Scorpio's Horoscopes |



Born between: Oct 23rd - Nov 21st

Scorpios are emotional and passionate which ensures they have strong relationships. They are often confident and determined; yet, their emotional and secretive nature can cause them to be jealous and misunderstood.

2024-08-06, Tuesday
An unexpected chance to fly to a faraway place, perhaps at someone else's expense, could come to you today, Scorpio. A group might be involved, perhaps one connected with education. Do you lecture or teach? If so, this might be a chance to give a lecture in an exciting place you've never been to before. Get your materials together, pack your bag, and go. Have fun!
2023-08-06, Sunday: Changes
You're very keen to make some changes or improvements right now, but these won't go nearly as smoothly as you'd like. That's because someone might feel threatened by what you're proposing and try to stop you in your tracks, or your ideas may be over-ambitious and therefore impractical. Beware of a tendency to believe that you're automatically in the right over a moral issue. Ideal colors are persimmon and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 56.
2022-08-06, Saturday: Changes
You're very keen to make some changes or improvements right now, but these won't go nearly as smoothly as you'd like. That's because someone might feel threatened by what you're proposing and try to stop you in your tracks, or your ideas may be over-ambitious and therefore impractical. Beware of a tendency to believe that you're automatically in the right over a moral issue. Ideal colors are persimmon and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 56.
2021-08-06, Friday: Changes
You're very keen to make some changes or improvements right now, but these won't go nearly as smoothly as you'd like. That's because someone might feel threatened by what you're proposing and try to stop you in your tracks, or your ideas may be over-ambitious and therefore impractical. Beware of a tendency to believe that you're automatically in the right over a moral issue. Ideal colors are persimmon and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 56.
2020-08-06, Thursday: Changes
You're very keen to make some changes or improvements right now, but these won't go nearly as smoothly as you'd like. That's because someone might feel threatened by what you're proposing and try to stop you in your tracks, or your ideas may be over-ambitious and therefore impractical. Beware of a tendency to believe that you're automatically in the right over a moral issue. Ideal colors are persimmon and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 56.
2019-08-06, Tuesday: Changes
You're very keen to make some changes or improvements right now, but these won't go nearly as smoothly as you'd like. That's because someone might feel threatened by what you're proposing and try to stop you in your tracks, or your ideas may be over-ambitious and therefore impractical. Beware of a tendency to believe that you're automatically in the right over a moral issue. Ideal colors are persimmon and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 56.
2018-08-06, Monday: Changes
You're very keen to make some changes or improvements right now, but these won't go nearly as smoothly as you'd like. That's because someone might feel threatened by what you're proposing and try to stop you in your tracks, or your ideas may be over-ambitious and therefore impractical. Beware of a tendency to believe that you're automatically in the right over a moral issue. Ideal colors are persimmon and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 56.
2017-08-06, Sunday: Changes
You're very keen to make some changes or improvements right now, but these won't go nearly as smoothly as you'd like. That's because someone might feel threatened by what you're proposing and try to stop you in your tracks, or your ideas may be over-ambitious and therefore impractical. Beware of a tendency to believe that you're automatically in the right over a moral issue. Ideal colors are persimmon and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 56.
2016-08-06, Saturday: Changes
You're very keen to make some changes or improvements right now, but these won't go nearly as smoothly as you'd like. That's because someone might feel threatened by what you're proposing and try to stop you in your tracks, or your ideas may be over-ambitious and therefore impractical. Beware of a tendency to believe that you're automatically in the right over a moral issue. Ideal colors are persimmon and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 56.
2015-08-06, Thursday: Changes
You're very keen to make some changes or improvements right now, but these won't go nearly as smoothly as you'd like. That's because someone might feel threatened by what you're proposing and try to stop you in your tracks, or your ideas may be over-ambitious and therefore impractical. Beware of a tendency to believe that you're automatically in the right over a moral issue. Ideal colors are persimmon and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 56.
2014-08-06, Wednesday: Changes
You're very keen to make some changes or improvements right now, but these won't go nearly as smoothly as you'd like. That's because someone might feel threatened by what you're proposing and try to stop you in your tracks, or your ideas may be over-ambitious and therefore impractical. Beware of a tendency to believe that you're automatically in the right over a moral issue. Ideal colors are persimmon and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 56.
2013-08-06, Tuesday: Changes
You're very keen to make some changes or improvements right now, but these won't go nearly as smoothly as you'd like. That's because someone might feel threatened by what you're proposing and try to stop you in your tracks, or your ideas may be over-ambitious and therefore impractical. Beware of a tendency to believe that you're automatically in the right over a moral issue. Ideal colors are persimmon and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 56.
2012-08-06, Monday: Changes
You're very keen to make some changes or improvements right now, but these won't go nearly as smoothly as you'd like. That's because someone might feel threatened by what you're proposing and try to stop you in your tracks, or your ideas may be over-ambitious and therefore impractical. Beware of a tendency to believe that you're automatically in the right over a moral issue. Ideal colors are persimmon and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 56.
2011-08-06, Saturday: Slow Start
With the Moon in your first house of personality, you should feel refreshed! This is a wonderful day for facing whatever challenges have been concerning you lately. Ask for what you want and expect to be satisfied! Fortunate colours are deep green and ruby red. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2010-08-06, Friday: Shake the Cobwebs
The Moon moves into your ninth house of travel and education today, preparing you for changes. Trying new things such as food and different cultures will be uplifting for you at this time; you might even consider signing up for a course in a foreign language. Shake the cobwebs out of your life by reaching for something that excites you. Fortunate colours are deep green and maroon. Lucky numbers are 33 and 36.
2009-08-06, Thursday: Murphy's Law
You may feel torn between the demands of your career and the needs of your family as the Full Moon wanes; it may be all you can do to keep from ripping your own hair out. This could definitely qualify as one of those days when Murphy's Law seems to apply to your entire life. Take a few deep breaths and promise yourself a treat for making it all the way through. Auspicious colours are bright white and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
2008-08-06, Wednesday: Take No Chances
There is no point trying to chase elusive goals. Take proper care of what you already have, so as not to lose it. Consolidation is more important than expansion and information that comes your way may not be reliable. Avoid risky speculative activities as today is not the day to take unnecessary chances. Conservative colours are sepia and basalt. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
2007-08-06, Monday: Jupiter Direct
Late tonight, Jupiter the planet of expansion and abundance finally turns direct in Sagittarius again after being retrograde since April. Jupiter is touring your second house of income, self worth and values and all of these areas are once again going to benefit from Jupiter's beneficial presence. Fortuitous colours are parchment and saffron. Lucky numbers are 8 and 13.
2005-08-06, Saturday: Behind The Scenes
You have friends behind the scenes and they're ready to pull a few strings on your behalf today. Never mind if you don't know who these people might be because you can rest easy knowing that things are going your way at the moment, even if it doesn't always seem to be the case. You have good reason to be confident about the way your ambitions are working out. Expressive colours are pastel pink and moonlight blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 49.
2004-08-06, Friday: Changes
You're very keen to make some changes or improvements right now, but these won't go nearly as smoothly as you'd like. That's because someone might feel threatened by what you're proposing and try to stop you in your tracks, or your ideas may be over-ambitious and therefore impractical. Beware of a tendency to believe that you're automatically in the right over a moral issue.

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