus at the Station
Even if the day starts on a light-hearted note, by afternoon you will be back to business. The moody Moon in your house of health and service urges you to pay attention to the details in your life. Eat right, exercise, and avoid people and places that upset your sensibilities. Keep yourself in balance, making clear decisions in your work and health. You may need to reconsider some of your personal values, as Venus, your life-ruler, reaches her direct station today after weeks of retro motion in your financial zone. Ideal colors are scarlet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
2016-06-27, Monday: Venus At The Station
The Moon enters your 7th house of marriage and partnerships, which has long been occupied by stern Saturn. Many of you have been experiencing some restrictions in this area, but being on the same wavelength as your most significant other is likely now. Above all, insist on honesty in your close associations. Venus turns direct today after weeks of retro motion in tricky Gemini, so it's time for decisions about what it is you really need to communicate with your love, and indeed with everyone. Make sure your phone is charged. Inspirational colors are sienna and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2015-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
The Moon enters your 8th house, one of the psychic houses, as Venus turns direct after weeks of her retro phase. Many of you will find your intuition working overtime today, so pay attention to those gut feelings and hunches. Sure, some of them will be just your imagination, but it won't hurt to follow them up. Spending time behind closed doors with your most significant other can be sublime! Positive colors are mauve and green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 25.
2015-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
The combination of the magical Moon in your 9th house of travel, education and religion and Venus turning direct after weeks of retro movement can lead to ambitious dreams. Flights of fancy may take you farther than any plane, train or automobile, so spend some time indulging your imagination. You may even find that you are using the process of creative visualization to make your dreams come true. Lucky colors are primrose yellow and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
2015-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status today, placing you under pressure as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Now is the time to make decisions about your life. It is time to start asking yourself what will make you feel more fulfilled in your career, relationships and finances at work. It takes a lot of courage to follow your heart, but you'll be glad you did. Ideal colors are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2015-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
The Moon lights up your house of friends and associates, as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Many of you will experience ideal friendships, enjoying the feeling that you have found your kind at last. Unfortunately, all this lovely comraderie may cost a pretty penny. If your friends and the groups you belong to require more money than you are comfortable spending, keep looking. Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated. Expressive colors are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2015-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
If your energy levels have been dwindling with the Moon in your 12th house of solitude, honor your need for rest. It is time to recharge your spiritual batteries, and give yourself an extra boost as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. With intense planetary energy in your house of subconscious matters, you may be receiving more psychic impressions than you are comfortable with. Joint income and social status through partnership are issues likely to surface this month, as Venus leaves the station. It's intense! Liberating colors are azure and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2015-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
With the marvellous Moon in your first house of personality forming a beautiful aspect to Venus today, you should have more emotional energy. Travel plans anyone? Or hooking up with a fascinating foreigner? Make room for spiritual growth, Libra. As Venus turns direct, the cosmos is signalling a time for growth in your cultural and personal relationships. Fortunate colors are caramel and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2015-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
Even if you wake up wanting to play, later in the day you must get back to business, as Venus turns direct in Gemini. It's time to make a new start at work. With the changing Moon enlivening in your second house of personal finances, you may need to focus your energies on balancing your accounts. The conservative Virgin is normally quite careful with money, and as the month draws on, benefits from your career (or plain good luck!) will add to the pot. Lucky colors are rich gold and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
2015-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
The Moon is dancing with Venus in your house of communication, dear Leo, beginning the day in a delightful way. However, because Venus is stationary and the Moon is clashing with disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto, many of you begin to chafe. Do not let careless remarks disturb you; practice listening carefully before you speak. Avoid saying something you will later regret as Venus turns direct, asking you to clarify your relationships with friends, children and associates and to set your direction for achieving your goals. Beneficial colors are maroon and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2015-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
The Moon and Venus start the day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but later things get rather foggy. Blame the Moon battling disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto for your lowered energy levels. Why not turn in early tonight? You need a couple of extra hours of sleep to recover. Venus turns direct in Gemini, so it's time to clarify your feelings with your relationships, especially those that are secret, concealed, or from the past -- and the sorrows you have suffered from them. Cheer up! Tomorrow is another day... Empowering colors are mulberry and aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
2015-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
With the emotional Moon in your fifth house of pleasure dancing with luscious Venus in your sign, you may be too sexy for your car, too sexy for your job, too sexy for your shirt... but later in the day the water gets rougher. Sensual Venus turns direct in Gemini, increasing your personal magnetism, but restructuring your sense of yourself in coming weeks. Moths will be drawn to your flame. It's time to make your plans. Soothing colors are amber and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2015-06-27, Saturday: Venus at the Station
Even if the day starts on a light-hearted note, by afternoon you will be back to business. The moody Moon in your house of health and service urges you to pay attention to the details in your life. Eat right, exercise, and avoid people and places that upset your sensibilities. Keep yourself in balance, making clear decisions in your work and health. You may need to reconsider some of your personal values, as Venus, your life-ruler, reaches her direct station today after weeks of retro motion in your financial zone. Ideal colors are scarlet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
2015-06-27, Saturday: Venus At The Station
The Moon enters your 7th house of marriage and partnerships, which has long been occupied by stern Saturn. Many of you have been experiencing some restrictions in this area, but being on the same wavelength as your most significant other is likely now. Above all, insist on honesty in your close associations. Venus turns direct today after weeks of retro motion in tricky Gemini, so it's time for decisions about what it is you really need to communicate with your love, and indeed with everyone. Make sure your phone is charged. Inspirational colors are sienna and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2014-06-27, Friday: Venus at the Station
The Moon enters your 8th house, one of the psychic houses, as Venus turns direct after weeks of her retro phase. Many of you will find your intuition working overtime today, so pay attention to those gut feelings and hunches. Sure, some of them will be just your imagination, but it won't hurt to follow them up. Spending time behind closed doors with your most significant other can be sublime! Positive colors are mauve and green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 25.
