The planets are moving you into a new cycle, Pisces. Soon you will be in a new "story." You will have to take stock of what you've learned in previous weeks. Who you are is related to the degree of peace you have in your life and whether or not you've been able to resolve some conflicts. Did you learn your lessons well? Without a doubt, you have a gift for calming tense situations.
Are you tired, Aquarius? It's no wonder. You're so eager to be useful that you've run yourself ragged over the past few weeks. As you may have noticed, the world is so apathetic now that every movement requires enormous effort on your part. Why not settle down and rest today? That would be the wisest and most reasonable thing to do. You will still be needed tomorrow.
Perhaps you notice some weariness today, Capricorn. You have been much more active than usual for the past few weeks. You've been communicating with new people, having new experiences, attending virtual meetings, and perhaps even taking short trips. In the long run, will any of it further your goals? That's the question you have to answer today.
Are you feeling scattered, Sagittarius? It's possible that you're wondering about a million different things today. Are you strong enough to assume your family duties? Are you attractive? Are you important? Of course, all these questions simply distract you from your anxiety. Don't worry. The next few weeks will be less stressful.
Are you feeling somewhat annoyed today? This is hardly surprising since the day inspires you to take a long, hard look at what's happening with your life. It's as though you suddenly realize that decisions you make may have impacts that reach far and wide. But don't let that stop you from committing yourself to a course of action, Scorpio. Be adventurous!
If you feel as though you aren't making sufficient progress toward your goals, use this day to correct your aim. Are you disappointed with your love life? You may have devoted a great deal of energy to it lately without seeing much payoff. Wait a few more days before you make any drastic decisions about the future, Libra.
The day ahead should give you an opportunity to analyze the events of the past three weeks, Virgo. You will draw many important conclusions about your love life. You may conclude that matters have evolved little, if at all. This is discouraging, to be sure, but don't place too much trust in appearances. Remember, things aren't always as they seem.
After the events of the last few weeks, do you still want to continue acting like the same person? This is always a good question to ask with a celestial atmosphere like today's. People generally feel that they have a chance to get out of old systems and relationships. But people always hesitate to do this because of a fear of the future. Don't waver. Take the next steps!
This is the end of the voyage you've been on over the past few weeks, Cancer. You undoubtedly saw some interesting sights. Whether you were on an inner or outer voyage, the cosmic energy will bring you to a safe harbor. Unpack your bags carefully, as they're filled with treasures and souvenirs. You will want to put them around the house as happy reminders of how much you've grown.
This is the end of the first stage in your "socialization," Gemini. Are you satisfied with the people you've met? You can usually make the most out of these encounters, but did your political savvy let you down? Did it lead you in directions you didn't want to go? Take advantage of this pause to catch your breath and figure out where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow.
The social agitation that has been in your life for the last three weeks is coming to an end, Taurus. The celestial energy will help you learn some lessons and prepare for the next cycle. It would be great if you had some success and honors because this would help you confront the coming weeks. It will be a time of meditation and feeling a little bit disconnected from the world.
Have you done the cleaning that the planetary configurations asked you to do in recent weeks, Aries? If this is the case, today you should start to feel less weighed down by the conventions in your life. You've undoubtedly solved some of the problems in your relationships. You will feel as if you're in a kind of renaissance through the next cycle.
2023-11-21, Tuesday: Aim High
With the Moon in your sign and the Sun in Sagittarius, it's time to assess the role you play in the world at large and how that role is affected by your family responsibilities. Aim high; do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Whether your primary work is raising a family, pursuing a career, or a combination of both, you do make a difference. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2023-11-21, Tuesday: Learning Experience
Focus on the things you want to accomplish today, as you're likely to make progress; in fact you can grab the tiger by the tail. You may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but avoid the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience. Fortunate colors are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2023-11-21, Tuesday: Inner Strength
As the Sun enters your twelfth house, now is a good time to analyze why you may have developed hidden resentments, especially of control by others. In fact, a need to use or gain hidden power and control or even to hide the power and resources you have is stimulated. Understanding your subconscious, courageously dealing with failure or shame and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. Positive colors are forest green and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
2023-11-21, Tuesday: Creative Approach
Your birthday cycle begins as the Sun enters Sagittarius today; celebrate the beginning of your personal new year! Even if all you're celebrating is the fact that you survived the past year, you should congratulate yourself for a job well done. With Jupiter retro in your seventh house of partners, relationships seem to have developed a mind of their own, but a creative approach will stand you in good stead. Fortunate colors are indian red and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2023-11-21, Tuesday: Sunny Scorpions
The Sun enters optimistic Sagittarius and your second house of finances, helping you to be more resourceful during the next month. You can focus your energies on gaining financial stability as well as find a way to truly enjoy the work that you do; make it your goal this year to transform your earning power by doing what you love and loving what you do. Auspicious colors are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
2023-11-21, Tuesday: Imagination
Your imagination can create worlds of wonder today so don't hesitate to express your creative ideas. Children can bring great pleasure, so spend some time with the young ones in your life. Love and romance are sublime, but possibly bittersweet and elusive. No matter; the greatest love stories are about love found, love lost, and the painful pleasure of longing. Favorable colors are butter yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
2023-11-21, Tuesday: Family Relationships
The cosmic focus turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home or property. Family relationships and activities increase. Your role and influence in the family, and the need to assert and express yourself is enhanced. There may be disputes over family property. Keep your radio on the easy listening station today. Beneficial colors are chocolate brown and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 13.
2023-11-21, Tuesday: Romance Heats Up
The shining Sun enters fiery Sagittarius today, so even if you are not usually a sensualist, your capacity for enjoyment increases. Romantic encounters will erupt in weeks ahead, but they tend to involve more ego-gratification than emotional commitment. Ego? You? Gosh. Fortunate colors are warm tan and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
2023-11-21, Tuesday: Change is in the Air
As the Sun strides into fiery Sagittarius, ask yourself what does or does not motivate you to work. Do you take pride in carrying out daily tasks and responsibilities with efficiency? Does whether you work for yourself, or for someone else, make a difference to your attitude? Change is in the air, and change is often fueled by passionate emotions. It will be hard to keep such fires under control today, but if you keep the lines properly drawn, the outcome will be positive. Advantageous colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
2023-11-21, Tuesday: Happy Unbirthday
The Sun enters your opposite sign of Sagittarius, making this the halfway mark until your next birthday. The focus of the next few weeks is likely to be on others rather than on yourself. Your financial relationships are changing as Mars is now stirring trouble in your financial arena while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, your zone of work and health. Fortunate colors are honey gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
2023-11-21, Tuesday: Bad Or Brilliant
Your ego becomes involved with money and status (or lack of either) gained through inheritance, business partners or marriage, for the next month or so. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns. Avoid the embarrassment of a public scene by channeling the excess energy into creative projects... your ability to tap into the next big thing should be high today. Either way, you'll be feeling pressure. Don't snap! Beneficial colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 44 and 46.
2023-11-21, Tuesday: Natural Leader
As the Sun strides into Sagittarius, the urge to travel is calling you, whether into other physical or spiritual realms. A desire to pursue higher education or advanced training is stimulated, as is the urge to speculate, take risks and be more daring. You become more outgoing and assertive when travelling abroad, or dealing with those of a different race or culture. Fortunate colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
2022-11-21, Monday: Sunny Scorpions
The Sun enters optimistic Sagittarius and your second house of finances, helping you to be more resourceful during the next month. You can focus your energies on gaining financial stability as well as find a way to truly enjoy the work that you do; make it your goal this year to transform your earning power by doing what you love and loving what you do. Auspicious colors are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
2022-11-21, Monday: Natural Leader
As the Sun strides into Sagittarius, the urge to travel is calling you, whether into other physical or spiritual realms. A desire to pursue higher education or advanced training is stimulated, as is the urge to speculate, take risks and be more daring. You become more outgoing and assertive when travelling abroad, or dealing with those of a different race or culture. Fortunate colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
2022-11-21, Monday: Aim High
With the Moon in your sign and the Sun in Sagittarius, it's time to assess the role you play in the world at large and how that role is affected by your family responsibilities. Aim high; do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Whether your primary work is raising a family, pursuing a career, or a combination of both, you do make a difference. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2022-11-21, Monday: Learning Experience
Focus on the things you want to accomplish today, as you're likely to make progress; in fact you can grab the tiger by the tail. You may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but avoid the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience. Fortunate colors are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2022-11-21, Monday: Creative Approach
Your birthday cycle begins as the Sun enters Sagittarius today; celebrate the beginning of your personal new year! Even if all you're celebrating is the fact that you survived the past year, you should congratulate yourself for a job well done. With Jupiter retro in your seventh house of partners, relationships seem to have developed a mind of their own, but a creative approach will stand you in good stead. Fortunate colors are indian red and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2022-11-21, Monday: Imagination
Your imagination can create worlds of wonder today so don't hesitate to express your creative ideas. Children can bring great pleasure, so spend some time with the young ones in your life. Love and romance are sublime, but possibly bittersweet and elusive. No matter; the greatest love stories are about love found, love lost, and the painful pleasure of longing. Favorable colors are butter yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
2022-11-21, Monday: Family Relationships
The cosmic focus turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home or property. Family relationships and activities increase. Your role and influence in the family, and the need to assert and express yourself is enhanced. There may be disputes over family property. Keep your radio on the easy listening station today. Beneficial colors are chocolate brown and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 13.
2022-11-21, Monday: Romance Heats Up
The shining Sun enters fiery Sagittarius today, so even if you are not usually a sensualist, your capacity for enjoyment increases. Romantic encounters will erupt in weeks ahead, but they tend to involve more ego-gratification than emotional commitment. Ego? You? Gosh. Fortunate colors are warm tan and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
2022-11-21, Monday: Change is in the Air
As the Sun strides into fiery Sagittarius, ask yourself what does or does not motivate you to work. Do you take pride in carrying out daily tasks and responsibilities with efficiency? Does whether you work for yourself, or for someone else, make a difference to your attitude? Change is in the air, and change is often fueled by passionate emotions. It will be hard to keep such fires under control today, but if you keep the lines properly drawn, the outcome will be positive. Advantageous colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
2022-11-21, Monday: Happy Unbirthday
The Sun enters your opposite sign of Sagittarius, making this the halfway mark until your next birthday. The focus of the next few weeks is likely to be on others rather than on yourself. Your financial relationships are changing as Mars is now stirring trouble in your financial arena while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, your zone of work and health. Fortunate colors are honey gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
2022-11-21, Monday: Bad Or Brilliant
Your ego becomes involved with money and status (or lack of either) gained through inheritance, business partners or marriage, for the next month or so. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns. Avoid the embarrassment of a public scene by channeling the excess energy into creative projects... your ability to tap into the next big thing should be high today. Either way, you'll be feeling pressure. Don't snap! Beneficial colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 44 and 46.
