The chance to take a trip by air with friends or members of a group could come your way today, Pisces. This might involve an exhibition of some kind, as well as a chance to advance your knowledge in some way. Both the dissemination and the gathering of information are definitely involved. If you can, make the arrangements today. Whatever the journey, it could make a big difference in your life.
Chances to pursue opportunities to bring whatever creative work you do best to the public could come up today, Aquarius. This might involve performances, exhibitions, trade shows, or festivals - anything that involves a lot of attention from the public. You will be in the limelight and outshine almost everyone! This is likely to be a lot of fun. It should definitely boost your ego.
Your physical and mental energies overflow today, Capricorn. You may want to tackle every possible project that could bring advancement along whatever lines you want. Artistic endeavors, group activities, and social events are strong possibilities, so get busy! This should also be an exhilarating day when you accomplish a lot. Enjoy yourself thoroughly while doing it. Go for the gold, and have fun!
An opportunity to earn extra money in a creative way may come today from an unexpected and perhaps even previously unknown source, Sagittarius. This could come as a surprise, but you're likely to want to take advantage of it. You could also be the lucky recipient of a financial windfall. Someone who owes you money might suddenly pay you back. This should definitely be a good day for money!
A lot of letters, calls, or emails could come your way from all over, Scorpio, bringing lots of good news and useful information. Some of it could involve new and innovative opportunities that are of great interest to you. Expect a lot of discussion that could really get your mind going. Write down what seems most promising for you and leave the rest for others.
If you own your home, the value of your equity may have gone up in the recent past, Libra. Income through land or property is strongly indicated. This is likely to change your life in a subtle but positive way. This is a great time to buy or sell a home. If you're in the process of doing it now, this is the perfect time to get some of the paperwork prepared.
Creative energy, especially involving writing or speaking, could overflow today. Ideas could come thick and fast, Virgo, and you might want to phone some friends and discuss your thoughts. This is probably going to bring even more information your way for your mind to process! Write down what interests you most, and take a walk to clear your head. Tomorrow it should all be clearer to you.
Today you might toy with the idea of doing some renovation on your home, perhaps for your enjoyment, but primarily to increase its value, Leo. Decorating, landscaping, or both might be on the agenda. A number of possibilities could present themselves, and you will probably spend much time giving each some serious consideration. In the end, you will probably choose the most beautiful!
A get-together with a current or potential romantic partner could lead to some stimulating discussions of concepts that interest you both, Cancer. You could make plans for future enterprises that bring you closer together. This is a good day to advance any relationships that involve mutual intellectual interests. Expect to spend much of your time in bookstores with your friend!
Mundane and perhaps boring tasks could take up much of your morning, Gemini, but you will need to get them out of the way so you can move on to more exciting projects. More paperwork might be required in order to get these things started, but you will get it done quickly and efficiently. Keep on plugging along. You're on the right track!
Opportunities for new partnerships concerning a personal project of yours could come to you from far away, Taurus. Contracts, agreements, and other legal matters work in your favor, but making sense of them could require concentration. Read the fine print to learn as much as you can. Whatever happens, your life should definitely change in a subtle but positive way. Embrace the change!
You could complete some personal projects that involve a lot of paperwork today, Aries. This could increase your income considerably. Past success that has become known in your field could lead to opportunities for future success. This may be job related, but it may also involve your own projects. All signs indicate that success, good fortune, and advancement are in the wind for you.
2024-03-04, Monday: Busy Schedule
As the day draws on, the lively Moon keeps you moving around a busy schedule, with more comings and goings, conversations, meetings and general chit chat than usual. You will be more aware of everyday contacts like neighbors, work mates, maybe even brothers and sisters. It's a real grasshopper mood just now. Communicative colors are cerise and yellow grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 48.
2024-03-04, Monday: Out Of The Rut
More reserved than usual, you seem uncharacteristically shy when it comes to expressing your romantic needs. More effort is needed to break the ice and reveal your inner warmth. Your working situation brings more recognition, appreciation and admiration. Put your energy into doing things in a new and different way. It's time to get of the rut. Effective colors are lemon and treacle. Lucky numbers are 16 and 72.
2024-03-04, Monday: Stimulating Mood
With Venus your life-ruler still in dynamic Aries, your seventh house, you will not be short of admirers, social invitations or compliments. So make the most of the good times, and have fun. It will boost your morale, self-esteem and status. As the Moon cruises through your house of friends and future plans you are in a zany, stimulating mood. A friend or associate may wish to become something more under these aspects! Alluring colors are pistachio and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 42 and 5.
2024-03-04, Monday: Really Off?
If you are off someone, you are really off. As far as you are concerned, there will be no switching back on again. But remember you will not always feel this intensely, and there may come a point in a few weeks when you wish you hadn't been so abrupt. At the same time, you are feeling sympathetic and can be a great deal of help to those in need, with the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets. Advantageous colors are honeysuckle and bright neon. Lucky numbers are 61 and 17.
2024-03-04, Monday: Keep Schmoozing
Your ability to keep the peace, and generally boost morale could be useful. Your charm may have a hidden agenda, but it will bring the desired result, so just keep schmoozing in the right places. Here's a good idea. Do the paperwork and sort out the budget. Then you will be in a better position to know exactly where you are and what the surplus for spending realistically is. Favorable colors are cinnamon and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 17 and 50.
2024-03-04, Monday: Cuddlesome Friend
You should be in a position to give more now, Taurus, but stay sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close to you. You can be truly compassionate, but make sure you do not become emotionally overloaded. If you can't find a cuddlesome friend, snuggle up in a comfortable armchair with a good book. Favorable colors are grapefruit and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 36 and 12.
2024-03-04, Monday: Stand Up
Watch a tendency to fit in with whoever is taking the strong position for the sake of peace and quiet. Pour oil on troubled waters but stand up for your rights. Why not be a little bit theatrical and dramatic? Try cracking a few jokes. Tonight sees the entertaining Moon of the month for you, so there's no sense in letting it slide by without making a definite statement in what you do. Fortunate colors are beryl and mango. Lucky numbers are 61 and 35.
2024-03-04, Monday: Upbeat Mood
Keep the mood upbeat, rather than delving into intense discussions on dark subjects. Sometimes you may seem slightly superficial, because you flit lightly from subject to subject. But your intellect is second to none. You have the knack of understanding what people want to hear and putting them at their ease. Amusing colors are alizarin crimson and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 37 and 34.
2024-03-04, Monday: Fear Of Rejection?
Is fear of rejection making you hold back? Just get close to those who make you feel warm and wonderful. With the Moon in your eighth house of joint finances and intimate emotional connections, you will feel deeply and be rather secretive. Passions could rage within you and no one else would know. Fortunate colors are moonstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
2024-03-04, Monday: Loyalty And Closeness
Today's cosmic picture places a high value on loyalty, stability and physical closeness. Don't let insecurity make you too possessive or stubborn. Just be affectionate and steadfast. Keep your stamina high, since a good many chores are heading your way. Eat more sensibly, and give yourself things that are going to be of positive benefit rather than going on a strict diet. Providential colors are scarlet and almond. Lucky numbers are 76 and 56.
2024-03-04, Monday: Heart's Desire
With Venus in your fifth house of romance, seek out what your heart desires. Heart-centered and rather flamboyant, you will cast your spell over everyone you meet. Stay true to your great enthusiasm and sparkling personality. Wide open spaces are a must, since you do not appreciate being fenced in. Beneficial colors are primrose and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 6.
2024-03-04, Monday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2023-03-04, Saturday: Out Of The Rut
More reserved than usual, you seem uncharacteristically shy when it comes to expressing your romantic needs. More effort is needed to break the ice and reveal your inner warmth. Your working situation brings more recognition, appreciation and admiration. Put your energy into doing things in a new and different way. It's time to get of the rut. Effective colors are lemon and treacle. Lucky numbers are 16 and 72.
2023-03-04, Saturday: Loyalty And Closeness
Today's cosmic picture places a high value on loyalty, stability and physical closeness. Don't let insecurity make you too possessive or stubborn. Just be affectionate and steadfast. Keep your stamina high, since a good many chores are heading your way. Eat more sensibly, and give yourself things that are going to be of positive benefit rather than going on a strict diet. Providential colors are scarlet and almond. Lucky numbers are 76 and 56.
2023-03-04, Saturday: Upbeat Mood
Keep the mood upbeat, rather than delving into intense discussions on dark subjects. Sometimes you may seem slightly superficial, because you flit lightly from subject to subject. But your intellect is second to none. You have the knack of understanding what people want to hear and putting them at their ease. Amusing colors are alizarin crimson and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 37 and 34.
2023-03-04, Saturday: Fear Of Rejection?
Is fear of rejection making you hold back? Just get close to those who make you feel warm and wonderful. With the Moon in your eighth house of joint finances and intimate emotional connections, you will feel deeply and be rather secretive. Passions could rage within you and no one else would know. Fortunate colors are moonstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
2023-03-04, Saturday: Heart's Desire
With Venus in your fifth house of romance, seek out what your heart desires. Heart-centered and rather flamboyant, you will cast your spell over everyone you meet. Stay true to your great enthusiasm and sparkling personality. Wide open spaces are a must, since you do not appreciate being fenced in. Beneficial colors are primrose and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 6.
2023-03-04, Saturday: Stimulating Mood
With Venus your life-ruler still in dynamic Aries, your seventh house, you will not be short of admirers, social invitations or compliments. So make the most of the good times, and have fun. It will boost your morale, self-esteem and status. As the Moon cruises through your house of friends and future plans you are in a zany, stimulating mood. A friend or associate may wish to become something more under these aspects! Alluring colors are pistachio and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 42 and 5.
2023-03-04, Saturday: Really Off?
If you are off someone, you are really off. As far as you are concerned, there will be no switching back on again. But remember you will not always feel this intensely, and there may come a point in a few weeks when you wish you hadn't been so abrupt. At the same time, you are feeling sympathetic and can be a great deal of help to those in need, with the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets. Advantageous colors are honeysuckle and bright neon. Lucky numbers are 61 and 17.
2023-03-04, Saturday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2023-03-04, Saturday: Keep Schmoozing
Your ability to keep the peace, and generally boost morale could be useful. Your charm may have a hidden agenda, but it will bring the desired result, so just keep schmoozing in the right places. Here's a good idea. Do the paperwork and sort out the budget. Then you will be in a better position to know exactly where you are and what the surplus for spending realistically is. Favorable colors are cinnamon and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 17 and 50.
2023-03-04, Saturday: Busy Schedule
As the day draws on, the lively Moon keeps you moving around a busy schedule, with more comings and goings, conversations, meetings and general chit chat than usual. You will be more aware of everyday contacts like neighbors, work mates, maybe even brothers and sisters. It's a real grasshopper mood just now. Communicative colors are cerise and yellow grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 48.