2014-06-27, Friday: Venus at the Station
The combination of the magical Moon in your 9th house of travel, education and religion and Venus turning direct after weeks of retro movement can lead to ambitious dreams. Flights of fancy may take you farther than any plane, train or automobile, so spend some time indulging your imagination. You may even find that you are using the process of creative visualization to make your dreams come true. Lucky colors are primrose yellow and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
2014-06-27, Friday: Venus at the Station
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status today, placing you under pressure as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Now is the time to make decisions about your life. It is time to start asking yourself what will make you feel more fulfilled in your career, relationships and finances at work. It takes a lot of courage to follow your heart, but you'll be glad you did. Ideal colors are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2014-06-27, Friday: Venus at the Station
The Moon lights up your house of friends and associates, as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Many of you will experience ideal friendships, enjoying the feeling that you have found your kind at last. Unfortunately, all this lovely comraderie may cost a pretty penny. If your friends and the groups you belong to require more money than you are comfortable spending, keep looking. Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated. Expressive colors are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2014-06-27, Friday: Venus at the Station
If your energy levels have been dwindling with the Moon in your 12th house of solitude, honor your need for rest. It is time to recharge your spiritual batteries, and give yourself an extra boost as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. With intense planetary energy in your house of subconscious matters, you may be receiving more psychic impressions than you are comfortable with. Joint income and social status through partnership are issues likely to surface this month, as Venus leaves the station. It's intense! Liberating colors are azure and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2014-06-27, Friday: Venus at the Station
With the marvellous Moon in your first house of personality forming a beautiful aspect to Venus today, you should have more emotional energy. Travel plans anyone? Or hooking up with a fascinating foreigner? Make room for spiritual growth, Libra. As Venus turns direct, the cosmos is signalling a time for growth in your cultural and personal relationships. Fortunate colors are caramel and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2014-06-27, Friday: Venus at the Station
Even if you wake up wanting to play, later in the day you must get back to business, as Venus turns direct in Gemini. It's time to make a new start at work. With the changing Moon enlivening in your second house of personal finances, you may need to focus your energies on balancing your accounts. The conservative Virgin is normally quite careful with money, and as the month draws on, benefits from your career (or plain good luck!) will add to the pot. Lucky colors are rich gold and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
2014-06-27, Friday: Venus at the Station
The Moon is dancing with Venus in your house of communication, dear Leo, beginning the day in a delightful way. However, because Venus is stationary and the Moon is clashing with disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto, many of you begin to chafe. Do not let careless remarks disturb you; practice listening carefully before you speak. Avoid saying something you will later regret as Venus turns direct, asking you to clarify your relationships with friends, children and associates and to set your direction for achieving your goals. Beneficial colors are maroon and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2014-06-27, Friday: Venus at the Station
The Moon and Venus start the day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but later things get rather foggy. Blame the Moon battling disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto for your lowered energy levels. Why not turn in early tonight? You need a couple of extra hours of sleep to recover. Venus turns direct in Gemini, so it's time to clarify your feelings with your relationships, especially those that are secret, concealed, or from the past -- and the sorrows you have suffered from them. Cheer up! Tomorrow is another day... Empowering colors are mulberry and aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
2014-06-27, Friday: Venus at the Station
With the emotional Moon in your fifth house of pleasure dancing with luscious Venus in your sign, you may be too sexy for your car, too sexy for your job, too sexy for your shirt... but later in the day the water gets rougher. Sensual Venus turns direct in Gemini, increasing your personal magnetism, but restructuring your sense of yourself in coming weeks. Moths will be drawn to your flame. It's time to make your plans. Soothing colors are amber and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2014-06-27, Friday: Venus at the Station
Even if the day starts on a light-hearted note, by afternoon you will be back to business. The moody Moon in your house of health and service urges you to pay attention to the details in your life. Eat right, exercise, and avoid people and places that upset your sensibilities. Keep yourself in balance, making clear decisions in your work and health. You may need to reconsider some of your personal values, as Venus, your life-ruler, reaches her direct station today after weeks of retro motion in your financial zone. Ideal colors are scarlet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
2014-06-27, Friday: Venus At The Station
The Moon enters your 7th house of marriage and partnerships, which has long been occupied by stern Saturn. Many of you have been experiencing some restrictions in this area, but being on the same wavelength as your most significant other is likely now. Above all, insist on honesty in your close associations. Venus turns direct today after weeks of retro motion in tricky Gemini, so it's time for decisions about what it is you really need to communicate with your love, and indeed with everyone. Make sure your phone is charged. Inspirational colors are sienna and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2013-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
The Moon enters your 8th house, one of the psychic houses, as Venus turns direct after weeks of her retro phase. Many of you will find your intuition working overtime today, so pay attention to those gut feelings and hunches. Sure, some of them will be just your imagination, but it won't hurt to follow them up. Spending time behind closed doors with your most significant other can be sublime! Positive colors are mauve and green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 25.
