You should be feeling especially romantic and sensual now, Pisces, and you might draw admiring glances from those around you - even strangers. Your passion is high, so this is an excellent day to plan a romantic evening. You could also feel especially creative and want to spend your day in some sort of artistic activity. Go to it!
Today is a good day to ask for a raise or consider other ways to increase your income, Aquarius. Superiors will be in a receptive mood and likely feeling more benevolent than usual. This is a good time to study and consider investment possibilities, but it isn't a good time to make investments. The facts may differ from what you read or hear. Wait about a week before deciding.
A welcome communication from a business or romantic partner could arrive today, Capricorn. This could generate a lot of enthusiasm on both your parts and do wonders for your relationship or for whatever business you do together. Be honest with your partner. Don't conceal your concerns. It's better to get things out in the open. Don't worry. Everything will be OK!
You could have some intense dreams tonight, Sagittarius. You might find that they bring inspiration for creative projects, perhaps for redecorating or otherwise beautifying your home. You could feel energetic now and want to charge ahead and work on your project until you drop. Take care to pace yourself. You might tire to the point of feeling ill.
Some new information could come your way that causes you to focus on a new interest, Scorpio. It'll set your mind traveling to faraway places and times. You may also communicate with some new people who are highly educated, from foreign lands, or both. They might have fascinating stories to tell! Whatever happens, today promises to excite your curiosity and stimulate your intellect.
Relations with people on the job should be warm, Libra, and this could do wonders for your career. Take nothing at face value. All may not be as it seems. Someone has issues with you that render him or her untrustworthy. Take care to avoid getting too close to anyone who seems a little under the weather. Your immune system is a bit weak, and you could catch a bug.
Today you could be feeling warm and friendly toward everyone. You might be involved in virtual social events or receive invitations to future parties. You'll probably have a great time and make some new friends. Take care to take lots of vitamin C. There could be colds or other bugs flying around and you could be more susceptible to such infections at this time.
You may have strange dreams and vivid premonitions today, Leo. Your intuition and telepathic faculties are operating at a high level. You could think of someone who later phones. There's also a tendency to be too paranoid. Don't panic if some of the messages you receive seem disturbing. Check out the facts first. You're likely to find that all is better than you thought
Your mind is likely to be going a thousand miles an hour. Ideas for imaginative and innovative projects may come faster than you can possibly turn them into reality. Write them down. You may not have time to work on them now, but you will later. You could decide to attend a virtual lecture, sign up for an online class, or make plans to join friends and attend another kind of small group activity, if possible.
Today you might earn corporate kudos, Gemini, for all signs indicate that your imagination is flying high and can be put to work to increase your job effectiveness. You might even earn a promotion or increase in salary. However, it's important to curb the impulse to hide the downside of whatever you're doing from those in power. Be honest! It will benefit you more in the long run.
Interesting communications from friends could center on possible world developments or maybe some juicy gossip about people you know, Taurus. Enjoy yourself, but don't take everything you hear at face value. Much of it is less actual fact than the product of someone's fertile imagination. Short journeys in your area could bring news of upcoming changes in your community. Expect the unexpected!
Strange, passionate stirrings could find you wanting to escape from civilization with a lover, Aries. This is a great day for it. At least plan a quiet evening at home with your special someone. You might also want to satisfy other sensual cravings, such as a desire for delicious food, drink, or comfortable chairs or beds. Flow with it. We all need a little self-indulgence now and then!
2023-09-05, Tuesday: Be Careful, Fishies
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2023-09-05, Tuesday: Knickers In A Twist
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it hard to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. Remarkably touchy, really, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. No need to take comments too personally! You're too subjective about what happens now. Favourable colors are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
2023-09-05, Tuesday: Lovefest
Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a favorable day for breaking the ice with someone you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. You-know-who will probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Beneficial colors are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
2023-09-05, Tuesday: Generous Archers
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2023-09-05, Tuesday: Heated Exchange
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that's a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange, or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Fortunate colors are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
2023-09-05, Tuesday: Nervous Energy
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
2023-09-05, Tuesday: Loggerheads
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2023-09-05, Tuesday: Superior Leo
Watch out if a sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork, otherwise you're likely to lose something. Favourable colors are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2023-09-05, Tuesday: Cram It In
It's a sociable time at the moment, but the astrological accent is about to change so cram in as much socializing as possible today! If you want to ask a favor of a friend, do it now while you stand a good chance of striking it lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
2023-09-05, Tuesday: Strange Goings On
It's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is a law unto themselves or is behaving erratically. Even though this may be unsettling and irritating, there's be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colors are fuschia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2023-09-05, Tuesday: Make The Most Of It
People aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment. A little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbor round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Beneficial colors are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2023-09-05, Tuesday: Artistic Eye
Don't you have an artistic eye right now! Particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process, because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. Try not to spend all day working, because you need to relax at some point and admire your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
2022-09-05, Monday: Artistic Eye
Don't you have an artistic eye right now! Particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process, because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. Try not to spend all day working, because you need to relax at some point and admire your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
2022-09-05, Monday: Be Careful, Fishies
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2022-09-05, Monday: Knickers In A Twist
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it hard to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. Remarkably touchy, really, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. No need to take comments too personally! You're too subjective about what happens now. Favourable colors are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
2022-09-05, Monday: Lovefest
Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a favorable day for breaking the ice with someone you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. You-know-who will probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Beneficial colors are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
2022-09-05, Monday: Generous Archers
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2022-09-05, Monday: Heated Exchange
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that's a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange, or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Fortunate colors are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
2022-09-05, Monday: Nervous Energy
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
2022-09-05, Monday: Loggerheads
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2022-09-05, Monday: Superior Leo
Watch out if a sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork, otherwise you're likely to lose something. Favourable colors are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2022-09-05, Monday: Cram It In
It's a sociable time at the moment, but the astrological accent is about to change so cram in as much socializing as possible today! If you want to ask a favor of a friend, do it now while you stand a good chance of striking it lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
2022-09-05, Monday: Strange Goings On
It's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is a law unto themselves or is behaving erratically. Even though this may be unsettling and irritating, there's be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colors are fuschia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2022-09-05, Monday: Make The Most Of It
People aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment. A little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbor round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Beneficial colors are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2021-09-05, Sunday: Be Careful, Fishies
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2021-09-05, Sunday: Knickers In A Twist
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it hard to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. Remarkably touchy, really, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. No need to take comments too personally! You're too subjective about what happens now. Favourable colors are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