2023-03-04, Saturday: Cuddlesome Friend
You should be in a position to give more now, Taurus, but stay sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close to you. You can be truly compassionate, but make sure you do not become emotionally overloaded. If you can't find a cuddlesome friend, snuggle up in a comfortable armchair with a good book. Favorable colors are grapefruit and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 36 and 12.
2023-03-04, Saturday: Stand Up
Watch a tendency to fit in with whoever is taking the strong position for the sake of peace and quiet. Pour oil on troubled waters but stand up for your rights. Why not be a little bit theatrical and dramatic? Try cracking a few jokes. Tonight sees the entertaining Moon of the month for you, so there's no sense in letting it slide by without making a definite statement in what you do. Fortunate colors are beryl and mango. Lucky numbers are 61 and 35.
2022-03-04, Friday: Loyalty And Closeness
Today's cosmic picture places a high value on loyalty, stability and physical closeness. Don't let insecurity make you too possessive or stubborn. Just be affectionate and steadfast. Keep your stamina high, since a good many chores are heading your way. Eat more sensibly, and give yourself things that are going to be of positive benefit rather than going on a strict diet. Providential colors are scarlet and almond. Lucky numbers are 76 and 56.
2022-03-04, Friday: Upbeat Mood
Keep the mood upbeat, rather than delving into intense discussions on dark subjects. Sometimes you may seem slightly superficial, because you flit lightly from subject to subject. But your intellect is second to none. You have the knack of understanding what people want to hear and putting them at their ease. Amusing colors are alizarin crimson and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 37 and 34.
2022-03-04, Friday: Fear Of Rejection?
Is fear of rejection making you hold back? Just get close to those who make you feel warm and wonderful. With the Moon in your eighth house of joint finances and intimate emotional connections, you will feel deeply and be rather secretive. Passions could rage within you and no one else would know. Fortunate colors are moonstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
2022-03-04, Friday: Heart's Desire
With Venus in your fifth house of romance, seek out what your heart desires. Heart-centered and rather flamboyant, you will cast your spell over everyone you meet. Stay true to your great enthusiasm and sparkling personality. Wide open spaces are a must, since you do not appreciate being fenced in. Beneficial colors are primrose and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 6.
2022-03-04, Friday: Out Of The Rut
More reserved than usual, you seem uncharacteristically shy when it comes to expressing your romantic needs. More effort is needed to break the ice and reveal your inner warmth. Your working situation brings more recognition, appreciation and admiration. Put your energy into doing things in a new and different way. It's time to get of the rut. Effective colors are lemon and treacle. Lucky numbers are 16 and 72.
2022-03-04, Friday: Stimulating Mood
With Venus your life-ruler still in dynamic Aries, your seventh house, you will not be short of admirers, social invitations or compliments. So make the most of the good times, and have fun. It will boost your morale, self-esteem and status. As the Moon cruises through your house of friends and future plans you are in a zany, stimulating mood. A friend or associate may wish to become something more under these aspects! Alluring colors are pistachio and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 42 and 5.
2022-03-04, Friday: Really Off?
If you are off someone, you are really off. As far as you are concerned, there will be no switching back on again. But remember you will not always feel this intensely, and there may come a point in a few weeks when you wish you hadn't been so abrupt. At the same time, you are feeling sympathetic and can be a great deal of help to those in need, with the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets. Advantageous colors are honeysuckle and bright neon. Lucky numbers are 61 and 17.
2022-03-04, Friday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2022-03-04, Friday: Keep Schmoozing
Your ability to keep the peace, and generally boost morale could be useful. Your charm may have a hidden agenda, but it will bring the desired result, so just keep schmoozing in the right places. Here's a good idea. Do the paperwork and sort out the budget. Then you will be in a better position to know exactly where you are and what the surplus for spending realistically is. Favorable colors are cinnamon and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 17 and 50.
2022-03-04, Friday: Busy Schedule
As the day draws on, the lively Moon keeps you moving around a busy schedule, with more comings and goings, conversations, meetings and general chit chat than usual. You will be more aware of everyday contacts like neighbors, work mates, maybe even brothers and sisters. It's a real grasshopper mood just now. Communicative colors are cerise and yellow grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 48.
2022-03-04, Friday: Cuddlesome Friend
You should be in a position to give more now, Taurus, but stay sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close to you. You can be truly compassionate, but make sure you do not become emotionally overloaded. If you can't find a cuddlesome friend, snuggle up in a comfortable armchair with a good book. Favorable colors are grapefruit and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 36 and 12.
2022-03-04, Friday: Stand Up
Watch a tendency to fit in with whoever is taking the strong position for the sake of peace and quiet. Pour oil on troubled waters but stand up for your rights. Why not be a little bit theatrical and dramatic? Try cracking a few jokes. Tonight sees the entertaining Moon of the month for you, so there's no sense in letting it slide by without making a definite statement in what you do. Fortunate colors are beryl and mango. Lucky numbers are 61 and 35.
2021-03-04, Thursday: Loyalty And Closeness
Today's cosmic picture places a high value on loyalty, stability and physical closeness. Don't let insecurity make you too possessive or stubborn. Just be affectionate and steadfast. Keep your stamina high, since a good many chores are heading your way. Eat more sensibly, and give yourself things that are going to be of positive benefit rather than going on a strict diet. Providential colors are scarlet and almond. Lucky numbers are 76 and 56.
2021-03-04, Thursday: Upbeat Mood
Keep the mood upbeat, rather than delving into intense discussions on dark subjects. Sometimes you may seem slightly superficial, because you flit lightly from subject to subject. But your intellect is second to none. You have the knack of understanding what people want to hear and putting them at their ease. Amusing colors are alizarin crimson and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 37 and 34.
2021-03-04, Thursday: Fear Of Rejection?
Is fear of rejection making you hold back? Just get close to those who make you feel warm and wonderful. With the Moon in your eighth house of joint finances and intimate emotional connections, you will feel deeply and be rather secretive. Passions could rage within you and no one else would know. Fortunate colors are moonstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
2021-03-04, Thursday: Heart's Desire
With Venus in your fifth house of romance, seek out what your heart desires. Heart-centered and rather flamboyant, you will cast your spell over everyone you meet. Stay true to your great enthusiasm and sparkling personality. Wide open spaces are a must, since you do not appreciate being fenced in. Beneficial colors are primrose and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 6.
2021-03-04, Thursday: Out Of The Rut
More reserved than usual, you seem uncharacteristically shy when it comes to expressing your romantic needs. More effort is needed to break the ice and reveal your inner warmth. Your working situation brings more recognition, appreciation and admiration. Put your energy into doing things in a new and different way. It's time to get of the rut. Effective colors are lemon and treacle. Lucky numbers are 16 and 72.
2021-03-04, Thursday: Stimulating Mood
With Venus your life-ruler still in dynamic Aries, your seventh house, you will not be short of admirers, social invitations or compliments. So make the most of the good times, and have fun. It will boost your morale, self-esteem and status. As the Moon cruises through your house of friends and future plans you are in a zany, stimulating mood. A friend or associate may wish to become something more under these aspects! Alluring colors are pistachio and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 42 and 5.
2021-03-04, Thursday: Really Off?
If you are off someone, you are really off. As far as you are concerned, there will be no switching back on again. But remember you will not always feel this intensely, and there may come a point in a few weeks when you wish you hadn't been so abrupt. At the same time, you are feeling sympathetic and can be a great deal of help to those in need, with the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets. Advantageous colors are honeysuckle and bright neon. Lucky numbers are 61 and 17.
2021-03-04, Thursday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2021-03-04, Thursday: Keep Schmoozing
Your ability to keep the peace, and generally boost morale could be useful. Your charm may have a hidden agenda, but it will bring the desired result, so just keep schmoozing in the right places. Here's a good idea. Do the paperwork and sort out the budget. Then you will be in a better position to know exactly where you are and what the surplus for spending realistically is. Favorable colors are cinnamon and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 17 and 50.
2021-03-04, Thursday: Busy Schedule
As the day draws on, the lively Moon keeps you moving around a busy schedule, with more comings and goings, conversations, meetings and general chit chat than usual. You will be more aware of everyday contacts like neighbors, work mates, maybe even brothers and sisters. It's a real grasshopper mood just now. Communicative colors are cerise and yellow grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 48.
2021-03-04, Thursday: Cuddlesome Friend
You should be in a position to give more now, Taurus, but stay sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close to you. You can be truly compassionate, but make sure you do not become emotionally overloaded. If you can't find a cuddlesome friend, snuggle up in a comfortable armchair with a good book. Favorable colors are grapefruit and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 36 and 12.
2021-03-04, Thursday: Stand Up
Watch a tendency to fit in with whoever is taking the strong position for the sake of peace and quiet. Pour oil on troubled waters but stand up for your rights. Why not be a little bit theatrical and dramatic? Try cracking a few jokes. Tonight sees the entertaining Moon of the month for you, so there's no sense in letting it slide by without making a definite statement in what you do. Fortunate colors are beryl and mango. Lucky numbers are 61 and 35.
2020-03-04, Wednesday: Loyalty And Closeness
Today's cosmic picture places a high value on loyalty, stability and physical closeness. Don't let insecurity make you too possessive or stubborn. Just be affectionate and steadfast. Keep your stamina high, since a good many chores are heading your way. Eat more sensibly, and give yourself things that are going to be of positive benefit rather than going on a strict diet. Providential colors are scarlet and almond. Lucky numbers are 76 and 56.
2020-03-04, Wednesday: Upbeat Mood
Keep the mood upbeat, rather than delving into intense discussions on dark subjects. Sometimes you may seem slightly superficial, because you flit lightly from subject to subject. But your intellect is second to none. You have the knack of understanding what people want to hear and putting them at their ease. Amusing colors are alizarin crimson and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 37 and 34.
2020-03-04, Wednesday: Fear Of Rejection?
Is fear of rejection making you hold back? Just get close to those who make you feel warm and wonderful. With the Moon in your eighth house of joint finances and intimate emotional connections, you will feel deeply and be rather secretive. Passions could rage within you and no one else would know. Fortunate colors are moonstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
2020-03-04, Wednesday: Heart's Desire
With Venus in your fifth house of romance, seek out what your heart desires. Heart-centered and rather flamboyant, you will cast your spell over everyone you meet. Stay true to your great enthusiasm and sparkling personality. Wide open spaces are a must, since you do not appreciate being fenced in. Beneficial colors are primrose and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 6.
