Sagittarius.Html's Horoscopes |



Born between:

2024-08-10, Saturday
Information that you receive from others and from within your own heart could compel you to participate in some ambitious projects, Pisces. They may be work related, connected with a group, or your own. You'll find them interesting, challenging, and gratifying. New opportunities to advance and express yourself could open for you. It's best to move ahead now or they might pass you by.
2024-08-10, Saturday
Today you could be hit with some exciting news, Aquarius. This could involve new people or equipment coming onto the scene or an entirely new project or course of action that you'd never have dreamed of. This is likely to be a lucky break for you, as it probably suits your skills and talents nearly perfectly. Make the most of this opportunity. It could make a big difference to you.
2024-08-10, Saturday
A small social event or group rally could put you in touch with some new, exciting people in interesting fields, Capricorn. You might run into an old friend you haven't seen in ages. If you aren't romantically involved, an attractive new person could arrive on the scene. This promises to be an exciting, stimulating day. Don't be surprised if new doors to a great future open for you.
2024-08-10, Saturday
Dreams and meditations could lead to insights about how best to handle your finances, Sagittarius. Your intuition is very strong. Also, you could receive some surprising ideas from media sources. No matter how outrageous an idea seems, consider it well before deciding. A written plan of action for anything you do would be helpful. You'll want to keep track of all your ideas.
2024-08-10, Saturday
Some fascinating new information, possibly spiritual or metaphysical, could come today from periodicals, TV, or the Internet. This could set you on a new course of study, Scorpio. Your insights and revelations could prove valuable in increasing your understanding of what you read. This evening, expect a surprising message from someone you haven't heard from in a while. Enjoy!
2024-08-10, Saturday
Surprising news about your finances and the economy in general could cause you to feel confident and secure about your financial future, Libra. An unexpected raise could be on the way, possibly because of sudden changes in the workplace. Some of the information may seem vague and uncertain at first, but later news should clear it up. It seems a celebration is in order!
2024-08-10, Saturday
New information could come at you from all sides today, Virgo. Books, magazines, TV, the Internet, and conversations are likely to bring exciting knowledge your way that reinforces some of your convictions. Your intuitive abilities are strong, too. Insights could blend well with what you learn from others. Write down your thoughts. You'll want to put them to work for you later.
2024-08-10, Saturday
Today you could decide to attend a virtual workshop or social event involving people in a spiritual, metaphysical, or intellectual field, Leo. Fascinating talk could lead to your own insights and revelations. You could explore ways to harness your natural healing ability, perhaps through Reiki, massage, or another discipline. You'll be preoccupied with what you learn today.
2024-08-10, Saturday
Unusual circumstances could arise that change your creative orientation, Cancer. It's likely that they involve the gathering, sharing, and using of information. You may consider some unusual options that involve changing jobs, home, or another factor important to you. Think carefully first. Enjoy an intimate evening sharing these new developments with someone special.
2024-08-10, Saturday
Have you wanted to move in a new direction, Gemini? If so, this could be when you get the lead of a lifetime. You might receive unexpected information indicating possible new sources of income to pursue on your own. New opportunities are going to come that could make a big difference in your lifestyle and catapult you to a higher socioeconomic bracket. Make the most of it all.
2024-08-10, Saturday
Group activities or social events in your neighborhood, if possible, could put you in touch with new and exciting people who eventually become friends, Taurus. Shared goals and interests could give rise to plans for ambitious projects. Whatever enterprises you start today are likely to prove successful if everyone involved pitches in. This evening, enjoy quiet time with your partner.
2024-08-10, Saturday
You could meet some fascinating people, Aries, and perhaps learn Earthshaking information that impacts your life. You might consider new lifestyle options. A group, possibly spiritual or metaphysical, could seem attractive. You might consider joining it. Expect some fascinating discussions with a significant other. Books and other publications could prove enlightening.
2023-08-10, Thursday: Relationships Fraught
Some of your relationships will be rather fraught between now and late September, thanks to a sudden inability on your part to compromise and allow others to go their own way. You want to call the shots, and to have a lot of control over partners, even if this drives them round the bend with irritation. So expect some heated encounters unless you can tone things down a little. Favorable colors are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 13 and 47.
2023-08-10, Thursday: Stacks of Energy
During the next few weeks you can put stacks of energy into activities that have a lot of meaning for you, but you won't be nearly so enthusiastic over things you can take or leave. In fact, you could get rather ratty if you're expected to spend too much time on activities that seem inconsequential or superficial. You'll also have plenty of energy to devote to your sex life, as you'll be feeling extremely passionate and sensual. Advantageous colors are claret and taupe. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
2023-08-10, Thursday: Stretch Yourself
You're up for a challenge from today, so jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit. Favorable colors are mulberry and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
2023-08-10, Thursday: Push Ahead
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels. Beneficial colors are tangerine and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 1.
2023-08-10, Thursday: Urgent, Urgent
You won't want to waste any time in making progress with your plans for the future. You may even have a strong sense of urgency that pushes you forward and won't allow you to relax for long. Maybe it would help to set yourself a reasonable deadline, so you have something specific to aim for and you can pace yourself accordingly. Auspicious colors are teal blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 27 and 10.
2023-08-10, Thursday: Out And About
Get out and about as much as possible today. Ideally, you should forget about your usual routine and do something completely different for a change because it will be a real tonic. You'll also enjoy getting together with people who have a refreshing take on life and who can help you to see it from another angle. Beneficial colors are marmalade and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 39 and 19.
2023-08-10, Thursday: Mixed Signals
Personal communications won't be easy, so take extra precautions. You might not realize that you're sending out mixed signals or that you're giving a misleading impression about something. This won't be a good time for making important personal decisions because you might change your mind about them further down the line. Favorable colors are spring green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 33 and 52.
2023-08-10, Thursday: Chase Them Up
If you're waiting for someone to repay a debt, do your best to chase them up during the next few weeks. You'll make it plain that you aren't going to let them get away with it, and you'll keep reminding them that you're waiting for your money. Money in general will be important to you, but don't let it make you unduly materialistic or acquisitive. Opportune colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
2023-08-10, Thursday: Just Say It
The next few weeks are great for putting as much effort into your communications as possible. If you've got something to say, this will definitely be the time to say it, especially if it requires courage. However, will you know when to be quiet? There's a chance that you might say too much at times, or come across as too aggressive and demanding. So take care! Harmonious colors are peach and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
2023-08-10, Thursday: Tricky Phase
Domestic relationships start to come under strain from today and they won't sort themselves out until the beginning of October. So be very wary about misreading situations and try not to give anyone the wrong impression simply because you haven't said something important. Do your best to avoid signing any documents or agreements until this tricky phase blows over, in case you're being led up the garden path or you haven't been given all the facts. Beneficial colors are teal blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
2023-08-10, Thursday: Indulge Yourself
The next few weeks will be a fantastic opportunity to cram as much fun into your life as possible. You'll have a very strong desire to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance, and that will include making the most of your love life. If you get involved with someone new, the thrill of the chase will be a big part of the fun. Take care, though, not to confuse love with lust. Beneficial colors are plum and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
2023-08-10, Thursday: Eagle Eye
Keep an eagle eye on paperwork and files during the next few weeks because they'll have a nasty habit of doing their own thing and causing havoc. This isn't a time to trust to luck or hope that everything will magically look after itself because that isn't going to happen. There could also be mix-ups over appointment times, so check these carefully. Dynamic colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.
2022-08-10, Wednesday: Relationships Fraught
Some of your relationships will be rather fraught between now and late September, thanks to a sudden inability on your part to compromise and allow others to go their own way. You want to call the shots, and to have a lot of control over partners, even if this drives them round the bend with irritation. So expect some heated encounters unless you can tone things down a little. Favorable colors are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 13 and 47.
2022-08-10, Wednesday: Stacks of Energy
During the next few weeks you can put stacks of energy into activities that have a lot of meaning for you, but you won't be nearly so enthusiastic over things you can take or leave. In fact, you could get rather ratty if you're expected to spend too much time on activities that seem inconsequential or superficial. You'll also have plenty of energy to devote to your sex life, as you'll be feeling extremely passionate and sensual. Advantageous colors are claret and taupe. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
2022-08-10, Wednesday: Stretch Yourself
You're up for a challenge from today, so jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit. Favorable colors are mulberry and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
2022-08-10, Wednesday: Push Ahead
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels. Beneficial colors are tangerine and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 1.
2022-08-10, Wednesday: Urgent, Urgent
You won't want to waste any time in making progress with your plans for the future. You may even have a strong sense of urgency that pushes you forward and won't allow you to relax for long. Maybe it would help to set yourself a reasonable deadline, so you have something specific to aim for and you can pace yourself accordingly. Auspicious colors are teal blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 27 and 10.
2022-08-10, Wednesday: Out And About
Get out and about as much as possible today. Ideally, you should forget about your usual routine and do something completely different for a change because it will be a real tonic. You'll also enjoy getting together with people who have a refreshing take on life and who can help you to see it from another angle. Beneficial colors are marmalade and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 39 and 19.