2021-11-21, Sunday: Inner Strength
As the Sun enters your twelfth house, now is a good time to analyze why you may have developed hidden resentments, especially of control by others. In fact, a need to use or gain hidden power and control or even to hide the power and resources you have is stimulated. Understanding your subconscious, courageously dealing with failure or shame and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. Positive colors are forest green and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
2021-11-21, Sunday: Aim High
With the Moon in your sign and the Sun in Sagittarius, it's time to assess the role you play in the world at large and how that role is affected by your family responsibilities. Aim high; do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Whether your primary work is raising a family, pursuing a career, or a combination of both, you do make a difference. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2021-11-21, Sunday: Learning Experience
Focus on the things you want to accomplish today, as you're likely to make progress; in fact you can grab the tiger by the tail. You may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but avoid the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience. Fortunate colors are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2021-11-21, Sunday: Creative Approach
Your birthday cycle begins as the Sun enters Sagittarius today; celebrate the beginning of your personal new year! Even if all you're celebrating is the fact that you survived the past year, you should congratulate yourself for a job well done. With Jupiter retro in your seventh house of partners, relationships seem to have developed a mind of their own, but a creative approach will stand you in good stead. Fortunate colors are indian red and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2021-11-21, Sunday: Sunny Scorpions
The Sun enters optimistic Sagittarius and your second house of finances, helping you to be more resourceful during the next month. You can focus your energies on gaining financial stability as well as find a way to truly enjoy the work that you do; make it your goal this year to transform your earning power by doing what you love and loving what you do. Auspicious colors are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
2021-11-21, Sunday: Imagination
Your imagination can create worlds of wonder today so don't hesitate to express your creative ideas. Children can bring great pleasure, so spend some time with the young ones in your life. Love and romance are sublime, but possibly bittersweet and elusive. No matter; the greatest love stories are about love found, love lost, and the painful pleasure of longing. Favorable colors are butter yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
2021-11-21, Sunday: Family Relationships
The cosmic focus turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home or property. Family relationships and activities increase. Your role and influence in the family, and the need to assert and express yourself is enhanced. There may be disputes over family property. Keep your radio on the easy listening station today. Beneficial colors are chocolate brown and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 13.
2021-11-21, Sunday: Romance Heats Up
The shining Sun enters fiery Sagittarius today, so even if you are not usually a sensualist, your capacity for enjoyment increases. Romantic encounters will erupt in weeks ahead, but they tend to involve more ego-gratification than emotional commitment. Ego? You? Gosh. Fortunate colors are warm tan and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
2021-11-21, Sunday: Change is in the Air
As the Sun strides into fiery Sagittarius, ask yourself what does or does not motivate you to work. Do you take pride in carrying out daily tasks and responsibilities with efficiency? Does whether you work for yourself, or for someone else, make a difference to your attitude? Change is in the air, and change is often fueled by passionate emotions. It will be hard to keep such fires under control today, but if you keep the lines properly drawn, the outcome will be positive. Advantageous colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
2021-11-21, Sunday: Happy Unbirthday
The Sun enters your opposite sign of Sagittarius, making this the halfway mark until your next birthday. The focus of the next few weeks is likely to be on others rather than on yourself. Your financial relationships are changing as Mars is now stirring trouble in your financial arena while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, your zone of work and health. Fortunate colors are honey gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
2021-11-21, Sunday: Bad Or Brilliant
Your ego becomes involved with money and status (or lack of either) gained through inheritance, business partners or marriage, for the next month or so. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns. Avoid the embarrassment of a public scene by channeling the excess energy into creative projects... your ability to tap into the next big thing should be high today. Either way, you'll be feeling pressure. Don't snap! Beneficial colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 44 and 46.
2021-11-21, Sunday: Natural Leader
As the Sun strides into Sagittarius, the urge to travel is calling you, whether into other physical or spiritual realms. A desire to pursue higher education or advanced training is stimulated, as is the urge to speculate, take risks and be more daring. You become more outgoing and assertive when travelling abroad, or dealing with those of a different race or culture. Fortunate colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
2020-11-21, Saturday: Aim High
With the Moon in your sign and the Sun in Sagittarius, it's time to assess the role you play in the world at large and how that role is affected by your family responsibilities. Aim high; do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Whether your primary work is raising a family, pursuing a career, or a combination of both, you do make a difference. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2020-11-21, Saturday: Learning Experience
Focus on the things you want to accomplish today, as you're likely to make progress; in fact you can grab the tiger by the tail. You may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but avoid the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience. Fortunate colors are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2020-11-21, Saturday: Inner Strength
As the Sun enters your twelfth house, now is a good time to analyze why you may have developed hidden resentments, especially of control by others. In fact, a need to use or gain hidden power and control or even to hide the power and resources you have is stimulated. Understanding your subconscious, courageously dealing with failure or shame and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. Positive colors are forest green and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
2020-11-21, Saturday: Creative Approach
Your birthday cycle begins as the Sun enters Sagittarius today; celebrate the beginning of your personal new year! Even if all you're celebrating is the fact that you survived the past year, you should congratulate yourself for a job well done. With Jupiter retro in your seventh house of partners, relationships seem to have developed a mind of their own, but a creative approach will stand you in good stead. Fortunate colors are indian red and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2020-11-21, Saturday: Sunny Scorpions
The Sun enters optimistic Sagittarius and your second house of finances, helping you to be more resourceful during the next month. You can focus your energies on gaining financial stability as well as find a way to truly enjoy the work that you do; make it your goal this year to transform your earning power by doing what you love and loving what you do. Auspicious colors are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
2020-11-21, Saturday: Imagination
Your imagination can create worlds of wonder today so don't hesitate to express your creative ideas. Children can bring great pleasure, so spend some time with the young ones in your life. Love and romance are sublime, but possibly bittersweet and elusive. No matter; the greatest love stories are about love found, love lost, and the painful pleasure of longing. Favorable colors are butter yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
2020-11-21, Saturday: Family Relationships
The cosmic focus turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home or property. Family relationships and activities increase. Your role and influence in the family, and the need to assert and express yourself is enhanced. There may be disputes over family property. Keep your radio on the easy listening station today. Beneficial colors are chocolate brown and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 13.
2020-11-21, Saturday: Romance Heats Up
The shining Sun enters fiery Sagittarius today, so even if you are not usually a sensualist, your capacity for enjoyment increases. Romantic encounters will erupt in weeks ahead, but they tend to involve more ego-gratification than emotional commitment. Ego? You? Gosh. Fortunate colors are warm tan and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
2020-11-21, Saturday: Change is in the Air
As the Sun strides into fiery Sagittarius, ask yourself what does or does not motivate you to work. Do you take pride in carrying out daily tasks and responsibilities with efficiency? Does whether you work for yourself, or for someone else, make a difference to your attitude? Change is in the air, and change is often fueled by passionate emotions. It will be hard to keep such fires under control today, but if you keep the lines properly drawn, the outcome will be positive. Advantageous colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
2020-11-21, Saturday: Happy Unbirthday
The Sun enters your opposite sign of Sagittarius, making this the halfway mark until your next birthday. The focus of the next few weeks is likely to be on others rather than on yourself. Your financial relationships are changing as Mars is now stirring trouble in your financial arena while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, your zone of work and health. Fortunate colors are honey gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
2020-11-21, Saturday: Bad Or Brilliant
Your ego becomes involved with money and status (or lack of either) gained through inheritance, business partners or marriage, for the next month or so. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns. Avoid the embarrassment of a public scene by channeling the excess energy into creative projects... your ability to tap into the next big thing should be high today. Either way, you'll be feeling pressure. Don't snap! Beneficial colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 44 and 46.
2020-11-21, Saturday: Natural Leader
As the Sun strides into Sagittarius, the urge to travel is calling you, whether into other physical or spiritual realms. A desire to pursue higher education or advanced training is stimulated, as is the urge to speculate, take risks and be more daring. You become more outgoing and assertive when travelling abroad, or dealing with those of a different race or culture. Fortunate colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
2019-11-21, Thursday: Aim High
With the Moon in your sign and the Sun in Sagittarius, it's time to assess the role you play in the world at large and how that role is affected by your family responsibilities. Aim high; do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Whether your primary work is raising a family, pursuing a career, or a combination of both, you do make a difference. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2019-11-21, Thursday: Learning Experience
Focus on the things you want to accomplish today, as you're likely to make progress; in fact you can grab the tiger by the tail. You may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but avoid the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience. Fortunate colors are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2019-11-21, Thursday: Inner Strength
As the Sun enters your twelfth house, now is a good time to analyze why you may have developed hidden resentments, especially of control by others. In fact, a need to use or gain hidden power and control or even to hide the power and resources you have is stimulated. Understanding your subconscious, courageously dealing with failure or shame and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. Positive colors are forest green and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
2019-11-21, Thursday: Creative Approach
Your birthday cycle begins as the Sun enters Sagittarius today; celebrate the beginning of your personal new year! Even if all you're celebrating is the fact that you survived the past year, you should congratulate yourself for a job well done. With Jupiter retro in your seventh house of partners, relationships seem to have developed a mind of their own, but a creative approach will stand you in good stead. Fortunate colors are indian red and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2019-11-21, Thursday: Sunny Scorpions
The Sun enters optimistic Sagittarius and your second house of finances, helping you to be more resourceful during the next month. You can focus your energies on gaining financial stability as well as find a way to truly enjoy the work that you do; make it your goal this year to transform your earning power by doing what you love and loving what you do. Auspicious colors are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
2019-11-21, Thursday: Imagination
Your imagination can create worlds of wonder today so don't hesitate to express your creative ideas. Children can bring great pleasure, so spend some time with the young ones in your life. Love and romance are sublime, but possibly bittersweet and elusive. No matter; the greatest love stories are about love found, love lost, and the painful pleasure of longing. Favorable colors are butter yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
2019-11-21, Thursday: Family Relationships
The cosmic focus turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home or property. Family relationships and activities increase. Your role and influence in the family, and the need to assert and express yourself is enhanced. There may be disputes over family property. Keep your radio on the easy listening station today. Beneficial colors are chocolate brown and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 13.
