Pisces's Horoscopes | Girl.com.au



Born between: February 20th - March 20th

Pisces can be very shy people who take time to adapt but once they do Piscean makes a valuable friend as they're helpful, unselfish and trustworthy; however they need to be careful to not be too generous or be taken advantage of in all aspects of life.

2024-07-18, Thursday
Reclaim control of things that might be holding you back now, Pisces. You may find that there's an element of restriction to the day that's keeping you from getting where you want to be. Try the best you can to relax and stabilize your emotions. Interaction with people who are older and wiser is likely to shed some important perspective on things today. Heed advice from those who have been through similar situations.
2023-07-18, Tuesday: Express Yourself
Creative activities are right up your street today, with the sensitive Moon in stimulating Cancer and fortunate Jupiter smiling in the heavens. Why not express yourself in whichever way most appeals to you? Don't forget that there are many different ways to be creative, such as painting, dancing, listening to music, cooking or working in the garden. You'll also enjoy being around young children. Creative colors are silvery green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
2022-07-18, Monday: Express Yourself
Creative activities are right up your street today, with the sensitive Moon in stimulating Cancer and fortunate Jupiter smiling in the heavens. Why not express yourself in whichever way most appeals to you? Don't forget that there are many different ways to be creative, such as painting, dancing, listening to music, cooking or working in the garden. You'll also enjoy being around young children. Creative colors are silvery green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
2021-07-18, Sunday: Express Yourself
Creative activities are right up your street today, with the sensitive Moon in stimulating Cancer and fortunate Jupiter smiling in the heavens. Why not express yourself in whichever way most appeals to you? Don't forget that there are many different ways to be creative, such as painting, dancing, listening to music, cooking or working in the garden. You'll also enjoy being around young children. Creative colors are silvery green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
2020-07-18, Saturday: Express Yourself
Creative activities are right up your street today, with the sensitive Moon in stimulating Cancer and fortunate Jupiter smiling in the heavens. Why not express yourself in whichever way most appeals to you? Don't forget that there are many different ways to be creative, such as painting, dancing, listening to music, cooking or working in the garden. You'll also enjoy being around young children. Creative colors are silvery green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
2019-07-18, Thursday: Express Yourself
Creative activities are right up your street today, with the sensitive Moon in stimulating Cancer and fortunate Jupiter smiling in the heavens. Why not express yourself in whichever way most appeals to you? Don't forget that there are many different ways to be creative, such as painting, dancing, listening to music, cooking or working in the garden. You'll also enjoy being around young children. Creative colors are silvery green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
2018-07-18, Wednesday: Express Yourself
Creative activities are right up your street today, with the sensitive Moon in stimulating Cancer and fortunate Jupiter smiling in the heavens. Why not express yourself in whichever way most appeals to you? Don't forget that there are many different ways to be creative, such as painting, dancing, listening to music, cooking or working in the garden. You'll also enjoy being around young children. Creative colors are silvery green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
2017-07-18, Tuesday: Express Yourself
Creative activities are right up your street today, with the sensitive Moon in stimulating Cancer and fortunate Jupiter smiling in the heavens. Why not express yourself in whichever way most appeals to you? Don't forget that there are many different ways to be creative, such as painting, dancing, listening to music, cooking or working in the garden. You'll also enjoy being around young children. Creative colors are silvery green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
2016-07-18, Monday: Express Yourself
Creative activities are right up your street today, with the sensitive Moon in stimulating Cancer and fortunate Jupiter smiling in the heavens. Why not express yourself in whichever way most appeals to you? Don't forget that there are many different ways to be creative, such as painting, dancing, listening to music, cooking or working in the garden. You'll also enjoy being around young children. Creative colors are silvery green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
2015-07-18, Saturday: Express Yourself
Creative activities are right up your street today, with the sensitive Moon in stimulating Cancer and fortunate Jupiter smiling in the heavens. Why not express yourself in whichever way most appeals to you? Don't forget that there are many different ways to be creative, such as painting, dancing, listening to music, cooking or working in the garden. You'll also enjoy being around young children. Creative colors are silvery green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
2014-07-18, Friday: Express Yourself
Creative activities are right up your street today, with the sensitive Moon in stimulating Cancer and fortunate Jupiter smiling in the heavens. Why not express yourself in whichever way most appeals to you? Don't forget that there are many different ways to be creative, such as painting, dancing, listening to music, cooking or working in the garden. You'll also enjoy being around young children. Creative colors are silvery green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
2013-07-18, Thursday: Express Yourself
Creative activities are right up your street today, with the sensitive Moon in stimulating Cancer and fortunate Jupiter smiling in the heavens. Why not express yourself in whichever way most appeals to you? Don't forget that there are many different ways to be creative, such as painting, dancing, listening to music, cooking or working in the garden. You'll also enjoy being around young children. Creative colors are silvery green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
2012-07-18, Wednesday: Express Yourself
Creative activities are right up your street today, with the sensitive Moon in stimulating Cancer and fortunate Jupiter smiling in the heavens. Why not express yourself in whichever way most appeals to you? Don't forget that there are many different ways to be creative, such as painting, dancing, listening to music, cooking or working in the garden. You'll also enjoy being around young children. Creative colors are silvery green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
2011-07-18, Monday: Refreshed
You should awake feeling refreshed, strong, and ready to face the world as the Moon shines in your first house of personality. You'll have an extra dash of charm and magnetism, so don't be afraid to ask for what you want and need. People have confidence in you, and you won't let them down. You may be challenged with a crisis at home, but you are more than capable of handling whatever comes your way. Advantageous colours are ruby red and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2009-07-18, Saturday: Plan New Schedules
Cuddling up at home is favoured this weekend, as the cosmic forces urge you to communicate and do things together with family. Also, as Mercury moves through Leo, you'll need to upgrade schedules, tasks and responsibilities related to your work. An increasing number of details, messages, and information flow into your environment over coming weeks. Organization, methods, and general planning will occupy your mind. Gathering information about health and physical fitness or consultations with professionals will be valuable. Practical colours are buckskin and pastel shades. Lucky numbers are 4 and 6.
2008-07-18, Friday: Full Moon
A Full Moon in your eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes is surely a critical one. This is when a friendship could begin or end. A dream may finally come true. Auspicious colours are silver and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 23.
2007-07-18, Wednesday: Business Trip
It's a favourable time to take a short work-related trip where you can prove to a business partner or important client that you have the skills and ambition required to look after their best interests, as well as your own. Opportune colours are smoky quartz and marmalade. Lucky numbers are 14 and 46.
2005-07-18, Monday: Over The Top
The more restrictive and dull today's schedule is, the more you'll want to liven it up. But will you be able to? Try to make things more interesting for yourself before you reach screaming point, because when that happens you could easily go over the top and do something you'll regret later on. It will be good fun at the time, of course, but what an embarrassment when you've calmed down! Revealing colours are navy and tan. Lucky numbers are 22 and 71.
2004-07-18, Sunday: Florence Nightingale
This is the perfect day to get on with mundane chores. They're exactly what you're in the mood for, partly because you'll take comfort from doing something so everyday and ordinary, and also because you'll be pleased to have ticked various things off your list of things to do. At some point you may have to do your Florence Nightingale act with someone who isn't well. Harmonious colours are cherry blossom and dark blue. Lucky numbers are 40 and 62.

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