2022-08-10, Wednesday: Mixed Signals
Personal communications won't be easy, so take extra precautions. You might not realize that you're sending out mixed signals or that you're giving a misleading impression about something. This won't be a good time for making important personal decisions because you might change your mind about them further down the line. Favorable colors are spring green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 33 and 52.
2022-08-10, Wednesday: Chase Them Up
If you're waiting for someone to repay a debt, do your best to chase them up during the next few weeks. You'll make it plain that you aren't going to let them get away with it, and you'll keep reminding them that you're waiting for your money. Money in general will be important to you, but don't let it make you unduly materialistic or acquisitive. Opportune colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
2022-08-10, Wednesday: Just Say It
The next few weeks are great for putting as much effort into your communications as possible. If you've got something to say, this will definitely be the time to say it, especially if it requires courage. However, will you know when to be quiet? There's a chance that you might say too much at times, or come across as too aggressive and demanding. So take care! Harmonious colors are peach and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
2022-08-10, Wednesday: Tricky Phase
Domestic relationships start to come under strain from today and they won't sort themselves out until the beginning of October. So be very wary about misreading situations and try not to give anyone the wrong impression simply because you haven't said something important. Do your best to avoid signing any documents or agreements until this tricky phase blows over, in case you're being led up the garden path or you haven't been given all the facts. Beneficial colors are teal blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
2022-08-10, Wednesday: Indulge Yourself
The next few weeks will be a fantastic opportunity to cram as much fun into your life as possible. You'll have a very strong desire to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance, and that will include making the most of your love life. If you get involved with someone new, the thrill of the chase will be a big part of the fun. Take care, though, not to confuse love with lust. Beneficial colors are plum and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
2022-08-10, Wednesday: Eagle Eye
Keep an eagle eye on paperwork and files during the next few weeks because they'll have a nasty habit of doing their own thing and causing havoc. This isn't a time to trust to luck or hope that everything will magically look after itself because that isn't going to happen. There could also be mix-ups over appointment times, so check these carefully. Dynamic colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.
2021-08-10, Tuesday: Relationships Fraught
Some of your relationships will be rather fraught between now and late September, thanks to a sudden inability on your part to compromise and allow others to go their own way. You want to call the shots, and to have a lot of control over partners, even if this drives them round the bend with irritation. So expect some heated encounters unless you can tone things down a little. Favorable colors are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 13 and 47.
2021-08-10, Tuesday: Stacks of Energy
During the next few weeks you can put stacks of energy into activities that have a lot of meaning for you, but you won't be nearly so enthusiastic over things you can take or leave. In fact, you could get rather ratty if you're expected to spend too much time on activities that seem inconsequential or superficial. You'll also have plenty of energy to devote to your sex life, as you'll be feeling extremely passionate and sensual. Advantageous colors are claret and taupe. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
2021-08-10, Tuesday: Stretch Yourself
You're up for a challenge from today, so jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit. Favorable colors are mulberry and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
2021-08-10, Tuesday: Push Ahead
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels. Beneficial colors are tangerine and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 1.
2021-08-10, Tuesday: Out And About
Get out and about as much as possible today. Ideally, you should forget about your usual routine and do something completely different for a change because it will be a real tonic. You'll also enjoy getting together with people who have a refreshing take on life and who can help you to see it from another angle. Beneficial colors are marmalade and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 39 and 19.
2021-08-10, Tuesday: Urgent, Urgent
You won't want to waste any time in making progress with your plans for the future. You may even have a strong sense of urgency that pushes you forward and won't allow you to relax for long. Maybe it would help to set yourself a reasonable deadline, so you have something specific to aim for and you can pace yourself accordingly. Auspicious colors are teal blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 27 and 10.
2021-08-10, Tuesday: Mixed Signals
Personal communications won't be easy, so take extra precautions. You might not realize that you're sending out mixed signals or that you're giving a misleading impression about something. This won't be a good time for making important personal decisions because you might change your mind about them further down the line. Favorable colors are spring green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 33 and 52.
2021-08-10, Tuesday: Chase Them Up
If you're waiting for someone to repay a debt, do your best to chase them up during the next few weeks. You'll make it plain that you aren't going to let them get away with it, and you'll keep reminding them that you're waiting for your money. Money in general will be important to you, but don't let it make you unduly materialistic or acquisitive. Opportune colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
2021-08-10, Tuesday: Just Say It
The next few weeks are great for putting as much effort into your communications as possible. If you've got something to say, this will definitely be the time to say it, especially if it requires courage. However, will you know when to be quiet? There's a chance that you might say too much at times, or come across as too aggressive and demanding. So take care! Harmonious colors are peach and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
2021-08-10, Tuesday: Tricky Phase
Domestic relationships start to come under strain from today and they won't sort themselves out until the beginning of October. So be very wary about misreading situations and try not to give anyone the wrong impression simply because you haven't said something important. Do your best to avoid signing any documents or agreements until this tricky phase blows over, in case you're being led up the garden path or you haven't been given all the facts. Beneficial colors are teal blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
2021-08-10, Tuesday: Indulge Yourself
The next few weeks will be a fantastic opportunity to cram as much fun into your life as possible. You'll have a very strong desire to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance, and that will include making the most of your love life. If you get involved with someone new, the thrill of the chase will be a big part of the fun. Take care, though, not to confuse love with lust. Beneficial colors are plum and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
2021-08-10, Tuesday: Eagle Eye
Keep an eagle eye on paperwork and files during the next few weeks because they'll have a nasty habit of doing their own thing and causing havoc. This isn't a time to trust to luck or hope that everything will magically look after itself because that isn't going to happen. There could also be mix-ups over appointment times, so check these carefully. Dynamic colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.
2020-08-10, Monday: Relationships Fraught
Some of your relationships will be rather fraught between now and late September, thanks to a sudden inability on your part to compromise and allow others to go their own way. You want to call the shots, and to have a lot of control over partners, even if this drives them round the bend with irritation. So expect some heated encounters unless you can tone things down a little. Favorable colors are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 13 and 47.
2020-08-10, Monday: Stacks of Energy
During the next few weeks you can put stacks of energy into activities that have a lot of meaning for you, but you won't be nearly so enthusiastic over things you can take or leave. In fact, you could get rather ratty if you're expected to spend too much time on activities that seem inconsequential or superficial. You'll also have plenty of energy to devote to your sex life, as you'll be feeling extremely passionate and sensual. Advantageous colors are claret and taupe. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
2020-08-10, Monday: Stretch Yourself
You're up for a challenge from today, so jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit. Favorable colors are mulberry and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
2020-08-10, Monday: Push Ahead
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels. Beneficial colors are tangerine and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 1.
2020-08-10, Monday: Urgent, Urgent
You won't want to waste any time in making progress with your plans for the future. You may even have a strong sense of urgency that pushes you forward and won't allow you to relax for long. Maybe it would help to set yourself a reasonable deadline, so you have something specific to aim for and you can pace yourself accordingly. Auspicious colors are teal blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 27 and 10.
2020-08-10, Monday: Out And About
Get out and about as much as possible today. Ideally, you should forget about your usual routine and do something completely different for a change because it will be a real tonic. You'll also enjoy getting together with people who have a refreshing take on life and who can help you to see it from another angle. Beneficial colors are marmalade and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 39 and 19.
2020-08-10, Monday: Mixed Signals
Personal communications won't be easy, so take extra precautions. You might not realize that you're sending out mixed signals or that you're giving a misleading impression about something. This won't be a good time for making important personal decisions because you might change your mind about them further down the line. Favorable colors are spring green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 33 and 52.
2020-08-10, Monday: Chase Them Up
If you're waiting for someone to repay a debt, do your best to chase them up during the next few weeks. You'll make it plain that you aren't going to let them get away with it, and you'll keep reminding them that you're waiting for your money. Money in general will be important to you, but don't let it make you unduly materialistic or acquisitive. Opportune colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
2020-08-10, Monday: Just Say It
The next few weeks are great for putting as much effort into your communications as possible. If you've got something to say, this will definitely be the time to say it, especially if it requires courage. However, will you know when to be quiet? There's a chance that you might say too much at times, or come across as too aggressive and demanding. So take care! Harmonious colors are peach and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
2020-08-10, Monday: Tricky Phase
Domestic relationships start to come under strain from today and they won't sort themselves out until the beginning of October. So be very wary about misreading situations and try not to give anyone the wrong impression simply because you haven't said something important. Do your best to avoid signing any documents or agreements until this tricky phase blows over, in case you're being led up the garden path or you haven't been given all the facts. Beneficial colors are teal blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
2020-08-10, Monday: Indulge Yourself
The next few weeks will be a fantastic opportunity to cram as much fun into your life as possible. You'll have a very strong desire to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance, and that will include making the most of your love life. If you get involved with someone new, the thrill of the chase will be a big part of the fun. Take care, though, not to confuse love with lust. Beneficial colors are plum and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
2020-08-10, Monday: Eagle Eye
Keep an eagle eye on paperwork and files during the next few weeks because they'll have a nasty habit of doing their own thing and causing havoc. This isn't a time to trust to luck or hope that everything will magically look after itself because that isn't going to happen. There could also be mix-ups over appointment times, so check these carefully. Dynamic colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.