2021-09-05, Sunday: Lovefest
Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a favorable day for breaking the ice with someone you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. You-know-who will probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Beneficial colors are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
2021-09-05, Sunday: Generous Archers
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2021-09-05, Sunday: Heated Exchange
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that's a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange, or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Fortunate colors are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
2021-09-05, Sunday: Nervous Energy
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
2021-09-05, Sunday: Loggerheads
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2021-09-05, Sunday: Superior Leo
Watch out if a sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork, otherwise you're likely to lose something. Favourable colors are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2021-09-05, Sunday: Cram It In
It's a sociable time at the moment, but the astrological accent is about to change so cram in as much socializing as possible today! If you want to ask a favor of a friend, do it now while you stand a good chance of striking it lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
2021-09-05, Sunday: Strange Goings On
It's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is a law unto themselves or is behaving erratically. Even though this may be unsettling and irritating, there's be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colors are fuschia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2021-09-05, Sunday: Make The Most Of It
People aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment. A little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbor round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Beneficial colors are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2021-09-05, Sunday: Artistic Eye
Don't you have an artistic eye right now! Particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process, because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. Try not to spend all day working, because you need to relax at some point and admire your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
2020-09-05, Saturday: Be Careful, Fishies
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2020-09-05, Saturday: Knickers In A Twist
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it hard to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. Remarkably touchy, really, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. No need to take comments too personally! You're too subjective about what happens now. Favourable colors are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
2020-09-05, Saturday: Lovefest
Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a favorable day for breaking the ice with someone you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. You-know-who will probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Beneficial colors are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
2020-09-05, Saturday: Generous Archers
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2020-09-05, Saturday: Heated Exchange
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that's a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange, or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Fortunate colors are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
2020-09-05, Saturday: Nervous Energy
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
2020-09-05, Saturday: Loggerheads
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2020-09-05, Saturday: Superior Leo
Watch out if a sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork, otherwise you're likely to lose something. Favourable colors are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2020-09-05, Saturday: Cram It In
It's a sociable time at the moment, but the astrological accent is about to change so cram in as much socializing as possible today! If you want to ask a favor of a friend, do it now while you stand a good chance of striking it lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
2020-09-05, Saturday: Strange Goings On
It's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is a law unto themselves or is behaving erratically. Even though this may be unsettling and irritating, there's be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colors are fuschia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2020-09-05, Saturday: Make The Most Of It
People aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment. A little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbor round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Beneficial colors are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2020-09-05, Saturday: Artistic Eye
Don't you have an artistic eye right now! Particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process, because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. Try not to spend all day working, because you need to relax at some point and admire your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
2019-09-05, Thursday: Be Careful, Fishies
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2019-09-05, Thursday: Knickers In A Twist
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it hard to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. Remarkably touchy, really, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. No need to take comments too personally! You're too subjective about what happens now. Favourable colors are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
2019-09-05, Thursday: Lovefest
Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a favorable day for breaking the ice with someone you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. You-know-who will probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Beneficial colors are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
2019-09-05, Thursday: Generous Archers
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2019-09-05, Thursday: Heated Exchange
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that's a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange, or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Fortunate colors are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
2019-09-05, Thursday: Nervous Energy
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
2019-09-05, Thursday: Loggerheads
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2019-09-05, Thursday: Superior Leo
Watch out if a sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork, otherwise you're likely to lose something. Favourable colors are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2019-09-05, Thursday: Cram It In
It's a sociable time at the moment, but the astrological accent is about to change so cram in as much socializing as possible today! If you want to ask a favor of a friend, do it now while you stand a good chance of striking it lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
2019-09-05, Thursday: Strange Goings On
It's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is a law unto themselves or is behaving erratically. Even though this may be unsettling and irritating, there's be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colors are fuschia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2019-09-05, Thursday: Make The Most Of It
People aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment. A little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbor round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Beneficial colors are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2019-09-05, Thursday: Artistic Eye
Don't you have an artistic eye right now! Particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process, because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. Try not to spend all day working, because you need to relax at some point and admire your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
2018-09-05, Wednesday: Be Careful, Fishies
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2018-09-05, Wednesday: Knickers In A Twist
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it hard to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. Remarkably touchy, really, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. No need to take comments too personally! You're too subjective about what happens now. Favourable colors are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
2018-09-05, Wednesday: Lovefest
Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a favorable day for breaking the ice with someone you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. You-know-who will probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Beneficial colors are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
2018-09-05, Wednesday: Generous Archers
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2018-09-05, Wednesday: Heated Exchange
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that's a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange, or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Fortunate colors are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
2018-09-05, Wednesday: Nervous Energy
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
2018-09-05, Wednesday: Loggerheads
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2018-09-05, Wednesday: Superior Leo
Watch out if a sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork, otherwise you're likely to lose something. Favourable colors are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2018-09-05, Wednesday: Strange Goings On
It's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is a law unto themselves or is behaving erratically. Even though this may be unsettling and irritating, there's be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colors are fuschia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2018-09-05, Wednesday: Make The Most Of It
People aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment. A little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbor round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Beneficial colors are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2018-09-05, Wednesday: Artistic Eye
Don't you have an artistic eye right now! Particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process, because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. Try not to spend all day working, because you need to relax at some point and admire your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