2019-11-21, Thursday: Romance Heats Up
The shining Sun enters fiery Sagittarius today, so even if you are not usually a sensualist, your capacity for enjoyment increases. Romantic encounters will erupt in weeks ahead, but they tend to involve more ego-gratification than emotional commitment. Ego? You? Gosh. Fortunate colors are warm tan and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
2019-11-21, Thursday: Change is in the Air
As the Sun strides into fiery Sagittarius, ask yourself what does or does not motivate you to work. Do you take pride in carrying out daily tasks and responsibilities with efficiency? Does whether you work for yourself, or for someone else, make a difference to your attitude? Change is in the air, and change is often fueled by passionate emotions. It will be hard to keep such fires under control today, but if you keep the lines properly drawn, the outcome will be positive. Advantageous colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
2019-11-21, Thursday: Happy Unbirthday
The Sun enters your opposite sign of Sagittarius, making this the halfway mark until your next birthday. The focus of the next few weeks is likely to be on others rather than on yourself. Your financial relationships are changing as Mars is now stirring trouble in your financial arena while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, your zone of work and health. Fortunate colors are honey gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
2019-11-21, Thursday: Bad Or Brilliant
Your ego becomes involved with money and status (or lack of either) gained through inheritance, business partners or marriage, for the next month or so. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns. Avoid the embarrassment of a public scene by channeling the excess energy into creative projects... your ability to tap into the next big thing should be high today. Either way, you'll be feeling pressure. Don't snap! Beneficial colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 44 and 46.
2019-11-21, Thursday: Natural Leader
As the Sun strides into Sagittarius, the urge to travel is calling you, whether into other physical or spiritual realms. A desire to pursue higher education or advanced training is stimulated, as is the urge to speculate, take risks and be more daring. You become more outgoing and assertive when travelling abroad, or dealing with those of a different race or culture. Fortunate colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
2018-11-21, Wednesday: Aim High
With the Moon in your sign and the Sun in Sagittarius, it's time to assess the role you play in the world at large and how that role is affected by your family responsibilities. Aim high; do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Whether your primary work is raising a family, pursuing a career, or a combination of both, you do make a difference. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2018-11-21, Wednesday: Learning Experience
Focus on the things you want to accomplish today, as you're likely to make progress; in fact you can grab the tiger by the tail. You may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but avoid the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience. Fortunate colors are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2018-11-21, Wednesday: Inner Strength
As the Sun enters your twelfth house, now is a good time to analyze why you may have developed hidden resentments, especially of control by others. In fact, a need to use or gain hidden power and control or even to hide the power and resources you have is stimulated. Understanding your subconscious, courageously dealing with failure or shame and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. Positive colors are forest green and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
2018-11-21, Wednesday: Creative Approach
Your birthday cycle begins as the Sun enters Sagittarius today; celebrate the beginning of your personal new year! Even if all you're celebrating is the fact that you survived the past year, you should congratulate yourself for a job well done. With Jupiter retro in your seventh house of partners, relationships seem to have developed a mind of their own, but a creative approach will stand you in good stead. Fortunate colors are indian red and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2018-11-21, Wednesday: Sunny Scorpions
The Sun enters optimistic Sagittarius and your second house of finances, helping you to be more resourceful during the next month. You can focus your energies on gaining financial stability as well as find a way to truly enjoy the work that you do; make it your goal this year to transform your earning power by doing what you love and loving what you do. Auspicious colors are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
2018-11-21, Wednesday: Imagination
Your imagination can create worlds of wonder today so don't hesitate to express your creative ideas. Children can bring great pleasure, so spend some time with the young ones in your life. Love and romance are sublime, but possibly bittersweet and elusive. No matter; the greatest love stories are about love found, love lost, and the painful pleasure of longing. Favorable colors are butter yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
2018-11-21, Wednesday: Family Relationships
The cosmic focus turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home or property. Family relationships and activities increase. Your role and influence in the family, and the need to assert and express yourself is enhanced. There may be disputes over family property. Keep your radio on the easy listening station today. Beneficial colors are chocolate brown and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 13.
2018-11-21, Wednesday: Romance Heats Up
The shining Sun enters fiery Sagittarius today, so even if you are not usually a sensualist, your capacity for enjoyment increases. Romantic encounters will erupt in weeks ahead, but they tend to involve more ego-gratification than emotional commitment. Ego? You? Gosh. Fortunate colors are warm tan and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
2018-11-21, Wednesday: Change is in the Air
As the Sun strides into fiery Sagittarius, ask yourself what does or does not motivate you to work. Do you take pride in carrying out daily tasks and responsibilities with efficiency? Does whether you work for yourself, or for someone else, make a difference to your attitude? Change is in the air, and change is often fueled by passionate emotions. It will be hard to keep such fires under control today, but if you keep the lines properly drawn, the outcome will be positive. Advantageous colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
2018-11-21, Wednesday: Bad Or Brilliant
Your ego becomes involved with money and status (or lack of either) gained through inheritance, business partners or marriage, for the next month or so. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns. Avoid the embarrassment of a public scene by channeling the excess energy into creative projects... your ability to tap into the next big thing should be high today. Either way, you'll be feeling pressure. Don't snap! Beneficial colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 44 and 46.
2018-11-21, Wednesday: Natural Leader
As the Sun strides into Sagittarius, the urge to travel is calling you, whether into other physical or spiritual realms. A desire to pursue higher education or advanced training is stimulated, as is the urge to speculate, take risks and be more daring. You become more outgoing and assertive when travelling abroad, or dealing with those of a different race or culture. Fortunate colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
2018-11-21, Wednesday: Happy Unbirthday
The Sun enters your opposite sign of Sagittarius, making this the halfway mark until your next birthday. The focus of the next few weeks is likely to be on others rather than on yourself. Your financial relationships are changing as Mars is now stirring trouble in your financial arena while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, your zone of work and health. Fortunate colors are honey gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
2017-11-21, Tuesday: Aim High
With the Moon in your sign and the Sun in Sagittarius, it's time to assess the role you play in the world at large and how that role is affected by your family responsibilities. Aim high; do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Whether your primary work is raising a family, pursuing a career, or a combination of both, you do make a difference. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2017-11-21, Tuesday: Learning Experience
Focus on the things you want to accomplish today, as you're likely to make progress; in fact you can grab the tiger by the tail. You may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but avoid the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience. Fortunate colors are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2017-11-21, Tuesday: Inner Strength
As the Sun enters your twelfth house, now is a good time to analyze why you may have developed hidden resentments, especially of control by others. In fact, a need to use or gain hidden power and control or even to hide the power and resources you have is stimulated. Understanding your subconscious, courageously dealing with failure or shame and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. Positive colors are forest green and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
2017-11-21, Tuesday: Creative Approach
Your birthday cycle begins as the Sun enters Sagittarius today; celebrate the beginning of your personal new year! Even if all you're celebrating is the fact that you survived the past year, you should congratulate yourself for a job well done. With Jupiter retro in your seventh house of partners, relationships seem to have developed a mind of their own, but a creative approach will stand you in good stead. Fortunate colors are indian red and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2017-11-21, Tuesday: Sunny Scorpions
The Sun enters optimistic Sagittarius and your second house of finances, helping you to be more resourceful during the next month. You can focus your energies on gaining financial stability as well as find a way to truly enjoy the work that you do; make it your goal this year to transform your earning power by doing what you love and loving what you do. Auspicious colors are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
2017-11-21, Tuesday: Imagination
Your imagination can create worlds of wonder today so don't hesitate to express your creative ideas. Children can bring great pleasure, so spend some time with the young ones in your life. Love and romance are sublime, but possibly bittersweet and elusive. No matter; the greatest love stories are about love found, love lost, and the painful pleasure of longing. Favorable colors are butter yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
2017-11-21, Tuesday: Family Relationships
The cosmic focus turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home or property. Family relationships and activities increase. Your role and influence in the family, and the need to assert and express yourself is enhanced. There may be disputes over family property. Keep your radio on the easy listening station today. Beneficial colors are chocolate brown and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 13.
2017-11-21, Tuesday: Romance Heats Up
The shining Sun enters fiery Sagittarius today, so even if you are not usually a sensualist, your capacity for enjoyment increases. Romantic encounters will erupt in weeks ahead, but they tend to involve more ego-gratification than emotional commitment. Ego? You? Gosh. Fortunate colors are warm tan and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
2017-11-21, Tuesday: Change is in the Air
As the Sun strides into fiery Sagittarius, ask yourself what does or does not motivate you to work. Do you take pride in carrying out daily tasks and responsibilities with efficiency? Does whether you work for yourself, or for someone else, make a difference to your attitude? Change is in the air, and change is often fueled by passionate emotions. It will be hard to keep such fires under control today, but if you keep the lines properly drawn, the outcome will be positive. Advantageous colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
2017-11-21, Tuesday: Happy Unbirthday
The Sun enters your opposite sign of Sagittarius, making this the halfway mark until your next birthday. The focus of the next few weeks is likely to be on others rather than on yourself. Your financial relationships are changing as Mars is now stirring trouble in your financial arena while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, your zone of work and health. Fortunate colors are honey gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
2017-11-21, Tuesday: Bad Or Brilliant
Your ego becomes involved with money and status (or lack of either) gained through inheritance, business partners or marriage, for the next month or so. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns. Avoid the embarrassment of a public scene by channeling the excess energy into creative projects... your ability to tap into the next big thing should be high today. Either way, you'll be feeling pressure. Don't snap! Beneficial colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 44 and 46.