2019-08-10, Saturday: Relationships Fraught
Some of your relationships will be rather fraught between now and late September, thanks to a sudden inability on your part to compromise and allow others to go their own way. You want to call the shots, and to have a lot of control over partners, even if this drives them round the bend with irritation. So expect some heated encounters unless you can tone things down a little. Favorable colors are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 13 and 47.
2019-08-10, Saturday: Stacks of Energy
During the next few weeks you can put stacks of energy into activities that have a lot of meaning for you, but you won't be nearly so enthusiastic over things you can take or leave. In fact, you could get rather ratty if you're expected to spend too much time on activities that seem inconsequential or superficial. You'll also have plenty of energy to devote to your sex life, as you'll be feeling extremely passionate and sensual. Advantageous colors are claret and taupe. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
2019-08-10, Saturday: Stretch Yourself
You're up for a challenge from today, so jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit. Favorable colors are mulberry and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
2019-08-10, Saturday: Push Ahead
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels. Beneficial colors are tangerine and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 1.
2019-08-10, Saturday: Urgent, Urgent
You won't want to waste any time in making progress with your plans for the future. You may even have a strong sense of urgency that pushes you forward and won't allow you to relax for long. Maybe it would help to set yourself a reasonable deadline, so you have something specific to aim for and you can pace yourself accordingly. Auspicious colors are teal blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 27 and 10.
2019-08-10, Saturday: Out And About
Get out and about as much as possible today. Ideally, you should forget about your usual routine and do something completely different for a change because it will be a real tonic. You'll also enjoy getting together with people who have a refreshing take on life and who can help you to see it from another angle. Beneficial colors are marmalade and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 39 and 19.
2019-08-10, Saturday: Mixed Signals
Personal communications won't be easy, so take extra precautions. You might not realize that you're sending out mixed signals or that you're giving a misleading impression about something. This won't be a good time for making important personal decisions because you might change your mind about them further down the line. Favorable colors are spring green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 33 and 52.
2019-08-10, Saturday: Chase Them Up
If you're waiting for someone to repay a debt, do your best to chase them up during the next few weeks. You'll make it plain that you aren't going to let them get away with it, and you'll keep reminding them that you're waiting for your money. Money in general will be important to you, but don't let it make you unduly materialistic or acquisitive. Opportune colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
2019-08-10, Saturday: Just Say It
The next few weeks are great for putting as much effort into your communications as possible. If you've got something to say, this will definitely be the time to say it, especially if it requires courage. However, will you know when to be quiet? There's a chance that you might say too much at times, or come across as too aggressive and demanding. So take care! Harmonious colors are peach and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
2019-08-10, Saturday: Tricky Phase
Domestic relationships start to come under strain from today and they won't sort themselves out until the beginning of October. So be very wary about misreading situations and try not to give anyone the wrong impression simply because you haven't said something important. Do your best to avoid signing any documents or agreements until this tricky phase blows over, in case you're being led up the garden path or you haven't been given all the facts. Beneficial colors are teal blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
2019-08-10, Saturday: Indulge Yourself
The next few weeks will be a fantastic opportunity to cram as much fun into your life as possible. You'll have a very strong desire to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance, and that will include making the most of your love life. If you get involved with someone new, the thrill of the chase will be a big part of the fun. Take care, though, not to confuse love with lust. Beneficial colors are plum and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
2019-08-10, Saturday: Eagle Eye
Keep an eagle eye on paperwork and files during the next few weeks because they'll have a nasty habit of doing their own thing and causing havoc. This isn't a time to trust to luck or hope that everything will magically look after itself because that isn't going to happen. There could also be mix-ups over appointment times, so check these carefully. Dynamic colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.
2018-08-10, Friday: Stacks of Energy
During the next few weeks you can put stacks of energy into activities that have a lot of meaning for you, but you won't be nearly so enthusiastic over things you can take or leave. In fact, you could get rather ratty if you're expected to spend too much time on activities that seem inconsequential or superficial. You'll also have plenty of energy to devote to your sex life, as you'll be feeling extremely passionate and sensual. Advantageous colors are claret and taupe. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
2018-08-10, Friday: Stretch Yourself
You're up for a challenge from today, so jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit. Favorable colors are mulberry and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
2018-08-10, Friday: Push Ahead
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels. Beneficial colors are tangerine and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 1.
2018-08-10, Friday: Urgent, Urgent
You won't want to waste any time in making progress with your plans for the future. You may even have a strong sense of urgency that pushes you forward and won't allow you to relax for long. Maybe it would help to set yourself a reasonable deadline, so you have something specific to aim for and you can pace yourself accordingly. Auspicious colors are teal blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 27 and 10.
2018-08-10, Friday: Out And About
Get out and about as much as possible today. Ideally, you should forget about your usual routine and do something completely different for a change because it will be a real tonic. You'll also enjoy getting together with people who have a refreshing take on life and who can help you to see it from another angle. Beneficial colors are marmalade and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 39 and 19.
2018-08-10, Friday: Mixed Signals
Personal communications won't be easy, so take extra precautions. You might not realize that you're sending out mixed signals or that you're giving a misleading impression about something. This won't be a good time for making important personal decisions because you might change your mind about them further down the line. Favorable colors are spring green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 33 and 52.
2018-08-10, Friday: Chase Them Up
If you're waiting for someone to repay a debt, do your best to chase them up during the next few weeks. You'll make it plain that you aren't going to let them get away with it, and you'll keep reminding them that you're waiting for your money. Money in general will be important to you, but don't let it make you unduly materialistic or acquisitive. Opportune colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
2018-08-10, Friday: Just Say It
The next few weeks are great for putting as much effort into your communications as possible. If you've got something to say, this will definitely be the time to say it, especially if it requires courage. However, will you know when to be quiet? There's a chance that you might say too much at times, or come across as too aggressive and demanding. So take care! Harmonious colors are peach and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
2018-08-10, Friday: Tricky Phase
Domestic relationships start to come under strain from today and they won't sort themselves out until the beginning of October. So be very wary about misreading situations and try not to give anyone the wrong impression simply because you haven't said something important. Do your best to avoid signing any documents or agreements until this tricky phase blows over, in case you're being led up the garden path or you haven't been given all the facts. Beneficial colors are teal blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
2018-08-10, Friday: Indulge Yourself
The next few weeks will be a fantastic opportunity to cram as much fun into your life as possible. You'll have a very strong desire to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance, and that will include making the most of your love life. If you get involved with someone new, the thrill of the chase will be a big part of the fun. Take care, though, not to confuse love with lust. Beneficial colors are plum and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
2017-08-10, Thursday: Relationships Fraught
Some of your relationships will be rather fraught between now and late September, thanks to a sudden inability on your part to compromise and allow others to go their own way. You want to call the shots, and to have a lot of control over partners, even if this drives them round the bend with irritation. So expect some heated encounters unless you can tone things down a little. Favorable colors are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 13 and 47.
2017-08-10, Thursday: Stacks of Energy
During the next few weeks you can put stacks of energy into activities that have a lot of meaning for you, but you won't be nearly so enthusiastic over things you can take or leave. In fact, you could get rather ratty if you're expected to spend too much time on activities that seem inconsequential or superficial. You'll also have plenty of energy to devote to your sex life, as you'll be feeling extremely passionate and sensual. Advantageous colors are claret and taupe. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
2017-08-10, Thursday: Stretch Yourself
You're up for a challenge from today, so jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit. Favorable colors are mulberry and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
2017-08-10, Thursday: Push Ahead
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels. Beneficial colors are tangerine and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 1.
2017-08-10, Thursday: Urgent, Urgent
You won't want to waste any time in making progress with your plans for the future. You may even have a strong sense of urgency that pushes you forward and won't allow you to relax for long. Maybe it would help to set yourself a reasonable deadline, so you have something specific to aim for and you can pace yourself accordingly. Auspicious colors are teal blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 27 and 10.
2017-08-10, Thursday: Out And About
Get out and about as much as possible today. Ideally, you should forget about your usual routine and do something completely different for a change because it will be a real tonic. You'll also enjoy getting together with people who have a refreshing take on life and who can help you to see it from another angle. Beneficial colors are marmalade and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 39 and 19.
2017-08-10, Thursday: Mixed Signals
Personal communications won't be easy, so take extra precautions. You might not realize that you're sending out mixed signals or that you're giving a misleading impression about something. This won't be a good time for making important personal decisions because you might change your mind about them further down the line. Favorable colors are spring green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 33 and 52.