2013-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
The combination of the magical Moon in your 9th house of travel, education and religion and Venus turning direct after weeks of retro movement can lead to ambitious dreams. Flights of fancy may take you farther than any plane, train or automobile, so spend some time indulging your imagination. You may even find that you are using the process of creative visualization to make your dreams come true. Lucky colors are primrose yellow and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
2013-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status today, placing you under pressure as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Now is the time to make decisions about your life. It is time to start asking yourself what will make you feel more fulfilled in your career, relationships and finances at work. It takes a lot of courage to follow your heart, but you'll be glad you did. Ideal colors are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2013-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
The Moon lights up your house of friends and associates, as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Many of you will experience ideal friendships, enjoying the feeling that you have found your kind at last. Unfortunately, all this lovely comraderie may cost a pretty penny. If your friends and the groups you belong to require more money than you are comfortable spending, keep looking. Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated. Expressive colors are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2013-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
If your energy levels have been dwindling with the Moon in your 12th house of solitude, honor your need for rest. It is time to recharge your spiritual batteries, and give yourself an extra boost as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. With intense planetary energy in your house of subconscious matters, you may be receiving more psychic impressions than you are comfortable with. Joint income and social status through partnership are issues likely to surface this month, as Venus leaves the station. It's intense! Liberating colors are azure and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2013-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
With the marvellous Moon in your first house of personality forming a beautiful aspect to Venus today, you should have more emotional energy. Travel plans anyone? Or hooking up with a fascinating foreigner? Make room for spiritual growth, Libra. As Venus turns direct, the cosmos is signalling a time for growth in your cultural and personal relationships. Fortunate colors are caramel and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2013-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
Even if you wake up wanting to play, later in the day you must get back to business, as Venus turns direct in Gemini. It's time to make a new start at work. With the changing Moon enlivening in your second house of personal finances, you may need to focus your energies on balancing your accounts. The conservative Virgin is normally quite careful with money, and as the month draws on, benefits from your career (or plain good luck!) will add to the pot. Lucky colors are rich gold and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
2013-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
The Moon is dancing with Venus in your house of communication, dear Leo, beginning the day in a delightful way. However, because Venus is stationary and the Moon is clashing with disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto, many of you begin to chafe. Do not let careless remarks disturb you; practice listening carefully before you speak. Avoid saying something you will later regret as Venus turns direct, asking you to clarify your relationships with friends, children and associates and to set your direction for achieving your goals. Beneficial colors are maroon and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2013-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
The Moon and Venus start the day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but later things get rather foggy. Blame the Moon battling disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto for your lowered energy levels. Why not turn in early tonight? You need a couple of extra hours of sleep to recover. Venus turns direct in Gemini, so it's time to clarify your feelings with your relationships, especially those that are secret, concealed, or from the past -- and the sorrows you have suffered from them. Cheer up! Tomorrow is another day... Empowering colors are mulberry and aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
2013-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
With the emotional Moon in your fifth house of pleasure dancing with luscious Venus in your sign, you may be too sexy for your car, too sexy for your job, too sexy for your shirt... but later in the day the water gets rougher. Sensual Venus turns direct in Gemini, increasing your personal magnetism, but restructuring your sense of yourself in coming weeks. Moths will be drawn to your flame. It's time to make your plans. Soothing colors are amber and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2013-06-27, Thursday: Venus at the Station
Even if the day starts on a light-hearted note, by afternoon you will be back to business. The moody Moon in your house of health and service urges you to pay attention to the details in your life. Eat right, exercise, and avoid people and places that upset your sensibilities. Keep yourself in balance, making clear decisions in your work and health. You may need to reconsider some of your personal values, as Venus, your life-ruler, reaches her direct station today after weeks of retro motion in your financial zone. Ideal colors are scarlet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
2013-06-27, Thursday: Venus At The Station
The Moon enters your 7th house of marriage and partnerships, which has long been occupied by stern Saturn. Many of you have been experiencing some restrictions in this area, but being on the same wavelength as your most significant other is likely now. Above all, insist on honesty in your close associations. Venus turns direct today after weeks of retro motion in tricky Gemini, so it's time for decisions about what it is you really need to communicate with your love, and indeed with everyone. Make sure your phone is charged. Inspirational colors are sienna and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2012-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
With the marvellous Moon in your first house of personality forming a beautiful aspect to Venus today, you should have more emotional energy. Travel plans anyone? Or hooking up with a fascinating foreigner? Make room for spiritual growth, Libra. As Venus turns direct, the cosmos is signalling a time for growth in your cultural and personal relationships. Fortunate colors are caramel and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2012-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon enters your 8th house, one of the psychic houses, as Venus turns direct after weeks of her retro phase. Many of you will find your intuition working overtime today, so pay attention to those gut feelings and hunches. Sure, some of them will be just your imagination, but it won't hurt to follow them up. Spending time behind closed doors with your most significant other can be sublime! Positive colors are mauve and green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 25.
2012-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
The combination of the magical Moon in your 9th house of travel, education and religion and Venus turning direct after weeks of retro movement can lead to ambitious dreams. Flights of fancy may take you farther than any plane, train or automobile, so spend some time indulging your imagination. You may even find that you are using the process of creative visualization to make your dreams come true. Lucky colors are primrose yellow and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
2012-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status today, placing you under pressure as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Now is the time to make decisions about your life. It is time to start asking yourself what will make you feel more fulfilled in your career, relationships and finances at work. It takes a lot of courage to follow your heart, but you'll be glad you did. Ideal colors are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2012-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon lights up your house of friends and associates, as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. Many of you will experience ideal friendships, enjoying the feeling that you have found your kind at last. Unfortunately, all this lovely comraderie may cost a pretty penny. If your friends and the groups you belong to require more money than you are comfortable spending, keep looking. Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated. Expressive colors are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2012-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
If your energy levels have been dwindling with the Moon in your 12th house of solitude, honor your need for rest. It is time to recharge your spiritual batteries, and give yourself an extra boost as Venus turns direct after weeks of retro motion. With intense planetary energy in your house of subconscious matters, you may be receiving more psychic impressions than you are comfortable with. Joint income and social status through partnership are issues likely to surface this month, as Venus leaves the station. It's intense! Liberating colors are azure and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2012-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
