Capricorn's Horoscopes |



Born between: Dec 22nd - Jan 19th

Highly intelligent and organised, the Capricorn star sign often relates to characterises of perseverance and planning. Capricorns need to be careful to not take on too many of other people's problems on top of their own.

2025-02-11, Tuesday
This is a climactic time for you, Capricorn. All your yearly cycles have reached a critical juncture. You may feel as if you're at a point of tremendous victory or terrible failure. Either way, it's important that you look on this time as a celebration that you've made it this far. Make changes where necessary and continue to reevaluate your progress over the next few months.
2024-02-11, Sunday: Cruising
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colors are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.
2023-02-11, Saturday: Cruising
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colors are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.
2022-02-11, Friday: Cruising
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colors are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.
2021-02-11, Thursday: Cruising
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colors are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.
2019-02-11, Monday: Cruising
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colors are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.
2018-02-11, Sunday: Cruising
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colors are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.
2017-02-11, Saturday: Cruising
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colors are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.
2016-02-11, Thursday: Cruising
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colors are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.
2015-02-11, Wednesday: Cruising
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colors are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.
2014-02-11, Tuesday: Cruising
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colors are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.
2012-02-11, Saturday: Cruising
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colors are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.
2011-02-11, Friday: Focus On Health
After a day of rather chaotic conditions, the Moon rolls into your sixth house of health and service, making your physical, spiritual and mental health the focus over the weekend. Make an effort to eat healthy, nutritious foods and drink the recommended eight glasses of water today. Gentle stretching exercises such as Yoga or Pilates will help you get in shape, clear your mind, and improve your posture. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 23 and 27.
2010-02-11, Thursday: Foggy
The changing Moon enters your third house of communication, and Venus enters your house of new beginnings. This may cause some confusion as you may be sending mixed messages. What you say may be less obvious than what your body language reveals. Daydreams and fantasies may be irresistible now. Creativity is strong as your imagination runs wild. Fortunate colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
2008-02-11, Monday: Home Work
There's a lot to do on the home front today. Fortunately, you've got all the energy and drive you need to take care of any mundane matter and detail. You're working hard, but feel as if you're hardly working. Ideal colours are butterscotch and warm brown. Lucky numbers are 32 and 77.
2006-02-11, Saturday: What's Up?
It's a restless day and money could be much on your mind. However, you may be thinking about the money that you don't have and need. Don't make it an exercise in frustration and don't waste your spending power on things you don't really need, just to let off some steam. Get that body working, Capricorn. Pound the track or organize a few rounds of bedroom aerobics with a willing partner. Glorious colours are vermilion and topaz. Lucky numbers are 21 and 39.
2005-02-11, Friday: Protective Gear
Get out that helmet because you're going to need it when dealing with a certain member of the family. This person is feeling edgy, defensive and huffy, and it won't be long before they're up on their high horse about something. It's probably wise to forget about trying to pacify them because, as you'll soon discover, they're itching to start a row and even offering them a cup of tea could turn out to be all the provocation they need. Great colours are ivory and russet. Lucky numbers are 20 and 48.
2004-02-11, Wednesday: Cruising
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colours are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.

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