2017-08-10, Thursday: Chase Them Up
If you're waiting for someone to repay a debt, do your best to chase them up during the next few weeks. You'll make it plain that you aren't going to let them get away with it, and you'll keep reminding them that you're waiting for your money. Money in general will be important to you, but don't let it make you unduly materialistic or acquisitive. Opportune colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
2017-08-10, Thursday: Just Say It
The next few weeks are great for putting as much effort into your communications as possible. If you've got something to say, this will definitely be the time to say it, especially if it requires courage. However, will you know when to be quiet? There's a chance that you might say too much at times, or come across as too aggressive and demanding. So take care! Harmonious colors are peach and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
2017-08-10, Thursday: Tricky Phase
Domestic relationships start to come under strain from today and they won't sort themselves out until the beginning of October. So be very wary about misreading situations and try not to give anyone the wrong impression simply because you haven't said something important. Do your best to avoid signing any documents or agreements until this tricky phase blows over, in case you're being led up the garden path or you haven't been given all the facts. Beneficial colors are teal blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
2017-08-10, Thursday: Indulge Yourself
The next few weeks will be a fantastic opportunity to cram as much fun into your life as possible. You'll have a very strong desire to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance, and that will include making the most of your love life. If you get involved with someone new, the thrill of the chase will be a big part of the fun. Take care, though, not to confuse love with lust. Beneficial colors are plum and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
2017-08-10, Thursday: Eagle Eye
Keep an eagle eye on paperwork and files during the next few weeks because they'll have a nasty habit of doing their own thing and causing havoc. This isn't a time to trust to luck or hope that everything will magically look after itself because that isn't going to happen. There could also be mix-ups over appointment times, so check these carefully. Dynamic colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.
2016-08-10, Wednesday: Relationships Fraught
Some of your relationships will be rather fraught between now and late September, thanks to a sudden inability on your part to compromise and allow others to go their own way. You want to call the shots, and to have a lot of control over partners, even if this drives them round the bend with irritation. So expect some heated encounters unless you can tone things down a little. Favorable colors are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 13 and 47.
2016-08-10, Wednesday: Stacks of Energy
During the next few weeks you can put stacks of energy into activities that have a lot of meaning for you, but you won't be nearly so enthusiastic over things you can take or leave. In fact, you could get rather ratty if you're expected to spend too much time on activities that seem inconsequential or superficial. You'll also have plenty of energy to devote to your sex life, as you'll be feeling extremely passionate and sensual. Advantageous colors are claret and taupe. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
2016-08-10, Wednesday: Stretch Yourself
You're up for a challenge from today, so jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit. Favorable colors are mulberry and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
2016-08-10, Wednesday: Push Ahead
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels. Beneficial colors are tangerine and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 1.
2016-08-10, Wednesday: Urgent, Urgent
You won't want to waste any time in making progress with your plans for the future. You may even have a strong sense of urgency that pushes you forward and won't allow you to relax for long. Maybe it would help to set yourself a reasonable deadline, so you have something specific to aim for and you can pace yourself accordingly. Auspicious colors are teal blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 27 and 10.
2016-08-10, Wednesday: Out And About
Get out and about as much as possible today. Ideally, you should forget about your usual routine and do something completely different for a change because it will be a real tonic. You'll also enjoy getting together with people who have a refreshing take on life and who can help you to see it from another angle. Beneficial colors are marmalade and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 39 and 19.
2016-08-10, Wednesday: Mixed Signals
Personal communications won't be easy, so take extra precautions. You might not realize that you're sending out mixed signals or that you're giving a misleading impression about something. This won't be a good time for making important personal decisions because you might change your mind about them further down the line. Favorable colors are spring green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 33 and 52.
2016-08-10, Wednesday: Chase Them Up
If you're waiting for someone to repay a debt, do your best to chase them up during the next few weeks. You'll make it plain that you aren't going to let them get away with it, and you'll keep reminding them that you're waiting for your money. Money in general will be important to you, but don't let it make you unduly materialistic or acquisitive. Opportune colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
2016-08-10, Wednesday: Just Say It
The next few weeks are great for putting as much effort into your communications as possible. If you've got something to say, this will definitely be the time to say it, especially if it requires courage. However, will you know when to be quiet? There's a chance that you might say too much at times, or come across as too aggressive and demanding. So take care! Harmonious colors are peach and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
2016-08-10, Wednesday: Tricky Phase
Domestic relationships start to come under strain from today and they won't sort themselves out until the beginning of October. So be very wary about misreading situations and try not to give anyone the wrong impression simply because you haven't said something important. Do your best to avoid signing any documents or agreements until this tricky phase blows over, in case you're being led up the garden path or you haven't been given all the facts. Beneficial colors are teal blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
2016-08-10, Wednesday: Indulge Yourself
The next few weeks will be a fantastic opportunity to cram as much fun into your life as possible. You'll have a very strong desire to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance, and that will include making the most of your love life. If you get involved with someone new, the thrill of the chase will be a big part of the fun. Take care, though, not to confuse love with lust. Beneficial colors are plum and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
2016-08-10, Wednesday: Eagle Eye
Keep an eagle eye on paperwork and files during the next few weeks because they'll have a nasty habit of doing their own thing and causing havoc. This isn't a time to trust to luck or hope that everything will magically look after itself because that isn't going to happen. There could also be mix-ups over appointment times, so check these carefully. Dynamic colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.
2015-08-10, Monday: Relationships Fraught
Some of your relationships will be rather fraught between now and late September, thanks to a sudden inability on your part to compromise and allow others to go their own way. You want to call the shots, and to have a lot of control over partners, even if this drives them round the bend with irritation. So expect some heated encounters unless you can tone things down a little. Favorable colors are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 13 and 47.
2015-08-10, Monday: Stacks of Energy
During the next few weeks you can put stacks of energy into activities that have a lot of meaning for you, but you won't be nearly so enthusiastic over things you can take or leave. In fact, you could get rather ratty if you're expected to spend too much time on activities that seem inconsequential or superficial. You'll also have plenty of energy to devote to your sex life, as you'll be feeling extremely passionate and sensual. Advantageous colors are claret and taupe. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
2015-08-10, Monday: Stretch Yourself
You're up for a challenge from today, so jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit. Favorable colors are mulberry and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
2015-08-10, Monday: Push Ahead
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels. Beneficial colors are tangerine and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 1.
2015-08-10, Monday: Urgent, Urgent
You won't want to waste any time in making progress with your plans for the future. You may even have a strong sense of urgency that pushes you forward and won't allow you to relax for long. Maybe it would help to set yourself a reasonable deadline, so you have something specific to aim for and you can pace yourself accordingly. Auspicious colors are teal blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 27 and 10.
2015-08-10, Monday: Out And About
Get out and about as much as possible today. Ideally, you should forget about your usual routine and do something completely different for a change because it will be a real tonic. You'll also enjoy getting together with people who have a refreshing take on life and who can help you to see it from another angle. Beneficial colors are marmalade and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 39 and 19.
2015-08-10, Monday: Mixed Signals
Personal communications won't be easy, so take extra precautions. You might not realize that you're sending out mixed signals or that you're giving a misleading impression about something. This won't be a good time for making important personal decisions because you might change your mind about them further down the line. Favorable colors are spring green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 33 and 52.
2015-08-10, Monday: Chase Them Up
If you're waiting for someone to repay a debt, do your best to chase them up during the next few weeks. You'll make it plain that you aren't going to let them get away with it, and you'll keep reminding them that you're waiting for your money. Money in general will be important to you, but don't let it make you unduly materialistic or acquisitive. Opportune colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
2015-08-10, Monday: Just Say It
The next few weeks are great for putting as much effort into your communications as possible. If you've got something to say, this will definitely be the time to say it, especially if it requires courage. However, will you know when to be quiet? There's a chance that you might say too much at times, or come across as too aggressive and demanding. So take care! Harmonious colors are peach and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
2015-08-10, Monday: Tricky Phase
Domestic relationships start to come under strain from today and they won't sort themselves out until the beginning of October. So be very wary about misreading situations and try not to give anyone the wrong impression simply because you haven't said something important. Do your best to avoid signing any documents or agreements until this tricky phase blows over, in case you're being led up the garden path or you haven't been given all the facts. Beneficial colors are teal blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
2015-08-10, Monday: Indulge Yourself
The next few weeks will be a fantastic opportunity to cram as much fun into your life as possible. You'll have a very strong desire to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance, and that will include making the most of your love life. If you get involved with someone new, the thrill of the chase will be a big part of the fun. Take care, though, not to confuse love with lust. Beneficial colors are plum and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
2015-08-10, Monday: Eagle Eye
Keep an eagle eye on paperwork and files during the next few weeks because they'll have a nasty habit of doing their own thing and causing havoc. This isn't a time to trust to luck or hope that everything will magically look after itself because that isn't going to happen. There could also be mix-ups over appointment times, so check these carefully. Dynamic colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.
2014-08-10, Sunday: Relationships Fraught
Some of your relationships will be rather fraught between now and late September, thanks to a sudden inability on your part to compromise and allow others to go their own way. You want to call the shots, and to have a lot of control over partners, even if this drives them round the bend with irritation. So expect some heated encounters unless you can tone things down a little. Favorable colors are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 13 and 47.
