Born between: June 21st - July 22nd
Supportive and encouraging those born under the Cancer sign are lovers that strive in the home setting. Traditional in their beliefs they are often conservative although they value unaccompanied time, greatly.
Start your day slowly, Cancer, giving yourself time to recuperate. Focus on staying hydrated and eating nourishing foods to regain energy. Once you’re ready, tackle those tedious tasks first. Prioritize them in chunks, setting a timer to keep yourself motivated. As you check off each item, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment that boosts your mood. In the afternoon, shift your attention to projects that truly excite you. This transition will reignite your passion and drive, making the rest of the day enjoyable and fulfilling. By evening, reward yourself with some relaxation or a fun activity.
2024-03-07, Thursday: Bogged Down In Trivia
Don't get bogged down in trivia, Cancer. If you can stand further back to see the full picture, you will reach better judgements. There could be travel difficulties today, mainly because you're not concentrating sensibly and are constantly changing your mind about your plans. Sit down at the start and write out a list of destinations and times, and you might even arrive at some of them. Fortunate colors are dark grape and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 34 and 29.
2023-03-07, Tuesday: Bogged Down In Trivia
Don't get bogged down in trivia, Cancer. If you can stand further back to see the full picture, you will reach better judgements. There could be travel difficulties today, mainly because you're not concentrating sensibly and are constantly changing your mind about your plans. Sit down at the start and write out a list of destinations and times, and you might even arrive at some of them. Fortunate colors are dark grape and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 34 and 29.
2022-03-07, Monday: Bogged Down In Trivia
Don't get bogged down in trivia, Cancer. If you can stand further back to see the full picture, you will reach better judgements. There could be travel difficulties today, mainly because you're not concentrating sensibly and are constantly changing your mind about your plans. Sit down at the start and write out a list of destinations and times, and you might even arrive at some of them. Fortunate colors are dark grape and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 34 and 29.
2021-03-07, Sunday: Bogged Down In Trivia
Don't get bogged down in trivia, Cancer. If you can stand further back to see the full picture, you will reach better judgements. There could be travel difficulties today, mainly because you're not concentrating sensibly and are constantly changing your mind about your plans. Sit down at the start and write out a list of destinations and times, and you might even arrive at some of them. Fortunate colors are dark grape and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 34 and 29.
2020-03-07, Saturday: Bogged Down In Trivia
Don't get bogged down in trivia, Cancer. If you can stand further back to see the full picture, you will reach better judgements. There could be travel difficulties today, mainly because you're not concentrating sensibly and are constantly changing your mind about your plans. Sit down at the start and write out a list of destinations and times, and you might even arrive at some of them. Fortunate colors are dark grape and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 34 and 29.
2019-03-07, Thursday: Bogged Down In Trivia
Don't get bogged down in trivia, Cancer. If you can stand further back to see the full picture, you will reach better judgements. There could be travel difficulties today, mainly because you're not concentrating sensibly and are constantly changing your mind about your plans. Sit down at the start and write out a list of destinations and times, and you might even arrive at some of them. Fortunate colors are dark grape and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 34 and 29.
2018-03-07, Wednesday: Bogged Down In Trivia
Don't get bogged down in trivia, Cancer. If you can stand further back to see the full picture, you will reach better judgements. There could be travel difficulties today, mainly because you're not concentrating sensibly and are constantly changing your mind about your plans. Sit down at the start and write out a list of destinations and times, and you might even arrive at some of them. Fortunate colors are dark grape and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 34 and 29.
2017-03-07, Tuesday: Bogged Down In Trivia
Don't get bogged down in trivia, Cancer. If you can stand further back to see the full picture, you will reach better judgements. There could be travel difficulties today, mainly because you're not concentrating sensibly and are constantly changing your mind about your plans. Sit down at the start and write out a list of destinations and times, and you might even arrive at some of them. Fortunate colors are dark grape and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 34 and 29.
