Cancer's Horoscopes |



Born between: June 21st - July 22nd

Supportive and encouraging those born under the Cancer sign are lovers that strive in the home setting. Traditional in their beliefs they are often conservative although they value unaccompanied time, greatly.

2025-02-16, Sunday
Some professional colleagues might be coming to visit, Cancer, and you may not be looking forward to it. You could be worried. How will it go? Will you make a good impression? Don't drive yourself crazy. It will be fine. Family members should be doing well regarding their responsibilities, although you might be a bit worried about them today. Relax. All is going to go very well.
2024-02-16, Friday: The Little Things
It's the little things that need attention. The detail you miss will be the one that kicks back later on. Don't fight with female co- workers -- compromise is the key word. Find a way to work things out. Take care of your health by eating well and getting some exercise in the open air. Ideal colors are shocking pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
2023-02-16, Thursday: The Little Things
It's the little things that need attention. The detail you miss will be the one that kicks back later on. Don't fight with female co- workers -- compromise is the key word. Find a way to work things out. Take care of your health by eating well and getting some exercise in the open air. Ideal colors are shocking pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
2022-02-16, Wednesday: The Little Things
It's the little things that need attention. The detail you miss will be the one that kicks back later on. Don't fight with female co- workers -- compromise is the key word. Find a way to work things out. Take care of your health by eating well and getting some exercise in the open air. Ideal colors are shocking pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
2021-02-16, Tuesday: The Little Things
It's the little things that need attention. The detail you miss will be the one that kicks back later on. Don't fight with female co- workers -- compromise is the key word. Find a way to work things out. Take care of your health by eating well and getting some exercise in the open air. Ideal colors are shocking pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
2020-02-16, Sunday: The Little Things
It's the little things that need attention. The detail you miss will be the one that kicks back later on. Don't fight with female co- workers -- compromise is the key word. Find a way to work things out. Take care of your health by eating well and getting some exercise in the open air. Ideal colors are shocking pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
2019-02-16, Saturday: The Little Things
It's the little things that need attention. The detail you miss will be the one that kicks back later on. Don't fight with female co- workers -- compromise is the key word. Find a way to work things out. Take care of your health by eating well and getting some exercise in the open air. Ideal colors are shocking pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
2018-02-16, Friday: The Little Things
It's the little things that need attention. The detail you miss will be the one that kicks back later on. Don't fight with female co- workers -- compromise is the key word. Find a way to work things out. Take care of your health by eating well and getting some exercise in the open air. Ideal colors are shocking pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
2017-02-16, Thursday: The Little Things
It's the little things that need attention. The detail you miss will be the one that kicks back later on. Don't fight with female co- workers -- compromise is the key word. Find a way to work things out. Take care of your health by eating well and getting some exercise in the open air. Ideal colors are shocking pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
2016-02-16, Tuesday: The Little Things
It's the little things that need attention. The detail you miss will be the one that kicks back later on. Don't fight with female co- workers -- compromise is the key word. Find a way to work things out. Take care of your health by eating well and getting some exercise in the open air. Ideal colors are shocking pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
2015-02-16, Monday: The Little Things
It's the little things that need attention. The detail you miss will be the one that kicks back later on. Don't fight with female co- workers -- compromise is the key word. Find a way to work things out. Take care of your health by eating well and getting some exercise in the open air. Ideal colors are shocking pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
2014-02-16, Sunday: The Little Things
It's the little things that need attention. The detail you miss will be the one that kicks back later on. Don't fight with female co- workers -- compromise is the key word. Find a way to work things out. Take care of your health by eating well and getting some exercise in the open air. Ideal colors are shocking pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
2012-02-16, Thursday: The Little Things
It's the little things that need attention. The detail you miss will be the one that kicks back later on. Don't fight with female co- workers -- compromise is the key word. Find a way to work things out. Take care of your health by eating well and getting some exercise in the open air. Ideal colors are shocking pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
2011-02-16, Wednesday: Excellent Developments
Try to find a balance while the Moon passes through your second house of personal finances, challenging deceptive Neptune in your house of other people's money. You may be giving away too much, whether it is your tangible or intangible valuables. Then again, this is a potentially spiritual time for you. Just remember, you don't have to give away everything and join a convent to be cleansed. Some excellent developments could emerge in your career environment, or for someone important in your life. Favourable colours are sage green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
2010-02-16, Tuesday: Culture Calls
You may enjoy discussing religious and philosophic matters with your best friend or lover today. Seek out those who are like-minded and enjoy pleasant conversation, which will be both uplifting and entertaining. If you are working out the details to a mutual plan of action regarding educational or legal pursuits, be sure you both understand the steps involved. Excellent colours are tan and apricot. Lucky numbers are 15 and 16.
2006-02-16, Thursday: Be Prudent
Friends have been a good support recently, but now you need to stand on your own two feet. Take the bull by the horns and leap forward to a new level, as the new phase begins. Anxieties and risky moves are tied together today, so you would be well advised to fall back on secure traditions. They will stand you in good stead, as a foundation for the leap. Listen to wiser heads, especially in financial matters, but in the end it's your decision. Auspicious colours are apricot and silver. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
2005-02-16, Wednesday: Stretch Your Brain
The next three weeks are the ideal opportunity for you to stretch your brain and give it a good work-out. You can do this in many different ways, but whatever you try you'll notice that you're far more inquisitive than usual and will want to find out facts for yourself. This might mean surfing the web to track down some information, getting lost in a fascinating book that expands your knowledge, or learning something new and compelling. Outrageous colours are gunmetal grey and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 33 and 59.
2004-02-16, Monday: Partnership
Today will be all about give and take, as the moody Moon moves through Capricorn and your solar seventh house of partners and close associates. Fulfil your responsibilities to others; you may have alter your schedule. An older person may bring tension to the home, so work to resolve things. If someone takes a set against you, negotiate with them. Harmonious colours are pearl and azure. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.

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