Spring program will include:

Family happy hour - Every Saturday and Sunday and every day of the school holidays skate on the family rink between 12noon and 1pm. There will be a limited number of free ice aids available
Twitter Time - You can choose the music you want to skate to with Twitter Time each night and all day of the school holidays. Just Tweet your request to @ice_house
Themed evenings - If you're planning a fun night out with family or friends, why not get involved in the themes such as Indie Tuesday, Skate Date Night Thursday, Top 40 Friday or Ice Disco Saturday
Free Beginner lessons - Free Beginners lessons run Tues - Friday at 7pm and throughout the day on Saturday and Sunday

The school holiday program will include:
All of the above as well as Skate demonstrations by figure skaters, ice hockey players and speed skaters, additional free beginners lessons as well as advanced and intermediate lessons.
Free lessons daily during the school holidays - From 11am
Joint $35 ticket with Medibank Icehouse, Wonderland and Harbour Town ( All conveniently located next door to one another at Docklands)
All day Skating
Unlimited Rides
Show bag
Animal Nursery
World Record Attempt - Medibank Icehouse is inviting everyone to help us break the World Record attempt for the longest conga line on ice. People can register to be part of the fun on the website and skate for free between 10am and 12noon on Saturday 6th of October


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