2020-03-04, Wednesday: Out Of The Rut
More reserved than usual, you seem uncharacteristically shy when it comes to expressing your romantic needs. More effort is needed to break the ice and reveal your inner warmth. Your working situation brings more recognition, appreciation and admiration. Put your energy into doing things in a new and different way. It's time to get of the rut. Effective colors are lemon and treacle. Lucky numbers are 16 and 72.
2020-03-04, Wednesday: Stimulating Mood
With Venus your life-ruler still in dynamic Aries, your seventh house, you will not be short of admirers, social invitations or compliments. So make the most of the good times, and have fun. It will boost your morale, self-esteem and status. As the Moon cruises through your house of friends and future plans you are in a zany, stimulating mood. A friend or associate may wish to become something more under these aspects! Alluring colors are pistachio and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 42 and 5.
2020-03-04, Wednesday: Really Off?
If you are off someone, you are really off. As far as you are concerned, there will be no switching back on again. But remember you will not always feel this intensely, and there may come a point in a few weeks when you wish you hadn't been so abrupt. At the same time, you are feeling sympathetic and can be a great deal of help to those in need, with the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets. Advantageous colors are honeysuckle and bright neon. Lucky numbers are 61 and 17.
2020-03-04, Wednesday: Keep Schmoozing
Your ability to keep the peace, and generally boost morale could be useful. Your charm may have a hidden agenda, but it will bring the desired result, so just keep schmoozing in the right places. Here's a good idea. Do the paperwork and sort out the budget. Then you will be in a better position to know exactly where you are and what the surplus for spending realistically is. Favorable colors are cinnamon and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 17 and 50.
2020-03-04, Wednesday: Busy Schedule
As the day draws on, the lively Moon keeps you moving around a busy schedule, with more comings and goings, conversations, meetings and general chit chat than usual. You will be more aware of everyday contacts like neighbors, work mates, maybe even brothers and sisters. It's a real grasshopper mood just now. Communicative colors are cerise and yellow grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 48.
2020-03-04, Wednesday: Stand Up
Watch a tendency to fit in with whoever is taking the strong position for the sake of peace and quiet. Pour oil on troubled waters but stand up for your rights. Why not be a little bit theatrical and dramatic? Try cracking a few jokes. Tonight sees the entertaining Moon of the month for you, so there's no sense in letting it slide by without making a definite statement in what you do. Fortunate colors are beryl and mango. Lucky numbers are 61 and 35.
2020-03-04, Wednesday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2020-03-04, Wednesday: Cuddlesome Friend
You should be in a position to give more now, Taurus, but stay sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close to you. You can be truly compassionate, but make sure you do not become emotionally overloaded. If you can't find a cuddlesome friend, snuggle up in a comfortable armchair with a good book. Favorable colors are grapefruit and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 36 and 12.
2019-03-04, Monday: Loyalty And Closeness
Today's cosmic picture places a high value on loyalty, stability and physical closeness. Don't let insecurity make you too possessive or stubborn. Just be affectionate and steadfast. Keep your stamina high, since a good many chores are heading your way. Eat more sensibly, and give yourself things that are going to be of positive benefit rather than going on a strict diet. Providential colors are scarlet and almond. Lucky numbers are 76 and 56.
2019-03-04, Monday: Upbeat Mood
Keep the mood upbeat, rather than delving into intense discussions on dark subjects. Sometimes you may seem slightly superficial, because you flit lightly from subject to subject. But your intellect is second to none. You have the knack of understanding what people want to hear and putting them at their ease. Amusing colors are alizarin crimson and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 37 and 34.
2019-03-04, Monday: Fear Of Rejection?
Is fear of rejection making you hold back? Just get close to those who make you feel warm and wonderful. With the Moon in your eighth house of joint finances and intimate emotional connections, you will feel deeply and be rather secretive. Passions could rage within you and no one else would know. Fortunate colors are moonstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
2019-03-04, Monday: Heart's Desire
With Venus in your fifth house of romance, seek out what your heart desires. Heart-centered and rather flamboyant, you will cast your spell over everyone you meet. Stay true to your great enthusiasm and sparkling personality. Wide open spaces are a must, since you do not appreciate being fenced in. Beneficial colors are primrose and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 6.
2019-03-04, Monday: Stimulating Mood
With Venus your life-ruler still in dynamic Aries, your seventh house, you will not be short of admirers, social invitations or compliments. So make the most of the good times, and have fun. It will boost your morale, self-esteem and status. As the Moon cruises through your house of friends and future plans you are in a zany, stimulating mood. A friend or associate may wish to become something more under these aspects! Alluring colors are pistachio and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 42 and 5.
2019-03-04, Monday: Out Of The Rut
More reserved than usual, you seem uncharacteristically shy when it comes to expressing your romantic needs. More effort is needed to break the ice and reveal your inner warmth. Your working situation brings more recognition, appreciation and admiration. Put your energy into doing things in a new and different way. It's time to get of the rut. Effective colors are lemon and treacle. Lucky numbers are 16 and 72.
2019-03-04, Monday: Really Off?
If you are off someone, you are really off. As far as you are concerned, there will be no switching back on again. But remember you will not always feel this intensely, and there may come a point in a few weeks when you wish you hadn't been so abrupt. At the same time, you are feeling sympathetic and can be a great deal of help to those in need, with the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets. Advantageous colors are honeysuckle and bright neon. Lucky numbers are 61 and 17.
2019-03-04, Monday: Keep Schmoozing
Your ability to keep the peace, and generally boost morale could be useful. Your charm may have a hidden agenda, but it will bring the desired result, so just keep schmoozing in the right places. Here's a good idea. Do the paperwork and sort out the budget. Then you will be in a better position to know exactly where you are and what the surplus for spending realistically is. Favorable colors are cinnamon and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 17 and 50.
2019-03-04, Monday: Busy Schedule
As the day draws on, the lively Moon keeps you moving around a busy schedule, with more comings and goings, conversations, meetings and general chit chat than usual. You will be more aware of everyday contacts like neighbors, work mates, maybe even brothers and sisters. It's a real grasshopper mood just now. Communicative colors are cerise and yellow grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 48.
2019-03-04, Monday: Cuddlesome Friend
You should be in a position to give more now, Taurus, but stay sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close to you. You can be truly compassionate, but make sure you do not become emotionally overloaded. If you can't find a cuddlesome friend, snuggle up in a comfortable armchair with a good book. Favorable colors are grapefruit and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 36 and 12.
2019-03-04, Monday: Stand Up
Watch a tendency to fit in with whoever is taking the strong position for the sake of peace and quiet. Pour oil on troubled waters but stand up for your rights. Why not be a little bit theatrical and dramatic? Try cracking a few jokes. Tonight sees the entertaining Moon of the month for you, so there's no sense in letting it slide by without making a definite statement in what you do. Fortunate colors are beryl and mango. Lucky numbers are 61 and 35.
2019-03-04, Monday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2018-03-04, Sunday: Loyalty And Closeness
Today's cosmic picture places a high value on loyalty, stability and physical closeness. Don't let insecurity make you too possessive or stubborn. Just be affectionate and steadfast. Keep your stamina high, since a good many chores are heading your way. Eat more sensibly, and give yourself things that are going to be of positive benefit rather than going on a strict diet. Providential colors are scarlet and almond. Lucky numbers are 76 and 56.
2018-03-04, Sunday: Upbeat Mood
Keep the mood upbeat, rather than delving into intense discussions on dark subjects. Sometimes you may seem slightly superficial, because you flit lightly from subject to subject. But your intellect is second to none. You have the knack of understanding what people want to hear and putting them at their ease. Amusing colors are alizarin crimson and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 37 and 34.
2018-03-04, Sunday: Heart's Desire
With Venus in your fifth house of romance, seek out what your heart desires. Heart-centered and rather flamboyant, you will cast your spell over everyone you meet. Stay true to your great enthusiasm and sparkling personality. Wide open spaces are a must, since you do not appreciate being fenced in. Beneficial colors are primrose and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 6.
2018-03-04, Sunday: Out Of The Rut
More reserved than usual, you seem uncharacteristically shy when it comes to expressing your romantic needs. More effort is needed to break the ice and reveal your inner warmth. Your working situation brings more recognition, appreciation and admiration. Put your energy into doing things in a new and different way. It's time to get of the rut. Effective colors are lemon and treacle. Lucky numbers are 16 and 72.
2018-03-04, Sunday: Fear Of Rejection?
Is fear of rejection making you hold back? Just get close to those who make you feel warm and wonderful. With the Moon in your eighth house of joint finances and intimate emotional connections, you will feel deeply and be rather secretive. Passions could rage within you and no one else would know. Fortunate colors are moonstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
2018-03-04, Sunday: Stimulating Mood
With Venus your life-ruler still in dynamic Aries, your seventh house, you will not be short of admirers, social invitations or compliments. So make the most of the good times, and have fun. It will boost your morale, self-esteem and status. As the Moon cruises through your house of friends and future plans you are in a zany, stimulating mood. A friend or associate may wish to become something more under these aspects! Alluring colors are pistachio and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 42 and 5.
2018-03-04, Sunday: Really Off?
If you are off someone, you are really off. As far as you are concerned, there will be no switching back on again. But remember you will not always feel this intensely, and there may come a point in a few weeks when you wish you hadn't been so abrupt. At the same time, you are feeling sympathetic and can be a great deal of help to those in need, with the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets. Advantageous colors are honeysuckle and bright neon. Lucky numbers are 61 and 17.
2018-03-04, Sunday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2018-03-04, Sunday: Keep Schmoozing
Your ability to keep the peace, and generally boost morale could be useful. Your charm may have a hidden agenda, but it will bring the desired result, so just keep schmoozing in the right places. Here's a good idea. Do the paperwork and sort out the budget. Then you will be in a better position to know exactly where you are and what the surplus for spending realistically is. Favorable colors are cinnamon and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 17 and 50.
2018-03-04, Sunday: Cuddlesome Friend
You should be in a position to give more now, Taurus, but stay sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close to you. You can be truly compassionate, but make sure you do not become emotionally overloaded. If you can't find a cuddlesome friend, snuggle up in a comfortable armchair with a good book. Favorable colors are grapefruit and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 36 and 12.
2018-03-04, Sunday: Stand Up
Watch a tendency to fit in with whoever is taking the strong position for the sake of peace and quiet. Pour oil on troubled waters but stand up for your rights. Why not be a little bit theatrical and dramatic? Try cracking a few jokes. Tonight sees the entertaining Moon of the month for you, so there's no sense in letting it slide by without making a definite statement in what you do. Fortunate colors are beryl and mango. Lucky numbers are 61 and 35.
2018-03-04, Sunday: Busy Schedule
As the day draws on, the lively Moon keeps you moving around a busy schedule, with more comings and goings, conversations, meetings and general chit chat than usual. You will be more aware of everyday contacts like neighbors, work mates, maybe even brothers and sisters. It's a real grasshopper mood just now. Communicative colors are cerise and yellow grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 48.
