PS Melbourne 100th Birthday Celebrations

PS Melbourne 100th Birthday Celebrations

PS Melbourne 100th Birthday Celebrations

The picturesque banks of the Mildura riverfront were alive with festival goers to celebrate the 100th birthday of the PS Melbourne last Sunday 9th September 2012.

Close to 15,000 spectators came out to see the 40+ river boats including 7 heritage paddle steamers, wooden paddle/riverboats and cruisers from 3 States.

Steam whistles serenaded and paddle wheels sweetly lapped the water to create an atmosphere like no other. The romance of steam was back at the Port of Mildura and the Mildura wharf has not seen so many boats at once in years.

'The amount of people lining the river banks was amazing. Apart from the amount of boats attending, the response from the Mildura community coming out to welcome the boats was wonderful", said PS Melbourne Manager and daughter of the late Alby Pointon, Lyn McKenzie.

The official cake cutting ceremony took place at 12 noon in front of the PS Melbourne commencing with a Welcome to Country and river poem by the Brian Hunt of the Barkindju River People of the Darling. Mayor John Arnold welcomed visitors to Mildura and compared the Late Alby Pointon owner of the PS Melbourne to the dreamtime story of the Murray Cod traversing the twists and bends of the Murray over his many years on the river associated with his collection of paddle steamers since the mid 1950's.

Lyn McKenzie spoke on behalf of the family with mother Freda Pointon, brothers Chris and Robert Pointon and family members present and stated, 'Approximately 10 months ago, I received an email from Mannum Dock Museum, that stated the PS Marion is coming to Mildura for the Melbourne's Centenary and that was the very start of what is here today, this Grand Event.

The Marion, was then not long after, fully supported by the Oscar W from Goolwa, the Industry from Renmark, the Ruby from Wentworth, and recently, the Adelaide from Echuca.

Whilst I am naming these wonderful heritage vessels, they each represent a large support team, of Captains, engineers, volunteers and crew, boards of Management and Councils along the river.

These boats, along with the PS Melbourne have been restored, and looked after, by people who have the passion for the history, and character, of the Murray River paddle steamers and the river trade, both past and present and into the future.

My father, Captain Alby Pointon, had that passion and it is a tribute to him, that all these boats are here today, and Mildura's iconic Paddle Steamer Melbourne has been so honoured. Our family are overwhelmed".

'This is the united opportunity we have to promote the Murray River and its entirety to the world, full steam ahead everyone and may the big wheels keep on turning", said Lyn.

Happy Birthday was sung to the PS Melbourne by thousands of spectators on the riverbank accompanied by the Mildura Brass Band.

The PS Melbourne set off on the first cruise of the day followed by the PS Marion. Short cruises were sold out in the early afternoon on seven heritage vessels with the flotilla cruise at 3.15 p.m. being the most popular. The flotilla cruise was led by the PS Melbourne being the grand finale of the day featuring the 40+ riverboats and included over 1000 people on the water.

The festival flotilla cruised to the Chaffey Bridge, back to the PS Melbourne wharf and returned to the Mildura riverfront.

The Mildura Brass Band stepped on the PB Mundoo Captained by Lance Bramley, and entertained passengers on board and surrounding flotilla vessels taking them back to the -Dixiland' days on the Mississippi.

Business Manager from the Port of Echuca Mark Blunden said, 'It was best the thing the PS Adelaide has done for 140 years".

'It was an amazing day to be on the water and it was a privilege to be involved in such a significant event and to have so many heritage paddle steamers in Mildura all in operation. It was an impressive effort on behalf of the organizers, crews and volunteers", said PS Melbourne Captain Scott Thorp.

Captain of the PS Industry of Renmark, Frank Tucker, 'The PS Melbourne festival was a unique and most memorable experience, which I will probably never see again. Fantastic to be part of such an occasion and congratulations to all the skippers involved".

'The event was absolutely awesome and it was fantastic to be a part of it. I don't think we will see an event like this for a very long time with the amount of boats which made their way to Mildura", said PS Oscar W of Goolwa Captain, EJ Thorp.


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