Pearly Coral
Behind every great man is a great woman.
Soula-Marie is Napoleon's wife and his muse.
Tea Rose with a hint of apricot
She was a huntress and very athletic beating men in races. A girl with attitude - she doesn't want to marry so she challenges all her suitors to a race promising them her hand if they won, but their death if she does.
Bright Matte Barbie Pink/Peach
Who doesn't love a bit of fantasy in their lives?
Matte coral
Like a lipstick version on Nickie Satin lips
Nike gradually came to be recognized as a sort of mediator of success between gods and men not only in war but all sorts of human undertakings. Birds flew in the air and were often associated with the spirit of life. Since a winged flight is associated with a victory over death it was easily associated with victory. Hense victory is associated with the winged goddess Nike.
Eat-your-heart-out ORANGE
Hara means 'joy and happiness' in ancient Greek.
This is definitely a happy colour!!
A delicate pink with a soft shimmer
A pale, pearly, nude, dusty pink
Hess, or Hestia was a Virgin Goddess and when wooed by Poseidon and Apollo, swore by the Head of Zeus to remain a virgin. She presides over domestic life.
Perfect baby pink
Artemis is a strong protectress - aware of her own power - and not likely to let anyone take it from her. She sat on Zeus' knee as a child and demanded of him a long list of things . . . 50 wood nymphs, a silver bow with painless arrows and his word never to force her into marriage - not bad!!
Fairy Floss pink
Nymphe is one of the twelve HORAI - minor Goddesses that represented the twelve portions of the day. The HORAI oversee the path of Helios (God of the Sun) and the winged horses drawing his chariot as they move through the sky.
Satin candy pink
Pink pomegranate
Adelpha means 'sister' or 'girl power' in Greek
Warm, pinky brown
Andromeda was rescued by Perseus. It means 'to think of man' It is also the name of a constellation of stars. She was chained to a rock in the sea to help lift a curse that Poseidon had set upon the land. She was rescued by Perseus who killed the monster in the sea and married her.
Matte velvet pomegranate
Sofia means 'wise' in Greek
Like red cherry velvet
Eros struck men and gods with his love tipped arrow. He made lots of mischief by shooting his arrows around but according to legend, he himself fell in love.
Sexy, dusky - like #170 but a bit more pink
A majestic, solemn woman, Hera was constantly jealous of her husband, Zeus' amorous affairs. Her fury caused her to punish her rivals and their children.
Not as dark as it looks, Apollonia is a beautiful smooth plum
Apollo is the God of the sun, beauty, moral order, oracles music & poetry
A medium depth soft plummy shade
Filia means 'kiss' in Greek. Amity is the Latin word for 'friendship'
Merlot and cranberry
Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece. It was thought that the peaks reached heaven. It is known as the home of the Gods & Goddesses - Mount Olympus. The sanctuary of Olympia is also home to the Olympic Games - which by legend came from the contest to win the hand of the beautiful maiden Hippodamia. The Olympic Games were held every four years in honour of Zeus.
Sexy, sassy reddy plum
One of the Horai, in Greek mythology, Eirene was the goddess who personified peace. Although she did not play an active part in many myths, Eirene was still a source of inspiration for several ancient artists, writers, and poets.
Va va va voom fushia
Calyspo put a spell on Ulysses and held him on 'her temptation island' after he was shipwrecked. She eventually let him go after she realised that staying with her was not his fate.
Deep dark and sexy eggplant plum
Zoe means life in Greek
Devastatingly dark and mysterious plummy brown
The face that launched a thousand ships - the most beautiful of all mortal women.
A protector of newly weds and adolescents.
Fabulous royal purple
Selene drives her milky horses through the sky, ruling the change of hours with her siblings Helios and Eos. She was known for her countless love affairs. Her biggest fame comes from her affair with Endymion, who despite falling into an eternal sleep has 50 daughters with Selene. It is said that a moonlit night brings the feelings of romance to sleeping mortals.
Light mocha latte
Calliope is the eldest of nine sisters or muses who preside over artistic inspiration. She is the daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne. Calliope means 'beautiful voice'.
Nude pinky brown
Chloe means 'blooming', or 'the young green'
Pandora is a smooth rich red/brown
Pandora means 'she who has all gifts' as she is not a Goddess, but the first woman created who was given a gift from all the gods. Pandora has a box which when opened, all the evils escape and spread through the world. Only hope remains in the box and it is ordered shut by Jupiter before it can escape.
Matte rusty watermelon
Each morning Helios rises from the ocean at dawn and rides in his chariot into the west.
Blood red
Aphrodite was born when her father Uranus was castrated by his son Cronus ( . . . nice). When Cronus threw the severed 'bits' into the ocean, the sea started to foam & churn and from the aphros (sea foam) rose Aphrodite.
Red with a pink undertone
Xenia means 'welcome' in Greek
Available through all Napoleon concept stores nationally, including David Jones stores and select beauty