2017-03-04, Saturday: Loyalty And Closeness
Today's cosmic picture places a high value on loyalty, stability and physical closeness. Don't let insecurity make you too possessive or stubborn. Just be affectionate and steadfast. Keep your stamina high, since a good many chores are heading your way. Eat more sensibly, and give yourself things that are going to be of positive benefit rather than going on a strict diet. Providential colors are scarlet and almond. Lucky numbers are 76 and 56.
2017-03-04, Saturday: Upbeat Mood
Keep the mood upbeat, rather than delving into intense discussions on dark subjects. Sometimes you may seem slightly superficial, because you flit lightly from subject to subject. But your intellect is second to none. You have the knack of understanding what people want to hear and putting them at their ease. Amusing colors are alizarin crimson and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 37 and 34.
2017-03-04, Saturday: Fear Of Rejection?
Is fear of rejection making you hold back? Just get close to those who make you feel warm and wonderful. With the Moon in your eighth house of joint finances and intimate emotional connections, you will feel deeply and be rather secretive. Passions could rage within you and no one else would know. Fortunate colors are moonstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
2017-03-04, Saturday: Out Of The Rut
More reserved than usual, you seem uncharacteristically shy when it comes to expressing your romantic needs. More effort is needed to break the ice and reveal your inner warmth. Your working situation brings more recognition, appreciation and admiration. Put your energy into doing things in a new and different way. It's time to get of the rut. Effective colors are lemon and treacle. Lucky numbers are 16 and 72.
2017-03-04, Saturday: Stimulating Mood
With Venus your life-ruler still in dynamic Aries, your seventh house, you will not be short of admirers, social invitations or compliments. So make the most of the good times, and have fun. It will boost your morale, self-esteem and status. As the Moon cruises through your house of friends and future plans you are in a zany, stimulating mood. A friend or associate may wish to become something more under these aspects! Alluring colors are pistachio and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 42 and 5.
2017-03-04, Saturday: Really Off?
If you are off someone, you are really off. As far as you are concerned, there will be no switching back on again. But remember you will not always feel this intensely, and there may come a point in a few weeks when you wish you hadn't been so abrupt. At the same time, you are feeling sympathetic and can be a great deal of help to those in need, with the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets. Advantageous colors are honeysuckle and bright neon. Lucky numbers are 61 and 17.
2017-03-04, Saturday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2017-03-04, Saturday: Keep Schmoozing
Your ability to keep the peace, and generally boost morale could be useful. Your charm may have a hidden agenda, but it will bring the desired result, so just keep schmoozing in the right places. Here's a good idea. Do the paperwork and sort out the budget. Then you will be in a better position to know exactly where you are and what the surplus for spending realistically is. Favorable colors are cinnamon and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 17 and 50.
2017-03-04, Saturday: Busy Schedule
As the day draws on, the lively Moon keeps you moving around a busy schedule, with more comings and goings, conversations, meetings and general chit chat than usual. You will be more aware of everyday contacts like neighbors, work mates, maybe even brothers and sisters. It's a real grasshopper mood just now. Communicative colors are cerise and yellow grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 48.
2017-03-04, Saturday: Stand Up
Watch a tendency to fit in with whoever is taking the strong position for the sake of peace and quiet. Pour oil on troubled waters but stand up for your rights. Why not be a little bit theatrical and dramatic? Try cracking a few jokes. Tonight sees the entertaining Moon of the month for you, so there's no sense in letting it slide by without making a definite statement in what you do. Fortunate colors are beryl and mango. Lucky numbers are 61 and 35.
2017-03-04, Saturday: Heart's Desire
With Venus in your fifth house of romance, seek out what your heart desires. Heart-centered and rather flamboyant, you will cast your spell over everyone you meet. Stay true to your great enthusiasm and sparkling personality. Wide open spaces are a must, since you do not appreciate being fenced in. Beneficial colors are primrose and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 6.
2017-03-04, Saturday: Cuddlesome Friend
You should be in a position to give more now, Taurus, but stay sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close to you. You can be truly compassionate, but make sure you do not become emotionally overloaded. If you can't find a cuddlesome friend, snuggle up in a comfortable armchair with a good book. Favorable colors are grapefruit and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 36 and 12.
2016-03-04, Friday: Loyalty And Closeness
Today's cosmic picture places a high value on loyalty, stability and physical closeness. Don't let insecurity make you too possessive or stubborn. Just be affectionate and steadfast. Keep your stamina high, since a good many chores are heading your way. Eat more sensibly, and give yourself things that are going to be of positive benefit rather than going on a strict diet. Providential colors are scarlet and almond. Lucky numbers are 76 and 56.
2016-03-04, Friday: Upbeat Mood
Keep the mood upbeat, rather than delving into intense discussions on dark subjects. Sometimes you may seem slightly superficial, because you flit lightly from subject to subject. But your intellect is second to none. You have the knack of understanding what people want to hear and putting them at their ease. Amusing colors are alizarin crimson and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 37 and 34.
2016-03-04, Friday: Fear Of Rejection?
Is fear of rejection making you hold back? Just get close to those who make you feel warm and wonderful. With the Moon in your eighth house of joint finances and intimate emotional connections, you will feel deeply and be rather secretive. Passions could rage within you and no one else would know. Fortunate colors are moonstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
2016-03-04, Friday: Heart's Desire
With Venus in your fifth house of romance, seek out what your heart desires. Heart-centered and rather flamboyant, you will cast your spell over everyone you meet. Stay true to your great enthusiasm and sparkling personality. Wide open spaces are a must, since you do not appreciate being fenced in. Beneficial colors are primrose and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 6.
2016-03-04, Friday: Out Of The Rut
More reserved than usual, you seem uncharacteristically shy when it comes to expressing your romantic needs. More effort is needed to break the ice and reveal your inner warmth. Your working situation brings more recognition, appreciation and admiration. Put your energy into doing things in a new and different way. It's time to get of the rut. Effective colors are lemon and treacle. Lucky numbers are 16 and 72.
2016-03-04, Friday: Stimulating Mood
With Venus your life-ruler still in dynamic Aries, your seventh house, you will not be short of admirers, social invitations or compliments. So make the most of the good times, and have fun. It will boost your morale, self-esteem and status. As the Moon cruises through your house of friends and future plans you are in a zany, stimulating mood. A friend or associate may wish to become something more under these aspects! Alluring colors are pistachio and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 42 and 5.
2016-03-04, Friday: Really Off?
If you are off someone, you are really off. As far as you are concerned, there will be no switching back on again. But remember you will not always feel this intensely, and there may come a point in a few weeks when you wish you hadn't been so abrupt. At the same time, you are feeling sympathetic and can be a great deal of help to those in need, with the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets. Advantageous colors are honeysuckle and bright neon. Lucky numbers are 61 and 17.
2016-03-04, Friday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2016-03-04, Friday: Keep Schmoozing
Your ability to keep the peace, and generally boost morale could be useful. Your charm may have a hidden agenda, but it will bring the desired result, so just keep schmoozing in the right places. Here's a good idea. Do the paperwork and sort out the budget. Then you will be in a better position to know exactly where you are and what the surplus for spending realistically is. Favorable colors are cinnamon and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 17 and 50.
2016-03-04, Friday: Busy Schedule
As the day draws on, the lively Moon keeps you moving around a busy schedule, with more comings and goings, conversations, meetings and general chit chat than usual. You will be more aware of everyday contacts like neighbors, work mates, maybe even brothers and sisters. It's a real grasshopper mood just now. Communicative colors are cerise and yellow grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 48.
2016-03-04, Friday: Cuddlesome Friend
You should be in a position to give more now, Taurus, but stay sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close to you. You can be truly compassionate, but make sure you do not become emotionally overloaded. If you can't find a cuddlesome friend, snuggle up in a comfortable armchair with a good book. Favorable colors are grapefruit and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 36 and 12.
2016-03-04, Friday: Stand Up
Watch a tendency to fit in with whoever is taking the strong position for the sake of peace and quiet. Pour oil on troubled waters but stand up for your rights. Why not be a little bit theatrical and dramatic? Try cracking a few jokes. Tonight sees the entertaining Moon of the month for you, so there's no sense in letting it slide by without making a definite statement in what you do. Fortunate colors are beryl and mango. Lucky numbers are 61 and 35.
2015-03-04, Wednesday: Loyalty And Closeness
Today's cosmic picture places a high value on loyalty, stability and physical closeness. Don't let insecurity make you too possessive or stubborn. Just be affectionate and steadfast. Keep your stamina high, since a good many chores are heading your way. Eat more sensibly, and give yourself things that are going to be of positive benefit rather than going on a strict diet. Providential colors are scarlet and almond. Lucky numbers are 76 and 56.
2015-03-04, Wednesday: Upbeat Mood
Keep the mood upbeat, rather than delving into intense discussions on dark subjects. Sometimes you may seem slightly superficial, because you flit lightly from subject to subject. But your intellect is second to none. You have the knack of understanding what people want to hear and putting them at their ease. Amusing colors are alizarin crimson and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 37 and 34.
2015-03-04, Wednesday: Fear Of Rejection?
Is fear of rejection making you hold back? Just get close to those who make you feel warm and wonderful. With the Moon in your eighth house of joint finances and intimate emotional connections, you will feel deeply and be rather secretive. Passions could rage within you and no one else would know. Fortunate colors are moonstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
2015-03-04, Wednesday: Heart's Desire
With Venus in your fifth house of romance, seek out what your heart desires. Heart-centered and rather flamboyant, you will cast your spell over everyone you meet. Stay true to your great enthusiasm and sparkling personality. Wide open spaces are a must, since you do not appreciate being fenced in. Beneficial colors are primrose and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 6.
2015-03-04, Wednesday: Out Of The Rut
More reserved than usual, you seem uncharacteristically shy when it comes to expressing your romantic needs. More effort is needed to break the ice and reveal your inner warmth. Your working situation brings more recognition, appreciation and admiration. Put your energy into doing things in a new and different way. It's time to get of the rut. Effective colors are lemon and treacle. Lucky numbers are 16 and 72.
2015-03-04, Wednesday: Stimulating Mood
With Venus your life-ruler still in dynamic Aries, your seventh house, you will not be short of admirers, social invitations or compliments. So make the most of the good times, and have fun. It will boost your morale, self-esteem and status. As the Moon cruises through your house of friends and future plans you are in a zany, stimulating mood. A friend or associate may wish to become something more under these aspects! Alluring colors are pistachio and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 42 and 5.
2015-03-04, Wednesday: Really Off?