2017-11-21, Tuesday: Natural Leader
As the Sun strides into Sagittarius, the urge to travel is calling you, whether into other physical or spiritual realms. A desire to pursue higher education or advanced training is stimulated, as is the urge to speculate, take risks and be more daring. You become more outgoing and assertive when travelling abroad, or dealing with those of a different race or culture. Fortunate colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
2016-11-21, Monday: Aim High
With the Moon in your sign and the Sun in Sagittarius, it's time to assess the role you play in the world at large and how that role is affected by your family responsibilities. Aim high; do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Whether your primary work is raising a family, pursuing a career, or a combination of both, you do make a difference. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2016-11-21, Monday: Learning Experience
Focus on the things you want to accomplish today, as you're likely to make progress; in fact you can grab the tiger by the tail. You may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but avoid the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience. Fortunate colors are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2016-11-21, Monday: Inner Strength
As the Sun enters your twelfth house, now is a good time to analyze why you may have developed hidden resentments, especially of control by others. In fact, a need to use or gain hidden power and control or even to hide the power and resources you have is stimulated. Understanding your subconscious, courageously dealing with failure or shame and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. Positive colors are forest green and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
2016-11-21, Monday: Creative Approach
Your birthday cycle begins as the Sun enters Sagittarius today; celebrate the beginning of your personal new year! Even if all you're celebrating is the fact that you survived the past year, you should congratulate yourself for a job well done. With Jupiter retro in your seventh house of partners, relationships seem to have developed a mind of their own, but a creative approach will stand you in good stead. Fortunate colors are indian red and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2016-11-21, Monday: Sunny Scorpions
The Sun enters optimistic Sagittarius and your second house of finances, helping you to be more resourceful during the next month. You can focus your energies on gaining financial stability as well as find a way to truly enjoy the work that you do; make it your goal this year to transform your earning power by doing what you love and loving what you do. Auspicious colors are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
2016-11-21, Monday: Imagination
Your imagination can create worlds of wonder today so don't hesitate to express your creative ideas. Children can bring great pleasure, so spend some time with the young ones in your life. Love and romance are sublime, but possibly bittersweet and elusive. No matter; the greatest love stories are about love found, love lost, and the painful pleasure of longing. Favorable colors are butter yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
2016-11-21, Monday: Family Relationships
The cosmic focus turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home or property. Family relationships and activities increase. Your role and influence in the family, and the need to assert and express yourself is enhanced. There may be disputes over family property. Keep your radio on the easy listening station today. Beneficial colors are chocolate brown and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 13.
2016-11-21, Monday: Romance Heats Up
The shining Sun enters fiery Sagittarius today, so even if you are not usually a sensualist, your capacity for enjoyment increases. Romantic encounters will erupt in weeks ahead, but they tend to involve more ego-gratification than emotional commitment. Ego? You? Gosh. Fortunate colors are warm tan and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
2016-11-21, Monday: Change is in the Air
As the Sun strides into fiery Sagittarius, ask yourself what does or does not motivate you to work. Do you take pride in carrying out daily tasks and responsibilities with efficiency? Does whether you work for yourself, or for someone else, make a difference to your attitude? Change is in the air, and change is often fueled by passionate emotions. It will be hard to keep such fires under control today, but if you keep the lines properly drawn, the outcome will be positive. Advantageous colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
2016-11-21, Monday: Happy Unbirthday
The Sun enters your opposite sign of Sagittarius, making this the halfway mark until your next birthday. The focus of the next few weeks is likely to be on others rather than on yourself. Your financial relationships are changing as Mars is now stirring trouble in your financial arena while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, your zone of work and health. Fortunate colors are honey gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
2016-11-21, Monday: Bad Or Brilliant
Your ego becomes involved with money and status (or lack of either) gained through inheritance, business partners or marriage, for the next month or so. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns. Avoid the embarrassment of a public scene by channeling the excess energy into creative projects... your ability to tap into the next big thing should be high today. Either way, you'll be feeling pressure. Don't snap! Beneficial colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 44 and 46.
2016-11-21, Monday: Natural Leader
As the Sun strides into Sagittarius, the urge to travel is calling you, whether into other physical or spiritual realms. A desire to pursue higher education or advanced training is stimulated, as is the urge to speculate, take risks and be more daring. You become more outgoing and assertive when travelling abroad, or dealing with those of a different race or culture. Fortunate colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
2015-11-21, Saturday: Aim High
With the Moon in your sign and the Sun in Sagittarius, it's time to assess the role you play in the world at large and how that role is affected by your family responsibilities. Aim high; do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Whether your primary work is raising a family, pursuing a career, or a combination of both, you do make a difference. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2015-11-21, Saturday: Learning Experience
Focus on the things you want to accomplish today, as you're likely to make progress; in fact you can grab the tiger by the tail. You may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but avoid the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience. Fortunate colors are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2015-11-21, Saturday: Inner Strength
As the Sun enters your twelfth house, now is a good time to analyze why you may have developed hidden resentments, especially of control by others. In fact, a need to use or gain hidden power and control or even to hide the power and resources you have is stimulated. Understanding your subconscious, courageously dealing with failure or shame and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. Positive colors are forest green and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
2015-11-21, Saturday: Creative Approach
Your birthday cycle begins as the Sun enters Sagittarius today; celebrate the beginning of your personal new year! Even if all you're celebrating is the fact that you survived the past year, you should congratulate yourself for a job well done. With Jupiter retro in your seventh house of partners, relationships seem to have developed a mind of their own, but a creative approach will stand you in good stead. Fortunate colors are indian red and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2015-11-21, Saturday: Sunny Scorpions
The Sun enters optimistic Sagittarius and your second house of finances, helping you to be more resourceful during the next month. You can focus your energies on gaining financial stability as well as find a way to truly enjoy the work that you do; make it your goal this year to transform your earning power by doing what you love and loving what you do. Auspicious colors are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
2015-11-21, Saturday: Imagination
Your imagination can create worlds of wonder today so don't hesitate to express your creative ideas. Children can bring great pleasure, so spend some time with the young ones in your life. Love and romance are sublime, but possibly bittersweet and elusive. No matter; the greatest love stories are about love found, love lost, and the painful pleasure of longing. Favorable colors are butter yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
2015-11-21, Saturday: Family Relationships
The cosmic focus turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home or property. Family relationships and activities increase. Your role and influence in the family, and the need to assert and express yourself is enhanced. There may be disputes over family property. Keep your radio on the easy listening station today. Beneficial colors are chocolate brown and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 13.
2015-11-21, Saturday: Romance Heats Up
The shining Sun enters fiery Sagittarius today, so even if you are not usually a sensualist, your capacity for enjoyment increases. Romantic encounters will erupt in weeks ahead, but they tend to involve more ego-gratification than emotional commitment. Ego? You? Gosh. Fortunate colors are warm tan and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
2015-11-21, Saturday: Change is in the Air
As the Sun strides into fiery Sagittarius, ask yourself what does or does not motivate you to work. Do you take pride in carrying out daily tasks and responsibilities with efficiency? Does whether you work for yourself, or for someone else, make a difference to your attitude? Change is in the air, and change is often fueled by passionate emotions. It will be hard to keep such fires under control today, but if you keep the lines properly drawn, the outcome will be positive. Advantageous colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
2015-11-21, Saturday: Happy Unbirthday
The Sun enters your opposite sign of Sagittarius, making this the halfway mark until your next birthday. The focus of the next few weeks is likely to be on others rather than on yourself. Your financial relationships are changing as Mars is now stirring trouble in your financial arena while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, your zone of work and health. Fortunate colors are honey gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
2015-11-21, Saturday: Bad Or Brilliant
Your ego becomes involved with money and status (or lack of either) gained through inheritance, business partners or marriage, for the next month or so. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns. Avoid the embarrassment of a public scene by channeling the excess energy into creative projects... your ability to tap into the next big thing should be high today. Either way, you'll be feeling pressure. Don't snap! Beneficial colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 44 and 46.
2015-11-21, Saturday: Natural Leader
As the Sun strides into Sagittarius, the urge to travel is calling you, whether into other physical or spiritual realms. A desire to pursue higher education or advanced training is stimulated, as is the urge to speculate, take risks and be more daring. You become more outgoing and assertive when travelling abroad, or dealing with those of a different race or culture. Fortunate colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
2014-11-21, Friday: Aim High
With the Moon in your sign and the Sun in Sagittarius, it's time to assess the role you play in the world at large and how that role is affected by your family responsibilities. Aim high; do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Whether your primary work is raising a family, pursuing a career, or a combination of both, you do make a difference. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2014-11-21, Friday: Learning Experience
Focus on the things you want to accomplish today, as you're likely to make progress; in fact you can grab the tiger by the tail. You may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but avoid the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience. Fortunate colors are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2014-11-21, Friday: Inner Strength
As the Sun enters your twelfth house, now is a good time to analyze why you may have developed hidden resentments, especially of control by others. In fact, a need to use or gain hidden power and control or even to hide the power and resources you have is stimulated. Understanding your subconscious, courageously dealing with failure or shame and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. Positive colors are forest green and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
2014-11-21, Friday: Creative Approach
Your birthday cycle begins as the Sun enters Sagittarius today; celebrate the beginning of your personal new year! Even if all you're celebrating is the fact that you survived the past year, you should congratulate yourself for a job well done. With Jupiter retro in your seventh house of partners, relationships seem to have developed a mind of their own, but a creative approach will stand you in good stead. Fortunate colors are indian red and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2014-11-21, Friday: Sunny Scorpions
The Sun enters optimistic Sagittarius and your second house of finances, helping you to be more resourceful during the next month. You can focus your energies on gaining financial stability as well as find a way to truly enjoy the work that you do; make it your goal this year to transform your earning power by doing what you love and loving what you do. Auspicious colors are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
2014-11-21, Friday: Imagination
Your imagination can create worlds of wonder today so don't hesitate to express your creative ideas. Children can bring great pleasure, so spend some time with the young ones in your life. Love and romance are sublime, but possibly bittersweet and elusive. No matter; the greatest love stories are about love found, love lost, and the painful pleasure of longing. Favorable colors are butter yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
2014-11-21, Friday: Family Relationships
The cosmic focus turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home or property. Family relationships and activities increase. Your role and influence in the family, and the need to assert and express yourself is enhanced. There may be disputes over family property. Keep your radio on the easy listening station today. Beneficial colors are chocolate brown and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 13.