2014-08-10, Sunday: Stacks of Energy
During the next few weeks you can put stacks of energy into activities that have a lot of meaning for you, but you won't be nearly so enthusiastic over things you can take or leave. In fact, you could get rather ratty if you're expected to spend too much time on activities that seem inconsequential or superficial. You'll also have plenty of energy to devote to your sex life, as you'll be feeling extremely passionate and sensual. Advantageous colors are claret and taupe. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
2014-08-10, Sunday: Stretch Yourself
You're up for a challenge from today, so jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit. Favorable colors are mulberry and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
2014-08-10, Sunday: Push Ahead
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels. Beneficial colors are tangerine and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 1.
2014-08-10, Sunday: Urgent, Urgent
You won't want to waste any time in making progress with your plans for the future. You may even have a strong sense of urgency that pushes you forward and won't allow you to relax for long. Maybe it would help to set yourself a reasonable deadline, so you have something specific to aim for and you can pace yourself accordingly. Auspicious colors are teal blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 27 and 10.
2014-08-10, Sunday: Out And About
Get out and about as much as possible today. Ideally, you should forget about your usual routine and do something completely different for a change because it will be a real tonic. You'll also enjoy getting together with people who have a refreshing take on life and who can help you to see it from another angle. Beneficial colors are marmalade and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 39 and 19.
2014-08-10, Sunday: Mixed Signals
Personal communications won't be easy, so take extra precautions. You might not realize that you're sending out mixed signals or that you're giving a misleading impression about something. This won't be a good time for making important personal decisions because you might change your mind about them further down the line. Favorable colors are spring green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 33 and 52.
2014-08-10, Sunday: Chase Them Up
If you're waiting for someone to repay a debt, do your best to chase them up during the next few weeks. You'll make it plain that you aren't going to let them get away with it, and you'll keep reminding them that you're waiting for your money. Money in general will be important to you, but don't let it make you unduly materialistic or acquisitive. Opportune colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
2014-08-10, Sunday: Just Say It
The next few weeks are great for putting as much effort into your communications as possible. If you've got something to say, this will definitely be the time to say it, especially if it requires courage. However, will you know when to be quiet? There's a chance that you might say too much at times, or come across as too aggressive and demanding. So take care! Harmonious colors are peach and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
2014-08-10, Sunday: Tricky Phase
Domestic relationships start to come under strain from today and they won't sort themselves out until the beginning of October. So be very wary about misreading situations and try not to give anyone the wrong impression simply because you haven't said something important. Do your best to avoid signing any documents or agreements until this tricky phase blows over, in case you're being led up the garden path or you haven't been given all the facts. Beneficial colors are teal blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
2014-08-10, Sunday: Indulge Yourself
The next few weeks will be a fantastic opportunity to cram as much fun into your life as possible. You'll have a very strong desire to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance, and that will include making the most of your love life. If you get involved with someone new, the thrill of the chase will be a big part of the fun. Take care, though, not to confuse love with lust. Beneficial colors are plum and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
2014-08-10, Sunday: Eagle Eye
Keep an eagle eye on paperwork and files during the next few weeks because they'll have a nasty habit of doing their own thing and causing havoc. This isn't a time to trust to luck or hope that everything will magically look after itself because that isn't going to happen. There could also be mix-ups over appointment times, so check these carefully. Dynamic colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.
2013-08-10, Saturday: Relationships Fraught
Some of your relationships will be rather fraught between now and late September, thanks to a sudden inability on your part to compromise and allow others to go their own way. You want to call the shots, and to have a lot of control over partners, even if this drives them round the bend with irritation. So expect some heated encounters unless you can tone things down a little. Favorable colors are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 13 and 47.
2013-08-10, Saturday: Stacks of Energy
During the next few weeks you can put stacks of energy into activities that have a lot of meaning for you, but you won't be nearly so enthusiastic over things you can take or leave. In fact, you could get rather ratty if you're expected to spend too much time on activities that seem inconsequential or superficial. You'll also have plenty of energy to devote to your sex life, as you'll be feeling extremely passionate and sensual. Advantageous colors are claret and taupe. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
2013-08-10, Saturday: Stretch Yourself
You're up for a challenge from today, so jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit. Favorable colors are mulberry and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
2013-08-10, Saturday: Push Ahead
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels. Beneficial colors are tangerine and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 1.
2013-08-10, Saturday: Urgent, Urgent
You won't want to waste any time in making progress with your plans for the future. You may even have a strong sense of urgency that pushes you forward and won't allow you to relax for long. Maybe it would help to set yourself a reasonable deadline, so you have something specific to aim for and you can pace yourself accordingly. Auspicious colors are teal blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 27 and 10.
2013-08-10, Saturday: Out And About
Get out and about as much as possible today. Ideally, you should forget about your usual routine and do something completely different for a change because it will be a real tonic. You'll also enjoy getting together with people who have a refreshing take on life and who can help you to see it from another angle. Beneficial colors are marmalade and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 39 and 19.
2013-08-10, Saturday: Mixed Signals
Personal communications won't be easy, so take extra precautions. You might not realize that you're sending out mixed signals or that you're giving a misleading impression about something. This won't be a good time for making important personal decisions because you might change your mind about them further down the line. Favorable colors are spring green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 33 and 52.
2013-08-10, Saturday: Chase Them Up
If you're waiting for someone to repay a debt, do your best to chase them up during the next few weeks. You'll make it plain that you aren't going to let them get away with it, and you'll keep reminding them that you're waiting for your money. Money in general will be important to you, but don't let it make you unduly materialistic or acquisitive. Opportune colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
2013-08-10, Saturday: Just Say It
The next few weeks are great for putting as much effort into your communications as possible. If you've got something to say, this will definitely be the time to say it, especially if it requires courage. However, will you know when to be quiet? There's a chance that you might say too much at times, or come across as too aggressive and demanding. So take care! Harmonious colors are peach and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
2013-08-10, Saturday: Tricky Phase
Domestic relationships start to come under strain from today and they won't sort themselves out until the beginning of October. So be very wary about misreading situations and try not to give anyone the wrong impression simply because you haven't said something important. Do your best to avoid signing any documents or agreements until this tricky phase blows over, in case you're being led up the garden path or you haven't been given all the facts. Beneficial colors are teal blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
2013-08-10, Saturday: Indulge Yourself
The next few weeks will be a fantastic opportunity to cram as much fun into your life as possible. You'll have a very strong desire to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance, and that will include making the most of your love life. If you get involved with someone new, the thrill of the chase will be a big part of the fun. Take care, though, not to confuse love with lust. Beneficial colors are plum and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
2013-08-10, Saturday: Eagle Eye
Keep an eagle eye on paperwork and files during the next few weeks because they'll have a nasty habit of doing their own thing and causing havoc. This isn't a time to trust to luck or hope that everything will magically look after itself because that isn't going to happen. There could also be mix-ups over appointment times, so check these carefully. Dynamic colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.
2012-08-10, Friday: Relationships Fraught
Some of your relationships will be rather fraught between now and late September, thanks to a sudden inability on your part to compromise and allow others to go their own way. You want to call the shots, and to have a lot of control over partners, even if this drives them round the bend with irritation. So expect some heated encounters unless you can tone things down a little. Favorable colors are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 13 and 47.
2012-08-10, Friday: Stacks of Energy
During the next few weeks you can put stacks of energy into activities that have a lot of meaning for you, but you won't be nearly so enthusiastic over things you can take or leave. In fact, you could get rather ratty if you're expected to spend too much time on activities that seem inconsequential or superficial. You'll also have plenty of energy to devote to your sex life, as you'll be feeling extremely passionate and sensual. Advantageous colors are claret and taupe. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
2012-08-10, Friday: Stretch Yourself
You're up for a challenge from today, so jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit. Favorable colors are mulberry and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
2012-08-10, Friday: Push Ahead
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels. Beneficial colors are tangerine and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 3 and 1.
2012-08-10, Friday: Out And About
Get out and about as much as possible today. Ideally, you should forget about your usual routine and do something completely different for a change because it will be a real tonic. You'll also enjoy getting together with people who have a refreshing take on life and who can help you to see it from another angle. Beneficial colors are marmalade and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 39 and 19.
2012-08-10, Friday: Mixed Signals
Personal communications won't be easy, so take extra precautions. You might not realize that you're sending out mixed signals or that you're giving a misleading impression about something. This won't be a good time for making important personal decisions because you might change your mind about them further down the line. Favorable colors are spring green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 33 and 52.
2012-08-10, Friday: Chase Them Up
If you're waiting for someone to repay a debt, do your best to chase them up during the next few weeks. You'll make it plain that you aren't going to let them get away with it, and you'll keep reminding them that you're waiting for your money. Money in general will be important to you, but don't let it make you unduly materialistic or acquisitive. Opportune colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
2012-08-10, Friday: Urgent, Urgent
You won't want to waste any time in making progress with your plans for the future. You may even have a strong sense of urgency that pushes you forward and won't allow you to relax for long. Maybe it would help to set yourself a reasonable deadline, so you have something specific to aim for and you can pace yourself accordingly. Auspicious colors are teal blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 27 and 10.
