Libra's Horoscopes |



Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd

Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.

2024-07-31, Wednesday
Today is a great day to act on things that have been brewing in your brain for quite some time, Libra. Perhaps you've been feeling unsure of yourself. It's OK to surrender and admit that you just don't have all the answers. Use this as an opportunity to restructure and rebuild. Embrace the unknown rather than fear or resist it. This is a great time to move toward it.
2023-07-31, Monday: Loose Ends
As the month ends, the cosmos is encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favorable colors are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
2022-07-31, Sunday: Loose Ends
As the month ends, the cosmos is encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favorable colors are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
2021-07-31, Saturday: Loose Ends
As the month ends, the cosmos is encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favorable colors are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
2020-07-31, Friday: Loose Ends
As the month ends, the cosmos is encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favorable colors are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
2019-07-31, Wednesday: Loose Ends
As the month ends, the cosmos is encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favorable colors are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
2018-07-31, Tuesday: Loose Ends
As the month ends, the cosmos is encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favorable colors are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
2017-07-31, Monday: Loose Ends
As the month ends, the cosmos is encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favorable colors are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
2016-07-31, Sunday: Loose Ends
As the month ends, the cosmos is encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favorable colors are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
2015-07-31, Friday: Loose Ends
As the month ends, the cosmos is encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favorable colors are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
2014-07-31, Thursday: Loose Ends
As the month ends, the cosmos is encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favorable colors are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
2013-07-31, Wednesday: Loose Ends
As the month ends, the cosmos is encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favorable colors are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
2012-07-31, Tuesday: Loose Ends
As the month ends, the cosmos is encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favorable colors are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
2011-07-31, Sunday: Take It Easy
You have all the energy you need to get everything done this morning, so take advantage of this fortunate time. However, as Mercury is slowing to his retro phase, it's best not to make any major decisions for now. This evening, enjoy a relaxing night among friends. Fortunate colours are golden topaz and emerald pearl. Lucky numbers are 11 and 12.
2008-07-31, Thursday: Venus Opposite Neptune
Your love life just got very confusing. Take a step back and try to understand all this bewilderment. You need clarity. Ideal colours are mother of pearl and pastel orange. Lucky numbers are 23 and 8.
2007-07-31, Tuesday: Stumped Transformation
You can't move forward today without feeling as if a friend is pushing against you. There is something you want to achieve in terms of personal transformation and healing but you'll find nothing but resistance from your friends ,so it's best to do this on your own. Expansive colours are mandarin and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 27.
2005-07-31, Sunday: Spice Of Life
Variety is the spice of life and it will certainly add some piquant seasoning to your day. This is especially likely if you've got to follow a rigid or tedious schedule today, because something will happen to throw all your plans up in the air. Do your best to go with the flow, because you won't get anywhere by resisting it and standing firm. Beneficial colours are scarlet and sage. Lucky numbers are 6 and 4.
2004-07-31, Saturday: Blue Moon
The month ends with a Full Moon, and it's encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life during the next two weeks. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favourable colours are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 54.

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