2018-09-05, Wednesday: Cram It In
It's a sociable time at the moment, but the astrological accent is about to change so cram in as much socializing as possible today! If you want to ask a favor of a friend, do it now while you stand a good chance of striking it lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
2017-09-05, Tuesday: Be Careful, Fishies
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2017-09-05, Tuesday: Knickers In A Twist
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it hard to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. Remarkably touchy, really, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. No need to take comments too personally! You're too subjective about what happens now. Favourable colors are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
2017-09-05, Tuesday: Lovefest
Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a favorable day for breaking the ice with someone you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. You-know-who will probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Beneficial colors are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
2017-09-05, Tuesday: Heated Exchange
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that's a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange, or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Fortunate colors are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
2017-09-05, Tuesday: Nervous Energy
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
2017-09-05, Tuesday: Loggerheads
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2017-09-05, Tuesday: Superior Leo
Watch out if a sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork, otherwise you're likely to lose something. Favourable colors are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2017-09-05, Tuesday: Cram It In
It's a sociable time at the moment, but the astrological accent is about to change so cram in as much socializing as possible today! If you want to ask a favor of a friend, do it now while you stand a good chance of striking it lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
2017-09-05, Tuesday: Strange Goings On
It's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is a law unto themselves or is behaving erratically. Even though this may be unsettling and irritating, there's be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colors are fuschia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2017-09-05, Tuesday: Make The Most Of It
People aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment. A little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbor round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Beneficial colors are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2017-09-05, Tuesday: Artistic Eye
Don't you have an artistic eye right now! Particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process, because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. Try not to spend all day working, because you need to relax at some point and admire your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
2017-09-05, Tuesday: Generous Archers
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2016-09-05, Monday: Be Careful, Fishies
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2016-09-05, Monday: Knickers In A Twist
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it hard to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. Remarkably touchy, really, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. No need to take comments too personally! You're too subjective about what happens now. Favourable colors are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
2016-09-05, Monday: Lovefest
Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a favorable day for breaking the ice with someone you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. You-know-who will probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Beneficial colors are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
2016-09-05, Monday: Generous Archers
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2016-09-05, Monday: Heated Exchange
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that's a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange, or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Fortunate colors are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
2016-09-05, Monday: Nervous Energy
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
2016-09-05, Monday: Loggerheads
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2016-09-05, Monday: Superior Leo
Watch out if a sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork, otherwise you're likely to lose something. Favourable colors are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2016-09-05, Monday: Cram It In
It's a sociable time at the moment, but the astrological accent is about to change so cram in as much socializing as possible today! If you want to ask a favor of a friend, do it now while you stand a good chance of striking it lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
2016-09-05, Monday: Strange Goings On
It's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is a law unto themselves or is behaving erratically. Even though this may be unsettling and irritating, there's be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colors are fuschia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2016-09-05, Monday: Make The Most Of It
People aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment. A little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbor round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Beneficial colors are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2016-09-05, Monday: Artistic Eye
Don't you have an artistic eye right now! Particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process, because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. Try not to spend all day working, because you need to relax at some point and admire your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
2015-09-05, Saturday: Be Careful, Fishies
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2015-09-05, Saturday: Knickers In A Twist
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it hard to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. Remarkably touchy, really, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. No need to take comments too personally! You're too subjective about what happens now. Favourable colors are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
2015-09-05, Saturday: Lovefest
Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a favorable day for breaking the ice with someone you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. You-know-who will probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Beneficial colors are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
2015-09-05, Saturday: Heated Exchange
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that's a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange, or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Fortunate colors are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
2015-09-05, Saturday: Nervous Energy
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
2015-09-05, Saturday: Loggerheads
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2015-09-05, Saturday: Superior Leo
Watch out if a sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork, otherwise you're likely to lose something. Favourable colors are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2015-09-05, Saturday: Cram It In
It's a sociable time at the moment, but the astrological accent is about to change so cram in as much socializing as possible today! If you want to ask a favor of a friend, do it now while you stand a good chance of striking it lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
2015-09-05, Saturday: Strange Goings On
It's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is a law unto themselves or is behaving erratically. Even though this may be unsettling and irritating, there's be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colors are fuschia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2015-09-05, Saturday: Make The Most Of It
People aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment. A little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbor round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Beneficial colors are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2015-09-05, Saturday: Artistic Eye
Don't you have an artistic eye right now! Particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process, because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. Try not to spend all day working, because you need to relax at some point and admire your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
2015-09-05, Saturday: Generous Archers
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2014-09-05, Friday: Be Careful, Fishies
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2014-09-05, Friday: Knickers In A Twist
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it hard to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. Remarkably touchy, really, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. No need to take comments too personally! You're too subjective about what happens now. Favourable colors are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
2014-09-05, Friday: Lovefest
Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a favorable day for breaking the ice with someone you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. You-know-who will probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Beneficial colors are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
2014-09-05, Friday: Heated Exchange
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that's a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange, or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Fortunate colors are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
2014-09-05, Friday: Nervous Energy
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
2014-09-05, Friday: Loggerheads
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2014-09-05, Friday: Superior Leo
Watch out if a sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork, otherwise you're likely to lose something. Favourable colors are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2014-09-05, Friday: Cram It In
It's a sociable time at the moment, but the astrological accent is about to change so cram in as much socializing as possible today! If you want to ask a favor of a friend, do it now while you stand a good chance of striking it lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