2016-03-07, Monday: Bogged Down In Trivia
Don't get bogged down in trivia, Cancer. If you can stand further back to see the full picture, you will reach better judgements. There could be travel difficulties today, mainly because you're not concentrating sensibly and are constantly changing your mind about your plans. Sit down at the start and write out a list of destinations and times, and you might even arrive at some of them. Fortunate colors are dark grape and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 34 and 29.
2015-03-07, Saturday: Bogged Down In Trivia
Don't get bogged down in trivia, Cancer. If you can stand further back to see the full picture, you will reach better judgements. There could be travel difficulties today, mainly because you're not concentrating sensibly and are constantly changing your mind about your plans. Sit down at the start and write out a list of destinations and times, and you might even arrive at some of them. Fortunate colors are dark grape and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 34 and 29.
2014-03-07, Friday: Bogged Down In Trivia
Don't get bogged down in trivia, Cancer. If you can stand further back to see the full picture, you will reach better judgements. There could be travel difficulties today, mainly because you're not concentrating sensibly and are constantly changing your mind about your plans. Sit down at the start and write out a list of destinations and times, and you might even arrive at some of them. Fortunate colors are dark grape and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 34 and 29.
2012-03-07, Wednesday: Bogged Down In Trivia
Don't get bogged down in trivia, Cancer. If you can stand further back to see the full picture, you will reach better judgements. There could be travel difficulties today, mainly because you're not concentrating sensibly and are constantly changing your mind about your plans. Sit down at the start and write out a list of destinations and times, and you might even arrive at some of them. Fortunate colors are dark grape and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 34 and 29.
2011-03-07, Monday: Soothe And Smoothe
It's the right day to soothe and smoothe, build bridges and make career associates or workmates feel more at ease. A sense of caution fills the atmosphere. Avoid arguments at home or work, but stand up for yourself with the family or loved ones. Be charming, but hold your ground if anyone looks like taking your good nature for granted. Favourable colours are duckegg blue and pastel peach. Lucky numbers are 11 and 24.
2010-03-07, Sunday: Indigestion
If you find yourself dealing with extended family members today, you may end up with indigestion. Family relationships may seem pleasant on the surface, but are likely to be seething with resentment underneath. It seems the harder you try to please, the less you are appreciated. The trick is just to be yourself, whether they like it or not. You may be surprised at the results. Advantageous colours are beige and blue grey. Lucky numbers are 27 and 32.
2008-03-07, Friday: New Moon
There is a New Moon in Pisces today that falls in your ninth house of expansion, so it's a wonderful time for you to begin a new learning adventure or spiritual quest. If you are in the publishing or advertising fields or involved in a legal matter - expect fortunate opportunities and outcomes. Expansive colours are dark green and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 12 and 63.
2006-03-07, Tuesday: Bring The Matches
Friendly relationships don't quite gel, due to a lack of physical energy or strong emotional commitment. Avoid socializing with the higher ups, as the excitement can lead to conflict and arguments. Stay calm and warm and dry, Cancer. If you want to set the world on fire, be sure to remember to bring the matches. Your true purpose may become clear, but there will be considerable covert opposition. Propitious colours are silver and green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 28.
2005-03-07, Monday: Loads Of Patience
You need loads of patience today because you're going to need it. Someone is standing in the way of your plans and being obstructive, and you're completely stymied. Not that you will be for long, once you've worked out a strategy. Do something else that's constructive and therapeutic, otherwise you'll feel really frustrated and annoyed. Auspicious colours are avocado and black satin. Lucky numbers are 31 and 65.
2004-03-07, Sunday: Lighten Up
You may not be the life and soul of the party, but you will be there long after the fair-weather gadabouts have floated off elsewhere. Just don't get too gloomy or look on the bleak side of everything. Lighten up. Life will reward you the harder you try, though you must find time for relaxation as well as serious endeavours. Otherwise you could end up a loner, having to make your way in the world unaided. Advantageous colours are mahogany and ivy. Lucky numbers are 48 and 54.