Personal Velocity

Personal Velocity

Parker Posey, Kyra Sedgwick, Fairuza Balk Director: Rebecca Miller
Genre: Drama
Running Time:

Synopsis: Based on Rebecca Miller's book of short stories, Personal Velocity tells the affecting stories of three American women struggling to make sense of the lives they've found themselves living. The film won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2002 Sundance Film Festival as well as the Excellence in Cinematography Award.

Delia (Kyra Sedgwick) is a young mother stuck in an abusive relationship with her husband of twelve years. One night after he brutally beats her, Delia finally attempts to reclaim some of the power she's completely lost. Greta (Parker Posey) is a cookbook editor at a crossroads in life, "rotten with ambition" and semi-struggling with issues of fidelity to her kind but unexciting husband. And Paula (Fairuza Balk) is thrust into crisis after having a near-death experience. Driving to her mother's house in upstate New York, she picks up a hitchhiker, a badly beaten young boy who helps her discover a new sense of spirit.

As each story unfolds, each woman finds herself forced to make a decision... a decision that will change her life forever.

Realistic performances of 3 women affected differently by a road accident and it's news reporting. One womans near death experience, and two women affected by a news report, opens a common thread between these women as we share the intimate details of the women's awakenings.


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