Leo's Horoscopes | Girl.com.au



Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd

The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.

2025-03-04, Tuesday
Today you might toy with the idea of doing some renovation on your home, perhaps for your enjoyment, but primarily to increase its value, Leo. Decorating, landscaping, or both might be on the agenda. A number of possibilities could present themselves, and you will probably spend much time giving each some serious consideration. In the end, you will probably choose the most beautiful!
2024-03-04, Monday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2023-03-04, Saturday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2022-03-04, Friday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2021-03-04, Thursday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2020-03-04, Wednesday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2019-03-04, Monday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2018-03-04, Sunday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2017-03-04, Saturday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2016-03-04, Friday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2015-03-04, Wednesday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2014-03-04, Tuesday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2012-03-04, Sunday: Honest And Direct
Saturn and Venus force you to be honest and direct about your feelings, so if you want loved ones to be open and above board, be sure to keep lines of communication open. Ask for what you need - which is more pampering, indulging and feeling comforted. Playful colors are antique silver and glossy obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 23.
2011-03-04, Friday: Morale Booster
Your feelings are more intense than usual under the Pisces New Moon, Lions. Doesn't that tell you what you need to know about your intimate partnership? Lay your cards on the table in private, firmly but tactfully. This will set you up for a better mutual understanding in the future. Less praise may be coming your way in the workplace than you might wish, but take pride in what you do for its own sake. Be your own morale booster. Advantageous colours are sea green and golden wheat. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
2010-03-04, Thursday: Cosy
If you've been busy during the past two days, try to enjoy a cosy evening at home tonight. In fact, I highly recommend taking a break from the outside world and spending as much time as possible in your own bathtub. Sprinkle the water with rose petals and pretend you are Cleopatra or the King of Siam if need be. You have earned a few hours of suspended reality. Beneficial colours are teal blue and blush pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2009-03-04, Wednesday: Heady Feelings
With passionate Mars, fortunate Jupiter, delightful Venus and the mysterious Moon harmonizing today, anything can happen. Even love at first sight is possible, but remember that those heady feelings usually fade with time. Those of you who have a significant other should consider doing something spontaneous now. Even if you have 2.4 children and a lawn to mow, you need to do something unplanned on occasion. Fortunate colours are gold and rosewood. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2008-03-04, Tuesday: Mars In Cancer
Today Mars, the planet of action and drive, enters the tender sign Cancer and begins a tour of your twelfth house of all that's hidden. It might seem as though all of your assertive ability has gone into hiding for awhile. It's time to plan and things will happen in the coming weeks once Mars enters your sign. Auspicious colours are persimmon and champagne. Lucky numbers are 16 and 4.
2006-03-04, Saturday: Avoid Conflict
It's not a good day to make changes at work or at home, especially if you are considering relocating. If you do, they are likely to rebound on you. You are feeling like the meat in the sandwich anyway, as Jupiter turns retrograde. Sign no contracts or agreements today, especially in real estate. Stay out of conflict zones. Matters from the past will impede you and must be resolved before you can take the great leap forward, which is promised for you later in the year. Healing colours are golden topaz and emerald. Lucky numbers are 44 and 22.
2005-03-04, Friday: A Few Surprises
Get ready for a few surprises in a close relationship. Someone could sweep you off your feet and suggest doing something totally different from your usual Friday routine, or they could say something that leaves you reeling with shock. There's also a chance that you could be smitten by someone you meet today, and feel dazzled by their sexual magnetism and the chemistry between you. Should you leave it at that or take it any further? Favourable colours are orange and ivory. Lucky numbers are 34 and 60.
2004-03-04, Thursday: Generous And Indulgent
You are likely to be very generous to others and also indulgent with yourself. It might be the right time to do outstanding paper work as you will have good insights with a quick eye for what is out of place. It is a good day to get new things started. There may be nothing hugely important but it will wake you up. Beneficial colours are peach and musk. Lucky numbers are 11 and 58.

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