2014-09-05, Friday: Strange Goings On
It's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is a law unto themselves or is behaving erratically. Even though this may be unsettling and irritating, there's be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colors are fuschia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2014-09-05, Friday: Make The Most Of It
People aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment. A little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbor round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Beneficial colors are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2014-09-05, Friday: Artistic Eye
Don't you have an artistic eye right now! Particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process, because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. Try not to spend all day working, because you need to relax at some point and admire your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
2014-09-05, Friday: Generous Archers
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2013-09-05, Thursday: Be Careful, Fishies
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2013-09-05, Thursday: Knickers In A Twist
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it hard to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. Remarkably touchy, really, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. No need to take comments too personally! You're too subjective about what happens now. Favourable colors are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
2013-09-05, Thursday: Lovefest
Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a favorable day for breaking the ice with someone you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. You-know-who will probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Beneficial colors are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
2013-09-05, Thursday: Generous Archers
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2013-09-05, Thursday: Heated Exchange
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that's a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange, or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Fortunate colors are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
2013-09-05, Thursday: Nervous Energy
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
2013-09-05, Thursday: Loggerheads
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2013-09-05, Thursday: Superior Leo
Watch out if a sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork, otherwise you're likely to lose something. Favourable colors are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2013-09-05, Thursday: Cram It In
It's a sociable time at the moment, but the astrological accent is about to change so cram in as much socializing as possible today! If you want to ask a favor of a friend, do it now while you stand a good chance of striking it lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
2013-09-05, Thursday: Strange Goings On
It's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is a law unto themselves or is behaving erratically. Even though this may be unsettling and irritating, there's be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colors are fuschia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2013-09-05, Thursday: Make The Most Of It
People aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment. A little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbor round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Beneficial colors are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2013-09-05, Thursday: Artistic Eye
Don't you have an artistic eye right now! Particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process, because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. Try not to spend all day working, because you need to relax at some point and admire your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
2012-09-05, Wednesday: Be Careful, Fishies
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2012-09-05, Wednesday: Knickers In A Twist
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it hard to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. Remarkably touchy, really, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. No need to take comments too personally! You're too subjective about what happens now. Favourable colors are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
2012-09-05, Wednesday: Lovefest
Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a favorable day for breaking the ice with someone you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. You-know-who will probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Beneficial colors are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
2012-09-05, Wednesday: Generous Archers
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2012-09-05, Wednesday: Heated Exchange
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that's a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange, or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Fortunate colors are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
2012-09-05, Wednesday: Nervous Energy
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
2012-09-05, Wednesday: Loggerheads
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2012-09-05, Wednesday: Superior Leo
Watch out if a sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork, otherwise you're likely to lose something. Favourable colors are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2012-09-05, Wednesday: Cram It In
It's a sociable time at the moment, but the astrological accent is about to change so cram in as much socializing as possible today! If you want to ask a favor of a friend, do it now while you stand a good chance of striking it lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
2012-09-05, Wednesday: Strange Goings On
It's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is a law unto themselves or is behaving erratically. Even though this may be unsettling and irritating, there's be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colors are fuschia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2012-09-05, Wednesday: Make The Most Of It
People aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment. A little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbor round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Beneficial colors are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2012-09-05, Wednesday: Artistic Eye
Don't you have an artistic eye right now! Particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process, because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. Try not to spend all day working, because you need to relax at some point and admire your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
2011-09-05, Monday: Heat of Passion
You may surprised by the heat of your own passion as the emotional Moon and lusty Mars combine today; be sure to find a positive outlet for this energy. You can meet problems head on at work today, as Mercury and Jupiter combine, but you are likely to stay in high stress mode... take a brisk walk right before lunch so that you can relax enough to eat. Fortunate colours are amber and red. Lucky numbers are 39 and 49.
2011-09-05, Monday: Passionate Atmosphere
Lusty Mars, sensual Venus and the tender Moon combine to create a passionate atmosphere today; take a few deep breaths and make the best use of this intense creative energy. You may find that your friends and associates are demanding your time and attention; if you have children, be sure you are not neglecting their needs. Advantageous colours are banana yellow and lime green. Lucky numbers are 42 and 47.
2011-09-05, Monday: Vague Anxiety
Vague anxiety may be eating away at you as the sensitive Moon links up with angry Mars... you may need to take some time out this morning. Don't allow your fears to become self-fulfilling prophecy, but at the same time pay attention to the red flags you may be seeing. Your mate, best friend, or partner may have some words of wisdom for you, if you're prepared to listen. Advantageous colours are silver and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2011-09-05, Monday: Planetary Forces
Nothing stands in your way as planetary forces turn you into a veritable steamroller; in fact, you may need to let off steam before you burst! This is a great day to get things done, but you may also find yourself feeling uncompromising, irritable and demanding. If you feel your blood pressure starting to rise, take a few deep breaths and take a walk outside. Beneficial colours are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 13 and 37.
2011-09-05, Monday: Temperature Rising
Tempers rise as the Moon and Mars are at odds; it may be all you can do to keep from ripping someone's head off as you go about your day. Salespeople and business contacts are likely to be the most testy... try not to take anyone's bad attitude personally. You can make good use of this energy by going to the gym or going for a brisk walk at your first opportunity! Advantageous colours are cinnamon and gold. Lucky numbers are 22 and 33.
2011-09-05, Monday: Sparks
Sparks fly as the Moon triggers Venus and Mars today; a lively debate may have definite romantic or sexual overtones. However, tempers are running high as many feel their buttons being pushed... you may have to apply your famous iron fist in a velvet glove technique if you want to come out on top without a struggle! Beneficial colours are nutmeg brown and ivory. Lucky numbers are 4 and 6.
2011-09-05, Monday: Hold a Pow-wow
The Virgin might seem a bit more like a steamroller as the Moon gets active in your fourth house; God help anyone who stands in your way today! Difficulties at home or with a parent may arise, so try to use this energy constructively. Instead of having an all-out war, hold an Indian-style pow-wow. With communicative Mercury working for you, it's easier to lay everything out on the table and work for compromise. Beneficial colours are celadon green and silver. Lucky numbers are 25 and 42.
2011-09-05, Monday: Sweat It Out
If you feel emotionally intense, blame it on the sensitive Moon and impatient Mars today. Release stress through exercise... sweat it out in a good way. Do use caution and common sense when exercising... running through a dark alley is not a good idea. If all else fails, pop in an exercise tape and work on those Buns of Steel. Fortunate colours are spring green and tan. Lucky numbers are 26 and 29.
