Leo's Horoscopes | Girl.com.au



Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd

The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.

2024-07-19, Friday
As a natural healer, you might find yourself experiencing a rush of transformative energy today, which you should put into practice. This is a great time to go for a massage or study natural healing modalities such as herbs or aromatherapy. Combine them with your innate healing abilities, Leo, and you might be happy with the results. Your mind is especially receptive right now. You'll retain more of what you learn than you usually would.
2023-07-19, Wednesday: New Moon
You'll really enjoy putting your brain through its paces today, especially if you choose an intellectual pursuit. But don't be surprised if it's difficult to tear yourself away from it! It's great for trying your hand at a crossword puzzle or competition. After the New Moon, the Moon rolls into your sign, so your personal magnetism increases and your energy begins to rise. Thank Heavens, as the past few days have been less than delightful! Favorable colors are pearly white and jade green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2022-07-19, Tuesday: New Moon
You'll really enjoy putting your brain through its paces today, especially if you choose an intellectual pursuit. But don't be surprised if it's difficult to tear yourself away from it! It's great for trying your hand at a crossword puzzle or competition. After the New Moon, the Moon rolls into your sign, so your personal magnetism increases and your energy begins to rise. Thank Heavens, as the past few days have been less than delightful! Favorable colors are pearly white and jade green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2021-07-19, Monday: New Moon
You'll really enjoy putting your brain through its paces today, especially if you choose an intellectual pursuit. But don't be surprised if it's difficult to tear yourself away from it! It's great for trying your hand at a crossword puzzle or competition. After the New Moon, the Moon rolls into your sign, so your personal magnetism increases and your energy begins to rise. Thank Heavens, as the past few days have been less than delightful! Favorable colors are pearly white and jade green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2020-07-19, Sunday: New Moon
You'll really enjoy putting your brain through its paces today, especially if you choose an intellectual pursuit. But don't be surprised if it's difficult to tear yourself away from it! It's great for trying your hand at a crossword puzzle or competition. After the New Moon, the Moon rolls into your sign, so your personal magnetism increases and your energy begins to rise. Thank Heavens, as the past few days have been less than delightful! Favorable colors are pearly white and jade green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2019-07-19, Friday: New Moon
You'll really enjoy putting your brain through its paces today, especially if you choose an intellectual pursuit. But don't be surprised if it's difficult to tear yourself away from it! It's great for trying your hand at a crossword puzzle or competition. After the New Moon, the Moon rolls into your sign, so your personal magnetism increases and your energy begins to rise. Thank Heavens, as the past few days have been less than delightful! Favorable colors are pearly white and jade green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2018-07-19, Thursday: New Moon
You'll really enjoy putting your brain through its paces today, especially if you choose an intellectual pursuit. But don't be surprised if it's difficult to tear yourself away from it! It's great for trying your hand at a crossword puzzle or competition. After the New Moon, the Moon rolls into your sign, so your personal magnetism increases and your energy begins to rise. Thank Heavens, as the past few days have been less than delightful! Favorable colors are pearly white and jade green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2017-07-19, Wednesday: New Moon
You'll really enjoy putting your brain through its paces today, especially if you choose an intellectual pursuit. But don't be surprised if it's difficult to tear yourself away from it! It's great for trying your hand at a crossword puzzle or competition. After the New Moon, the Moon rolls into your sign, so your personal magnetism increases and your energy begins to rise. Thank Heavens, as the past few days have been less than delightful! Favorable colors are pearly white and jade green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2016-07-19, Tuesday: New Moon
You'll really enjoy putting your brain through its paces today, especially if you choose an intellectual pursuit. But don't be surprised if it's difficult to tear yourself away from it! It's great for trying your hand at a crossword puzzle or competition. After the New Moon, the Moon rolls into your sign, so your personal magnetism increases and your energy begins to rise. Thank Heavens, as the past few days have been less than delightful! Favorable colors are pearly white and jade green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2015-07-19, Sunday: New Moon
You'll really enjoy putting your brain through its paces today, especially if you choose an intellectual pursuit. But don't be surprised if it's difficult to tear yourself away from it! It's great for trying your hand at a crossword puzzle or competition. After the New Moon, the Moon rolls into your sign, so your personal magnetism increases and your energy begins to rise. Thank Heavens, as the past few days have been less than delightful! Favorable colors are pearly white and jade green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2014-07-19, Saturday: New Moon
You'll really enjoy putting your brain through its paces today, especially if you choose an intellectual pursuit. But don't be surprised if it's difficult to tear yourself away from it! It's great for trying your hand at a crossword puzzle or competition. After the New Moon, the Moon rolls into your sign, so your personal magnetism increases and your energy begins to rise. Thank Heavens, as the past few days have been less than delightful! Favorable colors are pearly white and jade green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2013-07-19, Friday: New Moon
You'll really enjoy putting your brain through its paces today, especially if you choose an intellectual pursuit. But don't be surprised if it's difficult to tear yourself away from it! It's great for trying your hand at a crossword puzzle or competition. After the New Moon, the Moon rolls into your sign, so your personal magnetism increases and your energy begins to rise. Thank Heavens, as the past few days have been less than delightful! Favorable colors are pearly white and jade green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2012-07-19, Thursday: New Moon
You'll really enjoy putting your brain through its paces today, especially if you choose an intellectual pursuit. But don't be surprised if it's difficult to tear yourself away from it! It's great for trying your hand at a crossword puzzle or competition. After the New Moon, the Moon rolls into your sign, so your personal magnetism increases and your energy begins to rise. Thank Heavens, as the past few days have been less than delightful! Favorable colors are pearly white and jade green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2011-07-19, Tuesday: Minding Your Business
Sort out the boundaries in your dealings with others, especially where there are financial ties or intense emotional bonds. Where do you stand with such commitments? Are you bound to something when you actually want to be free? It's time to face up to the answers to these questions. Proper colours are burnished gold and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 26.
2009-07-19, Sunday: Obsessions
A certain intensity with money and relationships makes the going hard. Steer clear of difficult people. Don't indulge in your favourite obsessions as things could go off the rails. There may be powerful pulls or attractions for some and plain difficulty for others. Try to stay in tune with the world around you. Playful colours are apricot and steel blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 22.
2008-07-19, Saturday: Puffy
The potential for you to be reckless in your daily tasks is possible now. You certainly have an "I can do it all" viewpoint and this may well be the case. Still, if you're going to do it, do it right. Empowering colours are hazelnut and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 34.
2007-07-19, Thursday: Deep Resources
You have the ability to tap into your inner reserves today - the part of yourself you'd rather not face. What will happen is that you'll find a jewel in your own psyche that can be materialized as a jewel in the external world. Stimulating colours are sapphire blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 12 and 59.
2005-07-19, Tuesday: Enjoy Yourself
It's a day for enjoying yourself whenever you get the chance. You may have to fit in lots of work around these enjoyable interludes, of course, but at least you can have some fun. You don't even have to spend a lot of money, either, so consider meeting a friend for a quick lunch or arranging to get together after work. Romance is also looking good for you today and you can expect some delightful ego boosts from you-know-who. Auspicious colours are marzipan and auburn. Lucky numbers are 40 and 42.
2004-07-19, Monday: Pressure Cooker
Take it easy Leo, otherwise you'll end the day with steam coming out of both ears! You have a tremendous amount of energy right now and it needs to be released in positive and controlled ways. Ideally, you should do something physical because you'll definitely get ratty if you're too sedentary. If you're out driving, watch the speed limit! Soothing colours are peach and aqua. Lucky numbers are 21 and 75.

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