2014-11-21, Friday: Romance Heats Up
The shining Sun enters fiery Sagittarius today, so even if you are not usually a sensualist, your capacity for enjoyment increases. Romantic encounters will erupt in weeks ahead, but they tend to involve more ego-gratification than emotional commitment. Ego? You? Gosh. Fortunate colors are warm tan and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
2014-11-21, Friday: Change is in the Air
As the Sun strides into fiery Sagittarius, ask yourself what does or does not motivate you to work. Do you take pride in carrying out daily tasks and responsibilities with efficiency? Does whether you work for yourself, or for someone else, make a difference to your attitude? Change is in the air, and change is often fueled by passionate emotions. It will be hard to keep such fires under control today, but if you keep the lines properly drawn, the outcome will be positive. Advantageous colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
2014-11-21, Friday: Happy Unbirthday
The Sun enters your opposite sign of Sagittarius, making this the halfway mark until your next birthday. The focus of the next few weeks is likely to be on others rather than on yourself. Your financial relationships are changing as Mars is now stirring trouble in your financial arena while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, your zone of work and health. Fortunate colors are honey gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
2014-11-21, Friday: Bad Or Brilliant
Your ego becomes involved with money and status (or lack of either) gained through inheritance, business partners or marriage, for the next month or so. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns. Avoid the embarrassment of a public scene by channeling the excess energy into creative projects... your ability to tap into the next big thing should be high today. Either way, you'll be feeling pressure. Don't snap! Beneficial colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 44 and 46.
2014-11-21, Friday: Natural Leader
As the Sun strides into Sagittarius, the urge to travel is calling you, whether into other physical or spiritual realms. A desire to pursue higher education or advanced training is stimulated, as is the urge to speculate, take risks and be more daring. You become more outgoing and assertive when travelling abroad, or dealing with those of a different race or culture. Fortunate colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
2013-11-21, Thursday: Aim High
With the Moon in your sign and the Sun in Sagittarius, it's time to assess the role you play in the world at large and how that role is affected by your family responsibilities. Aim high; do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Whether your primary work is raising a family, pursuing a career, or a combination of both, you do make a difference. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2013-11-21, Thursday: Learning Experience
Focus on the things you want to accomplish today, as you're likely to make progress; in fact you can grab the tiger by the tail. You may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but avoid the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience. Fortunate colors are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2013-11-21, Thursday: Inner Strength
As the Sun enters your twelfth house, now is a good time to analyze why you may have developed hidden resentments, especially of control by others. In fact, a need to use or gain hidden power and control or even to hide the power and resources you have is stimulated. Understanding your subconscious, courageously dealing with failure or shame and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. Positive colors are forest green and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
2013-11-21, Thursday: Creative Approach
Your birthday cycle begins as the Sun enters Sagittarius today; celebrate the beginning of your personal new year! Even if all you're celebrating is the fact that you survived the past year, you should congratulate yourself for a job well done. With Jupiter retro in your seventh house of partners, relationships seem to have developed a mind of their own, but a creative approach will stand you in good stead. Fortunate colors are indian red and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2013-11-21, Thursday: Sunny Scorpions
The Sun enters optimistic Sagittarius and your second house of finances, helping you to be more resourceful during the next month. You can focus your energies on gaining financial stability as well as find a way to truly enjoy the work that you do; make it your goal this year to transform your earning power by doing what you love and loving what you do. Auspicious colors are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
2013-11-21, Thursday: Imagination
Your imagination can create worlds of wonder today so don't hesitate to express your creative ideas. Children can bring great pleasure, so spend some time with the young ones in your life. Love and romance are sublime, but possibly bittersweet and elusive. No matter; the greatest love stories are about love found, love lost, and the painful pleasure of longing. Favorable colors are butter yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
2013-11-21, Thursday: Family Relationships
The cosmic focus turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home or property. Family relationships and activities increase. Your role and influence in the family, and the need to assert and express yourself is enhanced. There may be disputes over family property. Keep your radio on the easy listening station today. Beneficial colors are chocolate brown and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 13.
2013-11-21, Thursday: Romance Heats Up
The shining Sun enters fiery Sagittarius today, so even if you are not usually a sensualist, your capacity for enjoyment increases. Romantic encounters will erupt in weeks ahead, but they tend to involve more ego-gratification than emotional commitment. Ego? You? Gosh. Fortunate colors are warm tan and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
2013-11-21, Thursday: Change is in the Air
As the Sun strides into fiery Sagittarius, ask yourself what does or does not motivate you to work. Do you take pride in carrying out daily tasks and responsibilities with efficiency? Does whether you work for yourself, or for someone else, make a difference to your attitude? Change is in the air, and change is often fueled by passionate emotions. It will be hard to keep such fires under control today, but if you keep the lines properly drawn, the outcome will be positive. Advantageous colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
2013-11-21, Thursday: Happy Unbirthday
The Sun enters your opposite sign of Sagittarius, making this the halfway mark until your next birthday. The focus of the next few weeks is likely to be on others rather than on yourself. Your financial relationships are changing as Mars is now stirring trouble in your financial arena while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, your zone of work and health. Fortunate colors are honey gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
2013-11-21, Thursday: Bad Or Brilliant
Your ego becomes involved with money and status (or lack of either) gained through inheritance, business partners or marriage, for the next month or so. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns. Avoid the embarrassment of a public scene by channeling the excess energy into creative projects... your ability to tap into the next big thing should be high today. Either way, you'll be feeling pressure. Don't snap! Beneficial colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 44 and 46.
2013-11-21, Thursday: Natural Leader
As the Sun strides into Sagittarius, the urge to travel is calling you, whether into other physical or spiritual realms. A desire to pursue higher education or advanced training is stimulated, as is the urge to speculate, take risks and be more daring. You become more outgoing and assertive when travelling abroad, or dealing with those of a different race or culture. Fortunate colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
2012-11-21, Wednesday: Intensify
Your relationships may intensify as the Moon enters Libra and your eighth house of sex, power, and money. Libra encourages fairness and harmony; this is the key to happiness in your intimate relationships. You may have a difference of opinion with a friend today; this person may be overreacting, so back down and give him/her some space. Advantageous colours are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2012-11-21, Wednesday: New Vistas
The Moon enters Libra and your ninth house of travel and adventure, urging you to explore new vistas. Trying new things such as new foods and different cultures will be uplifting for you at this time; you might even consider signing up for a course in a foreign language. Shake the cobwebs out of your life by reaching for something that excites you. Beneficial colours are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 30 and 33.
2012-11-21, Wednesday: Career Moves
The focus shifts to your career as the Moon enters Libra and your tenth house of career and status; you'll need to be more aware of the emotional atmosphere if you're at work today, as a power play is in the wind. A woman in your office may be supportive of you at this time - show your appreciation for those who have given you a helping hand. Advantageous colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
2012-11-21, Wednesday: Friendship
Friendship may be on your mind as the Moon enters Libra and your eleventh house of friends and associates today. You may find a friend needs your support during this time; conversely, if you need a shoulder to cry on, seek out a trusted pal. Sometimes it seems that no- one understands you, but there is at least one person out there who truly does, and loves you just the same! Advantageous colours are electric blue and shocking pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
2012-11-21, Wednesday: Sweet Solitude
You may prefer solitude to company now, as the Moon passes through Libra and your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. You have entered your low lunar cycle, so don't push yourself too hard. Stress is likely to make you more susceptible to illness today, so protect yourself with plenty of rest and vitamin C. Turn in early tonight and let your soul breathe deep. Advantageous colours are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 11 and 12.
2012-11-21, Wednesday: High Gear
The Moon enters Libra and your first house of personality today, helping you get back into high gear. It should be easier for you to assert yourself, as your emotional strength returns. You can make a good impression, so make important connections now. You're in demand, so take advantage of this energy! Advantageous colours are golden tan and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
2012-11-21, Wednesday: Urge To Splurge
The Moon enters Libra and your second house of personal finances today, giving some of you the irresistible urge to buy something. There's nothing wrong with treating yourself to a small luxury, just be sure to stay within your budget. Men and women alike often splurge as a way to reward themselves after working hard. Find something that will give you pleasure and remind you that you deserve the best. Prosperous colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
2012-11-21, Wednesday: Chatty Cats
You might feel rather talkative today as the Moon enters Libra and your third house of communications. It's time to catch up on all your correspondence, including phone calls and email. Make connections now while the Moon favours your voice... say what you need to say, while people are listening! Advantageous colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
2012-11-21, Wednesday: Happy At Home
You'll be quite happy at home today, as the Moon transits your fourth house of home and family; however, your mate may want to go out on the town. You'll be torn between what you want to do and what your most significant other desires. Don't go out if you think you will be miserable; that will only start a fight. Be honest about the way you feel, and don't be hurt if you spend the evening alone this time. Advantageous colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 6.
2012-11-21, Wednesday: Time To Play
The Moon enters Libra and your fifth house of romance and creativity, making this the perfect time to play. Most Geminians never lose their sense of wonder, but if you have, it is time to get back in touch with that mercurial inner child. All work and no play is lethal for the Twins, so plan to have a sybaritic, not-a-care-in-the-world kind of day. Advantageous colours are amethyst purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 12.
2012-11-21, Wednesday: Good Habits
The Moon passes through Libra and your sixth house of health and service today, reminding you to take better care of yourself. This can be a good time for you in terms of health, but you need to commit yourself to practising good habits. Exercise in response to stress in your life rather than overindulge in rich and fatty foods... you'll love the results. Advantageous colours are cobalt blue and tan. Lucky numbers are 32 and 33.