Even if you wake up wanting to play, later in the day you must get back to business, as Venus turns direct in Gemini. It's time to make a new start at work. With the changing Moon enlivening in your second house of personal finances, you may need to focus your energies on balancing your accounts. The conservative Virgin is normally quite careful with money, and as the month draws on, benefits from your career (or plain good luck!) will add to the pot. Lucky colors are rich gold and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
2012-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon is dancing with Venus in your house of communication, dear Leo, beginning the day in a delightful way. However, because Venus is stationary and the Moon is clashing with disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto, many of you begin to chafe. Do not let careless remarks disturb you; practice listening carefully before you speak. Avoid saying something you will later regret as Venus turns direct, asking you to clarify your relationships with friends, children and associates and to set your direction for achieving your goals. Beneficial colors are maroon and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2012-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
The Moon and Venus start the day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but later things get rather foggy. Blame the Moon battling disruptive Uranus and obstructive Pluto for your lowered energy levels. Why not turn in early tonight? You need a couple of extra hours of sleep to recover. Venus turns direct in Gemini, so it's time to clarify your feelings with your relationships, especially those that are secret, concealed, or from the past -- and the sorrows you have suffered from them. Cheer up! Tomorrow is another day... Empowering colors are mulberry and aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
2012-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
With the emotional Moon in your fifth house of pleasure dancing with luscious Venus in your sign, you may be too sexy for your car, too sexy for your job, too sexy for your shirt... but later in the day the water gets rougher. Sensual Venus turns direct in Gemini, increasing your personal magnetism, but restructuring your sense of yourself in coming weeks. Moths will be drawn to your flame. It's time to make your plans. Soothing colors are amber and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2012-06-27, Wednesday: Venus at the Station
Even if the day starts on a light-hearted note, by afternoon you will be back to business. The moody Moon in your house of health and service urges you to pay attention to the details in your life. Eat right, exercise, and avoid people and places that upset your sensibilities. Keep yourself in balance, making clear decisions in your work and health. You may need to reconsider some of your personal values, as Venus, your life-ruler, reaches her direct station today after weeks of retro motion in your financial zone. Ideal colors are scarlet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
2012-06-27, Wednesday: Venus At The Station
The Moon enters your 7th house of marriage and partnerships, which has long been occupied by stern Saturn. Many of you have been experiencing some restrictions in this area, but being on the same wavelength as your most significant other is likely now. Above all, insist on honesty in your close associations. Venus turns direct today after weeks of retro motion in tricky Gemini, so it's time for decisions about what it is you really need to communicate with your love, and indeed with everyone. Make sure your phone is charged. Inspirational colors are sienna and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2011-06-27, Monday: Compassionate Moon
The compassionate Moon favours doing good deeds in your own community. Cosmic tension is high, but the best way to deflect negative energy is by helping those in need. If you are cleaning out closets, why not donate what you no longer need or use to charity? Sure, you can make a few dollars having a yard sale, but you get Cosmic Brownie Points for giving to the needy. Auspicious colours are aqua and mint green. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
2011-06-27, Monday: Composure
Tension between you and your mate, partner or primary competitor increases as planetary energies clash today. You'll need to work hard to keep your composure, especially when someone does something unexpected. You can emerge as a hero at work if you refuse to take the comments of others personally. Advantageous colours are emerald green and electric blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 17.
2011-06-27, Monday: Romantic Vibes
The romantic vibes are strong as the Moon moves through pleasure-loving Taurus and your fifth house of love affairs. This is a wonderful day for a picnic for two or dinner and a movie; make an effort to spend quality time with your favourite playmate. If you have children, they will enjoy and appreciate the positive attention you give them. Fortunate colours are pale gold and lilac. Lucky numbers are 15 and 25.
2011-06-27, Monday: Indigestion
Pressures at work or school are giving you indigestion. It may be that your ambitions currently outpace your time and energy... it might be time to rethink your strategy. Slow down and make time for healthy practices, such as eating right, getting enough sleep, and engaging in regular exercise. Fortunate colours are buttercup yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 15 and 41.
2011-06-27, Monday: Make Changes
You can introduce a change or new concepts into the work environment today, Scorp. Take advantage of new or nontraditional methods, as well as situations that allow you to demonstrate unique methods you have devised. You could also change current methods, machinery, or mechanical devices in such a way that more people will be able to take advantage of them. You might be able to inspire your group today, with help from your spouse, or in spite of it! Advantageous colours are rose pink and periwinkle. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
2011-06-27, Monday: Surprising Developments
The day starts out pretty well for a Monday, but surprising developments could throw you off kilter, especially if the unexpected comes form your partner's corner. Some good fortune or heartening news could flow your way tonight, but in the meantime don't break with tradition, or get involved in a power play. Advantageous colours are sand and papaya. Lucky numbers are 14 and 15.
2011-06-27, Monday: Negotiate
There could be changes or ructions with family or work. If tension has been building, it's likely to come to a head. You may have to negotiate to get what you want or calm things down. For some, there may be struggle in an established relationship. Others may clash with authority figures or members of the public. Keep cool if things get difficult. For some, there may be a new love interest. Simmer rather than blaze. Expansive colours are light purple and dark purple. Lucky numbers are 16 and 39.
2011-06-27, Monday: Tread Carefully
Tread carefully in matters of friendship today. Don't lose sight of the value of your friends, even if life seems to be taking you down a path that's different to theirs. There may be someone you clash with over values or relationships. Don't take umbrage. Some of you may say 'goodbye' to a departing friend. Single Lions might find an intense attraction from within your circle. Wait a while before you act. Such feelings could pass as quickly as they came. Balancing colours are peach and steel blue. Lucky numbers are 25 and 41.
2011-06-27, Monday: Keep It Above Board
Mercury in your sign receives a friendly aspect from the Moon on her journey through Taurus, so communication with friends and associates is good. Unfortunately, there may be a break or an ending with a working relationship, or conflict with co-workers. Something may be hidden from you as to why this is occurring or it may be a situation you can do nothing about. Let change take its course. This is not a good day for secret or underhand dealings no matter how profitable they might seem. Propitious colours are avocado and beige. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
2011-06-27, Monday: Turning Point
Chatty Mercury receives a nice aspect from the Moon today, Gem, so communication is on the rise. There may be some struggle with your nearest and dearest that will need to be resolved. Money could be at the root of it. You might be in testing circumstances with close associates. Sort out your differences. The important thing is to negotiate a compromise. Don't make clashes with others into a test of authority. Fortunate colours are dark grape and corn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 24.
2011-06-27, Monday: Testing Times
Money or relationships could be under pressure at the moment: this situation may have been building up for some time. Negotiate your way through tricky waters. Be versatile in your attempt to find solutions. Bulls will often get stuck in a rut or on fixed path. Now's the time to develop a little agility. If you do, you can work your way through any problem to a clear horizon beyond. Radiant colours are champagne and cream. Lucky numbers are 17 and 33.
2011-06-27, Monday: Uncertainties
You might find yourself reassessing friendships, especially if money matters are involved. You may feel as though you've lost your way regarding something important to you. You may just be feeling a little indecisive or uncertain. Let the mood pass and don't take anything as read. This is not a good day to leap into things or indulge emotionally. Keep your focus through simple and practical tasks. Proper colours are dark brown and autumn gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 26.
