Scorpio's Horoscopes |



Born between: Oct 23rd - Nov 21st

Scorpios are emotional and passionate which ensures they have strong relationships. They are often confident and determined; yet, their emotional and secretive nature can cause them to be jealous and misunderstood.

2024-09-11, Wednesday
Stress and job frustration might have you thinking about breaking free, walking out the door, and going somewhere else. Another thought is likely to concern going back to school and training for a career in another field. You might need a vacation, and returning to school could be a great idea in the future, but don't decide today. Wait a few days at least.
2023-09-11, Monday: Drifting Thoughts
Your thoughts are drifting today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, so keep on top of things or you'll make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other. Beneficial colors are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
2022-09-11, Sunday: Drifting Thoughts
Your thoughts are drifting today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, so keep on top of things or you'll make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other. Beneficial colors are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
2021-09-11, Saturday: Drifting Thoughts
Your thoughts are drifting today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, so keep on top of things or you'll make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other. Beneficial colors are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
2020-09-11, Friday: Drifting Thoughts
Your thoughts are drifting today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, so keep on top of things or you'll make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other. Beneficial colors are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
2019-09-11, Wednesday: Drifting Thoughts
Your thoughts are drifting today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, so keep on top of things or you'll make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other. Beneficial colors are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
2018-09-11, Tuesday: Drifting Thoughts
Your thoughts are drifting today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, so keep on top of things or you'll make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other. Beneficial colors are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
2017-09-11, Monday: Drifting Thoughts
Your thoughts are drifting today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, so keep on top of things or you'll make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other. Beneficial colors are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
2016-09-11, Sunday: Drifting Thoughts
Your thoughts are drifting today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, so keep on top of things or you'll make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other. Beneficial colors are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
2015-09-11, Friday: Drifting Thoughts
Your thoughts are drifting today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, so keep on top of things or you'll make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other. Beneficial colors are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
2014-09-11, Thursday: Drifting Thoughts
Your thoughts are drifting today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, so keep on top of things or you'll make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other. Beneficial colors are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
2013-09-11, Wednesday: Drifting Thoughts
Your thoughts are drifting today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, so keep on top of things or you'll make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other. Beneficial colors are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
2012-09-11, Tuesday: Drifting Thoughts
Your thoughts are drifting today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, so keep on top of things or you'll make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other. Beneficial colors are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
2011-09-11, Sunday: Lusty Appetites
Your appetite for pleasure may outstrip your ability to afford them... curb your spending if you find you can't meet your monthly payments. Some of you may find that the very things you love, seem to disagree with your value system. Either your value system is outmoded or your conscience is telling you it's time to clean up your act. Beneficial colours are pale gold and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 12.
2008-09-11, Thursday: Romantic Potential
The Moon entering Aquarius, your fourth house of home and family, urges you to enjoy the comforts of home. There may be some personal difficulties to work through in a significant relationship, but caring love can help you begin the process. Romance enters the picture late at night, so be ready for a secret visitation. Oooh. Why not enhance your environment with sensual music, fresh flowers, and scented candles..? Sensual colours are shimmering green and carmine. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
2007-09-11, Tuesday: Solar Eclipse
A Solar Eclipse in your eleventh house of friends, groups and organizations as well as your hopes and dreams will provide the impetus for some dramatic life changes. New friendships with the potential to help you manifest a dream are coming your way. Revealing colours are violet and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
2005-09-11, Sunday: Splash Out On You
During the next few weeks you'll really enjoy taking care of yourself and giving yourself some treats. You might decide to go for a top-to-toe makeover if you think it's necessary, or splash out on a new hairstyle or some different make-up. Whatever you do, you'll want to put your personal enjoyment and happiness before other considerations. Auspicious colours are dark green and russet. Lucky numbers are 34 and 63.
2004-09-11, Saturday: Drifting Thoughts
Your thoughts are drifting all over the place today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, and you'll have to struggle to keep on top of things and not make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other one. Revealing colours are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 69.
2003-09-11, Thursday: A Door Opens
A door that you thought was locked, bolted and nailed shut mysteriously opens. The past releases a gentle secret that helps you to move on. Surprises abound. It's amazing what happens when you're not looking. Auspicious colours are ebony and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 2 and 43.

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