2012-11-21, Wednesday: Supportive
The Moon enters your seventh house of marriage and partnerships today, placing the emphasis on your closest relationships. Do your best to be supportive of your partner; meet for lunch if at all possible. Your best friend may need you to listen today as well, so bite your tongue if you feel tempted to give advice. Sometimes all you have to do to help is just be there. Favourable colours are blush pink and carnation red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
2011-11-21, Monday: Intensify
Your relationships may intensify as the Moon enters Libra and your eighth house of sex, power, and money. Libra encourages fairness and harmony; this is the key to happiness in your intimate relationships. You may have a difference of opinion with a friend today; this person may be overreacting, so back down and give him/her some space. Advantageous colours are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2011-11-21, Monday: New Vistas
The Moon enters Libra and your ninth house of travel and adventure, urging you to explore new vistas. Trying new things such as new foods and different cultures will be uplifting for you at this time; you might even consider signing up for a course in a foreign language. Shake the cobwebs out of your life by reaching for something that excites you. Beneficial colours are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 30 and 33.
2011-11-21, Monday: Career Moves
The focus shifts to your career as the Moon enters Libra and your tenth house of career and status; you'll need to be more aware of the emotional atmosphere if you're at work today, as a power play is in the wind. A woman in your office may be supportive of you at this time - show your appreciation for those who have given you a helping hand. Advantageous colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
2011-11-21, Monday: Friendship
Friendship may be on your mind as the Moon enters Libra and your eleventh house of friends and associates today. You may find a friend needs your support during this time; conversely, if you need a shoulder to cry on, seek out a trusted pal. Sometimes it seems that no- one understands you, but there is at least one person out there who truly does, and loves you just the same! Advantageous colours are electric blue and shocking pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
2011-11-21, Monday: Sweet Solitude
You may prefer solitude to company now, as the Moon passes through Libra and your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. You have entered your low lunar cycle, so don't push yourself too hard. Stress is likely to make you more susceptible to illness today, so protect yourself with plenty of rest and vitamin C. Turn in early tonight and let your soul breathe deep. Advantageous colours are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 11 and 12.
2011-11-21, Monday: High Gear
The Moon enters Libra and your first house of personality today, helping you get back into high gear. It should be easier for you to assert yourself, as your emotional strength returns. You can make a good impression, so make important connections now. You're in demand, so take advantage of this energy! Advantageous colours are golden tan and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
2011-11-21, Monday: Urge To Splurge
The Moon enters Libra and your second house of personal finances today, giving some of you the irresistible urge to buy something. There's nothing wrong with treating yourself to a small luxury, just be sure to stay within your budget. Men and women alike often splurge as a way to reward themselves after working hard. Find something that will give you pleasure and remind you that you deserve the best. Prosperous colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
2011-11-21, Monday: Chatty Cats
You might feel rather talkative today as the Moon enters Libra and your third house of communications. It's time to catch up on all your correspondence, including phone calls and email. Make connections now while the Moon favours your voice... say what you need to say, while people are listening! Advantageous colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
2011-11-21, Monday: Happy At Home
You'll be quite happy at home today, as the Moon transits your fourth house of home and family; however, your mate may want to go out on the town. You'll be torn between what you want to do and what your most significant other desires. Don't go out if you think you will be miserable; that will only start a fight. Be honest about the way you feel, and don't be hurt if you spend the evening alone this time. Advantageous colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 6.
2011-11-21, Monday: Time To Play
The Moon enters Libra and your fifth house of romance and creativity, making this the perfect time to play. Most Geminians never lose their sense of wonder, but if you have, it is time to get back in touch with that mercurial inner child. All work and no play is lethal for the Twins, so plan to have a sybaritic, not-a-care-in-the-world kind of day. Advantageous colours are amethyst purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 12.
2011-11-21, Monday: Good Habits
The Moon passes through Libra and your sixth house of health and service today, reminding you to take better care of yourself. This can be a good time for you in terms of health, but you need to commit yourself to practising good habits. Exercise in response to stress in your life rather than overindulge in rich and fatty foods... you'll love the results. Advantageous colours are cobalt blue and tan. Lucky numbers are 32 and 33.
2011-11-21, Monday: Supportive
The Moon enters your seventh house of marriage and partnerships today, placing the emphasis on your closest relationships. Do your best to be supportive of your partner; meet for lunch if at all possible. Your best friend may need you to listen today as well, so bite your tongue if you feel tempted to give advice. Sometimes all you have to do to help is just be there. Favourable colours are blush pink and carnation red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
2010-11-21, Sunday: Full Moon
The Taurus Full Moon occurs in your third house of communication and community, bringing relationships with siblings and neighbours to a head. Many of you will feel closer to the people in your community, especially after getting to know what they really think and how they feel. Express yourself fully during this time frame. Advantageous colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
2010-11-21, Sunday: Full Moon
The Taurus Full Moon in your fourth house of home and family brings matters to a head. Patience is needed, as highly personal issues are involved. There can be wonderful improvements coming in your home environment, so be open to changes. Either way, it's time to reap what you have sown. Advantageous colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 20 and 22.
2010-11-21, Sunday: Full Moon
Many will find that this is the most romantic time of the year, and those working in creative fields should enjoy brilliant inspiration. The Taurus Full Moon occurs in your fifth house of romance and creativity, bringing these issues to fruition. Pay attention to the children in your life as they may be the key to your own spiritual growth. Advantageous colours are golden amber and amethyst purple. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2010-11-21, Sunday: Full Moon
The Taurus Full Moon occurs in your sixth house of health and service, which also rules employment issues. This may come to a head in the next day or two, so be prepared to reap what you have sewn. For some, this means good health and perhaps a coming pay raise, and for others it could mean a physical breakdown and a pink slip. If it's the latter, never fear... you can always have a better tomorrow! Advantageous colours are cobalt blue and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 24.
2010-11-21, Sunday: Full Moon
Today's Full Moon activates your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, bringing relationship issues to a head. You'll need to pay attention to what your loved ones are trying to tell you... they really mean what they say at this time. Spend the day with the most important person in your life for best results. Auspicious colours are ocean black and sea green. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2010-11-21, Sunday: Full Moon
The Taurus Full Moon occurs in your eighth house of sex, power and money, culminating in these areas. Romantic relationships and business relationships alike are affected by this moon, and power struggles over creative issues are likely. Lies may be uncovered, so be sure you are not the one who has been dishonest. Fortunate colours are coffee brown and wine red. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2010-11-21, Sunday: Full Moon
Far away places beckon as the Full Moon lights up your house of adventure. If you can't travel now, go on a journey of the mind! This is a terrific time to reap the benefits of opening your mind to new ideas, so don't let old habits keep you from trying something new. Publishing, higher education, religion and legal matters come to fruition now. Advantageous colours are olive green and maroon. Lucky numbers are 6 and 9.
2010-11-21, Sunday: Full Moon
Work-related issues come to a head as the Taurus Full Moon culminates in your tenth house of career. Next week will reveal the fruits of your labour, for better or for worse. Some Lions may be going through changes during this period, but it is nothing the brave Lion cannot handle. Prepare yourself through meditation and visualization; become what it is you want to be. Fortunate colours are earth brown and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
2010-11-21, Sunday: Full Moon
The Taurus Full Moon occurs in your eleventh house of friends and associates, bringing matters to a head among groups. Your ideals may also be affected over the next several days as personal changes begin to be more apparent. You may be saying good-bye to old friends and dreams and hello to new friends and goals. Fortunate colours are shell pink and sparkling green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 18.
2010-11-21, Sunday: Full Moon
Old fears and insecurities may come to the surface as the Taurus Full Moon culminates in your twelfth house of secrets and seclusion. Those of you who believe in past lives may find clues to them at this time, as all karmic matters come into focus. What goes around comes around is exemplified by this moon, so be sure to follow the Golden Rule. Fortunate colours are sapphire blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2010-11-21, Sunday: Full Moon
The Taurus Full Moon could be a very romantic one for you... some Bulls may even be prepared to make a lifelong commitment at this time. One way or another, relationship issues will be coming to a head over the next few days: changes in your marital status are likely and should be for the better. Good relationships are strengthened while bad ones are cleared away. Fortunate colours are true blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2010-11-21, Sunday: Full Moon
Tonight's Full Moon occurs in your second house of personal finances, activating the Sun in your eighth house of sex, money and power. These issues will be coming to a head over the next two days or so; hopefully everything will be resolved in a positive manner. However, some may be experiencing intense power struggles in their relationships. It's time to step back so that you can be more objective. Fortunate colours are chestnut brown and mint green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
2009-11-21, Saturday: Strong Bond
Your eleventh house of friends and associates is stimulated by the Moon today; you'll be in a friendly mood and ready to hang out with your gang. You may feel a strong bond of empathy with someone as Venus and Jupiter make a connection; you may even know who is calling before the telephone rings. Turn in early tonight, as the restless Moon slows the pace for the Fish, promising a dreamy day tomorrow. Auspicious colours are purple and green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2009-11-21, Saturday: Float Your Boat
The Moon in Capricorn advises that today would be best spent in quiet relaxation, Aquarius. Spend the day doing whatever floats your boat... no pressure, no stress, no hurry. Breathe deep and take time to smell the flowers in your own garden. If you really must get out and about, leave it till the wee hours tonight, when the Moon enters your sign and the Sun dives into friendly Sagittarius. Relaxing colours are pale pink and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
2009-11-21, Saturday: Clear Sailing
Today should be just beautiful as the Moon dances in your first house of personality, boosting your lunar magnetism. A little escapism won't be out of place, so go ahead and enjoy a dreamy afternoon. It's clear sailing for most Sea Goats; why not relish the relative lack of pressure? Romance can be aided by this transit... plan a romantic picnic for two. Magnetic colours are dark blue and yellow sapphire. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
2009-11-21, Saturday: Prosperity Dance
Some of you may wonder where your money's going as the Moon kicks up dust in your second house of personal finances; your money seems to be spent as fast as you can make it. Before you go blaming everyone else, do a prosperity dance. Get all the junk you don't use any more out of your house and donate it to charity, then dance naked under the stars. You'll soon find you have all the money you need. Prosperous colours are royal blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
2009-11-21, Saturday: Creative And Sensual
The Moon in your third house of communication joins lively Uranus in creative, sensual Pisces, helping you express yourself more eloquently, in words and in love. Writing poetry may help you to express the intuitions and sensitive emotions you long to express. Reading a book of pure escapist fiction is also good medicine today... hey, no one has to know what it is you're reading. All aboard Jilly Cooper! Expressive colours are red garnet and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2009-11-21, Saturday: Quiet Time
With the Moon in your fourth house of home and family, some quiet time with your loved ones is in order. You may feel like your home is a haven while the Moon blends with the Sun tonight; at the very least it can provide a temporary escape from the stressful pressures of the world. There is a fortunate atmosphere, so take a few deep breaths and relax. Healing colours are sea green and foxglove. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
2009-11-21, Saturday: Playful Mood
The Moon travels through your fifth house of romance and creativity, putting you in a playful mood. Anything can happen while unpredictable Uranus lends excitement to the day, so be prepared for anything. If you are planning a surprise for someone special, think it out carefully first, as the unexpected is a factor. It's good night for a party in your neighbourhood, followed by a good dose of cuddling up. Playful colours are bright yellow and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2009-11-21, Saturday: Make The Most Of It
Some exciting and unexpected communications of a delightful, even romantic nature may come your way. Since today is incredibly fortunate, it might pay you to take a lottery ticket. Someone's got to win it! The Sun and Moon cozy up tonight, just before the sun cruises into your house of romance, so get out there and make the most of it. Excellent colours are marigold and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 5 and 23.
