Multi-talented actor and former pro football player, Julian Horton, is making waves in the entertainment industry as he stars in Netflix's upcoming Tyler Perry drama series Beauty in Black, premiering Thursday, October 24, 2024. The series follows the intertwined lives of two women with contrasting stories"one struggling to survive after being forced out by her mother and the other running a prosperous company. Julian plays a key role as Roy, bringing an emotionally charged performance to the 16-episode series.
In addition to Beauty in Black, Horton has featured in several high-profile projects, including the sports drama National Champions, alongside J.K. Simmons and Uzo Aduba, and plays a key role in Black Spartans, portraying Gene Washington, a groundbreaking wide receiver from Michigan State in the 1960s. His work in The Re-Education of Molly Singer and Ruined continue to showcase his acting versatility.
Julian's television journey began with his first network appearance in Legacies on The CW, and he entered the Tyler Perry universe with a two-episode arc on Tyler Perry's Bruh. Before transitioning to acting, he played football for the Arkansas Razorbacks and the Tennessee Titans, bringing authentic athletic experience to his sports-related roles. In addition to acting, Horton is a talented music producer, working in the Rap, R&B, and Pop genres.
Horton is poised for an incredible season with the premiere of Beauty in Black and his ongoing success in film and television. We'd love to arrange an interview to discuss his journey from pro sports to Hollywood, his upcoming Netflix role, and his diverse creative talents.