Relationship. Are You Sure You Want One?

Relationship. Are You Sure You Want One?

Study Reveals Husbands Stress When Wives Earn More Than 40 Per Cent of Household Income

This is NOT your average relationship book! It is not about love and romance but instead offers powerful questions and tools you can ask every single day to create what you truly desire in a relationship.

'Creating a great relationship requires a level of intimacy that very few people are willing to have even with themselves, let alone someone else.' Simone Milasas

Written from both the male and female point of view so you can get both perspectives, the two authors Simone Milasas and Brendon Watt invite YOU to be the source of your own happiness, not a relationship. They ask powerful questions you can ask daily to create anything you desire!

"How many great relationships do you see out there? I don't mean long lasting relationships. I am talking about caring relationships where you empower each other to be as great as you can be." Brendon Watt

Relationship. Are You Sure You Want One?
Authors: Simone Milasas and Brendon Watt

Interview with Simone Milasas

Question: What inspired you to write Relationship, Are You Sure You Want One?

Simone Milasas: It was the amount of people who asked us how we created our relationship as it was so obvious our relationship was different. We never fought, we were honoring of each other and where travelling around doing seminars and thought let's put this in a book to see if we can contribute to other people?

Question: What was it like co-writing with Brendon Watt?

Simone Milasas: It actually was really fun to write together and we thought it would be great for readers to get both perspectives from a man and a woman!

Question: Why do you believe men in heterosexual relationships experience an increase in stress, when wives earn more than 40% of the household income?

Simone Milasas: Stress is a choice, if you didn't buy into it what would you create? And that is what we want people to know with this book. You have choice! You get to create what you want in a relationship. You can choose stress or not choose stress. It is a choice.

Question: How do you tackle income disparities in your household and relationship?

Simone Milasas: Ask questions of each other. Ask the person does this work? If it doesn't work then ask the next question. What could we create here? What would work here? It has to work for both parties otherwise one will end up not being happy and you will always have someone to blame.

Question: How can we identify our relationship currency?

Simone Milasas: Acknowledge what contribution you are to the relationship. So it becomes a Creationship. And that could be anything from the one who is preparing meals or making sure the household is running smoothly or looking after the kids. For us even though, I made all the money, Brendon use to look after all our accounts. We spoke about it all the time though and this is something you need to do. Ask questions. Would this be fun for you? Does this work for you? Keep talking.

Question: What are the love currencies that have nothing to do with money?

Simone Milasas: Cooking, making the bed, looking after the kids, paying bills, these all contribute to making life easier!

Interview by Brooke Hunter

Relationship. Are You Sure You Want One? 
Authors: Simone Milasas and Brendon Watt 


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