North Self-Titled Debut EP Interview

North Self-Titled Debut EP Interview

North's New EP Is Full Of Attitude

North's self-titled debut EP is rooted in rock and blues with awe-inspiring vocals giving the project a distinct fearlessness. A gritty and defiant EP that bends genre and expectation, North is a must-listen.

Interview with North

Question: How would you describe your music?

North: Rock and blues. Music helps me take something negative and turn it into something positive, being able to take back some control of a situation is empowering.

Question: Can you tell us about your debut EP?

North: It's about overcoming adversity and injustice. I'm a bit of an injustice warrior; I just can't help myself, so I write to help me deal with things. It's my own personal therapy and it's a lot cheaper than the professional kind… trust me I know!

Question: Is there a particular message you hope listeners take from your music?

North: Absolutely! I want people to feel empowered. I've been through some really dark times the last few years, my life fell apart, I almost lost my Dad, got caught up in the BMU scam (the worst scam to hit musicians in the last 20 years - Musicians Union) then I lost my home, my job, my mental health and it all came to a head when I had a breakdown. I didn't think I was going make it out the other side, but I did! It took time, patience, support and a lot of hard work but I did it, and I want other people to know they can too. I want them to be able to find the strength they didn't think they could muster, and the courage to face the things they thought they couldn't.

Question: How has your past influenced your music?

North: Where do I start? It's true what they say, 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger', and for every situation that tests you or pushes you to your limits, you grow as a person, even though it may not feel like it at the time. Almost losing my Dad in a motorbike accident made me realise that things can be taken away in an instant, and it cemented my conviction to succeed and make him proud, and hopefully one day financially take care of him as he has me. On a lyrical level, my past almost always dictates the lyrics, as I said it's my way of working through things. On a musical level, I've always looked up to strong, fierce women, and aspired to become one.

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

North: This is a bit of a sore subject at the moment given lockdown (laughs), but I love both! The studio is a more relaxed environment, it was just me and my team holed up together for several days. There's always a lot of excitement around finally getting material that's been written, cemented in a recording. It's a bit like having a baby and making it official by registering the birth. Performing live is more of an adrenaline rush, I have some extremely loyal fans that are at every gig so there's a bit more pressure on as I never want to let them down. But it's also about drawing in new fans too, and the most satisfying way of doing that is off the back of a gig. Plus, I love the pub, so a post-show chat over a few beers with people that attended is always a very satisfying way to spend an evening.

Question: Which is your favorite song to perform live and why?

North: Hmmm, that's a tough one. I think it might be my single 'Breaking Me Down' at the moment and not just because of the irony of current events. There's just something so satisfying about the 12-bar blues, it makes me feel all warm inside.

Question: If you could have anyone, in the world, attend a show, who would it be?

North: Only one? Can I not pick an audience of my heroes? If I had to pick just one, it would be Slash! I've met him twice after his shows and he did not disappoint, although the first time, my inner fan girl was in overdrive and I got so overwhelmed I just cried when I met him.

Question: What motivates you most when writing music?

North: It's more of a compulsion for me. If I don't get things out of my head that way, then they can build up and this then triggers my anxiety. It's my way of taking control of a situation. There's no one way I go about it though, sometimes something just comes to me while I'm out and about. Sometimes it's the lyrics first, sometimes its music, sometimes it's just playing around and a little gem reveals itself. I guess often, if I've struggled with something, I want to get it down in the hopes that it helps someone else going through a tough time. I've always found it easier to help other than myself.

Question: Which music/artists are you currently listening to?


North: Stormzy, Billie Eilish (I want the next Bond theme song), Lewis Capaldi, Elton John. My Dad brought me upon Elton, but ever since the 'Rocketman' movie came out I've become a bit obsessed again, that movie was epic!

Question: Who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

North: I've always loved Christina Aguilera and P!nk, I wanted to be badass warrior women like them! But on a personal front, my Dad. He's supported me every step of the way, drives 500-mile round trips to come to my gigs and he's my best friend. I hope one day I can become successful enough that I can take care of my Dad and family.

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

North: Slash, Billie Eilish, Elton, Stomzy… I'll stop there I have a long wish list!

Question: What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?

North: The BMU scam. I always try to see the best in people, and I have previously given away my trust too easily. They took everything I had financially (along with thousands of other musicians) they deliberately preyed our hopes and dreams. I was already struggling with anxiety and depression at the time and when the penny dropped that I'd been scammed out of all my money - this was the straw that broke the camel's back. I lost my job, my home, ended up being thrown into temporary accommodation with alcoholics and drug users, it was terrifying, and my health spiraled out of control as a result. What made it worse was a lot of people I thought were my friends just turned their backs on me because it was easier for them. What really hit me during this time was people's hypocrisy. A lot of those people that had turned their backs would post things on social media about mental health awareness, and how important it is to support people etc., yet when it came to actually putting this into practice, they did nothing. It was all just for show. Fortunately for me, I discovered who my real tribe were, and learnt a few other lessons the hard way.

Question: What's a typical day like?

North: Wake up and crawl to my coffee machine, still haven't been able to get hold of a drip to administer it! I have to make the bed and tidy round before I can get on with my day, I'm a bit of a neat freak! Get on with some work in the afternoons and evenings, and then hit the gym to get rid of my nervous energy and burn off those calories from the wine that I probably shouldn't have indulged in the night before (laughs).

Question: What's next, for you?

North: We we're planning a tour and going to be playing some festivals but due to Covid19 everything's currently on hold. I will however be trying to spend this time wisely so there will probably be a lot more going on my socials!

Question: Can you share your socials?

North: @this1isnorth/

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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