2011-09-05, Monday: Time to Connect
Enjoy companionship today, whether it's your best friend, partner or your favourite animal person. With the Moon travelling through your seventh house making a sweet aspect to Mercury, it's time to share tender moments with others. Everyone needs someone, even the super-independent Twins! Make an effort to connect with another and you will be blessed. Fortunate colours are ivory and teal. Lucky numbers are 34 and 43.
2011-09-05, Monday: Emotional Upsets
Emotional upsets are likely as the Moon clashes with Mars and Venus; don't be surprised if a heated argument at work leaves you with a headache. You'll need to keep a cool head even though you will be tempted to charge into battle with both barrels loaded... it would be better to work out a reasonable compromise than to burn any bridges now. Beneficial colours are khaki and olive green. Lucky numbers are 10 and 14.
2011-09-05, Monday: The Heat Is On
The heat is turned up in your life with the Moon battling Venus and Mars. Some of you may be having romantic ideas that are lovely, but miles way from any possible reality. You'll need to channel this creative energy positively... this is a good time to write in your journal, practice on an instrument or improve on your favourite game. Beneficial colours are burgundy and gold. Lucky numbers are 31 and 32.
2011-09-05, Monday: Bright Eyed
The sunny Lion is bright eyed as the Moon continues to light up your fifth house of pleasure; with lusty Mars activated, many of you are also full of vim and vinegar! Don't be afraid to express yourself or to ask questions as you learn new things... this is a great time for intellectual discourse. Beneficial colours are flame orange and aztec gold. Lucky numbers are 13 and 24.
2010-09-05, Sunday: Healing Energy
The Moon activates your sixth house of health and service today and many Fishes will find they have been given a gift of healing, which can be used to help others. If you have been surrounding yourself with positive energy and people, this can be a wonderful time for you. Spiritual and karmic matters come to the forefront. If you have not been taking good care of yourself, you will need to do so now. Fortunate colours are Wedgwood blue and beige. Lucky numbers are 6 and 33.
2010-09-05, Sunday: Please Yourself
Be careful not to overextend yourself as the responsive Moon activates Saturn and Uranus today. You may be tempted to make promises you cannot keep. Try to plan your day realistically, guarding against over scheduling. If you try to please everyone you will end up pleasing no one. Find a way to please yourself that might be agreeable to others. Favourable colours are peacock blue and powder white. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
2010-09-05, Sunday: Strive For Balance
Strive for balance as the Moon connects with structured Saturn in the midheaven, your seat of power. This can be a very intuitive day as your organisational faculties are activated... some may even get a glimpse of the future. In personal relationships, allow a spirit of generosity and compassion to dominate. You can reach new heights in love with just a little patience and understanding. Auspicious colours are steely grey and bronze. Lucky numbers are 21 and 27.
2010-09-05, Sunday: Something New
With the Moon in your ninth house of travel and adventure, you'll be ready to try something new. You may need to ask directions if you are driving someplace new. A detailed map will be invaluable today, so keep one handy. Avoid discussions about beliefs during the next two days, as they are likely to get out of hand. Favourable colours are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 9 and 36.
2010-09-05, Sunday: Obligations
You may have to see to quite a few obligations as the dutiful Moon activates your tenth house of career and status today. There may be problems with a family member that surface during the next two days. Try to listen with your heart and not just with your mind. Some confusion may exist, so make the effort to clear up any misunderstandings. Practical colours are heather grey and mink brown. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
2010-09-05, Sunday: Meet Friends
Once the Moon enters Leo and your eleventh house of friendships, you won't be in the mood for business matters. In fact, why not consider taking the day off! The next two days should be lovely for socializing, so plan to meet friends after work tonight. Favourable colours are desert sand and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 28 and 33.
2010-09-05, Sunday: Low Cycle
The mysterious Moon moves in your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to spend quiet moments alone. This is the beginning of your low lunar cycle, so plan to recharge your spiritual batteries. Surround yourself with people and things in places that are soothing to your soul. Avoid stressful situations and unpleasant people. Beneficial colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
2010-09-05, Sunday: Animal Magnetism
The Moon lights up your first house of personality, helping you to shine like the star you are. Your magnetism will be irresistible, especially to the Neptune ruled and those strongly influence by Aquarius. Enjoy the effect you have on your adoring public. Everyone should have a turn in the spotlight, and today is yours. Fortunate colours are cherry red and gold. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2010-09-05, Sunday: Success Potential
It's time to tend to your personal finances as the Moon enters your second house of money. It may seem as though money has been slipping through your fingers as Neptune has made a slow trek through your eighth house of corporate finances. Some Crabs may be struggling to finance independent business efforts, while others may need to look more closely at shared accounts. The potential for success, however, is high today. Favourable colours are olive green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
2010-09-05, Sunday: Compromise
The responsive Moon and expansive Jupiter may cause you to be unrealistic today, so don't let your ideals cloud the facts. Your associates may be able to assist you in your personal ambitions, but collective goals are more likely to be successful at this time. If you are able to compromise, you can have the best of both worlds and a win- win situation. Fortunate colours are celadon green and dusty rose. Lucky numbers are 3 and 14.
2010-09-05, Sunday: Mine Host
Your innermost feelings about your past and family are stirred as the Moon dances in your fourth house of home and family... this is a good time to take a walk down memory lane. With Venus making your life a little lovelier this month, this is a great time to have friends and family over for a meal. The sensual Bull is a great host, so plan to have company this weekend. Excellent colours are witch hazel and fawn. Lucky numbers are 4 and 6.
2010-09-05, Sunday: Quality Time
The Leo Moon and Aries Jupiter combine to create good fortune in your life and your enthusiasm is contagious. Don't let little things make you angry as there is so much to be pleased about today. If you have children, spend real quality time with them now. There is much you can teach and much you can learn simply by engaging in play. Beneficial colours are pale gold and cherry red. Lucky numbers are 5 and 37.
2008-09-05, Friday: Emotional Fireworks
The moody Moon clashes with every kid on the cosmic block, so the potential for emotional fireworks is high. Don't let your ego get in the way of real relating. Make your priority to understand and not to be understood. Entertain at home tonight, as hitting the streets could be risky. Diplomatic colours are red coral and emerald. Lucky numbers are 4 and 7.
