Born between: August 23rd - Sep 22nd
Dedicated and accomplished are the best ways to describe a Virgo as they have profound morals and are often initiative. However those born under the Virgo star sign need to take extra care to control their temper and be patient.
Today, Virgo, you might feel a bit off balance with your usual spiritual beliefs. Doubts might surface, whether about long-held ideas or recent discoveries. This is a natural part of growth. It's a chance to examine what truly resonates with you. Take time to reflect on what aligns with your values and experiences. Write down any insights or questions that arise, and discuss them with trusted friends or mentors. Remember, a little skepticism can strengthen your understanding and belief system. Embrace this process as a way to refine your spiritual journey and deepen your connection to what truly matters.
2024-03-06, Wednesday: Protect Independence
Loved ones will expand your view of life and teach you a great deal today, dear Virgo. Well, it's great to be entertained and informed at the same time. The planetary influences can make you feel highly- strung, or just rather rebellious, but you need to protect your independence at all costs. Appropriate colors are raw sugar and platinum. Lucky numbers are 34 and 24.
2023-03-06, Monday: Protect Independence
Loved ones will expand your view of life and teach you a great deal today, dear Virgo. Well, it's great to be entertained and informed at the same time. The planetary influences can make you feel highly- strung, or just rather rebellious, but you need to protect your independence at all costs. Appropriate colors are raw sugar and platinum. Lucky numbers are 34 and 24.
2022-03-06, Sunday: Protect Independence
Loved ones will expand your view of life and teach you a great deal today, dear Virgo. Well, it's great to be entertained and informed at the same time. The planetary influences can make you feel highly- strung, or just rather rebellious, but you need to protect your independence at all costs. Appropriate colors are raw sugar and platinum. Lucky numbers are 34 and 24.
2021-03-06, Saturday: Protect Independence
Loved ones will expand your view of life and teach you a great deal today, dear Virgo. Well, it's great to be entertained and informed at the same time. The planetary influences can make you feel highly- strung, or just rather rebellious, but you need to protect your independence at all costs. Appropriate colors are raw sugar and platinum. Lucky numbers are 34 and 24.
2020-03-06, Friday: Protect Independence
Loved ones will expand your view of life and teach you a great deal today, dear Virgo. Well, it's great to be entertained and informed at the same time. The planetary influences can make you feel highly- strung, or just rather rebellious, but you need to protect your independence at all costs. Appropriate colors are raw sugar and platinum. Lucky numbers are 34 and 24.
2019-03-06, Wednesday: Protect Independence
Loved ones will expand your view of life and teach you a great deal today, dear Virgo. Well, it's great to be entertained and informed at the same time. The planetary influences can make you feel highly- strung, or just rather rebellious, but you need to protect your independence at all costs. Appropriate colors are raw sugar and platinum. Lucky numbers are 34 and 24.
2018-03-06, Tuesday: Protect Independence
Loved ones will expand your view of life and teach you a great deal today, dear Virgo. Well, it's great to be entertained and informed at the same time. The planetary influences can make you feel highly- strung, or just rather rebellious, but you need to protect your independence at all costs. Appropriate colors are raw sugar and platinum. Lucky numbers are 34 and 24.
2017-03-06, Monday: Protect Independence
Loved ones will expand your view of life and teach you a great deal today, dear Virgo. Well, it's great to be entertained and informed at the same time. The planetary influences can make you feel highly- strung, or just rather rebellious, but you need to protect your independence at all costs. Appropriate colors are raw sugar and platinum. Lucky numbers are 34 and 24.
2016-03-06, Sunday: Protect Independence
Loved ones will expand your view of life and teach you a great deal today, dear Virgo. Well, it's great to be entertained and informed at the same time. The planetary influences can make you feel highly- strung, or just rather rebellious, but you need to protect your independence at all costs. Appropriate colors are raw sugar and platinum. Lucky numbers are 34 and 24.
2015-03-06, Friday: Protect Independence
Loved ones will expand your view of life and teach you a great deal today, dear Virgo. Well, it's great to be entertained and informed at the same time. The planetary influences can make you feel highly- strung, or just rather rebellious, but you need to protect your independence at all costs. Appropriate colors are raw sugar and platinum. Lucky numbers are 34 and 24.
2014-03-06, Thursday: Protect Independence
Loved ones will expand your view of life and teach you a great deal today, dear Virgo. Well, it's great to be entertained and informed at the same time. The planetary influences can make you feel highly- strung, or just rather rebellious, but you need to protect your independence at all costs. Appropriate colors are raw sugar and platinum. Lucky numbers are 34 and 24.
2012-03-06, Tuesday: Protect Independence
Loved ones will expand your view of life and teach you a great deal today, dear Virgo. Well, it's great to be entertained and informed at the same time. The planetary influences can make you feel highly- strung, or just rather rebellious, but you need to protect your independence at all costs. Appropriate colors are raw sugar and platinum. Lucky numbers are 34 and 24.
2011-03-06, Sunday: Less Means More
Challenges at home and at work improve your strength of character, Virgo, encouraging you to be tougher and more enduring. Keep the pressure on the significant situations in your life until you get what you need. So it's push, push, push, push. Let the mighty Aries Moon clear out whatever is not needed for the days ahead. Don't be scared to let go. Less can mean more. Advantageous colours are bright red and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 17 and 45.
2010-03-06, Saturday: Primal Response
Take control of your emotional responses, Virgo, before they take control of you. If you've never given primal scream therapy a try, you might want to experience it yourself over the next day or two. Bend down with your head between your knees, then lift up with a scream that comes from your toes all the way through to the top of your head. Feel better now? Propitious colours are pale green and lavender. Lucky numbers are 22 and 31.
2009-03-06, Friday: Venus Retrograde
The Moon lights up your eleventh house of friends and associates, giving a friendly and nurturing feel to the day. Sometimes friends make the best family, since you can choose your friends but you have no choice in who your family will be! If you can take a long lunch with your favourite people, it will be the highlight of your day. Venus turns retrograde today, awakening financial and sexual relationships from the past. Read more on Retrograde Venus! Friendly colours are electric blue and shimmering green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 16.
2008-03-06, Thursday: Romantic Virgo
You love to serve your romantic partner today, Virgo. It's in your nature to be the humble servant to many, but today however, it' will be to the exclusive needs of the one you love. Luscious colours are russet and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 15.
2006-03-06, Monday: Ups And Downs
Work livens up, but do your best to avoid sudden changes, especially if these affect your partner or significant other. Speak and act with the utmost discretion, as giving way to rash impulses will have long term consequences. Take care also in relations with the opposite sex, as your mental state is likely to be erratic, but this can add spice to relationships that are in good shape. Ambitious colours are red and golden white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 10.
2005-03-06, Sunday: Hitting It Off
You have the happy knack of hitting it off with virtually everyone you come across today, so make the most of it while it lasts. Perhaps you should make a point of talking to someone who is often rather prickly, so they're left with a good impression of you and you're able to put your relationship on a better footing. It's also a good day for taking part in negotiations because you'll be keen to ensure everyone is happy with the outcome. Auspicious colours are kiwifruit and marmalade. Lucky numbers are 4 and 67.
2004-03-06, Saturday: Stay Balanced
You really want more support than you are getting, but also the freedom to please yourself. It may be unreasonable, but that's the way you feel. Maybe you should back off just briefly until you have a clearer idea of what you can sensibly expect. Don't leap to any instant decisions since your judgement may be a little awry. This is a significant time for partnerships, so keep a balanced view of your closest relationships. Balancing colours are almond blossom and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 21 and 78.