2009-06-27, Saturday: Distractions
As much as you would like to be able to focus on your work, it seems there are many distractions coming from your friends and associates. You may find yourself spending more time and money than you would like to on social activities as it may be hard for you to say no. Remember, just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean that you have to do it! Stand your ground. Advantageous colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2009-06-27, Saturday: Take A Bow
It'll be easier for you to get credit for all your hard work while the practical Moon harmonizes with Mars in your sixth house. Superiors and authority figures are more sympathetic to you, making this a great day for a yearly review or to ask for a raise. Spend the next two days focusing on your ambitions and making use of the resources available to you. Beneficial colours are basic black and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 15 and 26.
2009-06-27, Saturday: Quiet Moments
Today is perfect for quiet moments and reflection as the intuitive Moon moves through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. Your lunar low cycle is the perfect time to review the events of the past month. Spiritual growth can come from this inner examination. Refresh your soul by enjoying soothing pastimes, such as spending time in a garden or enjoying a warm bubble bath. Fortunate colours are silver and lavender. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
2009-06-27, Saturday: Harmony of Home
Spending more time at home will be good for your soul as the Moon glides through your fourth house of home and family. This is a good time to get organized and to get your environment in proper order... you have probably been too busy lately to clean up after yourself. Once you have everything comfortably placed, you can enjoy the peaceful harmony of your home. Favourable colours are pale violet and russet. Lucky numbers are 4 and 21.
2009-06-27, Saturday: Model of Efficiency
You should be the model of efficiency today as the passing Moon in tidy Virgo activates your sixth house of health and service. Tending to those you are responsible for, including your pets and plants, is a pleasure today. If you have been eating junk food and putting off your exercise routine, this is the perfect day to get back on track. Enjoy the blessings that come from healthy, responsible living. Beneficial colours are vermilion and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 6 and 20.
2009-06-27, Saturday: Pals
It's time to surround yourself with good friends as the Virgo Moon glides through your eleventh house of associates. You may find that those who are better organized than you are can help make your life work more efficiently. Spend time with pals who have it together and seem to be able to balance all the demands of life, without going insane too often. Excellent colours are crimson and navy. Lucky numbers are 11 and 16.
2009-06-27, Saturday: Capable Virgo
You should awake feeling refreshed, strong and ready to face the world as the Moon shines in your first house of personality. You'll have an extra dash of charm and magnetism, so don't be afraid to ask for what you want and need. People have confidence in you, and you won't let them down. You may be challenged with a crisis at home, but you are more than capable of handling whatever comes your way. Beneficial colours are crimson and lilac. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2009-06-27, Saturday: Building Bridges
With the Moon in your seventh house of partnerships today, this is a good time to work on building relationship bridges. While the Fish is often the most compassionate of all the signs, sometimes the reality of another is lost on you. Open your heart and mind to experiencing your mate, best friend, or lover as they are and not how you enjoy imagining them to be. Tonight promises much! Beneficial colours are red coral and soft mauve. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2009-06-27, Saturday: Fall In Love
You may be filled with romantic notions as the Moon glides through your fifth house of romance and pleasure today; some of you may even fall in love. It is time to reconnect with your inner child, so put away serious business for another day. Pleasure is a nutrient many people overlook; no Taurus should ever be without a daily dose of sensual joy. Buy yourself fresh flowers this afternoon. Auspicious colours are pale gold and violet. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2009-06-27, Saturday: Talking Cure
Sigmund Freud called psychotherapy the talking cure, but you don't need to visit a shrink to enjoy the benefits of sharing your feelings and experiences with another. Spend time with a trusted sibling or neighbor and encourage a real give and take between you by both listening what he or she has to say and sharing your own views. You'll feel much better once you've said what is on your mind and heart. Beneficial colours are golden yellow and azure blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2009-06-27, Saturday: Travel Bug
The travel bug may bite as the Moon cruises through your ninth house of travel and education, swinging with Mars and Venus in your house of romance tonight. Looking at vacation destinations on the Internet may drive you wild! Perhaps it's time to do something completely different. Signing up for a class, on a subject you are interested in, will also perk you up. Goats in the mood tonight are sure to find joy. Advantageous colours are violet and tan. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2009-06-27, Saturday: Many Mysteries
With the Moon in analytic Virgo and your eighth house of sex, money and power, you can be in tune with the mysteries of life. Don't be afraid to go deep and get real with your closest intimates; the next two days favour intense and powerful exchanges. The Universe holds many mysteries and half the fun is exploring the unknown with like-minded seekers. Favourable colours are mahogany and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2008-06-27, Friday: Sexy
This is a great day for you in the romance department! The Moon in your sign makes a trine to sexy Mars in your fifth house of love. Go after what you want! Dynamic colours are rich gold and crimson. Lucky numbers are 25 and 67.
2008-06-27, Friday: Ambitious
You have brilliant energy on your side now to push ahead in a career related goal. The drive to succeed won't be this strong again for two years Scorpio, so take advantage of Mars at the top of your chart! Auspicious colours are lilac and russet. Lucky numbers are 5 and 28.
2008-06-27, Friday: Covert Ambition
The Moon forms an auspicious trine with Mars the planet of energy, now in your eighth house of other people's resources. The aggressive instinct to uncover what others try to keep hidden will get you ahead. Positive colours are mulberry and chestnut. Lucky numbers are 29 and 65.
2008-06-27, Friday: Huge Boost
Everyone in your office can see you're in competitive mode lately. It's been a huge boost to your self esteem knowing that when you push yourself to new limits you can actually beat your own records Expressive colours are strawberry and lemon. Lucky numbers are 34 and 59.
2008-06-27, Friday: Domestic Pursuits
This is a brilliant day for you to take all that energy in home related projects and build something that will give you inner peace, such as a rock garden or meditation corner. Favourable colours are autumn shades and cerulean blue. Lucky numbers are 18 and 14.