If you are off someone, you are really off. As far as you are concerned, there will be no switching back on again. But remember you will not always feel this intensely, and there may come a point in a few weeks when you wish you hadn't been so abrupt. At the same time, you are feeling sympathetic and can be a great deal of help to those in need, with the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets. Advantageous colors are honeysuckle and bright neon. Lucky numbers are 61 and 17.
2015-03-04, Wednesday: Keep Schmoozing
Your ability to keep the peace, and generally boost morale could be useful. Your charm may have a hidden agenda, but it will bring the desired result, so just keep schmoozing in the right places. Here's a good idea. Do the paperwork and sort out the budget. Then you will be in a better position to know exactly where you are and what the surplus for spending realistically is. Favorable colors are cinnamon and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 17 and 50.
2015-03-04, Wednesday: Busy Schedule
As the day draws on, the lively Moon keeps you moving around a busy schedule, with more comings and goings, conversations, meetings and general chit chat than usual. You will be more aware of everyday contacts like neighbors, work mates, maybe even brothers and sisters. It's a real grasshopper mood just now. Communicative colors are cerise and yellow grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 48.
2015-03-04, Wednesday: Cuddlesome Friend
You should be in a position to give more now, Taurus, but stay sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close to you. You can be truly compassionate, but make sure you do not become emotionally overloaded. If you can't find a cuddlesome friend, snuggle up in a comfortable armchair with a good book. Favorable colors are grapefruit and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 36 and 12.
2015-03-04, Wednesday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2015-03-04, Wednesday: Stand Up
Watch a tendency to fit in with whoever is taking the strong position for the sake of peace and quiet. Pour oil on troubled waters but stand up for your rights. Why not be a little bit theatrical and dramatic? Try cracking a few jokes. Tonight sees the entertaining Moon of the month for you, so there's no sense in letting it slide by without making a definite statement in what you do. Fortunate colors are beryl and mango. Lucky numbers are 61 and 35.
2014-03-04, Tuesday: Loyalty And Closeness
Today's cosmic picture places a high value on loyalty, stability and physical closeness. Don't let insecurity make you too possessive or stubborn. Just be affectionate and steadfast. Keep your stamina high, since a good many chores are heading your way. Eat more sensibly, and give yourself things that are going to be of positive benefit rather than going on a strict diet. Providential colors are scarlet and almond. Lucky numbers are 76 and 56.
2014-03-04, Tuesday: Upbeat Mood
Keep the mood upbeat, rather than delving into intense discussions on dark subjects. Sometimes you may seem slightly superficial, because you flit lightly from subject to subject. But your intellect is second to none. You have the knack of understanding what people want to hear and putting them at their ease. Amusing colors are alizarin crimson and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 37 and 34.
2014-03-04, Tuesday: Fear Of Rejection?
Is fear of rejection making you hold back? Just get close to those who make you feel warm and wonderful. With the Moon in your eighth house of joint finances and intimate emotional connections, you will feel deeply and be rather secretive. Passions could rage within you and no one else would know. Fortunate colors are moonstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
2014-03-04, Tuesday: Heart's Desire
With Venus in your fifth house of romance, seek out what your heart desires. Heart-centered and rather flamboyant, you will cast your spell over everyone you meet. Stay true to your great enthusiasm and sparkling personality. Wide open spaces are a must, since you do not appreciate being fenced in. Beneficial colors are primrose and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 6.
2014-03-04, Tuesday: Out Of The Rut
More reserved than usual, you seem uncharacteristically shy when it comes to expressing your romantic needs. More effort is needed to break the ice and reveal your inner warmth. Your working situation brings more recognition, appreciation and admiration. Put your energy into doing things in a new and different way. It's time to get of the rut. Effective colors are lemon and treacle. Lucky numbers are 16 and 72.
2014-03-04, Tuesday: Stimulating Mood
With Venus your life-ruler still in dynamic Aries, your seventh house, you will not be short of admirers, social invitations or compliments. So make the most of the good times, and have fun. It will boost your morale, self-esteem and status. As the Moon cruises through your house of friends and future plans you are in a zany, stimulating mood. A friend or associate may wish to become something more under these aspects! Alluring colors are pistachio and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 42 and 5.
2014-03-04, Tuesday: Really Off?
If you are off someone, you are really off. As far as you are concerned, there will be no switching back on again. But remember you will not always feel this intensely, and there may come a point in a few weeks when you wish you hadn't been so abrupt. At the same time, you are feeling sympathetic and can be a great deal of help to those in need, with the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets. Advantageous colors are honeysuckle and bright neon. Lucky numbers are 61 and 17.
2014-03-04, Tuesday: Keep Schmoozing
Your ability to keep the peace, and generally boost morale could be useful. Your charm may have a hidden agenda, but it will bring the desired result, so just keep schmoozing in the right places. Here's a good idea. Do the paperwork and sort out the budget. Then you will be in a better position to know exactly where you are and what the surplus for spending realistically is. Favorable colors are cinnamon and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 17 and 50.
2014-03-04, Tuesday: Busy Schedule
As the day draws on, the lively Moon keeps you moving around a busy schedule, with more comings and goings, conversations, meetings and general chit chat than usual. You will be more aware of everyday contacts like neighbors, work mates, maybe even brothers and sisters. It's a real grasshopper mood just now. Communicative colors are cerise and yellow grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 48.
2014-03-04, Tuesday: Cuddlesome Friend
You should be in a position to give more now, Taurus, but stay sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close to you. You can be truly compassionate, but make sure you do not become emotionally overloaded. If you can't find a cuddlesome friend, snuggle up in a comfortable armchair with a good book. Favorable colors are grapefruit and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 36 and 12.
2014-03-04, Tuesday: Stand Up
Watch a tendency to fit in with whoever is taking the strong position for the sake of peace and quiet. Pour oil on troubled waters but stand up for your rights. Why not be a little bit theatrical and dramatic? Try cracking a few jokes. Tonight sees the entertaining Moon of the month for you, so there's no sense in letting it slide by without making a definite statement in what you do. Fortunate colors are beryl and mango. Lucky numbers are 61 and 35.
2014-03-04, Tuesday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2012-03-04, Sunday: Loyalty And Closeness
Today's cosmic picture places a high value on loyalty, stability and physical closeness. Don't let insecurity make you too possessive or stubborn. Just be affectionate and steadfast. Keep your stamina high, since a good many chores are heading your way. Eat more sensibly, and give yourself things that are going to be of positive benefit rather than going on a strict diet. Providential colors are scarlet and almond. Lucky numbers are 76 and 56.
2012-03-04, Sunday: Upbeat Mood
Keep the mood upbeat, rather than delving into intense discussions on dark subjects. Sometimes you may seem slightly superficial, because you flit lightly from subject to subject. But your intellect is second to none. You have the knack of understanding what people want to hear and putting them at their ease. Amusing colors are alizarin crimson and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 37 and 34.
2012-03-04, Sunday: Fear Of Rejection?
Is fear of rejection making you hold back? Just get close to those who make you feel warm and wonderful. With the Moon in your eighth house of joint finances and intimate emotional connections, you will feel deeply and be rather secretive. Passions could rage within you and no one else would know. Fortunate colors are moonstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
2012-03-04, Sunday: Heart's Desire
With Venus in your fifth house of romance, seek out what your heart desires. Heart-centered and rather flamboyant, you will cast your spell over everyone you meet. Stay true to your great enthusiasm and sparkling personality. Wide open spaces are a must, since you do not appreciate being fenced in. Beneficial colors are primrose and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 6.
2012-03-04, Sunday: Out Of The Rut
More reserved than usual, you seem uncharacteristically shy when it comes to expressing your romantic needs. More effort is needed to break the ice and reveal your inner warmth. Your working situation brings more recognition, appreciation and admiration. Put your energy into doing things in a new and different way. It's time to get of the rut. Effective colors are lemon and treacle. Lucky numbers are 16 and 72.
2012-03-04, Sunday: Stimulating Mood
With Venus your life-ruler still in dynamic Aries, your seventh house, you will not be short of admirers, social invitations or compliments. So make the most of the good times, and have fun. It will boost your morale, self-esteem and status. As the Moon cruises through your house of friends and future plans you are in a zany, stimulating mood. A friend or associate may wish to become something more under these aspects! Alluring colors are pistachio and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 42 and 5.
2012-03-04, Sunday: Really Off?
If you are off someone, you are really off. As far as you are concerned, there will be no switching back on again. But remember you will not always feel this intensely, and there may come a point in a few weeks when you wish you hadn't been so abrupt. At the same time, you are feeling sympathetic and can be a great deal of help to those in need, with the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets. Advantageous colors are honeysuckle and bright neon. Lucky numbers are 61 and 17.
2012-03-04, Sunday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2012-03-04, Sunday: Keep Schmoozing
Your ability to keep the peace, and generally boost morale could be useful. Your charm may have a hidden agenda, but it will bring the desired result, so just keep schmoozing in the right places. Here's a good idea. Do the paperwork and sort out the budget. Then you will be in a better position to know exactly where you are and what the surplus for spending realistically is. Favorable colors are cinnamon and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 17 and 50.
2012-03-04, Sunday: Busy Schedule
As the day draws on, the lively Moon keeps you moving around a busy schedule, with more comings and goings, conversations, meetings and general chit chat than usual. You will be more aware of everyday contacts like neighbors, work mates, maybe even brothers and sisters. It's a real grasshopper mood just now. Communicative colors are cerise and yellow grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 48.
2012-03-04, Sunday: Stand Up
Watch a tendency to fit in with whoever is taking the strong position for the sake of peace and quiet. Pour oil on troubled waters but stand up for your rights. Why not be a little bit theatrical and dramatic? Try cracking a few jokes. Tonight sees the entertaining Moon of the month for you, so there's no sense in letting it slide by without making a definite statement in what you do. Fortunate colors are beryl and mango. Lucky numbers are 61 and 35.
2012-03-04, Sunday: Cuddlesome Friend
You should be in a position to give more now, Taurus, but stay sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close to you. You can be truly compassionate, but make sure you do not become emotionally overloaded. If you can't find a cuddlesome friend, snuggle up in a comfortable armchair with a good book. Favorable colors are grapefruit and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 36 and 12.
