Born between: June 21st - July 22nd
Supportive and encouraging those born under the Cancer sign are lovers that strive in the home setting. Traditional in their beliefs they are often conservative although they value unaccompanied time, greatly.
Romance should pick up speed today, Cancer. You could discover that you and a current or potential romantic partner have many spiritual interests in common. You might attend some lectures or workshops on one of these subjects together. Take care not to plan too much at once. One or both of you could run into conflicts and end up disappointing the other. Schedule a few and stick to your plans.
2024-03-05, Tuesday: Feeling Expansive
You will be feeling very expansive, but try to avoid going over the top. If you can discipline yourself, there is luck around, thanks to Venus. Your personal aspirations and happiness, especially the satisfaction you derive (or do not derive, as the case may be) from the role you play in your various relationships. The social aspects of romance may be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Fortunate colors are peridot and sage. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
2023-03-05, Sunday: Feeling Expansive
You will be feeling very expansive, but try to avoid going over the top. If you can discipline yourself, there is luck around, thanks to Venus. Your personal aspirations and happiness, especially the satisfaction you derive (or do not derive, as the case may be) from the role you play in your various relationships. The social aspects of romance may be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Fortunate colors are peridot and sage. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
2022-03-05, Saturday: Feeling Expansive
You will be feeling very expansive, but try to avoid going over the top. If you can discipline yourself, there is luck around, thanks to Venus. Your personal aspirations and happiness, especially the satisfaction you derive (or do not derive, as the case may be) from the role you play in your various relationships. The social aspects of romance may be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Fortunate colors are peridot and sage. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
2021-03-05, Friday: Feeling Expansive
You will be feeling very expansive, but try to avoid going over the top. If you can discipline yourself, there is luck around, thanks to Venus. Your personal aspirations and happiness, especially the satisfaction you derive (or do not derive, as the case may be) from the role you play in your various relationships. The social aspects of romance may be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Fortunate colors are peridot and sage. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
2020-03-05, Thursday: Feeling Expansive
You will be feeling very expansive, but try to avoid going over the top. If you can discipline yourself, there is luck around, thanks to Venus. Your personal aspirations and happiness, especially the satisfaction you derive (or do not derive, as the case may be) from the role you play in your various relationships. The social aspects of romance may be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Fortunate colors are peridot and sage. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
2019-03-05, Tuesday: Feeling Expansive
You will be feeling very expansive, but try to avoid going over the top. If you can discipline yourself, there is luck around, thanks to Venus. Your personal aspirations and happiness, especially the satisfaction you derive (or do not derive, as the case may be) from the role you play in your various relationships. The social aspects of romance may be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Fortunate colors are peridot and sage. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
2018-03-05, Monday: Feeling Expansive
You will be feeling very expansive, but try to avoid going over the top. If you can discipline yourself, there is luck around, thanks to Venus. Your personal aspirations and happiness, especially the satisfaction you derive (or do not derive, as the case may be) from the role you play in your various relationships. The social aspects of romance may be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Fortunate colors are peridot and sage. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
2017-03-05, Sunday: Feeling Expansive
You will be feeling very expansive, but try to avoid going over the top. If you can discipline yourself, there is luck around, thanks to Venus. Your personal aspirations and happiness, especially the satisfaction you derive (or do not derive, as the case may be) from the role you play in your various relationships. The social aspects of romance may be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Fortunate colors are peridot and sage. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
2016-03-05, Saturday: Feeling Expansive
You will be feeling very expansive, but try to avoid going over the top. If you can discipline yourself, there is luck around, thanks to Venus. Your personal aspirations and happiness, especially the satisfaction you derive (or do not derive, as the case may be) from the role you play in your various relationships. The social aspects of romance may be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Fortunate colors are peridot and sage. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
2015-03-05, Thursday: Feeling Expansive
You will be feeling very expansive, but try to avoid going over the top. If you can discipline yourself, there is luck around, thanks to Venus. Your personal aspirations and happiness, especially the satisfaction you derive (or do not derive, as the case may be) from the role you play in your various relationships. The social aspects of romance may be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Fortunate colors are peridot and sage. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
2014-03-05, Wednesday: Feeling Expansive
You will be feeling very expansive, but try to avoid going over the top. If you can discipline yourself, there is luck around, thanks to Venus. Your personal aspirations and happiness, especially the satisfaction you derive (or do not derive, as the case may be) from the role you play in your various relationships. The social aspects of romance may be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Fortunate colors are peridot and sage. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
2012-03-05, Monday: Feeling Expansive
You will be feeling very expansive, but try to avoid going over the top. If you can discipline yourself, there is luck around, thanks to Venus. Your personal aspirations and happiness, especially the satisfaction you derive (or do not derive, as the case may be) from the role you play in your various relationships. The social aspects of romance may be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Fortunate colors are peridot and sage. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
2011-03-05, Saturday: Flying Solo
Whatever anyone else wants, you want to do something different. Gosh. Definitely a day for flying solo. But you may need to put a brake on certain plans, since you'll be impatient and reckless. With a little more discipline, you can achieve so much more. Companions can't keep up with you or understand what you're on about if you're going too fast. Beneficial colours are hazelnut and peach. Lucky numbers are 22 and 25.
2010-03-05, Friday: Stirred, Not Shaken
The fertile Scorpio Moon can mean pregnancy for some Crustaceans and romance for others; either way, your creative juices will be stirred. Passion, for better or for worse, is practically guaranteed by Uranus adding a note of excitement to the mix... hang on to your hats because you are in for one exciting ride. Go with the flow, because one way or another, change is going to find you. Favourable colours are bubble gum pink and purple grape. Lucky numbers are 21 and 29.
2009-03-05, Thursday: Second Wind
After a slow but dreamy start to the morning, you should have a second wind later when the Moon enters your first house of personality. In fact, you may have so much energy that it is hard to fall asleep tonight. Avoid caffeine (including chocolate) and stimulating activity after the sun sets. Try taking a warm bath about an hour before bedtime to ensure a good night's sleep. Favourable colours are rose red and moonglow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2008-03-05, Wednesday: Insecure
There's a lot going on these days in the finances of your partner or spouse. You may have a strong feeling of insecurity about this, but should understand that your partner is trying to make his or her dreams come true for your mutual long-term financial stability. Prosperous colours are crimson and navy. Lucky numbers are 7 and 28.
2006-03-05, Sunday: Life's Mysteries
Life's mysteries take on a whole new meaning for you, Cancer, as soulful Venus cruises into your eighth house of sex, money and power. If you are involved in any secret goings-on, or covert activities, they will receive more attention from the world at large in coming weeks. It is a good period to undertake group therapy, but even if you don't you are likely to involve a partner in your activities, particularly if they entail sexual or mystical expression, or both! Beneficial colours are ruby red and bright emerald. Lucky numbers are 12 and 8.
2005-03-05, Saturday: Too Ambitious?
Start thinking about your career and long-term plans from today. How can you achieve some of your ambitions, or do you need to scrap them and start again with something more exciting? Try to get things under way by the 20th. If you've been toying with the idea of changing jobs and doing something totally different, this is a great opportunity to look into retraining schemes. Favourable colours are rose and purple. Lucky numbers are 33 and 44.
2004-03-05, Friday: Wonderful Knack
You have a wonderful knack of putting others at their ease, so you are more than welcome wherever you go. But you demand elbow room and will run a mile at the first whiff of possessiveness. You are keeping your strong feelings firmly to yourself. Even close companions may find it difficult to know quite what runs below the surface, but you sense that one old resentment has finally been put to rest. Positive colours are indigo and lime. Lucky numbers are 14 and 62.