2008-06-27, Friday: Anything's Possible
There's nothing you can't accomplish today and it's not even your ego talking! The Moon is in your ninth house of 'anything's possible' and dances with Mars in your sign. Dream big, Leo. Favourable colours are grapefruit and russet. Lucky numbers are 29 and 68.
2008-06-27, Friday: Career Pursuit
This is a great day for you in terms of career potential. The relentless assertion you've had towards the development of your talents and improvement of your self worth finally has a showcase. You're in the spotlight. Fortuitous colours are sable and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 4 and 66.
2008-06-27, Friday: Active Transformation
You'll lead the way in your family today when you begin a new tradition or insist on doing something differently. It's nothing crazy, but in your family it's never been done before. Favourable colours are cadmium red and lavender. Lucky numbers are 32 and 73.
2008-06-27, Friday: Love Bug
You might fall for someone who is a teacher or wise sage in some way. In fact, this person might even have a different religious background from you. Love never discriminates. Intuitive colours are emerald green and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 27 and 61.
2008-06-27, Friday: Energized Partner
There's nothing your partner can't do these days! You've got a great opportunity to work together on an intellectually stimulating project that you're both passionate about. Liberating colours are primrose yellow and dark purple. Lucky numbers are 7 and 42.
2008-06-27, Friday: Zesty
There's a feisty trine between the Moon in your seventh house and Mars in Leo, now in your eleventh house of friends. You won't have to look far for motivation - it comes from pals and your partner. Ideal colours are violet and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 25 and 60.
2008-06-27, Friday: Friendly Pursuit
There's a great deal of competition amongst friends today, but it's all in good fun. In fact, you can be inspired to achieve more when you see what your pals have accomplished. Auspicious colours are azure and claret. Lucky numbers are 25 and 11.
2007-06-27, Wednesday: Spotlight
In some way today you will be thrust forward in the public arena. It doesn't mean you'll make the news necessarily, but your level of honour will be properly noted. Lucky you, it should be a benevolent and noble day. Fortuitous colours are hazelnut and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 40 and 73.
2007-06-27, Wednesday: Group High
There will be a wonderful time awaiting you today with a group or organization - particularly one where you have the chance to meet people of different cultural or religious backgrounds. It's a learning opportunity with new friends. Ideal colours are scarlet and silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
2007-06-27, Wednesday: Secret Feelings
There are emotions we all keep bottled up inside for no one else to discover and there are emotions we bury from our own conscious awareness, purely out of fear. What would happen if we dared face them? Today, one of your most secret feelings will need to be confronted. Upbeat colours are brass and cocoa. Lucky numbers are 26 and 54.
2007-06-27, Wednesday: Moon In Sagittarius
Today the Moon is passing through your sign, heightening your emotions and highlighting the personal needs you have. Freedom is crucial to your emotional well being and you can expect themes of freedom and particularly the restriction of freedom, to come up. Inspirational colours are moonlight blue and ochre. Lucky numbers are 5 and 36.
2007-06-27, Wednesday: Spiritual Security
Your major focus is on security issues today, but it's the kind that transcends the material. There is a longing for you to discover how to gain the inner security one needs to soar in life. Can you attain it? You certainly have the potential. Dynamic colours are peacock blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 20 and 62.
2007-06-27, Wednesday: Focus On Home
You want to focus on feeling at home again despite the wanderlust that is in your soul. You learn that home is not a single place, but rather what you create based out of your own needs of security and feelings. Uplifting colours are wheat and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 44.
2007-06-27, Wednesday: Creative Vision
No one can compete with your flair for creative self expression Leo and today there's a nice boost to your natural talents and ability to create a new outlet for them. Ideal colours are oyster and peach. Lucky numbers are 37 and 11.
2007-06-27, Wednesday: Proving Yourself
You seem quite sure of the fact that you're needed and you may have an opportunity to prove yourself to be indispensable and visionary at work or in service to another. Your work ethic is strong. Positive colours are primrose yellow and navy. Lucky numbers are 40 and 6.
2007-06-27, Wednesday: Urge To Merge
You want to feel deeply connected to your spouse or partner today and there is a glorious opportunity to feel joy in your close relationships. A spiritual bond is easily accessed between the two of you. Revel in the energy! Fortunate colours are purple and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 37 and 43.
2007-06-27, Wednesday: Premonition
You have an intense need to explore the most secretive parts of your soul and expose them today. You may receive a premonition about your higher purpose in life, so be open to trusting what cannot be seen. Sensitive colours are mulberry and peach. Lucky numbers are 39 and 75.
2007-06-27, Wednesday: High Ideals
Your inner urge to be noble and good will be strong today. As an Arien, you love a good fight, especially when you're leading it! Today you have the opportunity to enthusiastically motivate others to fight for justice. Sociable colours are tan and magnolia. Lucky numbers are 37 and 39.
2007-06-27, Wednesday: Talkative
Today you have an enormous energy for speaking your mind and chatting away with others. You will want to convey wise messages and be seen as thoughtful and clever, but also noble and wise. You'll achieve all this and more. Auspicious colours are mauve and ginger. Lucky numbers are 9 and 53.
2006-06-27, Tuesday: A Hectic Day
It's busy, busy little bee! Quick decisions may be called for at work, but you may find it easier to be more motivated when it comes to dealing with routine tasks. Act carefully as the tension might be worsened by rushed attempts to calm matters down. In romance, you'll enjoy every memorable moment. Favourable colours are violet and jade. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
2006-06-27, Tuesday: Investment Opportunity
If pursuing a deal, this may be a propitious time for broadening your horizons. Sudden cash inflow gives you much relief but at the same time increased spending is not ruled out. You could make one of the best investment decision through involving your closest associates also. Your sweetheart may encourage you to ride on the wings of hope. Expressive colours are plum and ivory. Lucky numbers are 29 and 21.
2006-06-27, Tuesday: Tempting
A new proposition may seem tempting, but make sure you read the fine print. At work, you may read more into someone's interest in you. It's not a good time to commit to anything just yet. Your love life needs serious examination of your individual commitments from both parties. Receptive colours are jade and silver. Lucky numbers are 31 and 5.