2012-08-10, Friday: Just Say It
The next few weeks are great for putting as much effort into your communications as possible. If you've got something to say, this will definitely be the time to say it, especially if it requires courage. However, will you know when to be quiet? There's a chance that you might say too much at times, or come across as too aggressive and demanding. So take care! Harmonious colors are peach and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
2012-08-10, Friday: Tricky Phase
Domestic relationships start to come under strain from today and they won't sort themselves out until the beginning of October. So be very wary about misreading situations and try not to give anyone the wrong impression simply because you haven't said something important. Do your best to avoid signing any documents or agreements until this tricky phase blows over, in case you're being led up the garden path or you haven't been given all the facts. Beneficial colors are teal blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
2012-08-10, Friday: Indulge Yourself
The next few weeks will be a fantastic opportunity to cram as much fun into your life as possible. You'll have a very strong desire to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance, and that will include making the most of your love life. If you get involved with someone new, the thrill of the chase will be a big part of the fun. Take care, though, not to confuse love with lust. Beneficial colors are plum and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
2012-08-10, Friday: Eagle Eye
Keep an eagle eye on paperwork and files during the next few weeks because they'll have a nasty habit of doing their own thing and causing havoc. This isn't a time to trust to luck or hope that everything will magically look after itself because that isn't going to happen. There could also be mix-ups over appointment times, so check these carefully. Dynamic colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.
2011-08-10, Wednesday: Footloose
The Capricorn Moon in aspect to glorious Jupiter allows you to be more footloose and carefree today, even as Ceres heads back to your sign in retro motion. A day at the park or the beach with your family would certainly be better than haggling over who's right and who's wrong with the children, or friends vs lovers and the like. Leave work for another day and enjoy the company of your favourite people. Advantageous colours are blue green and gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 33.
2011-08-10, Wednesday: Release Tension
Seek out peace and quiet as the Moon hammers through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude; you'll need to recharge your spiritual and physical batteries to stay out of trouble. It is important for you to release tension that has built up during the past month, and to let go of resentment and frustration. A good cure for whatever ails you is a long, warm tub bath enhanced with peppermint and lavender oils. Favourable colours are ocean blue and seafoam green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
2011-08-10, Wednesday: Mixed Blessings
The moody Moon is masterminding some spooky aspects today, dear Capricorn, including a stressful square to Saturn on your mid-heaven ( annoying restrictions from above) and a contre-temps between aggressive Mars in your house of others and obstructive Pluto in your own sign. Disruptive Uranus gets a thumping too, so home life is unlikely to be much fun. However, Jupiter in Taurus is receiving good waves, so benefit can come to you from afar, or through travel and investment. Did you buy gold, as recommended in the Mercury article earlier this week? Fortunate colours are red coral and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 13 and 22.
2011-08-10, Wednesday: Stick to your Principles
Although your environment seems to be full of snarling conflict and crowded with not-so-subtle power plays, giant Jupiter, your life- ruler, is receiving a blaze of beautiful beams from the Moon in your house of money. This should shield you and your workplace from the worst of the cosmic storms, so keep your head down and look for the money. If you stick to your principles, you should do well. Favourable colours are emerald green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 20 and 26.
2011-08-10, Wednesday: Under Pressure
As the whole cosmos is under pressure today, the wise Scorpion will take time out time to look at personal relationships more closely. Mars and Pluto under pressure are bringing things to a boiling point in your neighbourhood. The coming Full Moon may bring changes into your living arrangements... it could also reveal problems in your plumbing or electrical wiring, so pay attention! Beneficial colours are emerald green and aqua. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
2011-08-10, Wednesday: Be Prepared
It's a stressful day as the primeval Moon awakens Uranus, Mars, Saturn and Pluto. Expect some conflict and obstruction at home and in the career environment, but if you have been waiting on developments with shared funds, good fortune is there. Be prepared for just about anything. With unpredictable Uranus involved in your seventh house of partnership and open conflict, expect a bolt out of the blue to spice up your life! Beneficial colours are electric blue and champagne. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
2011-08-10, Wednesday: New Directions
If you've been trying to take a new path and change the way you relate to people generally, you now need to see some real results. It may have been a struggle for some Virgoans because such a change will have involved a major shift of aspirations or goals quite a while back. If you've been persistent despite delays or disappointments, the fruit of your efforts begin to ripen. Inspirational colours are garnet and citrine. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2011-08-10, Wednesday: A Weather Eye
Your chickens may be coming home to roost, Leo. If you've been over indulging, if you've burnt the candle at both ends, if you've pushed too hard or too far it will soon be time to pay the Piper. Don't deplete yourself or your resources by going further down a narrow track. Sit back and deal with the consequences of your actions so far. Prudent colours are rusty brown and red clay. Lucky numbers are 26 and 43.
2011-08-10, Wednesday: Personnel Changes
There may be a shift in your value system or a clash of beliefs with friends or associates that could lead to changes in your life. There may be an ending with someone who's been around a long time and you could find yourself heading down a new road. You'll need to change the way you do things to find what you're seeking. When you do, someone's going to get off the bus. Opportune colours are rouge and blue black. Lucky numbers are 7 and 31.
2011-08-10, Wednesday: Reaping Rewards
Something you've been involved in begins to make itself clear and shows promise for the future. Gauge what's happening, especially in the area of professional matters or responsibilities and assess what you need to do next. You should be able to get a real picture and either keep going or make changes in your approach. Your financial situation will be the guide. Practical colours are charcoal grey and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
2011-08-10, Wednesday: Matters Of Beliefs
Bulls guided by their beliefs should give themselves totally to those beliefs. Bask in the security of knowing there are higher powers. The Bull sets great store on personal values so ask yourself, what are the greater values that give lesser ones their meaning? Auspicious colours are ruby and poppy pink. Lucky numbers are 4 and 35.
2011-08-10, Wednesday: Consequences
As Ceres retrogrades out of your sign and back into the stygian darkness of your twelfth house, it's time to revisit your secret fears and discover what is holding you back. For some Rams, it will be onward and upward. For others, it may be a case of revising plans. There is an unexpected development, as factors that you have not taken into account reveal themselves. Prepare to do some serious re-evaluation. Beneficial colours are nut brown and apricot. Lucky numbers are 27 and 40.
2009-08-10, Monday: Count Your Blessings
Selfless giving becomes you, so honour your instinct to donate what you don't need to others. Donating your time and talent will also bless you as much as it blesses the recipients. You might be feeling very expansive, but competitors and rivals could be working against you, so beware of deception and conflict at home. Advantageous colours are spring green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2009-08-10, Monday: Busy Bee
There seem to be so many ideas floating around in a rush of confusing communication that it's hard to know just which ones to choose. Given the rather untrustworthy nature of the cosmos today, it might be better to stick with the tried and true, rather than seizing on the latest fad or fashion. Tomorrow brings more clarity. Beneficial colours are chrome yellow and steely grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 37.
2009-08-10, Monday: Structured Plans
As the fiery Aries Moon rolls through your fourth house, oversensitivity and the need for protection come to the fore. Usually, you could speak to close family members, but today everybody seems to be on edge. Perhaps one resolution would be to find things other than food and eating that make you feel secure. Concentrating on your goals and forming structured plans will be beneficial. Beneficial colours are charcoal and citrine. Lucky numbers are 4 and 18.
2009-08-10, Monday: Overconfidence And Delusion
Speculation and gambling are not favoured today, so keep a firm hold on the plastic. Investments of all kinds are subject to overconfidence and even delusions of grandeur. Romantic attractions are not favoured either, so if your eye is caught by a stunning beauty, you might find in the morning that what seemed avant-garde was merely gaudy. Beneficial colours are amber and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 5 and 21.
2009-08-10, Monday: Sizzle, Then Fizzle
Take care of your health today by eating right and getting fresh air and exercise. You may also need to find time for organizing your personal belongings. When was the last time you cleaned out your medicine cabinet? Check the expiration dates on all medicines, vitamins and food in your home. Passionate attractions may sizzle, then fizzle. Stay out of war zones. Propitious colours are red coral and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 13 and 19.
2009-08-10, Monday: Fickle And Changeable
If you are married, your spouse tends to be somewhat changeable, even fickle, my lovely Libra. Such bad taste on their part. Ugh. Single Librans are not likely to have much luck, either, for Venus is afflicted by the fiery Aries Moon. Stay out of the law courts if you can today, as loss through litigation is indicated. Propitious colours are parchment and amber. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
2009-08-10, Monday: Spiritual Peak
You can expect your psychic energy to reach a monthly peak, Virgo. Some of you may have prophetic dreams or dreams which reveal events from a past life. Keep pen and paper ready to jot down what you remember upon awakening. Mars and Saturn clash, so avoid conflict with males in the career environment. Don't push your own authority too far, as disputes may backfire. Advantageous colours are scarlet and raven black. Lucky numbers are 36 and 45.
