Libra's Horoscopes |



Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd

Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.

2024-07-24, Wednesday
You're apt to come up with some new, radical thoughts today, Libra, which you should feel free to share with others. There are opportunities around that you should grab hold of. Be aggressive about pushing ahead with your progressive thoughts. Communication with people who possess opposing viewpoints will prove quite valuable. Take a lesson from the bizarre and outlandish.
2023-07-24, Monday: A Change Of Scene
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
2022-07-24, Sunday: A Change Of Scene
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
2021-07-24, Saturday: A Change Of Scene
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
2020-07-24, Friday: A Change Of Scene
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
2019-07-24, Wednesday: A Change Of Scene
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
2018-07-24, Tuesday: A Change Of Scene
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
2017-07-24, Monday: A Change Of Scene
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
2016-07-24, Sunday: A Change Of Scene
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
2015-07-24, Friday: A Change Of Scene
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
2014-07-24, Thursday: A Change Of Scene
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
2013-07-24, Wednesday: A Change Of Scene
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
2012-07-24, Tuesday: A Change Of Scene
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
2011-07-24, Sunday: Challenges
Tension may be building in your life as the sensitive Moon challenges intense Pluto and disruptive Uranus. You may be dealing with unpleasant in-laws who will try your patience today. Dreams you have tonight may reveal unspoken messages you have been receiving through body language and other nonverbal clues. Keep a journal beside your bed and write them down upon waking. Beneficial colours are maroon and khaki. Lucky numbers are 33 and 48.
2009-07-24, Friday: The Unforeseen...
The critical Moon in Virgo and your solar twelfth house is contending with mighty Mars. A world of strong feelings and unexpected outbursts reflects the stresses in the Heavens as they filter into the mundane world. Keep your cool and withdraw a little if you're finding things too much or if others overreact. Hidden or forgotten matters might catch you out. Protective colours are obsidian and oyster pink. Lucky numbers are 10 and 22.
2008-07-24, Thursday: Moon In Aries
You've got an intense need to relate today thanks to the sensitive Moon touring your seventh house of relationships. You might decide to fight for love if it's called for. Stimulating colours are passionfruit and violet. Lucky numbers are 28 and 16.
2007-07-24, Tuesday: Guilty Fantasies
You may find yourself having extreme erotic fantasies today that create tremendous guilt. Alternatively, you could project your own feelings of guilt onto someone else, such as a child or romantic partner so that you don't have to cope with them yourself. You need to try and get to the bottom of why you feel this way in the first place. Beneficial colours are aquamarine and plum. Lucky numbers are 35 and 78.
2005-07-24, Sunday: Spoil Your Partner
Have you been taking a partner too much for granted recently? If so, you need to do something about it today. Try making a big fuss of your partner for a change. This isn't a good day for restricting anyone's movements and clipping their wings, because they want to feel like a free spirit and will soon cut up rough if this doesn't happen. Fortunate colours are pink velvet and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
2004-07-24, Saturday: A Change Of Scene
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colours are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 28 and 74.

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