"Shape Shifting" Spell

Hey Fiona!

It's Stephanie... I was one of the girls on the cover of your book. I was wondering if you could help me out? I need a spell to stay focused on my school studies. I love Drama. I'm into a lot of theatre and performing and I love it, but I tend to think the rest of my school subjects don't matter. Now my parents won't let me perform at all unless my grades pick up in other subjects. I know I can do better but I just need to stay focused and motivated, can you think of a spell for that? I think my career as an actress depends on it!

Thank you so much and Blessed Be.

Love Steph (aka Aldora)

Hi Steph!

Nice to hear from you! There is a good study spell in my book "Life's A Witch" but to deal with your problem more specifically you could try this spell.

"Shape Shifting Spell"

Traditionally shape shifting means to transform yourself into different physical manifestations - like turning yourself into a cat and then back again. Of course you don't literally change your physical being into that of a cat but you change your consciousness to the point where you take on the attributes you perceive are cat-like. If your powers are great, as far as you're concerned (and anyone else that meets you whilst you are shape-shifted) you are more catlike than human.

This spell will help you 'shape shift' into the different roles you need to play in school. Notice I said 'different roles'! As drama is your favourite subject and your desire is to be an actress, you are now going to 'act' in all your classes.

For this spell you will need:

1 white feather (transformation)
peppermint oil (transformation)
green candle (new energies)

Every morning before you go to school rub a few drops of the peppermint oil into the candle and light. Gaze at the flame holding the white feather in your hands as you say:

"I transform, I adapt
The power's mine
I can act
Brilliantly in every role
That is required to be whole"

Say this three times really focusing on the power of the words fuelled further by the element of fire and the intensity of the transformative essence of the oil.

You now need to strongly visualise 'acting' in every class. When you are in Maths class you are researching for the role of a mathematician that you need to be able to play convincingly for an upcoming movie role.

In science when you need to report on an experiment, picture cameras on you recording your brilliant performance as a budding scientist.

Embrace every role you need to play in school with the same passion you embrace your actual drama classes. The greatest preparation for a successful actress is to live every experience in life to the fullest, so that you have a rich background to draw on when making your characters convincing.

After visualising your day at school for a few minutes, snuff the candle and say "So Mote It Be".

Place the feather next to the candle (maybe anchor it with a clear quartz crystal so that it doesn't blow away).

Repeat the spell every morning for a minimum of 21 days. If you desire, continue with the spell indefinitely, replacing the candle after each group of 21 days.

Blessed Be*



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