Scorpio's Horoscopes |



Born between: Oct 23rd - Nov 21st

Scorpios are emotional and passionate which ensures they have strong relationships. They are often confident and determined; yet, their emotional and secretive nature can cause them to be jealous and misunderstood.

2024-07-14, Sunday
Friction with family members, particularly women, could prove irritating, especially since you're torn between their quirks and the love you have for them. This isn't the time to hold grudges, Scorpio. Let them go. You might feel the urge to do some home repairs, redecorate, or otherwise improve your home, or perhaps cook a great meal. Channel your energy into these activities instead of quarreling. You'll be glad you did.
2023-07-14, Friday: Green Eyes
Jealousy and possessiveness are a distinct possibility now, so watch out. Maybe your other half is feeling threatened and they want to stake their claim on you, or perhaps you're the one who's been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Either way, be very wary about behaving in manipulative, controlling or obsessive ways that will undoubtedly rebound on you. Revealing colors are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 46 and 15.
2022-07-14, Thursday: Green Eyes
Jealousy and possessiveness are a distinct possibility now, so watch out. Maybe your other half is feeling threatened and they want to stake their claim on you, or perhaps you're the one who's been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Either way, be very wary about behaving in manipulative, controlling or obsessive ways that will undoubtedly rebound on you. Revealing colors are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 46 and 15.
2021-07-14, Wednesday: Green Eyes
Jealousy and possessiveness are a distinct possibility now, so watch out. Maybe your other half is feeling threatened and they want to stake their claim on you, or perhaps you're the one who's been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Either way, be very wary about behaving in manipulative, controlling or obsessive ways that will undoubtedly rebound on you. Revealing colors are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 46 and 15.
2020-07-14, Tuesday: Green Eyes
Jealousy and possessiveness are a distinct possibility now, so watch out. Maybe your other half is feeling threatened and they want to stake their claim on you, or perhaps you're the one who's been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Either way, be very wary about behaving in manipulative, controlling or obsessive ways that will undoubtedly rebound on you. Revealing colors are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 46 and 15.
2019-07-14, Sunday: Green Eyes
Jealousy and possessiveness are a distinct possibility now, so watch out. Maybe your other half is feeling threatened and they want to stake their claim on you, or perhaps you're the one who's been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Either way, be very wary about behaving in manipulative, controlling or obsessive ways that will undoubtedly rebound on you. Revealing colors are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 46 and 15.
2018-07-14, Saturday: Green Eyes
Jealousy and possessiveness are a distinct possibility now, so watch out. Maybe your other half is feeling threatened and they want to stake their claim on you, or perhaps you're the one who's been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Either way, be very wary about behaving in manipulative, controlling or obsessive ways that will undoubtedly rebound on you. Revealing colors are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 46 and 15.
2017-07-14, Friday: Green Eyes
Jealousy and possessiveness are a distinct possibility now, so watch out. Maybe your other half is feeling threatened and they want to stake their claim on you, or perhaps you're the one who's been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Either way, be very wary about behaving in manipulative, controlling or obsessive ways that will undoubtedly rebound on you. Revealing colors are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 46 and 15.
2016-07-14, Thursday: Green Eyes
Jealousy and possessiveness are a distinct possibility now, so watch out. Maybe your other half is feeling threatened and they want to stake their claim on you, or perhaps you're the one who's been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Either way, be very wary about behaving in manipulative, controlling or obsessive ways that will undoubtedly rebound on you. Revealing colors are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 46 and 15.
2015-07-14, Tuesday: Green Eyes
Jealousy and possessiveness are a distinct possibility now, so watch out. Maybe your other half is feeling threatened and they want to stake their claim on you, or perhaps you're the one who's been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Either way, be very wary about behaving in manipulative, controlling or obsessive ways that will undoubtedly rebound on you. Revealing colors are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 46 and 15.
2014-07-14, Monday: Green Eyes
Jealousy and possessiveness are a distinct possibility now, so watch out. Maybe your other half is feeling threatened and they want to stake their claim on you, or perhaps you're the one who's been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Either way, be very wary about behaving in manipulative, controlling or obsessive ways that will undoubtedly rebound on you. Revealing colors are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 46 and 15.
2013-07-14, Sunday: Green Eyes
Jealousy and possessiveness are a distinct possibility now, so watch out. Maybe your other half is feeling threatened and they want to stake their claim on you, or perhaps you're the one who's been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Either way, be very wary about behaving in manipulative, controlling or obsessive ways that will undoubtedly rebound on you. Revealing colors are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 46 and 15.
2012-07-14, Saturday: Green Eyes
Jealousy and possessiveness are a distinct possibility now, so watch out. Maybe your other half is feeling threatened and they want to stake their claim on you, or perhaps you're the one who's been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Either way, be very wary about behaving in manipulative, controlling or obsessive ways that will undoubtedly rebound on you. Revealing colors are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 46 and 15.
2011-07-14, Thursday: Joy And Inspiration
With the Moon in spirited Capricorn, the serious Scorpion turns into a playful young insect. It's time to relax and indulge in some of your favourite things. Take a break and spend some time enjoying good music, good food, and good friends tonight. Why not have the locals over for a drink and a chat? Your spouse, mate or significant other will be a source of joy and inspiration. Playful colours are yellow topaz and plum purple. Lucky numbers are 3 and 17.
2009-07-14, Tuesday: On The Horizon
As the Sun meets Mercury in gorgeous Cancer, ego-boosting news comes overnight. It could be connected with study, travel, adventure or expansion of the mind and its parameters. Correspondence or discussions concern diplomatic endeavours, cultural events, court decisions, higher education, advanced training, study or use of foreign languages, religious or political interests, publishing, direct-mail promotions, or advertising. Phew. Have fun at the fair! Expansive colours are bloodstone and violet. Lucky numbers are 9 and 37.
2008-07-14, Monday: Realistic Thinker
You can help a friend out by showing him or her a more spiritually advanced way to handle life's troubles. You have a more realistic approach to goals now. Uplifting colours are amethyst and sable. Lucky numbers are 35 and 78.
2007-07-14, Saturday: New Moon
A lunation in Cancer provides you with the ability to renew trust and security in the meaning of life. Opportunity for travel is strong in your chart now and the coming two weeks should reveal exciting news for you that may be international! Intuitive colours are persimmon and ice green. Lucky numbers are 37 and 7.
2005-07-14, Thursday: Foot In Mouth Disease
Can you keep firm control over what you say today? You may think you can, but you'll surprise yourself when you reveal the very thing you were supposed to keep quiet about. There's also a strong chance that you could make a politically incorrect statement that someone picks up on, much to your embarrassment. Ideal colours are magenta and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 22 and 50.
2004-07-14, Wednesday: Green Eyes
Jealousy and possessiveness are a distinct possibility now, so watch out. Maybe your other half is feeling threatened and they want to stake their claim on you, or perhaps you're the one who's been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Either way, be very wary about behaving in manipulative, controlling or obsessive ways that will undoubtedly rebound on you. Revealing colours are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 46 and 15.

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