1. Scream
2. I See You
3. Run Away
4. I'm Yours
5. All That You Are
6. Chris's Song
7. Nothing
8. Changing Me, Changing You
9. I Choose Trust
10. You Ugly
11. Escape
1. How did it feel to hear your song played all over the airwaves?
It's thestrangest feeling to describe, really, to hear yourself on the radio... Ihad this overwhelmin! g thought of, "Wow. There's someone singing whosounds kind of like me...weird!" You know? It never feels real... but it'samazing! =)
2. Did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the music industry?
I did,actually. I thought that I'd have to be skeptical and suspicious ofeveryone I met... I figured that everyone would have their own agenda and bereally hard-nosed, because I used stereotypes and assumptions to put peopleinto boxes. (I'm SO telling on myself here.) I could NOT have been morewrong. I have made friendships that will last my entire lifetime in this"industry." And that was a good lesson for me... you're going to find allkinds of people in any business. Music is no different-- but let me tellyou... there are some AMAZING people in music!!
3. Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?
God is definite!ly my inspiration for music. He is teaching me to capture my words in song.I always thought that my heart had so many things to say, and that musicshould be how I said it all... but I never believed that I could do it. Butyou know what? I'm learning that I DO have it in my heart to write music.For our first project, "the journey," I was part of every single writingsession. We were so blessed to be able to write with the people that we didon this project--they taught me so much about expression in song, and I'mlooking forward to more! =)
4. What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?
It seriously depends on the day... =) But, at any given moment, you'llcatch me with Sarah Mclachlan, Jewel, Norah Jones, Janis Joplin, MichelleBranch, Delirious, U2, Train, MaroonV, Rich Mullins, um... there's a lot of'em. ;)
5. What's next? Tour/Album/Single?
We're touring right now on a smallscale, and we're working to get the album ("the journey") out to a wideaudience... that's keeping us pretty focused, so it's hard to look up andeven conceive of "next." But, for right now, more of the same. The roadwe're on right now is a long one--and that's cool.
6. Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?
Never.Never, ever, ever. There are days when I think, "Agh! What am I doing? Isthis crazy?" But the word, "quit" is never an issue. See, I believe reallystrongly that God is driving my life--and He lead me into this. So until HEdirects me otherwise, I'm in for life... because there is NOTHING like beingin the current of God's will for your life. It's an unbelievable peace andjoy, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm happier than I've everbeen-- and that's a GOOD thing! =)
7. Do you prefer performing live or recording?
There are awesome elementsto both, but performing live is definitely the best. Being able to seepeople's faces, share our hearts, and connect personally is the heart ofwhat we do. So... yeah... definitely performing live. There's nothing likeit!
8. What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?
Ok...there's 2 answers here. I would say that God is who called me to do it...but my children (that I don't have yet) are who inspired me to have thecourage to follow that calling. Let me explain-- I knew that God wascalling me to sing... but I wasn't listening for a long time, because I wasscared. Then I started to think about what I would want for my owndaughters... I want to be able to teach my children (when I have them) thatthey don't have to be afraid. I want them to always have faith i! n God andin themselves (in that order), and I want them to follow their hearts sothey'll be happy... And those are hard lessons to learn--and even harderones to teach. Especially if I didn't do that in my own life. So I'mjumping in headfirst into what God has for me--even though it was scary, andI'm trusting in God's perfect plan for my life...
9. What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to yourmusical success?
We are an independent group, so we don't have the "bigbrother backing" of a label...and that means that it will always be harderto deal with stores, radio stations, etc. But you know what? It's ok! Wekind of relish the challenge... It gives us something to strive for. Andhey--There are always going to be obstacles along the way with anythingthat's really worth something... But the obstacles are what make the finishline so sweet! =)
10. What's a typical day like?
Well, during the week (if we're not on theroad) we hit the office around 8am and start to make calls and answeremails. We do all our own booking, so that's something that we really haveto stay on top of. We usually have rehearsals in the afternoon, and (ifit's a GOOD day.. heh..) I'll find some time to go run (if I could be asdisciplined about that as I am about music, I'd be doing ALL right! ;) Lateafternoon, we call it a day. I spend the evening with my family and alwaystry to take some quiet time for myself and God-- reading or journaling orwriting music. I'm a night owl, so I get some of my best work done wheneveryone else is in bed! =)
11. What has been your favorite part of becoming a music artist?
More thananything, I just love being able to wake up every day and sing. I've hadother jobs that had nothing to do ! with music, and I always felt like therewas a huge void in my life... and now things are just the way they shouldbe, you know?
12. If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?
SarahMclachlan. I admire her talent so much--and I'd just about do anything tostand on a stage or be in a studio with her. (Even if it was just to holdher mic! ;)
13. Are you single? What do you look for in a partner?
Nope, I'm not. I'vebeen married for a couple of years now. I knew that my husband would needto be a man with a ton of integrity, smart, funny, sincere, sensitive, andcompletely in love with Jesus...and he is. =)
14. Do you have a website fans can visit?
Absolutely!! Head to
www.jacobs-road.com for all kinds of fun info..! . you can even listen tosamples from our cd and see pics of my cat! (who wouldn't wanna do that???=)
15. Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy & enjoyable life?
Wow... Ok, here you go: 1. Jesus Christ. I believe that real peace and joycome from Him alone. I could actually be done here... but I'll try for 4more. =) 2. Be true to yourself. 3. Don't allow the world to tell you whatyour value is. 4. Laugh a LOT. EVERY DAY. 5. Water. Drink lots of water.
16. What message would you like to say to your fans?
I just want to thankyou guys for reading this and for taking the time to learn about jacob'sroad. Our message is simple: You are dearly, truly loved. God delights inyou, and He loves you unconditionally. You don't have to earn it... Justbe who you are (it's who God created you to be!), and know that He has aperfect plan for your life! Don't be AFRAID!!! =)
60 Second Quiz-----------------------
Full Name: Carrie Elizabeth Oldham Coffey
Nickname(s): ack! My dad called me "bisquick" when I was a kid.
Star Sign: Taurus
Favorite Food: Anything Italian
Favorite Film: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Favorite Actor: Mel Gibson
Pet: 1 Cat. She's perfect, and I love her.
Describe yourself in 3 words: Genuine. Funny. Intelligent.
Best Feature: Smile
Worst Feature: Hair
Person You Would Most Like to Meet: Billy Graham
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, running, baking, playing guitar...
First Job: Behavioral therapist with autistic kids (I was in college)
Are you a Pub, Bar or Club kind: Definitely a pub
What Can You Never Leave Home Without: my water bottle
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning: I'mnot a morning person, so usually it's something like, "ugghh." =) =