2011-03-04, Friday: Your New Moon
You feel so much more self-sufficient today, but, hey, if you can't do that when the New Moon is in your sign, when can you? This only happens once a year, so aim to do anything that puts you in the centre of everyone's attention. Friends and team mates keep you on the go in coming weeks with adventurous plans. Co-operation is not always easy in the dark but Confucius say many hands make light work. Fortunate colours are aquamarine and old gold. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
2011-03-04, Friday: Forward Gear
Cast your eye ahead and work out where you want to be in a year's time, Aquarius. Once you have set your goals, you can work out a practical plan for fulfilling them. You can't just hope it all shakes down, so use this powerful New Moon to give yourself a push. You may feel frustrated because you cannot act directly just yet. Get into forward gear, this is only temporary. Ambitious colours are amethyst and slate. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
2011-03-04, Friday: Collect Your Thoughts
Collect your thoughts before you clamber into the conversation, dear Goat. Everyone knows your heart is in the right place, but it's hard to see what you are driving at. Take a leaf out of your Virgo buddies' books and put some method and discipline into your schedules. Then you can do what caution and timidity may have prevented you recently. Weeks of delays and irritation are now over, as the Nodes move out of your sign. Get ready for lift off. Favourable colours are blue and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
2011-03-04, Friday: Wipe The Slate
Wipe the slate clean on any family differences, and see where you can spread a little harmony. The Moon's Node is now in your sign, which sets a fortunate vibration. With Mars, planet of dynamic action, active at the New Moon in Pisces, your fourth house of domestic conditions, you are ready to make a brand new start. Fortunate colours are claret ash and avocado. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
2011-03-04, Friday: Toss Your Inhibitions!
The Pisces New Moon encourages a charming new side of your personality to shine, without apology or self consciousness. Most of us conceal aspects of our character we think others might not like, or approve of. Toss your inhibitions! Express who you are and what you feel. The right people are sure to respond. Remember, more haste, less speed. Try not to be too direct with slowpokes. Fortunate colours are deep green and maroon. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
2011-03-04, Friday: New Methods Needed
This isn't the most glamorous time of the year for you, but it could just be the right time to reorganise some of your methods. Find the discipline! You will clear up a good many tangles before they happen. It's restless in the domicile for a few weeks. Throw yourself into reorganising the house to soak up loose energy, but don't be a busybody. Avoid ticking the family off. Favourable colours are light yellow and warm russet. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
2011-03-04, Friday: Bounce Back
You may have to be less self-sufficient and more adaptable to be sure your partners are on your wavelength, dear Virgo. You need your other half on your side before you can feel secure in whatever you are doing, at play or at work. Give before you get and you will find it's worth it. This passionate New Moon is about to bounce you back into life in a major way. Try not to be too bossy. Stay tactful with loved ones. Favourable colours are cool green and cream. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2011-03-04, Friday: Morale Booster
Your feelings are more intense than usual under the Pisces New Moon, Lions. Doesn't that tell you what you need to know about your intimate partnership? Lay your cards on the table in private, firmly but tactfully. This will set you up for a better mutual understanding in the future. Less praise may be coming your way in the workplace than you might wish, but take pride in what you do for its own sake. Be your own morale booster. Advantageous colours are sea green and golden wheat. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2011-03-04, Friday: Review Your Beliefs
Today's New Moon urges you to review your beliefs, whether in politics, religion, or just your philosophy of living. Our outlook never remains the same from childhood to old age, dear Crustaceans. We constantly abandon what no longer fits and so we alter our approaches. The times they are a-changin', as Dylan reminds us. The dynamic energy surrounding you will attract highly energetic companions in weeks ahead and can achieve a great deal together. Go for it! Empowering colours are rich red and cool green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
2011-03-04, Friday: Make Plans Now
Why not sit down and take a long, hard look at your goals and objectives, Gem? Are you really where you want to be in your life? If not, are there plans in place to get there? Use today's New Moon in your mid-heaven to springboard you into action. It's easy to feel jaded and bogged down in everyday responsibilities, but look for the forest... don't get caught up in the trees. Advantageous colours are bronze and silver. Lucky numbers are 10 and 37.
2011-03-04, Friday: Creative Bulls
Today's New Moon in sociable Pisces presents an excellent time to start a new project, particularly a hobby; you can use your innate creativity in weeks ahead and really go to town. You may even find that this could be lucrative in time, particularly if you utilise your own special talent. Of course, you may have to try several different things until you find out exactly what that is. Creative colours are ginger and azure. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
2011-03-04, Friday: New Moon
Over the next two weeks or so your sense of social justice will come into play, Rams. Deep down inside that water-tight Arien ego beats a heart of pure gold, so get out there and make a real difference to the world. Don't be depressed. Go through your closet and give anything you don't wear any more to charity, or how about walking dogs at the local animal shelter! Give it a go. Excellent colours are white linen and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2010-03-04, Thursday: Shake The Doldrums
The Moon moves through Scorpio forming a lovely trine with Jupiter, so shake off the doldrums. Those of you dealing with an educational institution may have been frustrated by red tape, but the aspects are in your favour now, so do your best to be resourceful and work within the system. When the day is done, you may need to seek relief... Sexual pleasure with a loving, willing partner would be ideal, but if this isn't possible, go for a long walk or bike ride followed by a hot bath. It's important to let off steam this evening, as tomorrow may be especially stressful. Beneficial colours are rich green and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
2010-03-04, Thursday: Slow and Easy
Take it slow and easy this morning. If you can, stay in bed until noon. There is nothing wrong with getting extra sleep sometimes, and this is a good time to do it. Later this afternoon, you'll be more inclined to socialize. Gather good friends together for an event such as an art festival or a jazz concert. Try a restaurant you have never been to. Just get out and do something, as boredom won't sit well with you today. Shake off those cobwebs! Beneficial colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
2010-03-04, Thursday: Needed
Your skills and talents may be in demand, leaving you little time for rest. However, your hard work at this time will pave the way for what you need later. Look on the bright side... you are so capable that people truly need you. There are worse things to be than that! Take care of your responsibilities and obligations today so that you can enjoy a lighter load tomorrow. A word of caution: Make sure these really ARE your obligations. Don't allow anyone to use you unfairly. Beneficial colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
2010-03-04, Thursday: Regenerate
Avoid the hustle and bustle of the social scene as the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets and solitude forms a beautiful aspect with Jupiter, your life-ruler. Give yourself a chance to regenerate by taking a long walk and enjoying the sights and sounds of nature. A little bit of heavenly seclusion under your own roof will be good for the soul now. Don't force yourself to be anything you are not. Beneficial colours are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
2010-03-04, Thursday: Power Struggles
The emotional Moon and combative Mars clash overnight, but Pluto is favoured, reducing the strength of power struggles and disagreements. You may need to evaluate your behaviour; it could be that you have been high-handed or controlling. If this is the case, you can make amends and search for a new way to respond to situations you perceive as threatening. Taking the time to work through personal differences with your family members will be worth it. Favourable colours are cherry red and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 4 and 37.
2010-03-04, Thursday: Managing Your Finances
Since it looks like you need to balance your bank records this evening, order in for dinner. Enjoy your favourite pizza or Chinese food while you engage in the less-than-pleasant chore of managing your finances. When you have accomplished your mission, curl up on the sofa in front of the television or with a good book... after all, some of the best amusements in the world are free. Beneficial colours are terra cotta and avocado green. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
2010-03-04, Thursday: Work Off Steam
The Moon moves through your third house of communication, urging you to express your feelings. If nervous tension has been building, it's imperative to work off steam. There is no way you can please everyone all of the time, so stop trying. You will be respected for standing up for yourself... this is not the time to be a martyr! Go for a brisk walk in the fresh air this evening. Beneficial colours are canary yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
2010-03-04, Thursday: Cosy
If you've been busy during the past two days, try to enjoy a cosy evening at home tonight. In fact, I highly recommend taking a break from the outside world and spending as much time as possible in your own bathtub. Sprinkle the water with rose petals and pretend you are Cleopatra or the King of Siam if need be. You have earned a few hours of suspended reality. Beneficial colours are teal blue and blush pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2010-03-04, Thursday: Charm and Romance
Today promises to be romantic and pleasant as the Moon glides through your fifth house of romance, creativity, and pleasure. Children's interests are also favoured, so make time for the little ones. If you want to charm someone special today, take a few hints from Scorpio's book: start with a little mystery, add some passion, sprinkle with intensity and blend well. Beneficial colours are violet and silver. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2010-03-04, Thursday: Detox
The Moon moves through Scorpio and your sixth house of health and service today, urging you to put away your toys and clean yourself up. If you've been eating too much junk, today is the day to detoxify your body. Eat only fresh, healthy foods and drink plenty of water; you might even consider going on a juice fast if your health will allow it. Beneficial colours are beige and blue grey. Lucky numbers are 18 and 21.
2010-03-04, Thursday: Relax
Finally you can relax and enjoy yourself, so plan for a candlelit evening. With the romantic Moon glowing in your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, you can connect with your partner in a most pleasurable way. Even if you are single you can revel in the company of dear friends as the Sun and sociable Venus encourage laughter and love. Beneficial colours are pale aqua and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
2010-03-04, Thursday: Cover Your Bases
If you didn't cover all your bases yesterday, you'll be faced with upsets today. The Powers That Be have been watching, so hopefully you've been discreet. If not, you may face censure. Nowadays, forwarding humorous e-mail to your colleagues at work can cost you your position. No matter how strong the urge to share the mirth is, click on the delete button instead! Beneficial colours are emerald green and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
2009-03-04, Wednesday: Heady Feelings
With passionate Mars, fortunate Jupiter, delightful Venus and the mysterious Moon harmonizing today, anything can happen. Even love at first sight is possible, but remember that those heady feelings usually fade with time. Those of you who have a significant other should consider doing something spontaneous now. Even if you have 2.4 children and a lawn to mow, you need to do something unplanned on occasion. Fortunate colours are gold and rosewood. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2009-03-04, Wednesday: Old Flame
Fortunate Jupiter, your life-ruler, blends well with the Moon and Mars, making today especially lively. With sexy Venus switched on, you never know who you might meet when you go out this afternoon; you might want to tidy up before you leave the house even if you don't feel like it. There is nothing worse than a chance meeting with an old flame when you haven't bothered to change your old rags. Lucky colours are powder blue and coppery red. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2009-03-04, Wednesday: Romantic Excitement
Passionate Mars may cause some excitement as the Moon harmonizes with Jupiter, lord of fortune and Venus, goddess of desire. Romantic developments are likely for those who are currently enjoying the abundance of attention the cosmos is sending your way. Children may also play a prominent role in your life. You may find that they are indirectly teaching you more than any college professor ever could. Passionate colours are vermilion and emerald. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2009-03-04, Wednesday: Excitable You!
