Pisces's Horoscopes | Girl.com.au



Born between: February 20th - March 20th

Pisces can be very shy people who take time to adapt but once they do Piscean makes a valuable friend as they're helpful, unselfish and trustworthy; however they need to be careful to not be too generous or be taken advantage of in all aspects of life.

2024-09-10, Tuesday
You're good at dealing with others, but today you should be especially so. Your intuition is strong and you're likely to instinctively understand others' thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires. You give freely of your experience, knowledge, and understanding. This brings others closer to you, which can work for you on many levels. Virtual social events may bring new friends.
2023-09-10, Sunday: You're Right
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
2022-09-10, Saturday: You're Right
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
2021-09-10, Friday: You're Right
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
2020-09-10, Thursday: You're Right
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
2019-09-10, Tuesday: You're Right
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
2018-09-10, Monday: You're Right
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
2017-09-10, Sunday: You're Right
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
2016-09-10, Saturday: You're Right
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
2015-09-10, Thursday: You're Right
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
2014-09-10, Wednesday: You're Right
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
2013-09-10, Tuesday: You're Right
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
2012-09-10, Monday: You're Right
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
2011-09-10, Saturday: Emotional Strength
The Moon enters your first house of personality, giving you added emotional strength. People may notice your unusually feisty mood; heaven help anyone foolish enough to stand in your way! Enjoy the added energy that comes with this transit, using it to assert yourself and accomplish things you are often too shy to attempt. Auspicious colours are cinnabar and cream. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2008-09-10, Wednesday: Financial Benefit
The Sun and Moon are enjoying a glorious dance that will help fulfil your hopes and dreams. Partners are fun now, and friends will be quite lively and happy to be with you. Fortunate events and contacts can also benefit you financially, not that that is usually on your mind. Enjoyable colours are lilac and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
2007-09-10, Monday: Walk Away
You've tried your very best to maintain peace and harmony with a certain female, but she is completely irritating today and it seems there's not much you can do to avoid a confrontation. Be polite, turn your back and walk away. Expansive colours are sage and chestnut. Lucky numbers are 31 and 69.
2005-09-10, Saturday: Work It Off
Watch out, my luscious Fish, because it's easy to get bad- tempered and to become involved in silly slanging matches. That's especially likely to happen if you allow yourself to get bogged down in petty details and irritated by other people's odd habits. Try to be more reasonable and easy-going. If you're feeling agitated or nervy, work off your angst by doing something therapeutic. Stable colours are fawn and crimson. Lucky numbers are 34 and 37.
2004-09-10, Friday: You're Right
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colours are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
2003-09-10, Wednesday: Go With The Flow
The Moon makes you strong in an utterly soft way as water wears away the rock. Your capacity to yield is completely disarming. How does one fight with the ocean? If caught in a rip one survives by going with it, not against. Harmonious colours are rose pink and lilac. Lucky numbers are 3 and 29.

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