2009-11-21, Saturday: Open Mind
Keep an open mind today as the Moon and Uranus urge you to try new things in your life. Why not sign up for a class with your best friend or partner? That way, if the experience turns out to be a disaster, you'll both have something to laugh about. Take a chance. After all, life is just one great big adventure, so have fun with it! Fortunate colours are antique silver and translucent amber. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2009-11-21, Saturday: Interesting Propositions
Your communication skills are unaccountably off-target today, Gemini, thanks to some weird aspects in the heavens. If you have been having peculiar fancies and worrying about how you are going to deal with financial issues, then blame it on the Moon making googly eyes at Uranus. Some good opportunities will come your way if you keep your ear to the ground. It's a good night to party on till the wee hours, when interesting propositions could come your way. Favourable colours are rose red and steely grey. Lucky numbers are 7 and 8.
2009-11-21, Saturday: Dream Crazy Dreams
The Capricorn Moon stimulates your ninth house of travel and adventure today, reminding you of all the plans you've made for the future. Yes, you should scuba dive in a lagoon in Tahiti, and don't forget to skydive in Italy next summer! Dream your grandest, craziest dreams and you might find them coming true. With Venus and Jupiter on your side, anything can happen. Fortunate colours are purple and yellow. Lucky numbers are 9 and 25.
2009-11-21, Saturday: Surprisingly Fortunate
It's a surprisingly fortunate day for the Ram, so your public image gets a good buffing. You can make a heck of a good impression today; be sure to spruce up. The mysterious forces of attraction are at work, and your naturally go-getting personality can see a successful outcome for any venture you take on today. You will have good insight into the emotional motivations of others, so don't let your ego get in the way of a potentially delightful evening. Avoid run-ins with older folk, even if they seem unduly crotchety. Excellent colours are cobalt blue and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
2008-11-21, Friday: Stimulating Energy
The Moon in Virgo and your second house of personal finances invites you to pay attention to your bank balance. You may be tempted to spend on personal obsessions as the cosmic forces clash, but if you don't have room for it, don't buy it! As Sun enters sassy Sagittarius, your creative powers are stimulated, so allow yourself to imagine, create and dream. Vibrant colours are rich purple and burnished copper. Lucky numbers are 2 and 5.
2008-11-21, Friday: Month Of Magic
You'll have your nose to the grindstone as the cosmos preoccupies you with matters of career and status. The drive to achieve may be especially strong as the Moon is challenged by Pluto. This same energy could create problems among co-workers and other associates, so be aware of the moods of others. Everything improves tonight, as the Sun surges into Sagittarius, bringing a month of magic! Beneficial colours are royal purple and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2008-11-21, Friday: Feed Your Soul
With the sensitive Moon transiting your twelfth house of secrets and spirituality, you may not care for the company of others today. Make an effort to feed your soul this afternoon, whether you indulge in aromatherapy, yoga or a chocolate ice cream treat. Being alone for any length of time should be therapeutic. Tell your loved ones you need some alone time and then take it! The weekend will be a load of fun, so tune in tomorrow and turn on the flashlights! Auspicious colours are royal blue and creamy gold. Lucky numbers are 12 and 3.
2008-11-21, Friday: Close To Home
The Moon in Virgo and your fourth house of home and family advises you to stay close to the hearth. As the Sun enters your seventh house, you may need to talk to your partner about an important issue and if you don't handle this now, it could snowball into something worse. Much can be accomplished at home today, so plan to spend your spare time working around the domicile. Fortunate colours are tawny gold and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 7 and 48.
2008-11-21, Friday: Good Habits
The Moon in Virgo and your sixth house of health and service urges you to maintain good habits. It's very important for you to keep yourself healthy; avoid poor dietary habits and be sure to practice stress-relief tactics every day. This is a good day for organizing and preparing yourself for the weeks ahead... pay attention to details you might have neglected recently. Ideal colours are pearl and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
2008-11-21, Friday: Agree To Disagree
With the Moon in Virgo, your eleventh house of friends and associates, you'll feel optimistic and friendly. Frustrations are quickly forgotten, so make an effort not to hold a grudge. You may agree to disagree with someone as the Moon and Pluto clash: just remember that everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is! Auspicious colours are salmon pink and dark green. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
2008-11-21, Friday: Charming Virgins
With the Moon dancing in Virgo and your first house of personality, you have an edge in everything you do. Your charm and grace are boosted; even those suffering from depression or frustration will find it easier to express themselves with positive results. Be open to love and other little miracles now. It's time to clear out the old stuff at home. A new broom sweeps clean. Positive colours are blueberry and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2008-11-21, Friday: Undivided Attention
The Moon in Virgo, your seventh house of marriage and partnership is focused on your relationship with your partner. The Sun entering Sagittarius creates some tension due to career obligations in weeks to come, so even if your significant other is your independent cat or your faithful dog, it's time to give your undivided attention. Take time out for the two of you and savour the pleasure of companionship. Beneficial colours are burgundy and pearl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
2008-11-21, Friday: Lighthearted
The Moon moves through Virgo and your fifth house of romance, giving you a lighthearted view of the world. This is a wonderful day for romantic encounters, so take the opportunities that come your way. Do something unexpected and wonderful for someone you care about, especially the young people in your life. Positive colours are fawn and apple green. Lucky numbers are 6 and 8.
2008-11-21, Friday: Gabfest
The Moon moving through Virgo and your third house of communications makes you more talkative. Take this opportunity to respond to your phonecalls and e-mail; you'll be extra efficient and effective with words. Someone at work may get on your nerves, by saying something that doesn't sit right with you; let it slide if you want to make a good impression on your superiors. Fortunate colours are foxglove and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 3 and 6.
2008-11-21, Friday: Something New
With the Moon in Virgo, your ninth house of travel and adventure, it's time to try something new. Even if all you do is order something you haven't tried before from your favourite restaurant, you need to expand your horizons a bit. Capricorn often takes comfort in the tried-and-true, but there is a part of you that longs for the excitement of change. Positive colours are tan and peach. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
2008-11-21, Friday: Dreams
Dreams you had last night may still be haunting you this morning; remember that monsters are just symbols for fears you have in your life. Your psychic abilities may be strong while the Moon passes through Virgo and your eighth house of sex, money and power, so if you have a strong hunch about something, you can bet on it. Friends will be fun tonight, so get out and mingle. Lively colours are sky blue and sunshine yellow. Lucky numbers are 11 and 25.
2005-11-21, Monday: Adventure Beckons
Adventure is calling you! You're eager to do something exciting and enjoyable today and if it presents you with a challenge then that will be even better. If you're going travelling you'll have a great time and could get chatting to an interesting fellow traveller at some point. It's also a marvellous day for planning a forthcoming trip, especially if it's for fun rather than work. Ideal colours are honeycomb and navy. Lucky numbers are 13 and 76.
2005-11-21, Monday: Don't Be Surprised
Don't be surprised if you receive a peculiar or strange letter about a financial matter today. It may contain errors or have been sent to you by mistake. Alternatively, it might be alerting you to a situation that you've been ignoring or kept in the dark about. There could also be some unexpected news about a friend or a forthcoming social event. One way and another it's quite a day! Ideal colours are pale pink and silvery grey. Lucky numbers are 30 and 60.
2005-11-21, Monday: New Friend
The planetary focus is about to switch, making you feel much less gregarious, so make the most of your current sociable urge while it's around. This is certainly a day for being with friends, partners and other people whose company you enjoy. You'll find it wonderfully easy to get along with them, and you might even make a new friend into the bargain. Great colours are hyacinth and peach blossom. Lucky numbers are 6 and 26.
2005-11-21, Monday: Pretty Extreme
Someone has some pretty extreme or contrary opinions and can't resist telling you all about them. Is this a wind-up? A member of the family might make some strange suggestions, but listen carefully before dismissing them as nonsense. Is there method in this madness?? Advantageous colours are ginger and persimmon. Lucky numbers are 18 and 35.
2005-11-21, Monday: Thirst For Adventure
A thirst for adventure, challenge and knowledge envelopes you. Feelings you've experienced over the past few days seem to have become stronger, so now you're on an active quest for something or someone that will give added meaning to your life. Travel could be a good option, a long-distance journey, somewhere you've never been before. Favourable colours are charcoal and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
2005-11-21, Monday: Good News
This is a lovely day for spending time with people you care about. They might be a parent or another older relative. If not, there could still be a noticeable age gap between you. If you're at work you'll enjoy being singled out for praise and you'll also want to do everything as well as possible. There should be good news about a pay rise or promotion, too. Ideal colours are tan and cream. Lucky numbers are 40 and 40.
2005-11-21, Monday: Communication Breakdown
Take care because there are communication mix-ups galore today. Your phone might go on the blink or your computer could start to misbehave, leaving you gritting your teeth in irritation. There could also be problems when talking to people you know well, because their funny little habits might cause an acute sense-of-humour failure. Cheer up, Virgo! Practical colours are silvery green and tan. Lucky numbers are 22 and 44.