2006-06-27, Tuesday: Challenging Day
You may have to devote more time to tackling a difficult issue. Professional Sagittarians can look forward to a challenging day. Stable finances may see you making unplanned purchases. In romance, you may feel your mate is being uncooperative and you may want to be alone for a while to think things over. Revealing colours are lilac and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 39 and 50.
2006-06-27, Tuesday: Rollercoaster
You won't accept any invitations as you may feel like keeping a low profile today. Work-wise, this should be a peaceful day, though not entirely unexciting. This might be a good idea to draw up the outline of a new proposal. Romance may paint quite a different story. Be prepared for a rollercoaster experience. Insightful colours are mulberry and primrose yellow. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
2006-06-27, Tuesday: Highlighted Achievements
Today, you may start out unsure of the facts, but delightful discoveries highlight your achievements. Do not be surprised if others address you vaguely. The monetary outlook doesn't favour taking risks. In romance, you may find yourself with someone you do not know very well. A heady relationship that may not last long. Harmonious colours are smoky grape and lilac. Lucky numbers are 7 and 17.
2006-06-27, Tuesday: Look For A Fresh Approach
Discussions with financial experts may be very helpful and you can at least reach a conclusive point. At work, you may be eager to break away from the beaten path and try to experiment in new areas. Your record book can involve meetings and interaction with powerful people. Try not to dwell on the things in your love life that are irrelevant. Opportune colours are pearl and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 18 and 43.
2006-06-27, Tuesday: Memorable Encounters
All kinds of paperwork and pending tasks can be sorted out quickly. You can project a happy influence onto your workmates. A spontaneous decision may be taken regarding a special occasion to be celebrated. This is also a good time to plan ahead and stock up on necessities. Your love life is looking good and a memorable encounter is possible. Calming colours are beige and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 8 and 72.
2006-06-27, Tuesday: Time To Invest
It's a good time for turning over a new leaf in money matters. If you are secretly considering some kind of investment plan, this could be the right time. For a short while, general worries are likely to stunt your progress. In romance, your time may be spent on trivial matters, but more chatting will unwrap your romantic cookie. Beneficial colours are ginger and dark purple. Lucky numbers are 38 and 41.
2006-06-27, Tuesday: Say It With Flowers
A financial situation could be riddled with risk, so tread carefully. Work-wise, a supposedly casual meeting may turn into something much more serious. Ask for help from your associates as you may not be mentally prepared for managing pressing needs. Personal pursuits could be tricky also. Flowers speak volumes and will convey a powerful message to your lover. Romantic colours are golden honey and silvery pink. Lucky numbers are 21 and 2.
2006-06-27, Tuesday: Demanding
You may have to cancel some of your other plans in order to accommodate official needs. Your work situation sees an influx of projects coming your way, but the sudden appearance of difficulties in business or finances could be worrying. In romance, your beloved may be quite demanding today. Propitious colours are aqua and primrose yellow. Lucky numbers are 32 and 14.
2006-06-27, Tuesday: Feeling Unsettled
A busy day when you are unlikely to feel sufficiently settled or relaxed. Higher-ups may be keeping an eye on you and you may be forced to shoulder unexpected responsibilities. Be willing to accommodate others and meet people half way. Is your mate up to dealing with the responsibilities of your relationship? Soothing colours are peach and aqua. Lucky numbers are 30 and 38.
2005-06-27, Monday: Heartfelt
Yesterday found you slightly tongue-tied when talking about your feelings, but you have no problems in that department today. Instead, you'll find it surprisingly easy to put your feelings into words and to convey them to the right person. Maybe this is your cue to tell them you love them or to pay them a heartfelt compliment. Favourable colours are navy and tan. Lucky numbers are 36 and 33.
2005-06-27, Monday: Tactful Aquarius
You have great tact today, which will come in handy if you're trying to butter someone up. Not that you'll be so crass as to make it obvious that that's what you're doing, will you? Instead, you'll utter some soothing words if necessary or lavish them with compliments if that seems more appropriate. If you begin working with a new colleague or client today you'll really hit it off with each other. Favourable colours are dark gold and hazel. Lucky numbers are 34 and 37.
2005-06-27, Monday: Lighter Life
You're in a much brighter state of mind today, which comes as a relief after yesterday's rather gloomy outlook. If there were problems between you and you-know-who you should now be able to sort them out purely by talking about what went wrong and how you feel about it. But don't just talk about the difficulties between you - talk about some nice things as well! Fortuitous colours are ginger and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 34 and 55.
2005-06-27, Monday: Explore Your Emotions
After yesterday's clammed up mood, you're feeling far more forthcoming about your emotions. It's a great opportunity for you to explore these emotions in greater depth, either by working through them on your own or by discussing them with someone who's willing to listen to you pour out your heart and soul. Stabilising colours are blackberry and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 8.
2005-06-27, Monday: Positive Attitude
A positive attitude leads to positive results today, so keep smiling. Your thoughts and feelings are working together, making it easier than usual for you to express yourself. You might also have a lucky break when you talk to someone who can open doors for you or weave their magic wand for you in other ways. June may not have started off all that well but it's certainly ending on a high note. Opportune colours are cream and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
2005-06-27, Monday: Diplomatic Libra
You're being wonderfully diplomatic today, Libra, and you'll be able to talk yourself out of any tight spots that you happen to find yourself in. This will be just what the doctor ordered if you've got to come up with a nifty excuse for something. It's also a good day for talking about your feelings with someone you respect and admire. Ambitious colours are indigo and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 4 and 13.
2005-06-27, Monday: Emotional And Affectionate
Yesterday you were thinking along businesslike lines but today it's a different story because you're feeling much more emotional and affectionate. It's a super opportunity to talk to friends about matters of the heart and about anything else that is having a big impact on you at the moment. It will be good for you to get your feelings out into the open and not to keep them locked up inside yourself in classic Virgo fashion. Beneficial colours are dark red and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 12.
2005-06-27, Monday: Feelings
This is a fabulous day for talking about your feelings, especially if you can confide in someone you trust. Be prepared to discuss your innermost and most private emotions, particularly if it will be a huge relief to do so. If you've been bottling up your feelings for a long time it will do you the world of good to get them off your chest at long last. Fortunate colours are violet and treacle. Lucky numbers are 35 and 58.