Most of you enjoy a little excitement and will be able to find it today. The Moon in your sign blends well with lively Mars, urging you to meet people and see new places. Venus and Jupiter, the fortunate ones, make today lucky for the Twins. Your creative juices are flowing, so this is a good day to work on any projects you have in the works. Romance is a possibility as a stranger inspires love at first sight. Creative colours are strawberry and lemon. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2009-03-04, Wednesday: Talk, Talk, Talk
There will be plenty of gossip going around today; keep in mind much of it is likely to be greatly exaggerated. As the day progresses, brilliant ideas may come to you out of the blue. However, you may have so many thoughts spinning around your head that it is nearly impossible to follow any of them. Keep pen and paper with you so that you can write down anything you may want to explore later. Communicative colours are bright red and purple iris. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
2009-03-04, Wednesday: Balance And Harmony
The balance of power under your roof can be restored as the Moon, Mars and Jupiter harmonize. You may be surprised at how the simple act of trying to see another's point of view can improve relationships. Spending time at home with your favourite person will be rewarding. Your spirituality and depth of perception can increase during this transit. Harmonious colours are port wine and creamy linen. Lucky numbers are 17 and 18.
2009-03-04, Wednesday: Busy Bee
You need to hit the ground running as your day gets under way; the Moon's presence in your tenth house of career and status shines the spotlight on your achievements today. Financial fortune is yours as Venus spends the next few weeks in your eighth house of money and power. Those you have been kind to in the past are sure to repay you with support and gratitude in the not-too-distant future. Ambitious colours are sapphire blue and saddle tan. Lucky numbers are 28 and 37.
2009-03-04, Wednesday: Psychic Senses
Jupiter your life-ruler and Venus the goddess are on your side today, so it could be a very fortunate time for the Fish. Surprising insights come to the surface now, with the potential for a frisson of romance. You may wake up remembering a vivid dream that won't leave your mind; consult a dream dictionary or dream analysis site if you need help understanding the language of your sleeping mind. You can impress your friends and family with your psychic senses. Fortunate colours are pearly white and green jade. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2009-03-04, Wednesday: Icing On The Cake
The Moon and Mars combine to create excitement today, and Jupiter and Venus put icing on the cake. You may be lucky in little, unexpected ways. It wouldn't hurt to buy a lottery ticket just in case! Your personal values will be more obvious to others, with the Moon in your second house. You can effectively express your values through your actions, so be aware of what your actions reveal. Fortunate colours are coppery red and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
2009-03-04, Wednesday: Psychic Sense
Those of you who experience a psychic sense may find it working overtime in unpredictable ways. With both the intuitive Moon and healing Jupiter in your psychic houses, you may find spontaneous messages from the universe coming out of nowhere. Even the radio has a way of playing just the right song at just the right moment, making you stop and think. Pay attention to any dreams you have this evening. Intuitive colours are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 21 and 26.
2009-03-04, Wednesday: Curb Your Spending
Make an effort to curb your spending habits, or you may find yourself facing money troubles in the near future. Optimistic Jupiter and dynamic Mars are urging you to spend, spend, spend while dreamy Neptune has your eyes blinded to the facts of your financial situation. Most Sea Goats are exceedingly practical with their resources, but even with luck on your side, you may lose some of your famous control. Positive colours are silver and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
2009-03-04, Wednesday: Romantic Banter
Anything goes while the responsive Moon in chatty Gemini blends well with passionate Mars and lovely Venus. You may have a hard time sitting still in your seat, but why keep trying? Get outdoors and have some fun if the weather is permitting. Romance can be everything you want it to be, with you a leading figure in the round of romantic banter. Don't be afraid to let someone know that you think they are special. Excellent colours are violet and amber. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
2008-03-04, Tuesday: Mars In Cancer
Mighty Mars, the planet of action and assertion, enters your fifth house of romance and children. This could enhance your sex drive! The ambitious pursuit of a lover is in the wind, so watch it doesn't contribute to some nasty bickering. You may find yourself struggling with a child. Favourable colours are silver and red. Lucky numbers are 5 and 12.
2008-03-04, Tuesday: Mars In Cancer
Mars, the planet of action and assertion, enters the sign Cancer, your sixth house of work and health. A pre-existing health condition may become aggravated if you're not careful. Be careful, as friction is threatened between you and a co-worker. Practical colours are navy and champagne. Lucky numbers are 6 and 11.
2008-03-04, Tuesday: Mars In Cancer
Mars, the planet of action and assertion, enters tender Cancer and tours your seventh house of partnerships today. This stimulates arguments between you and a spouse or partner, but the makeup sex will be well worth it! Expansive colours are cherry red and pistachio. Lucky numbers are 16 and 69.
2008-03-04, Tuesday: Mars In Cancer
Mars, the planet of action and initiative, moves into Cancer now, your eighth house of shared resources. You should actively pursue a new investment opportunity, but beware however, of rushing into things. Expansive colours are amethyst and russet. Lucky numbers are 12 and 36.
2008-03-04, Tuesday: Mars In Cancer
Mars, the planet of action and assertion, enters receptive Cancer today. It tours your ninth house of the higher mind, stimulating you to reach a level of awareness that helps you lead your mind in an important new direction. Beneficial colours are mulberry and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 5 and 54.
2008-03-04, Tuesday: Mars In Cancer
Today Mars, the planet of action and energy, enters the sign Cancer and will tour your 10th house of fame, career and honours. You'll aggressively pursue your ambitions and need for professional advancement in coming weeks. Advantageous colours are bright red and american oak. Lucky numbers are 10 and 17.
2008-03-04, Tuesday: Mars In Cancer
Mars, the planet of action and initiative enters sensitive Cancer and begins a tour of your eleventh house of friends and goals today. This will heat up your social life and make you a bit sharp tongued towards a few pals. It's time to aggressively pursue your goals. Stimulating colours are violet and butterscotch. Lucky numbers are 11 and 18.
2008-03-04, Tuesday: Mars In Cancer
Today Mars, the planet of action and drive, enters the tender sign Cancer and begins a tour of your twelfth house of all that's hidden. It might seem as though all of your assertive ability has gone into hiding for awhile. It's time to plan and things will happen in the coming weeks once Mars enters your sign. Auspicious colours are persimmon and champagne. Lucky numbers are 16 and 4.
2008-03-04, Tuesday: Mars In Cancer
Mars, the planet of action and assertion, enters your sign today Cancer. This gives you a fantastic edge in terms of vitality and personal empowerment. You can easily 'make things happen' so get moving and don't waste it! Beneficial colours are fuchsia and silvery grey. Lucky numbers are 13 and 77.
2008-03-04, Tuesday: Mars In Cancer
Mars, the planet of action and assertion, enters tender Cancer today and this fiery planet will tour your second house of income. While you eagerly pursue financial prospects, Mars here could aggravate your budget a bit and cause major expenditures. Prosperous colours are apricot and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 14 and 55.
2008-03-04, Tuesday: Mars In Cancer
Mars, the planet of action and assertion, enters tender Cancer today. It will gallop through your third house of communication and this will ensure your voice is going to be heard in the most pioneering and leading fashion. Favourable colours are cerulean blue and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 24 and 8.
2008-03-04, Tuesday: Mars In Cancer
Mars, the planet of action and assertion, enters tender Cancer today. It will rev up your fourth house of home and family, which makes this a wonderful time to take the lead in a family situation or home renovation project. Auspicious colours are umber and cream. Lucky numbers are 9 and 43.
2006-03-04, Saturday: Power Play
Some of your plans may be affected by emotional problems, especially if you are not communicating well with a powerful woman, your mother, or wife. Insecurities and uncertainties lie at the basis of this, but once the power play has passed, things should move forward well. Romantic delights are available tonight, but you should tread carefully and watch what you say, as deep issues can be awoken that would better remain buried, at least for now. Fortunate colours are amber and beige. Lucky numbers are 19 and 20.
2006-03-04, Saturday: Natural Luck
Although you have been experiencing a reasonably lucky period in your career, today sees the energies take a less conscious turn. The demands of home and family will have an effect on this and you will find that while the energies are still fortunate in coming weeks, the outcome seems to have something of a mind of its own. Allow things to run their course, as it will be easier to make decisions at the end of the month. Relationships will be stressful today. Favourable colours are deep crimson and green splashes. Lucky numbers are 10 and 31.
2006-03-04, Saturday: In The Mating Game
Saturn, the Time Lord, is your planetary ruler and Saturday is 'Saturn's Day'. With the cruising Moon in sensual Taurus, fate may take a hand. You will find some fascinating insights into the motivation of the opposite sex and gain a deeper understanding of life's mysteries. Goats in the mating game will be empowered by the cosmic flavour, so don't mope about the house, no matter how risk-averse you feel. Empowering colours are platinum and jet. Lucky numbers are 26 and 32.
2006-03-04, Saturday: Cosmic Pressure
There is cosmic pressure on your sign today, Sagittarius, so if you are feeling under par or suffering, be sure to take some rest and get medical attention. Bright Jupiter, your life-ruler, turns retrograde in your twelfth house of secrets, sorrows and subconscious motivations, so you are entering a phase where inner strength and power will come through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability and overcoming hidden fears and worry. Empowering colours are yellow sapphire and bloodstone. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
2006-03-04, Saturday: Conflicting Energies
Some disputation, even conflict may be expected with those close today, Scorpio. Although it's Saturday and so courts are generally closed, it would still be unwise to undertake any form of legal action, or other forms of open confrontation under current aspects. Sexual encounters on the other hand are likely to be enthralling, as your archetypes are roused. Just stay out of rough neighbourhoods and war zones, if you value your material wellbeing. Exciting colours are dark ruby and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 8 and 11.
2006-03-04, Saturday: Ease Up On The Plastic.
Financial affairs seem to take on a life of their own today, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, turns retrograde in your house of finances. Do not be overconfident or rash and be sure to check the fine print in any credit documents or financial obligations during the next three weeks. It's easy to spend, spend, spend under this influence, but ease up on the plastic. Positive colours are bronze and crimson. Lucky numbers are 26 and 18.
2006-03-04, Saturday: Pressure Cooker
Some of the difficulties you've been experiencing with your significant other will ease today, but these may well be replaced by difficulties with in-laws and children. Emotional pressure has been building, although this morning circumstances allow you to take a breath before diving back in. News from distant contacts will affect the picture, but do not allow power struggles to develop beyond the verbal phase. Beneficial colours are warm lavender and platinum. Lucky numbers are 18 and 7.
2006-03-04, Saturday: Avoid Conflict
It's not a good day to make changes at work or at home, especially if you are considering relocating. If you do, they are likely to rebound on you. You are feeling like the meat in the sandwich anyway, as Jupiter turns retrograde. Sign no contracts or agreements today, especially in real estate. Stay out of conflict zones. Matters from the past will impede you and must be resolved before you can take the great leap forward, which is promised for you later in the year. Healing colours are golden topaz and emerald. Lucky numbers are 44 and 22.