2008-09-05, Friday: Dream Dictionary
Thoughts and dreams you have now may be disturbing - remember that your unconscious mind speaks in symbols. Write down the details you remember and consult a dream dictionary or dream interpreter for greater understanding. Do something nice for a complete stranger. Fortunate colours are cobalt blue and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
2008-09-05, Friday: Cosmic Collisions
Cosmic collisions bring tense emotions to the surface. You need to relax if you want to stay balanced... don't try to do too much in one day. Take some time out to count your blessings and maybe realign your priorities. If it's hard to go to sleep this evening, try a bath infused with lavender and peppermint oils. Protective colours are mint green and lavender. Lucky numbers are 15 and 20.
2008-09-05, Friday: Count Your Blessings
This is a time to count your blessings, dear Gemini. The emotional Moon and just about every other cosmic factor are at odds, so you're frustrated with work, travel and health issues. Take a few moments to rest, meditate and envision a more peaceful and compassionate future. Be sure you keep that sharp tongue in its holster, for although you might feel like giving it, no-one likes to receive a tongue-lashing. Soothing colours are pale blue and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 14 and 22.
2008-09-05, Friday: Meaning Of Life
The Moon slithers through your eighth house of sex, death and rebirth, encouraging you to reflect on the meaning of life. Have you been answering the wake up call to take stock of your life and question your priorities? Today, give thanks for all you have, and do what you can to help others. Positive colours are amethyst and ivory. Lucky numbers are 8 and 27.
2008-09-05, Friday: Random Acts Of Kindness
Your natural understanding in matters of life, death and rebirth can be used in healing practices, so use your power wisely. This is a good day to express yourself and to share your wisdom. Don't hide your light - shine it brightly for everyone to see and practice random acts of kindness. Favourable colours are carnelian and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
2008-09-05, Friday: Compassion For Others
Arguments can pop up without warning today. Ugh. You may need to bite your tongue and employ patience if the stupidity of some people gets on your nerves. Make time for exercise and meditation around midday, to avoid becoming over-stimulated. Reflect on your blessings in life and remember to have compassion for others, no matter how annoying they are. Beneficial colours are burgundy and cream. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
2008-09-05, Friday: Pour The Oil
Think about what you really need to do in order to grow spiritually, rather than what you merely want. Hurricanes stir the waters and the cost of oil is awfully high these days, but if you pour the oil of your compassion onto the troubled waters of those around you, you will be blessed many times over. Do at least one thing nice for another being today. Beneficial colours are pale green and purple. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
2008-09-05, Friday: Give Thanks
With the growing pains our planet has been enduring recently. nothing is more important than the love in your life. Spend time with your loved ones as the Moon lingers in your seventh house of significant others. Have you been answering the wake-up call to take stock of your life and question your priorities? Legal issues are problematic, so give thanks for all you have. Beneficial colours are pale aqua and bright coral. Lucky numbers are 16 and 25.
2008-09-05, Friday: Remain Positive
Vague fears and confusion are likely and most people will be feeling out of sorts. As much as Capricorn enjoys concrete ideas, you may have to accept the nebulous and abstract today. The world is full of wonderful things and humans, as well as negative ones - try to remain positive. Positive colours are bright yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
2008-09-05, Friday: Let It Be
Peace is hard to find, and some people seem to prefer war. Let peace begin with you today. Your patience may be tested by the folly and selfishness, even the deception of others. If someone wants to start a fight, just say 'Be blessed, my friend' and walk away. And mean it. Positive colours are glistening silver and corn bread. Lucky numbers are 18 and 28.
2008-09-05, Friday: Simple Pleasures
Take comfort in the simple pleasures of life today. The cosmos urges us to appreciate each other, no matter what our religion or politics are. Practice random acts of beauty and kindness and don't get too touchy, no matter how much they bug you. Propitious colours are apricot and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2007-09-05, Wednesday: Mercury In Libra
Mercury is going to begin a tour of your eighth house of shared income, other people's values and resources and the occult. From now until September 28th you have a lovely opportunity to learn something new in the area of the occult or investment. Any negotiations with big banks or companies will fare well. Fortuitous colours are burnt orange and fudge. Lucky numbers are 16 and 12.
2007-09-05, Wednesday: Mercury In Libra
Mercury, the planet of communication and learning, is set to tour your ninth house of higher learning from now until September 28th. This infuses your higher mind with even greater powers of intellect and rational ability. It's the perfect time to begin a new course of study or spread your wisdom through teaching or publishing endeavours. Propitious colours are parchment and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 40 and 15.
2007-09-05, Wednesday: Mercury In Libra
Mercury, the planet of thought and communication begins a tour of your tenth house of fame and honour until September 28th. This is the time for you to be in the public spotlight, because you'll literally be the talk of the town! Others will admire your ability to do many things at once in order to gain more status. Inventive colours are oyster and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 3 and 10.
2007-09-05, Wednesday: Mercury In Libra
Today Mercury the planet of thought and communication moves into your ninth house of higher thought and learning. This is the best time to begin studies at a University or to teach or pursue legal/ publishing activities. The energy is strong for success through September 28th. Harmonious colours are spearmint and lilac. Lucky numbers are 40 and 34.
2007-09-05, Wednesday: Mercury In Libra
Mercury, the planet of communication and thought enters your twelfth house of the unconscious until September 28th. Your powers of access to past memories are extremely heightened now. When you're alone is when you think most clearly these days. Intuitive colours are copper and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 32 and 24.
2007-09-05, Wednesday: Mercury In Libra
Today Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, will begin a tour in your sign until September 28th. What this heightened mental energy will do is help you assert your personality with great strategy in negotiations of all kinds. You're already a clever and charming communicator dear Libra, but now it's intensified! Inspirational colours are burgundy and mandarin. Lucky numbers are 35 and 38.
