Cancer's Horoscopes |



Born between: June 21st - July 22nd

Supportive and encouraging those born under the Cancer sign are lovers that strive in the home setting. Traditional in their beliefs they are often conservative although they value unaccompanied time, greatly.

2024-08-23, Friday
A friend you may not have seen for a while could awaken strange new feelings for which you're unprepared, Cancer. You may see this person as a potential romantic partner. What you do about it depends on your situation. It probably isn't a good idea to pursue this attraction today. It may pass. Wait a few days. If it's still there, who knows?
2023-08-23, Wednesday: Power Of Pleasure
As Mars strides into Scorpio, you need little urging to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into speculative ventures, social events, and activities related to entertainment or a vacation. Creative juices flow during this time, but there is no telling exactly how or where you will direct them. Romantic notions are apt to be physically carried out. Inspiration and imagination spark artistic endeavors. Children will be a riot, so don't lose your temper. Favorable colors are dark red and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2022-08-23, Tuesday: Power Of Pleasure
As Mars strides into Scorpio, you need little urging to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into speculative ventures, social events, and activities related to entertainment or a vacation. Creative juices flow during this time, but there is no telling exactly how or where you will direct them. Romantic notions are apt to be physically carried out. Inspiration and imagination spark artistic endeavors. Children will be a riot, so don't lose your temper. Favorable colors are dark red and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2021-08-23, Monday: Power Of Pleasure
As Mars strides into Scorpio, you need little urging to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into speculative ventures, social events, and activities related to entertainment or a vacation. Creative juices flow during this time, but there is no telling exactly how or where you will direct them. Romantic notions are apt to be physically carried out. Inspiration and imagination spark artistic endeavors. Children will be a riot, so don't lose your temper. Favorable colors are dark red and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2020-08-23, Sunday: Power Of Pleasure
As Mars strides into Scorpio, you need little urging to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into speculative ventures, social events, and activities related to entertainment or a vacation. Creative juices flow during this time, but there is no telling exactly how or where you will direct them. Romantic notions are apt to be physically carried out. Inspiration and imagination spark artistic endeavors. Children will be a riot, so don't lose your temper. Favorable colors are dark red and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2019-08-23, Friday: Power Of Pleasure
As Mars strides into Scorpio, you need little urging to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into speculative ventures, social events, and activities related to entertainment or a vacation. Creative juices flow during this time, but there is no telling exactly how or where you will direct them. Romantic notions are apt to be physically carried out. Inspiration and imagination spark artistic endeavors. Children will be a riot, so don't lose your temper. Favorable colors are dark red and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2018-08-23, Thursday: Power Of Pleasure
As Mars strides into Scorpio, you need little urging to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into speculative ventures, social events, and activities related to entertainment or a vacation. Creative juices flow during this time, but there is no telling exactly how or where you will direct them. Romantic notions are apt to be physically carried out. Inspiration and imagination spark artistic endeavors. Children will be a riot, so don't lose your temper. Favorable colors are dark red and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2017-08-23, Wednesday: Power Of Pleasure
As Mars strides into Scorpio, you need little urging to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into speculative ventures, social events, and activities related to entertainment or a vacation. Creative juices flow during this time, but there is no telling exactly how or where you will direct them. Romantic notions are apt to be physically carried out. Inspiration and imagination spark artistic endeavors. Children will be a riot, so don't lose your temper. Favorable colors are dark red and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2016-08-23, Tuesday: Power Of Pleasure
As Mars strides into Scorpio, you need little urging to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into speculative ventures, social events, and activities related to entertainment or a vacation. Creative juices flow during this time, but there is no telling exactly how or where you will direct them. Romantic notions are apt to be physically carried out. Inspiration and imagination spark artistic endeavors. Children will be a riot, so don't lose your temper. Favorable colors are dark red and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2015-08-23, Sunday: Power Of Pleasure
As Mars strides into Scorpio, you need little urging to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into speculative ventures, social events, and activities related to entertainment or a vacation. Creative juices flow during this time, but there is no telling exactly how or where you will direct them. Romantic notions are apt to be physically carried out. Inspiration and imagination spark artistic endeavors. Children will be a riot, so don't lose your temper. Favorable colors are dark red and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2014-08-23, Saturday: Power Of Pleasure
As Mars strides into Scorpio, you need little urging to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into speculative ventures, social events, and activities related to entertainment or a vacation. Creative juices flow during this time, but there is no telling exactly how or where you will direct them. Romantic notions are apt to be physically carried out. Inspiration and imagination spark artistic endeavors. Children will be a riot, so don't lose your temper. Favorable colors are dark red and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2013-08-23, Friday: Power Of Pleasure
As Mars strides into Scorpio, you need little urging to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into speculative ventures, social events, and activities related to entertainment or a vacation. Creative juices flow during this time, but there is no telling exactly how or where you will direct them. Romantic notions are apt to be physically carried out. Inspiration and imagination spark artistic endeavors. Children will be a riot, so don't lose your temper. Favorable colors are dark red and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2012-08-23, Thursday: Power Of Pleasure
As Mars strides into Scorpio, you need little urging to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into speculative ventures, social events, and activities related to entertainment or a vacation. Creative juices flow during this time, but there is no telling exactly how or where you will direct them. Romantic notions are apt to be physically carried out. Inspiration and imagination spark artistic endeavors. Children will be a riot, so don't lose your temper. Favorable colors are dark red and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2011-08-23, Tuesday: On the Road
Travel is in the stars during the next month as the Sun moves into Virgo. If you need to go to the mountain then get cracking -- don't wait for it to come to you. Be authoritative in business dealings, but have the facts at your disposal. Take charge of the business process, and make sure your methods are practical and efficient. A door may open (or close!) quite suddenly. Opportune colours are apricot and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
2009-08-23, Sunday: Inner Voice
You may find that it is hard to leave home this morning... in fact, you may not want to wake up from the strange and wonderful dreams you've been having. You are likely to be more psychic than usual as Venus and Uranus harmonize, so if you have a strong feeling about something, you are probably right. Relationships with partners can be transformed. Use your inner voice as a guide. Advantageous colours are sea green and royal blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 15.
2008-08-23, Saturday: Romantic Energies
Romantic energies are heating up for you, dear Cancer. A delightful attraction could suddenly come over you, perhaps at a party in the local area, but the outcome may not be the ultimate committed relationship you are seeking. If you are feeling flirty, be sure you don't arouse jealousy, or antagonism may be awakened which would lead to family conflict. Alluring colours are amethyst and royal blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 29.
2007-08-23, Thursday: The Underdog
You'll be fighting for the good of someone or some cause that cannot defend itself today. Your energy is courageous and based on the conviction of your belief in helping to promote expansion for those in need. Polarising colours are oyster and lemon. Lucky numbers are 9 and 74.
2005-08-23, Tuesday: Light Relief
The astrological accent has been on finance for the past four weeks, as you know only too well, so I'm happy to report that things start to change from today. You're now being given the chance to get out and about a bit, and to think of other things besides how much or how little money you've got to your name. Pick up the phone and start arranging to see friends. You deserve some light relief! Auspicious colours are peacock blue and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
2004-08-23, Monday: Natter, Natter
Let's face it, you could talk the hind leg off a donkey or the ears off your best friend today. You've got plenty to say and you'll jump at the chance to get it off your chest. You may have a burning desire to impart some fascinating news, but try not to hog the conversation completely so that everyone else has no choice but to listen or to walk away. If you aren't careful, they'll do the latter through sheer boredom. Not good news.

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