2005-11-21, Monday: Familiar Surroundings
You're in a very domesticated mood today, and you'll be really happy if you can be left to potter around the house by yourself. If you can't be at home, you want to be in familiar surroundings. They'll be far more appealing than anywhere that's new or strange. At some point, you might act as a confidante for someone who needs to talk things through. Soothing colours are peach and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
2005-11-21, Monday: Have Some Fun
Have fun whenever possible today as it's a wonderful time for enjoying yourself and having a good laugh. Yes, I know it's Monday but that doesn't mean you've got to walk around with a long face all day long. Maybe you should treat yourself to something nice when your work is over for the day, or arrange to go out with someone special. You might also hear something that makes you blush with pleasure. Ideal colours are olive and beige. Lucky numbers are 20 and 15.
2005-11-21, Monday: Sharp Tongue
Someone has a sharp tongue and they're not afraid to use it. They regale you with a long list of your faults and failings, in which they take an unpleasant relish. Alternatively, they may get it into their head to give you lots of unsolicited advice in which the main thrust is your inability to behave perfectly - in other words, exactly like them. Let it wash over you. Propitious colours are lapis lazuli and saffron. Lucky numbers are 7 and 6.
2005-11-21, Monday: Great Mood
You're in a great mood, even though it's Monday. You're cheerful, friendly and keen on having a good time. You're also feeling very sociable, and will try to turn even the most minor encounter into an enjoyable meeting. What's more, you're very amenable right now, which is great for talking problems through with a partner, friend or neighbour. Positive colours are terracotta and russet. Lucky numbers are 35 and 74.
2005-11-21, Monday: Travel Problems
Be careful if you're arranging any form of travel today, whether it's a train journey or a trip around the world, because it's likely that something goes haywire. Check any tickets that are issued to you in case they're for the wrong destination, and make sure you've been given an up-to-date timetable. Even then, you may have to cope with unexpected hitches. Ho hum. Beneficial colours are grape and lilac. Lucky numbers are 36 and 26.
2004-11-21, Sunday: Intimacy
The next four weeks are the ideal time to immerse yourself in your most intimate and close relationships. Make a big effort to analyse why you are involved in the way you are, and what you can learn from the situation. The more honest you are with yourself about this, the more productive the experience will be. So look deeply into yourself. Romantic colours are ivory and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 78.
2004-11-21, Sunday: Be Receptive
The Stars favour relationships today, encouraging you to be receptive to the changes that are currently on the agenda, and to approach them with generosity and resilience. Life should be easier during the next four weeks, because you want to create harmonious atmospheres whenever possible, and partners will respond accordingly. Fortunate colours are navy and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
2004-11-21, Sunday: Exciting Opportunities
Life has a lot to offer during the coming four weeks, with plenty of exciting opportunities on the horizon. By nature you're adventurous and intrepid, so you should have no qualms about rising to challenges and experimenting with possibilities. Travel, whether it's mental or physical, will also be on the agenda now. Beneficial colours are dusky rose and lilac. Lucky numbers are 9 and 61.
2004-11-21, Sunday: Thriller
A loved one is being very forceful today and they'll make some very piercing and perceptive comments. You could get involved in a fascinating, in-depth conversation. If you've got some spare time you'll love reading a detective story or watching a thriller on TV. You might also do a little detective work of your own by trying to work out what a certain person is up to. Fortunate colours are hazelnut and silvery grey. Lucky numbers are 34 and 64.
2004-11-21, Sunday: Talk It Through
The best way to sort out any domestic problems or family dramas is to talk them through today. However, you must guard against the tendency to assign blame if it isn't warranted, to dredge up past scores or to act like judge and jury. You should also know when to drop the subject and move on to something else. Don't keep gnawing away at it like a terrier with a bone. Beneficial colours are violet and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
2004-11-21, Sunday: Foot In Mouth
You have a strong need to say what you think today, and you certainly won't want to pussyfoot around or choose your words carefully. Actually, you're capable of making some very astute and convincing comments now because you're viewing life with such clarity, but some people may find you too uncompromising for comfort and refuse to listen to what you're saying. Subtle colours are salmon pink and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 20 and 15.
2004-11-21, Sunday: Get To Grips
Get to grips with financial matters today. You're in exactly the right frame of mind for them, because you're feeling analytical and have great powers of concentration, and it will be a relief to get them out of the way. If you find any anomalies or queries, take note of them so you can sort them out during the next few days. Practical colours are navy and apricot. Lucky numbers are 31 and 53.
2004-11-21, Sunday: Razor Sharp
Your mind is as sharp as a razor and extremely incisive today. You're able to look beyond the superficial to what's really going on, particularly when it comes to analysing your own actions and motives. You're in no mood to fool yourself, nor to baulk at thinking about unpleasant or troubling situations if that's what's required of you. Auspicious colours are peacock blue and iridescent orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 57.
2004-11-21, Sunday: Behind The Scenes
This is an absolutely marvellous day for doing research or finding out what's going on behind the scenes. You've got a nose for secrets right now, and you'll do your best to sniff them out like a bloodhound. However, it's vital that you know when to stop, otherwise you may pry into things that are none of your concern or you might become lost in a sea of unnecessary detail. Favourable colours are grapefruit and shell pink. Lucky numbers are 19 and 39.
2004-11-21, Sunday: Upbeat Mood
Thank goodness you're feeling much more jolly today. You might laugh at yesterday's miserable mood if you've now realized that you were worrying about nothing, or you may simply be able to rise above it if the situation has continued. Ideally, you should do something that takes you out of yourself and sets you up for the week ahead. A change of scene might do the trick. Expressive colours are golden honey and jet black. Lucky numbers are 24 and 7.
2004-11-21, Sunday: Don't Be Brainwashed
A friend is extremely sure of what they're saying and thinking, and it seems they're determined to get you to agree with them. Be careful, because they're being very single-minded and they won't like it if you argue the toss or refuse to play ball, yet you won't want to be brainwashed into believing everything they tell you. Actually, you're probably being as stubborn as they are! Beneficial colours are kiwifruit and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 33 and 73.
2004-11-21, Sunday: Penetrating
You have the ability to penetrate deep below the surface of situations today to find out what's really going on. This will be very helpful if you're hoping to clear up a mystery or solve a problem, but beware of a tendency to become obsessed with finding answers to questions. This will make you appear very nosy and insensitive, prying into things that are nothing to do with you. Fortunate colours are moonlight blue and dusky pink. Lucky numbers are 5 and 69.
2003-11-21, Friday: Completely Unplanned
The Moon links in with Uranus and offers you a waterslide ride through an array of changes that leave you stunned and amazed. They are swift and wonderful and completely unplanned. Life can be trusted to deliver on your wishes. The timing is out of your hands. Delicious colours are chrome yellow and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 33 and 66.
2003-11-21, Friday: Distant Climes
With the Moon in your ninth house of faraway places, cultural pursuits and the higher mind, those of you who are not struggling with in-laws, will be dreaming of distant climes. It's just the moment to plan your vacation. Don't be surprised if a dashing foreigner hands you flowers. Adventurous colours are hot pink and ebony. Lucky numbers are 3 and 27.
2003-11-21, Friday: Plans Disrupted
Plans may be disrupted by the weather, war, or other forces in your outer environment. The best approach would be to adopt an unusual or different approach to things on a personal level. Your association with friends and organizations will aid matters if conflict arises at work. Providential colours are blue sapphire and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 22 and 47.
2003-11-21, Friday: What the Doctor Ordered
The Libran Moon ignites your love of the finer things in life. It inspires you to go and get a bit of culture. To take a walk by the light of the softly fading lunar disk, while the stars twinkle in your beloved's eye, may be just what the doctor ordered. Inventive colours are sensual pink and clotted cream. Lucky numbers are 11 and 33.
2003-11-21, Friday: In Perspective
The gentle Moon glides through Libra and your twelfth house of secrets. Use this time to rebalance your mind and put things into perspective. Decisions can be messy, but the ideas that are germinating will soon shine new light on hidden issues. Indecisiveness is generally nothing but fear. Good colours are yellow and white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2003-11-21, Friday: Excellent for Socialising
The next four weeks are excellent for socialising and catching up with people you haven't seen for a long time. Don't leave Christmas preparations until the last minute as it could spoil the festivities and put you in a bad mood. If you plan now, you should have an extremely good holiday. Beneficial colours are bronze and sea green. Lucky numbers are 42 and 59.
2003-11-21, Friday: Be Objective
The Moon rides on the swinging Scales of Libra, and whilst it is there you are called upon to be unprejudiced and objective. Justice demands that you be cool, distant and uninvolved. It will be difficult to plan anything today as routines are upset and goals keep shifting - all you can do is go with the flow. Favourable colour is ruby red. Lucky numbers are 17 and 30.
2003-11-21, Friday: Eyes Wide Shut
The Libran Moon helps you to see beauty in all that is unfolding around you. The capacity to see and feel loveliness has a lot to do with you. If you are locked in darkness you will only see darkness. Do what you need to do to make yourself happy. Auspicious colours are pale gold and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 59.
2003-11-21, Friday: Torrid Emotions
The Moon is still in Libra, which tends to bore you with its romantic idealism. You know full well that love involves navigating some pretty torrid emotions and not from having one's head in the clouds. Be patient, Cancer. Wait for the one you love to come to you. It could be tonight, when the Moon enters sultry Scorpio. Favourable colours are pale grey and mustard yellow. Lucky numbers are 20 and 46.
2003-11-21, Friday: Friends and Lovers
With the witty Moon in your companion air sign Libra, you feel as though the world is populated by friends rather than by enemies. Longings that have been long buried come swimming to the surface; get back to what is real for you. Auspicious colours are rose pink and silvery grey. Lucky numbers are 21 and 74.
2003-11-21, Friday: Sense Of Humour
The Moon in Libra generally promotes peace and harmony, but not for you, my beautiful Rams. If you've ever seen a Libran in action, there is a good chance of more chaos, rather than less! Now is a good time to activate your sense of humour... Ideal colours are violet and aqua. Lucky numbers are 10 and 33.
2003-11-21, Friday: Mars Energy
Mars sends you a little tremor of energy from Pisces today and it puts your intuition into overdrive. You realise without a shadow of doubt that the truer you are to yourself, the more depth, satisfaction and success comes your way. Auspicious colours are lime and bronze. Lucky numbers are 8 and 29.