Virgo's Horoscopes |



Born between: August 23rd - Sep 22nd

Dedicated and accomplished are the best ways to describe a Virgo as they have profound morals and are often initiative. However those born under the Virgo star sign need to take extra care to control their temper and be patient.

2025-02-14, Friday
You will enjoy a great deal of affection from others today, Virgo. You radiate an air of love and beauty. Love will come in strong, erratic bursts and you should be on the alert to expect the unexpected. New people will pop out of the woodwork to share their feelings. All group activities are favored, and you're sure to be the life of any party.
2024-02-14, Wednesday: Meaning Is Obscure
Many of you will find yourselves feeling overly emotional and responding to others in unpredictable ways. The true meaning of the information is obscure, especially if connected with your love, a partner or legal matters. Trying to get to the bottom of a mystery (or any situation) may end in confusion, raising more questions than it answers. Don't lose your keys! Ideas may be understood in a mystical or spiritual sense, whether or not that is the intended result. Spend the day doing what makes you feel centered and balanced. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky number is 5.
2023-02-14, Tuesday: Meaning Is Obscure
Many of you will find yourselves feeling overly emotional and responding to others in unpredictable ways. The true meaning of the information is obscure, especially if connected with your love, a partner or legal matters. Trying to get to the bottom of a mystery (or any situation) may end in confusion, raising more questions than it answers. Don't lose your keys! Ideas may be understood in a mystical or spiritual sense, whether or not that is the intended result. Spend the day doing what makes you feel centered and balanced. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky number is 5.
2022-02-14, Monday: Meaning Is Obscure
Many of you will find yourselves feeling overly emotional and responding to others in unpredictable ways. The true meaning of the information is obscure, especially if connected with your love, a partner or legal matters. Trying to get to the bottom of a mystery (or any situation) may end in confusion, raising more questions than it answers. Don't lose your keys! Ideas may be understood in a mystical or spiritual sense, whether or not that is the intended result. Spend the day doing what makes you feel centered and balanced. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky number is 5.
2021-02-14, Sunday: Meaning Is Obscure
Many of you will find yourselves feeling overly emotional and responding to others in unpredictable ways. The true meaning of the information is obscure, especially if connected with your love, a partner or legal matters. Trying to get to the bottom of a mystery (or any situation) may end in confusion, raising more questions than it answers. Don't lose your keys! Ideas may be understood in a mystical or spiritual sense, whether or not that is the intended result. Spend the day doing what makes you feel centered and balanced. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky number is 5.
2020-02-14, Friday: Meaning Is Obscure
Many of you will find yourselves feeling overly emotional and responding to others in unpredictable ways. The true meaning of the information is obscure, especially if connected with your love, a partner or legal matters. Trying to get to the bottom of a mystery (or any situation) may end in confusion, raising more questions than it answers. Don't lose your keys! Ideas may be understood in a mystical or spiritual sense, whether or not that is the intended result. Spend the day doing what makes you feel centered and balanced. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky number is 5.
2019-02-14, Thursday: Meaning Is Obscure
Many of you will find yourselves feeling overly emotional and responding to others in unpredictable ways. The true meaning of the information is obscure, especially if connected with your love, a partner or legal matters. Trying to get to the bottom of a mystery (or any situation) may end in confusion, raising more questions than it answers. Don't lose your keys! Ideas may be understood in a mystical or spiritual sense, whether or not that is the intended result. Spend the day doing what makes you feel centered and balanced. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky number is 5.
2018-02-14, Wednesday: Meaning Is Obscure
Many of you will find yourselves feeling overly emotional and responding to others in unpredictable ways. The true meaning of the information is obscure, especially if connected with your love, a partner or legal matters. Trying to get to the bottom of a mystery (or any situation) may end in confusion, raising more questions than it answers. Don't lose your keys! Ideas may be understood in a mystical or spiritual sense, whether or not that is the intended result. Spend the day doing what makes you feel centered and balanced. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky number is 5.
2017-02-14, Tuesday: Meaning Is Obscure
Many of you will find yourselves feeling overly emotional and responding to others in unpredictable ways. The true meaning of the information is obscure, especially if connected with your love, a partner or legal matters. Trying to get to the bottom of a mystery (or any situation) may end in confusion, raising more questions than it answers. Don't lose your keys! Ideas may be understood in a mystical or spiritual sense, whether or not that is the intended result. Spend the day doing what makes you feel centered and balanced. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky number is 5.