2005-06-27, Monday: Pour Out Your Heart
If you spent yesterday on your own you'll be eager to make up for it today and to get chatting to other people. In fact, you'll be quite a live wire, and everyone will enjoy having you around. You'll have no problems about putting your feelings into words, either, making it a great day for pouring your heart out to someone or confiding in your diary. Favourable colours are mahogany and skin tones. Lucky numbers are 9 and 54.
2005-06-27, Monday: Temptation
You'll really enjoy talking about whatever and whoever means a lot to you today. But, best of all, you'll want to get involved in some of your favourite activities. Watch out if you're near the shops because it will be very difficult to avoid temptation. Even simple window-shopping could turn into a major splurge once you've spotted those must-have items. Expansive colours are jet black and pale pink. Lucky numbers are 8 and 63.
2005-06-27, Monday: Idealistic
Someone is in a very idealistic frame of mind right now. They're viewing situations in the best possible light, and are determined to keep cheerful. Is this commendable or are they fooling themselves in some way? You'll enjoy talking to them, but don't be surprised if your conversation turns into a monologue, with them holding the floor. Oh well! Auspicious colours are plum and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 15 and 52.
2005-06-27, Monday: Good News
Whatever else you're doing today, try to make contact with relatives or close friends. You'll really enjoy talking to them and they'll be delighted that you made the effort to get in touch. If you're currently busy redecorating your home or planning a house move, you'll have some good ideas now. You'll also enjoy doing some gardening. Fortunate colours are beige and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 26 and 23.
2004-06-27, Sunday: Brilliant Ideas
Try not to take a loved one's words too much to heart today, dear Pisces. So withdrawn, unfriendly or distant that you wonder what on earth you've done to bring this on! Rather hard on you, perhaps. Turn the tables by asking straight out what's wrong. Brilliant ideas come later, so be ready. Positive colours are mauve and green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 25.
2004-06-27, Sunday: Concentration
You have a tremendous ability to concentrate right now, especially if you're focusing on something complicated or important. You'll manage to screen out all distractions, which will be great. However, it's essential that you have plenty of breaks, otherwise you'll become stale and bogged down in unnecessary detail and hair- splitting. Lucky colours are primrose yellow and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
2004-06-27, Sunday: Practical Approach
If you suspect that you've been a total pain in the neck during the past couple of days, this is the perfect time to offer your apologies. But don't start to grovel or endlessly berate yourself, because that won't do any good and it will also erode your self- confidence. Concentrate on tasks that involve practical planning for the future. Ideal colours are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 11.
2004-06-27, Sunday: Analytical
You're thinking along very analytical lines today, and you want to deal with facts, not fantasies. This makes you appear quite uncompromising and no-nonsense, but you feel it's the best approach to take. However, you'll have to be much more sensitive when talking about someone's deep emotions or any other subject that calls for a delicate approach. Expressive colours are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 33 and 6.
2004-06-27, Sunday: Examine Your Motives
Your powers of concentration are quite spectacular today, and it's a great chance to do some studying or research. You're in a very analytical state of mind and will find it easy to sift out facts from fiction. This is exactly what you need if you're trying to get to the truth of an emotional problem or you want to examine your own motives in a current predicament. Liberating colours are azure and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 27.
2004-06-27, Sunday: Bigger Picture
You're in a much more realistic mood than you were yesterday, but there's still a chance that your self-confidence could take a nosedive at some point. Nevertheless, this is a good day for doing some serious thinking and for developing a strategy. No detail is likely to escape you now but try to avoid getting caught up in minor problems that prevent you seeing the bigger picture. Fortunate colours are caramel and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 31 and 20.
2004-06-27, Sunday: Give Yourself A Break
If you're a typical Virgo you can be very critical of yourself, and that tendency is even more pronounced today. It's one thing to keep yourself up to the mark and not let your standards slip, but it's quite another to find fault with everything you do and to give yourself a complex about it. Unfortunately, that's what might happen now unless you can be a little easier on yourself. Lucky colours are rich gold and peach. Lucky numbers are 5 and 49.
2004-06-27, Sunday: Stay Upbeat
Do your best to remain upbeat and positive today, otherwise your mind will start working overtime and conjure up all sorts of worries. You're showing a marked tendency to view everything with deep doom and gloom, especially if it gives you the excuse to brood. Yet this is an excellent day for examining situations in a lot of detail, provided you can keep things in perspective. Beneficial colours are maroon and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 75.
2004-06-27, Sunday: Say Sorry
If you suspect that you went overboard yesterday, this is the perfect day to say sorry and mean it. You're in a rather downbeat and serious state of mind, with a tendency to brood if things don't go well. Rather than allow yourself to worry, it will be a much more productive day if you can make the most of your current powers of concentration. There's so much you can achieve right now. Empowering colours are mulberry and aqua. Lucky numbers are 37 and 27.
2004-06-27, Sunday: Face Facts
You need to face some financial facts today, even if they aren't very palatable. So if you know you've been overspending this month, you should do something about it now. But take care that you don't simply feel paralysed by panic and end up worrying about it rather than doing anything constructive. You may also have to cope with someone who can't help criticizing you. Soothing colours are amber and ivory. Lucky numbers are 29 and 5.
2004-06-27, Sunday: Taking Its Toll
The past couple of days have taken their toll on you, leaving you feeling frazzled and slightly sorry for yourself. Well, you have two choices today. You can either worry about what's happened and continue to lick your wounds, or you can decide to take some constructive action. If you need to build bridges with you-know-who, there's no time like the present. Get on with it! Inspirational colours are sienna and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 30 and 4.
2004-06-27, Sunday: Seek Advice
If you've been unable to shrug off yesterday's downbeat mood, then it's time for some serious action. Try not to keep your worries and feelings to yourself because that will only make them seem worse than ever. Instead, discuss them with someone who is willing to listen and give you some constructive advice. This will help you to put everything in its proper perspective. Ideal colours are scarlet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 14 and 21.

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