M2Lashes Eyelash Activating Serum
Introducing M2Beaute's first product to Australia; the revolutionary M2 Lashes Eyelash Activating Serum, which increases the length, thickness and strength of your eyelashes.
M2Lashes enhances your natural beauty, thanks to the active ingredient that was developed using the latest insights and discoveries in medical and pharmaceutical research.
Unlike the many products currently available which condition your lashes - this is the only product available in Australia with the active ingredient MDN which actually increases the number and length of your lashes.
This highly effective active ingredient was adapted for cosmetic application after scientists noticed that longer lashes were an unexpected and pleasant side effect of the glaucoma treatment they were researching.
Refined and adapted for cosmetic purposes, the end result is M2Lashes Eyelash Activating Serum, which multiplies lashes, extends their growth phase and retards the cycle of lash loss making lashes thicker, longer and stronger. Some have even acquired a darker tone and harmonious curl after using the product.
Results are clinically proven and first results are noticed after 4-6 weeks of use.
M2Lashes Eyelash Activating Serum FAQ'sWhat is it?
M2Lashes is an active serum which promotes eyelash growth.
What does it do?
M2Lashes' innovative active ingredient MDN, derived from an ingredient used in ophthalmology and combined with nutritional components, multiplies your eyelashes, extends their growth phase and also retards the cycle of lash loss. Making lashes denser, longer and thicker. A noticeable change is seen within 6-12 weeks.
When do I use it?
M2Lashes is used once daily - for best results, in the evening after removing your eye make-up and contact lenses - on clean, dry skin.
How and where is it used?
Apply M2Lashes on the skin at the base of your upper eyelashes, as if applying eyeliner. Allow M2Lashes to absorb and dry completely. Once dry, you may use your usual eye care products.
What are the results and benefits?
Thicker, longer, stronger lashes! If applied daily, your lashes will not only grow longer, thicker and stronger, in some instances they even acquire a darker tone and harmonious curl. Your eyes will be accentuated, appear more open and radiant!

What are the ingredients?
M2Beauté specializes in the manufacturing of innovative cosmetic products containing active ingredients which are scientifically proven to be safe and effective and which improve one's natural beauty.
Active Ingredient
Methylamido Dihydro Noralfaprostal (MDN-Complex) This key active complex is a cosmetic derivative of a medication used in ophthalmology. This modified and carefully dosed ingredient compound stimulates the eyelashes at their roots - which increases the number of lashes, promotes an extension of the eyelash growth phase and delays lash loss.
Nutritional Components
Panthenol (Vitamin B5) Dispenses moisture supporting shine
Biotin (Vitamin B7) Strengthens lashes and retards the cycle of lash loss
Hyaluronic Acid Keeps the lashes very moisturized, smooth and healthy
Prodew 300 Absorbs and binds moisture
Hydrolisierte Glykosaminoglycane (GAG) Binds moisture and provides the lashes with more elasticity and firmness
Optiphen Medical quality preservative providing safe and efficacious preservation. Along with providing a broad spectrum preservation against bacteria, yeast and mould, optiphen provides an exceptional feel to the formulation.
All products are tested in substantiated studies for their efficacy and comply with all dermatological requirements and both European and Australian cosmetic guidelines. There has been absolutely no animal testing.
M2Lashes Eyelash Activating Serum is available in select cosmetic studios, spas, salons and on the M2Beauté website
www.m2beaute.com.auRRP: $275 for 5ml
If used as directed this will last for 5 months on average.