2009-08-10, Monday: Think Conservatively
Avoid the less than desirable limelight of publicity, Leo. Don't be too impulsive and jump to conclusions, as these are likely to be less than beneficial. Travel is not favoured, either. Do not be drawn into disputes over religion or culture, as ill-considered remarks can lead to censure. Think conservatively and plan for the longer term. Auspicious colours are old gold and dark blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 42.
2009-08-10, Monday: House Of Status
It won't hurt to be visible as the Moon moves through your tenth house of status. If you are single and want to advertise, go somewhere that is known for singles action. If you are partnered and want to show off the love in your life, attend an outdoor concert or community event. You can make a strong impression on the public and authority figures, but this is not the day to flout the rules.. Auspicious colours are mink brown and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 35 and 44.
2009-08-10, Monday: Loss Through Friends
The aspects today warn of disappointed ambitions, troubles and sorrow or loss through those who pretend to be your friend. Deception surrounds communications, especially if they concern travel, education, cultural pursuits, or overseas matters. In general, your strengths are at odds with your circumstances, so keep a low profile and know that tomorrow is a better day. Propitious colours are marigold and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 37.
2009-08-10, Monday: Silent Strategy
It's best to spend the day trying to recuperate from the stress of the past few weeks; with your lunar low cycle in full swing, you should try to relax as much as possible. Review the events of the past month for a better idea of where you are going; you can plan a better strategy for your future this way. Dreams you have tonight may be revealing, so keep pencil and paper nearby for recording strong images. Fortunate colours are coral pink and ocean blue. Lucky numbers are 21 and 33.
2009-08-10, Monday: Kick Off The Week!
It's Monday, so you could expect that it might be better to stay in bed and take the day off! However, the Moon is in your sign, so that gives you a blast of energy to kick off the working week. Prepare for some clashes with friends and associates as deception is in the wind with regard to your strategies for the gaining of your hopes. Favourable colours are yellow sapphire and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
2008-08-10, Sunday: Show Them You Love Them!
You are blessed with a rare clarity of mind today, Leo. An unusual foresight lets you take intelligent decisions for the future. Spend some time discussing possibilities and plans with members of the financial fraternity. Quality time with your loved ones or family will make them feel special. After all, it is for their happiness that you work so hard. Favourable colours are royal blue and coconut. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2008-08-10, Sunday: Reassure Loved Ones
Courageous actions, backed by determination and perseverance! That's what you need to overcome obstacles and reach your target today. People close to you may be on the warpath, due to misunderstanding your motives. Do what you can to reassure them and make sure there are no concealed hard feelings or pent-up frustrations in their minds. Clear this up ASAP. Positive colours are cobalt and yellow sapphire. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2008-08-10, Sunday: Holistic Approach
There is immense potential for inner transformation. Spiritual growth is there, so be genuinely holistic in your approach. Reappraise your goals and strategies, asking yourself whether this is what you really want. Avoid unnecessary expenditure and keep your cash for the essentials - including extending a helping hand to those who are experiencing critical times. Auspicious colours are cobalt and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 4 and 17.
2008-08-10, Sunday: New Avenues
Spend time with your loved ones. It's time to chalk out your family budget and balance your current income with your commitments. You may find yourself in a rut, with the seeming absence of worthy goals to aim at in the near future. But the power to change this is within you. While opportunities seem to be non-existent, they are very much there and waiting for you to find them! Do some research about your current activities; you'll discover new avenues for your future. Advantageous colours are striped agate and pale jade. Lucky numbers are 7 and 14.
2008-08-10, Sunday: Hidden Obligations
Today's planetary alignments favour forming bonds with experienced types, so you can further your prospects. There is possibility of receiving special favours or gifts; but be selective and exercise discretion. Do you really want to receive them? Some gifts may come with loaded responsibilities, or hidden obligations. Perhaps it is best to refuse such offers politely. Beneficial colours are auburn and apple green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
2008-08-10, Sunday: Financial Wizardry
Something you have been yearning for will be attained, but only after intense efforts on your part. Turn down unreasonable financial demands in a polite but firm manner. Though this may ruffle a few feathers now, everyone will appreciate your financial wizardry in the long-run. This is a good day to plan your budget, and aspects regarding your social life continue to look exciting. Advantageous colours are tangerine and copper. Lucky numbers are 9 and 8.
2008-08-10, Sunday: Reappraise Your Strategies
Ensure your resources are directed along the right channels today. Reappraise your financial and business strategies, and be ready to make changes in your plans. Put your foot firmly down if others make unreasonable demands in business negotiations. Give preference to the domestic, if you experience a pull between professional and domestic interests. Beneficial colours are pale violet and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
2008-08-10, Sunday: Tough Decisions
Rethink your current business strategies and be willing to alter your working style to suit. There might be some tough financial decisions to make - including cutting the budget for a family member, or disposing of non-performing assets. Get together and explain the need for such action, so your motives are not misunderstood. Fortunate colours are sapphire and apricot. Lucky numbers are 11 and 35.
2008-08-10, Sunday: Handle Domestic Responsibilities
Recheck your financial plans and see if improvements can be made on that front. Be more willing to invest time and energy to handle your domestic responsibilities. Spend some quality time with loved ones to balance the delicate equation between domestic and professional commitments. Working with them on the family's future can strengthen the bonds of love - and will prove enjoyable too. Lucky colours are strawberry and white. Lucky numbers are 13 and 28.
2008-08-10, Sunday: A Change For The Better
Don't let emotions cloud your professional judgment. You may receive some disturbing news today, so be sure the news comes from a reliable source. There is no need to get unnecessarily worked up over rumours and baseless gossip. One chapter can close in your life and a new one can open today, be it in relationships or professional opportunities. Fortunate colours are azure and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 18 and 5.
2008-08-10, Sunday: Head Overrules Heart
Your head tends to overrule your heart now - and quite rightly in many cases. Be very careful regarding paperwork in business matters. Difficulties are in the frame regarding your love-life, or a relationship with someone you care about. Make your motives clear to your loved ones, so they do not harbour ill-feelings regarding the way you handle the issues. Propitious colours are spearmint and mustard. Lucky numbers are 8 and 14.
2008-08-10, Sunday: Family Issues
This is a good day to resolve property issues by discussion with family members. A close family member needs guidance, but may not come out with an open request. Try and understand the concerns and problems and do what you can to help. Insurance-related matters should be handled with more thoroughness. Auspicious colours are cranberry and amber. Lucky numbers are 11 and 26.
2007-08-10, Friday: Check Up
If you haven't had a physical check up for a while, it might be a good idea to schedule one as you may be ignoring the care of your body because you are being anxious instead of realistic. Don't panic, it's only a doctor's visit. Alluring colours are magenta and platinum. Lucky numbers are 25 and 29.
2007-08-10, Friday: Individual Talent
Your spouse or close partner is annoyed today because no one seems to recognize them as an individual any more. They are always connected to you and feelings of being owned are conflicting with the deep need to express who they are, as separate from you. Ideal colours are burgundy and burnished gold. Lucky numbers are 2 and 43.
2007-08-10, Friday: Contractions
The urge for self expansion and enlightenment is frustrated today due to family obligations. There needs to be more room in your life to achieve your personal goals and today the walls feel like they are closing in. Beneficial colours are plum and dark yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 27.
2007-08-10, Friday: Creative License
You must not allow yourself to become too frustrated today if an authority figure refuses to budge on allowing you to fully express yourself. He or she fears the change but you know it will come to pass no matter how hard the resistance may be. Fortuitous colours are chocolate and caramel. Lucky numbers are 8 and 75.
2007-08-10, Friday: Freedom And Service
The need to be a free bird compromises your deep desire to help others in need and you're not sure how to reconcile these two parts of yourself today. The best way to help others is to take care of you first. That's a start..... Providential colours are pewter and saffron. Lucky numbers are 26 and 17.
2007-08-10, Friday: Off Kilter
You truly don't want to have to deal with any more unexpected issues from your partner's money or other joint finances. Your pride may be bruised yet again in a power struggle with someone over these resources and you are not in the mood for a fight - you may end up flying away. Energising colours are magenta and sienna. Lucky numbers are 10 and 62.
2007-08-10, Friday: Travel Bug
You want to take a major trip or vacation but things don't seem to be in the budget at the moment to support this vision and it has you feeling quite irritated today. The financial backing behind a major dream may be beyond your reach today as well. Revealing colours are plum and ice green. Lucky numbers are 29 and 50.
2007-08-10, Friday: Career Break
There will be some unrest and irritation today at your desire to be completely free and in charge of an important career matter, when the reality is that other people have a say. Still, your individuality is highlighted. Inspirational colours are aubergine and lemon. Lucky numbers are 9 and 58.