2007-09-05, Wednesday: Mercury In Libra
Mercury, the planet of communication and thought will begin a tour of your second house of finances, self worth, talents and abilities until September 28th. You'll be able to balance your personal resources in an effective way and use great powers of intellect to ensure your security. Advantageous colours are tangerine and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 25 and 38.
2007-09-05, Wednesday: Mercury In Libra
Mercury the planet of thought and communication will begin a tour of your third house of short distance travel, communication and siblings until September 28th. Expect a flurry of small trips and mediation between you and a sibling over the next couple of weeks. It's a great time to begin any new writing project. Ideal colours are blackcurrant and mango. Lucky numbers are 17 and 13.
2007-09-05, Wednesday: Mercury In Libra
Today Mercury the planet of thought and communication is starting a tour of your 4th house of home and family. From now until September 28th your mind is on one thing and one thing only: restoring balance and harmony to a family matter that has been splitting you in half. Auspicious colours are persimmon and cream. Lucky numbers are 9 and 59.
2007-09-05, Wednesday: Mercury In Libra
Today Mercury the planet of thought and communication begins a tour of your fifth house of romance, children and creative expression until September 28th. Expect brilliant ideas for a creative project to flow easily and with harmony. Communications with a lover or your children will be especially rewarding. Energising colours are mango and silver. Lucky numbers are 15 and 28.
2007-09-05, Wednesday: Mercury In Libra
Mercury, the planet of communication and thought will tour your sixth house of work, health and service until September 28th bringing a great deal of mental attention to these matters. Your mind will be clever and flexible in work routines and you will easily collaborate with co-workers or employees at this time. Polarising colours are caramel and lime. Lucky numbers are 36 and 25.
2007-09-05, Wednesday: Mercury In Libra
Mercury, the planet of communication, will tour the sign Libra and your seventh house of partnership until September 28th. This energy will prompt you to some diplomatic negotiations with your spouse or a partner. You'll communicate with charm and grace and use clever tactics to get your way without the other party knowing how it even happened. Uplifting colours are russet and coffee. Lucky numbers are 19 and 1.
2005-09-05, Monday: Hard Work Pays Off
It's a day when hard work pays off, not only by filling you with a strong sense of satisfaction but also by achieving a lot. You're in a methodical and practical frame of mind today, so put it to good use whenever possible. Don't waste time or effort, but make sure you do things to the best of your abilities. Liberating colours are peach and brass. Lucky numbers are 29 and 11.
2005-09-05, Monday: Speak Your Heart
You have some important things to say today, so don't be shy about speaking up. Choose someone who has the intelligence and the sensitivity to be able to listen carefully to what you're saying and to respond in a worthwhile way. If you're making travel plans at the moment, this is a good day for checking that everything is going well. Ideal colours are blonde and lilac. Lucky numbers are 35 and 16.
2005-09-05, Monday: Teamwork
This is a great day for working in partnership with someone, provided that they know what they're doing and you don't have to cover for them. This teamwork will go very well, and you'll manage to achieve a lot. At some point today you should also go through your finances and make sure that you've paid any outstanding bills and credit card statements. Bright colours are salmon and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 27 and 17.
2005-09-05, Monday: Serious Approach
Serious conversations appeal today and aren't interested in chatting about trivia. For instance, given the choice between discussing the latest news headlines and what happened in last night's soap, you'll go for the headlines every time. It's a marvellous day for any sort of study or research, especially if you can work by yourself. Great colours are chestnut and topaz. Lucky numbers are 16 and 60.
2005-09-05, Monday: Your Own Devices
You're happiest if you can be left to your own devices today, and allowed to work at your own pace and in your own time. You don't want to be hurried and you don't want a lot of people breathing down your neck either. You're in a very disciplined mood, so it's great for getting on with dreary but essential chores or tackling some complicated paperwork. Vibrant colours are crimson and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 9 and 70.
2005-09-05, Monday: Future Plans
Friends are important to you today. One of them might give you some valuable information or they could provide the moral support you need at the moment. It's also a good day for thinking about your future plans and for working out how they're progressing. Do you need to make any adjustments or is everything ticking over nicely? Empowering colours are ebony and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 22.
2005-09-05, Monday: Tough On Yourself
This is a brilliant day for taking stock of your current financial situation, so you can do something about it if necessary. You might decide to put aside more money each month in savings, or to pay off some bills before you forget all about them. If you need to economize at the moment, this is the perfect opportunity to work out how you can do this. You'll be tough on yourself without being unrealistic. Ideal colours are dark gold and emerald. Lucky numbers are 31 and 31.
2005-09-05, Monday: Plan Your Day
You're in a very practical and organized mood today, and you won't want to waste any time or effort. It will help to plan your day in advance so you can be at your most efficient and you don't run the risk of having to do anything twice or in the wrong order. If you're taking part in a conversation or discussion, yours will be the voice of reason. Fortunate colours are peach and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 21 and 58.
2005-09-05, Monday: Domestic Focus
This is a great day to do some household shopping, whether that means having a trip around the supermarket so you can stock up on the basics or having a more exciting time by looking for new furniture or fittings. If you're currently in the throes of improving your home or doing some DIY, devote part of today to checking that you have everything you need. Favourable colours are dark red and bronze. Lucky numbers are 18 and 65.
2005-09-05, Monday: Practical Conversation
Take the time to have a sensible, sober and practical conversation with loved ones today. You might have to put someone's mind at rest because they're worried about something, or they could ask you to make some enquiries on their behalf. You're full of common sense right now and you'll convey your message with admirable efficiency and accuracy. Advantageous colours are marmalade and shell pink. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
2005-09-05, Monday: Practical Taurus
Cast an eye around your home or workplace, to see if anything needs fixing or replacing. You're in a practical and sensible mood, so if you go shopping you won't be interested in wasting your time or money on fripperies or extravagances. At some point you may be asked to help a relative or colleague who's struggling with a problem, and you'll do your best to lend a hand. Expressive colours are parchment and dark blue. Lucky numbers are 13 and 75.