2016-02-14, Sunday: Meaning Is Obscure
Many of you will find yourselves feeling overly emotional and responding to others in unpredictable ways. The true meaning of the information is obscure, especially if connected with your love, a partner or legal matters. Trying to get to the bottom of a mystery (or any situation) may end in confusion, raising more questions than it answers. Don't lose your keys! Ideas may be understood in a mystical or spiritual sense, whether or not that is the intended result. Spend the day doing what makes you feel centered and balanced. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky number is 5.
2015-02-14, Saturday: Meaning Is Obscure
Many of you will find yourselves feeling overly emotional and responding to others in unpredictable ways. The true meaning of the information is obscure, especially if connected with your love, a partner or legal matters. Trying to get to the bottom of a mystery (or any situation) may end in confusion, raising more questions than it answers. Don't lose your keys! Ideas may be understood in a mystical or spiritual sense, whether or not that is the intended result. Spend the day doing what makes you feel centered and balanced. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky number is 5.
2014-02-14, Friday: Meaning Is Obscure
Many of you will find yourselves feeling overly emotional and responding to others in unpredictable ways. The true meaning of the information is obscure, especially if connected with your love, a partner or legal matters. Trying to get to the bottom of a mystery (or any situation) may end in confusion, raising more questions than it answers. Don't lose your keys! Ideas may be understood in a mystical or spiritual sense, whether or not that is the intended result. Spend the day doing what makes you feel centered and balanced. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky number is 5.
2012-02-14, Tuesday: Meaning Is Obscure
Many of you will find yourselves feeling overly emotional and responding to others in unpredictable ways. The true meaning of the information is obscure, especially if connected with your love, a partner or legal matters. Trying to get to the bottom of a mystery (or any situation) may end in confusion, raising more questions than it answers. Don't lose your keys! Ideas may be understood in a mystical or spiritual sense, whether or not that is the intended result. Spend the day doing what makes you feel centered and balanced. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky number is 5.
2011-02-14, Monday: Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day! Single or partnered, this is a wonderful day to spend celebrating with friends. Love comes in many forms, so enjoy what you have in your life rather than worry about what you do not have. Plan a dinner of your favourite foods, listening to your favourite music, surrounded by the people you love most. Cheers! Read more on Valentine's Day! Favourable colours are rose pink and hot coral. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
2010-02-14, Sunday: Valentine's Day, a New Moon Tiger!
Today's New Moon is Valentine's Day and it is also the beginning of the Chinese New Year of the Tiger! It may bring extraordinary changes for you in romantic or creative endeavours. With loving Venus and spiritual, fantasy-prone Neptune fully primed, you could get lucky and hit the jackpot in love. Expect the unexpected this month. Favourable colours are blossom pink and clear blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 34.
2008-02-14, Thursday: Valentine's Day
While the energy for a positive Valentine is strong, it seems as though your most enchanting thoughts remain at the office. A star studded work project receives abundant enthusiasm and support from a higher up. Read more on Valentine's Day! Sensual colours are red velvet and black satin. Lucky numbers are 20 and 75.
2006-02-14, Tuesday: Indulgence
You'll be bubbling with Lady Moon in your sign. You might fancy a long hot bath to soothe your aches and pains and a tasty meal to tempt your palate. Family or loved ones may feature. There may be work or business to be done around the home, in between bouts of leisure and luxury. You might even be a little bit moody, Virgo, but doubtless that will pass as you get on with the business of the day. Exquisite colours are oyster pink and deep rose. Lucky numbers are 6 and 11.
2005-02-14, Monday: Valentine's Day
There isn't as much romance around as you'd like this Monday, which is a shame given the date. It seems that instead of being caught up in sweet nothings, you've got your hands full with work-related topics. You may also have to spend more time than you'd like listening to a colleague who doesn't know when to shut up. Break it to them gently that you've got other things to do besides listening to them. Passionate colours are burgundy and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 24 and 10.
2004-02-14, Saturday: Valentine's Day
The Moon is moving through Sagittarius and your solar fourth house today so your attention will naturally turn to matters of the home and your emotional life. You may simply want to give the premises a good clean. It may be that there are changes of circumstance that bring a different feel to the home and visitors are extremely likely. There could be news from overseas. It's Valentine's Day, after all... Magnanimous colours are rich brown and corn. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.

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