2006-03-04, Saturday: Problems Arise
Your cherished hopes and wishes receive a boost today. Some solid grounding can be developed, but get all that out of the way as early as you can, because later in the day developments become decidedly dorky. Problems could easily arise with children in your life and the flavour of romantic attachments might turn a little sour. Avoid taking on new responsibilities, especially any kind of speculative investments. Favourable colours are leaf green and russet brown. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2006-03-04, Saturday: Emotional Lows
Even though it's Saturday, it's a good day to stay in bed. Unless you are involved in some highly competitive endeavour, such as sport, there's not much to be said for it. The evening does pick up considerably, so if you are out and about your energy will return and passionate discussions will enliven the night. Energising colours are red and yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 8.
2006-03-04, Saturday: Structure Your Situation
Although your personal magnetism is high, the current conditions are hardly likely to increase your prosperity. Make the effort to structure your situation, lest your material assets suffer in coming weeks. Be careful where you direct your money and avoid grand schemes. A conservative attitude may keep you from making a dill of yourself, but you will probably not be able to remove the forces that oppose you, so find a constructive way to work around them or with them. Providential colours are grey and purple. Lucky numbers are 7 and 4.
2006-03-04, Saturday: Personal Value Systems
This is a day when your personal value systems can be challenged, Rams. You can put things on a serious footing early in the piece, but as the day goes on, matters become harder to manage and things seem to be taken out of your hands. Expect some conflict with your significant other or partners over financial issues, especially if you have been trying any tricks in this field. Who, you? It may be that said tricks have been played on YOU. Ugh. Avoid extravagance tonight and keep your head down. Passion rises in parties nearby. Favourable colours are maroon and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 24 and 7.
2005-03-04, Friday: Predictable
Life is predictable and boring today, making you long to do something that will shake you out of your current rut. So what do you have in mind? You could become wildly attracted to someone who isn't your usual type at all or who is so controversial that he or she will outrage everyone who knows you. However, try not to go solely for shock value as you could regret it later on when you wonder what on earth possessed you to get involved with this person in the first place. Maybe you could tone it down a little? Beneficial colours are maroon and pale pink. Lucky numbers are 10 and 58.
2005-03-04, Friday: Fed Up?
Are you feeling bored, fed up or fidgety? Then keep well away from the shops unless you've either left your money at home or you're rolling in the stuff. That's because you'll enjoy splashing out on impulse buys in an attempt to brighten up your day or cheer yourself up, and it could work out very expensive by the time you've finished. You may not even like half the things you buy, so keep the receipts if you do flash the cash around. Beneficial colours are violet and blue. Lucky numbers are 31 and 42.
2005-03-04, Friday: Surprises
Your social life is full of surprises today, so be prepared for all eventualities. A pre-arranged appointment might be changed at the last minute, or someone may not turn up when you expect them. If you meet someone for the first time, they'll have quite an impact on you. You might even be completely dazzled by them, especially if they aren't your usual type. What on earth is going on? Beneficial colours are russet and cream. Lucky numbers are 31 and 24.
2005-03-04, Friday: Family Focus
The focus is firmly on your family life at the moment and it's the same story today. But don't expect things to be boring or predictable. Instead, get ready for some surprises and unexpected incidents, courtesy of a certain person who is dear to your heart. They may act out of character or alter a plan at the eleventh hour, so you'll have to adapt to the changed circumstances. Advantageous colours are lapis lazuli and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 33 and 50.
2005-03-04, Friday: Sexual Chemistry
A certain person is absolutely scintillating and you can't get enough of them. In fact, the sexual chemistry between the two of you has got you in quite a state. That's fine if you're already in a relationship with this person or you're in a position to pursue them, but life will get rather complicated if you're already spoken for because you'll battle with temptation. How will the story end? Dynamic colours are ultramarine and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 20 and 27.
2005-03-04, Friday: Stirrer
Someone wants to create a bit of a stir today, especially if you work with them and they think things are starting to get boring. They'll go out of their way to keep you amused but their antics might get you into trouble as well, so watch out. You might also be powerfully attracted to someone you meet now, whether through work or a medical matter. The big question is what you want to do about it. Stabilising colours are shimmering green and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 38 and 42.
2005-03-04, Friday: Unusual
You yearn to be with people who are interesting and unusual today, so try to give a wide berth to anyone who's so predictable that you could set your watch by them. There's also a chance that you could be tempted by the many charms of someone who has an electrifying effect on you, even if you're already spoken for. If this happens, the big question is what you're going to do about it. The sensible option is not to do anything rash, but you aren't feeling sensible at the moment. Dynamic colours are sunshine yellow and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2005-03-04, Friday: A Few Surprises
Get ready for a few surprises in a close relationship. Someone could sweep you off your feet and suggest doing something totally different from your usual Friday routine, or they could say something that leaves you reeling with shock. There's also a chance that you could be smitten by someone you meet today, and feel dazzled by their sexual magnetism and the chemistry between you. Should you leave it at that or take it any further? Favourable colours are orange and ivory. Lucky numbers are 34 and 60.
2005-03-04, Friday: Break Free
You enjoy sticking to a familiar routine but today you long to break free from your usual schedule and do something completely different. If you're self-employed maybe you could give yourself the day off work and go on a mini adventure? If that's not possible, arrange to do something exciting in your spare time. There could also be some sensational news from a special person who lives abroad. Expansive colours are pale gold and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 34 and 62.
2005-03-04, Friday: Sexy Aura
You may be hit straight between the eyes by the charms of someone who isn't your usual cup of tea today. They might also be in a position of power or influence, which gives them a very sexy aura. What are you going to do about this? If you start a relationship it could be over almost as soon as it began, but it will be quite something while it lasts. Ideal colours are ginger and avocado. Lucky numbers are 33 and 4.
2005-03-04, Friday: A Spring In Your Step
Someone puts a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eyes today. It's exhilarating and good fun, even if it doesn't mean anything. For instance, you might have a delightful flirtation with a friend, or you could be chatted up by a complete stranger. But there's also a chance that you might suddenly be smitten by the charms of someone you've known for a while. What next? Stable colours are strawberry and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 31 and 63.
2005-03-04, Friday: A Merry Dance
Your emotions could lead you a merry dance this Friday, so be prepared for anything to happen! You could be smitten by someone who isn't your usual cup of tea in the slightest but who hits you right between the eyes now. The burning question is whether you'll want to take it any further or whether this bewildering attraction will be over as quickly as it started. Opportune colours are ivory and dark purple. Lucky numbers are 29 and 6.
2004-03-04, Thursday: Planetary Boost
If you are normally a little under-confident and lacking in self-esteem, the planetary influences will do wonders for you. But if you are normally a bit over the top, then this could send you sailing off into the stratosphere. Try to avoid the temptation to think you're absolutely right about absolutely everything. You will be thinking, talking and moving a good deal faster than usual, and in a very fidgety mood. Advantageous colours are apricot and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 45 and 33.
2004-03-04, Thursday: Get Into Action
Feeling cheerful, extravagant and very optimistic? Let's not assume that everything is going to work wonderfully well just by luck. Get into action! This is definitely not a day for sitting still. You will whizz around on short journeys, or write more letters than usual, making phonecalls galore. Avoid a tendency to tell other people exactly what you think of their faults, as that won't go down well. Advantageous colours are clotted cream and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 45 and 12.
2004-03-04, Thursday: Bright Ideas
You are full of bright ideas, chattering away exuberantly, determined to get your views across. Try to listen as well, if you can manage it, since communication should be a two-way process. You could pick up useful feedback. Write down a few bullet points before you start and that way you will not be distracted from your main points. Avoid the tendency to spend too much money, or think you are right about absolutely everything. Amusing colours are cinnamon and old gold. Lucky numbers are 4 and 76.
2004-03-04, Thursday: Be Clear
You can win people over to your side if you sweep them up in your enthusiasm. Be straightforward and other people will adore you. Your mind will be leaping from subject to subject at great speed, so slow down once in a while just to check your companions are actually hearing what you have to say. Be absolutely clear about what may seem to be trivial details. Effective colours are taupe and golden wheat. Lucky numbers are 55 and 75.
2004-03-04, Thursday: A Few Limits
Keep one scheme within realistic bounds and put a few limits on your plans and hopes and you could do well. But there is a danger that you could go into mental overdrive and zip on so quickly that you miss out on opportunities. It may go against the grain, but if you can pause to collect your wits you will achieve more. If you rush ahead too fast you may get careless or cut corners. Then nothing works well. Advantageous colours are shell pink and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 62.
2004-03-04, Thursday: Feeling Lazy
You may be feeling lazy, Virgo. There are fortunate influences around, so push yourself to get into a hard working mood. A little effort will turn your luck into something long-lasting and tangible. Trying to catch your stream of consciousness and focus it may be trickier. Can you stop long enough to consolidate your thinking or come to sensible conclusions? Providential colours are crimson and hazelnut. Lucky numbers are 6 and 8.
2004-03-04, Thursday: Generous And Indulgent
You are likely to be very generous to others and also indulgent with yourself. It might be the right time to do outstanding paper work as you will have good insights with a quick eye for what is out of place. It is a good day to get new things started. There may be nothing hugely important but it will wake you up. Beneficial colours are peach and musk. Lucky numbers are 11 and 58.
2004-03-04, Thursday: Feeling Expansive
You will be feeling very expansive, but try to avoid going over the top. If you can discipline yourself, there is luck around. You are on an adrenaline rush today, so you will want to pack more things into the schedule. You could motivate and encourage companions into joining in too. They will appreciate the freshness of your approach, and way of seeing what they have missed. Fortunate colours are peridot and sage. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
2004-03-04, Thursday: Right Place
Your instincts and your intuition will be working well, so you will end up in the right place at the right moment, saying the right thing. But you may be inclined to spread yourself a little thin today, because you are trying to handle too many things at once. Try to get your list of priorities straight in your head before you start. Then tick them off as you go along, and you will end up feeling more than a little pleased with yourself. Resourceful colours are tangerine and teal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 45.
2004-03-04, Thursday: Be Prepared
Watch how you go, because you could find that you do things that are not entirely sensible. The old scout motto of be prepared is not a bad idea at all today, so get everything in ship shape order, before you launch into activity or into discussions. Sometimes it's a good idea to be self-critical, particularly before other people get a chance to have a look at your pet schemes. That way you can forestall criticism and appear very efficient. Auspicious colours are carnelian and bronze. Lucky numbers are 7 and 22.
2004-03-04, Thursday: Planetary Boost
Expansive planetary influences boost you up. You may not be a list-making person, but it might be good idea just now because you could tend to be forgetful. Too many ideas are chasing round inside your head so you are at risk of getting in a muddle. Remember that you must have some kind of structure to what you are saying, otherwise you will not be able to communicate clearly. Beneficial colours are yellow satin and fire opal. Lucky numbers are 20 and 59.