Dear Fiona,
A friend of mine is going on a holiday to Perth and he is very worried about going on the plane for the trip, do you have a spell I can do for him to help him have a safe and calm trip?
Signed Willow.

Hi Willow,
Here is a good spell for your friend to do...
He will need:
- 2 green feathers (for safe flight)
- 2 small locks of his hair (to put his energy into the spell)
- 1 piece of yellow paper (for courage)
- 2 white envelopes (for mailing!)
- 1 blue pen (for harmony)
- 1 leaf of comfrey (for safe travel)
- The address of where he is staying in Perth
On one piece of paper write his home address (where he is leaving from) and on the other his destination. Kiss each address and place them in an envelope with a green feather, and a lock of hair. Leave the envelope with his home address under his pillow to ensure a safe return and mail the other to his destination addressed to himself to ensure a successful arrival.
On the day of his travel place the comfrey leaf in his left shoe as he says:
'Herb of power blessing me
flying over land and sea
seal my fate safe in flight
always well, day and night'
Now he can relax and enjoy his flight - and tell him I spend half my life in planes and it's definitely the safest way to travel!