2007-08-10, Friday: The Pearl Emerges
You'll feel irritated today, however just like a pearl comes from the constant rubbing of sand particles inside an oyster, you will have access to realizing a dream deep inside your soul, only if you're willing to accept some rubbing today. Vibrant colours are fudge and amber. Lucky numbers are 13 and 43.
2007-08-10, Friday: Break Out
You feel as if you have broken out of prison today, releasing chains of self doubt and worry that have been holding you back from your independent spirit for far too long. Liberating colours are passionfruit and black velvet. Lucky numbers are 13 and 38.
2007-08-10, Friday: Control
The frustration you feel with someone trying to control your freedom in a manipulative or subversive way can prevent you from having a productive day. Perhaps it is more in your mind than in reality so take a step back and examine the situation. Stabilising colours are bronze and navy. Lucky numbers are 26 and 7.
2007-08-10, Friday: Fault Line
You are not easily reconciling your own personal needs for freedom and individuality today and find it easy to place the fault on a spouse or partner. You are also blaming them for pushing you away. Ideal colours are magnolia and butterscotch. Lucky numbers are 25 and 47.
2005-08-10, Wednesday: Get Up, Stand Up
It's a demanding day emotionally, because a certain person wants a lot from you. Plenty of devotion for a start, plus your undivided attention. The fact is that it will be difficult to meet this person's requirements, whatever they happen to be. In fact you may not even want to, if you feel you're being suffocated or controlled. Feeling all this will be one thing, but having the guts to say it will be quite another. Positive colours are fawn and jade. Lucky numbers are 18 and 8.
2005-08-10, Wednesday: Light Relief
You're feeling much more light-hearted than you were yesterday, so it's a good day for getting some light relief and letting your hair down a little. Even so, you still won't want to be with anyone who's only got fluff for brains, because you'll soon tire of their company. So get together with people who make you think, but who also make you laugh. Harmonious colours are fuchsia and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 40.
2005-08-10, Wednesday: Back On Track
After the uncertainties of the past couple of days, you're ready to make commitments and get things back on track. This is an excellent day for being practical and efficient, and for making things happen. If you're at work, you'll feel you've achieved a lot and you could win the approval of a boss or superior. Propitious colours are mango and banana. Lucky numbers are 31 and 9.
2005-08-10, Wednesday: Pushing Buttons
A certain person is determined to get their own way today and they don't seem to care how they achieve it. They'll push all your buttons and try to manipulate you into seeing things from their point of view, but they aren't likely to get very far because it's so obvious what they're trying to do. Beware of behaving this way yourself because it won't win you any favours and might even set others against you. Positive colours are dark green and amber. Lucky numbers are 25 and 10.
2005-08-10, Wednesday: Feelings Run High
Feelings run high today, caused by an intensely emotional atmosphere. The trouble is that there's a conflict between one person's need to be independent and another person's desire to be controlling and possessive. They don't mix and the results will be hard to cope with. Don't give into the temptation to be manipulative or demanding, otherwise you'll make yourself very unpopular. Harmonious colours are indigo and butterscotch. Lucky numbers are 40 and 39.
2005-08-10, Wednesday: Fired Up
Once again you're interested in your hopes and plans for the future. You're really fired up with enthusiasm for them at the moment and you want to give them as much time as possible while you're in the mood. If so, this is a good opportunity to sort out your timing and also to check that you're feeling wholehearted about your plans. If you want to change any of them you'll get the chance to do that from next week. Fortunate colours are sky blue and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 15 and 52.
2005-08-10, Wednesday: Don't Bottle Things Up
There's a lot of emotional tension in the air today. This always makes you uncomfortable because you don't really know how to deal with it, and today is no exception. It won't help to over-react, so try to keep your cool. Nevertheless, you can't help feeling stirred up and agitated by what's going on around you. It would be better to express all this rather than bottle it up and let it leak out in unhelpful ways, such as being spiky or manipulative without realizing it. Insightful colours are spring green and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 3 and 51.
2005-08-10, Wednesday: Change Of Scene
This is a fabulous day for getting out and about. You won't want to be cooped up in one place for too long, or spend too much time with the same people, so try to introduce lots of variety into your day. You'll enjoy some changes of scene even if you don't go anywhere very special. What is important is to communicate with the people around you. Positive colours are khaki and cream. Lucky numbers are 31 and 22.
2005-08-10, Wednesday: Focus On Family
This is a marvellous day for concentrating on your home and family life. You might be inspired to arrange a big family get- together, or perhaps you'd rather that one or two special people over for a visit. If you've been considering a change of residence this is a good day to do some research, such as talking to an estate agent or seeing what's available. Empowering colours are burgundy and silver. Lucky numbers are 4 and 9.
2005-08-10, Wednesday: Driving You Crazy
You may love you-know-who dearly but they're driving you crazy right now. They're being extremely needy, in a rather manipulative sort of way, so you feel guilty if you aren't with them and annoyed if you are. It will be far more productive to talk about their emotional state than to pretend that nothing's wrong and to secretly seethe with irritation. Favourable colours are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 32 and 13.
2005-08-10, Wednesday: Hothouse
The emotional temperature rises by several degrees, leading to a hot-house atmosphere in which things are said in the heat of the moment that are bitterly regretted when everyone's calmed down again. Try not to make things worse by dredging up old scores or being deliberately spiteful or unkind, even though it may be tempting at the time. Vibrant colours are burgundy and silver. Lucky numbers are 20 and 33.
2005-08-10, Wednesday: Dig Deep
Tread carefully when dealing with colleagues today because you're all feeling rather touchy. As a result, someone might make a meal out of a thoughtless comment, or you could feel slighted by a certain person's attitude towards you. Even so, you can learn a lot about yourself right now if you're prepared to dig deep enough, and to examine your motives in the cold light of day. Advantageous colours are honey and russet. Lucky numbers are 22 and 23.
2004-08-10, Tuesday: Relationships Fraught
Some of your relationships will be rather fraught between now and late September, thanks to a sudden inability on your part to compromise and allow others to go their own way. You want to call the shots, and to have a lot of control over partners, even if this drives them round the bend with irritation. So expect some heated encounters unless you can tone things done a little.
2004-08-10, Tuesday: Mercury Retrograde
During the next few weeks you can put stacks of energy into activities that have a lot of meaning for you, but you won't be nearly so enthusiastic over things you can take or leave. In fact, you could get rather ratty if you're expected to spend too much time on activities that seem inconsequential or superficial. You'll also have plenty of energy to devote to your sex life, as you'll be feeling extremely passionate and sensual.
2004-08-10, Tuesday: Stretch Yourself
You're up for a challenge from today, and you'll jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit.
2004-08-10, Tuesday: Push Ahead
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels.
2004-08-10, Tuesday: Urgent, Urgent
During the next few weeks you won't want to waste any time in making progress with your plans for the future. You may even have a strong sense of urgency that pushes you forward and won't allow you to relax for long. Maybe it would help to set yourself a reasonable deadline, so you have something specific to aim for and you can pace yourself accordingly.
2004-08-10, Tuesday: Out And About
Get out and about as much as possible today. Ideally, you should forget about your usual Tuesday routine and do something completely different for a change because it will be a real tonic. You'll also enjoy getting together with people who have a refreshing take on life and who can help you to see it from another angle.
2004-08-10, Tuesday: Mixed Signals
Personal communications won't be easy between today and the 25th, so take extra precautions. You might not realize that you're sending out mixed signals or that you're giving a misleading impression about something. This won't be a good time for making important personal decisions because you might change your mind about them further down the line.
2004-08-10, Tuesday: Chase Them Up
If you're waiting for someone to repay a debt, do your best to chase them up during the next few weeks. You'll make it plain that you aren't going to let them get away with it, and you'll keep reminding them that you're waiting for your money. Money in general will be important to you, but don't let it make you unduly materialistic or acquisitive.
2004-08-10, Tuesday: Just Say It
The next few weeks are great for putting as much effort into your communications as possible. If you've got something to say, this will definitely be the time to say it, especially if it requires courage. However, will you know when to be quiet? There's a chance that you might say too much at times, or come across as too aggressive and demanding. So take care!
2004-08-10, Tuesday: Tricky Phase
Domestic relationships start to come under strain from today and they won't sort themselves out until the beginning of September. So be very wary about misreading situations and try not to give anyone the wrong impression simply because you haven't said something important. Do your best to avoid signing any documents or agreements until this tricky phase blows over, in case you're being led up the garden path or you haven't been given all the facts.
2004-08-10, Tuesday: Indulge Yourself
The next six weeks will be a fantastic opportunity to cram as much fun into your life as possible. You'll have a very strong desire to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance, and that will include making the most of your love life. If you get involved with someone new, the thrill of the chase will be a big part of the fun. Take care, though, not to confuse love with lust.
2004-08-10, Tuesday: Eagle Eye
Keep an eagle eye on paperwork and files during the next couple of weeks because they'll have a nasty habit of doing their own thing and causing havoc. This isn't a time to trust to luck or hope that everything will magically look after itself because that isn't going to happen. There could also be mix-ups over appointment times, so check these carefully.

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