Landmark Study Reveals New and Innovative Concepts in Psychological Cancer Treat

Landmark Study Reveals New and Innovative Concepts in Psychological Cancer Treat
Author Rob van Overbruggen PhD shares his expertise and utilizes the power of the human mind to influence the cancer process in Healing Psyche

In Healing Psyche: Patterns and Structure of Complementary Psychological Cancer Treatment (CPCT), author Rob van Overbruggen describes the evolution of his ground-breaking concepts in psychological cancer treatment, how they differ from the more traditional psychological modalities, and how they have been carefully developed into a complete and complementary approach to treating cancer by tapping into the powers of the human mind.

During the research process, Van Overbruggen discovered overlapping patterns from different psychological approaches to cancer therapy. In his book, he identifies those psychological patterns that influence the cancer process and how those patterns can be changed to aid the healing process. Supported by many references to scientific literature, Healing Psyche is an analysis of the influence of mindset, behavior, emotions, and coping styles on cancer.

Based on his meticulous research, Van Overbruggen makes scientifically based suggestions for creating effective programs for somatic healing and offers tips for further research into the healing potential of the mind. The book will be of great help and interest to a wide range of health practitioners and therapists who work with patients diagnosed with cancer. Patients themselves will also benefit from the new hope that these alternative healing approaches provide. Part therapeutic guidebook and part research dissertation, Healing Psyche will serve as a valuable addition and support to integrative medicine.

"This is a groundbreaking research paper that reads more like a page-turning novel. Full of absorbing case studies, Van Overbruggen presents some of the most provocative and mind-bending cancer research around."

- Ellen Tanner Marsh, New York Times best-selling author

About the Author
Rob van Overbruggen holds a doctorate in clinical hypnotherapy, and is an internationally licensed hypnotherapist, neuro linguistic programmer, and time line therapy trainer. He is the founder and director of Mexion, a company specializing in therapy and training. He is the director of therapeutic research for Healing Psyche and is responsible for maintaining the quality of licensed hypnotherapists in The Netherlands. Currently, he is living in Rotterdam where he runs a successful therapy practice.


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