2005-09-05, Monday: Pragmatic Aries
You're in a very pragmatic and grounded frame of mind today and you'll take any problems in your stride rather than get into a total flap about them. As a result, you may attract someone who needs a shoulder to cry on or who wants to ask your advice. They've chosen well because, in your current mood, you're wise and rational. Loving colours are pistachio and red. Lucky numbers are 24 and 64.
2004-09-05, Sunday: Cram It In
You're having a very sociable time at the moment and it continues this Sunday. However, the astrological accent is about to change so you'd be well advised to cram in as much socializing as possible today. If you want to ask a favour of a friend, try to do it now while you stand a good chance of striking lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
2004-09-05, Sunday: Superior Leo
Watch out if a slight sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular with whoever happens to be around. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're far too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork otherwise you're likely to lose something. Inspirational colours are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
2004-09-05, Sunday: Loggerheads
Someone dear to your heart is highly resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome - a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to be more flexible, and quickly. Inspirational colours are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
2004-09-05, Sunday: Nervous Energy
Take things easy or you'll get really frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be existing mostly on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Liberating colours are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
2004-09-05, Sunday: Heated Exchange
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that they're being a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Inspiring colours are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 79.
2004-09-05, Sunday: Generous Archers
If you're having a get together you want everyone to have a good time, and you pull out all the stops to make sure it happens. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, you'll tell yourself that it's all in a good cause - and so be it. If you're doing the catering yourself, you'll provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colours are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 63.
2004-09-05, Sunday: Lovefest
Relationships are really enjoyable today. Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a super day for breaking the ice with someone that you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. They'll probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Revealing colours are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
2004-09-05, Sunday: Knickers In A Twist
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it difficult to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. They're being remarkably touchy, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. You're taking comments far too personally, and you're too subjective about what happens now. Inspirational colours are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
2004-09-05, Sunday: Be Careful, Fishies
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily become accident-prone this Sunday. This is especially likely to happen if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy that can't be released, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Opportune colours are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
2004-09-05, Sunday: Strange Goings On
Once again, it's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is being a law unto themselves or is behaving very erratically. Even though this will be unsettling and irritating, there may not be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colours are fuchsia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2004-09-05, Sunday: Make The Most Of It
Let's face it, people aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment because a little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbour round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Powerful colours are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
2004-09-05, Sunday: Artistic Eye
You have an artistic eye right now, particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process if you don't want to because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. But try not to spend all day working because you'll want to relax at some point and admire all your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
2003-09-05, Friday: The Heat Is On
The heat is on and you know full well that you are in for a roasting or is it a toasting? It is all a bit sudden. You have been lulled into a false sense of security by the idyllic nature of recent days. A splendid panic fills the air. Beneficial colours are violet and rose pink. Lucky numbers are 4 and 31.
2003-09-05, Friday: No More Bunnies!
When you look into the things you don't want to and face the things you think you don't want to face, you always get a surprise. Naming things as they are, removes the spell that keeps you trapped. No more bunny in the headlights! Soothing colours are marshmallow pink and silvery white. Lucky numbers are 17 and 33.
2003-09-05, Friday: Champagne
Happiness can surface at the strangest of times. It is rising up in you like bubbles in a champagne flute. You love transitions. They give you the sense that your vision might come true. They give you the sense that life is winning over lifelessness. Auspicious colours are burgundy and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 13 and 51.
2003-09-05, Friday: Truth Seeker
Issues of right and wrong are always going to go off the rails at a certain point. Morality is culturally specific and mightily subjective. You are a seeker of truth - not a fundamentalist. Keep your questions alive not your answers. Auspicious colours are bright red and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 57.
2003-09-05, Friday: Layers Peeling Away
The planetary forces of good are forming a multi-dimensional isosceles triangle in deep space. This is keeping you afloat in the midst of most unusual circumstance. Your defences are being peeled away. You are being asked to reveal your self. Auspicious colours are hazelnut brown and cream. Lucky numbers are 18 and 40.
2003-09-05, Friday: Only Human
All the effort you put into harmony and balance comes gloriously unstuck. It was, after all, a little contrived....... You neglected to take the ferocity of your own needs into account, whilst honing your cool. Strangely it's your imbalances that others find most lovable. Fortunate colours are maroon and lemon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 32.
2003-09-05, Friday: Full Steam Ahead
The horizon opens up and once again you get your nose out of the details and back on to the scent of the bigger picture. Strategies are good as long as you don't inhibit things by being too obsessed with contingency plans. Full steam ahead! Ideal colours are dark purple and lilac. Lucky numbers are 4 and 72.
2003-09-05, Friday: Home To Mother
Having stood proud and flashed your courage and your mane for all to see, you would now very much like to go home to your mother. You are aching for something or someone soft and comforting to ease the tension that comes with heroic action. Ideal colours are pale orange and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 13 and 42.
2003-09-05, Friday: Cancer The Individual
It is easy to feel your individuality out there in the world at large. The hardest place to hang together your sense of self is at home. This is contrary to what we are lead to believe. Break free of familial notions of who you are. Positive colours are dark red and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 16 and 34.
2003-09-05, Friday: A Giant Hug
A giant hug comes your way just when you weren't expecting it; support often arrives just after we've given up thinking it will. God must be a kookaburra. Laughing with no concern whatsoever for the joke. Auspicious colours are bronze and navy. Lucky numbers are 39 and 70.
2003-09-05, Friday: Winding Down
You just managed to skip through what you thought would be dangerous territory and not only remain intact, but have a mighty fine time. A little nourishment is in order now: a scented bath, hot soup and a warm living room is just what the doctor ordered. Fortunate colours are charcoal and peach. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
2003-09-05, Friday: Inspired
There is plenty of nourishment around for your body, heart and soul. Nothing inspires you like food, so it is best to forget all else and get your nose into the trough. In your case this is the most delightfully honest and fitting of behaviours! Beneficial colours are lemon and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 2 and 33.