Libra's Horoscopes |



Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd

Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.

2024-08-13, Tuesday
Different people measure success by different scales. You shouldn't get discouraged if your accomplishment today seems small compared to what others have done in the same period. Comparisons will make it difficult for you to feel like you're getting anywhere. Someone else will always do more. Be content with what you do today, even if it's something simple.
2023-08-13, Sunday: Pleasant Surprises
There are some very pleasant surprises in store for you today, especially where your work is concerned. You might hit it off so well with a colleague or customer that it almost seems as though you're flirting with each other -- and maybe you are! If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be fun-loving, unusual and very entertaining. Auspicious colors are strawberry and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 37 and 50.
2022-08-13, Saturday: Pleasant Surprises
There are some very pleasant surprises in store for you today, especially where your work is concerned. You might hit it off so well with a colleague or customer that it almost seems as though you're flirting with each other -- and maybe you are! If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be fun-loving, unusual and very entertaining. Auspicious colors are strawberry and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 37 and 50.
2021-08-13, Friday: Pleasant Surprises
There are some very pleasant surprises in store for you today, especially where your work is concerned. You might hit it off so well with a colleague or customer that it almost seems as though you're flirting with each other -- and maybe you are! If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be fun-loving, unusual and very entertaining. Auspicious colors are strawberry and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 37 and 50.
2020-08-13, Thursday: Pleasant Surprises
There are some very pleasant surprises in store for you today, especially where your work is concerned. You might hit it off so well with a colleague or customer that it almost seems as though you're flirting with each other -- and maybe you are! If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be fun-loving, unusual and very entertaining. Auspicious colors are strawberry and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 37 and 50.
2019-08-13, Tuesday: Pleasant Surprises
There are some very pleasant surprises in store for you today, especially where your work is concerned. You might hit it off so well with a colleague or customer that it almost seems as though you're flirting with each other -- and maybe you are! If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be fun-loving, unusual and very entertaining. Auspicious colors are strawberry and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 37 and 50.
2018-08-13, Monday: Pleasant Surprises
There are some very pleasant surprises in store for you today, especially where your work is concerned. You might hit it off so well with a colleague or customer that it almost seems as though you're flirting with each other -- and maybe you are! If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be fun-loving, unusual and very entertaining. Auspicious colors are strawberry and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 37 and 50.
2017-08-13, Sunday: Pleasant Surprises
There are some very pleasant surprises in store for you today, especially where your work is concerned. You might hit it off so well with a colleague or customer that it almost seems as though you're flirting with each other -- and maybe you are! If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be fun-loving, unusual and very entertaining. Auspicious colors are strawberry and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 37 and 50.
2016-08-13, Saturday: Pleasant Surprises
There are some very pleasant surprises in store for you today, especially where your work is concerned. You might hit it off so well with a colleague or customer that it almost seems as though you're flirting with each other -- and maybe you are! If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be fun-loving, unusual and very entertaining. Auspicious colors are strawberry and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 37 and 50.
2015-08-13, Thursday: Pleasant Surprises
There are some very pleasant surprises in store for you today, especially where your work is concerned. You might hit it off so well with a colleague or customer that it almost seems as though you're flirting with each other -- and maybe you are! If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be fun-loving, unusual and very entertaining. Auspicious colors are strawberry and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 37 and 50.
2014-08-13, Wednesday: Pleasant Surprises
There are some very pleasant surprises in store for you today, especially where your work is concerned. You might hit it off so well with a colleague or customer that it almost seems as though you're flirting with each other -- and maybe you are! If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be fun-loving, unusual and very entertaining. Auspicious colors are strawberry and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 37 and 50.
2013-08-13, Tuesday: Pleasant Surprises
There are some very pleasant surprises in store for you today, especially where your work is concerned. You might hit it off so well with a colleague or customer that it almost seems as though you're flirting with each other -- and maybe you are! If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be fun-loving, unusual and very entertaining. Auspicious colors are strawberry and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 37 and 50.
2012-08-13, Monday: Pleasant Surprises
There are some very pleasant surprises in store for you today, especially where your work is concerned. You might hit it off so well with a colleague or customer that it almost seems as though you're flirting with each other -- and maybe you are! If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be fun-loving, unusual and very entertaining. Auspicious colors are strawberry and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 37 and 50.
2011-08-13, Saturday: Full Moon
The Full Moon brightens your fifth house of romance and creativity, urging you to get out today. It's time to reconnect with your friends and seek their opinions and advice on certain subjects. You may be able to gain a great deal of support by reaching out now, as people are more inclined to listen to your dreams and ideas. Romance is there for Librans on the prowl, but children could be restive and troublesome. Favourable colours are plum purple and glittering gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 29.
2009-08-13, Thursday: Sexy Energy
The Moon dances with sensual Venus via your eighth house of sex, money and power, adding intensity to the day. Activities involving children, romantic attractions, financial and creative endeavours take on a exciting tone as lively Mars blends with shining Jupiter, enlivening your life. Impulsive and spontaneous behaviour is contagious today. An attraction for a more powerful person means even lovers could get way out of hand. Sensual colours are red wine and deep green. Lucky numbers are 10 and 18.
2008-08-13, Wednesday: Secret Love
There is a great deal going on behind closed doors today, Libra, but the outcome could be in your favour. If you stand by your principles and make the most of your hidden advantages, you will prosper on many levels. Trust your feelings and don't intellectualise too much, as the monkey mind will be working overtime. If you have a secret love, make your feelings known. Positive colours are saffron and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 12 and 4.
2007-08-13, Monday: Old Friends
An old friend needs you today and you are instrumental in reminding this person, likely a female, how much she is valued and where her talents truly lie, as well as how best to use her gifts. Receptive colours are dark pink and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 28 and 43.
2005-08-13, Saturday: Shooting From The Hip
Someone's shooting from the hip today, making it difficult to be around them for long without catching a few verbal bullets. What's got into them, anyway, and is it anything to do with you? If you are provoking this person in some way it would be far better to realize what you're doing and to admit it than to pretend that it's all their fault. Particular problem areas right now are money, sex and plans for the future, so go carefully. Soothing colours are cocoa and parchment. Lucky numbers are 3 and 72.
2004-08-13, Friday: Pleasant Surprises
There are some very pleasant surprises in store for you today, especially where your work is concerned. You might hit it off so well with a colleague or customer that it almost seems as though you're flirting with each other n and maybe you are! If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be fun-loving, unusual and very entertaining.

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