Genre: Family Animation
Rated: G
Giddy-up partners! Mickey, Minnie, Donald and the gang want you to join them for an action-packed Western adventure you can 'count' on in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Numbers Roundup.
Grab your lassos and help all your Clubhouse pals as they wrangle a boisterous herd of wild numbers into Mickey Corral and laugh it up as you rustle the right mousketools needed to catch the rascally new friends!
But don't forget to pack your thinking cap with your cowboy hat because the gang will need your smarts to find Daisy Bo Peep's lost shoe, crack a secret message code and solve more super-fun puzzles!
Featuring old favourites, new friends and lots of singing and dancing, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Numbers Roundup is a non-stop musical journey of laughter, discovery and fun, and a not-to-be missed addition to your Disney Junior home library.
Special Features:
Little Einsteins: The Secret Mystery Prize
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Numbers Roundup
RRP: $19.95